Mathematica Short Title: Mathematica, Cluj Publisher: Cluj Successor: Mathématica – Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation. Mathématica Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 952 Publications (1929–1974) all top 5 Latest Issues 16(39) (1974) 14(37) (1974) 15(38) (1973) 14(37) (1973) 13(36) (1971) 12(35) (1970) 11(34) (1969) 10(33) (1968) 9(32) (1967) 8(31) (1966) 7(30) (1965/1966) 6(29) (1965) 5(28) (1964) 4(27) (1962) 3(26) (1961) 2(25) (1960) 1(24) (1959) 18 (1942) 16 (1940) 15 (1939) 14 (1938) 13 (1937) 12 (1936) 11 (1935) 10 (1935) 9 (1935) 8 (1934) 7 (1933) 6 (1932) 5 (1931) 4 (1930) 3 (1930) 2 (1929) 1 (1929) all top 5 Authors 41 Popoviciu, Tiberiu 34 Sierpiński, Wacław 27 Călugăreanu, Gheorghe 14 Anghelută, Theodor 14 Biernacki, Mieczysław 12 Marusciac, Ioan 12 Montel, Paul Antoine Aristide 12 Nicolescu, Miron 11 Németh, Alexandru B. 10 Ripianu, Dumitru 9 Cioranescu, Nicolas 9 Ionescu, Dumitru V. 9 Ney, Andrei 8 Moisil, Grigore Constantin 8 Onicescu, Octav 8 Pantazi, Al. 8 Petrişor, Petru-Avram 8 Popovici, Constantin C. 8 Radó, Ferenc 7 Arama, Oleg 7 Gheorghiu, Gheorghe Th. 7 Karamata, Jovan 7 Lupaş, Alexandru 7 Peteanu, Vasile 7 Pompeiu, Dimitrie 7 Weiss, Ernst-August 6 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 6 Denjoy, Arnaud 6 Errera, Alfred 6 Gołąb, Stanisław 6 Kolumbán, József 6 Mangeron, Demetrio Jon 6 Marcinkiewicz, Józef 6 Mocanu, Petru T. 6 Moldovan, Elena 6 Potapov, Mikhaĭl Konstantinovich 6 Szwarc, Włodzimierz 5 Hostinský, Bohuslav 5 Humbert, Pierre 5 Ionescu, Gh. D. 5 Jonesco, D. V. 5 Schechter, Ervin 4 Abramescu, Nicolas 4 Aczél, János Dezső 4 Bal, Lascu 4 Basu, Nirmal Kumar 4 Bouligand, Georges Marie 4 Bratu, Gheorghe 4 Brelot, Marcel 4 Brosowski, Bruno 4 Capoulade, Jean 4 Ghermanesco, Michel 4 Hanna, Azmi 4 Hoborski, Antoni 4 Jacob, Caius 4 Kempisty, Stefan 4 Kramer, Horst 4 Krasner, Marc 4 Kuczma, Marek 4 Leja, Franciszek 4 Loria, Gino 4 Manocha, H. L. 4 Marchaud, Andre 4 Mihoc, Maria 4 Muntean, Ioan 4 Nikodym, Otton Marcin 4 Obreshkov, Nikola Dimitrov 4 Păvăloiu, Ion 4 Popoviciu-Moldovan, E. 4 Ruziewicz, Stanislaw 4 Sanielevici, Simion 4 Sharma, Bhagirath Lal 4 Soula, Jacques 4 Stamate, Ionel I. 4 Veselinov, Vasil M. 4 Vranceanu, Gheorghe 4 Ważewski, Tadeusz 4 Zelmer, Violeta 4 Zygmund, Antoni 3 Barbilian, Dan 3 Berti, Stefan N. 3 Choczewski, Bogdan 3 Cimoca, Gheorghe 3 Corduneanu, Constantin 3 Crstici, Borislav D. 3 Germay, Rodolphe-Henri 3 Gheorghiu, Octavian Emil 3 Ghermanescu, M. M. 3 Ghika, Alexandru 3 Ghircoiaşiu, Nicolae 3 Hadwiger, Hugo 3 Janko, Bela 3 Kaz’min, Yu. A. 3 Kosmák, Ladislav 3 Nicolescu, Lilly-Jeanne 3 Nikol’skiĭ, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich 3 Petrović, Mihailo 3 Rus, Teodor 3 Schoenberg, Isaac Jacob 3 Shashkin, Yu. A. ...and 283 more Authors all top 5 Fields 31 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 28 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 19 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 16 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 14 Functional analysis (46-XX) 13 General topology (54-XX) 11 Special functions (33-XX) 11 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 11 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 10 Real functions (26-XX) 10 Measure and integration (28-XX) 10 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 197 Publications have been cited 1,329 times in 1,226 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Sur un mode de croissance régulière des functions. JFM 56.0907.01 Karamata, J. 141 1930 Generalized Szasz operators for the approximation in the finite interval. Zbl 0188.36801 Jakimovski, Amnon; Leviatan, D. 90 1969 Une propriété de convexite généralisée dans la théorie de la représentation conforme. Zbl 0195.36401 Mocanu, Petru T. 74 1969 Sur les zéros des combinaisons linéaires de \(p\) fonctions holomorphes données. JFM 59.0327.03 Cartan, H. 61 1933 Sur les zéros des combinaisons linéaires de \(p\) fonctions holomorphes données. Zbl 0007.41503 Cartan, Henri 56 1933 On variation diminishing spline approximation methods. Zbl 0171.31001 Marsden, M.; Schoenberg, I. J. 43 1966 Sur l’approximation des fonctions convexes d’ordre supérieur. JFM 61.0295.01 Popoviciu, T. 40 1935 Fonctions holomorphes dans l’espace. Zbl 0002.27401 Moisil, Gr. C.; Theodoresco, N. 38 1931 Sur quelques propriétés des fonctions d’une ou de deux variables réelles. JFM 60.0196.02 Popoviciu, T. 31 1934 Interpolation of Lipschitz operators and metric spaces. Zbl 0217.44504 Peetre, J. 31 1970 Fixpunktsätze in der Approximationstheorie. Zbl 0207.45502 Brosowski, B. 29 1969 Sur les équations algébriques ayant toutes leurs racines réelles. JFM 61.0998.05 Popoviciu, T. 26 1935 Sur certains “Tauberian theorems” de M. M. Hardy et Littlewood. JFM 56.0907.02 Karamata, J. 25 1930 Sur quelques propriétés des fonctions d’une ou de deux variables réelles. Zbl 0009.05901 Popoviciu, Tiberiu 25 1934 Sur le reste dans certaines formules linéaires d’approximation de l’analyse. Zbl 0091.24603 Popoviciu, Tiberiu 25 1959 Remark on a theorem of Erhard Schmidt. Zbl 0101.04702 Turán, Pál 25 1960 Sur l’approximation des fonctions convexes d’ordre supérieur. Zbl 0010.29503 Popoviciu, Tiberiu 23 1935 Sur une inégalité de N. Levinson. Zbl 0138.27303 Popovicin, T. 21 1965 The best constant in an integral inequality. Zbl 0285.26014 Lupas, Alexandru 20 1973 Sur quelques formules générales de quadrature du type Gauss- Christoffel. Zbl 0094.11503 Stancu, D. D. 15 1959 On the construction of linear positive operators in approximation theory. Zbl 0168.30603 Schurer, F. 14 1966 Some properties of the linear positive operators. I. Zbl 0155.39201 Lupas, A. 11 1967 About the extension of the domain of definition of the Chebyshev systems definde on intervals of the real axis. Zbl 0195.35101 Nemeth, A. B. 10 1969 Fonctions holomorphes dans l’espace. JFM 57.0394.01 Moisil, G. C.; Théodoresco, N. 10 1931 On random subsets of a finite set. Zbl 0137.36201 Rényi, Alfréd 10 1961 Evaluation of a definite integral using Tschebyscheff approximation. Zbl 0337.65018 Basu, N. K. 9 1971 Certain properties of a generalized Whittaker transform. Zbl 0176.10202 Srivastava, H. M. 9 1968 On spline interpolation at all integer points of the real exis. Zbl 0183.33101 Schoenberg, I. J. 9 1968 Sur un problème d’équivalence et la théorie des espaces métriques généralisés. JFM 56.1193.02 Cartan, E. 9 1930 Transformations of the Chebyshev systems. Zbl 0171.31101 Nemeth, A. B. 8 1966 Bemerkungen über die Existenz von Minimallösungen in normierten linearen Räumen. Zbl 0175.13303 Breckner, W. W. 8 1968 Sur un problème de caractère intégral rélatif à l’équation \({\partial z\over\partial x}+Q(x,y){\partial z\over\partial y}=0\). Zbl 0008.39403 Wazewski, T. 8 1934 Collineations on three and on four lines of projective planes over fields. Zbl 0149.38903 Aczél, János 8 1966 Über eine Methode der Überdeckung eines Gebietes und Ungleichungen für Polynome mehrerer Veränderlichen. Zbl 0173.12101 Nikol’skij, S. M. 7 1966 Problems and results on the convergence and divergence properties of the Lagrange interpolation polynomials and some extremal problems. Zbl 0159.35603 Erdős, Pál 7 1968 Equally spaced points for families of compact convex sets in Minkowski spaces. Zbl 0292.52004 Kramer, Horst; Nemeth, A. B. 6 1973 Notes sur les fonctions convexes d’ordre supérieur. III. JFM 66.0241.03 Popoviciu, T. 6 1940 On some problems in the theory of the mechanical quadrature. Zbl 0171.31102 Turán, Pál 6 1966 Collineations on quadrilaterals in projektive planes. Zbl 0184.23901 Rigby, J. F. 6 1968 Sur le problème de M. Jacques Hadamard d’uniformisation des ensembles. JFM 56.0847.01 Lusin, N. 6 1930 Théorèmes sur la sommabilité exponentielle et d’autres sommabilités s’y rattachant. JFM 61.1096.01 Karamata, J. 6 1935 Sur les équations algébriques ayant toutes leurs racines réelles. Zbl 0014.10003 Popoviciu, Tiberiu 6 1935 Observations sur la suite des polynômes de S.N. Bernstein d’une function continue. Zbl 0125.03701 Moldovan, E. 6 1962 Sur la primitivité des corps \(p\)-adiques. Zbl 0018.20202 Krasner, M. 6 1937 An algebra of the optimal path in networks. Zbl 0171.15305 Peteanu, V. 5 1967 Über einen Einbettungssatz. Zbl 0271.46030 Potapov, M. K. 5 1973 Applications completement continues dans les espaces vectoriels topologiques. Zbl 0173.43301 Muntean, I. 5 1966 Some properties of the linear positive operators. II. Zbl 0176.34901 Lupas, A. 5 1967 Dualität bei Optimierungsaufgaben in topologischen Vektorräumen. Zbl 0213.45102 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumbán, I. 5 1968 Sur le minimum du module des fonctions entières d’ordre inferieur à un. Zbl 0013.21201 Valiron, G. 5 1935 On a theorem of P. Erdős and its application in information theory. Zbl 0096.02905 Rényi, Alfréd 5 1959 Nomogramme, Gewebe und Quasigruppen. Zbl 0102.25801 Aczél, János; Pickert, G.; Rado, F. 5 1960 Über Potenzen von verallgemeinerten Bernstein-Operatoren. Zbl 0166.31801 Sikkema, P. C. 4 1966 Classical, Cartesian and solution nets. Zbl 0262.20089 Taylor, M. A. 4 1971 Une application des images de fonctions à la construction de certains ensembles singuliers. Zbl 0005.05701 Kuratowski, Casimir 4 1932 Remarques sur la définition fonctionnelle d’un polynôme d’une variable réelle. JFM 62.0429.02 Popoviciu, T. 4 1936 A property of the S.N. Bernstein operator. Zbl 0152.25003 Lupas, Luciana 4 1967 Equations non-linéaires d’évolution. Zbl 0281.34059 Pavel, Nicolae 3 1974 Modules ordonnes injectifs. Zbl 0294.06019 Bigard, A. 3 1973 Über die Sätze von Hardy-Littlewood, Marcinkewicz-Littlewood-Paley, die ’Winkelapproximation’ und die Einbettung einiger Funktionenklassen. Zbl 0307.42004 Potapov, M. K. 3 1974 Deficient spline approximate solutions to linear differential equations of the second order. Zbl 0354.65037 Micula, Gh. 3 1974 Über das Verhalten der Funktionen von zwei komplexen Veränderlichen in Gebieten mit einer ausgezeichneten Randfläche. JFM 64.1081.04 Bergmann, S. 3 1938 Sur un problème de caractère intégral relatif à l’équation \(\frac {\partial z}{\partial x}+Q(x,y) \frac {\partial z}{\partial y}=0\). JFM 60.0410.02 Ważewski, T. 3 1934 Sur le minimum du module des fonctions entières d’ordre inférieur à un. JFM 61.1148.01 Valiron, G. 3 1935 Sur le principe du minimum. JFM 61.1258.01 Nikodym, O. 3 1935 Einige Approximationseigenschaften der Gammaoperatoren. Zbl 0183.32802 Muller, M. W. 3 1968 Über die Konvergenzen nicht-ausdehnender Operatoren. Zbl 0208.16303 Shashkin, Yu. A. 3 1969 Some new conditions of continuity of convex functions. Zbl 0217.37402 Ger, R. 3 1970 On starshapedness preserving properties of a class of linear positive operators. Zbl 0217.17501 Lupas, Luciana 3 1970 Zur Charakterisierung von Minimallösungen. Zbl 0219.41019 Breckner, W. W. 3 1970 Ein Kriterium zur Charakterisierung von Sonnen. Zbl 0249.41025 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Brosowski, Bruno 3 1971 Bernstein polynomials of convex functions. Zbl 0176.34902 Horova, I. 3 1968 Zur nicht-linearen Tschebyscheff-Approximation an Funktionen mit Werten in einem unitären Raum. Zbl 0187.01901 Brosowski, B. 3 1969 Two joint distribution laws in the theory of order statistic. Zbl 0192.26104 Csaki, E.; Vincze, I. 3 1964 Sur les nombres algébriques. JFM 56.0863.01 Favard, J. 3 1930 Contribution à la théorie des fonctionnelles linéaires en connexion avec la théorie de la mesure des ensembles abstraits. JFM 57.0293.02 Nikodym, O. 3 1931 Sur la convergence absolue des séries de Fourier. Zbl 0025.31603 Marcinkiewicz, J. 3 1940 Equations fonctionnelles caractérisant les nomogrammes avec trois echelles rectilignes. Zbl 0091.11601 Radó, François 3 1959 Les polynômes de Bernstein des fonctions convexes. Zbl 0153.39002 Kosmak, L. 3 1967 Sur les fonctions univalentes. Zbl 0014.26704 Biernacki, M. 3 1936 Bemerkungen zu einigen Trennungssätzen von M. Nicolesco und S. Takahashi für die Nullstellen der Lösungen von Differentialgleichungen. Zbl 0020.35801 Kamke, E. 3 1939 A propos du critère de Sophie Germain-Furtwängler pour le premier cas du théorème de Fermat. Zbl 0025.39402 Krasner, M. 3 1940 On the determination of geometric objects with special transformation formulae. Zbl 0097.11302 Balogh, A. 3 1959 Sur certaines propriétés projectives des familles de surfaces. Zbl 0006.36803 Pantazi, A. 3 1933 On compound duality classification schemes over cones. Zbl 0282.90024 Kortanek, K. O. 2 1973 Lokale Approximation unbeschränkter Funktionen und ihrer Ableitungen durch eine Klasse von Folgen linearer positiver Operatoren. Zbl 0294.41022 Walk, H. 2 1973 Approximate integration near a simple pole using Tschebyscheff abscissae. Zbl 0313.65017 Basu, N. K. 2 1971 A propos du critère de Sophie Germain-Furtwängler pour le premier cas du théorème de Fermat. JFM 66.0153.03 Krasner, M. 2 1940 Sur les solutions bornées et les solutions mesurables de certaines équations fonctionnelles. JFM 64.0417.03 Popoviciu, T. 2 1938 Notes sur les fonctions convexes d’ordre supérieur. I. JFM 62.0239.04 Popoviciu, T. 2 1936 Démonstration élémentaire d’un théorème de détermination à un facteur constant près d’une fonction harmonique . JFM 58.0503.02 Bouligand, G. 2 1932 Sur les connexions compatibles à une structure métrique ou presque symplectique. Zbl 0166.17704 Cruceanu, V.; Miron, R. 2 1967 Über eine Abschätzung der Approximation von Funktionen durch Polynome von S. N. Bernstein. Zbl 0166.31802 Sendov, B. 2 1965 Über die Charakterisierung von Minimallösungen in linearen normierten Räumen. Zbl 0189.12502 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumban, I. 2 1968 Sur certaines équations fonctionnelles considerees par I. Stamate. Zbl 0191.15502 Choczewski, B.; Kuczma, M. 2 1962 Sur la conservation de l’allure de convexité d’une fonction par ses polynômes d’interpolation. Zbl 0192.16001 Popoviciu, Tiberiu 2 1961 Approximation von Funktionen mittels trigonometrischer Polynome in bezug auf eine Metrik Hausdorffschen Typus. Zbl 0207.06802 Veselinov, V. M. 2 1967 On Bernstein power series. Zbl 0171.30902 Lupaş, Alexandru 2 1966 Théoremes de caractérisation en approximation convexe. Zbl 0165.14303 Laurent, P. J. 2 1968 A generalized gradient method of minimizing a functional on a non-linear surface with application to non-linear programming. Zbl 0213.17203 Altman, M. 2 1969 Equations non-linéaires d’évolution. Zbl 0281.34059 Pavel, Nicolae 3 1974 Über die Sätze von Hardy-Littlewood, Marcinkewicz-Littlewood-Paley, die ’Winkelapproximation’ und die Einbettung einiger Funktionenklassen. Zbl 0307.42004 Potapov, M. K. 3 1974 Deficient spline approximate solutions to linear differential equations of the second order. Zbl 0354.65037 Micula, Gh. 3 1974 Iterative construction of a solution of nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0282.65049 Petry, Walter 1 1974 One generalization of the Popoviciu’s theorem for Bernstein polynomials. Zbl 0346.41016 Popov, V. A.; Veselinov, V. M. 1 1974 The best constant in an integral inequality. Zbl 0285.26014 Lupas, Alexandru 20 1973 Equally spaced points for families of compact convex sets in Minkowski spaces. Zbl 0292.52004 Kramer, Horst; Nemeth, A. B. 6 1973 Über einen Einbettungssatz. Zbl 0271.46030 Potapov, M. K. 5 1973 Modules ordonnes injectifs. Zbl 0294.06019 Bigard, A. 3 1973 On compound duality classification schemes over cones. Zbl 0282.90024 Kortanek, K. O. 2 1973 Lokale Approximation unbeschränkter Funktionen und ihrer Ableitungen durch eine Klasse von Folgen linearer positiver Operatoren. Zbl 0294.41022 Walk, H. 2 1973 Sur les équations différentielles linéaires dans une classe d’espaces linéaires. Zbl 0291.39006 Benghia, D.; Neagu, M. 1 1973 On the mean ergodic theorem and approximation. Zbl 0292.47008 Leviatan, D.; Westphal, U. 1 1973 On the representation of functions by interpolatory polynomials. Zbl 0299.41004 Prasad, J.; Eckert, E. J. 1 1973 Some convergence theorems for set function integrals. Zbl 0298.28005 Appling, William D. L. 1 1973 Evaluation of a definite integral using Tschebyscheff approximation. Zbl 0337.65018 Basu, N. K. 9 1971 Classical, Cartesian and solution nets. Zbl 0262.20089 Taylor, M. A. 4 1971 Ein Kriterium zur Charakterisierung von Sonnen. Zbl 0249.41025 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Brosowski, Bruno 3 1971 Approximate integration near a simple pole using Tschebyscheff abscissae. Zbl 0313.65017 Basu, N. K. 2 1971 Interpolation of Lipschitz operators and metric spaces. Zbl 0217.44504 Peetre, J. 31 1970 Some new conditions of continuity of convex functions. Zbl 0217.37402 Ger, R. 3 1970 On starshapedness preserving properties of a class of linear positive operators. Zbl 0217.17501 Lupas, Luciana 3 1970 Zur Charakterisierung von Minimallösungen. Zbl 0219.41019 Breckner, W. W. 3 1970 Optimal paths in networks and generalizations. II. Zbl 0221.94054 Peteanu, Vasile 1 1970 Generalized Szasz operators for the approximation in the finite interval. Zbl 0188.36801 Jakimovski, Amnon; Leviatan, D. 90 1969 Une propriété de convexite généralisée dans la théorie de la représentation conforme. Zbl 0195.36401 Mocanu, Petru T. 74 1969 Fixpunktsätze in der Approximationstheorie. Zbl 0207.45502 Brosowski, B. 29 1969 About the extension of the domain of definition of the Chebyshev systems definde on intervals of the real axis. Zbl 0195.35101 Nemeth, A. B. 10 1969 Über die Konvergenzen nicht-ausdehnender Operatoren. Zbl 0208.16303 Shashkin, Yu. A. 3 1969 Zur nicht-linearen Tschebyscheff-Approximation an Funktionen mit Werten in einem unitären Raum. Zbl 0187.01901 Brosowski, B. 3 1969 A generalized gradient method of minimizing a functional on a non-linear surface with application to non-linear programming. Zbl 0213.17203 Altman, M. 2 1969 The solution of an interval equation. Zbl 0192.40305 Berţi, Ştefan N. 1 1969 Solutions bounded in the future for some systems of differential equations. Zbl 0201.11803 Muntean, Ioan 1 1969 Generalization of a certain function related to the partition function. Zbl 0212.34402 Gandhi, J. M. 1 1969 Über ein Interpolationsschema. Zbl 0209.37001 Cimoca, G. 1 1969 Optimal paths in networks and generalizations. I. Zbl 0239.05123 Peteanu, Vasile 1 1969 Certain properties of a generalized Whittaker transform. Zbl 0176.10202 Srivastava, H. M. 9 1968 On spline interpolation at all integer points of the real exis. Zbl 0183.33101 Schoenberg, I. J. 9 1968 Bemerkungen über die Existenz von Minimallösungen in normierten linearen Räumen. Zbl 0175.13303 Breckner, W. W. 8 1968 Problems and results on the convergence and divergence properties of the Lagrange interpolation polynomials and some extremal problems. Zbl 0159.35603 Erdős, Pál 7 1968 Collineations on quadrilaterals in projektive planes. Zbl 0184.23901 Rigby, J. F. 6 1968 Dualität bei Optimierungsaufgaben in topologischen Vektorräumen. Zbl 0213.45102 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumbán, I. 5 1968 Einige Approximationseigenschaften der Gammaoperatoren. Zbl 0183.32802 Muller, M. W. 3 1968 Bernstein polynomials of convex functions. Zbl 0176.34902 Horova, I. 3 1968 Über die Charakterisierung von Minimallösungen in linearen normierten Räumen. Zbl 0189.12502 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumban, I. 2 1968 Théoremes de caractérisation en approximation convexe. Zbl 0165.14303 Laurent, P. J. 2 1968 Stability and convergence criteria for non-linear parabolic difference equations. Zbl 0159.13704 Schechter, E. 2 1968 Linear positive operators of convex functions. Zbl 0186.11101 Horova, I. 1 1968 Lineare Randwertaufgaben und Approximationen von Funktionen. Zbl 0172.19901 Collatz, Lothar 1 1968 On the homology theory of graded semi-simplicial chain complexes. Zbl 0185.50902 Hanna, Azmi 1 1968 Über die Charakterisierung der Lösungen eines optimalen Approximationsproblems. Zbl 0184.09002 Kolumban, I. 1 1968 Approximationstheorie und Differentialgleichungen. Zbl 0162.11102 Hornich, H. 1 1968 Some properties of the linear positive operators. I. Zbl 0155.39201 Lupas, A. 11 1967 An algebra of the optimal path in networks. Zbl 0171.15305 Peteanu, V. 5 1967 Some properties of the linear positive operators. II. Zbl 0176.34901 Lupas, A. 5 1967 A property of the S.N. Bernstein operator. Zbl 0152.25003 Lupas, Luciana 4 1967 Les polynômes de Bernstein des fonctions convexes. Zbl 0153.39002 Kosmak, L. 3 1967 Sur les connexions compatibles à une structure métrique ou presque symplectique. Zbl 0166.17704 Cruceanu, V.; Miron, R. 2 1967 Approximation von Funktionen mittels trigonometrischer Polynome in bezug auf eine Metrik Hausdorffschen Typus. Zbl 0207.06802 Veselinov, V. M. 2 1967 Solutions presque-périodiques de certaines équations paraboliques. Zbl 0149.31505 Corduneanu, C. 2 1967 Integrals associated with generalized function of two variables. Zbl 0166.07302 Sharma, B. L. 1 1967 Fonctions de matrices à trois dimensions. Zbl 0178.03403 Brânzei, Mirela; Reischer, Corina 1 1967 Some theorems in operational calculus. Zbl 0179.16502 Sharma, B. L. 1 1967 Two generalizations of the Meyer-König und Zeller operator. Zbl 0184.09201 Cimoca, C.; Lupas, A. 1 1967 On linear positive operators of the Jackson type. Zbl 0153.17802 Schurer, F.; Steutel, F. W. 1 1967 Un théorème d’unicité pour l’équation fonctionnelle de Böttcher. Zbl 0163.38504 Kuczma, M. 1 1967 On variation diminishing spline approximation methods. Zbl 0171.31001 Marsden, M.; Schoenberg, I. J. 43 1966 On the construction of linear positive operators in approximation theory. Zbl 0168.30603 Schurer, F. 14 1966 Transformations of the Chebyshev systems. Zbl 0171.31101 Nemeth, A. B. 8 1966 Collineations on three and on four lines of projective planes over fields. Zbl 0149.38903 Aczél, János 8 1966 Über eine Methode der Überdeckung eines Gebietes und Ungleichungen für Polynome mehrerer Veränderlichen. Zbl 0173.12101 Nikol’skij, S. M. 7 1966 On some problems in the theory of the mechanical quadrature. Zbl 0171.31102 Turán, Pál 6 1966 Applications completement continues dans les espaces vectoriels topologiques. Zbl 0173.43301 Muntean, I. 5 1966 Über Potenzen von verallgemeinerten Bernstein-Operatoren. Zbl 0166.31801 Sikkema, P. C. 4 1966 On Bernstein power series. Zbl 0171.30902 Lupaş, Alexandru 2 1966 Sur lequation fonctionnelle de Böttcher. Zbl 0163.38503 Kuczma, M. 2 1966 A modification of the Newton-Kantorovitch method. Zbl 0173.43303 Sen, R. N. 1 1966 Sur un problème d’approximation optimale. Zbl 0178.16302 Kolumban, I. 1 1966 Convexity and starlikeness of conformal mappings. Zbl 0169.41102 Mocanu, P. T. 1 1966 Sur la résolution des équations opérationnelles nonlinéaires. Zbl 0202.43203 Jankó, B. 1 1966 La comparaison de la rapidité de convergence des approximations successives de la méthode de Newton avec la méthode de ’regula falsi’. Zbl 0207.47201 Golab, S. 1 1966 Über einige Eigenschaften der Hausdorffschen Metrik. Zbl 0158.04901 Sendov, Bl.; Popov, V. 1 1966 Sur une inégalité de N. Levinson. Zbl 0138.27303 Popovicin, T. 21 1965 Über eine Abschätzung der Approximation von Funktionen durch Polynome von S. N. Bernstein. Zbl 0166.31802 Sendov, B. 2 1965 Das Reihenfolgeproblem in der Fertigungsprogrammierung und Linearplannung mit logischen Bedingungen. Zbl 0137.38007 Nemeti, Ladislaus 1 1965 Sur un problème concernant les approximations successives d’une équation intégro-différentielle. Zbl 0144.16202 Golab, Stanislaw 1 1965 La simplicite du reste dans certaines formules de quadrature. Zbl 0141.13802 Popoviciu, T. 1 1965 Two joint distribution laws in the theory of order statistic. Zbl 0192.26104 Csaki, E.; Vincze, I. 3 1964 Die Lösung einer verallgemeinerten Bisymmetriegleichung. Zbl 0184.36902 Hosszu, M. 1 1964 Observations sur la suite des polynômes de S.N. Bernstein d’une function continue. Zbl 0125.03701 Moldovan, E. 6 1962 Sur certaines équations fonctionnelles considerees par I. Stamate. Zbl 0191.15502 Choczewski, B.; Kuczma, M. 2 1962 Sur les solutions positives d’un système d’équations linéaires. Zbl 0126.02701 Negrescu, L.; Nemeth, A.; Rus, T. 2 1962 On certain minima related to the Besicovitch-Kakeya problem. Zbl 0123.39103 Schoenberg, I. J. 1 1962 L’intégration d’une équation fonctionnelle. Zbl 0122.11801 Ghircoiasiu, N.; Roscau, H. 1 1962 Über die Eindeutigkeit der Fortsetzung linearer Funktionale. Zbl 0133.06601 Kolumban, I. 1 1962 Sur un cycle limite. Zbl 0127.04403 Munteanu, I. 1 1962 Sur la notion du ’champ traine’. Zbl 0134.38403 Golab, Stanislaw; Jakubowicz, A.; Kucharczyk, P. 1 1962 Sur quelques polynômes de type Bernstein. Zbl 0143.07903 Arama, O. 1 1962 On random subsets of a finite set. Zbl 0137.36201 Rényi, Alfréd 10 1961 Sur la conservation de l’allure de convexité d’une fonction par ses polynômes d’interpolation. Zbl 0192.16001 Popoviciu, Tiberiu 2 1961 ...and 97 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,404 Authors 29 Pečarić, Josip 20 Toda, Nobushige 16 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 12 Djurčić, Dragan Ž. 11 Acu, Ana Maria 11 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru 10 Bory Reyes, Juan 10 Khan, Khuram Ali 10 Mursaleen, Mohammad 9 Gal, Sorin Gheorghe 9 Pečaric, Đilda 9 Rajba, Teresa 8 Gupta, Vijay 8 Kočinac, Ljubiša D. R. 8 Milovanović, Gradimir V. 8 Niculescu, Constantin P. 8 Rașa, Ioan 7 Adeel, Muhammad 7 Cadena, Meitner 7 Kroó, András 7 Manojlović, Jelena V. 7 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 7 Wąsowicz, Szymon 6 Abreu-Blaya, Ricardo 6 Aczél, János Dezső 6 Alomari, Mohammad Wajeeh 6 Ansari, Khursheed Jamal 6 Bourdaud, Gérard 6 Bulboacă, Teodor 6 Ịçöz, Gürhan 6 Komisarski, Andrzej 6 Kuczma, Marek 6 Mühlbach, Günter W. 6 Müller, Manfred W. 6 Nasiruzzaman, Mohammad 6 Nikolov, Geno P. 6 Praljak, Marjan 6 Řehák, Pavel 6 Sokół, Janusz 6 Sucu, Sezgin 6 Zalik, Richard A. 5 Aktaş, Rabia 5 Baxhaku, Behar 5 Çekım, Bayram 5 Denuit, Michel M. 5 Korhonen, Risto 5 Marsden, Martin J. 5 Mishra, Vishnu Narayan 5 Noor, Khalida Inayat 5 Omey, Edward 5 Petrenko, V. P. 5 Sharma, Rajesh 5 Sickel, Winfried 5 Taşdelen, Fatma 5 Ueda, Hideharu 5 Vlasov, L. P. 5 Vukelić, Ana 5 Žižović, Mališa R. 4 Bingham, Nicholas Hugh 4 Bojanic, Ranko 4 Büyükyazıcı, İbrahim 4 Çanak, İbrahim 4 Chen, Wei 4 Cho, Nak Eun 4 Draux, André 4 Dziok, Jacek 4 Gonska, Heinz Herbert 4 Kravchenko, Vladislav Viktorovich 4 Kumar, Ajay 4 Lefèvre, Claude 4 Merentes, Nelson J. 4 Murach, Aleksandr A. 4 Pérez-de La Rosa, Marco Antonio 4 Shadrin, Alexei 4 Shahzad, Naseer 4 Singh, Gagandeep 4 Stancu, Dimitrie D. 4 Treglown, Andrew 4 Verma, Durvesh Kumar 4 Yan, Qiming 4 Zielke, Roland 3 Abbas, Mujahid 3 Atakut, Çiğdem 3 Berisha, Artan 3 Braha, Naim Latif 3 Brosowski, Bruno 3 Cao, Tingbin 3 Delanghe, Richard 3 Deniz, Erhan 3 Dörfler, Peter 3 Havel, Václav J. 3 Kanas, Stanisława R. 3 Kanovei, Vladimir G. 3 Khan, Asif Raza 3 Khan, Mohammad Kazim 3 Kowalski, Arnold 3 Kratz, Marie-France 3 Kumar, Shanmugam Sivaprasad 3 Kusano, Takaŝi 3 Kutateladze, Semën Samsonovich ...and 1,304 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 321 Journals 103 Journal of Approximation Theory 66 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 34 Aequationes Mathematicae 27 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 23 Mathematische Zeitschrift 21 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 20 Results in Mathematics 19 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 18 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 17 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 16 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 15 Mathematical Notes 15 Applied Mathematics and Computation 14 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 14 Numerische Mathematik 13 Calcolo 13 Kodai Mathematical Journal 11 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 11 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 10 Archiv der Mathematik 10 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis 10 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 10 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 9 Journal of Differential Equations 9 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 8 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 8 Mathematische Nachrichten 8 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 8 Siberian Mathematical Journal 8 Applied Mathematics Letters 8 Numerical Algorithms 8 Filomat 8 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 7 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 7 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 7 Linear Algebra and its Applications 7 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 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Serie II 5 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 5 Constructive Approximation 5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 Computational Methods and Function Theory 5 Advances in Difference Equations 5 Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 4 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 4 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 Acta Mathematica 4 Advances in Mathematics 4 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 4 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 4 Journal of Functional Analysis 4 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 4 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 4 Manuscripta Mathematica 4 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 4 Statistics & Probability Letters 4 Computer Aided Geometric Design 4 Historia Mathematica 4 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 4 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 4 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Function Spaces 4 Open Mathematics 3 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 3 Israel Journal of Mathematics 3 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 3 Automatica 3 Demonstratio Mathematica 3 Duke Mathematical Journal 3 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 3 Journal of Geometry 3 Monatshefte für Mathematik 3 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 3 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 3 Topology and its Applications 3 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 3 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 3 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 3 Random Structures & Algorithms 3 The Journal of Geometric Analysis ...and 221 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 57 Fields 355 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 204 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 177 Real functions (26-XX) 80 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 79 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 79 Functional analysis (46-XX) 74 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 70 Operator theory (47-XX) 58 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 55 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 44 Special functions (33-XX) 44 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 34 Number theory (11-XX) 34 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 33 Statistics (62-XX) 31 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 23 General topology (54-XX) 18 Combinatorics (05-XX) 18 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 17 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 17 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 17 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 15 Measure and integration (28-XX) 15 Differential geometry (53-XX) 14 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 13 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 12 Potential theory (31-XX) 12 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 11 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 11 Quantum theory (81-XX) 11 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 10 History and biography (01-XX) 9 Geometry (51-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 8 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 8 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 8 Integral equations (45-XX) 7 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 5 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year