Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society Short Title: Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. Publisher: London Mathematical Society, London; Hodgson, London ISSN: 0024-6115; 1460-244X/e Online: Successor: Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 996 Publications (1869–1903) all top 5 Latest Issues 35 (1903) 34 (1901/1902) 33 (1901) 32 (1900) 31 (1899) 30 (1899) 29 (1898) 28 (1897) 27 (1896) 26 (1895) 25 (1894) 24 (1893) 23 (1892) 22 (1891) 21 (1890) 20 (1889) 19 (1888) 18 (1887) 17 (1885-1887) 16 (1884/1885) 15 (1884) 14 (1883) 13 (1882) 12 (1881) 11 (1880) 10 (1879) 9 (1878) 8 (1877) 7 (1876) 6 (1875) 5 (1873/1874) 4 (1872/1873) 3 (1871) 2 (1869) all top 5 Authors 72 Cayley, Arthur 39 Roberts, Samuel 30 Burnside, William 30 Glaisher, James Whitbread Lee 23 Elliott, Edwin Bailey 21 Strutt, John William 21 Walker, John James 20 Greenhill, Alfred George 18 Clifford, William Kingdon 18 Lamb, Horace 18 Tanner, Henry William Lloyd 18 Tucker, Robert 17 Roberts, R. A. 15 Mathews, George Ballard 15 Rogers, Leonard James 15 Wolstenholme, Joseph 14 Macdonald, Hector Munro 14 Smith, Henry John Stephen 13 Basset, Alfred Barnard 13 Hobson, Ernest William 13 MacMahon, Percy Alexander 12 Bromwich, Thomas John I’Anson 12 Dickson, Leonard Eugene 12 Dixon, Alfred Cardew 12 Larmor, Joseph 12 Routh, Edward John 11 Baker, Henry Frederick 11 Hill, M. J. M. 10 Love, Augustus Edward Hough 10 Maxwell, James Clerk 9 Hirst, Thomas Archer 9 MacColl, Hugh 9 Michell, John Henry 9 Spottiswoode, William H. 9 Young, William Henry 8 Hammond, James 8 Hart, H. 8 Jeffery, Henry M. 8 Macaulay, Francis Sowerby 7 Brill, John 7 Cockle, James 7 Crofton, Morgan William 7 Cunningham, Allan Joseph Champneys 7 Forsyth, Andrew Russell 7 Kempe, Alfred Bray 6 Buchheim, A. 6 Leudesdorf, C. 6 Roberts, William Ralph Westropp 5 Burbury, Samuel Hawksley 5 Campbell, John Edward 5 Dixon, Arthur Lee 5 Genese, Robert Williams 5 Mannheim, Amédée 5 Merrifield, Charles Watkins 5 Muir, Thomas 5 Niven, William Davidson 5 Sheppard, William Fleetwood 5 Taber, Henry 4 Bryan, George Hartley 4 Darwin, George Howard 4 Dickson, James Douglas Hamilton 4 Sharp, W. J. Curran 4 Sylvester, James Joseph 4 Wilkinson, Michael Marlow Umfreville 4 Young, Alfred 3 Brown, Ernest William 3 Culverwell, E. P. 3 Grace, John Hilton 3 Hardy, Godfrey Harold 3 Hargreaves, R. 3 Hermite, Charles 3 Hudson, Ronald William Henry Turnbull 3 Klein, Felix 3 Miller, George Abram 3 Morley, Frank 3 Pearson, Karl 3 Russell, John Wellesley 3 Scott, Robert Forsyth 3 Thomson, Joseph John 3 Whittaker, Edmund Taylor 2 Brioschi, Francesco 2 Butcher, J. G. 2 Carslaw, Horatio Scott 2 Cotterill, Thomas 2 Darboux, Gaston 2 Halphen, Georges Henri 2 Henrici, Olaus 2 Jackson, Frank Hilton 2 Jenkins, Morgan 2 Johnson, Amy R. 2 Kennedy, Alexander Blackie William 2 Monro, C. J. 2 Morrice, G. G. 2 Rouse Ball, Walter William 2 Simmons, T. C. 2 Sommerfeld, Arnold 2 Taylor, W. W. 1 Allen, A. J. C. 1 Barnes, Ernest William 1 Barwell, M. E. ...and 86 more Authors all top 5 Fields 79 Number theory (11-XX) 75 Geometry (51-XX) 60 Special functions (33-XX) 45 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 22 Differential geometry (53-XX) 18 Real functions (26-XX) 15 Combinatorics (05-XX) 14 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 11 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 9 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 6 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 337 Publications have been cited 3,441 times in 3,125 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Investigation of the character of the equilibrium of an incompressible heavy fluid of variable density. JFM 15.0848.02 Rayleigh 334 1883 On the instability of jets. JFM 11.0685.01 Lord Rayleigh 265 1879 On waves propagated along the plane surface of an elastic solid. JFM 17.0962.01 Rayleigh 202 1885 Preliminary sketch of biquaternons. JFM 05.0280.01 Clifford, W. K. 176 1873 On the stability or instability of certain fluid motions. JFM 12.0711.02 Rayleigh 142 1880 On some properties of certain solutions of a differential equation of the second order. JFM 17.0315.02 Routh 118 1885 On the value of a certain arithmetical determinant. JFM 08.0074.03 Smith, Henry J. Stephen 92 1875 The genesis of the double gamma functions. JFM 30.0389.03 Barnes, E. W. 82 1899 Some formulae in eliminations. JFM 34.0195.01 Macaulay, F. S. 76 1903 On the direct determination of stress in an elastic solid, with application to the theory of plates. JFM 30.0720.01 Michell, J. H. 68 1899 Some general theorems relating to vibrations. JFM 05.0537.01 Strutt, J. W. 63 1873 On the stability of certain vortex motions. JFM 25.1467.02 Love, A. E. H. 55 1894 Concerning the abstract groups of order \(k!\) and \(\frac12 k!\) holohedrically isomorphic with the symmetric and the alternating substitution-groups on \(k\) letters. JFM 28.0121.03 Moore, Eliakim Hastings 46 1897 Second complément à l’analysis situs. JFM 31.0477.10 Poincaré, H. 42 1900 On Laplace’s three particles, with a supplement on the stability of steady motion. JFM 07.0570.01 Routh, E. J. 42 1875 Third memoir on the expansion of certain infinite products. JFM 26.0289.01 Rogers, L. J. 42 1895 On certain formulae concerning the theory of discriminants; with applications to discriminants of discriminants, and to the theory of polar curves. JFM 02.0076.02 Henrici 39 1869 On the expansion of some infinite products. JFM 25.0432.01 Rogers, L. J. 39 1893 On a class of automorphic functions. (2 Noten). JFM 24.0391.01 Burnside, W. 36 1892 On quantitative substitutional analysis. JFM 32.0157.02 Young, Alfred 35 1901 On the partition of numbers. JFM 28.0168.03 Mathews, G. B. 33 1897 On an general method of describing plane curves of the \(n\)-th degree by linkwork. JFM 08.0544.04 Kempe, A. B. 29 1876 On the calculation of the most probable values of frequency-constants for data arranged according to equidistant divisions of a scale. JFM 29.0191.01 Sheppard, W. F. 28 1898 On a law of combination of operators bearing on the theory of continuous transformation groups. JFM 28.0321.01 Campbell, J. E. 28 1897 On a peculiarity of the wave-sytem due to the free vibrations of a nucleus in an extended medium. JFM 31.0785.01 Lamb, H. 28 1900 On the partitions of a polygon. JFM 23.0541.01 Cayley, A. 28 1891 On the influence of gravity on elastic waves, and in particular on the vibrations of an elastic globe. JFM 30.0725.01 Bromwich, T. J. I’A. 28 1899 On a law of combination of operators. (Second paper.). JFM 29.0324.01 Campbell, J. E. 27 1898 On a three fold symmetry in the elements of Heine’s series. JFM 25.0431.02 Rogers, L. J. 27 1893 On some properties of groups of odd order. JFM 32.0139.01 Burnside, W. 24 1901 The form of standing waves on the surface of running water. JFM 16.0840.01 Lord Rayleigh 22 1884 On the ideal geometrical form of natural cell-structure. JFM 17.0045.03 Bryant 21 1885 Summation of a certain series. JFM 34.0490.02 Dixon, A. C. 21 1903 On quantitative substitutional analysis. II. JFM 33.0158.03 Young, A. 21 1902 On the vibrations of an elastic sphere. JFM 14.0823.01 Lamb, H. 21 1882 Some applications of conjugate functions. JFM 13.0720.01 Routh, E. J. 20 1881 On the integration of discontinuous functions. (On the integration of discontinuous functions.) JFM 07.0247.01 Smith, H. J. Stephen. 19 1875 Ueber verzweigte Potentiale im Raum. JFM 28.0699.02 Sommerfeld, A. 19 1897 On the free vibrations of an infinite plate of homogeneous isotropic elastic matter. JFM 21.1040.01 Lord Rayleigh 19 1889 Memoir on quartic surfaces. (Memoir on quartic surfaces.) JFM 03.0390.01 Cayley, A. 17 1871 Note on the numerical calculation of the roots of fluctuating functions. JFM 06.0295.01 Lord Rayleigh 15 1873 On the theory of groups. JFM 10.0104.01 Cayley, A. 15 1878 Über den Satz von der Gleichheit der Basiswinkel im gleichschenkligen Dreieck. JFM 34.0524.01 Hilbert, D. 13 1903 On the functions associated with the parabolic cylinder in harmonic analysis. JFM 34.0520.01 Whittaker, E. T. 13 1903 Groups of order \(p^3q\). JFM 30.0145.04 Western, A. E. 13 1899 On the stability of a plane plate under thrusts in its own plane, with applications to the “buckling” of the sides of a ship. JFM 23.1036.02 Bryan, G. H. 13 1891 On the oscillations of a viscous spheroid. JFM 14.0789.01 Lamb, H. 13 1882 The stress in an aeolotropic elastic solid with an infinite plane boundary. JFM 31.0760.04 Michell, J. H. 12 1900 On the relation between the functions of Laplace and Bessel. JFM 10.0340.01 Lord Rayleigh 12 1878 On the higher singularities of plane curves. JFM 08.0433.01 Smith, H. J. Stephen 11 1875 Determination of the volumes of certain species of tetrahedra without employment of the method of the limits. JFM 27.0407.03 Hill, M. J. M. 11 1896 Zeroes of the spherical harmonics \(P_n^m(\mu)\) considered as a function of \(n\). JFM 30.0412.01 Macdonald, H. M. 11 1899 On groups in which every two conjugate operations are permutable. JFM 34.0154.01 Burnside, W. 10 1903 The inversion of plane stress. JFM 33.0819.01 Michell, J. H. 10 1902 On the stability or instability of certain fluid motions. JFM 27.0646.02 Lord Rayleigh 10 1896 On functions determined from their discontinuities, and a certain form of boundary condition. (On functions determined from their discontinuites, and a certain form of boundary condition.) JFM 23.0420.01 Burnside, W. 10 1891 On regular difference terms. JFM 25.0235.01 Kempe, A. B. 10 1894 On the numerical value of \(\int\limits_0^h e^{x^2}dx\). JFM 29.0245.02 Dawson, H. G. 9 1898 Some applications of conjugate functions. JFM 13.0741.01 Routh, E. J. 9 1881 On the displacement in a case of fluid motion. JFM 03.0474.01 Maxwell, J. C. 9 1871 Elementary distributions of plane stress. JFM 31.0760.03 Michell, J. H. 9 1900 Application of a theory of permutations in circular precession to the theory of numbers. JFM 24.0181.01 MacMahon, P. A. 9 1892 On reciprocal theorems in dynamics. JFM 20.0932.01 Lamb, H. 8 1888 On the infinitesimal bending of surfaces of revolution. JFM 14.0810.01 Rayleigh 8 1882 Calculus of equivalent statements (3. paper). JFM 11.0049.01 McColl, H. 8 1879 Some elementary distributions of stress in three dimensions. JFM 31.0760.02 Michell, J. H. 8 1900 Notes on the theory of groups of finite order. JFM 26.0170.01 Burnside, W. 8 1895 Waves in canals. JFM 25.1479.01 Macdonald, H. M. 8 1894 The uniform torsion and flexure of incomplete tores, with application to helical springs. JFM 30.0719.01 Michell, J. H. 8 1899 The calculus of equivalent statements. Fifth and Sixth paper. JFM 28.0064.01 MacColl, H. 7 1897 On Plücker’s models of certain quartic surfaces. (On Plücker’s models of certain quartic surfaces.) JFM 03.0392.02 Cayley, A. 7 1871 On the rational transformation between two spaces. (On the rational transformation between two spaces.) JFM 03.0430.01 Cayley, A. 7 1871 Further applications of matrix notation to integration problems. JFM 33.0352.03 Baker, H. F. 7 1902 On Newton’s classification of cubic curves. JFM 23.0778.05 Rouse Ball, W. W. 7 1891 On the application of Clifford’s graphs to ordinary binary quantics. JFM 18.0094.01 Kempe, A. B. 7 1886 On the flexure of an elastic plate. JFM 22.1007.02 Lamb, H. 7 1890 Motion of a network of particles with some analogies to conjugate functions. JFM 16.0870.01 Routh, E. J. 7 1884 On \(\kappa\lambda-\kappa'\lambda'\) modular equations. JFM 20.0468.01 Russell, R. 7 1888 On the vibrations of a spherical shell. JFM 15.0893.01 Lamb, H. 7 1883 On systems of one-vectors in space of \(n\) dimensions. JFM 29.0487.03 Young, W. H. 6 1898 On electrical oscillations and the éffects produced by the motion of an electrified sphere. JFM 16.1047.01 Thomson, J. J. 6 1884 On the integration of linear differential equations. JFM 34.0360.01 Baker, H. F. 6 1903 On the exponential theorem for a simply transitive continuous group, and the calculation of the finite equations from the constants of structure. JFM 32.0159.01 Baker, H. F. 6 1901 The flexure of a circular plate. JFM 33.0821.01 Michell, J. H. 6 1902 Some quadrature formulae. JFM 31.0321.01 Sheppard, W. F. 6 1900 On the binomial equation \(x^p - 1 = 0\) : Quinquisection. JFM 19.0085.01 Tanner, H. W. Lloyd 6 1887 On modular equations. JFM 22.0466.02 Russel, R. 6 1890 On the figures formed by the intercepts of a system of straight lines in a plane, and on analogons relations in space of three dimensions. JFM 20.0592.01 Roberts, Samuel 6 1888 On the conditions for steady motion of a fluid. JFM 10.0640.01 Lamb, H. 6 1878 On the motion of paired vortices with a common axis. JFM 25.1468.01 Love, A. E. H. 6 1894 On the continuous group that is defined by any given group of finite order. JFM 29.0103.03 Burnside, W. 5 1898 On the motion of two spheres in a liquid and allied problems. JFM 19.0998.01 Basset, A. B. 5 1887 On double Algebra. JFM 16.0106.03 Cayley, A. 5 1884 Stability of a dynamical system with two independent motions. JFM 06.0562.01 Routh, E. J. 5 1874 On conjugate four-piece linkages. JFM 10.0593.03 Kempe, A. B. 5 1878 Geometrical theorems relating to mean values. JFM 09.0164.01 Crofton 5 1877 Notes on the plane cubic and a conic. JFM 22.0734.02 Roberts, R. A. 5 1890 Calculus of equivalent statements. JFM 10.0034.02 McColl, H. 5 1878 Remarks on the mathematical classification of physical quantities. JFM 03.0500.01 Maxwell, J. C. 5 1871 On the mass-centre of an octahedron. JFM 10.0601.01 Clifford 5 1878 Some formulae in eliminations. JFM 34.0195.01 Macaulay, F. S. 76 1903 Summation of a certain series. JFM 34.0490.02 Dixon, A. C. 21 1903 Über den Satz von der Gleichheit der Basiswinkel im gleichschenkligen Dreieck. JFM 34.0524.01 Hilbert, D. 13 1903 On the functions associated with the parabolic cylinder in harmonic analysis. JFM 34.0520.01 Whittaker, E. T. 13 1903 On groups in which every two conjugate operations are permutable. JFM 34.0154.01 Burnside, W. 10 1903 On the integration of linear differential equations. JFM 34.0360.01 Baker, H. F. 6 1903 Overlapping intervals. JFM 34.0531.01 Young, W. H. 3 1903 On the calculation of the finite equations of a continuous group. JFM 34.0181.03 Baker, H. F. 2 1903 On wave prepagation in two dimensions. JFM 34.0809.03 Lamb, H. 2 1903 The abstract group simply isomorphic with the group of linear fractional transformations in a Galois field. JFM 34.0165.01 Dickson, L. E. 1 1903 Generational relations of an abstract simple group of order 4080. JFM 34.0165.02 Dickson, L. E. 1 1903 Generational relations for the abstract group simply isomorphic with the linear fractional group in the \(GF[2^n]\). JFM 34.0167.02 Dickson, L. E. 1 1903 The theory of Cauchys principal values (Third paper: differentiation and integration of principal values). JFM 34.0335.03 Hardy, G. H. 1 1903 Some applications of Fourier’s theorem. JFM 34.0343.01 Macdonald, H. M. 1 1903 On the groups defined for an arbitrary field by the multiplication tables of certain finite groups. JFM 34.0164.01 Dickson, L. E. 1 1903 Sets of intervals on the straight line. JFM 34.0530.04 Young, W. H. 1 1903 On quantitative substitutional analysis. II. JFM 33.0158.03 Young, A. 21 1902 The inversion of plane stress. JFM 33.0819.01 Michell, J. H. 10 1902 Further applications of matrix notation to integration problems. JFM 33.0352.03 Baker, H. F. 7 1902 The flexure of a circular plate. JFM 33.0821.01 Michell, J. H. 6 1902 On Boussinesq’s problem. JFM 33.0819.03 Lamb, H. 4 1902 On the representation of a group of finite order as a permutation group, and on the composition of permutation groups. JFM 33.0147.01 Burnside, W. 3 1902 Further application of matrix notation to integration problems. JFM 33.0305.04 Baker, H. F. 3 1902 On the solution of dynamical problems in terms of trigonometric series. JFM 33.0746.01 Whittaker, E. T. 2 1902 Note on the wave surface of a dynamical medium aeolotropic in all respects. JFM 33.0858.03 Bromwich, T. J. I’A. 2 1902 Note on the algebraic properties of Pfaffians. JFM 33.0168.04 Brill, J. 1 1902 On Bürmann’s theorem. JFM 33.0266.01 Dixon, A. C. 1 1902 Linear groups in an infinite field. JFM 33.0152.01 Dickson, L. E. 1 1902 On the density of linear sets of points. JFM 33.0394.02 Young, W. H. 1 1902 On quantitative substitutional analysis. JFM 32.0157.02 Young, Alfred 35 1901 On some properties of groups of odd order. JFM 32.0139.01 Burnside, W. 24 1901 On the exponential theorem for a simply transitive continuous group, and the calculation of the finite equations from the constants of structure. JFM 32.0159.01 Baker, H. F. 6 1901 On some properties of groups of odd order. (Second paper.). JFM 32.0139.02 Burnside, W. 3 1901 Concerning the Abelian and related linear groups. JFM 32.0131.01 Dickson, L. E. 1 1901 On group characteristics. JFM 32.0138.02 Burnside, W. 1 1901 A general congruence theorem relating to the Bernoullian function. JFM 32.0199.01 Glaisher, J. W. L. 1 1901 Note on the zeros of the spherical harmonic \(P_n^{-m} (\mu)\). JFM 32.0464.01 Macdonald, H. M. 1 1901 Conformal space transformations. JFM 32.0679.01 Bromwich, T. J. I’A. 1 1901 The elementary theory of Cauchy’s principal values. JFM 32.0303.03 Hardy, G. H. 1 1901 The theory of Cauchy’s principal values. (Second paper: the use of principal values in some of the double limit problems of the integral calculus.). JFM 32.0303.04 Hardy, G. H. 1 1901 Second complément à l’analysis situs. JFM 31.0477.10 Poincaré, H. 42 1900 On a peculiarity of the wave-sytem due to the free vibrations of a nucleus in an extended medium. JFM 31.0785.01 Lamb, H. 28 1900 The stress in an aeolotropic elastic solid with an infinite plane boundary. JFM 31.0760.04 Michell, J. H. 12 1900 Elementary distributions of plane stress. JFM 31.0760.03 Michell, J. H. 9 1900 Some elementary distributions of stress in three dimensions. JFM 31.0760.02 Michell, J. H. 8 1900 Some quadrature formulae. JFM 31.0321.01 Sheppard, W. F. 6 1900 Note on Weierstrass’ reduction of a family of bilinear forms. JFM 31.0118.01 Bromwich, T. J. I’A. 2 1900 On a canonical reduction of bilinear forms (part. II), with special consideration of congruent reductions. JFM 31.0118.03 Bromwich, T. J. I’A. 2 1900 Linear substitutions commutative with a given substitution. JFM 31.0140.03 Dickson, L. E. 1 1900 An abstract simple group of order 25920. JFM 31.0143.02 Dickson, L. E. 1 1900 On multiply infinite series and on an extension of Taylor’s series. JFM 31.0404.03 Mittag-Leffler, G. 1 1900 Extensions of the Riemann-Roch theorem in plane geometry. JFM 31.0573.01 Macaulay, F. S. 1 1900 Sur les déformations finies et sur les systèmes triples de surfaces orthogonales. JFM 31.0604.06 Darboux, G. 1 1900 Problems relating to the impact of waves on a spherical obstacle in an elastic medium. JFM 31.0783.01 Lamb, H. 1 1900 The genesis of the double gamma functions. JFM 30.0389.03 Barnes, E. W. 82 1899 On the direct determination of stress in an elastic solid, with application to the theory of plates. JFM 30.0720.01 Michell, J. H. 68 1899 On the influence of gravity on elastic waves, and in particular on the vibrations of an elastic globe. JFM 30.0725.01 Bromwich, T. J. I’A. 28 1899 Groups of order \(p^3q\). JFM 30.0145.04 Western, A. E. 13 1899 Zeroes of the spherical harmonics \(P_n^m(\mu)\) considered as a function of \(n\). JFM 30.0412.01 Macdonald, H. M. 11 1899 The uniform torsion and flexure of incomplete tores, with application to helical springs. JFM 30.0719.01 Michell, J. H. 8 1899 The transmission of stress across a plane of discontinuity in an isotropic elastic solid, and the potential solutions for a plane boundary. JFM 30.0719.02 Michell, J. H. 5 1899 Central-difference formulae. JFM 31.0273.01 Sheppard, W. F. 4 1899 The irreducible concomitants of any number of binary quartics. JFM 30.0118.03 Young, A. 4 1899 Zeroes of the Bessel functions. JFM 30.0415.01 Macdonald, H. M. 4 1899 On a set of coefficients analogous to the Eulerian numbers. (On a set of coefficients analogous to the Eulerian numbers.) JFM 30.0181.02 Glaisher, J. W. L. 3 1899 The theorem of residuation being a general treatment of the intersections of plane curves at multiple points. JFM 30.0509.03 Macaulay, F. S. 3 1899 Some multiform solutions of the partial differential equations of physical mathematics and their applications. JFM 30.0700.02 Carslaw, H. S. 3 1899 Some secondary notes and opportunities of English mathematicians. JFM 30.0029.02 Elliott, E. B. 2 1899 A method for extending the accuracy of certain mathematical tables. JFM 31.0276.01 Sheppard, W. F. 1 1899 The structure of certain linear groups with quadratic invariants. JFM 30.0137.02 Dickson, L. E. 1 1899 Concerning the four known simple linear groups of order 25920, with an introduction to the hyper-abelian linear groups. JFM 30.0138.01 Dickson, L. E. 1 1899 The abstract group isomorphic with the symmetric group of \(k\) letters. JFM 30.0141.03 Dickson, L. E. 1 1899 On the statistical rejection of extreme variations, single or correlated. (Normal variation and normal correlation.). JFM 30.0222.02 Sheppard, W. F. 1 1899 On the null spaces of a one-system and its associated complexes. JFM 30.0502.01 Young, W. H. 1 1899 On flat-space coordinates. JFM 30.0503.01 Young, W. H. 1 1899 A note on minimal surfaces. JFM 30.0576.01 Bromwich, T. J. I’A. 1 1899 Note on the foregoing paper. JFM 30.0121.03 Baker, H. F. 1 1899 The group of linear homogeneous substitutions on \(mq\) variables which is defined by the invariant \(\Phi=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{i=m}\xi_{i1}\xi_{i2}\dots\xi_{iq}\). JFM 30.0141.01 Dickson, L. E. 1 1899 On a congruence theorem relating to an extensive class of coefficients. (On a congruence theorem relating to an extensive class of coefficients.) JFM 30.0181.01 Glaisher, J. W. L. 1 1899 The theorem of residuation, Noether’s theorem, and the Riemann-Roch theorem. JFM 30.0510.01 Macaulay, F. S. 1 1899 On the calculation of the most probable values of frequency-constants for data arranged according to equidistant divisions of a scale. JFM 29.0191.01 Sheppard, W. F. 28 1898 On a law of combination of operators. (Second paper.). JFM 29.0324.01 Campbell, J. E. 27 1898 On the numerical value of \(\int\limits_0^h e^{x^2}dx\). JFM 29.0245.02 Dawson, H. G. 9 1898 On systems of one-vectors in space of \(n\) dimensions. JFM 29.0487.03 Young, W. H. 6 1898 On the continuous group that is defined by any given group of finite order. JFM 29.0103.03 Burnside, W. 5 1898 The geodesic geometry of surface in non-Euclidean space. JFM 29.0413.01 Whitehead, A. N. 3 1898 On discontinuous fluid motions involving sources and vortices. JFM 29.0644.02 Hopkinson, B. 3 1898 Zeroes of the Bessel functions. JFM 29.0401.02 Macdonald, H. M. 2 1898 On a regular rectangular configuration of ten lines. JFM 29.0418.03 Morley, F. 2 1898 On the reflection and transmission of electric waves by a metallic grating. JFM 29.0738.02 Lamb, H. 2 1898 On the calculus of equivalent statements. (Seventh paper.). JFM 29.0045.03 MacColl, H. 1 1898 On linear homogeneous continuous groups whose operations are permutable. JFM 29.0105.01 Burnside, W. 1 1898 Note on a property of Pfaffians. JFM 29.0127.03 Baker, H. F. 1 1898 Point-groups in a plane, and their effect in determining algebraic curves. JFM 29.0499.02 Macaulay, F. S. 1 1898 A continuation of Gauss’s “Dioptrische Untersuchungen”. JFM 29.0716.01 Sampson, R. A. 1 1898 Concerning the abstract groups of order \(k!\) and \(\frac12 k!\) holohedrically isomorphic with the symmetric and the alternating substitution-groups on \(k\) letters. JFM 28.0121.03 Moore, Eliakim Hastings 46 1897 On the partition of numbers. JFM 28.0168.03 Mathews, G. B. 33 1897 On a law of combination of operators bearing on the theory of continuous transformation groups. JFM 28.0321.01 Campbell, J. E. 28 1897 Ueber verzweigte Potentiale im Raum. JFM 28.0699.02 Sommerfeld, A. 19 1897 The calculus of equivalent statements. Fifth and Sixth paper. JFM 28.0064.01 MacColl, H. 7 1897 ...and 237 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,538 Authors 23 Haukkanen, Pentti 20 Liu, Chun 16 Hong, Shaofang 15 East, James 15 Luo, Xisheng 15 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 14 Choi, Junesang 13 Forbes, Lawrence K. 13 Jiang, Fei 13 Vinh, Pham Chi 11 Bauer, Helmut F. 10 Masmoudi, Nader 9 Bai, Zhi-Dong 9 Jiang, Song 9 Mourrain, Bernard 9 Papageorgiou, Demetrios T. 9 Singh, Baljeet 9 Wang, Weiwei 8 Chattopadhyay, Amares 8 Jia, Hao 8 Liang, Yu 8 Mattila, Mika 8 Părău, Emilian I. 8 Si, Ting 8 Wang, Yanjin 8 Wang, Yiwei 8 Yayli, Yusuf 8 Zhai, Zhigang 7 Busé, Laurent 7 Cao, Jian 7 Cordoba, Diego 7 Dritschel, David Gerard 7 Gallaire, François 7 Gupta, Shishir 7 Kim, Junseok 7 Kuznetsov, Sergey V. 7 Li, Mao 7 Meleshko, V’yacheslav Volodymyrovych 7 Shkoller, Steve 7 Tan, Qianrong 7 Vanden-Broeck, Jean-Marc 6 Altinisik, Ercan 6 Chelnokov, Yurii Nikolaevich 6 Chen, Chaoping 6 Chiriţă, Stan 6 Crowdy, Darren Gregory 6 D’Andrea, Carlos 6 Ding, Juchun 6 Eidel, Werner 6 Eskandari-Ghadi, Morteza 6 Gebhard, Björn 6 Herrada, Miguel Angel 6 Hidalgo, Rubén Antonio 6 Hu, Xijun 6 Koba, Hajime 6 Komech, Alexander Ilich 6 Korkee, Ismo 6 Prikazchikov, Danila A. 6 Rowe, David E. 6 Sharma, Dinesh Kumar 6 Wang, Pei 6 Wei, Yimin 6 Zhao, Youyi 6 Zhou, Ye 5 Aslan, Selahattin 5 Bartsch, Thomas J. 5 Bedrossian, Jacob 5 Bekar, Murat 5 Berndt, Bruce Carl 5 Decent, Stephen P. 5 Duru, Kenneth 5 Elishakoff, Isaac 5 Fang, Jianping 5 Fernandes, Vítor Hugo 5 Figotin, Alexander 5 Granero Belinchón, Rafael 5 Ilmonen, Pauliina 5 Ionescu, Alexandru D. 5 Lee, Hyun Geun 5 Leemans, Dimitri 5 Li, Fang 5 Lin, Zongbing 5 Liu, Nansheng 5 López Camino, Rafael 5 Lu, Xiyun 5 Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 5 Montanero, José María 5 Nazarov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 5 Odake, Satoru 5 Pambuccian, Victor V. 5 Qi, Liqun 5 Rezapour, Shahram 5 Sarkar, Nantu 5 Schicho, Josef 5 Shandil, R. G. 5 Sternberg, Eli 5 Tanaka, Masato 5 Tice, Ian 5 Wang, Hongxing 5 Yin, Xieyuan ...and 4,438 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 636 Journals 236 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 67 Physics of Fluids 59 Acta Mechanica 54 Journal of Computational Physics 49 Wave Motion 47 Linear Algebra and its Applications 41 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 41 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 41 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 40 Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 International Journal of Engineering Science 37 Journal of Algebra 33 Discrete Mathematics 32 Advances in Mathematics 32 Applied Mathematics and Computation 30 Historia Mathematica 29 Mathematische Annalen 29 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 28 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 27 Computers and Fluids 27 Journal of Elasticity 26 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 26 Journal of Symbolic Computation 26 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 25 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 25 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 22 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 22 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 21 Communications in Mathematical Physics 19 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 19 Fluid Dynamics 19 Journal of Differential Equations 19 Physica D 19 The Ramanujan Journal 17 Applied Mathematical Modelling 16 Journal of Number Theory 16 Journal of High Energy Physics 14 Mathematische Zeitschrift 14 Meccanica 14 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 13 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 13 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 12 Communications in Algebra 12 Studies in Applied Mathematics 12 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 12 Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 11 Discrete Applied Mathematics 11 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 11 Physics Letters. A 11 Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika 11 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 11 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 11 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 11 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 10 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 10 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 10 Journal of Geometry and Physics 10 The Mathematical Intelligencer 10 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 10 European Journal of Combinatorics 10 Advances in Applied Mathematics 10 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 10 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 10 Archive of Applied Mechanics 10 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 10 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 10 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 10 Science China. Mathematics 9 Astrophysics and Space Science 9 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 9 Ingenieur-Archiv 9 International Journal of Control 9 Journal of Statistical Physics 9 Mathematics of Computation 9 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 9 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 9 Discrete & Computational Geometry 9 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 9 Computational Methods and Function Theory 9 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 8 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 8 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 8 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 8 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 8 Results in Mathematics 8 Computer Aided Geometric Design 8 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 8 International Applied Mechanics 8 Computational and Applied Mathematics 8 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 8 The ANZIAM Journal 7 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 7 International Journal of Solids and Structures 7 Physica A 7 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 7 Duke Mathematical Journal 7 Geometriae Dedicata 7 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 7 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 7 Computational Mechanics ...and 536 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 63 Fields 881 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 459 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 334 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 282 Number theory (11-XX) 212 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 208 Special functions (33-XX) 206 Combinatorics (05-XX) 202 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 172 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 148 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 136 History and biography (01-XX) 113 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 110 Differential geometry (53-XX) 106 Quantum theory (81-XX) 90 Computer science (68-XX) 87 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 78 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 69 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 69 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 61 Geometry (51-XX) 56 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 53 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 47 Geophysics (86-XX) 45 Operator theory (47-XX) 43 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 42 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 41 Statistics (62-XX) 40 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 36 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 36 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 35 Real functions (26-XX) 35 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 35 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 34 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 33 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 33 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 33 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 32 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 32 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 31 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 28 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 26 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 26 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 26 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 23 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 21 Potential theory (31-XX) 19 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 19 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 17 Functional analysis (46-XX) 16 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 15 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 14 General topology (54-XX) 12 Integral equations (45-XX) 12 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 11 Measure and integration (28-XX) 10 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 9 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 8 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 7 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 5 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 4 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 4 Mathematics education (97-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) Citations by Year