RAIRO. Recherche Opérationnelle Short Title: RAIRO, Rech. Opér. Parallel Title: RAIRO. Operations Research Publisher: Elsevier (Gauthier-Villars), Paris ISSN: 0399-0559 Predecessor: Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle. Série Verte Successor: RAIRO. Operations Research Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 456 Publications (1977–1997) all top 5 Latest Issues 31, No. 4 (1997) 31, No. 3 (1997) 31, No. 2 (1997) 31, No. 1 (1997) 30, No. 4 (1996) 30, No. 3 (1996) 30, No. 2 (1996) 30, No. 1 (1996) 29, No. 4 (1995) 29, No. 3 (1995) 29, No. 2 (1995) 29, No. 1 (1995) 28, No. 4 (1994) 28, No. 3 (1994) 28, No. 2 (1994) 28, No. 1 (1994) 27, No. 4 (1993) 27, No. 3 (1993) 27, No. 2 (1993) 27, No. 1 (1993) 26, No. 4 (1992) 26, No. 3 (1992) 26, No. 2 (1992) 26, No. 1 (1992) 25, No. 4 (1991) 25, No. 3 (1991) 25, No. 2 (1991) 25, No. 1 (1991) 24, No. 4 (1990) 24, No. 3 (1990) 24, No. 2 (1990) 24, No. 1 (1990) 23, No. 4 (1989) 23, No. 3 (1989) 23, No. 2 (1989) 23, No. 1 (1989) 22, No. 4 (1988) 22, No. 3 (1988) 22, No. 2 (1988) 22, No. 1 (1988) 21 (1987) 20 (1986) 19 (1985) 18 (1984) 17 (1983) 16 (1982) 15 (1981) 14 (1980) 13 (1979) 12 (1978) 11 (1977) all top 5 Authors 9 Billionnet, Alain 9 Nakagawa, Toshio 9 Osaki, Shunji 7 Minoux, Michel Andre 6 Carlier, Jacques G. 6 Kaio, Naoto 6 Laporte, Gilbert 6 Lerman, Israël-César 6 Pellaumail, Jean M. 5 Domenech, Serge 5 Quilliot, Alain 5 Tapiero, Charles S. 4 Chrétienne, Philippe 4 Gehrlein, William V. 4 Guénoche, Alain 4 Hansen, Pierre 4 Nair, K. P. K. 4 Soumis, François 3 Anderson, Oliver D. 3 Cherruault, Yves 3 Dejax, Pierre J. 3 Diday, Edwin 3 Eiselt, Horst A. 3 Erschler, Jacques 3 Floquet, P. 3 Gil, María Angeles 3 Lasserre, Jean-Bernard 3 Maculan Filho, Nelson 3 Marcotte, Patrice 3 Martínez, José Mario 3 Murthy, D. N. Prabhakar 3 Peroche, Bernard 3 Sheu, Sheyhuei 3 Viscolani, Bruno 3 Whinston, Andrew B. 3 Zuckerman, Dror 2 Abadie, Jean M. 2 Aneja, Yash P. 2 Baran-Marszak, Y. 2 Batbedat, Andre 2 Bendali, Fatiha 2 Bod, Peter 2 Bui Doan Khanh 2 Chandon, Jean-Louis 2 Cook, Wade Douglas 2 Cosmetatos, George P. 2 Crama, Yves 2 Desplas, M. 2 Despotis, Dimitris K. 2 Desrochers, Martin 2 Desrosiers, Jacques 2 Dohi, Tadashi 2 Dussault, Jean-Pierre 2 Elqortobi, Abdelkader 2 Encaoua, David 2 Fontan, Gérard 2 Fonteix, Christian 2 Friedlander, Ana 2 Garg, R. B. 2 Gondran, Michel 2 González, Jaime E. 2 Hanen, Claire 2 Haouari, Mohamed 2 Haurie, Alain B. 2 Henry-Labordere, A. L. 2 Ho, James K. 2 Jaumard, Brigitte 2 Kamburowski, Jerzy 2 Kapur, P. K. 2 Karpouzas, Ioanis 2 Kergall, Yves 2 Koehler, Gary J. 2 Körner, Frank 2 Kouada, A. Issoufou 2 Kuo, Chung-Ming 2 Lacourly, Nancy 2 Lahrichi, Abdelkader 2 Mahey, Philippe 2 Marc, Ivan 2 Marrakchi, Mounir 2 McInish, Thomas H. 2 Mora-Camino, Félix 2 Morse, Joel N. 2 M’silti, Halim 2 Munier, Alix 2 Narihisa, Hiroyuki 2 Nobert, Yves 2 Paparrizos, Konstantinos 2 Paschos, Vangelis Th. 2 Pelegrín, Blas 2 Pham Dinh Tao 2 Plateau, Gérard 2 Proth, Jean-Marie 2 Pujolle, Guy 2 Qannari, A. 2 Qannari, El-Mostafa 2 Ribeiro, Celso Carneiro 2 Roos, Cornelis 2 Rossier, Edouard 2 Roubellat, François ...and 401 more Authors all top 5 Fields 338 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 69 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 66 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 53 Statistics (62-XX) 52 Computer science (68-XX) 41 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 35 Combinatorics (05-XX) 19 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 15 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 12 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 236 Publications have been cited 1,040 times in 944 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Genetic algorithm based approach to bi-level linear programming. Zbl 0857.90083 Mathieu, R.; Pittard, L.; Anandalingam, G. 38 1994 Ordonnancements à contraintes disjonctives. Zbl 0401.90052 Carlier, Jacques 38 1978 A concise survey of efficiently solvable special cases of the permutation flow-shop problem. Zbl 0523.90054 Monma, C. L.; Rinnooy Kan, A. H. G. 28 1983 Procedure automatique d’examen de dossiers fondee sur une segmentation trichotomique en presence de critères multiples. Zbl 0367.90114 Moscarola, Jean; Roy, Bernard 24 1977 The generalized Weber problem with expected distances. Zbl 0835.90040 Carrizosa, E.; Conde, E.; Muñoz-Márquez, M.; Puerto, J. 22 1995 Une méthode arborescente pour résoudre les problèmes cumulatifs. (A branch-and-bound method for the solution of cumulative problems). Zbl 0733.90036 Carlier, Jacques; Latapie, Bruno 21 1991 Criterion of distance between technical programming and socio-economic priority. Zbl 0775.90011 Roy, B.; Slowinski, R. 20 1993 Hamiltonian problems in edge-colored complete graphs and Eulerian cycles in edge-colored graphs: Some complexity results. Zbl 0868.90128 Benkouar, A.; Manoussakis, Y.; Paschos, V. Th.; Saad, R. 19 1996 Lagrangean decomposition for integer programming: Theory and applications. Zbl 0638.90075 Guignard, Monique; Kim, Siwhan 17 1987 A summary of imperfect preventive maintenance policies with minimal repair. Zbl 0442.90034 Nakagawa, T. 17 1980 Plus court chemin avec contraintes d’horaires. Zbl 0528.90082 Desrosiers, Jacques; Pelletier, Paul; Soumis, Francois 16 1983 Ordonnancements. La notion de ”parties obligatoires” et son application aux problèmes cumulatifs. Zbl 0491.90053 Lahrichi, Abdelkader 15 1982 Parametric integer programming. Zbl 0713.90056 Feautrier, Paul 14 1988 An axiomatic approach to distance on partial orderings. Zbl 0607.90003 Cook, Wade D.; Kress, Moshe; Seiford, Lawrence M. 14 1986 Complexité de l’arboricité linéaire d’un graphe. Zbl 0492.05025 Peroche, B. 14 1982 Deux problèmes d’affectation non linéaires. Zbl 0491.90082 Beghin-Picavet, M.; Hansen, P. 13 1982 On a convolution operation obtained by adding level sets: Classical and new results. Zbl 0835.90094 Seeger, A.; Volle, M. 12 1995 Un domaine tres ouvert: Les problèmes d’ordonnancement. Zbl 0494.90040 Carlier, J.; Chretienne, P. 12 1982 Comment modeliser les preferences au moyen de fonctions d’utilite additives. Zbl 0436.90005 Siskos, Jean 12 1980 Algorithmes de plus courts chemins pour traiter des données floues. Zbl 0379.90046 Dubois, Didier; Prade, Henri 12 1978 The mutual information estimation in the sampling with replacement. Zbl 0607.62036 Gil, M. A.; Perez, R.; Martinez, I. 11 1986 Une heuristique pour le problème de l’arbre de Steiner. Zbl 0379.90103 El-Arbi, Choukhmane 11 1978 A new heuristic for the traveling salesman problem. Zbl 0724.90055 Carlier, J.; Villon, P. 11 1990 Extended optimal age replacement policy with minimal repair. Zbl 0792.90032 Sheu, Shey-Huei; Kuo, Chung-Ming; Nakagawa, Toshio 10 1993 Optimal replacement policies for a two-unit system with failure interactions. Zbl 0802.90052 Nakagawa, T.; Murthy, D. N. P. 10 1993 A class of combinatorial problems with polynomially solvable large scale set covering/partitioning relaxations. Zbl 0644.90061 Minoux, M. 10 1987 Construction de l’ultrametrique la plus proche d’une dissimilarite au sens des moindres carres. Zbl 0434.90051 Chandon, J. L.; Lemaire, J.; Pouget, J. 10 1980 Computational comparison of two methods for finding the shortest complete cycle or circuit in a graph. Zbl 0472.90066 Miliotis, P.; Laporte, G.; Nobert, Y. 10 1981 Locational equilibrium of two facilities on a tree. Zbl 0734.90048 Eiselt, Horst A.; Laporte, Gilbert 10 1991 A queuing model with feedback. Zbl 0375.60106 Takacs, Lajos 10 1977 Introduction à l’approche symbolique en analyse des données. (Introduction to data analysis by symbolic approach). Zbl 0673.62003 Diday, E. 9 1989 Penalty optimization on a weakly efficient set. (Pénalisation dans l’optimisation sur l’ensemble faiblement efficient.) Zbl 0887.90145 Bolintinéanu, S.; El Maghri, M. 9 1997 A multi-criteria tabu search approach to cell formation problems in group technology with multiple objectives. Zbl 0830.90065 Hertz, A.; Jaumard, B.; Ribeiro, C. C.; Formosinho Filho, W. P. 9 1994 Optimum ordering policies with lead time for an operating unit. Zbl 0402.90047 Nakagawa, T.; Osaki, S. 9 1978 Bayesian testing of fuzzy parametric hypotheses from fuzzy information. Zbl 0773.62001 Casals, M. R. 8 1993 Une méthode d’optimisation non linéaire en variables mixtes pour la conception de procédés. (A nonlinear optimization method in mixed variables for the design of processes). Zbl 0656.90071 Yuan, X.; Zhang, S.; Pibouleau, L.; Domenech, S. 8 1988 From the median to the generalized center. Zbl 0760.90063 Hansen, Pierre; Labbé, Martine; Thisse, Jacques-François 8 1991 The disjoint cliques problem. Zbl 0881.90123 Jansen, Klaus; Scheffler, Petra; Woeginger, Gerhard 8 1997 On globally solving linearly constrained indefinite quadratic minimization problems by decomposition branch and bound method. Zbl 0857.90098 Thai Quynh Phong; Le Thi Hoai An; Pham Dinh Tao 8 1996 The 0-1 multi-dimensional knapsack problem: Bounding the sum of the variables at the optimum. (Sac a dos multidimensionnel en variables 0-1: Encadrement de la somme des variables a l’optimum.) Zbl 0777.90032 Fréville, Arnaud; Plateau, G. 7 1993 The problems of decision support: Towards an improvement on the trilogy choice-sorting-ranking. (Les problématiques de l’aide à la décision: Vers l’enrichissement de la trilogie choix-tri-rangement.) Zbl 0864.90065 Bana e Costa, Carlos A. 7 1996 Optimal traffic assignment in an SS/TDMA frame: A new approach by set covering and column generation. Zbl 0608.90076 Minoux, M. 7 1986 Generalized optimal search paths for continuous univariate random variables. Zbl 0667.90052 Balkhi, Zaid T. 7 1989 On the numerical solution of bound constrained optimization problems. Zbl 0683.90073 Friedlander, Ana; Martínez, José Mario 7 1989 A note on Edmonds’ \(Q\)-matrices. (Note sur les \(Q\)-matrices d’Edmonds.) Zbl 0872.90058 Edmonds, J.; Maurras, J.-F. 7 1997 A note on optimal inventory policies taking account of time value. Zbl 0782.90030 Dohi, T.; Kaio, N.; Osaki, S. 7 1992 The random linear bottleneck assignment problem. Zbl 0868.90083 Pferschy, U. 6 1996 A comparison of applications of UTA multiple criteria analysis methods. (Applications comparées des méthodes d’analyse multicritère UTA.) Zbl 0868.90069 Beuthe, M.; Scannella, G. 6 1996 Généralisation du critère de l’utilité espérée aux choix dans l’incertain régulier. (Generalization of the expected utility criterion of choice under regular uncertainty). Zbl 0678.90012 Jaffray, Jean-Yves 6 1989 An algorithm for the minimum variance point of a network. Zbl 0742.90048 Hansen, Pierre; Zheng, Maolin 6 1991 Three easy special cases of the Euclidean travelling salesman problem. Zbl 0888.90141 Deǐneko, V. G.; van der Veen, J. A.; Rudolf, Rüdiger; Woeginger, Gerhard J. 6 1997 The trust region affine interior point algorithm for convex and nonconvex quadratic programming. Zbl 0835.90061 Bonnans, J. F.; Bouhtou, M. 6 1995 Generalized ordering policies with general random minimal repair costs and random lead times. Zbl 0857.90049 Sheu, Shey-Huei; Liou, Ching-Tien 6 1994 Une caractérisation du vote à la majorité simple. (A characterization of simple majority voting). Zbl 0772.90005 Lepelley, D. 6 1992 The weighted minimax location problem with set-up costs and extensions. Zbl 0733.90040 Drezner, Zvi 6 1991 Un algorithme pour pallier l’effet Condorcet. Zbl 0356.90068 Guenoche, Alain 6 1977 On the minimum dummy-arc problem. Zbl 0774.90047 Michael, David J.; Kamburowski, Jerzy; Stallmann, Matthias 5 1993 Optimal garbage collection policies for a database in a computer system. Zbl 0859.68018 Satow, T.; Yasui, K.; Nakagawa, T. 5 1996 A primal-dual algorithm for a constrained Fermat-Weber problem involving mixed norms. Zbl 0663.90026 Idrissi, H.; Lefebvre, O.; Michelot, C. 5 1988 Inverse Barrier methods for linear programming. Zbl 0857.90080 den Hertog, D.; Roos, C.; Terlaky, T. 5 1994 On undiscounted Markovian decision processes with compact action spaces. Zbl 0571.90095 Schweitzer, Paul J. 5 1985 Lower bounds to the graph partitioning problem through generalized linear programming and network flows. Zbl 0657.90095 Minoux, M.; Pinson, E. 5 1987 On interval graphs and matrix profiles. Zbl 0606.05063 Billionnet, Alain 5 1986 Failure free warranty policies for non-repairable products: A review and some extensions. Zbl 0639.90036 Nguyen, D. G.; Murthy, D. N. P. 5 1988 Properties of ordinary and weighted sums of order \(p\) used for distance estimation. Zbl 0835.90039 Brimberg, J.; Love, R. F. 5 1995 Analyse et classification de la littérature traitant de l’importance relative des critères en aide multicritère à la décision. (Analysis and classification of the literature on the relative importance of criteria in multi-criteria decision support). Zbl 0825.90628 Mousseau, V. 5 1992 Programmes mathématiques mixtes. Application au principe du maximum en temps discret dans le cas déterministe et dans le cas stochastique. Zbl 0438.49023 Michel, Ph. 5 1980 Criterion of maximizing the expected quietness (invariant by homotheties in relation to the utilities). (Criterion of maximizing the expected quietness (invariant by homotethies in relation to the utilities).) Zbl 0505.62002 Gil Alvarez, M. A. 5 1982 Heuristic cluster algorithm for multiple facility location-allocation problem. Zbl 0726.90043 Moreno, José; Rodríguez, Casiano; Jiménez, Natividad 5 1991 Problème de la bipartition minimale d’un graphe. (The minimal bipartitioning problem of a graph). Zbl 0628.90049 Roucairol, Catherine; Hansen, Pierre 4 1987 A non-dual signature method for the assignment problem and a generalization of the dual simplex method for the transportation problem. Zbl 0664.90055 Paparrizos, Konstantinos 4 1988 Simulated annealing algorithm for the minimum weighted perfect Euclidean matching problem. Zbl 0679.90051 Lutton, Jean-Luc; Bonomi, Ernesto 4 1986 Les problèmes de tournées avec constraintes de fenêtres de temps, l’état de l’art. (Routing problems with time window constraints - state-of-the-art). Zbl 0704.90045 Haouari, Mohamed; Dejax, Pierre; Desrochers, Martin 4 1990 Dominances stochastiques pour deux classes de fonctions: Concaves et convexes. (Stochastic dominance for two classes of functions: Concave and convex). Zbl 0659.90011 Zaras, K. 4 1989 An \(O(n^ 3)\) worst case bounded special LP knapsack (0-1) with two constraints. Zbl 0662.90052 Campello, Ruy E.; Maculan, Nelson 4 1988 Scheduling problems. (Les problèmes d’ordonnancement.) Zbl 0774.90043 Carlier, J.; Chrétienne, P.; Erschler, J.; Hanen, C.; Lopez, P.; Munier, A.; Pinson, E.; Portmann, M.-C.; Prins, C.; Proust, C.; Villon, P. 4 1993 A proximal regularization of the steepest descent method. Zbl 0835.90066 Iusem, A. N.; Svaiter, B. F. 4 1995 Bicriterion release policy for exponential software reliability growth model. Zbl 0857.90077 Kapur, P. K.; Agarwala, Sanjay; Garg, R. B. 4 1994 Computational aspects of DYNAMICO: A model of trade and development in the world economy. Zbl 0547.90069 Ho, James K.; Loute, Étienne 4 1984 Optimal tour planning with specified nodes. Zbl 0559.90090 Laporte, Gilbert; Mercure, Hélène; Nobert, Yves 4 1984 A software reliability growth model with two types of errors. Zbl 0566.68029 Yamada, Shigeru; Osaki, Shunji; Narihisa, Hiroyuki 4 1985 Moments of an amplitude process in a random walk and approximations: Computations and applications. Zbl 0827.60058 Vallois, P.; Tapiero, C. S. 4 1995 Inf-convolution quasi-convexe des fonctionnelles positives. (Quasi-convex inf-convolution of positive functionals). Zbl 0783.49008 Elqortobi, Abdelkader 4 1992 Heuristic methods for the p-center problem. Zbl 0732.90056 Pelegrin, Blas 4 1991 Calcul des idéaux d’un ordonné fini. (Calculus of ideals of finite posets). Zbl 0733.90038 Bordat, J.-P. 4 1991 Mathematical programming within the context of a generalized data base management system. Zbl 0377.90100 Bonczek, R.; Holsapple, C.; Whinston, A. 4 1978 Solution behaviour for parameter-dependent quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0868.90119 Outrata, J. V. 3 1996 An improvement on the recursive algorithm of Herz for the two-dimensional cutting stock problem. (Une amélioration de l’algorithme récursif de Herz pour le problème de découpe à deux dimensions.) Zbl 0859.90107 Hifi, Mhand; Zissimopoulos, Vassilis 3 1996 Implémentation des méthodes d’optimisation: Test d’arrêt optimal, contrôle et précision de la solution. I. Zbl 0601.65052 Vignes, J. 3 1984 Complexité de l’arboricité linéaire d’un graphe. II. (Complexity of the linear arboricity of a graph. II.). Zbl 0608.05029 Peroche, B. 3 1985 On a principle of choice among Bayes actions and its application for comparing experiments. Zbl 0638.90001 Gil, M. A.; Garrido, J. M. A.; Gil, P. 3 1987 Formules de réactualisation pour une famille d’indices de proximité inter-classe en classification hiérarchique. (Reactualization formulas for a family of inter-class proximity indices in hierarchical classification). Zbl 0674.62043 Tricot, M. L.; Donegani, M. 3 1989 Optimal software release policies for software reliability growth models under imperfect debugging. Zbl 0703.68036 Kapur, P. K.; Garg, R. B. 3 1990 Foundations and applications of tabu search methods. (Fondements et applications des méthodes de recherche avec tabous.) Zbl 0876.90080 Soriano, P.; Gendreau, M. 3 1997 Discrete facility location with nonlinear facility costs. Zbl 0751.90044 Körkel, Manfred 3 1991 An \(O(n)\) algorithm for projecting a vector on the intersection of a hyperplane and \(\mathbb{R}_ +^ n\). Zbl 0881.90102 Maculan, Nelson; Minoux, Michel; Plateau, Gérard 3 1997 Approximation algorithms for integer covering problems via greedy column generation. Zbl 0830.90107 Crama, Y.; van de Klundert, J. 3 1994 Advanced search techniques for the job shop problem: A comparison. Zbl 0831.90076 Tadei, R.; Della Croce, F.; Menga, G. 3 1995 Optimal age replacement policy of a \(k\)-out-of-\(n\) system with age-dependent minimal repair. Zbl 0857.90048 Sheu, Shey-Huei; Kuo, Chung-Ming 3 1994 A linear time algorithm for the computation of some distance functions between convex polygons. Zbl 0770.68109 Atallah, M. J.; Ribeiro, C. C.; Lifschitz, S. 3 1991 Penalty optimization on a weakly efficient set. (Pénalisation dans l’optimisation sur l’ensemble faiblement efficient.) Zbl 0887.90145 Bolintinéanu, S.; El Maghri, M. 9 1997 The disjoint cliques problem. Zbl 0881.90123 Jansen, Klaus; Scheffler, Petra; Woeginger, Gerhard 8 1997 A note on Edmonds’ \(Q\)-matrices. (Note sur les \(Q\)-matrices d’Edmonds.) Zbl 0872.90058 Edmonds, J.; Maurras, J.-F. 7 1997 Three easy special cases of the Euclidean travelling salesman problem. Zbl 0888.90141 Deǐneko, V. G.; van der Veen, J. A.; Rudolf, Rüdiger; Woeginger, Gerhard J. 6 1997 Foundations and applications of tabu search methods. (Fondements et applications des méthodes de recherche avec tabous.) Zbl 0876.90080 Soriano, P.; Gendreau, M. 3 1997 An \(O(n)\) algorithm for projecting a vector on the intersection of a hyperplane and \(\mathbb{R}_ +^ n\). Zbl 0881.90102 Maculan, Nelson; Minoux, Michel; Plateau, Gérard 3 1997 The time-dependent shortest path problem: solution and application to routing problems. (Plus court chemin avec dépendance horaire: résolution et application aux problèmes de tournées.) Zbl 0872.90034 Haouari, M.; Dejax, P. 2 1997 Global optimization by evolution strategies. A technique using the genetic of diploid individuals. (Optimisation globale par stratégie d’évolution. Technique utilisant la génétique des individus diploïdes.) Zbl 0876.90079 Perrin, E.; Mandrille, A.; Oumoun, M.; Fonteix, C.; Marc, I. 2 1997 New convergence results of an algorithm for norm constrained regularization and related problems. Zbl 0887.90160 Martínez, José Mario; Santos, Sandra Augusta 2 1997 Decomposition of a task on a bus architecture: Properties of the optimal schedules. (Décomposition d’une application sur une architecture bus: Propriétés des ordonnancements optimaux.) Zbl 0879.68010 Boufflet, J. P.; Carlier, J. 2 1997 Risk choice and certainty effect: A general axiomatic model. (Choix dans le risque et effet de certitude: Un modèle axiomatique général.) Zbl 0887.90001 Essid, Samir 1 1997 Representation of ordered families of intervals and applications. (Représentation de familles ordonnées d’intervalles et applications.) Zbl 0881.90117 Bendali, F.; Quilliot, A. 1 1997 A trust region method for zero-one nonlinear programming. Zbl 0888.90122 Mauricio, D.; Maculan, N. 1 1997 Solution of integer or mixed linear programming using Hermite normal form. (Résolution de programmes linéaires entiers ou mixtes à l’aide de la forme normale de Hermite.) Zbl 0888.90124 Maublanc, J.; Quilliot, A. 1 1997 Hamiltonian problems in edge-colored complete graphs and Eulerian cycles in edge-colored graphs: Some complexity results. Zbl 0868.90128 Benkouar, A.; Manoussakis, Y.; Paschos, V. Th.; Saad, R. 19 1996 On globally solving linearly constrained indefinite quadratic minimization problems by decomposition branch and bound method. Zbl 0857.90098 Thai Quynh Phong; Le Thi Hoai An; Pham Dinh Tao 8 1996 The problems of decision support: Towards an improvement on the trilogy choice-sorting-ranking. (Les problématiques de l’aide à la décision: Vers l’enrichissement de la trilogie choix-tri-rangement.) Zbl 0864.90065 Bana e Costa, Carlos A. 7 1996 The random linear bottleneck assignment problem. Zbl 0868.90083 Pferschy, U. 6 1996 A comparison of applications of UTA multiple criteria analysis methods. (Applications comparées des méthodes d’analyse multicritère UTA.) Zbl 0868.90069 Beuthe, M.; Scannella, G. 6 1996 Optimal garbage collection policies for a database in a computer system. Zbl 0859.68018 Satow, T.; Yasui, K.; Nakagawa, T. 5 1996 Solution behaviour for parameter-dependent quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0868.90119 Outrata, J. V. 3 1996 An improvement on the recursive algorithm of Herz for the two-dimensional cutting stock problem. (Une amélioration de l’algorithme récursif de Herz pour le problème de découpe à deux dimensions.) Zbl 0859.90107 Hifi, Mhand; Zissimopoulos, Vassilis 3 1996 A new class of scheduling criteria and their optimization. Zbl 0868.90063 Chu, Chengbin 2 1996 Analysis of min-max systems. (Analyse de systèmes min-max.) Zbl 0857.90148 Olsder, Geert Jan 2 1996 A comparison of shortest path algorithms on large-scale road-like networks. (Comparaison d’algorithmes de plus courts chemins sur des graphes routiers de grande taille.) Zbl 0862.90123 Prins, C. 1 1996 Hybrid genetic algorithms for combinatorial optimization. (Algorithmes génétiques hybrides pour l’optimisation combinatoire.) Zbl 0864.90104 Fleurent, Charles; Ferland, Jacques A. 1 1996 A continuous-time search model with finite horizon. Zbl 0859.60040 Stadje, W. 1 1996 Multiple criteria decision support: A case of integration of technical, economic and environmental criteria at Hydro-Québec. (L’aide multicritère à la décision: Un cas d’intégration de critères techniques, économiques et environnementaux à Hydro-Québec.) Zbl 0864.90076 D’Avignon, G. R.; Sauvageau, M. 1 1996 A non improving simplex algorithm for transportation problems. Zbl 0857.90087 Paparrizos, Konstantinos 1 1996 Polynomial time algorithms for special open shop problems with precedence constraints and unit processing times. Zbl 0857.90057 Bräsel, Heidemarie; Kluge, Dagmar; Werner, Frank 1 1996 The generalized Weber problem with expected distances. Zbl 0835.90040 Carrizosa, E.; Conde, E.; Muñoz-Márquez, M.; Puerto, J. 22 1995 On a convolution operation obtained by adding level sets: Classical and new results. Zbl 0835.90094 Seeger, A.; Volle, M. 12 1995 The trust region affine interior point algorithm for convex and nonconvex quadratic programming. Zbl 0835.90061 Bonnans, J. F.; Bouhtou, M. 6 1995 Properties of ordinary and weighted sums of order \(p\) used for distance estimation. Zbl 0835.90039 Brimberg, J.; Love, R. F. 5 1995 A proximal regularization of the steepest descent method. Zbl 0835.90066 Iusem, A. N.; Svaiter, B. F. 4 1995 Moments of an amplitude process in a random walk and approximations: Computations and applications. Zbl 0827.60058 Vallois, P.; Tapiero, C. S. 4 1995 Advanced search techniques for the job shop problem: A comparison. Zbl 0831.90076 Tadei, R.; Della Croce, F.; Menga, G. 3 1995 A game theoretical analysis of the quantity discount problem with perfect and incomplete information about the buyer’s cost structure. Zbl 0848.90045 Parlar, Mahmut; Wang, Qinan 3 1995 Stability of Nash equilibria in locational games. Zbl 0827.90150 Bhadury, J.; Eiselt, H. A. 2 1995 Medium-term production planning for an orbiting satellite and stable sets. (Planification à moyen terme de la production d’un satellite défilant et ensembles stables.) Zbl 0831.90083 Gabrel, V. 1 1995 New heuristic algorithms for the rectangular \(p\)-cover problem. Zbl 0835.90041 Pelegrín, B.; Cánovas, L. 1 1995 Genetic algorithm based approach to bi-level linear programming. Zbl 0857.90083 Mathieu, R.; Pittard, L.; Anandalingam, G. 38 1994 A multi-criteria tabu search approach to cell formation problems in group technology with multiple objectives. Zbl 0830.90065 Hertz, A.; Jaumard, B.; Ribeiro, C. C.; Formosinho Filho, W. P. 9 1994 Generalized ordering policies with general random minimal repair costs and random lead times. Zbl 0857.90049 Sheu, Shey-Huei; Liou, Ching-Tien 6 1994 Inverse Barrier methods for linear programming. Zbl 0857.90080 den Hertog, D.; Roos, C.; Terlaky, T. 5 1994 Bicriterion release policy for exponential software reliability growth model. Zbl 0857.90077 Kapur, P. K.; Agarwala, Sanjay; Garg, R. B. 4 1994 Approximation algorithms for integer covering problems via greedy column generation. Zbl 0830.90107 Crama, Y.; van de Klundert, J. 3 1994 Optimal age replacement policy of a \(k\)-out-of-\(n\) system with age-dependent minimal repair. Zbl 0857.90048 Sheu, Shey-Huei; Kuo, Chung-Ming 3 1994 Two-dimensional combination warranty policies. Zbl 0857.90046 Iskandar, B. P.; Wilson, R. J.; Murthy, D. N. P. 3 1994 Achievable potential reductions in the method of Kojima et al. in the case of linear programming. Zbl 0860.90087 Roos, C.; Vial, J.-Ph. 2 1994 On duality in linear vector maximization. Zbl 0857.90113 Kouada, A. I. 2 1994 Global optimization by artificial life: A new technique using genetic population evolution. Zbl 0857.90120 Bicking, F.; Fonteix, C.; Corriou, J.-P.; Marc, I. 2 1994 The design and application of IPMLO. A Fortran library for linear optimization with interior point methods. Zbl 0860.90085 Gondzio, J.; Tachat, D. 2 1994 Solutions of transferable utility cooperative games. Zbl 0857.90145 Stefanescu, A. 2 1994 On the duality in convex vector optimization. (Sur la dualité en optimisation vectorielle convexe.) Zbl 0830.90123 Kouada, I. 1 1994 Fritz John’s type conditions and associated duality forms in convex non differentiable vector-optimization. Zbl 0857.90115 Kouada, I. 1 1994 Optimal tool partitioning rules for numerically controlled punch press operations. Zbl 0830.90064 Gaboune, B.; Laporte, G.; Soumis, F. 1 1994 Task allocation on a multiprocessor system – deterministic and stochastic models. (Ordonnancement de tâches sur un système multiprocesseur – modèles déterministes et modèles stochastiques.) Zbl 0830.90075 Norre, S. 1 1994 Criterion of distance between technical programming and socio-economic priority. Zbl 0775.90011 Roy, B.; Slowinski, R. 20 1993 Extended optimal age replacement policy with minimal repair. Zbl 0792.90032 Sheu, Shey-Huei; Kuo, Chung-Ming; Nakagawa, Toshio 10 1993 Optimal replacement policies for a two-unit system with failure interactions. Zbl 0802.90052 Nakagawa, T.; Murthy, D. N. P. 10 1993 Bayesian testing of fuzzy parametric hypotheses from fuzzy information. Zbl 0773.62001 Casals, M. R. 8 1993 The 0-1 multi-dimensional knapsack problem: Bounding the sum of the variables at the optimum. (Sac a dos multidimensionnel en variables 0-1: Encadrement de la somme des variables a l’optimum.) Zbl 0777.90032 Fréville, Arnaud; Plateau, G. 7 1993 On the minimum dummy-arc problem. Zbl 0774.90047 Michael, David J.; Kamburowski, Jerzy; Stallmann, Matthias 5 1993 Scheduling problems. (Les problèmes d’ordonnancement.) Zbl 0774.90043 Carlier, J.; Chrétienne, P.; Erschler, J.; Hanen, C.; Lopez, P.; Munier, A.; Pinson, E.; Portmann, M.-C.; Prins, C.; Proust, C.; Villon, P. 4 1993 An algorithm for indefinite quadratic programming based on a partial Cholesky factorization. Zbl 0795.90048 Casas, E.; Pola, C. 2 1993 A distributed search algorithm for global optimization on numerical spaces. Zbl 0789.90073 Courrieu, Pierre 1 1993 The all-to-all alternative route problem. Zbl 0789.90030 Boffey, Brian 1 1993 A note on optimal inventory policies taking account of time value. Zbl 0782.90030 Dohi, T.; Kaio, N.; Osaki, S. 7 1992 Une caractérisation du vote à la majorité simple. (A characterization of simple majority voting). Zbl 0772.90005 Lepelley, D. 6 1992 Analyse et classification de la littérature traitant de l’importance relative des critères en aide multicritère à la décision. (Analysis and classification of the literature on the relative importance of criteria in multi-criteria decision support). Zbl 0825.90628 Mousseau, V. 5 1992 Inf-convolution quasi-convexe des fonctionnelles positives. (Quasi-convex inf-convolution of positive functionals). Zbl 0783.49008 Elqortobi, Abdelkader 4 1992 Des opérateurs d’échange et une méthode de relaxation pour le problème du voyageur de commerce. (Exchange operators and a relaxation method for the traveling salesman problem). Zbl 0756.90075 Schnetzler, B. 1 1992 Task allocation in a distributed system and Lagrangean duality. (Placement de tâches dans un système distribué et dualité lagrangienne.) Zbl 0749.68006 Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. 1 1992 A queueing network application to a telecommunications distributed system. Zbl 0825.90396 Sofianopoulou, S. 1 1992 Une méthode arborescente pour résoudre les problèmes cumulatifs. (A branch-and-bound method for the solution of cumulative problems). Zbl 0733.90036 Carlier, Jacques; Latapie, Bruno 21 1991 Locational equilibrium of two facilities on a tree. Zbl 0734.90048 Eiselt, Horst A.; Laporte, Gilbert 10 1991 From the median to the generalized center. Zbl 0760.90063 Hansen, Pierre; Labbé, Martine; Thisse, Jacques-François 8 1991 An algorithm for the minimum variance point of a network. Zbl 0742.90048 Hansen, Pierre; Zheng, Maolin 6 1991 The weighted minimax location problem with set-up costs and extensions. Zbl 0733.90040 Drezner, Zvi 6 1991 Heuristic cluster algorithm for multiple facility location-allocation problem. Zbl 0726.90043 Moreno, José; Rodríguez, Casiano; Jiménez, Natividad 5 1991 Heuristic methods for the p-center problem. Zbl 0732.90056 Pelegrin, Blas 4 1991 Calcul des idéaux d’un ordonné fini. (Calculus of ideals of finite posets). Zbl 0733.90038 Bordat, J.-P. 4 1991 Discrete facility location with nonlinear facility costs. Zbl 0751.90044 Körkel, Manfred 3 1991 A linear time algorithm for the computation of some distance functions between convex polygons. Zbl 0770.68109 Atallah, M. J.; Ribeiro, C. C.; Lifschitz, S. 3 1991 Frequency estimates for linear extension majority cycles on partial orders. Zbl 0755.06001 Gehrlein, W. V. 2 1991 An improved method for the solution of the problem of location on an inclined plane. Zbl 0734.90053 Chen, Reuven 2 1991 Résolution d’un problème d’ordonnancement cyclique à itérations indépendantes et constraintes de ressources. (Solution of a cyclic scheduling problem with independent iterations and resource constraints). Zbl 0726.90032 Munier, Alix 2 1991 Experimental comparison of 2-satisfiability algorithms. Zbl 0746.05062 Petreschi, Rossella; Simeone, Bruno 1 1991 Hamiltoniens quasi-convexes quasi-concaves. (Quasi-convex quasi-concave Hamiltonians). Zbl 0744.90080 Atteia, M.; Elqortobi, A. 1 1991 A dual feasible forest algorithm for the linear assignment problem. Zbl 0744.90088 Akgül, M.; Ekin, O. 1 1991 Multiperiod medians on networks. Zbl 0734.90050 Mesa, Juan A. 1 1991 Deux problèmes d’ordonnancement en télécommunications par satellite. (Two scheduling problems related to satellite telecommunication). Zbl 0733.90037 Prins, C. 1 1991 A new heuristic for the traveling salesman problem. Zbl 0724.90055 Carlier, J.; Villon, P. 11 1990 Les problèmes de tournées avec constraintes de fenêtres de temps, l’état de l’art. (Routing problems with time window constraints - state-of-the-art). Zbl 0704.90045 Haouari, Mohamed; Dejax, Pierre; Desrochers, Martin 4 1990 Optimal software release policies for software reliability growth models under imperfect debugging. Zbl 0703.68036 Kapur, P. K.; Garg, R. B. 3 1990 Discrimination between nonstationary and nearly nonstationary processes, and its effect on forecasting. Zbl 0699.62092 Anderson, Oliver D.; De Gooijer, Jan G. 2 1990 Réseaux stochastiques. (Stochastic networks). Zbl 0699.90033 Bendali, F.; Quilliot, A. 2 1990 Maximal association for the sum of squares of a contingency table. Zbl 0705.62054 Messatfa, H. 2 1990 Some approximate inspection policies for a system with imperfect inspections. Zbl 0721.90040 Dias, J. Rodrigues 2 1990 ...and 136 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,531 Authors 13 Gil, María Angeles 12 Laporte, Gilbert 12 Osaki, Shunji 11 Carlier, Jacques G. 11 Sheu, Sheyhuei 10 Manoussakis, Yannis G. 9 Puerto Albandoz, Justo 8 Dohi, Tadashi 8 Drezner, Zvi 8 Gil, Pedro A. 8 Zopounidis, Constantin 7 Burkard, Rainer E. 7 Deĭneko, Vladimir G. 7 Eiselt, Horst A. 7 Haouari, Mohamed 7 Kaio, Naoto 7 Martel, Jean-Marc 7 Néron, Emmanuel 7 Pelegrín, Blas 6 Chien, Yu-Hung 6 Dubois, Didier 6 El-Hadidy, Mohamed Abd Allah 6 Gutin, Gregory Z. 6 Maculan Filho, Nelson 6 Nakagawa, Toshio 6 Woeginger, Gerhard 5 Doumpos, Michael 5 Gharbi, Anis 5 Guo, Zhiwei 5 Le Thi, Hoai An 5 Melikov, Agassi Z. 5 Mesa, Juan-Antonio 5 Minoux, Michel Andre 5 Mousseau, Vincent A. 5 Prade, Henri M. 5 Saad, Rachid 5 Soumis, François 5 Wang, Ling 5 Yeo, Anders 5 Zhang, Zhe George 4 Boctor, Fayez Fouad 4 Bonnel, Henri 4 Borozan, Valentin 4 Brimberg, Jack 4 Brucker, Peter J. 4 Calvete, Herminia I. 4 Carrizosa, Emilio 4 DeSarbo, Wayne S. 4 Di Puglia Pugliese, Luigi 4 Framinan, Jose M. 4 Fréville, Arnaud 4 Galé, Carmen 4 Guerriero, Francesca 4 Hanafi, Saïd 4 Hanen, Claire 4 Hudry, Olivier 4 Jaumard, Brigitte 4 Jouglet, Antoine 4 López, María Teresa 4 Lopez, Pierre 4 Nagih, Anass 4 Paparrizos, Konstantinos 4 Pardalos, Panos M. 4 Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio M. 4 Siskos, Yannis 4 Wu, Jian-Liang 4 Zhang, Shenggui 4 Zhang, Tao 3 Abouelaoualim, A. 3 Águeda, Raquel 3 Artigues, Christian 3 Barthelemy, Jean-Pierre 3 Behboodian, Javad 3 Bellenguez-Morineau, Odile 3 Birgin, Ernesto G. 3 Blot, Joël 3 Boulmakoul, Azedine 3 Brause, Christoph 3 Çela, Eranda 3 Chang, Chin-Chih 3 Charon, Irène 3 Chen, Yen-Luan 3 Crama, Yves 3 Das, Kinkar Chandra 3 Deb, Kalyanmoy 3 Desrosiers, Jacques 3 di Serafino, Daniela 3 Escobedo, Adolfo R. 3 Fernández, Elena 3 Ferone, Daniele 3 Festa, Paola 3 Figueira, José Rui 3 Fonteix, Christian 3 Fortemps, Philippe 3 Gendreau, Michel 3 Ghosh, Diptesh 3 Gleixner, Ambros M. 3 Guignard, Monique 3 Hansen, Pierre 3 Hayek, Naïla ...and 1,431 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 174 Journals 230 European Journal of Operational Research 66 Computers & Operations Research 47 Discrete Applied Mathematics 44 Annals of Operations Research 25 Mathematical Programming. 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