Soviet Mathematics Short Title: Sov. Math. Publisher: Allerton Press, Inc., New York ISSN: 0197-7156 Successor: Russian Mathematics Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 2,387 Publications (1976–1992) all top 5 Latest Issues 35, No. 12 (1991) 35, No. 11 (1991) 35, No. 10 (1991) 35, No. 9 (1991) 35, No. 8 (1991) 35, No. 7 (1991) 35, No. 6 (1991) 35, No. 5 (1991) 35, No. 4 (1991) 35, No. 3 (1991) 35, No. 2 (1991) 35, No. 1 (1991) 34, No. 12 (1990) 34, No. 11 (1990) 34, No. 10 (1990) 34, No. 9 (1990) 34, No. 8 (1990) 34, No. 7 (1990) 34, No. 6 (1990) 34, No. 5 (1990) 34, No. 4 (1990) 34, No. 3 (1990) 34, No. 2 (1990) 34, No. 1 (1990) 33, No. 6 (1990) 33, No. 12 (1989) 33, No. 11 (1989) 33, No. 10 (1989) 33, No. 9 (1989) 33, No. 8 (1989) 33, No. 7 (1989) 33, No. 5 (1989) 33, No. 4 (1989) 33, No. 3 (1989) 33, No. 2 (1989) 33, No. 1 (1989) 32, No. 12 (1988) 32, No. 11 (1988) 32, No. 10 (1988) 32, No. 9 (1988) 32, No. 8 (1988) 32, No. 7 (1988) 32, No. 6 (1988) 32, No. 5 (1988) 32, No. 4 (1988) 32, No. 3 (1988) 32, No. 2 (1988) 32, No. 1 (1988) 31, No. 12 (1987) 31, No. 11 (1987) 31, No. 10 (1987) 31, No. 9 (1987) 31, No. 8 (1987) 31, No. 7 (1987) 31, No. 6 (1987) 31, No. 5 (1987) 31, No. 4 (1987) 31, No. 3 (1987) 31, No. 2 (1987) 31, No. 1 (1987) 31 (1987) 32 (1986) 30, No. 12 (1986) 30, No. 11 (1986) 30, No. 10 (1986) 30, No. 9 (1986) 30, No. 8 (1986) 30, No. 7 (1986) 30, No. 6 (1986) 30, No. 5 (1986) 30, No. 4 (1986) 30, No. 3 (1986) 30, No. 2 (1986) 30, No. 1 (1986) 30 (1986) 29, No. 12 (1985) 29, No. 11 (1985) 29, No. 10 (1985) 29, No. 9 (1985) 29, No. 8 (1985) 29, No. 7 (1985) 29, No. 6 (1985) 29, No. 5 (1985) 29, No. 4 (1985) 29, No. 3 (1985) 29, No. 2 (1985) 29, No. 1 (1985) 28, No. 12 (1984) 28, No. 11 (1984) 28, No. 10 (1984) 28, No. 9 (1984) 28, No. 8 (1984) 28, No. 7 (1984) 28, No. 6 (1984) 28, No. 5 (1984) 28, No. 4 (1984) 28, No. 3 (1984) 28, No. 2 (1984) 28, No. 1 (1984) 27, No. 12 (1983) ...and 60 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 15 Aminova, Asya V. 15 Kats, Boris Aleksandrovich 13 Rozenfel’d, Boris Abramovich 13 Shapiro, Ya. L. 12 Igoshin, V. A. 11 Elizarov, A. M. 11 Ermolaev, Yu. B. 10 Pinus, Aleksandr Georgievich 10 Vodop’yanov, V. V. 9 Ligun, A. A. 9 Nasyrov, Semen R. 8 Aksent’ev, Leonid Aleksandrovich 8 Berman, David L’vovich 8 Matvejchuk, Marjan Stepanovich 8 Melnikova, Irina V. 8 Tuganbaev, Askar Akanovich 7 Bereslavskiĭ, Èduard Naumovich 7 Borok, Valentina Mikhailovna 7 Kakichev, V. A. 7 Kirichenko, Vadim Fëdorovich 7 Koshelev, Aleksander Ivanovich 7 Kurchatov, V. A. 7 Kytmanov, Aleksandr Mechislavovich 7 Nazarov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 7 Norden, Aleksandr Petrovich 7 Petrov, Egor E. 7 Plamenevskiĭ, Boris Alekseevich 7 Rubin, Boris 7 Samko, Stefan Grigor’evich 7 Sapir, Mark Valentinovich 7 Trofimov, E. I. 7 Volkov, Mikhail Vladimirovich 7 Voskresenskii, Evgenii Viktorovich 7 Zhukova, Nina Ivanovna 6 Akivis, Maks A. 6 Bikchantaev, Ildar Akhmedovich 6 Chakmazyan, Artur Verdievich 6 Gol’dberg, Anatoliĭ Asirowitsch 6 Grushko, P. Ya. 6 Khajkin, M. I. 6 Krepkogorskiĭ, V. L. 6 Lumiste, Ülo 6 Maz’ya, Vladimir Gilelevich 6 Mokejchev, V. S. 6 Nakhman, A. D. 6 Nogin, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 6 Odvirko-Budko, B. I. 6 Rogozhin, V. S. 6 Sheremeta, Myroslav Mykolaiovych 6 Smolin, Yu. N. 6 Volokhin, V. A. 6 Yakovlev, Evgeniĭ Ivanovich 5 Arutyunyan, Samvel Khristoforovich 5 Baranskiĭ, Vitaliĭ Anatol’evich 5 Baskakov, Anatoliĭ Grigor’evich 5 Chistyakov, V. M. 5 Egorov, A. I. 5 Èl’sting, G. O. 5 Fonarëv, A. A. 5 Gabbasov, N. Z. 5 Gorbatsevich, Vladimir Vital’evich 5 Ivanov, Valentin Konstantinovich 5 Karapetyants, Nikolaĭ Karapetovich 5 Kas’yanov, V. I. 5 Kilbas, Anatoliĭ Aleksandrovich 5 Koreshkov, Nikolai A. 5 Korobeĭnik, Yuriĭ Fëdorovich 5 Lyapin, Evgeny Sergeevich 5 Majer, F. F. 5 Morozov, Stanislav Fedorovich 5 Mukhlisov, F. G. 5 Prokhorov, Dmitriĭ Vladimirovich 5 Ryazantseva, Irina Prokof’evna 5 Serovaĭskiĭ, Simon Ya. 5 Shurygin, Vadim V. jun. 5 Sorokivskij, V. M. 5 Tarkhanov, Nikolai N. 5 Teut, O. M. 5 Vazhenin, Yu. M. 5 Vernikov, M. B. 5 Yukhtina, T. I. 5 Yuzhakov, Aleksandr Petrovich 5 Zhegalov, Valentin Ivanovich 5 Zobina, V. G. 5 Zolotarevskij, V. A. 5 Zubov, V. M. 4 Agachev, Yuriĭ Romanovich 4 Avkhadiev, Farit Gabidinovich 4 Barashkov, Aleksandr Sergeevich 4 Baskakov, Viktor Alekseevich 4 Bolodurin, V. S. 4 Borevich, E. Z. 4 Chekhlov, Andreĭ Rostislavovich 4 Chelkak, Sergej I. 4 Chibrikova, Lyubov’ Ivanovna 4 Davydov, G. V. 4 Davydova, I. M. 4 Derevenskii, V. P. 4 Didenko, Victor D. 4 Egiazaryan, K. M. ...and 1,581 more Authors all top 5 Fields 283 Differential geometry (53-XX) 258 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 247 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 241 Functional analysis (46-XX) 237 Operator theory (47-XX) 187 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 172 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 161 Integral equations (45-XX) 152 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 138 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 136 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 84 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 70 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 64 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 59 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 57 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 56 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 53 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 52 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 51 Computer science (68-XX) 46 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 41 Real functions (26-XX) 41 Potential theory (31-XX) 40 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 35 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 34 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 33 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 31 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 31 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 29 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 28 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 28 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 27 Special functions (33-XX) 23 Number theory (11-XX) 23 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 23 General topology (54-XX) 22 Statistics (62-XX) 18 Measure and integration (28-XX) 17 Geometry (51-XX) 14 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 13 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 12 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 11 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 11 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 11 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 11 Quantum theory (81-XX) 11 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 11 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 10 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 10 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 7 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 579 Publications have been cited 1,615 times in 1,422 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Identities of semigroups. Zbl 0629.20029 Shevrin, L. N.; Volkov, M. V. 58 1985 Countably compact and pseudocompact topologies on free Abelian groups. Zbl 0714.22001 Tkachenko, M. G. 31 1990 The Schwarz alternation method in a subspace. Zbl 0611.35017 Matsokin, A. M.; Nepomnyashchikh, S. V. 27 1985 P. Hall’s conjecture on the finiteness of verbal subgroups. Zbl 0697.20016 Ivanov, S. V. 26 1990 On some generalizations of a fixed point theorem. Zbl 0523.03029 Arslanov, M. M. 24 1981 The asymptotic behavior of linear forms for joint Padé approximations. Zbl 0631.30036 Nikishin, E. M. 19 1986 Varieties of finitely approximable semigroups. Zbl 0521.20047 Golubov, Eh. A.; Sapir, M. V. 18 1982 Continuity of operator functions in topologies connected to a trace on a von Neumann algebra. Zbl 0639.46057 Tikhonov, O. E. 17 1987 On the analysis of an integral equation with Carleman kernel. Zbl 0545.45002 Aksent’eva, E. P.; Garif’yanov, F. N. 17 1983 Conjugate points of left invariant metrics on Lie groups. Zbl 0722.53049 Kaĭzer, V. V. 17 1990 On quasiplanar mappings of spaces of affine connection. Zbl 0526.53013 Mikeš, Josef; Sinyukov, N. S. 16 1983 Certain Liouville theorems for Riemannian manifolds of a special form. Zbl 0764.58035 Losev, A. G. 14 1991 Exceptional sets of analytic matrix functions, contracting and dissipative operators. Zbl 0577.47017 Ginzburg, Yu. P.; Talyush, N. A. 14 1984 On contractions and degeneracy of finite-dimensional algebras. Zbl 0753.17002 Gorbatsevich, V. V. 14 1991 Taylor polynomial interlineation of a function of two variables on several lines. Zbl 0715.41048 Litvin, O. N. 13 1989 A singular abstract Cauchy problem. Zbl 0613.34047 Glushak, A. V.; Kononenko, V. I.; Shmulevich, S. D. 13 1986 A problem of generalized Boussinesq filtration equation. Zbl 0699.35127 Sviridyuk, G. A. 12 1989 Reference-type functions and their applications. Zbl 0739.46047 Dorofeev, S. V.; Sherstnev, A. N. 12 1990 Approximations in the representation space of a Lie group. Zbl 0776.41024 Pesenson, I. Z. 11 1990 Kemer’s theorem for finitely generated Jordan algebras. Zbl 0695.17014 Vajs, A. Ya.; Zel’manov, E. I. 10 1990 \(\Lambda\)-variation and Fourier series. Zbl 0694.42009 Sablin, A. I. 10 1987 On the number of solutions of Gakhov’s equation in the case of a multiply-connected domain. Zbl 0557.30035 Kinder, M. I. 10 1984 Projection methods and self-regularization in ill-posed problems. Zbl 0646.65048 Vajnikko, G. M.; Khyamarik, U. A. 10 1985 Some mathematical aspects of the theory of shells. Zbl 0476.73048 Galimov, K. Z.; Nemtsev, E. A. 10 1980 Operator ergodic theorems and complementability of subspaces of Banach spaces. Zbl 0676.47004 Baskakov, A. G. 9 1988 The Riemann problem on a closed Jordan curve. Zbl 0536.30030 Kats, B. A. 9 1983 Quasivarieties of convexors. Zbl 0594.08007 Ignatov, V. V. 9 1985 On the structure of a set of a-representable numbers. Zbl 0464.40001 Vajnshteijn, A. D.; Shapiro, B. Z. 9 1980 A class of Hermitian operator extensions and the Weyl function. Zbl 0715.47013 Derkach, V. A.; Malamud, M. M. 8 1989 Projection logics in Banach spaces. Zbl 0712.46036 Mushtari, D. Kh. 8 1989 Direct products and direct sums of torsion-free Abelian QCPI-groups. Zbl 0738.20054 Chekhlov, A. R. 8 1990 Singular integrals over the sphere and construction of the characteristic with respect to the symbol. Zbl 0542.45009 Samko, S. G. 8 1983 The Riemann problem on an open Jordan curve. Zbl 0561.30029 Kats, B. A. 8 1983 On a method for characterization and inversion of Bessel and Riesz potentials. Zbl 0644.42009 Rubin, B. S. 8 1986 Green ring of simple three-dimensional Lie \(p\)-algebras. Zbl 0748.17015 Premet, A. A. 8 1991 Rings whose lattice of right ideals is distributive. Zbl 0608.16010 Tuganbaev, A. A. 7 1986 Conditions under which 2-generated subgroups in groups with small cancellation are free. Zbl 0614.20022 Guba, V. S. 7 1986 On an abstract theory of Nikol’skij-Besov spaces. Zbl 0712.46014 Pesenson, I. Z. 7 1988 Abelian torsion-free CS-groups. Zbl 0714.20040 Chekhlov, A. R. 7 1990 Solvability of the problem of thermal convection of a viscoelastic incompressible liquid. Zbl 0742.76008 Sviridyuk, G. A. 7 1990 On the smoothness of universal Marcinkiewicz functions and universal trigonometrical series. Zbl 0786.42004 Krotov, V. G. 7 1991 Right distributive rings. Zbl 0584.16005 Tuganbaev, A. A. 7 1985 On Abelian and central extensions of aspherical groups. Zbl 0594.20027 Ashmanov, I. S.; Ol’shanskij, A. Yu. 7 1985 Variations of weakly sufficient sets in spaces of analytic functions. Zbl 0614.32018 Epifanov, O. V. 7 1986 Implicit difference schemes and an iteratin method for solving them for a certain class of systems of quasi-linear equations. Zbl 0476.65067 Krukier, L. A. 7 1979 The distribution of subgroups containing a group of block diagonal matrices in the general linear group over a ring. Zbl 0521.20033 Borevich, Z. I.; Vavilov, N. A. 7 1982 Finite solvable groups with supersolvable maximal subgroups. Zbl 0503.20004 Kazarin, L. S.; Korzyukov, Yu. A. 7 1980 On groups with isolated classes of conjugate elements. Zbl 0516.20011 Kazarin, L. S. 7 1981 Translation representation and Huygens principle for an invariant wave equation in a Riemannian symmetric space. Zbl 0639.35070 Solomatina, L. E. 6 1986 Asymptotic behavior of spectral functions of an S-node. Zbl 0674.47017 Sakhnovich, A. L. 6 1988 On singularities of the parametric Grothendieck residue and diagonals of a double power series. Zbl 0561.32001 Safonov, K. V.; Tsikh, A. K. 6 1984 Generalized imprimitivity systems for Abelian groups. Zbl 0566.22009 Kholevo, A. S. 6 1983 Lower bounds for mean duration of a sequentially programmable experiment. Zbl 0585.62132 Malyutov, M. B. 6 1983 On imbedding of classes of functions, defined in zero-dimensional groups. Zbl 0464.43002 Timan, M. F.; Rubinshtejn, A. I. 6 1980 Banach algebras produced by two-dimensional integral operators with a Bergman kernel and piecewise continuous coefficients. I. Zbl 0614.47029 Vasilevskij, N. L. 5 1986 Some inequalities between the norms of a function and its derivatives in integral metrics. Zbl 0616.26015 Berdnikova, I. V.; Rafal’son, S. Z. 5 1985 Singularities of solutions to first boundary problem for thermal conductivity equation in domains with conical points. I. Zbl 0647.35036 Kozlov, V. A.; Maz’ya, V. G. 5 1987 Weighted functional spaces and their application to investigation of boundary value problems for degenerate elliptic equations. Zbl 0679.35030 Nikol’skij, S. M.; Lizorkin, P. I.; Miroshin, N. V. 5 1988 Admissible functionals under injectivity conditions for differentiable mappings of \(n\)-dimensional domains. Zbl 0695.30018 Avkhadiev, F. G. 5 1989 An inner superposition operator in spaces of summable functions. Zbl 0665.47026 Drakhlin, M. E. 5 1986 Smoothness and approximate properties of solutions of one class of nonlinear equations of Schrödinger type. Zbl 0699.35100 Muratbekov, M. B.; Otelbaev, M. 5 1989 Imbedding theorems for vector-valued functions. II. Zbl 0770.46016 Lizorkin, P. I.; Shakhmurov, V. B. 5 1989 A Sanchez-Palencia problem with Neumann boundary conditions. Zbl 0801.35092 Nazarov, S. A. 5 1989 A generalization of the universality property of series in Faber polynomials. Zbl 0737.30002 Dodunova, L. K. 5 1990 On the Cartesian product operation. Zbl 0539.08004 Pinus, A. G. 5 1983 On groups with infinite almost normal subgroups. Zbl 0572.20024 Semko, N. N.; Levishchenko, S. S.; Kurdachenko, L. A. 5 1983 Asymptotics of the necessary sample size for D-guaranteed discrimination of two close hypotheses. Zbl 0585.62042 Volodin, I. N.; Novikov, A. A. 5 1983 On a class of almost completely decomposable torsion free Abelian groups. Zbl 0548.20042 Kozhukhov, S. F. 5 1983 Iterative regularization in Banach spaces. Zbl 0623.47071 Al’ber, Ya. I. 5 1986 Modular rule and relative complements in the lattice of subalgebras of a Lie algebra. Zbl 0624.17004 Gejn, A. G. 5 1987 On quasi-orders over certain inverse semigroups. Zbl 0737.06012 Derech, V. D. 5 1991 On the best approximation by generalized polynomials in the space of analytical functions of two complex variables. Zbl 0741.32002 Vakarchuk, S. B. 5 1991 On the theory of nonclosed generalized Green’s matrices. Zbl 0438.35016 Zubov, V. M. 5 1979 Quantum-probabilistic analysis of counting statistics with an application to the ”Dolinar receiver”. Zbl 0516.60052 Kholevo, A. S. 5 1982 Decomposition of \(n\)-dimensional manifolds into simple manifolds. Zbl 0422.57006 Medvedev, V. S.; Umanskij, Ya. L. 5 1979 Measure convergence in regular noncommutative symmetric spaces. Zbl 0718.46043 Sukochev, F. A.; Chilin, V. I. 5 1990 Solubility of the system \(Ax=0\), x\(\geq 0\) with indefinite coefficients. Zbl 0725.90072 Davydov, G. V.; Davydova, I. M. 5 1990 Some methods of approximate solution of differential and integral equations. Zbl 0535.65040 Vasin, V. V.; Sidorov, A. F. 4 1983 The structure of nonperiodic metahamiltonian groups. Zbl 0629.20012 Kuzennyj, N. F.; Semko, N. N. 4 1986 Trigonometric series with generalized-monotone coefficients. Zbl 0637.42002 D’yachenko, M. I. 4 1986 Perfect and semiprimary semigroup rings. Zbl 0639.20047 Kozhukhov, I. B.; Finkel’shtejn, M. Ya. 4 1987 Indices and essential polynomials. Zbl 0641.47026 Adukov, V. M. 4 1986 Banach algebras generated by two-dimensional integral operators with a Bergman kernel and piecewise continuous coefficients. II. Zbl 0641.47027 Vasilevskij, N. L. 4 1986 On subgroups of the general linear group over a Dedekind ring of arithmetic type. Zbl 0651.20049 Vavilov, N. A. 4 1987 Subgroups of the general linear group over rings that satisfy stability conditions. Zbl 0702.20033 Vavilov, N. A.; Stepanov, A. V. 4 1989 Structural aspects of the theory of semigroup varieties. Zbl 0698.20051 Shevrin, L. N.; Sukhanov, E. V. 4 1990 Galerkin approximations of singular nonlinear equations of Sobolev type. Zbl 0714.34020 Sviridyuk, G. A.; Sukacheva, T. G. 4 1989 Series in block-orthogonal and block-independent systems. Zbl 0716.42024 Gaposhkin, V. F. 4 1990 On fractional integrals with limiting exponent. Zbl 0664.26003 Karapetyants, N. K.; Rubin, B. S. 4 1988 Distributive rings with finiteness conditions. Zbl 0673.16013 Tuganbaev, A. A. 4 1988 Imbedding theorems for vector-valued functions. I. Zbl 0691.46021 Lizorkin, P. I.; Shakhmurov, V. B. 4 1989 Nondifferentiable perturbations of spectral problems for a pair of self- adjoint operators and global bifurcation. Zbl 0712.34093 Makhmudov, A. P.; Aliev, Z. S. 4 1990 Characterization of minimal systems of power’s indices for representative systems of generalized exponents. Zbl 0736.30003 Abanin, A. V. 4 1991 An \(\ell\)-index and an \(\ell\)-distribution of entire functions. Zbl 0896.30023 Sheremeta, M. N. 4 1990 On stability of stationary system of linear differential equations of neutral type with the lag depending linearly of the time. Zbl 0741.34049 Grebenshchikov, B. G. 4 1991 On a non-classical problem for a degenerate hyperbolic equation. Zbl 0798.35111 Pul’kina, L. S. 4 1992 On the bending of a nearly polygonal plate with freely supported boundary. Zbl 0581.73067 Maz’ya, V. G.; Nazarov, S. A.; Plamenevskij, B. A. 4 1983 A finite solution method for systems of convex inequalities. Zbl 0588.90079 Kulikov, A. N.; Fazylov, V. R. 4 1984 Optimal sample size for d-guaranteeing hypotheses discrimination. Zbl 0534.62059 Simushkin, S. V. 4 1982 The method of similar operators and trace regularization formulas. Zbl 0561.47031 Baskakov, A. G. 4 1984 On a non-classical problem for a degenerate hyperbolic equation. Zbl 0798.35111 Pul’kina, L. S. 4 1992 Certain Liouville theorems for Riemannian manifolds of a special form. Zbl 0764.58035 Losev, A. G. 14 1991 On contractions and degeneracy of finite-dimensional algebras. Zbl 0753.17002 Gorbatsevich, V. V. 14 1991 Green ring of simple three-dimensional Lie \(p\)-algebras. Zbl 0748.17015 Premet, A. A. 8 1991 On the smoothness of universal Marcinkiewicz functions and universal trigonometrical series. Zbl 0786.42004 Krotov, V. G. 7 1991 On quasi-orders over certain inverse semigroups. Zbl 0737.06012 Derech, V. D. 5 1991 On the best approximation by generalized polynomials in the space of analytical functions of two complex variables. Zbl 0741.32002 Vakarchuk, S. B. 5 1991 Characterization of minimal systems of power’s indices for representative systems of generalized exponents. Zbl 0736.30003 Abanin, A. V. 4 1991 On stability of stationary system of linear differential equations of neutral type with the lag depending linearly of the time. Zbl 0741.34049 Grebenshchikov, B. G. 4 1991 On subsystems of the Faber-Schauder system in functional spaces. Zbl 0737.42023 Filippov, V. I. 4 1991 Existence and uniqueness theorems of the generalized solution for a class of non-stationary problem of coupled electroelasticity. Zbl 0759.73049 Mel’nik, V. N. 4 1991 Characteristic functions of \(C(\alpha{})\) class operators. Zbl 0737.47009 Arlinskij, Yu. M. 3 1991 On the Ricci geodesic mapping of 4-symmetric Riemannian spaces. Zbl 0738.53009 Sobchuk, V. S. 3 1991 Spectral analysis of relatively finite-dimensional perturbations of spectral operators. Zbl 0759.47011 Baskakov, A. G. 3 1991 The critical theories of free nilpotent rings of some types. Zbl 0737.03012 Vazhenin, Yu. M.; Popov, V. Yu. 3 1991 Embedding of lattice cones into vector lattices. Zbl 0781.46012 Veksler, A. I. 3 1991 4-th order alternators of three-web, associated with an analytical loop. Zbl 0736.53010 Mikheev, P. O. 2 1991 The structure of one of the V. K. Ivanov’s classes of asymptotic distributions. Zbl 0766.46029 Shelkovich, V. M.; Yuzhakov, A. P. 2 1991 On optimal uniform approximation of periodic functions by splines. Zbl 0749.42003 Davydov, O. V. 2 1991 On direct sums of strongly homogeneous Abelian groups. Zbl 0741.20037 Krylov, P. A. 2 1991 A criterion for the complete continuity of an Uryson operator. Zbl 0752.47039 Misyurkeev, I. V.; Nepomnyashchikh, Yu. V. 2 1991 Structure of homogeneous spaces with finite invariant measure. Zbl 0744.43007 Gorbatsevich, V. V. 2 1991 An inverse problem for differential operators on the half-axis. Zbl 0763.34007 Yurko, V. A. 2 1991 Inner superposition operator in the space of discrete measures. Zbl 0772.47014 Braverman, E. Ya. 2 1991 On Loeb measures. Zbl 0735.28013 Gordon, E. I. 1 1991 Rings with small-injective factor rings. Zbl 0742.16002 Tuganbaev, A. A. 1 1991 Implicit function theorem for one class of topological modules. Zbl 0765.46025 Kurapin, G. I. 1 1991 On the number of real roots of a system of equations. Zbl 0743.12004 Kytmanov, A. M. 1 1991 The monotone operators’ method for equations with discontinuous nonlinearities. Zbl 0758.35039 Pavlenko, V. N. 1 1991 On question concerning and asymptotic equivalence of extremal problems’ relaxations. Zbl 0745.49023 Chentsov, A. G. 1 1991 On the question of the spectrum discreteness of elasticity theory’s singular integral operators. Zbl 0753.73016 Kuznetsov, S. V. 1 1991 On the \(K\)-locally uniformly rotund spaces. Zbl 0759.46021 Manokhin, E. V. 1 1991 The structure of measures on the logic of skew projections. III. Zbl 0845.46035 Matvejchuk, M. S. 1 1991 Localization by maximal ideals and distributive rings. Zbl 0743.16017 Tuganbaev, A. A. 1 1991 On a class of \(CR\)-submanifolds in Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0742.53019 Chakmazyan, A. V. 1 1991 Spectral properties of the operators with kernels depending on a difference and a sum of variables. Zbl 0797.47015 Aleksandrov, E. L. 1 1991 On the index of an operator for the Dirichlet problem in a domain with either piecewise-smooth or Radon boundaries. Zbl 0783.35012 Solov’ëv, A. A. 1 1991 Hermite-Padé approximations for sequential logarithm degrees with number-theoretic applications. Zbl 0786.41012 Sorokin, V. N. 1 1991 On certain classes of optimization problems on the set of arrangements and their properties. Zbl 0786.90071 Yakovlev, S. V.; Grebennik, I. V. 1 1991 Some improvements of the estimates given in paper ”Intersection of space and polyhedral cone”. Zbl 0790.68084 Mubarakzyanov, R. G. 1 1991 The sinh-Gordon equation. Zbl 0747.35041 Sakhnovich, L. A. 1 1991 The stabilization of solution of the third mixed problem for quasilinear parabolic equations of second order in the noncylindric domain. Zbl 0761.35049 Tedeev, A. F. 1 1991 Simultaneous approximation of the numbers associated with elliptic functions. Zbl 0735.11032 Kholyavka, Ya. M. 1 1991 Residues of distribution \(| \det x|^{\lambda}\text{sgn}^{\nu}(\det x)\). Zbl 0765.46023 Petrov, E. E. 1 1991 Solving of operator equations by the Vietoris iteration method. Zbl 0752.47037 Strelkova, N. A. 1 1991 On solving a differential \(Q\)-difference equation on the semi-axis. Zbl 0742.34060 Mokejchev, V. S.; Evlampiev, N. P. 1 1991 Multicomponent generalized finite integral transformation and its application to the unsteady problems of mechanics. Zbl 0741.44005 Senitskij, Yu. Eh. 1 1991 On the automorphism group of the orthogonal decomposition of the Lie algebra of type \(A_{2^ m-1}\). Zbl 0752.17005 Abdukhalikov, K. S. 1 1991 On logarithmic coefficients of univalent functions. Zbl 0742.30011 Nikitin, S. V. 1 1991 Algebraic groups and the exponential action. Zbl 0746.12002 Ponomarev, K. N. 1 1991 On double Fourier-Haar series. Zbl 0786.42016 Kovachik, O. 1 1991 On distribution of dimensions of conformal transformation groups of Riemannian spaces. Zbl 0763.53041 Mikeš, Josef; Moldobaev, D. 1 1991 Extended differentiability of implicit functions in spaces without norm. Zbl 0780.46032 Serovajskij, S. Ya. 1 1991 On classes of multivalent analytic functions, which solve Hilbert problem. Zbl 0768.30026 Aksent’ev, L. A.; Zorin, I. A. 1 1991 The Noether property and the index of some two-dimensional singular integral operators. Zbl 0732.45002 Dzhangibekov, G. 1 1991 Countably compact and pseudocompact topologies on free Abelian groups. Zbl 0714.22001 Tkachenko, M. G. 31 1990 P. Hall’s conjecture on the finiteness of verbal subgroups. Zbl 0697.20016 Ivanov, S. V. 26 1990 Conjugate points of left invariant metrics on Lie groups. Zbl 0722.53049 Kaĭzer, V. V. 17 1990 Reference-type functions and their applications. Zbl 0739.46047 Dorofeev, S. V.; Sherstnev, A. N. 12 1990 Approximations in the representation space of a Lie group. Zbl 0776.41024 Pesenson, I. Z. 11 1990 Kemer’s theorem for finitely generated Jordan algebras. Zbl 0695.17014 Vajs, A. Ya.; Zel’manov, E. I. 10 1990 Direct products and direct sums of torsion-free Abelian QCPI-groups. Zbl 0738.20054 Chekhlov, A. R. 8 1990 Abelian torsion-free CS-groups. Zbl 0714.20040 Chekhlov, A. R. 7 1990 Solvability of the problem of thermal convection of a viscoelastic incompressible liquid. Zbl 0742.76008 Sviridyuk, G. A. 7 1990 A generalization of the universality property of series in Faber polynomials. Zbl 0737.30002 Dodunova, L. K. 5 1990 Measure convergence in regular noncommutative symmetric spaces. Zbl 0718.46043 Sukochev, F. A.; Chilin, V. I. 5 1990 Solubility of the system \(Ax=0\), x\(\geq 0\) with indefinite coefficients. Zbl 0725.90072 Davydov, G. V.; Davydova, I. M. 5 1990 Structural aspects of the theory of semigroup varieties. Zbl 0698.20051 Shevrin, L. N.; Sukhanov, E. V. 4 1990 Series in block-orthogonal and block-independent systems. Zbl 0716.42024 Gaposhkin, V. F. 4 1990 Nondifferentiable perturbations of spectral problems for a pair of self- adjoint operators and global bifurcation. Zbl 0712.34093 Makhmudov, A. P.; Aliev, Z. S. 4 1990 An \(\ell\)-index and an \(\ell\)-distribution of entire functions. Zbl 0896.30023 Sheremeta, M. N. 4 1990 Generalized spaces of germs of smooth solutions of first-order equation and their relationship with the direct Lyapunov method. Zbl 0728.35011 Krasil’nikov, P. S. 4 1990 Variational problems for rotation functionals and spin-mappings of pseudo-Riemannian spaces. Zbl 0722.53042 Lejko, S. G. 4 1990 Semigroup varieties with modular lattice of subvarieties. Zbl 0706.20044 Volkov, M. V. 3 1990 Representation of regular solutions of a real differential equation not insoluble with respect to a derivative. Zbl 0712.34003 Prosenyuk, L. G. 3 1990 A method for elimination of multivaluedness of analytic functions. Zbl 0722.30031 Khavinson, S. Ya. 3 1990 Irreducible normally flat semisymmetric submanifolds. II. 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A. 1 1990 Equality problem in varieties of associative algebras and Lie algebras. Zbl 0695.17012 Sapir, M. V.; Kharlampovich, O. G. 1 1990 Multidimensional Carleman formulas in Siegel domains. Zbl 0713.32003 Kytmanov, A. M.; Nikitina, T. N. 1 1990 A net of lines defined by a Grassmannizable three-web on a smooth submanifold. Zbl 0714.53018 Tolstikhina, G. A. 1 1990 Control of nonstationary dynamic objects with unknown dimension. Zbl 0709.93581 Ulanov, B. V. 1 1990 Optimal control of sliding modes of discontinuous dynamic systems. Zbl 0703.49015 Morozov, S. F.; Sumin, M. I. 1 1990 Interpolation problem in spaces of entire functions of an arbitrarily fast growth. Zbl 0711.30036 Abanina, T. I. 1 1990 The behavior of solutions of a first-order complex differential equations near a singular point. Zbl 0717.34012 Prosenyuk, L. G.; Yatsenko, S. 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