Springer Series in Statistics Short Title: Springer Ser. Stat. Publisher: Springer, New York, NY ISSN: 0172-7397; 2197-568X/e Online: http://rd.springer.com/bookseries/692 Comments: Book series; partially numbered Documents Indexed: 217 Publications (since 1979) Latest Volumes 297 (2013) (1979-2023) all top 5 Authors / Editors 4 Ramsay, James O. 4 Reinsel, Gregory C. 4 Rosenbaum, Paul Richard 3 Brockwell, Peter John 3 Davis, Richard A. 3 Good, Phillip I. 3 Johnson, Norman Lloyd 3 Kotz, Samuel 3 Le Cam, Lucien Marie 3 Molenberghs, Geert 3 Rao, Calyampudi Radhakrishna 3 Silverman, Bernard W. 3 Tibshirani, Robert John 3 Toutenburg, Helge 3 Tutz, Gerhard E. 3 Van der Laan, Mark Johannes 3 Verbeke, Geert N. 2 Andersen, Per Kragh 2 Arnold, Barry Charles 2 Atkinson, Anthony C. 2 Berger, James Orvis 2 Berry, Kenneth J. 2 Borg, Ingwer 2 Borgan, Ørnulf 2 Bouvier, Annie 2 Chen, Minghui 2 Eggermont, Paul P. B. 2 Fahrmeir, Ludwig 2 Federer, Walter Theodore 2 Fienberg, Stephen Elliot 2 Friedman, Jerome Harold 2 Gill, Richard David 2 Groenen, Patrick J. F. 2 Gu, Chong 2 Hall, Peter Gavin 2 Härdle, Wolfgang Karl 2 Harrell, Frank E. jun. 2 Harrison, Jeff 2 Hastie, Trevor John 2 Heumann, Christian 2 Hoaglin, David C. 2 Huet, Sylvie 2 Ibrahim, Joseph George 2 Jiang, Jiming 2 Jolivet, Emmanuel 2 Keiding, Niels 2 Kitagawa, Genshiro 2 Kruskal, William H. 2 LaRiccia, Vincent N. 2 Liu, Jun S. 2 Marshall, Albert W. 2 Mielke, Paul W. jun. 2 Mosteller, Frederick 2 Notz, William I. 2 Olkin, Ingram 2 Reiss, Rolf-Dieter 2 Riani, Marco 2 Sachs, Lothar 2 Santner, Thomas J. 2 Sarndal, Carl Erik 2 Seneta, Eugene 2 Singer, Burton H. 2 Sutradhar, Brajendra Chandra 2 Swensson, Bengt 2 Tanner, Martin A. 2 Van der Vaart, Adrianus Willem 2 Wellner, Jon August 2 West, Mike 2 Williams, Brian J. 2 Wolter, Kirk M. 2 Wretman, Jan Hakan 2 Yaglom, Akiva Moiseevich 2 Yang, Grace L. 1 Alho, Juha M. 1 Anderson, William J. 1 Andrews, David F. 1 Anscombe, Francis John 1 Aoki, Satoshi 1 Bai, Zhi-Dong 1 Bailey, B. J. R. 1 Bartroff, Jay 1 Bathke, Arne C. 1 Berk, Richard A. 1 Bolfarine, Heleno 1 Brémaud, Pierre 1 Brennan, Robert L. 1 Brown, Emery N. 1 Brunner, Edgar 1 Bucklew, James Antonio 1 Bühlmann, Peter 1 Cappé, Olivier 1 Castillo, Enrique F. 1 Cerioli, Andrea 1 Chan, Kung-Sik 1 Choi, ByoungSeon 1 Chopin, Nicolas 1 Clarke, Bertrand S. 1 Coles, Stuart G. 1 Cressie, Noel A. C. 1 Daley, Daryl John ...and 191 more Authors all top 5 Fields 208 Statistics (62-XX) 34 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 23 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 History and biography (01-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 212 Publications have been cited 50,201 times in 40,399 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Weak convergence and empirical processes. With applications to statistics. Zbl 0862.60002 van der Vaart, Aad; Wellner, Jon A. 2,976 1996 An introduction to copulas. 2nd ed. Zbl 1152.62030 Nelsen, Roger B. 2,305 2006 The elements of statistical learning. Data mining, inference, and prediction. 2nd ed. Zbl 1273.62005 Hastie, Trevor; Tibshirani, Robert; Friedman, Jerome 2,097 2009 The elements of statistical learning. Data mining, inference, and prediction. Zbl 0973.62007 Hastie, Trevor; Tibshirani, Robert; Friedman, Jerome 1,652 2001 Functional data analysis. 2nd ed. Zbl 1079.62006 Ramsay, J. O.; Silverman, B. W. 1,636 2005 Stochastic orders. Zbl 1111.62016 Shaked, Moshe; Shantikumar, J. George 1,470 2007 Time series: theory and methods. 2nd ed. Zbl 0709.62080 Brockwell, Peter J.; Davis, Richard A. 1,316 1991 Principal component analysis. 2nd ed. Zbl 1011.62064 Jolliffe, I. T. 1,142 2002 Statistical models based on counting processes. Zbl 0769.62061 Andersen, Per Kragh; Borgan, Ørnulf; Gill, Richard D.; Keiding, Niels 1,113 1993 Nonparametric functional data analysis. Theory and practice. Zbl 1119.62046 Ferraty, Frédéric; Vieu, Philippe 1,088 2006 Extremes and related properties of random sequences and processes. Zbl 0518.60021 Leadbetter, M. R.; Lindgren, Georg; Rootzen, Holger 1,072 1983 Statistical decision theory and Bayesian analysis. 2nd ed. Zbl 0572.62008 Berger, James O. 1,062 1985 Convergence of stochastic processes. Zbl 0544.60045 Pollard, David 1,055 1984 Inequalities: theory of majorization and its applications. 2nd edition. Zbl 1219.26003 Marshall, Albert W.; Olkin, Ingram; Arnold, Barry C. 908 2011 Statistics for high-dimensional data. Methods, theory and applications. Zbl 1273.62015 Bühlmann, Peter; van de Geer, Sara 746 2011 Interpolation of spatial data. Some theory for kriging. Zbl 0924.62100 Stein, Michael L. 710 1999 The bootstrap and Edgeworth expansion. Zbl 0744.62026 Hall, Peter 618 1992 Introduction to nonparametric estimation. Zbl 1176.62032 Tsybakov, Alexandre B. 616 2009 An introduction to the theory of point processes. Zbl 0657.60069 Daley, D. J.; Vere-Jones, D. 614 1988 Inference for functional data with applications. Zbl 1279.62017 Horváth, Lajos; Kokoszka, Piotr 599 2012 An introduction to statistical modeling of extreme values. Zbl 0980.62043 Coles, Stuart 550 2001 Applied functional data analysis. Methods and case studies. Zbl 1011.62002 Ramsay, J. O.; Silverman, B. W. 550 2002 Non-negative matrices and Markov chains. 2nd ed. Zbl 0471.60001 Seneta, E. 548 1981 A distribution-free theory of nonparametric regression. Zbl 1021.62024 Györfi, László; Kohler, Michael; Krzyżak, Adam; Walk, Harro 536 2002 Spectral analysis of large dimensional random matrices. 2nd ed. Zbl 1301.60002 Bai, Zhidong; Silverstein, Jack W. 518 2010 The design and analysis of computer experiments. Zbl 1041.62068 Santner, Thomas J.; Williams, Brian J.; Notz, William I. 488 2003 Nonlinear time series. Nonparametric and parametric methods. Zbl 1014.62103 Fan, Jianqing; Yao, Qiwei 480 2003 Point processes and queues. Martingale dynamics. Zbl 0478.60004 Bremaud, Pierre 470 1981 Finite mixture and Markov switching models. Zbl 1108.62002 Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia 464 2006 Orthogonal arrays. Theory and applications. Zbl 0935.05001 Hedayat, A. S.; Sloane, N. J. A.; Stufken, John 446 1999 Functional data analysis. Zbl 0882.62002 Ramsay, J. O.; Silverman, B. W. 437 1997 Introduction to empirical processes and semiparametric inference. Zbl 1180.62137 Kosorok, Michael R. 431 2008 Inference in hidden Markov models. Zbl 1080.62065 Cappé, Olivier; Moulines, Eric; Rydén, Tobias 425 2005 Life distributions. Structure of nonparametric, semiparametric, and parametric families. Zbl 1304.62019 Marshall, Albert W.; Olkin, Ingram 422 2007 Non-negative matrices and Markov chains. Revised reprint of the 2nd ed. Zbl 1099.60004 Seneta, E. 422 2006 Asymptotic methods in statistical decision theory. Zbl 0605.62002 Le Cam, Lucien 417 1986 Monte Carlo strategies in scientific computing. Zbl 0991.65001 Liu, Jun S. 416 2001 Aspects of risk theory. Zbl 0717.62100 Grandell, Jan 406 1991 Linear mixed models for longitudinal data. Zbl 0956.62055 Verbeke, Geert; Molenberghs, Geert 388 2000 Sequential analysis. Tests and confidence intervals. Zbl 0573.62071 Siegmund, David 386 1985 Semiparametric theory and missing data. Zbl 1105.62002 Tsiatis, Anastasios A. 382 2006 Mass transportation problems. Vol. 1: Theory. Vol. 2: Applications. Zbl 0990.60500 Rachev, S. T.; Rüschendorf, Ludger 380 1998 Continuous-time Markov chains. An applications-oriented approach. Zbl 0731.60067 Anderson, William J. 376 1991 Model assisted survey sampling. Zbl 0742.62008 Särndal, Carl-Erik; Swensson, Bengt; Wretman, Jan 371 1992 Bayesian forecasting and dynamic models. 2nd ed. Zbl 0871.62026 West, Mike; Harrison, Jeff 366 1997 Subsampling. Zbl 0931.62035 Politis, Dimitris N.; Romano, Joseph P.; Wolf, Michael 345 1999 Statistical inference for ergodic diffusion processes. Zbl 1038.62073 Kutoyants, Yury A. 339 2004 The jackknife and bootstrap. Zbl 0947.62501 Shao, Jun; Tu, Dongsheng 319 1995 Bayesian survival analysis. Zbl 0978.62091 Ibrahim, Joseph G.; Chen, Ming-Hui; Sinha, Debajyoti 300 2001 Time series: theory and methods. Zbl 0604.62083 Brockwell, Peter J.; Davis, Richard A. 292 1987 Approximate distributions of order statistics. With applications to nonparametric statistics. Zbl 0682.62009 Reiss, R.-D. 284 1989 Resampling methods for dependent data. Zbl 1028.62002 Lahiri, S. N. 280 2003 Smoothing methods in statistics. Zbl 0859.62035 Simonoff, Jeffrey S. 273 1996 Models for discrete longitudinal data. Zbl 1093.62002 Molenberghs, Geert; Verbeke, Geert 264 2005 Goodness-of-fit statistics for discrete multivariate data. Zbl 0663.62065 Read, Timothy R. C.; Cressie, Noel A. C. 260 1988 Monte Carlo methods in Bayesian computation. Zbl 0949.65005 Chen, Ming-Hui; Shao, Qi-Man; Ibrahim, Joseph G. 230 2000 Modern multidimensional scaling. Theory and applications. 2nd ed. Zbl 1085.62079 Borg, Ingwer; Groenen, Patrick J. F. 229 2005 Nonparametric smoothing and lack-of-fit tests. Zbl 0886.62043 Hart, Jeffrey D. 229 1997 Unified methods for censored longitudinal data and causality. Zbl 1013.62034 van der Laan, Mark J.; Robins, James M. 224 2003 Observational studies. 2nd ed. Zbl 0985.62091 Rosenbaum, Paul R. 214 2002 Nonparametric and semiparametric models. Zbl 1059.62032 Härdle, Wolfgang; Müller, Marlene; Sperlich, Stefan; Werwatz, Axel 205 2004 Nonparametric curve estimation. Methods, theory, and applications. Zbl 0935.62039 Efromovich, Sam 205 1999 The multivariate normal distribution. Zbl 0689.62036 Tong, Y. L. 201 1990 Estimation of dependences based on empirical data. Transl. from the Russian by Samuel Kotz. Zbl 0499.62005 Vapnik, Vladimir 201 1982 Correlation theory of stationary and related random functions. Volume II: Supplementary notes and references. Zbl 0685.62078 Yaglom, A. M. 200 1987 Combinatorial methods in density estimation. Zbl 0964.62025 Devroye, Luc; Lugosi, Gábor 197 2001 Multivariate statistical modelling based on generalized linear models. 2nd ed. Zbl 0980.62052 Fahrmeir, Ludwig; Tutz, Gerhard 195 2001 Quasi-likelihood and its application. A general approach to optimal parameter estimation. Zbl 0879.62076 Heyde, Christopher C. 191 1997 Asymptotic theory of statistical inference for time series. Zbl 0955.62088 Taniguchi, Masanobu; Kakizawa, Yoshihide 186 2000 Data. A collection of problems from many fields for the student and research worker. Zbl 0567.62002 Andrews, D. F.; Herzberg, A. M. 183 1985 Monte Carlo strategies in scientific computing. 1st softcover printing. Zbl 1132.65003 Liu, Jun S. 180 2008 Bayesian nonparametrics. Zbl 1029.62004 Ghosh, J. K.; Ramamoorthi, R. V. 179 2003 Theory of statistics. Zbl 0834.62002 Schervish, Mark J. 171 1995 Partial identification of probability distributions. Zbl 1047.62001 Manski, Charles F. 165 2003 Statistical analysis of network data. Methods and models. Zbl 1277.62021 Kolaczyk, Eric D. 157 2009 Smoothing spline ANOVA models. Zbl 1051.62034 Gu, Chong 153 2002 Asymptotics in statistics. Some basic concepts. 2nd ed. Zbl 0952.62002 Le Cam, Lucien; Lo Yang, Grace 150 2000 Simultaneous statistical inference. 2nd ed. Zbl 0463.62002 Miller, Rupert G. jun. 148 1981 Tools for statistical inference. Methods for the exploration of posterior distributions and likelihood functions. 3rd ed. Zbl 0846.62001 Tanner, Martin A. 146 1996 Correlation theory of stationary and related random functions. Volume I: Basic results. Zbl 0685.62077 Yaglom, A. M. 141 1987 Information criteria and statistical modeling. Zbl 1172.62003 Konishi, Sadanori; Kitagawa, Genshiro 139 2008 Linear models. Least squares and alternatives. Zbl 0846.62049 Rao, C. Radhakrishna; Toutenburg, Helge 136 1995 Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo sampling. Zbl 1269.65001 Lemieux, Christiane 136 2009 Asymptotics in statistics: some basic concepts. Zbl 0719.62003 Le Cam, Lucien; Lo Yang, Grace 132 1990 Model-based geostatistics. Zbl 1132.86002 Diggle, Peter J.; Ribeiro, Paulo J. jun. 131 2007 Linear and generalized linear mixed models and their applications. Zbl 1152.62040 Jiang, Jiming 127 2007 Smoothing spline ANOVA models. 2nd ed. Zbl 1269.62040 Gu, Chong 127 2013 The bootstrap and Edgeworth expansion. Zbl 0829.62021 Hall, Peter 124 1992 Conditional specification of statistical models. Exp. up-to-date version of 1992 ed. Zbl 0932.62001 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 118 1999 Robust diagnostic regression analysis. Zbl 0964.62063 Atkinson, Anthony; Riani, Marco 118 2000 Regression modeling strategies. With applications to linear models, logistic regression and survival analysis. Zbl 0982.62063 Harrell, Frank E. jun. 114 2001 Functional and shape data analysis. Zbl 1376.62003 Srivastava, Anuj; Klassen, Eric P. 112 2016 Multivariate statistical modelling based on generalized linear models. With contributions by Wolfgang Hennevogl. Zbl 0809.62064 Fahrmeir, Ludwig; Tutz, Gerhard 111 1994 Design of observational studies. Zbl 1308.62005 Rosenbaum, Paul R. 109 2010 Scan statistics. Zbl 0983.62075 Glaz, Joseph; Naus, Joseph; Wallenstein, Sylvan 108 2001 The design and analysis of computer experiments. 2nd revised and enlarged edition. Zbl 1405.62110 Santner, Thomas J.; Williams, Brian J.; Notz, William I. 107 2018 Time series: Theory and methods. 2nd printing of the 1991 2nd ed. Zbl 1169.62074 Brockwell, Peter J.; Davis, Richard A. 106 2009 A modern theory of factorial designs. Zbl 1271.62179 Mukerjee, Rahul; Wu, C. F. Jeff 105 2006 Modern multidimensional scaling: theory and applications. Zbl 0862.62052 Borg, Ingwer; Groenen, Patrick 104 1997 Simulation and inference for stochastic differential equations. With R examples. Zbl 1210.62112 Iacus, Stefano M. 104 2008 Weak convergence and empirical processes. With applications to statistics. 2nd expanded edition. Zbl 1518.60001 van der Vaart, A. W.; Wellner, Jon A. 10 2023 Linear and generalized linear mixed models and their applications. 2nd updated edition. Zbl 1458.62004 Jiang, Jiming; Nguyen, Thuan 6 2021 An introduction to sequential Monte Carlo. Zbl 1453.62005 Chopin, Nicolas; Papaspiliopoulos, Omiros 61 2020 Design of observational studies. 2nd updated and expanded edition. Zbl 1450.62002 Rosenbaum, Paul R. 10 2020 Rank and pseudo-rank procedures for independent observations in factorial designs. Using R and SAS. Zbl 1455.62001 Brunner, Edgar; Bathke, Arne C.; Konietschke, Frank 12 2019 The design and analysis of computer experiments. 2nd revised and enlarged edition. Zbl 1405.62110 Santner, Thomas J.; Williams, Brian J.; Notz, William I. 107 2018 Shrinkage estimation. Zbl 1411.62011 Fourdrinier, Dominique; Strawderman, William E.; Wells, Martin T. 53 2018 Targeted learning in data science. Causal inference for complex longitudinal studies. Zbl 1408.62005 Van der Laan, Mark J.; Rose, Sherri 30 2018 Statistical analysis with measurement error or misclassification. Strategy, method and application. Zbl 1377.62012 Yi, Grace Y. 66 2017 Dynamic data analysis. Modeling data with differential equations. Zbl 1382.62001 Ramsay, James; Hooker, Giles 27 2017 Elements of nonlinear time series analysis and forecasting. Zbl 1376.62001 De Gooijer, Jan G. 10 2017 Mathematical statistics. Essays on history and methodology. Zbl 1384.62006 Pfanzagl, Johann 3 2017 Functional and shape data analysis. Zbl 1376.62003 Srivastava, Anuj; Klassen, Eric P. 112 2016 Modeling discrete time-to-event data. Zbl 1338.62006 Tutz, Gerhard; Schmid, Matthias 31 2016 Prior processes and their applications. Nonparametric Bayesian estimation. 2nd edition. Zbl 1358.62015 Phadia, Eswar G. 4 2016 Multivariate analysis with LISREL. Zbl 1454.62001 Jöreskog, Karl G.; Olsson, Ulf H.; Wallentin, Fan Y. 3 2016 Regression modeling strategies. With applications to linear models, logistic regression, and survival analysis. 2nd edition. Zbl 1330.62001 Harrell, Frank E. jun. 101 2015 Bayesian nonparametric data analysis. Zbl 1333.62003 Müller, Peter; Quintana, Fernando Andrés; Jara, Alejandro; Hanson, Tim 77 2015 Vector generalized linear and additive models. With an implementation in R. Zbl 1380.62006 Yee, Thomas W. 52 2015 The linear model and hypothesis. A general unifying theory. Zbl 1371.62002 Seber, George A. F. 3 2015 Analysis of neural data. Zbl 1404.62002 Kass, Robert E.; Eden, Uri T.; Brown, Emery N. 19 2014 Longitudinal categorical data analysis. Zbl 1303.62009 Sutradhar, Brajendra C. 13 2014 Smoothing spline ANOVA models. 2nd ed. Zbl 1269.62040 Gu, Chong 127 2013 The Gini methodology. A primer on a statistical methodology. Zbl 1292.62013 Yitzhaki, Shlomo; Schechtman, Edna 81 2013 Bayesian and frequentist regression methods. Zbl 1281.62014 Wakefield, Jon 26 2013 Sequential experimentation in clinical trials. Design and analysis. Zbl 1281.62001 Bartroff, Jay; Lai, Tze Leung; Shih, Mei-Chiung 23 2013 Inference for functional data with applications. Zbl 1279.62017 Horváth, Lajos; Kokoszka, Piotr 599 2012 Markov bases in algebraic statistics. Zbl 1304.62015 Aoki, Satoshi; Hara, Hisayuki; Takemura, Akimichi 42 2012 Inequalities: theory of majorization and its applications. 2nd edition. Zbl 1219.26003 Marshall, Albert W.; Olkin, Ingram; Arnold, Barry C. 908 2011 Statistics for high-dimensional data. Methods, theory and applications. Zbl 1273.62015 Bühlmann, Peter; van de Geer, Sara 746 2011 Dynamic mixed models for familial longitudinal data. Zbl 1277.62026 Sutradhar, Brajendra C. 40 2011 Spectral analysis of large dimensional random matrices. 2nd ed. Zbl 1301.60002 Bai, Zhidong; Silverstein, Jack W. 518 2010 Design of observational studies. Zbl 1308.62005 Rosenbaum, Paul R. 109 2010 Spatial statistics and modeling. Translated from the French by Kevin Bleakley. Zbl 1271.62214 Gaetan, Carlo; Guyon, Xavier 52 2010 Comparing distributions. Zbl 1234.62014 Thas, Olivier 40 2010 Recursive partitioning and applications. 2nd ed. Zbl 1271.62016 Zhang, Heping; Singer, Burton H. 20 2010 A comparison of the Bayesian and frequentist approaches to estimation. Zbl 1204.62028 Samaniego, Francisco J. 15 2010 The elements of statistical learning. Data mining, inference, and prediction. 2nd ed. Zbl 1273.62005 Hastie, Trevor; Tibshirani, Robert; Friedman, Jerome 2,097 2009 Introduction to nonparametric estimation. Zbl 1176.62032 Tsybakov, Alexandre B. 616 2009 Statistical analysis of network data. Methods and models. Zbl 1277.62021 Kolaczyk, Eric D. 157 2009 Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo sampling. Zbl 1269.65001 Lemieux, Christiane 136 2009 Time series: Theory and methods. 2nd printing of the 1991 2nd ed. Zbl 1169.62074 Brockwell, Peter J.; Davis, Richard A. 106 2009 Semiparametric and nonparametric methods in econometrics. Zbl 1278.62005 Horowitz, Joel L. 94 2009 Linear mixed models for longitudinal data. Paperback edition of the 2000 edition. Zbl 1162.62070 Verbeke, Geert; Molenberghs, Geert 70 2009 Maximum penalized likelihood estimation. Volume II: Regression. Zbl 1184.62063 Eggermont, Paul P. B.; LaRiccia, Vincent N. 27 2009 Principles and theory for data mining and machine learning. Zbl 1179.62004 Clarke, Bertrand; Fokoue, Ernest; Zhang, Hao Helen 17 2009 Introduction to empirical processes and semiparametric inference. Zbl 1180.62137 Kosorok, Michael R. 431 2008 Monte Carlo strategies in scientific computing. 1st softcover printing. Zbl 1132.65003 Liu, Jun S. 180 2008 Information criteria and statistical modeling. Zbl 1172.62003 Konishi, Sadanori; Kitagawa, Genshiro 139 2008 Simulation and inference for stochastic differential equations. With R examples. Zbl 1210.62112 Iacus, Stefano M. 104 2008 Linear models and generalizations. Least squares and alternatives. With contributions by Michael Schomaker. 3rd extended ed. Zbl 1151.62063 Rao, C. Radhakrishna; Toutenburg, Helge; Shalabh; Heumann, Christian 94 2008 Multiple testing procedures with applications to genomics. Zbl 1261.62014 Dudoit, Sandrine; van der Laan, Mark J. 84 2008 Forecasting with exponential smoothing. The state space approach. Zbl 1211.62165 Hyndman, R. J.; Koehler, Anne B.; Ord, J. Keith; Snyder, Ralph D. 80 2008 Bayesian reliability. Zbl 1165.62074 Hamada, Michael S.; Wilson, Alyson G.; Reese, C. Shane; Martz, Harry F. 51 2008 Statistical decision theory. Estimation, testing, and selection. Zbl 1154.62008 Liese, Friedrich; Miescke, Klaus-J. 42 2008 Statistical learning from a regression perspective. Zbl 1258.62047 Berk, Richard A. 21 2008 Stochastic orders. Zbl 1111.62016 Shaked, Moshe; Shantikumar, J. George 1,470 2007 Life distributions. Structure of nonparametric, semiparametric, and parametric families. Zbl 1304.62019 Marshall, Albert W.; Olkin, Ingram 422 2007 Model-based geostatistics. Zbl 1132.86002 Diggle, Peter J.; Ribeiro, Paulo J. jun. 131 2007 Linear and generalized linear mixed models and their applications. Zbl 1152.62040 Jiang, Jiming 127 2007 Correlated data analysis: modeling, analytics, and applications. Zbl 1132.62002 Song, Peter X.-K. 97 2007 Multiscale modeling. A Bayesian perspective. Zbl 1183.62046 Ferreira, Marco A. R.; Lee, Herbert K. H. 22 2007 Permutation methods. A distance function approach. 2nd ed. Zbl 1291.62013 Mielke, Paul W. jun.; Berry, Kenneth J. 18 2007 Reliability, life testing, and the prediction of service lives. For engineers and scientists. Zbl 1120.62089 Saunders, Sam C. 17 2007 Indirect sampling. Zbl 1183.62015 Lavallée, Pierre 8 2007 An introduction to copulas. 2nd ed. Zbl 1152.62030 Nelsen, Roger B. 2,305 2006 Nonparametric functional data analysis. Theory and practice. Zbl 1119.62046 Ferraty, Frédéric; Vieu, Philippe 1,088 2006 Finite mixture and Markov switching models. Zbl 1108.62002 Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia 464 2006 Non-negative matrices and Markov chains. Revised reprint of the 2nd ed. Zbl 1099.60004 Seneta, E. 422 2006 Semiparametric theory and missing data. Zbl 1105.62002 Tsiatis, Anastasios A. 382 2006 A modern theory of factorial designs. Zbl 1271.62179 Mukerjee, Rahul; Wu, C. F. Jeff 105 2006 Sampling algorithms. Zbl 1099.62009 Tillé, Yves 77 2006 Statistical analysis of environmental space-time processes. Zbl 1102.62126 Le, Nhu D.; Zidek, James V. 35 2006 Selected papers of Frederick Mosteller. Zbl 1217.01037 Mosteller, Frederick 5 2006 Functional data analysis. 2nd ed. Zbl 1079.62006 Ramsay, J. O.; Silverman, B. W. 1,636 2005 Inference in hidden Markov models. Zbl 1080.62065 Cappé, Olivier; Moulines, Eric; Rydén, Tobias 425 2005 Models for discrete longitudinal data. Zbl 1093.62002 Molenberghs, Geert; Verbeke, Geert 264 2005 Modern multidimensional scaling. Theory and applications. 2nd ed. Zbl 1085.62079 Borg, Ingwer; Groenen, Patrick J. F. 229 2005 Permutation, parametric and bootstrap tests of hypotheses. 3rd ed. Zbl 1076.62043 Good, Phillip 60 2005 Statistical demography and forecasting. Zbl 1080.62103 Alho, Juha M.; Spencer, Bruce D. 15 2005 Statistical inference for ergodic diffusion processes. Zbl 1038.62073 Kutoyants, Yury A. 339 2004 Nonparametric and semiparametric models. Zbl 1059.62032 Härdle, Wolfgang; Müller, Marlene; Sperlich, Stefan; Werwatz, Axel 205 2004 Introduction to rare event simulation. Zbl 1057.65002 Bucklew, James Antonio 102 2004 Exploring multivariate data with the forward search. Zbl 1049.62057 Atkinson, Anthony C.; Riani, Marco; Cerioli, Andrea 66 2004 Statistical tools for nonlinear regression. A practical guide with S-PLUS and R examples. 2nd ed. Zbl 1041.62053 Huet, Sylvie; Bouvier, Annie; Poursat, M.-A.; Jolivet, Emmanuel 23 2004 The design and analysis of computer experiments. Zbl 1041.62068 Santner, Thomas J.; Williams, Brian J.; Notz, William I. 488 2003 Nonlinear time series. Nonparametric and parametric methods. Zbl 1014.62103 Fan, Jianqing; Yao, Qiwei 480 2003 Resampling methods for dependent data. Zbl 1028.62002 Lahiri, S. N. 280 2003 Unified methods for censored longitudinal data and causality. Zbl 1013.62034 van der Laan, Mark J.; Robins, James M. 224 2003 Bayesian nonparametrics. Zbl 1029.62004 Ghosh, J. K.; Ramamoorthi, R. V. 179 2003 Partial identification of probability distributions. Zbl 1047.62001 Manski, Charles F. 165 2003 Model assisted survey sampling. First paperback edition. Zbl 1027.62004 Särndal, Carl-Erik; Swensson, Bengt; Wretman, Jan 71 2003 Exact statistical methods for data analysis. First softcover printing. Zbl 1050.62003 Weerahandi, Samaradasa 29 2003 Elements of multivariate time series analysis. 2nd, first softcover printing. Zbl 1047.62078 Reinsel, Gregory C. 16 2003 Sample survey theory. Some Pythagorean perspectives. Zbl 1015.62002 Knottnerus, Paul 8 2003 Introduction to variance estimation. First softcover printing. Zbl 1050.62014 Wolter, Kirk M. 5 2003 Principal component analysis. 2nd ed. Zbl 1011.62064 Jolliffe, I. T. 1,142 2002 Applied functional data analysis. Methods and case studies. Zbl 1011.62002 Ramsay, J. O.; Silverman, B. W. 550 2002 A distribution-free theory of nonparametric regression. Zbl 1021.62024 Györfi, László; Kohler, Michael; Krzyżak, Adam; Walk, Harro 536 2002 Observational studies. 2nd ed. Zbl 0985.62091 Rosenbaum, Paul R. 214 2002 ...and 112 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 42,208 Authors 195 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 99 Molenberghs, Geert 86 Li, Xiaohu 80 Vieu, Philippe 78 Dette, Holger 78 Van Keilegom, Ingrid 77 Zhu, Lixing 74 Bouzebda, Salim 74 Zhao, Peng 73 Fernández-Sánchez, Juan 73 Politis, Dimitris Nicolas 69 Lian, Heng 67 Mesiar, Radko 66 Durante, Fabrizio 66 Laksaci, Ali 66 Sun, Jianguo 63 Kohler, Michael 61 Van der Laan, Mark Johannes 60 Nadarajah, Saralees 57 Kokoszka, Piotr S. 57 Mateu, Jorge 55 Cha, Ji Hwan 55 Porcu, Emilio 55 Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 55 Verbeke, Geert N. 54 Fan, Jianqing 54 Hall, Peter Gavin 53 González-Manteiga, Wenceslao 53 Hallin, Marc 52 Genest, Christian 52 Müller, Hans-Georg 51 Cao, Jiguo 50 Pardo, Leandro 49 De Baets, Bernard 49 Finkelstein, Maxim 49 Hashorva, Enkelejd 49 Zhang, Yiying 49 Zhou, Yong 48 Genton, Marc G. 48 Shang, Han Lin 47 Bühlmann, Peter 47 Mikosch, Thomas 47 Navarro, Jorge 47 Small, Dylan S. 46 Efromovich, Sam 46 Morales, Domingo 46 Van de Geer, Sara Anna 46 Zhu, Hongtu 45 Horváth, Lajos 45 Wellner, Jon August 44 Cai, Tianwen 44 Falk, Michael 44 Lahiri, Soumendra Nath 44 Louzada-Neto, Francisco 44 Luo, Zhendong 44 Mukhopadhyay, Nitis 44 Niezgoda, Marek 43 Davis, Richard A. 43 Ibrahim, Joseph George 43 Jasra, Ajay 43 Tutz, Gerhard E. 42 Barmalzan, Ghobad 42 Liang, Hua 42 Segers, Johan 42 Sutradhar, Brajendra Chandra 41 Bai, Zhi-Dong 41 Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho 41 Härdle, Wolfgang Karl 41 Hu, Taizhong 41 Liu, Min-Qian 41 McElroy, Tucker S. 41 Song, Xinyuan 41 Sun, Liuquan 41 Taniguchi, Masanobu 41 Yi, Grace Yun 40 Mendelson, Shahar 39 Gijbels, Irène 39 Kosorok, Michael R. 39 Linton, Oliver Bruce 39 Paparoditis, Efstathios 39 Tan, Zhongquan 38 Dey, Dipak Kumar 38 Gao, Jiti 38 Ghosal, Subhashis 38 Lee, Sangyeol 38 Ma, Chunsheng 37 Bücher, Axel 37 Krzyżak, Adam 37 Song, Peter Xue-Kun 37 Van der Vaart, Adrianus Willem 36 Asadi, Majid 36 Carroll, Raymond James 36 Ferraty, Frédéric 36 Ma, Yanyuan 35 Berger, James Orvis 35 Cancho, Vicente Garibay 35 Czado, Claudia 35 Rachdi, Mustapha 35 Schmid, Wolfgang 35 Shen, Pao-Sheng ...and 42,108 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 1,073 Journals 1,485 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1,330 Communications in Statistics. 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ADAC 119 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 118 Applied Mathematics and Computation 118 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 117 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 116 Neural Networks 116 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 114 Sankhyā. Series A 114 Bayesian Analysis 113 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 113 Quantitative Finance 111 Dependence Modeling 110 Technometrics 109 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 109 Statistical Methodology 103 The American Statistician 99 Journal of Statistical Physics 98 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 96 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 96 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 89 Physica A 89 Neural Computation 87 Econometrica 86 Applied Mathematical Modelling 85 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. 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