Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Short Title: Boston Stud. Philos. Sci. Publisher: Springer, Dordrecht ISSN: 0068-0346 Online: Successor: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science Comments: Book series; No longer indexed; For Volumes before 1981 see the series Synthese Library Documents Indexed: 28 Publications (1965–2012) all top 5 Latest Volumes 295 (2012) 287 (2010) 284 (2010) 268 (2008) 254 (2008) 250 (2007) 240 (2004) 239 (2004) 238 (2004) 237 (2003) 213 (2000) 196 (1997) 194 (1997) 193 (1997) 192 (1997) 191 (1997) 187 (1996) 179 (1996) 172 (1995) 167 (1995) 156 (1994) 123 (1991) 122 (1990) 70 (1982) 66 (1981) 47 (1981) 31 (1983) 2 (1965) all top 5 Authors / Editors 7 Cohen, Robert S. 3 Stachel, John 2 Bunge, Mario 2 Horne, Michael A. 2 Schemmel, Matthias 2 Wartofsky, Marx W. 1 Boissonnade, Auguste 1 Chemla, Karine 1 Christianidis, Jean P. 1 Cooke, Roger Marvin 1 Costantini, Domenico 1 D’Agostino, Salvo 1 Dalla Chiara, Maria Luisa 1 Duhem, Pierre 1 Eells, Ellery 1 Fan, Dainian 1 Fetzer, James H. 1 Ginev, Dimitri 1 Grossberg, Stephen 1 Janssen, Michel 1 Kox, Anne J. 1 Lagrange, Joseph-Louis 1 Laird, Walter Roy 1 Norton, John D. 1 Otte, Michael 1 Palmerino, Carla Rita 1 Panza, Marco 1 Ramirez, Santiago 1 Rashed, Roshdi 1 Renn, Jürgen 1 Roux, Sophie 1 Sasaki, Chikara 1 Sauer, Tilman 1 Schubring, Gert 1 Siegel, Daniel M. 1 Thijssen, J. M. M. H. 1 Tondl, Ladislav 1 Vagliente, Victor N. all top 5 Fields 18 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 17 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 6 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 20 Publications have been cited 138 times in 132 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The genesis of general relativity. Sources and interpretations. Vol. 1 and 2: Einstein’s Zurich notebook: introduction and source. Vol. 3 and 4: Gravitation in the twilight of classical physics: between mechanics, field theory, and astronomy. Zbl 1216.83015 25 2007 Studies of mind and brain. Neural principles of learning, perception, development, cognition, and motor control. (Reprints). Zbl 0605.92017 Grossberg, Stephen 22 1982 The development of Arabic mathematics: between arithmetic and algebra. Transl. from the 1984 French original by A. F. W. Armstrong. Translation edited and with a note by R. S. Cohen. Zbl 1073.01525 Rashed, Roshdi 13 1994 Descartes’ mathematical thought. Zbl 1045.01001 Sasaki, Chikara 11 2003 Analysis and synthesis in mathematics. History and philosophy. Zbl 1054.01002 10 1997 Analytical mechanics. Translated from the 1811 French original. Edited by Auguste Boissonnade and Victor N. Vagliente. Zbl 0999.01032 Lagrange, J. L. 10 1997 Hermann Günther Graßmann (1809-1877): visionary mathematician, scientist and neohumanist scholar. Papers from the sesquicentennial conference on 150 years of “Lineale Ausdehnungslehre” – Hermann G. Graßmann’s work and impact, Lieschow / Rügen, Germany, May 23–28, 1994. Zbl 0853.00027 6 1996 The English Galileo. Thomas Harriot’s work on motion as an example of preclassical mechanics. Vol. 1: Interpretation. Vol. 2: Sources. Zbl 1244.01007 Schemmel, Matthias 6 2008 Matter and mind. A philosophical inquiry. Zbl 1261.00003 Bunge, Mario 6 2010 Classics in the history of Greek mathematics. Zbl 1065.01004 6 2004 Evaluating philosophies. Zbl 1300.00016 Bunge, Mario 6 2012 A history of the ideas of theoretical physics. Essays on the nineteenth and twentieth century physics. Zbl 1052.01005 D’Agostino, Salvo 2 2000 History of science, history of text. Selected papers from the workshop, Berlin, Germany, March 30–April 2, 1995. Zbl 1085.01001 2 2004 Mexican studies in the history and philosophy of science. Zbl 0879.00008 2 1995 Potentiality, entanglement and passion-at-a-distance. Quantum mechanical studies for Abner Shimony. Vol. 2. Including papers from the symposium on foundations of quantum mechanics, Boston, MA, USA, September 19, 1994. Zbl 0948.00058 2 1997 The origins of statics. The sources of physical theory. Transl. from the French by G. F. Leneaux, V. N. Vagliente and G. H. Wagner. With a foreword by Stanley L. Jaki. Zbl 0752.01033 Duhem, Pierre 1 1991 No truth except in the details. Essays in honor of Martin J. Klein. Zbl 0890.01012 1 1995 The reception of the Galilean science of motion in seventeenth-century Europe. Zbl 1145.01304 1 2004 Experimental metaphysics. Quantum mechanical studies for Abner Shimony. Vol. 1. Including papers from the symposium on foundations of quantum mechanics, Boston, MA, USA, September 19, 1994. Zbl 0948.00072 1 1997 Problems of semantics. A contribution to the analysis of the language of science. Transl. from the Czech by David Short. Zbl 0468.03001 Tondl, Ladislav 1 1981 Evaluating philosophies. Zbl 1300.00016 Bunge, Mario 6 2012 Matter and mind. A philosophical inquiry. Zbl 1261.00003 Bunge, Mario 6 2010 The English Galileo. Thomas Harriot’s work on motion as an example of preclassical mechanics. Vol. 1: Interpretation. Vol. 2: Sources. Zbl 1244.01007 Schemmel, Matthias 6 2008 The genesis of general relativity. Sources and interpretations. Vol. 1 and 2: Einstein’s Zurich notebook: introduction and source. Vol. 3 and 4: Gravitation in the twilight of classical physics: between mechanics, field theory, and astronomy. Zbl 1216.83015 25 2007 Classics in the history of Greek mathematics. Zbl 1065.01004 6 2004 History of science, history of text. Selected papers from the workshop, Berlin, Germany, March 30–April 2, 1995. Zbl 1085.01001 2 2004 The reception of the Galilean science of motion in seventeenth-century Europe. Zbl 1145.01304 1 2004 Descartes’ mathematical thought. Zbl 1045.01001 Sasaki, Chikara 11 2003 A history of the ideas of theoretical physics. Essays on the nineteenth and twentieth century physics. Zbl 1052.01005 D’Agostino, Salvo 2 2000 Analysis and synthesis in mathematics. History and philosophy. Zbl 1054.01002 10 1997 Analytical mechanics. Translated from the 1811 French original. Edited by Auguste Boissonnade and Victor N. Vagliente. Zbl 0999.01032 Lagrange, J. L. 10 1997 Potentiality, entanglement and passion-at-a-distance. Quantum mechanical studies for Abner Shimony. Vol. 2. Including papers from the symposium on foundations of quantum mechanics, Boston, MA, USA, September 19, 1994. Zbl 0948.00058 2 1997 Experimental metaphysics. Quantum mechanical studies for Abner Shimony. Vol. 1. Including papers from the symposium on foundations of quantum mechanics, Boston, MA, USA, September 19, 1994. Zbl 0948.00072 1 1997 Hermann Günther Graßmann (1809-1877): visionary mathematician, scientist and neohumanist scholar. Papers from the sesquicentennial conference on 150 years of “Lineale Ausdehnungslehre” – Hermann G. Graßmann’s work and impact, Lieschow / Rügen, Germany, May 23–28, 1994. Zbl 0853.00027 6 1996 Mexican studies in the history and philosophy of science. Zbl 0879.00008 2 1995 No truth except in the details. Essays in honor of Martin J. Klein. Zbl 0890.01012 1 1995 The development of Arabic mathematics: between arithmetic and algebra. Transl. from the 1984 French original by A. F. W. Armstrong. Translation edited and with a note by R. S. Cohen. Zbl 1073.01525 Rashed, Roshdi 13 1994 The origins of statics. The sources of physical theory. Transl. from the French by G. F. Leneaux, V. N. Vagliente and G. H. Wagner. With a foreword by Stanley L. Jaki. Zbl 0752.01033 Duhem, Pierre 1 1991 Studies of mind and brain. Neural principles of learning, perception, development, cognition, and motor control. (Reprints). Zbl 0605.92017 Grossberg, Stephen 22 1982 Problems of semantics. A contribution to the analysis of the language of science. Transl. from the Czech by David Short. Zbl 0468.03001 Tondl, Ladislav 1 1981 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 161 Authors 4 Grossberg, Stephen 4 Pitts, J. Brian 4 Rowe, David E. 4 Sauer, Tilman 3 Christianidis, Jean P. 3 Ferraro, Giovanni 3 Grattan-Guinness, Ivor 3 Rabouin, David 2 Alkon, Daniel L. 2 Barbour, Garth S. 2 Blackwell, Kim T. 2 Bullock, Daniel 2 Giovanelli, Marco 2 Godard, Roger 2 Haffner, Emmylou 2 Lehmkuhl, Dennis 2 Radu, Mircea 2 Simonson, Shai 2 Vogl, Thomas P. 2 Wu, Berlin 1 Ackerberg-Hastings, Amy 1 Ali, Ahmed Farag 1 Allen, G. Donald 1 Andersson, Lars Åke 1 Aranda, Víctor 1 Aydin, Nuh 1 Bair, Jacques 1 Bajri, Sanaa A. 1 Bao, Z. B. 1 Barnett, Janet Heine 1 Baum, Eric B. 1 Beeley, Philip 1 Berkovitz, Joseph 1 Berlanga, Antonio 1 Bernard, Alain 1 Bernard, Julien 1 Bettencourt, Luís M. A. 1 Bier, Carol 1 Biggs, Norman Linstead 1 Bracco, Christian 1 Brini, Andrea 1 Brown, Joshua W. 1 Bryson, Noel A. 1 Carpenter, Gail A. 1 Cătinaş, Emil 1 Cellucci, Carlo 1 Chauvet, Gilbert A. 1 Cordero, Alberto 1 Cosgrove, Joseph K. 1 Courant, Richard 1 Cretney, Rosanna 1 Crozet, Pascal 1 Darrigol, Olivier 1 Deleporte, Pierre 1 Dethier, Corey 1 Droste, Heinz W. 1 Ellithi, A. Y. 1 Enea, Maria Rosaria 1 Ernest, Paul 1 Everett, Jonathan 1 Gagné, S. 1 Galuzzi, Massimo 1 García, Jesús Enrique 1 Ghassib, Hisham 1 Goenner, Hubert F. M. 1 Goethe, Norma B. 1 Granero Belinchón, Rafael 1 Groetsch, Charles W. 1 Gsponer, Andre 1 Guo, Chuan 1 Habib, Muhammad K. 1 Hammoudi, Lakhdar 1 Hannah, John M. 1 Hitzer, Eckhard 1 Hollings, Christopher David 1 Huang, Kai 1 Inan, Nader A. 1 Jaén, Xavier 1 Johansson, Bo Göran 1 Jordan, Michael Irwin 1 Jusufi, Kimet 1 Kantrowitz, Robert 1 Kapitanski, Lev 1 Kary, Michael 1 Kasabov, Nikola K. 1 Katz, Mikhail G. 1 Kirkinis, Eleftherios 1 Knobloch, Eberhard 1 Komlós, János 1 Kosko, Bart 1 Kremnizer, Kobi 1 Kronz, Frederick M. 1 Lewis, Andrew D. 1 Little, John Brittain 1 Luo, Albert C. J. 1 Maculan Filho, Nelson 1 Manders, Kenneth Lawrence 1 Mannes, Christian 1 Manzano, María 1 Martí, Luis ...and 61 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 57 Journals 18 Historia Mathematica 11 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 9 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 6 Biological Cybernetics 3 The Mathematical Intelligencer 3 Synthese 3 Neural Networks 3 Foundations of Science 2 General Relativity and Gravitation 2 Physics Letters. A 2 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 2 Annals of Physics 2 Living Reviews in Relativity 2 Foundations of Physics 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 European Journal of Physics 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematische Semesterberichte 1 Psychometrika 1 Mathematics Magazine 1 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Information Sciences 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 Journal of Geometry 1 The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Studia Logica 1 Studies in Applied Mathematics 1 History and Philosophy of Logic 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 Journal of Elasticity 1 SIAM Review 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 Revue d’Histoire des Mathématiques 1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 International Transactions in Operational Research 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 NTM. Neue Serie 1 Erkenntnis 1 Nexus Network Journal 1 La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 1 International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 1 Natural Computing 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 BSHM Bulletin 1 The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 1 Logica Universalis 1 The Review of Symbolic Logic 1 Journal of Geometric Mechanics 1 Acta Crystallographica. Section A 1 European Journal for Philosophy of Science 1 British Journal for the History of Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 34 Fields 65 History and biography (01-XX) 25 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 25 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 19 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 11 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 Mathematics education (97-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year