Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina Short Title: Rev. Unión Mat. Argent. Publisher: Unión Matemática Argentina, Córdoba ISSN: 0041-6932; 1669-9637/e Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 1,252 Publications (since 1936) References Indexed: 227 Publications with 4,946 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 68, No. 1 (2025) 67, No. 2 (2024) 67, No. 1 (2024) 66, No. 1 (2023) 65, No. 2 (2023) 65, No. 1 (2023) 64, No. 2 (2023) 64, No. 1 (2022) 63, No. 2 (2022) 63, No. 1 (2022) 62, No. 2 (2021) 62, No. 1 (2021) 61, No. 2 (2020) 61, No. 1 (2020) 60, No. 2 (2019) 60, No. 1 (2019) 59, No. 2 (2018) 59, No. 1 (2018) 58, No. 2 (2017) 58, No. 1 (2017) 57, No. 2 (2016) 57, No. 1 (2016) 56, No. 2 (2015) 56, No. 1 (2015) 55, No. 2 (2014) 55, No. 1 (2014) 54, No. 2 (2013) 54, No. 1 (2013) 53, No. 2 (2012) 53, No. 1 (2012) 52, No. 2 (2011) 52, No. 1 (2011) 51, No. 2 (2010) 51, No. 1 (2010) 50, No. 2 (2009) 50, No. 1 (2009) 49, No. 2 (2008) 49, No. 1 (2008) 48, No. 3 (2007) 48, No. 2 (2007) 48, No. 1 (2007) 47, No. 2 (2006) 47, No. 1 (2006) 46, No. 2 (2005) 46, No. 1 (2005) 45, No. 2 (2004) 45, No. 1 (2004) 44, No. 2 (2003) 44, No. 1 (2003) 42, No. 2 (2001) 42, No. 1 (2000) 41, No. 4 (2000) 41, No. 3 (1999) 41, No. 2 (1998) 41, No. 1 (1998) 40, No. 3-4 (1997) 40, No. 1-2 (1996) 39, No. 3-4 (1995) 39, No. 1-2 (1994) 38, No. 3-4 (1993) 38, No. 1-2 (1992) 37, No. 3-4 (1991) 37, No. 1-2 (1991) 36 (1990) 35 (1989) 34 (1988) 33, No. 1-2 (1987) 32, No. 4 (1986) 32, No. 3 (1986) 32, No. 1-2 (1985) 31 (1983/1984) 30 (1981-1983) 29 (1979/1980) 28 (1977/1978) 27 (1975/1976) 26 (1972) 25 (1970/1971) 24 (1968/1969) 23 (1966-1968) 22 (1964/1965) 21 (1962/1963) 20 (1962) 19 (1960-1962) 18 (1956-1959) 17 (1956) 16 (1954/1955) 15 (1951-1953) 14 (1949/1950) 13 (1948) 12 (1946/1947) 11 (1945/1946) 10 (1944/1945) 9 (1943) 8 (1942) 7 (1940/1941) 5 (1940) 2 (1939) 2, No. 4 (1938) 2, No. 3 (1938) 1 (1936/1937) all top 5 Authors 27 Santaló, Luis Antonio 21 Panzone, Rafael 19 Sánchez, Cristián U. 16 Herrero, Domingo Antonio 14 Benedek, Agnes Ilona 12 Marchi, Ezio 11 Calderón, Calixto Pedro 11 Panzone, Pablo Andrés 10 Aimar, Hugo A. 9 Babini, José 9 Gentile, Enzo R. 9 Harboure, Eleonor 9 Larotonda, Angel Rafael 9 Mariani, Maria Cristina 8 Balanzat, Manuel 8 Corach, Gustavo 8 Cotlar, Mischa 8 Segovia Fernández, Carlos 8 Sispánov, Sergio 7 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 7 Andruchow, Esteban 7 Balseiro, Jose A. 7 Gonzalez Dominguez, Alberto 7 Lami Dozo, Enrique J. 7 Viviani, Beatriz E. 6 Amster, Pablo 6 Becker, María Elena 6 Bouillet, Julio E. 6 Cabrelli, Carlos A. 6 de Cicco, John 6 Salinas, Oscar 6 Tarzia, Domingo Alberto 6 Trione, Susana Elena 5 Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás 5 Betancor Perez, Jorge Juan 5 Bongioanni, Bruno 5 Celani, Sergio Arturo 5 Chiappa, Raul A. 5 Cuenya, Héctor Hugo 5 Hounie, Jorge G. 5 Iaffei, Bibiana 5 Jódar Sanchez, Lucas Antonio 5 Martín-Reyes, Francisco Javier 5 Mejjaoli, Hatem 5 Mohammad, Ali J. 5 Molter, Ursula Maria 5 Noriega, Ricardo José 5 Porta, Horacio A. 5 Recht, Lázaro A. 5 Rey Pastor, Julio 5 Riveros, María Silvina 5 Roxin, Emilio O. 5 Terracini, Alessandro 5 Toranzos, Fausto A. 5 Valiron, Georges Jean Marie 5 Zó, Felipe 4 Aguilera, Néstor E. 4 Caputti, Telma 4 Chen, Liangyun 4 Winitzky de Spinadel, Vera Martha 4 Diego, Antonio 4 Frucht, Roberto Wertheimer 4 Jacovkis, Pablo Miguel 4 Jaume, Daniel A. 4 Keilhauer, Guillermo G. R. 4 Massera, Jose Luis 4 Ombrosi, Sheldy Javier 4 Pi Calleya, Pedro 4 Platzeck, María Inés 4 Tirao, Juan Alfredo 4 Torrea, José Luis 4 Urciuolo, Marta Susana 4 Vargas, Jorge Antonio 3 Alvarez Alonso, Josefina 3 Anderson, Robert V. 3 Arocena, Rodrigo 3 Beck, Guido 3 Bénilan, Philippe 3 Bernardis, Ana L. 3 Blaga, Adara-Monica 3 Boasso, Enrico 3 Borghi, Osvaldo 3 Bressan, Juan Carlos 3 Bula, Clotilde A. 3 Calderon, Alberto Pedro 3 Fava, Norberto Angel 3 Figallo, Aldo Victorio 3 Gal, Sorin Gheorghe 3 Gamelin, Theodore W. 3 Garrigós, Gustavo 3 Guarnieri, Angel J. 3 Harada, Manabu 3 Kenig, Carlos Eduardo 3 Klimovsky, Gregorio 3 Kwembe, Tor A. 3 Loo, Tee-How 3 Lorente, María 3 Luca, Florian 3 Maestripieri, Alejandra L. 3 Massamba, Fortuné ...and 1,173 more Authors all top 5 Fields 134 Differential geometry (53-XX) 127 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 106 Functional analysis (46-XX) 104 Operator theory (47-XX) 91 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 68 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 51 History and biography (01-XX) 49 Combinatorics (05-XX) 48 Number theory (11-XX) 40 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 38 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 37 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 36 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 33 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 32 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 32 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 31 Real functions (26-XX) 30 Measure and integration (28-XX) 27 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 27 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 27 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 27 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 26 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 26 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 25 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 25 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 24 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 23 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 23 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 23 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 19 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 19 General topology (54-XX) 17 Quantum theory (81-XX) 15 Special functions (33-XX) 15 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 14 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 13 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 13 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 10 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 10 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 10 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 9 Integral equations (45-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Geometry (51-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 4 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 496 Publications have been cited 2,040 times in 1,876 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A short survey on biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1140.58004 Montaldo, S.; Oniciuc, C. 85 2006 Metallic structures on Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1302.53021 Hreţcanu, Cristina-Elena; Crasmareanu, Mircea 58 2013 Über Gruppen von Automorphismen. Zbl 0063.00403 Birkhoff, Garrett 38 1946 Singular integral operators, John-Nirenberg inequalities and Triebel-Lizorkin type spaces on weighted Lebesgue spaces with variable exponents. Zbl 1343.42017 Ho, Kwok-Pun 28 2016 Hopf-Galois objects and cogroupoids. Zbl 1322.16021 Bichon, Julien 27 2014 A note on Lagrange interpolation in \({\mathbb{R}{}}^ 2\). Zbl 0774.41002 Busch, J. R. 25 1990 Prime ideals of skew PBW extensions. Zbl 1337.16021 Lezama, Oswaldo; Acosta, Juan Pablo; Reyes Villamil, Milton Armando 23 2015 Drinfeld doubles and Shapovalov determinants. Zbl 1239.17010 Heckenberger, I.; Yamane, H. 22 2010 Complex, symplectic and Kähler structures on four dimensional Lie groups. Zbl 1093.53072 Ovando, Gabriela 22 2004 An elementary proof of the continuity from \(L^{2}_{0}(\Omega )\) to \(H^{1}_{0}(\Omega )^{n}\) of Bogovskii’s right inverse of the divergence. Zbl 1278.35189 Durán, Ricardo G. 21 2012 Extending polynomials on Banach spaces. A survey. Zbl 1122.46026 Zalduendo, Ignacio 20 2005 A notion of compatibility for Armendariz and Baer properties over skew PBW extensions. Zbl 1398.16023 Reyes, Armando; Suárez, Héctor 20 2018 Tensor categories: a selective guided tour. Zbl 1215.18007 Müger, Michael 19 2010 On the Macías-Segovia metrization of quasi-metric spaces. Zbl 0937.54020 Aimar, Hugo; Iaffei, Bibiana; Nitti, Liliana 18 1998 Wiener’s lemma: pictures at an exhibition. Zbl 1245.42004 Krishtal, Ilya A. 18 2011 Dynamic behavior of positive solutions to reaction-diffusion problems with nonlinear absorption through the boundary. Zbl 0808.35062 López Gómez, Julián; Márquez, Viviana; Wolanski, Noemí 17 1993 Hopf algebras and finite tensor categories in conformal field theory. Zbl 1222.81256 Fuchs, Jürgen; Schweigert, Christoph 16 2010 Spherical functions. Zbl 0378.43009 Tirao, Juan A. 16 1977 Uniform approximation to bounded analytic functions. Zbl 0225.30039 Gamelin, T. W.; Garnett, John 14 1970 Singular integrals and multipliers on homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0249.43009 Coifman, Ronald R.; de Guzman, Miguel 14 1970 Axiomes independents pour les algèbres de Brouwer. Zbl 0072.25004 Monteiro, Antonio 14 1956 Molecular characterization of Hardy-Orlicz spaces. Zbl 0884.46024 Serra, Claudia Fabiana 13 1996 On the stability index of minimal and constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in spheres. Zbl 1139.53029 Alías, Luis J. 13 2006 Functional analytic issues in \(\mathbb{Z}_2^n\)-geometry. Zbl 1431.58002 Bruce, Andrew James; Poncin, Norbert 13 2019 Eigenvectors and cyclic vectors for bilateral weighted shifts. Zbl 0249.47024 Herrero, Domingo A. 12 1972 A geometric inequality for warped product semi-slant submanifolds of nearly cosymplectic manifolds. Zbl 1294.53050 Uddin, Siraj; Mustafa, Abdulqader; Wong, Bernardine Renaldo; Ozel, Cenap 12 2014 A derivation of the main results of the theory of \(H^p\) spaces. Zbl 0111.07501 Weiss, Mary; Weiss, Guido 12 1962 On the differentiability of functions which are of bounded variation in Tonnelli’s sense. Zbl 0116.31804 Calderón, Alberto P.; Zygmund, Antoni 12 1962 Local bounds, Harnack’s inequality and Hölder continuity for divergence type elliptic equations with non-standard growth. Zbl 1321.35070 Wolanski, Noemi 12 2015 Enriched semantics-structure (meta) adjointness. Zbl 0227.18003 Dubuc, Eduardo J. 11 1970 On the boundedness and global asymptotic stability of the Liénard equation with restoring terms. Zbl 1028.34050 Nápoles Valdés, Juan E. 11 2000 Dispersal models. Zbl 0795.92029 Calderón, Calixto P.; Kwembe, Tor A. 11 1991 Metallic shaped hypersurfaces in Lorentzian space forms. Zbl 1454.53050 Özgür, Cihan; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz 11 2017 Il teorema di unicita per i fluidi incompressibili perfetti, eterogenei. Zbl 0074.20206 Graffi, Dario 11 1956 Quasilinear eigenvalues. Zbl 1432.35158 Fernández Bonder, Julián; Pinasco, Juan P.; Salort, Ariel M. 11 2015 Some remarks on Morita theory, Azumaya algebras and center of an algebra in braided monoidal categories. Zbl 1215.18006 Femić, B. 11 2010 Introduction to Koszul algebras. Zbl 1200.16039 Martínez-Villa, Roberto 11 2007 On pointed Hopf algebras associated with alternating and dihedral groups. Zbl 1165.16022 Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás; Fantino, Fernando 11 2007 Atomic decompositions and operators on Hardy spaces. Zbl 1210.42039 Meda, Stefano; Sjögren, Peter; Vallarino, Maria 11 2009 Finite dimensional Hopf algebras over the Kac-Paljutkin algebra \(H_8\). Zbl 1475.17026 Shi, Yuxing 11 2019 Some nonlinear heat conduction problems for a semi-infinite strip with a non-uniform heat source. Zbl 0931.35012 Tarzia, Domingo A.; Villa, Luis T. 10 1998 Weighted \(\text{BMO}_\phi\) spaces and the Hilbert transform. Zbl 1075.42006 Morvidone, Marcela 10 2003 About the \(L^ p\)-boundedness of some integral operators. Zbl 0819.42006 Godoy, T.; Urciuolo, M. 10 1993 Semi-slant lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Kaehler manifolds. Zbl 1333.53084 Shukla, S. S.; Yadav, Akhilesh 10 2015 Hájek-Rényi inequality for dependent random variables in Hilbert space and applications. Zbl 1255.60035 Miao, Yu 10 2012 Dolbeault cohomology and deformations of nilmanifolds. Zbl 1187.58024 Console, Sergio 10 2006 Multiplier transformations of functions on SU(2) and \(\Sigma_2\). Zbl 0249.43010 Coifman, Ronald R.; Weiss, Guido 9 1970 Riesz and Bessel potentials, the \(g^k\) functions and an area function for the Gaussian measure \(\gamma\). Zbl 0996.42011 Forzani, Liliana; Scotto, Roberto; Urbina, Wilfredo 9 2000 A historical review of the classifications of Lie algebras. Zbl 1308.17006 Boza, L.; Fedriani, E. M.; Núñez, Juan; Tenorio, Á. F. 9 2013 Perturbation of Ruelle resonances and Faure-Sjöstrand anisotropic space. Zbl 1446.37028 Bonthonneau, Yannick Guedes 9 2020 Complementi a un teorema di H. Bohr riguardante le serie di potenze. Zbl 0072.07301 Ricci, Giovanni 9 1956 Harmonic analysis on Heisenberg nilmanifolds. Zbl 1286.43011 Thangavelu, Sundaram 9 2009 A remark on trans-Sasakian 3-manifolds. Zbl 1420.53058 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 9 2019 Paley-Wiener type theorems for rank-1 semisimple Lie groups. Zbl 0457.22008 Campoli, Oscar A. 9 1980 Another proof of characterization of BMO via Banach function spaces. Zbl 1343.42030 Izuki, Mitsuo 9 2016 Conformal semi-invariant Riemannian maps to Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1431.53020 Akyol, Mehmet Akif; Şahin, Bayram 9 2019 Graded algebras and Galois extensions. Zbl 0293.13001 Picco, D. J.; Platzeck, M. I. 8 1971 Conjugate function theorems for Dirichlet algebras. Zbl 0149.34102 Devinatz, A. 8 1966 Approximation in weighted \(L^{p}\) spaces. Zbl 1273.41014 Guven, Ali 8 2012 Porosity, dimension, and local entropies: A survey. Zbl 1241.28008 Shmerkin, Pablo 8 2011 Hankel operators between Hardy-Orlicz spaces and products of holomorphic functions. Zbl 1218.47043 Bonami, Aline; Sehba, Benoît 8 2009 On families of Hopf algebras without the dual Chevalley property. Zbl 1426.16030 Hu, Naihong; Xiong, Rongchuan 8 2018 Geometry of pointwise CR-slant warped products in Kaehler manifolds. Zbl 1468.53011 Chen, Bang-Yen; Uddin, Siraj; Al-Solamy, Falleh R. 8 2020 A property of roots of unity. (Une propriété des racines de l’unité.) Zbl 0229.12002 Dieudonné, Jean 7 1970 Mean convergence of series of Bessel functions. Zbl 0243.42020 Benedek, A.; Panzone, R. 7 1972 Control problems for a one-dimensional nonhomogeneous heat equation. I. Zbl 0850.35047 Villa, Luis Tadeo 7 1986 On connectedness via a sequential method. Zbl 1287.54017 Çakallı, Hüseyin; Mucuk, Osman 7 2013 On slant curves in trans-Sasakian manifolds. Zbl 1311.53043 Güvenç, Şaban; Özgür, Cihan 7 2014 Polynomially hyponormal operators on Hilbert space. Zbl 0815.47024 Curto, Raul E. 7 1991 Inequalities for generalized \(\delta\)-Casorati curvatures of submanifolds in real space forms endowed with a semi-symmetric metric connection. Zbl 1355.53047 Lee, Jae Won; Lee, Chul Woo; Yoon, Dae Won 7 2016 Bézier variant of modified Srivastava-Gupta operators. Zbl 1378.41002 Neer, Trapti; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 7 2017 Representations of finite dimensional pointed Hopf algebras over \(S_3\). Zbl 1218.16019 García Iglesias, Agustín 7 2010 On semisimple Hopf algebras with few representations of dimension greater than one. Zbl 1232.16021 Artamonov, V. A. 7 2010 Strongly transitive geometric spaces: applications to hyperrings. Zbl 1262.16053 Mirvakili, S.; Davvaz, B. 7 2012 Notes on the spaces of bilinear multipliers. Zbl 1209.42007 Blasco, Oscar 7 2009 Remarks on spectral multiplier theorems on Hardy spaces associated with semigroups of operators. Zbl 1206.42023 Dziubański, Jacek; Preisner, Marcin 7 2009 Einstein metrics on flag manifolds. Zbl 1142.53056 dos Santos, Evandro C. F.; Negreiros, Caio J. C. 7 2006 Questions and conjectures on extremal Hilbert series. Zbl 1425.13007 Fröberg, Ralf; Lundqvist, Samuel 7 2018 The group of automorphisms of the moduli space of principal bundles with structure group \(F_4\) and \(E_6\). Zbl 1398.14039 Sancho, Álvaro Antón 7 2018 Metallic conjugate connections. Zbl 1404.53039 Blaga, Adara M.; Hreţcanu, Cristina-Elena 7 2018 Geometric properties of neutral signature metrics on 4-dimensional nilpotent Lie groups. Zbl 1343.53047 Šukilović, Tijana 7 2016 Stability conditions and maximal Green sequences in abelian categories. Zbl 1507.18017 Brüstle, Thomas; Smith, David; Treffinger, Hipolito 7 2022 Note on the generalized conformable derivative. Zbl 1490.26004 Fleitas, Alberto; Nápoles Valdés, Juan E.; Rodríguez, José M.; Sigarreta-Almira, José María 7 2021 On the theory of interpolation spaces. Zbl 0179.17503 Peetre, J. 6 1967 Hecke operators on cohomology. Zbl 1233.11053 Lee, Min Ho 6 2009 Generalizations of Cline’s formula for three generalized inverses. Zbl 1368.15004 Jiang, Yong; Wen, Yongxian; Zeng, Qingping 6 2017 Property \((\omega)\) and quasi-class \((A,k)\) operators. Zbl 1251.47015 Rashid, M. H. M. 6 2011 Monadic Wajsberg hoops. Zbl 1355.06016 Cimadamore, Cecilia Rossana; Díaz Varela, José Patricio 6 2016 Sur quelques résultats et problèmes concernant la convergence et la sommabilité des séries orthogonales générales. Zbl 0111.06204 Alexits, Georges 6 1962 Global dimensions for Lie groups at level \(k\) and their conformally exceptional quantum subgroups. Zbl 1222.81254 Coquereaux, R. 6 2010 Semi-convergence analysis of the inexact Uzawa method for singular saddle point problems. Zbl 1267.65039 Li, Jian-Lei; Huang, Ting-Zhu 6 2012 Comparison morphisms between two projective resolutions of monomial algebras. Zbl 1398.16008 Redondo, María Julia; Román, Lucrecia 6 2018 Numerical methods for inverse transient heat conduction problems. Zbl 0528.65048 Murio, Diego A. 6 1981 On small submodules in the total quotient ring of a commutative ring. Zbl 0383.13007 Harada, Manabu 6 1977 New uncertainty principles for the \((k,a)\)-generalized wavelet transform. Zbl 1506.44003 Mejjaoli, Hatem 6 2022 On \(k\)-circulant matrices involving the Jacobsthal numbers. Zbl 1432.15027 Radičić, Biljana 6 2019 Linear combination of a new sequence of linear positive operators. Zbl 1052.41008 Agrawal, P. N.; Mohammad, Ali J. 5 2003 Dual spaces for one-sided weighted Hardy spaces. Zbl 0978.42012 de Rosa, Liliana; Segovia, Carlos 5 1997 Geodesics and interpolation. Zbl 0912.46056 Andruchow, E.; Corach, G.; Milman, M.; Stojanoff, D. 5 1997 Multiplicative integrals and geometry of spaces of projections. Zbl 0756.46041 Corach, G.; Porta, H.; Recht, L. 5 1988 Three-dimensional \(C_{12}\)-manifolds. Zbl 1547.53099 Beldjilali, Gherici 2 2024 Distance Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, and chromatic and independence number. Zbl 1545.05138 Pirzada, Shariefuddin; Khan, Saleem 2 2024 Limit behaviors for a \(\beta \)-mixing sequence in the St. Petersburg game. Zbl 07898782 Miao, Yu; Yin, Qing; Wang, Zhen 1 2024 Sequential optimality conditions for optimization problems with additional abstract set constraints. Zbl 07898788 Fazzio, Nadia Soledad; Sánchez, María Daniela; Schuverdt, María Laura 1 2024 Primitive decompositions of Dolbeault harmonic forms on compact almost-Kähler manifolds. Zbl 07898790 Cattaneo, Andrea; Tardini, Nicoletta; Tomassini, Adriano 1 2024 Cofinite modules and cofiniteness of local cohomology modules. Zbl 1545.13015 Vahidi, Alireza; Khaksari, Ahmad; Shirazipour, Mohammad 1 2024 Decidable objects and molecular toposes. Zbl 07971529 Menni, Matías 1 2024 Parallel skew-symmetric tensors on 4-dimensional metric Lie algebras. Zbl 1541.53038 Herrera, Andrea C. 4 2023 Avatars of Stein’s theorem in the complex setting. Zbl 1527.30007 Bonami, Aline; Grellier, Sandrine; Sehba, Benoît 2 2023 Generalized translation operator and uncertainty principles associated with the deformed Stockwell transform. Zbl 1531.42018 Mejjaoli, Hatem 2 2023 On Hopf algebras over basic Hopf algebras of dimension 24. Zbl 1542.16030 Xiong, Rongchuan 2 2023 Ordering of minimal energies in unicyclic signed graphs. Zbl 1541.05076 Shamsher, Tahir; Bhat, Mushtaq A.; Pirzada, Shariefuddin; Shang, Yilun 1 2023 The Ext-algebra of the Brauer tree algebra associated to a line. Zbl 07769970 Dudas, Olivier 1 2023 Boundedness of fractional operators associated with Schrödinger operators on weighted variable Lebesgue spaces via extrapolation. Zbl 1527.42026 Ayala, Rocío; Cabral, Adrian 1 2023 Two-weighted estimates of the multilinear fractional integral operator between weighted Lebesgue and Lipschitz spaces with optimal parameters. Zbl 1531.42036 Berra, Fabio; Pradolini, Gladis; Ramos, Wilfredo 1 2023 Hermite Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and applications. Zbl 1527.42037 Ly, Fu Ken; Naibo, Virginia 1 2023 Invariants of formal pseudodifferential operator algebras and algebraic modular forms. Zbl 1535.11058 Dumas, François; Martin, François 1 2023 Strongly aperiodic SFTs on hyperbolic groups: where to find them and why we love them. Zbl 1530.20148 Rieck, Yo’av 1 2023 Nondegenerate extensions of near-group braided fusion categories. Zbl 1529.18017 Schopieray, Andrew 1 2023 Homogeneous Einstein manifolds. Zbl 1533.53041 Jablonski, Michael 1 2023 The full group of isometries of some compact Lie groups endowed with a bi-invariant metric. Zbl 1545.53054 Dolcetti, Alberto; Pertici, Donato 1 2023 Weighted mixed weak-type inequalities for multilinear fractional operators. Zbl 1531.42035 Picardi, M. Belén 1 2023 Stability conditions and maximal Green sequences in abelian categories. Zbl 1507.18017 Brüstle, Thomas; Smith, David; Treffinger, Hipolito 7 2022 New uncertainty principles for the \((k,a)\)-generalized wavelet transform. Zbl 1506.44003 Mejjaoli, Hatem 6 2022 On Baer modules. Zbl 1498.13006 Jayaram, Chillumuntala; Tekir, Ünsal; Koç, Suat 5 2022 \(C\)-groups and mixed \(C\)-groups of bounded linear operators on non-Archimedean Banach spaces. Zbl 07581611 El Amrani, Abdelkhalek; Blali, Aziz; Ettayb, Jawad 5 2022 Higher Fano manifolds. Zbl 1503.14046 Araujo, Carolina; Beheshti, Roya; Castravet, Ana-Maria; Jabbusch, Kelly; Makarova, Svetlana; Mazzon, Enrica; Taylor, Libby; Viswanathan, Nivedita 4 2022 On fibrations and measures of irrationality of hyper-Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1508.14045 Voisin, Claire 3 2022 Some relations between the skew spectrum of an oriented graph and the spectrum of certain closely associated signed graphs. Zbl 1496.05066 Stanić, Zoran 3 2022 The total co-independent domination number of some graph operations. Zbl 1496.05122 Cabrera Martínez, Abel; Cabrera García, Suitberto; Peterin, Iztok; Yero, Ismael G. 3 2022 Asymptotic mean value formulas for parabolic nonlinear equations. Zbl 1503.35102 Blanc, Pablo; Charro, Fernando; Manfredi, Juan J.; Rossi, Julio D. 2 2022 Threshold Ramsey multiplicity for odd cycles. Zbl 1502.05156 Conlon, David; Fox, Jacob; Sudakov, Benny; Wei, Fan 1 2022 Blow-up of positive-initial-energy solutions for nonlinearly damped semilinear wave equations. Zbl 1510.35071 Kerker, Mohamed Amine 1 2022 Binomial edge ideals of cographs. Zbl 1509.05184 Kahle, Thomas; Krüsemann, Jonas 1 2022 The isometry groups of Lorentzian three-dimensional unimodular simply connected Lie groups. Zbl 1521.22005 Boucetta, Mohamed; Chakkar, Abdelmounaim 1 2022 On the differential and Volterra-type integral operators on Fock-type spaces. Zbl 1542.47060 Mengestie, Tesfa 1 2022 A note on the density of the partial regularity result in the class of viscosity solutions. Zbl 1510.35089 dos Prazeres, Disson; Pimentel, Edgard A.; Rampasso, Giane C. 1 2022 Monster graphs are determined by their Laplacian spectra. Zbl 1510.05169 Abdian, Ali Zeydi; Ashrafi, Ali Reza; Beineke, Lowell W.; Oboudi, Mohammad Reza; Fath-Tabar, Gholam Hossein 1 2022 Approximation via statistical \(K_a^2\)-convergence on two-dimensional weighted spaces. Zbl 1504.40011 Yıldız, Sevda 1 2022 The \(\mathfrak{A}\)-principal real hypersurfaces in complex quadrics. Zbl 1500.53071 Loo, Tee-How 1 2022 On the image set and reversibility of shift morphisms over discrete alphabets. Zbl 1504.37016 Campos, Jorge; Romero, Neptalí; Vivas, Ramón 1 2022 Note on the generalized conformable derivative. Zbl 1490.26004 Fleitas, Alberto; Nápoles Valdés, Juan E.; Rodríguez, José M.; Sigarreta-Almira, José María 7 2021 Cofiniteness of local cohomology modules in the class of modules in dimension less than a fixed integer. Zbl 1471.13037 Vahidi, Alireza; Papari-Zarei, Mahdieh 4 2021 The weakly zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring. Zbl 1470.13012 Nikmehr, Mohammad Javad; Azadi, Abdolreza; Nikandish, Reza 3 2021 Canal surfaces with generalized 1-type Gauss map. Zbl 1478.53009 Qian, Jinhua; Su, Mengfei; Kim, Young Ho 2 2021 Recurrent curvature over four-dimensional homogeneous manifolds. Zbl 1478.53114 Bastami, Milad; Haji-Badali, Ali; Zaeim, Amirhesam 2 2021 On Egyptian fractions of length 3. 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