Topology and its ApplicationsA Journal Devoted to General, Geometric, Set-Theoretic and Algebraic Topology Short Title: Topology Appl. Publisher: Elsevier (North-Holland), Amsterdam ISSN: 0166-8641 Online: Predecessor: General Topology and its Applications Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 8,913 Publications (since 1980) References Indexed: 8,370 Publications with 143,173 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 360 (2025) 359, Part B (2025) 359, Part A (2025) 358 (2024) 357 (2024) 356 (2024) 355 (2024) 354 (2024) 353 (2024) 352 (2024) 351 (2024) 350 (2024) 349 (2024) 348 (2024) 347 (2024) 346 (2024) 345 (2024) 344 (2024) 343 (2024) 342 (2024) 341 (2024) 340 (2023) 339, Part B (2023) 339, Part A (2023) 338 (2023) 337 (2023) 336 (2023) 335 (2023) 334 (2023) 333 (2023) 332 (2023) 331 (2023) 330 (2023) 329 (2023) 328 (2023) 327 (2023) 326 (2023) 325 (2023) 324 (2023) 323 (2023) 322 (2022) 321 (2022) 320 (2022) 319 (2022) 318 (2022) 317 (2022) 316 (2022) 315 (2022) 314 (2022) 313 (2022) 312 (2022) 311 (2022) 310 (2022) 309 (2022) 308 (2022) 307 (2022) 306 (2022) 305 (2022) 304 (2021) 303 (2021) 302 (2021) 301 (2021) 300 (2021) 299 (2021) 298 (2021) 297 (2021) 296 (2021) 295 (2021) 294 (2021) 293 (2021) 292 (2021) 291 (2021) 290 (2021) 289 (2021) 288 (2021) 287 (2021) 286 (2020) 285 (2020) 284 (2020) 283 (2020) 282 (2020) 281 (2020) 280 (2020) 279 (2020) 278 (2020) 277 (2020) 276 (2020) 275 (2020) 274 (2020) 273 (2020) 272 (2020) 271 (2020) 270 (2020) 269 (2020) 268 (2019) 267 (2019) 266 (2019) 265 (2019) 264 (2019) 263 (2019) ...and 554 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 93 van Mill, Jan 71 Arkhangel’skiĭ, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 71 Dow, Alan S. 71 Tkachenko, Mikhail Gelievich 67 Banakh, Taras Onufrievich 62 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 60 Repovš, Dušan D. 56 Lin, Shou 53 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 52 Peng, Liangxue 47 van Douwen, Eric K. 45 García-Ferreira, Salvador 45 Illanes Mejia, Alejandro 44 Gruenhage, Gary Fred 44 Iliadis, Stavros D. 43 Juhász, István 35 Bella, Angelo 35 Tomita, Artur Hideyuki 34 Shakhmatov, Dmitri B. 34 Tkachuk, Vladimir Vladimirovich 33 Hušek, Miroslav 33 Lin, Fucai 32 Dranishnikov, Alexander Nikolaevich 32 Kemoto, Nobuyuki 31 Gartside, Paul M. 31 Nogura, Tsugunori 31 Tall, Franklin D. 31 Valov, Vesko M. 31 Yajima, Yukinobu 30 Comfort, William Wistar 30 Dydak, Jerzy 30 Gutev, Valentin Goutev 30 Kato, Hisao 29 Charatonik, Włodzimierz J. 29 Liu, Chuan 29 Macías, Sergio 29 Sakai, Masami 29 Watson, William Stephen 28 Soukup, Lajos 28 Xie, Lihong 27 Chigogidze, Alex Ch. 27 Georgiou, Dimitrios N. 27 Gonçalves, Daciberg Lima 27 Kočinac, Ljubiša D. R. 26 Choban, Mitrofan Mihailovich 25 Antonyan, Sergey A. 25 He, Wei 25 Mardešić, Sibe 25 Sanchis, Manuel 25 Scheepers, Marion 25 Szentmiklóssy, Zoltán 24 Kunen, Kenneth 24 Nyikos, Peter J. 24 Pelant, Jan 24 Song, Yankui 24 Tamariz-Mascarúa, Angel 24 Xu, Xiaoquan 23 Fedorchuk, Vitaly Vitalievich 23 Gabriyelyan, Saak S. 23 Protasov, Igor Volodymyrovych 22 Daverman, Robert J. 22 Dube, Themba Andrew 22 Hart, Klaas Pieter 22 Hattori, Yasunao 22 Lutzer, David J. 22 Romaguera Bonilla, Salvador 22 Szeptycki, Paul J. 22 Tsaban, Boaz 21 Lowen, Robert 21 Sánchez, Iván 21 Wilson, Richard Gordon 21 Zarichnyi, Michael Mikhailovich 20 Bennett, Harold R. 20 Holá, Ľubica 20 Kawamura, Kazuhiro 20 Kawauchi, Akio 20 Sakai, Katsuro 20 Todorcevic, Stevo B. 20 Xuan, Weifeng 19 Burke, Dennis K. 19 Hager, Anthony W. 19 Jordan, Francis 19 Junnila, Heikki J. K. 19 Keesling, James Edgar 19 Le Donne, Attilio 19 Osipov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 19 Pellicer-Covarrubias, Patricia 19 Shelah, Saharon 18 Bouziad, Ahmed 18 Cao, Jiling 18 Charatonik, Janusz Jerzy 18 Fedeli, Alessandro 18 Good, Chris 18 Hrušák, Michael 18 Kopperman, Ralph David 18 Reznichenko, Evgenii A. 18 Strauss, Dona 17 Balogh, Zoltan T. 17 Bonanzinga, Maddalena 17 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. ...and 5,538 more Authors all top 5 Fields 5,529 General topology (54-XX) 2,256 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1,422 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 672 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 655 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 622 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 479 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 465 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 397 Functional analysis (46-XX) 396 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 226 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 215 Measure and integration (28-XX) 213 Differential geometry (53-XX) 195 Combinatorics (05-XX) 168 Real functions (26-XX) 163 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 145 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 120 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 118 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 115 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 102 Operator theory (47-XX) 78 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 76 Computer science (68-XX) 74 Geometry (51-XX) 71 History and biography (01-XX) 66 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 64 Number theory (11-XX) 57 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 55 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 51 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 33 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 31 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 26 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 24 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 19 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 19 Quantum theory (81-XX) 18 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 17 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 16 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 10 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 10 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 10 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 9 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 9 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 8 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Statistics (62-XX) 5 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 6,749 Publications have been cited 41,739 times in 21,592 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Combinatorics of open covers. I: Ramsey theory. Zbl 0848.54018 Scheepers, Marion 212 1996 The combinatorics of open covers. II. Zbl 0870.03021 Just, Winfried; Miller, Arnold W.; Scheepers, Marion; Szeptycki, Paul J. 201 1996 Some properties of C(X). I. Zbl 0503.54020 Gerlits, J.; Nagy, Zs. 195 1982 Generalized contractions on partial metric spaces. Zbl 1207.54052 Altun, Ishak; Sola, Ferhan; Simsek, Hakan 194 2010 Computer graphics and connected topologies on finite ordered sets. Zbl 0709.54017 Khalimsky, Efim; Kopperman, Ralph; Meyer, Paul R. 187 1990 Devaney’s chaos or 2-scattering implies Li-Yorke’s chaos. Zbl 0997.54061 Huang, Wen; Ye, Xiangdong 183 2002 Statistical convergence in topology. Zbl 1155.54004 Di Maio, Giuseppe; Kočinac, Ljubiša D. R. 157 2008 Reducing Heegaard splittings. Zbl 0632.57010 Casson, A. J.; Gordon, C. McA. 151 1987 Partial Hausdorff metric and Nadler’s fixed point theorem on partial metric spaces. Zbl 1252.54027 Aydi, Hassen; Abbas, Mujahid; Vetro, Calogero 126 2012 Closure operators. I. Zbl 0634.54008 Dikranjan, Dikran; Giuli, Eraldo 112 1987 Star covering properties. Zbl 0743.54007 van Douwen, Eric K.; Reed, G. M.; Roscoe, A. W.; Tree, I. J. 111 1991 Coxeter complexes and graph-associahedra. Zbl 1099.52001 Carr, Michael; Devadoss, Satyan L. 100 2006 Topology and descriptive set theory. Zbl 0805.54035 Kechris, Alexander S. 96 1994 Fixed point theorems in \(\mathbb R\)-trees with applications to graph theory. Zbl 1095.54012 Espínola, R.; Kirk, W. A. 91 2006 Automorphisms of complexes of curves on punctured spheres and on punctured tori. Zbl 0926.57012 Korkmaz, Mustafa 82 1999 Products of fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0422.54006 Hutton, Bruce 79 1980 Fixed point theorems for generalized contractions on partial metric spaces. Zbl 1232.54039 Romaguera, Salvador 77 2012 On triangulations of surfaces. Zbl 0727.57012 Hatcher, Allen E. 76 1991 Suzuki’s type characterizations of completeness for partial metric spaces and fixed points for partially ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1241.54035 Paesano, Daniela; Vetro, Pasquale 75 2012 Biquandles and virtual links. Zbl 1063.57006 Fenn, Roger; Jordan-Santana, Mercedes; Kauffman, Louis 74 2004 Asymptotic dimension. Zbl 1149.54017 Bell, G.; Dranishnikov, A. 73 2008 \(\gamma\)-sets and other singular sets of real numbers. Zbl 0551.54001 Galvin, Fred; Miller, Arnold W. 73 1984 Be careful on partial metric fixed point results. Zbl 1267.54044 Haghi, R. H.; Rezapour, Sh.; Shahzad, N. 72 2013 Embedding knots and links in an open book. I: Basic properties. Zbl 0845.57004 Cromwell, Peter R. 68 1995 Some fixed point results on a metric space with a graph. Zbl 1237.54042 Aleomraninejad, S. M. A.; Rezapour, Sh.; Shahzad, N. 65 2012 Classes defined by stars and neighbourhood assignments. Zbl 1131.54022 van Mill, J.; Tkachuk, V. V.; Wilson, R. G. 65 2007 Proximal pointwise contraction. Zbl 1180.47035 Anuradha, J.; Veeramani, P. 65 2009 Quasi-metric properties of complexity spaces. Zbl 0941.54028 Romaguera, S.; Schellekens, M. 64 1999 Instabilities of robot motion. Zbl 1106.68107 Farber, Michael 63 2004 Inverse limits with subsets of \([0,1]\times[0,1]\). Zbl 1078.54021 Mahavier, William S. 63 2004 The Hausdorff separation axiom for fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0484.54008 Rodabaugh, S. E. 62 1980 Topological methods in surface dynamics. Zbl 0810.54031 Boyland, Philip 62 1994 On higher analogs of topological complexity. Zbl 1187.55001 Rudyak, Yuli B. 61 2010 Monotone normality. Zbl 0769.54022 Balogh, Z.; Rudin, M. E. 61 1992 Applications of maximal topologies. Zbl 0845.54028 van Douwen, Eric K. 60 1993 Completeness properties of function spaces. Zbl 0621.54011 McCoy, R. A.; Ntantu, I. 59 1986 Paratopological and semitopological groups versus topological groups. Zbl 1077.54023 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Reznichenko, E. A. 58 2005 The combinatorial structure of the Hawaiian earring group. Zbl 0955.57002 Cannon, J. W.; Conner, G. R. 58 2000 A characterization of adding machine maps. Zbl 1052.37010 Block, Louis; Keesling, James 57 2004 Various shadowing properties for positively expansive maps. Zbl 1024.37016 Sakai, Kazuhiro 56 2003 On coincidence point and fixed point theorems for nonlinear multivalued maps. Zbl 1231.54021 Du, Wei-Shih 55 2012 Thickness of knots. Zbl 0924.57011 Litherland, R. A.; Simon, J.; Durumeric, O.; Rawdon, E. 55 1999 Invariants of knots and 3-manifolds from quantum groupoids. Zbl 1021.16026 Nikshych, Dmitri; Turaev, Vladimir; Vainerman, Leonid 55 2003 Complete cohomological functors on groups. Zbl 0656.16013 Gedrich, T. V.; Gruenberg, K. W. 54 1987 Properly injective spaces and function spaces. Zbl 0922.06008 Hötzel Escardó, Martín 53 1998 The maximal totally bounded group topology on G and the biggest minimal G-space, for Abelian groups G. Zbl 0696.22003 van Douwen, Eric K. 52 1990 On the fundamental groups of one-dimensional spaces. Zbl 1105.55008 Cannon, J. W.; Conner, G. R. 52 2006 Open-closed strings: Two-dimensional extended TQFTs and Frobenius algebras. Zbl 1158.57038 Lauda, Aaron D.; Pfeiffer, Hendryk 51 2008 Almost alternating links. Zbl 0766.57003 Adams, Colin C.; Brock, Jeffrey F.; Bugbee, John; Comar, Timothy D.; Faigin, Keith A.; Huston, Amy M.; Joseph, Anne M.; Pesikoff, David 51 1992 Variations of selective separability. Zbl 1168.54009 Bella, Angelo; Bonanzinga, Maddalena; Matveev, Mikhail 50 2009 The Gromov topology on \({\mathbb{R}}\)-trees. Zbl 0675.20033 Paulin, Frédéric 50 1989 Shadowing is generic. Zbl 0973.54035 Pilyugin, S. Yu.; Plamenevskaya, O. B. 49 1999 The knots in \(D^ 2\times S^ 1\) which have nontrivial Dehn surgeries that yield \(D^ 2\times S^ 1\). Zbl 0725.57001 Berge, John 49 1991 Introduction to topological groups. Zbl 0955.54013 Tkačenko, Mikhail 49 1998 The equisymmetric stratification of the moduli space and the Krull dimension of mapping class groups. Zbl 0747.32017 Broughton, S. Allen 49 1990 Paraholomorphic B-manifold and its properties. Zbl 1112.53019 Salimov, A. A.; Iscan, M.; Etayo, F. 48 2007 Topological invariance of intersection homology without sheaves. Zbl 0568.55003 King, Henry C. 47 1985 Partial metric monoids and semivaluation spaces. Zbl 1084.22002 Romaguera, Salvador; Schellekens, Michel 47 2005 Tate cohomology for arbitrary groups via satellites. Zbl 0810.20040 Mislin, Guido 47 1994 Dendrites with a closed set of end points. Zbl 0979.54035 Arévalo, Daniel; Charatonik, Włodzimierz J.; Pellicer Covarrubias, Patricia; Simón, Likin 47 2001 On completeness in quasi-metric spaces. Zbl 0668.54019 Doitchinov, Doitchin 47 1988 Kontsevich’s integral for the Homfly polynomial and relations between values of multiple zeta functions. Zbl 0839.57007 Le, Tu Quoc Thang; Murakami, Jun 47 1995 Family of energy functionals of knots. Zbl 0769.57006 O’Hara, Jun 47 1992 Stone-type theorem on \(b\)-metric spaces and applications. Zbl 1322.54014 Tran Van An; Luong Quoc Tuyen; Nguyen Van Dung 47 2015 Totally Lindelöf and totally \(\omega \)-narrow paratopological groups. Zbl 1138.54029 Sanchis, Manuel; Tkachenko, Mikhail 46 2008 Embedding paratopological groups into topological products. Zbl 1166.54016 Tkachenko, Mikhail 45 2009 Incompressible surfaces in punctured-torus bundles. Zbl 0493.57004 Floyd, W.; Hatcher, Allen E. 45 1982 Comparing Cartesian closed categories of (core) compactly generated spaces. Zbl 1066.54028 Escardó, Martín; Lawson, Jimmie; Simpson, Alex 45 2004 Infinite distributive laws versus local connectedness and compactness properties. Zbl 1190.54022 Erné, Marcel 44 2009 Monotone generalized contractions in partially ordered probabilistic metric spaces. Zbl 1206.54039 Ćirić, Lj. B.; Miheţ, D.; Saadati, R. 43 2009 Asymmetry and duality in topology. Zbl 0858.54001 Kopperman, Ralph 43 1995 Classification of knot projections. Zbl 0516.57002 Dowker, C. H.; Thistlethwaite, Morwen B. 43 1983 Spectral decomposition for topologically Anosov homeomorphisms on noncompact and non-metrizable spaces. Zbl 1293.37011 Das, Tarun; Lee, Keonhee; Richeson, David; Wiseman, Jim 43 2013 Stationary strategies in topological games. Zbl 0581.90108 Galvin, Fred; Telgársky, Rastislav 42 1986 On minimal actions of Polish groups. Zbl 0923.54030 Glasner, Eli 42 1998 On subgroups of minimal topological groups. Zbl 1166.22002 Uspenskij, Vladimir V. 42 2008 Incompressible planar surfaces in 3-manifolds. Zbl 0554.57010 Gordon, C. McA.; Litherland, R. A. 42 1984 On primitive sets of loops in the boundary of a handlebody. Zbl 0634.57007 Gordon, C. McA. 41 1987 Answer to Raczkowski’s questions on convergent sequences of integers. Zbl 1022.22001 Barbieri, Giuseppina; Dikranjan, Dikran; Milan, Chiara; Weber, Hans 41 2003 Chain recurrence rates and topological entropy. Zbl 1151.37304 Richeson, David; Wiseman, Jim 40 2008 Remainders in compactifications and generalized metrizability properties. Zbl 1075.54012 Arhangel’skii, A. V. 40 2005 Universal spaces for asymptotic dimension. Zbl 1063.54027 Dranishnikov, A.; Zarichnyi, M. 40 2004 Extension of functions defined on products of pseudocompact spaces and continuity of the inverse in pseudocompact groups. Zbl 0835.22001 Reznichenko, E. A. 40 1994 A note on the Arens’ space and sequential fan. Zbl 0885.54019 Lin, Shou 39 1997 Factorization theorems for topological groups and their applications. Zbl 0722.54039 Tkachenko, Michael G. 39 1991 Cobordisms of semi-boundary links. Zbl 0561.57012 Sato, Nobuyuki 39 1984 Thickness and crossing number of knots. Zbl 0924.57012 Buck, Gregory; Simon, Jonathan 39 1999 Fixed point results for multimaps in CAT(0) spaces. Zbl 1175.47049 Shahzad, Naseer 38 2009 On Haar meager sets. Zbl 1278.54016 Darji, Udayan B. 38 2013 Topology, domain theory and theoretical computer science. Zbl 0923.54027 Mislove, Michael W. 38 1998 When does the Fell topology on a hyperspace of closed sets coincide with the meet of the upper Kuratowski and the lower Vietoris topologies? Zbl 0848.54007 Nogura, Tsugunori; Shakhmatov, Dmitri 38 1996 Factorizations, denseness, separation, and relatively compact objects. Zbl 0629.18003 Herrlich, Horst; Salicrup, G.; Strecker, George E. 37 1987 OCA and automorphisms of \({\mathfrak P}(\omega)/\text{fin}\). Zbl 0785.03033 Velickovic, Boban 37 1993 New and old facts about entropy in uniform spaces and topological groups. Zbl 1242.54005 Dikranjan, Dikran; Sanchis, Manuel; Virili, Simone 37 2012 Resolvability: A selective survey and some new results. Zbl 0866.54004 Comfort, W. W.; García-Ferreira, Salvador 37 1996 Markov’s theorem in 3-manifolds. Zbl 0879.57007 Lambropoulou, Sofia; Rourke, Colin P. 37 1997 Concepts of digital topology. Zbl 0780.57008 Kong, T. Y.; Roscoe, A. W.; Rosenfeld, A. 37 1992 The combinatorics of Borel covers. Zbl 1025.03042 Scheepers, Marion; Tsaban, Boaz 36 2002 Implications of pseudo-orbit tracing property for continuous maps on compacta. Zbl 1235.54018 Moothathu, T. K. Subrahmonian 36 2011 Completeness in quasi-metric spaces and Ekeland variational principle. Zbl 1217.54026 Cobzaş, S. 36 2011 Uniqueness and homogeneity of non-separable Urysohn universal ultrametric spaces. Zbl 1545.54009 Ishiki, Yoshito 3 2024 Comments on “Fractal set of generalized countable partial iterated function system with generalized contractions via partial Hausdorff metric”. Zbl 07792359 Prithvi, B. V.; Katiyar, S. K. 2 2024 On \(J\)-frames. Zbl 1534.06007 Mthethwa, Simo S. 2 2024 Some theorems on decomposable continua. Zbl 1537.54028 Imamura, Hayato; Matsuhashi, Eiichi; Oshima, Yoshiyuki 2 2024 A bound for the density of any Hausdorff space. Zbl 1539.54003 Carlson, Nathan 2 2024 Estimates on the topological Hausdorff dimensions of fractal squares. Zbl 07900737 Xiao, Jian-Ci 1 2024 On countably complete topological groups. Zbl 07900748 Xie, Li-Hong; Lin, Shou 1 2024 On aspherical configuration Lie groupoids. Zbl 07919669 Roushon, S. K. 1 2024 On Lipschitz partitions of unity and the Assouad-Nagata dimension. Zbl 1541.54009 Licht, Martin W. 1 2024 Translation results for some star-selection games. Zbl 1536.91087 Caruvana, Christopher; Holshouser, Jared 1 2024 extended locally convex spaces: barrelledness, equicontinuity; Banach-Steinhaus theorem. Zbl 1545.46006 Kumar, Akshay; Jindal, Varun 1 2024 Strongly ultrametric preserving functions. Zbl 07854786 Dovgoshey, Oleksiy 1 2024 All countable subsets of pseudocompact quasitopological Korovin groups are closed, discrete and \(C^\ast \)-embedded. Zbl 1531.54030 Reznichenko, Evgenii; Tkachenko, Mikhail 1 2024 Cyclic sequences of periodic sums in \(\beta \mathbb{N} \). Zbl 1546.54022 Keyantuo, Valentin; Zelenyuk, Yevhen; Zelenyuk, Yuliya 1 2024 Increasing sequence of \(T_0\)-topologies on the set of positive integers. Zbl 1537.54016 Krasiński, Dawid; Szyszkowska, Paulina 1 2024 Realization of a digraph as the Reeb graph of a Morse-Bott function on a given surface. Zbl 1531.05102 Gelbukh, Irina 1 2024 Weak countability axioms of coset spaces. Zbl 1537.22002 Ling, Xuewei; Zhao, Bin 1 2024 Coarse directed limits of metric spaces admitting coarse embeddings into Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1544.51009 Ng, Chi-Keung; Tian, Rui 1 2024 On the LS-category of homomorphism of almost nilpotent groups. Zbl 1531.55003 Kuanyshov, Nursultan 1 2024 Some properties involving feeble compactness. II: Generalized \(\Sigma\)-products and \(C_p\)-spaces. Zbl 1536.54008 Martínez-Cadena, J. A.; Tamariz-Mascarúa, Á. 1 2024 Nonblockers for hereditarily decomposable continua with the property of Kelley. Zbl 07783265 Camargo, Javier; Ferreira, Mayra 1 2024 Dynamic properties for the induced maps on symmetric product suspensions of a topological space. Zbl 1533.37024 Barragán, Franco; Macías, Sergio; Rojas, Anahí 1 2024 The nonexistence of expansive actions of groups with subexponential growth on Suslinian continua. Zbl 1533.37057 Liang, Bingbing; Shi, Enhui; Xie, Zhiwen; Xu, Hui 1 2024 Quandle colorings vs. biquandle colorings. Zbl 1537.57009 Ishikawa, Katsumi; Tanaka, Kokoro 1 2024 Mixed topologies on Saks spaces of vector-valued functions. Zbl 1539.46007 Kruse, Karsten 1 2024 Persistent pairs and connectedness in discrete Morse functions on simplicial complex. I. Zbl 07815901 Zheng, Chong 1 2024 On some kinds of completeness and semitopological groups with property \((w \ast )\). Zbl 1544.54018 Peng, Liang-Xue; Deng, Yu-Ming 1 2024 On absolutely \(\mathrm{C}\)-embedded topological groups. Zbl 07842532 Zhang, Heng; He, Wei; Xie, Lihong 1 2024 On multiplicative spectral sequences for nerves and the free loop spaces. Zbl 1543.55012 Kuribayashi, Katsuhiko 1 2024 Ultra-pseudo metric spaces and their characterization with completely regular topological spaces. Zbl 07869067 Shukla, Satya Narayan; Tiwari, Surabhi 1 2024 About the hyperspace \(\mathcal{H}(X) / \mathcal{H}(X; K)\). Zbl 1544.54017 Corona-Vázquez, Florencio; Martínez-Cortez, José A.; Quiñones-Estrella, Russell-Aarón; Sánchez-Martínez, Javier 1 2024 Compactness-like properties on Hattori spaces. Zbl 1535.54021 Calderón-Villalobos, Angel; Sánchez, Iván 1 2024 Consonant spaces of countable type and the Menger property. Zbl 1546.54008 Jordan, Francis 1 2024 On \(P\)-bases and \(\omega^\omega\)-\(sn \)-networks. Zbl 1540.22008 Huang, Yanhui 1 2024 More on Whitney levels of some decomposable continua. Zbl 07939823 Illanes, Alejandro; Matsuhashi, Eiichi; Oshima, Yoshiyuki 1 2024 Some decomposable continua and Whitney levels of their hyperspaces. Zbl 1511.54019 Matsuhashi, Eiichi; Oshima, Yoshiyuki 5 2023 Was Ulam right? I: Basic theory and subnormal ideals. Zbl 07628729 Inamdar, Tanmay; Rinot, Assaf 4 2023 Musing on Kunen’s compact \(L\)-space. Zbl 1544.54009 Plebanek, Grzegorz 4 2023 Independence complexes of \((n \times 4)\) and \((n \times 5)\)-grid graphs. Zbl 1516.55010 Matsushita, Takahiro; Wakatsuki, Shun 3 2023 On \(bM\)-\(\omega\)-balancedness and \(\mathcal{M}\)-factorizability of para(semi)topological groups. Zbl 1536.54022 Peng, Liang-Xue; Ma, Chun-Jie; Deng, Yu-Ming 3 2023 Some generalized countably compact properties in topological groups. Zbl 1529.54017 Lin, Shou; Xie, Li-Hong; Chen, Deng-Bin 3 2023 Symplectic and inverse spectral geometry of integrable systems: a glimpse and open problems. Zbl 1532.37002 Pelayo, Álvaro 3 2023 Further investigations on certain star selection principles. Zbl 1522.54036 Chandra, Debraj; Alam, Nur 3 2023 A topological model for the coloured Alexander invariants. Zbl 1519.57015 Anghel, Cristina Ana-Maria 3 2023 The finest locally convex topology of an extended locally convex space. Zbl 1515.46002 Kumar, Akshay; Jindal, Varun 3 2023 Simultaneous extensions of metrics and ultrametrics of high power. Zbl 1526.54008 Ishiki, Yoshito 2 2023 Branched coverings of the sphere having a completely invariant continuum with infinitely many Wada lakes. Zbl 1528.37020 Iglesias, J.; Portela, A.; Rovella, A.; Xavier, J. 2 2023 Hyperspaces with a countable character of closed subsets. Zbl 1515.54010 Liu, Chuan; Lin, Fucai 2 2023 The fineness index of topological groups and \(\mathcal{M}\)-factorizable groups. Zbl 1516.54016 Zhang, Heng; He, Wei; Xi, Wenfei 2 2023 Sequential parametrized motion planning and its complexity. II. Zbl 1516.55002 Farber, Michael; Paul, Amit Kumar 2 2023 Small uncountable cardinals in large-scale topology. Zbl 07628719 Banakh, Taras 2 2023 Extending proper metrics. Zbl 1508.54008 Ishiki, Yoshito 2 2023 Upsilon invariants of \(L\)-space cable knots. Zbl 1514.57020 Tange, Motoo 2 2023 Clouds in Gromov-Hausdorff class: their completeness and centers. Zbl 1518.51008 Bogataya, S. I.; Bogatyy, S. A.; Redkozubov, V. V.; Tuzhilin, A. A. 2 2023 On entropy on quasi-metric spaces. Zbl 1517.54007 Haihambo, Paulus; Olela-Otafudu, Olivier 2 2023 Minimally generated Boolean algebras and the Nikodym property. Zbl 1534.06011 Sobota, Damian; Zdomskyy, Lyubomyr 2 2023 Basic orders in descriptive combinatorics. Zbl 07628742 Todorcevic, Stevo 2 2023 Non-Hausdorff manifolds via adjunction spaces. Zbl 1510.54006 O’Connell, David 2 2023 Hattori topologies on almost topological groups. Zbl 1518.54025 Calderón-Villalobos, Angel; Sánchez, Iván 2 2023 Free quasitopological groups. Zbl 1507.22007 Brazas, Jeremy; Emery, Sarah 2 2023 A moment angle complex whose rank of double cohomology is 6. Zbl 1509.13029 Han, Yang 2 2023 Digital topological groups. Zbl 1542.22004 Lee, Dae-Woong; Staecker, P. Christopher 2 2023 Generalization of the Grothendieck’s theorem. Zbl 1532.54011 Al’perin, Mikhail; Osipov, Alexander V. 2 2023 On the upper bound of the cardinality of Hausdorff topological spaces. Zbl 1523.54008 Gotchev, Ivan S. 2 2023 \(R^4\)-continua and pseudo-contractibility. Zbl 1522.54045 Capulín, Félix; Flores-González, Mario; Maya, David; Orozco-Zitli, Fernando 1 2023 Oriented and standard shadowing properties on closed surfaces. Zbl 1522.37033 Murakami, Sogo 1 2023 The Dixmier-Douady classes and abelian extensions of groups of homeomorphisms. Zbl 1522.55015 Maruyama, Shuhei 1 2023 Discrete homogeneity and ends of manifolds. Zbl 1521.57031 Chatyrko, Vitalij A.; Karassev, Alexandre 1 2023 Spines and surgery descriptions of graph manifolds. 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R. 52 Li, Qingguo 51 Bella, Angelo 51 Song, Yankui 50 Osipov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 48 Protasov, Igor Volodymyrovych 47 Dydak, Jerzy 47 García-Ferreira, Salvador 47 Juhász, István 47 Lin, Fucai 47 Valov, Vesko M. 45 Bezhanishvili, Guram 45 Dube, Themba Andrew 44 Gutev, Valentin Goutev 44 Holá, Ľubica 44 Shakhmatov, Dmitri B. 43 Gartside, Paul M. 43 Georgiou, Dimitrios N. 43 Šlapal, Josef 43 Todorcevic, Stevo B. 43 Tsaban, Boaz 43 Xu, Xiaoquan 42 Han, Sang-Eon 42 Nelson, Sam 42 Sanchis, Manuel 41 Das, Pratulananda 41 Gruenhage, Gary Fred 41 Valero, Oscar 40 Giordano Bruno, Anna 40 Xie, Lihong 40 Xuan, Weifeng 39 Shahzad, Naseer 38 Hrušák, Michael 38 Hušek, Miroslav 37 He, Wei 37 Macías, Sergio 37 Radenovic, Stojan 37 Scheepers, Marion 37 Tall, Franklin D. 36 Iliadis, Stavros D. 35 Comfort, William Wistar 35 Das, Ruchi 35 Dranishnikov, Alexander Nikolaevich 35 Hager, Anthony W. 35 Liu, Chuan 35 Picado, Jorge 35 Tomita, Artur Hideyuki 35 Wilson, Richard Gordon 34 Gutiérrez García, Javier 34 Hofmann, Dirk 34 Kauffman, Louis Hirsch 34 Kemoto, Nobuyuki 34 Megaritis, Athanasios C. 34 Yajima, Yukinobu 33 Andres, Jan 33 Kato, Hisao 33 Keremedis, Kyriakos 33 Koszmider, Piotr B. 33 Pol, Roman 33 Xi, Xiaoyong 32 Antonyan, Sergey A. 32 Clementino, Maria Manuel 32 Kishimoto, Daisuke 32 Leiderman, Arkady G. 32 Sánchez, Iván 32 Tholen, Walter 32 Wu, Xinxing 32 Zhao, Dongsheng 31 Bardyla, Serhii 31 Hernández, Salvador 31 Lei, Fengchun 31 Olela Otafudu, Olivier 31 Plebanek, Grzegorz 31 Stoimenow, Alexander 31 Watson, William Stephen 31 Zhao, Xuezhi 30 Abbas, Mujahid 30 Charatonik, Włodzimierz J. 30 Good, Chris ...and 13,329 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 815 Journals 5,111 Topology and its Applications 733 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 727 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 450 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 411 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 336 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 274 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 259 Advances in Mathematics 225 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 190 Geometriae Dedicata 183 Quaestiones Mathematicae 182 Geometry & Topology 181 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 171 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 170 Applied Categorical Structures 168 Topology Proceedings 159 Israel Journal of Mathematics 156 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 145 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 141 Journal of Algebra 128 Filomat 127 Fundamenta Mathematicae 124 Applied General Topology 119 Mathematische Zeitschrift 115 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 111 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 107 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 107 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 105 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 105 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 104 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 103 Communications in Algebra 99 Mathematische Annalen 91 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 86 Journal of Topology 85 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 81 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 81 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 Theoretical Computer Science 79 Mathematical Notes 78 Mathematica Slovaca 78 Monatshefte für Mathematik 78 Abstract and Applied Analysis 78 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 75 Semigroup Forum 74 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 71 Algebra Universalis 71 Journal of Functional Analysis 71 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 70 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 69 Results in Mathematics 68 Inventiones Mathematicae 68 Journal of Topology and Analysis 66 Journal of Geometry and Physics 66 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 66 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 65 Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 62 Order 62 Discrete & Computational Geometry 62 Forum Mathematicum 62 International Journal of Mathematics 61 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 59 Duke Mathematical Journal 59 Journal of Differential Equations 58 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 56 Indagationes Mathematicae. 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