Pubblicazioni del Centro Studi Enriques Short Title: Pubbl. Cent. Studi Enriques Publisher: Agorà & Co., Lugano Online: Comments: Book series Documents Indexed: 5 Publications (since 2003) Latest Volumes 8 (2012) 7 (2008) 4 (2004) 3 (2004) 2 (2003) all top 5 Authors / Editors 3 Faracovi, Ornella Pompeo 1 Bussotti, Paolo 1 Enriques, Federigo 1 Ghione, Franco 1 Moretti, Mauro 1 Nastasi, Pietro 1 Sacarantino, Luca Maria 1 Tóth, Imre 1 Vesentini, Edoardo 1 Vigorelli, Amedeo Fields 5 History and biography (01-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1 Publication has been cited 1 time in 1 Document Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Enriques and Severi: mathematicians in comparison within the culture of the 20th century. Proceedings of the meeting, Livorno, Italy, October 24–25, 2002. (Enriques e Severi: matematici a confronto nella cultura del Novecento. Atti dell convegno, Livorno, Italy, 24–25 ottobre 2002.) Zbl 1316.14004 1 2004 Enriques and Severi: mathematicians in comparison within the culture of the 20th century. Proceedings of the meeting, Livorno, Italy, October 24–25, 2002. (Enriques e Severi: matematici a confronto nella cultura del Novecento. Atti dell convegno, Livorno, Italy, 24–25 ottobre 2002.) Zbl 1316.14004 1 2004 Cited by 2 Authors 1 Luciano, Erika 1 Roero, Clara Silvia Cited in 0 Journals Cited in 2 Fields 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) Citations by Year