Revue de l’Institut International de Statistique Short Title: Rev. Inst. Int. Stat. Parallel Title: Review of the International Statistical Institute Publisher: International Statistical Institute (ISI), The Hague ISSN: 0373-1138 Online: Successor: International Statistical Review Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; Journal abbreviations vary in sources Documents Indexed: 164 Publications (1933–1971) all top 5 Latest Issues 39 (1971) 38 (1970) 37 (1969) 36 (1968) 35 (1967) 34 (1966) 33 (1965) 32 (1964) 31 (1963) 30 (1962) 29 (1961) 28 (1960) 27 (1959) 26 (1958) 25 (1957) 24 (1956) 23 (1955) 22 (1954) 21 (1953) 20 (1952) 19 (1951) 18 (1950) 16 (1948) 15 (1947) 11 (1943) 10 (1942) 9 (1941) 8 (1940) 7 (1939) 6 (1938) 5 (1937) 4 (1936) 3 (1935) 1 (1933) all top 5 Authors 12 Fréchet, Maurice 7 Theil, Henri 4 Gini, Corrado 3 Kendall, Maurice George 2 Clatworthy, Willard H. 2 Dalenius, T. E. 2 Darmois, Georges 2 David, Herbert Aron 2 Dugué, Daniel 2 Durbin, James 2 Ekman, Gunnar 2 Fisher, Gordon R. 2 Grenander, Ulf 2 Hersch, Liebmann 2 Neyman, Jerzy 2 Pietra, Gaetano 2 Prais, S. J. 2 Puri, Madan Lal 2 Rao, Jonnagadda Nalini Kanth 2 Shiledar Baxi, Hari R. 2 Thionet, Pierre D. 2 Tinbergen, Jan 2 van Eeden, Constance 2 Winkler, Wilhelm 1 Abruzzi, Adam 1 Aigner, Dennis J. 1 Aitchison, John 1 Anderson, Oskar jun. 1 Barra, Jean-René 1 Bartoszyński, Robert 1 Benes, Jiri 1 Bennett, Bruce M. 1 Benzécri, Jean-Paul 1 Billeter, Ernst P. 1 Bithell, John Francis 1 Bol’shev, Login Nikolaevich 1 Boot, John C. G. 1 Bourgeois-Pichat, J. 1 Boyarskiĭ, A. Ya. 1 Brillinger, David R. 1 Burdick, Donald S. 1 Castellano, Vittorio 1 Cornfield, Jerome 1 Cornish, Edmund Alfred 1 Cramér, Harald 1 Csörgő, Miklós 1 Dalenius, Tore 1 Divisia, François 1 Doksum, Kjell A. 1 Drevon, M. 1 Erlander, Sven 1 Ewens, Warren J. 1 Ferguson, Thomas S. 1 Finney, David J. 1 Fisher, Ronald Aylmer 1 Freiberger, Walter F. 1 Galvani, Luigi 1 Gani, Joseph Mark 1 Gart, John J. 1 Geary, Robert Charles 1 Glasser, Gerald J. 1 Granger, Clive William John 1 Gumbel, Emil Julius 1 Gupta, D. B. 1 Haberman, Sol 1 Hald, Anders Hjorth 1 Hamaker, Hugo Christiaan 1 Hartley, Herman Otto 1 Hoeffding, Wassily 1 Hussain, Ashiq 1 Julin, A. 1 Kakwani, N. C. 1 Keyfitz, Nathan 1 Konüs, A. A. 1 Kossack, Carl F. 1 Kulldorff, Gunnar 1 Lancaster, Henry Oliver 1 Lazar, Ph. 1 Lewyckyi, R. J. 1 Lukacs, Eugene 1 Madhava, K. B. 1 Malinvaud, Edmond 1 March, Lucien 1 Martin-Löf, Per 1 Masuyama, Motosaburo 1 Matérn, Bertil 1 McCarthy, Philip James 1 Mehta, Jatinder Singh 1 Naylor, Thomas H. 1 Neave, Henry R. 1 Neudecker, Heinz 1 Noda, Kazuo 1 Onicescu, Octav 1 Pardubsky, Bohumil 1 Parzen, Emanuel 1 Pfouts, Ralph W. 1 Putter, Joseph 1 Quenouille, Maurice H. 1 Rahts, J. 1 Ramsey, James B. ...and 33 more Authors all top 5 Fields 17 Statistics (62-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 90 Publications have been cited 783 times in 758 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The fitting of time-series models. Zbl 0101.35604 Durbin, J. 142 1960 Moments and cumulants in the specification of distributions. JFM 63.1081.01 Cornish, E. A.; Fisher, R. A. 92 1937 Errors in variables. Zbl 0058.13202 Durbin, J. 60 1954 Analyse générale des liaisons stochastiques. Étude particulière de l’analyse factorielle linéaire. Zbl 0051.36003 Darmois, G. 45 1953 On the foundations of information theory. Zbl 0161.16903 Rényi, Alfréd 40 1965 The comparison of proportions: A review of significance tests, confidence intervals and adjustments for stratification. Zbl 0226.62104 Gart, John J. 25 1971 The empirical Bayes approach to testing statistical hypotheses. Zbl 0117.14104 Robbins, H. 21 1963 Sur l’extension de certaines evaluations statistiques au cas de petits echantillons. Zbl 0060.30702 Fréchet, Maurice 21 1943 Pseudo-replication: half samples. Zbl 0186.53001 McCarthy, Philip J. 19 1969 Two breakthroughs in the theory of statistical decision making. Zbl 0131.35601 Neyman, J. 19 1962 A table of difference sets generating balanced incomplete block designs. Zbl 0109.12204 Takeuchi, K. 18 1962 Optimal gambling systems for favorable games. Zbl 0191.49701 Thorp, E. O. 15 1969 “Inductive behavior” as a basic concept of philosophy of science. Zbl 0087.24404 Neyman, J. 12 1957 Contributions to the theory of rank order statistics. Applications of lattice theory. Zbl 0134.36403 Savage, I. R. 12 1964 Fondements théoriques des mesures de la fécondité naturelle. Zbl 0053.27705 Henry, L. 12 1953 Specification errors and the estimation of economic relationships. Zbl 0124.36701 Theil, H. 10 1957 Sur les formules de répartition des revenus. JFM 65.0630.01 Fréchet, M. 8 1939 The final form of econometric equation systems. Zbl 0111.16903 Theil, H.; Boot, J. C. G. 8 1962 On the combination of independent two sample tests of a general class. Zbl 0133.41904 Puri, M. L. 7 1965 Sur les tableaux dont les marges et des bornes sont données. Zbl 0093.01602 Fréchet, Maurice 7 1960 The grouping of observations in regression analysis. Zbl 0058.13203 Prais, S. J.; Aitchison, J. 7 1954 Characterization theorems for certain stochastic processes. Zbl 0217.50102 Lukacs, E. 6 1970 Some problems of optimum allocation for sampling on two occasions. Zbl 0115.36606 Kulldorff, G. 6 1963 A review of the contributions towards a unified theory of sampling from finite populations. Zbl 0144.42003 Godambe, V. P. 6 1965 Stochastic competition graphs. Zbl 0165.21405 Frank, O. 6 1968 Some approximations to the percentage points of the non-central t- distribution. Zbl 0098.11501 van Eeden, Constance 6 1961 Classification and estimation in analysis of variance problems. Zbl 0165.21401 Hartley, H. O.; Rao, J. N. K. 6 1968 The finite sample distribution of Theil’s mixed regression estimator and a related problem. Zbl 0196.22206 Mehta, J. S.; Swamy, P. A. V. B. 6 1970 On the complete coverage of large units in statistical study. Zbl 0111.33802 Glasser, G. J. 5 1962 Rules for rejection of outliers. Zbl 0113.34702 Ferguson, Thomas S. 5 1961 Combinatorial methods in the theory of queues. Zbl 0125.36904 Takacs, L. 5 1964 Sampling in space and time. Zbl 0173.46903 Vos, J. W. E. 5 1964 A bibliography of statistical bibliographies: a fourth list. Zbl 0215.26203 Lancaster, H. O. 5 1971 Estimates and their sampling variance of parameters of certain heteroscedastic distributions. Zbl 0044.14402 Theil, H. 5 1951 Estimation et prevision dans les modeles economiques autoregressifs. Zbl 0269.90007 Malinvaud, Edmond 4 1961 A review of stochastic linear programming. Zbl 0217.57404 Sengupta, J. K.; Tintner, G. 4 1971 Sur le coefficient, dit de corrélation et sur la corrélation en général. JFM 59.1175.04 Fréchet, M. 4 1933 Confidence intervals and tests for variance ratios in unbalanced variance components models. Zbl 0159.48202 Spjotvoll, E. 4 1968 The present state of the decision theory and the Neyman-Pearson theory. Zbl 0163.40101 Sverdrup, E. 4 1966 The consequences of selection for a variate subject to errors of measurement. Zbl 0073.35604 Finney, D. J. 4 1956 A case study of interdependent versus causal chain systems. Zbl 0088.13006 Wold, H. O. A. 4 1958 The asymptotic behaviour of Tukey’s general method of setting approximate confidence limits (the jackknife) when applied to maximum likelihood estimates. Zbl 0138.12902 Brillinger, D. R. 4 1964 A quick estimation of the parameters in Frechet’s distribution. Zbl 0144.41504 Gumbel, E. J. 4 1965 Sign distribution of standard multinormal variables with equal positive correlation. Zbl 0215.25406 David, H. A.; Six, F. B. 3 1971 Algorithms and randomness. Zbl 0222.68014 Martin-Löf, Per 3 1969 On the efficiency of Wald’s method of fitting straight lines. Zbl 0073.36101 Theil, H.; van Yzeren, J. 3 1956 The measurement of consumers’ behaviour. Zbl 0067.12206 Theil, H. 3 1955 Stochastic models in the theory of pursuit. Zbl 0304.90145 Grenander, U. 2 1965 A graphical solution for the determination of an optimal stratification or grouping, with an example concerning a problem of maximinzing sales revenues. Zbl 0184.22502 Ekman, G. 2 1969 Some generalised Markov chain occupancy processes and their application to hospital admission systems. Zbl 0224.60033 Bithell, J. F. 2 1971 Les tableaux de corrélation et les programmes linéaires. Zbl 0089.36004 Fréchet, Maurice 2 1957 The extension of Wald’s method of fitting straight lines to multiple regression. Zbl 0092.36803 Hooper, J. W.; Theil, H. 2 1958 On the theory of single sampling inspection by attributes based on two quality levels. Zbl 0152.37401 Hald, A. 2 1967 L’ajustement des résultats des sondages sur ceux des dénombrements. Zbl 0099.35503 Thionet, P. 2 1959 On the sum \(\sum^ n P_ h^ i\sigma_ h^ j\). Zbl 0115.36603 Ekman, G. 2 1963 Note on the asymptotic standard errors of latent roots of econometric equation systems. Zbl 0135.20102 Neudecker, H.; van de Panne, C. 2 1966 The role of spectral analysis in time series analysis. Zbl 0158.17401 Parzen, E. 2 1967 Theory of multiphase sampling from a finite or an infinite population on successive occasions 1, 2. Zbl 0158.18308 Tikkiwal, B. D. 2 1967 Confidence intervals for the frequency function and the cumulative frequency function of a sample drawn from a discrete random variable. Zbl 0165.21001 Naddeo, A. 2 1968 The estimation of moments for a Pareto distribution subject to both sampling and grouping errors. Zbl 0196.22401 Aigner, Dennis J. 2 1970 Ranking the players in a round robin tournament. Zbl 0224.90080 David, H. A. 2 1971 On the problem of replacing composite hypotheses by equivalent simple ones. Zbl 0225.62018 Csörgö, M.; Seshadri, V. 2 1970 A review of models for population change. Zbl 0218.92005 Sheps, M. C. 2 1971 A note on heteroscedastic errors in regression analysis. Zbl 0051.37001 Prais, S. J. 2 1953 Les valeurs typiques d’ordre nul ou infini d’un nombre aléatoire. Zbl 0033.07102 Fréchet, Maurice 2 1948 Révision critique de certains points de la méthode représentative. Zbl 0043.13603 Galvani, Luigi 2 1951 A note on subjective classifications. Zbl 0229.62006 Bartoszynski, Robert 1 1971 Valeurs propres de matrices ayant un rôle important dans l’etude d’integrales Browniennes. Zbl 0206.03903 Dugué, D. 1 1969 Robust statistical procedures in problems of linear regression with special reference to quantitative bio-assays. I. Zbl 0218.62073 Sen, P. K. 1 1971 Iterative solutions and heteroscedasticity in regression analysis. Zbl 0109.13204 Fisher, G. R. 1 1962 Simultaneous confidence regions in normal regression analysis with an application to road accidents. Zbl 0133.42401 Erlander, S.; Gustavsson, J. 1 1965 Statistical inference in the light of the theory of the electronic computer. Zbl 0146.40203 Kendall, M. G. 1 1966 Bayes theorem. Zbl 0152.17302 Cornfield, J. 1 1967 Note on the bias of the Prais and Aitchisons’s and Fisher’s iterative estimators in regression analysis with heteroscedastic errors. Zbl 0158.18203 Kakwani, N. C.; Gupta, D. B. 1 1967 Comments on Takeuchi’s table of difference sets generating balanced incomplete block designs. Zbl 0165.53104 Clatworthy, W. H.; Lewyckyi, R. J. 1 1968 The theory of replicated systematic cluster sampling with random start. Zbl 0117.14601 Törnqvist, L. 1 1963 On the formulation of statistical meteorology. Zbl 0135.45804 Freiberger, W.; Grenander, U. 1 1965 Multistage sampling with preliminary random stratification of first-stage units. Zbl 0137.12804 Stuart, A. 1 1964 Distribution-free statistics based on normal deviates in analysis of variance. Zbl 0146.40401 Doksum, K. 1 1966 Some remarks about relations between stochastic variables. A discussion document. Zbl 0143.43303 Geary, R. C. 1 1963 On the comparison of sampling with and without replacement. Zbl 0144.19102 Rao, J. N. K. 1 1966 The application of stochastic processes to certain reliability problems. Zbl 0161.16602 Cramer, H. 1 1966 A class of explicata for ”information” and ”weight of evidence”. Zbl 0195.49001 Särndal, Carl-Erik 1 1970 Comparaison des diverses mesures de la dispersion. JFM 66.0631.02 Fréchet, M. 1 1940 Professor Douglas’ production function. JFM 68.0316.03 Tinbergen, J. 1 1942 The variate-difference method in theory and practice. Zbl 0043.34106 Quenouille, M. H. 1 1951 On the time shape of economic microvariables and the Munich business test. Zbl 0048.37004 Theil, H. 1 1952 The analysis of market demand. An outline of methods and results. Zbl 0032.29705 Stone, Richard 1 1948 The business test of the IFO-institute for economic research, Munich, and its theoretical model. Zbl 0047.13801 Anderson, Oskar jun. 1 1952 Measurement of observational errors in surveys. Zbl 0049.10302 Sukhatme, P. V. 1 1952 The comparison of proportions: A review of significance tests, confidence intervals and adjustments for stratification. Zbl 0226.62104 Gart, John J. 25 1971 A bibliography of statistical bibliographies: a fourth list. Zbl 0215.26203 Lancaster, H. O. 5 1971 A review of stochastic linear programming. Zbl 0217.57404 Sengupta, J. K.; Tintner, G. 4 1971 Sign distribution of standard multinormal variables with equal positive correlation. Zbl 0215.25406 David, H. A.; Six, F. B. 3 1971 Some generalised Markov chain occupancy processes and their application to hospital admission systems. Zbl 0224.60033 Bithell, J. F. 2 1971 Ranking the players in a round robin tournament. Zbl 0224.90080 David, H. A. 2 1971 A review of models for population change. Zbl 0218.92005 Sheps, M. C. 2 1971 A note on subjective classifications. Zbl 0229.62006 Bartoszynski, Robert 1 1971 Robust statistical procedures in problems of linear regression with special reference to quantitative bio-assays. I. Zbl 0218.62073 Sen, P. K. 1 1971 Characterization theorems for certain stochastic processes. Zbl 0217.50102 Lukacs, E. 6 1970 The finite sample distribution of Theil’s mixed regression estimator and a related problem. Zbl 0196.22206 Mehta, J. S.; Swamy, P. A. V. B. 6 1970 The estimation of moments for a Pareto distribution subject to both sampling and grouping errors. Zbl 0196.22401 Aigner, Dennis J. 2 1970 On the problem of replacing composite hypotheses by equivalent simple ones. Zbl 0225.62018 Csörgö, M.; Seshadri, V. 2 1970 A class of explicata for ”information” and ”weight of evidence”. Zbl 0195.49001 Särndal, Carl-Erik 1 1970 Pseudo-replication: half samples. Zbl 0186.53001 McCarthy, Philip J. 19 1969 Optimal gambling systems for favorable games. Zbl 0191.49701 Thorp, E. O. 15 1969 Algorithms and randomness. Zbl 0222.68014 Martin-Löf, Per 3 1969 A graphical solution for the determination of an optimal stratification or grouping, with an example concerning a problem of maximinzing sales revenues. Zbl 0184.22502 Ekman, G. 2 1969 Valeurs propres de matrices ayant un rôle important dans l’etude d’integrales Browniennes. Zbl 0206.03903 Dugué, D. 1 1969 Stochastic competition graphs. Zbl 0165.21405 Frank, O. 6 1968 Classification and estimation in analysis of variance problems. Zbl 0165.21401 Hartley, H. O.; Rao, J. N. K. 6 1968 Confidence intervals and tests for variance ratios in unbalanced variance components models. Zbl 0159.48202 Spjotvoll, E. 4 1968 Confidence intervals for the frequency function and the cumulative frequency function of a sample drawn from a discrete random variable. Zbl 0165.21001 Naddeo, A. 2 1968 Comments on Takeuchi’s table of difference sets generating balanced incomplete block designs. Zbl 0165.53104 Clatworthy, W. H.; Lewyckyi, R. J. 1 1968 On the theory of single sampling inspection by attributes based on two quality levels. Zbl 0152.37401 Hald, A. 2 1967 The role of spectral analysis in time series analysis. Zbl 0158.17401 Parzen, E. 2 1967 Theory of multiphase sampling from a finite or an infinite population on successive occasions 1, 2. Zbl 0158.18308 Tikkiwal, B. D. 2 1967 Bayes theorem. Zbl 0152.17302 Cornfield, J. 1 1967 Note on the bias of the Prais and Aitchisons’s and Fisher’s iterative estimators in regression analysis with heteroscedastic errors. Zbl 0158.18203 Kakwani, N. C.; Gupta, D. B. 1 1967 The present state of the decision theory and the Neyman-Pearson theory. Zbl 0163.40101 Sverdrup, E. 4 1966 Note on the asymptotic standard errors of latent roots of econometric equation systems. Zbl 0135.20102 Neudecker, H.; van de Panne, C. 2 1966 Statistical inference in the light of the theory of the electronic computer. Zbl 0146.40203 Kendall, M. G. 1 1966 Distribution-free statistics based on normal deviates in analysis of variance. Zbl 0146.40401 Doksum, K. 1 1966 On the comparison of sampling with and without replacement. Zbl 0144.19102 Rao, J. N. K. 1 1966 The application of stochastic processes to certain reliability problems. Zbl 0161.16602 Cramer, H. 1 1966 On the foundations of information theory. Zbl 0161.16903 Rényi, Alfréd 40 1965 On the combination of independent two sample tests of a general class. Zbl 0133.41904 Puri, M. L. 7 1965 A review of the contributions towards a unified theory of sampling from finite populations. Zbl 0144.42003 Godambe, V. P. 6 1965 A quick estimation of the parameters in Frechet’s distribution. Zbl 0144.41504 Gumbel, E. J. 4 1965 Stochastic models in the theory of pursuit. Zbl 0304.90145 Grenander, U. 2 1965 Simultaneous confidence regions in normal regression analysis with an application to road accidents. Zbl 0133.42401 Erlander, S.; Gustavsson, J. 1 1965 On the formulation of statistical meteorology. Zbl 0135.45804 Freiberger, W.; Grenander, U. 1 1965 Contributions to the theory of rank order statistics. Applications of lattice theory. Zbl 0134.36403 Savage, I. R. 12 1964 Combinatorial methods in the theory of queues. Zbl 0125.36904 Takacs, L. 5 1964 Sampling in space and time. Zbl 0173.46903 Vos, J. W. E. 5 1964 The asymptotic behaviour of Tukey’s general method of setting approximate confidence limits (the jackknife) when applied to maximum likelihood estimates. Zbl 0138.12902 Brillinger, D. R. 4 1964 Multistage sampling with preliminary random stratification of first-stage units. Zbl 0137.12804 Stuart, A. 1 1964 The empirical Bayes approach to testing statistical hypotheses. Zbl 0117.14104 Robbins, H. 21 1963 Some problems of optimum allocation for sampling on two occasions. Zbl 0115.36606 Kulldorff, G. 6 1963 On the sum \(\sum^ n P_ h^ i\sigma_ h^ j\). Zbl 0115.36603 Ekman, G. 2 1963 The theory of replicated systematic cluster sampling with random start. Zbl 0117.14601 Törnqvist, L. 1 1963 Some remarks about relations between stochastic variables. A discussion document. Zbl 0143.43303 Geary, R. C. 1 1963 Two breakthroughs in the theory of statistical decision making. Zbl 0131.35601 Neyman, J. 19 1962 A table of difference sets generating balanced incomplete block designs. Zbl 0109.12204 Takeuchi, K. 18 1962 The final form of econometric equation systems. Zbl 0111.16903 Theil, H.; Boot, J. C. G. 8 1962 On the complete coverage of large units in statistical study. Zbl 0111.33802 Glasser, G. J. 5 1962 Iterative solutions and heteroscedasticity in regression analysis. Zbl 0109.13204 Fisher, G. R. 1 1962 Some approximations to the percentage points of the non-central t- distribution. Zbl 0098.11501 van Eeden, Constance 6 1961 Rules for rejection of outliers. Zbl 0113.34702 Ferguson, Thomas S. 5 1961 Estimation et prevision dans les modeles economiques autoregressifs. Zbl 0269.90007 Malinvaud, Edmond 4 1961 The fitting of time-series models. Zbl 0101.35604 Durbin, J. 142 1960 Sur les tableaux dont les marges et des bornes sont données. Zbl 0093.01602 Fréchet, Maurice 7 1960 L’ajustement des résultats des sondages sur ceux des dénombrements. Zbl 0099.35503 Thionet, P. 2 1959 A case study of interdependent versus causal chain systems. Zbl 0088.13006 Wold, H. O. A. 4 1958 The extension of Wald’s method of fitting straight lines to multiple regression. Zbl 0092.36803 Hooper, J. W.; Theil, H. 2 1958 “Inductive behavior” as a basic concept of philosophy of science. Zbl 0087.24404 Neyman, J. 12 1957 Specification errors and the estimation of economic relationships. Zbl 0124.36701 Theil, H. 10 1957 Les tableaux de corrélation et les programmes linéaires. Zbl 0089.36004 Fréchet, Maurice 2 1957 The consequences of selection for a variate subject to errors of measurement. Zbl 0073.35604 Finney, D. J. 4 1956 On the efficiency of Wald’s method of fitting straight lines. Zbl 0073.36101 Theil, H.; van Yzeren, J. 3 1956 The measurement of consumers’ behaviour. Zbl 0067.12206 Theil, H. 3 1955 Errors in variables. Zbl 0058.13202 Durbin, J. 60 1954 The grouping of observations in regression analysis. Zbl 0058.13203 Prais, S. J.; Aitchison, J. 7 1954 Analyse générale des liaisons stochastiques. Étude particulière de l’analyse factorielle linéaire. Zbl 0051.36003 Darmois, G. 45 1953 Fondements théoriques des mesures de la fécondité naturelle. Zbl 0053.27705 Henry, L. 12 1953 A note on heteroscedastic errors in regression analysis. Zbl 0051.37001 Prais, S. J. 2 1953 On the time shape of economic microvariables and the Munich business test. Zbl 0048.37004 Theil, H. 1 1952 The business test of the IFO-institute for economic research, Munich, and its theoretical model. Zbl 0047.13801 Anderson, Oskar jun. 1 1952 Measurement of observational errors in surveys. Zbl 0049.10302 Sukhatme, P. V. 1 1952 Estimates and their sampling variance of parameters of certain heteroscedastic distributions. Zbl 0044.14402 Theil, H. 5 1951 Révision critique de certains points de la méthode représentative. Zbl 0043.13603 Galvani, Luigi 2 1951 The variate-difference method in theory and practice. Zbl 0043.34106 Quenouille, M. H. 1 1951 Les valeurs typiques d’ordre nul ou infini d’un nombre aléatoire. Zbl 0033.07102 Fréchet, Maurice 2 1948 The analysis of market demand. An outline of methods and results. Zbl 0032.29705 Stone, Richard 1 1948 Sur l’extension de certaines evaluations statistiques au cas de petits echantillons. Zbl 0060.30702 Fréchet, Maurice 21 1943 Professor Douglas’ production function. JFM 68.0316.03 Tinbergen, J. 1 1942 Comparaison des diverses mesures de la dispersion. JFM 66.0631.02 Fréchet, M. 1 1940 Sur les formules de répartition des revenus. JFM 65.0630.01 Fréchet, M. 8 1939 Moments and cumulants in the specification of distributions. JFM 63.1081.01 Cornish, E. A.; Fisher, R. A. 92 1937 Sur le coefficient, dit de corrélation et sur la corrélation en général. JFM 59.1175.04 Fréchet, M. 4 1933 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,144 Authors 17 Withers, Christopher Stroude 16 Nadarajah, Saralees 10 Kagan, Abram Meerovich 8 Fel’dman, Gennadiĭ Mikhaĭlovich 8 Kageyama, Sanpei 6 Myers, Robert C. 5 Myronyuk, Margaryta V”yacheslavivna 4 Karunamuni, Rohana J. 4 Melman, Aaron 4 Mukhopadhyay, Nitis 4 Poskitt, Donald Stephen 4 Rosenbaum, Paul Richard 4 Singh, Radhey S. 4 Susarla, V. 4 Tillé, Yves 3 Akaike, Hirotugu 3 Barbaresco, Frédéric 3 Bekki, Keisuke 3 Bickel, David R. 3 Borgonovo, Emanuele 3 Brouste, Alexandre 3 Bueno, Pablo 3 Cano, Pablo A. 3 Chen, Guangzhou 3 Dufour, Jean-Marie 3 Grant, Andrew J. 3 Inoue, Akihiko 3 Kailath, Thomas 3 Kishida, Kuniharu 3 McLachlan, Geoffrey John 3 Mehta, Jatinder Singh 3 Niu, Xiaodong 3 Plischke, Elmar 3 Puri, Madan Lal 3 Shao, Jun 3 Smolkin, Michael 3 Swamy, Paravastu A. V. B. 3 Symeonides, Spyridon D. 3 von Rosen, Dietrich 3 Wesołowski, Jacek 3 Yamada, Sumasu 3 Yanagimoto, Takemi 2 Akahira, Masafumi 2 Al-Smadi, Adnan M. 2 Amemiya, Yasuo 2 Anderson, Oliver D. 2 Arnab, Raghunath 2 Bahador, Fatemeh 2 Berger, Vance W. 2 Bhattacharya, B. N. 2 Bhoj, Dinesh S. 2 Bianchi, Lorenzo 2 Bikelis, Algimantas 2 Bingham, Nicholas Hugh 2 Boik, Robert J. 2 Bowman, Kimiko O. 2 Brissimis, Sophocles N. 2 Cai, Chunhao 2 Curto, José Dias 2 Dickinson, Bradley W. 2 Doko Tchatoka, Firmin 2 Ecochard, René 2 Françoise, Jean-Pierre 2 Frank, Ove 2 Ganesalingam, Selvanayagam 2 Gart, John J. 2 Geweke, John F. 2 Göb, Rainer 2 Godolphin, E. J. 2 Leal de Carvalho Gomes, Maria Ivette 2 Govindarajulu, Zakkula 2 Graf, Stefan 2 Graupe, Daniel 2 Ha, Hyungtae 2 Hamedani, Gholamhossein G. 2 Hedayat, Abdossamad 2 Hendry, David F. 2 Hung, Ling-Yan 2 Ibragimov, Il’dar Abdullovich 2 Inoue, Atsushi 2 Kascha, Christian 2 Kleptsyna, Marina L. 2 Kollo, Tõnu 2 Koopman, Siem Jan 2 Lau, Taishing 2 Le Breton, Alain 2 Lewkowycz, Aitor 2 Lien, Donald 2 Ligeralde, Antonio V. 2 Magdalinos, Michael A. 2 Magnus, Jan R. 2 Manski, Charles F. 2 Mayne, David Q. 2 Mazur, I. P. 2 McAleer, Michael 2 McElroy, Tucker S. 2 Meineri, Marco 2 Mesters, Geert 2 Mohan, Ratnakaram Nava 2 Monjardet, Bernard ...and 1,044 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 236 Journals 50 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 45 Journal of Econometrics 34 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 30 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 27 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 17 Statistics & Probability Letters 17 Journal of Time Series Analysis 15 Journal of High Energy Physics 13 Automatica 13 Linear Algebra and its Applications 12 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 11 Statistics 11 Economics Letters 10 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 10 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 9 Discrete Mathematics 9 Metrika 8 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 8 Synthese 8 Econometric Theory 7 International Statistical Review 7 Statistical Papers 7 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 6 Statistical Science 6 Econometric Reviews 6 Journal of Applied Statistics 5 International Journal of Systems Science 5 The Annals of Statistics 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 5 Information Sciences 5 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 5 Statistica Neerlandica 5 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 5 Computational Statistics 5 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 4 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 4 Mathematical Biosciences 4 Physica A 4 Psychometrika 4 Biometrics 4 Statistica 4 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 4 Neural Computation 4 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 4 Entropy 4 The Annals of Applied Statistics 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Biometrical Journal 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Metroeconomica 3 Statistische Hefte. Neue Folge 3 Theoretical Population Biology 3 Theory and Decision 3 Trabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa 3 Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 3 Probability Theory and Related Fields 3 European Journal of Operational Research 3 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 3 Quantitative Finance 3 Journal of the Italian Statistical Society 3 Trabajos de Estadística 2 International Journal of Control 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Mathematics of Computation 2 Theory of Probability and its Applications 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Economics 2 Metron 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 2 Cybernetics and Systems 2 Mathematical Social Sciences 2 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 2 Operations Research Letters 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 2 Journal of Classification 2 Sequential Analysis 2 Journal of Economics 2 Journal of Theoretical Probability 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 2 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2 Statistische Hefte 2 Doklady Mathematics 2 The Econometrics Journal 2 Quantum Information Processing 2 Statistical Methods and Applications 2 Statistics Surveys 2 European Actuarial Journal 2 Statistics and Computing 2 Statistics in Medicine 2 Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 1 ACM Computing Surveys 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society ...and 136 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 47 Fields 534 Statistics (62-XX) 111 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 91 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 71 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 36 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 28 Combinatorics (05-XX) 28 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 23 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 21 Computer science (68-XX) 20 History and biography (01-XX) 19 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 17 Quantum theory (81-XX) 17 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 15 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 8 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 8 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 6 Functional analysis (46-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year