Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Short Title: Camb. Tracts Math. Math. Phys. Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ISSN: 0068-6824 Online: Successor: Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics Comments: Book series; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 91 Publications (1905–2010) all top 5 Latest Volumes 63 (1972/2008) 62 (1972) 61 (1971) 60 (1971) 59 (1970) 58 (1969) 57 (1968) 56 (1966/1993) 55 (1965) 54 (1964) 53 (1964/1973) 52 (1961) 51 (1960/1992) 50 (1960) 49 (1958) 48 (1958) 47 (1958) 46 (1957) 45 (1957) 44 (1956) 43 (1953) 42 (1953) 41 (1952/2010) 40 (1951) 39 (1946) 38 (1944-1990) 37 (1937) 36 (1937-1993) 35 (1937) 34 (1936/1971) 33 (1935) 32 (1935) 31 (1934) 30 (1932/1990) 29 (1932) 28 (1932/1952) 27 (1932) 26 (1930) 25 (1928) 24 (1927) 23 (1927/1931) 22 (1927) 21 (1927) 20 (1929) 18 (1915) 16 (1914) 15 (1914) 14 (1913) 13 (1911) 12 (1910/1924) 11 (1910) 10 (1909/1926) 9 (1908) 8 (1908) 7 (1907) 6 (1907) 5 (1907) 4 (1906) 2 (1905) 1 (1905/1913) all top 5 Authors / Editors 8 Hardy, Godfrey Harold 4 Cramér, Harald 4 Rogosinski, Werner Wolfgang 3 Carathéodory, Constantin 3 Ingham, Albert Edward 3 Leathem, John Gaston 3 Veblen, Oswald 2 Bailey, Wilfrid Norman 2 Bôcher, Maxime 2 Copson, Edward Thomas 2 Estermann, Theodor 2 Hopf, Eberhard 2 Jeffreys, Harold 2 Landau, Edmund 2 Robertson, Alex. P. 2 Robertson, Wendy J. 2 Roussas, George Gregory 2 Rutherford, Daniel Edwin 2 Synge, John Lighton 2 Telling, Helen Grace 2 Whitehead, Alfred North 2 Whitehead, John Henry Constantine 2 Whittaker, John Macnaghten 2 Wood, Philip Worsley 1 Baker, Henry Frederick 1 Berwick, William Edward Hodgson 1 Boričić, Branislav R. 1 Burkill, John Charles 1 Busbridge, Ida W. 1 Cartwright, Mary Lucy 1 Cassels, John William Scott 1 Cohn, Paul Moritz 1 Collingwood, Edward F. 1 Dickson, Leonard Eugene 1 Eggleston, H. G. 1 Fowler, Ralph Howard 1 Goldberg, Richard R. 1 Hayman, Walter Kurt 1 Henderson, Archibald 1 Higham, Nicholas John 1 Hilton, Peter John 1 Kirkpatrick, P. B. 1 Lohwater, Arthur J. 1 Mathews, George Ballard 1 Naimpally, Somashekhar Amrith 1 Northcott, Douglas Geoffrey 1 Riesz, Marcel 1 Rogers, Claude Ambrose 1 Room, Thomas Gerald 1 Scheaffer, Richard L. 1 Semple, John G. 1 Sharpe, D. W. 1 Smithies, Frank 1 Steward, G. C. 1 Telling, H. G. 1 Titchmarsh, Edward Charles 1 Tyrrell, John Alfred 1 Vámos, Peter 1 Vaughan, Robert C. 1 Warrack, Brian D. 1 Wasan, M. T. 1 Watson, George Leo 1 Watson, George Neville 1 Whittaker, Edmund Taylor 1 Wright, Joseph Edmund 1 Young, Laurence Chisholm 1 Young, William Henry all top 5 Fields 8 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 5 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 83 Publications have been cited 5,041 times in 4,968 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ An introduction to Diophantine approximation. Zbl 0077.04801 Cassels, J. W. S. 540 1957 Generalized hypergeometric series. Zbl 0011.02303 Bailey, W. N. 462 1935 Topological vector spaces. Zbl 0123.30202 Robertson, A. P.; Robertson, Wendy 284 1964 The theory of cluster sets. Zbl 0149.03003 Collingwood, E. F.; Lohwater, A. J. 270 1966 Generalized hypergeometric series. JFM 61.0406.01 Bailey, W. N. 258 1935 Convexity. Zbl 0086.15302 Eggleston, H. G. 219 1958 Packing and covering. Zbl 0176.51401 Rogers, C. A. 202 1964 Injective modules. Zbl 0245.13001 Sharpe, D. W.; Vamos, P. 198 1972 Asymptotic expansions. Zbl 0123.26001 Copson, E. T. 198 1965 Proximity spaces. Zbl 0206.24601 Naimpally, Somashekhar A.; Warrack, Brian D. 186 1970 The general theory of Dirichlet’s series. JFM 45.0387.03 Hardy, G. H.; Riesz, M. 172 1915 Multivalent functions. Zbl 0082.06102 Hayman, W. K. 153 1958 Interpolatory function theory. Zbl 0012.15503 Whittaker, J. M. 124 1935 Topological vector spaces. 2nd ed. Zbl 0251.46002 Robertson, A. P.; Robertson, Wendy 112 1973 The mathematic of radiative transfer. Zbl 0090.21405 Busbridge, I. W. 104 1960 Integral equations. Zbl 0082.31901 Smithies, F. 101 1958 Contiguity of probability measures. Some applications in statistics. Zbl 0265.60003 Roussas, George G. 95 1972 The distribution of prime numbers. Paperback edition. Zbl 0715.11045 Ingham, A. E. 94 1990 Ideal theory. Zbl 0052.26801 Northcott, D. G. 88 1953 The distribution of prime numbers. Zbl 0006.39701 Ingham, A. E. 73 1932 An introduction to homotopy theory. Zbl 0051.40302 Hilton, Peter J. 72 1953 Random variables and probability distributions. JFM 63.1080.01 Cramér, H. 61 1937 Stochastic approximation. Zbl 0293.62026 Wasan, M. T. 60 1969 Orders of infinity. The “Infinitärcalcül” of Paul du Bois-Reymond. Second edition. JFM 50.0153.04 Hardy, G. H. 59 1924 Integral quadratic forms. Zbl 0090.03103 Watson, G. L. 57 1960 Integral functions. Zbl 0075.05901 Cartwright, M. L. 53 1956 Invariants of quadratic differential forms. JFM 53.0681.01 Veblen, O. 46 1927 Orders of infinity: The ‘Infinitärcalül’ of Paul du Bois-Reymond. JFM 41.0303.01 Hardy, G. H. 43 1910 Conformal representation. JFM 58.0354.14 Carathéodory, C. 41 1932 The zeta-function of Riemann. JFM 56.0978.02 Titchmarsh, E. C. 34 1930 The foundations of differential geometry. Zbl 0005.21801 Veblen, Oswald; Whitehead, J. H. C. 34 1932 The twenty-seven lines upon the cubic surface. JFM 42.0661.01 Henderson, A. 33 1911 Random variables and probability distributions. 3rd edition. Zbl 0184.40101 Cramer, H. 32 1970 Mathematical problems of radiative equilibrium. Zbl 0009.33004 Hopf, Eberhard 32 1934 Fourier Series. - 2nd ed. Zbl 0037.05103 Hardy, G. H.; Rogosinski, W. W. 27 1950 Fourier series. Zbl 0060.18208 Hardy, G. H.; Rogosinski, W. W. 26 1944 Lie groups. Zbl 0084.03201 Cohn, P. M. 26 1957 Mathematical problems of radiative equilibrium. JFM 60.0809.01 Hopf, Eberhard 25 1934 The distribution of prime numbers. JFM 58.0193.02 Ingham, A. E. 24 1932 Fourier series. 3rd ed. Zbl 0074.05202 Hardy, G. H.; Rogosinski, W. W. 24 1956 Fourier transforms. Zbl 0095.08601 Goldberg, Richard R. 24 1961 Conformal representation. 2nd. ed. Zbl 0047.07905 Carathéodory, Constantin 18 1952 Interpolatory function theory. JFM 61.0331.04 Whittaker, J. M. 17 1935 Random variables and probability distributions. Zbl 0016.36304 Cramér, Harald 16 1937 Über einige neuere Fortschritte der additiven Zahlentheorie. Zbl 0016.20201 Landau, Edmund 15 1937 Linear algebras. JFM 45.0189.01 Dickson, L. E. 13 1914 Metric spaces. Zbl 0177.25303 Copson, E. T. 12 1968 Miniquaternion geometry. An introduction to the study of projective planes. Zbl 0203.22801 Room, T. G.; Kirkpatrick, P. B. 12 1971 Integral bases. JFM 53.0142.01 Berwick, W. E. H. 12 1927 A locus with 25920 linear self-transformations. Zbl 0063.00170 Baker, H. F. 12 1946 The axioms of projective geometry. JFM 37.0559.01 Whitehead, A. N. 11 1906 An introduction to the study of integral equations. JFM 40.0395.02 Bôcher, M. 10 1909 Contiguity of probability measures. Some applications in statistics. Reprint of the 1972 hardback ed. Zbl 1152.60007 Roussas, George G. 9 2008 The fundamental theorems of the differential calculus. JFM 41.0306.01 Young, W. H. 8 1910 Conformal representation. Zbl 0005.16801 Carathéodory, Constantin 8 1932 The Lebesgue integral. Zbl 0043.27902 Burkill, J. C. 8 1951 Über einige neuere Fortschritte der additiven Zahlentheorie. JFM 63.0129.02 Landau, Edmund 7 1937 Generalized Clifford parallelism. Zbl 0213.22102 Tyrrell, J. A.; Semple, J. G. 7 1971 The axioms of descriptive geometry. JFM 38.0502.03 Whitehead, A. N. 7 1907 Introduction to modern prime number theory. Zbl 0049.03103 Estermann, T. 7 1952 The integration of functions of a single variable. JFM 36.0358.02 Hardy, G. H. 5 1905 The rational quartic curve in space of three and four dimensions. Being an introduction to rational curves. Zbl 0014.32702 Telling, H. G. 5 1936 Modular invariants. Zbl 0005.04904 Rutherford, D. E. 4 1932 Random variables and probability distributions. 2nd ed. Zbl 0102.12701 Cramér, Harald 4 1962 The symmetrical optical system. JFM 54.0808.01 Steward, G. C. 3 1928 Complex integration and Cauchy’s theorem. JFM 45.0664.05 Watson, G. N. 3 1914 The foundations of differential geometry. JFM 58.0754.01 Veblen, Oswald; Whitehead, J. H. C. 3 1932 Volume and surface integrals used in physics. JFM 36.0358.01 Leathem, J. G. 3 1905 Fourier series. [Rjady Fuŕe]. Zbl 0087.06501 Hardy, G. H.; Rogosinski, W. W. 3 1959 The rational quartic curve in space of three and four dimensions. JFM 62.0768.01 Telling, H. G. 2 1936 The elementary differential geometry of plane curves. 2. ed. JFM 55.1014.05 Fowler, R. H. 2 1929 Introduction to probability and its applications. Zbl 0779.60002 Scheaffer, Richard L. 2 1990 The twisted cubic, with some account of the metrical properties of the cubical hyperbola. JFM 44.0732.02 Wood, P. W. 2 1913 Operational methods in mathematical physics. JFM 53.0367.01 Jeffreys, Harold 2 1927 The theory of optical instruments. JFM 38.0849.05 Whittaker, E. T. 2 1907 Modular invariants. JFM 58.0116.07 Rutherford, D. E. 1 1932 An introduction to the study of integral equations. 3. ed. JFM 52.0385.01 Bôcher, M. 1 1926 The twisted cubic etc. with some account of the metrical properties of the cubical hyperbola. JFM 44.0729.02 Wood, P. W. 1 1913 Handbook of writing for the mathematical sciences. Zbl 0784.00010 Higham, Nicholas J. 1 1993 Introduction to modern prime number theory. Reprint of the 1952 hardback ed. Zbl 1236.11002 Estermann, T. 1 2010 Geometrical optics. An introduction to Hamilton’s method. Zbl 0018.04302 Synge, J. L. 1 1937 Invariants of quadratic differential forms. JFM 39.0180.01 Wright, J. E. 1 1908 Algebraic equations. JFM 38.0116.02 Mathews, G. B. 1 1907 Introduction to modern prime number theory. Reprint of the 1952 hardback ed. Zbl 1236.11002 Estermann, T. 1 2010 Contiguity of probability measures. Some applications in statistics. Reprint of the 1972 hardback ed. Zbl 1152.60007 Roussas, George G. 9 2008 Handbook of writing for the mathematical sciences. Zbl 0784.00010 Higham, Nicholas J. 1 1993 The distribution of prime numbers. Paperback edition. Zbl 0715.11045 Ingham, A. E. 94 1990 Introduction to probability and its applications. Zbl 0779.60002 Scheaffer, Richard L. 2 1990 Topological vector spaces. 2nd ed. Zbl 0251.46002 Robertson, A. P.; Robertson, Wendy 112 1973 Injective modules. Zbl 0245.13001 Sharpe, D. W.; Vamos, P. 198 1972 Contiguity of probability measures. Some applications in statistics. Zbl 0265.60003 Roussas, George G. 95 1972 Miniquaternion geometry. An introduction to the study of projective planes. Zbl 0203.22801 Room, T. G.; Kirkpatrick, P. B. 12 1971 Generalized Clifford parallelism. Zbl 0213.22102 Tyrrell, J. A.; Semple, J. G. 7 1971 Proximity spaces. Zbl 0206.24601 Naimpally, Somashekhar A.; Warrack, Brian D. 186 1970 Random variables and probability distributions. 3rd edition. Zbl 0184.40101 Cramer, H. 32 1970 Stochastic approximation. Zbl 0293.62026 Wasan, M. T. 60 1969 Metric spaces. Zbl 0177.25303 Copson, E. T. 12 1968 The theory of cluster sets. Zbl 0149.03003 Collingwood, E. F.; Lohwater, A. J. 270 1966 Asymptotic expansions. Zbl 0123.26001 Copson, E. T. 198 1965 Topological vector spaces. Zbl 0123.30202 Robertson, A. P.; Robertson, Wendy 284 1964 Packing and covering. Zbl 0176.51401 Rogers, C. A. 202 1964 Random variables and probability distributions. 2nd ed. Zbl 0102.12701 Cramér, Harald 4 1962 Fourier transforms. Zbl 0095.08601 Goldberg, Richard R. 24 1961 The mathematic of radiative transfer. Zbl 0090.21405 Busbridge, I. W. 104 1960 Integral quadratic forms. Zbl 0090.03103 Watson, G. L. 57 1960 Fourier series. [Rjady Fuŕe]. Zbl 0087.06501 Hardy, G. H.; Rogosinski, W. W. 3 1959 Convexity. Zbl 0086.15302 Eggleston, H. G. 219 1958 Multivalent functions. Zbl 0082.06102 Hayman, W. K. 153 1958 Integral equations. Zbl 0082.31901 Smithies, F. 101 1958 An introduction to Diophantine approximation. Zbl 0077.04801 Cassels, J. W. S. 540 1957 Lie groups. Zbl 0084.03201 Cohn, P. M. 26 1957 Integral functions. Zbl 0075.05901 Cartwright, M. L. 53 1956 Fourier series. 3rd ed. Zbl 0074.05202 Hardy, G. H.; Rogosinski, W. W. 24 1956 Ideal theory. Zbl 0052.26801 Northcott, D. G. 88 1953 An introduction to homotopy theory. Zbl 0051.40302 Hilton, Peter J. 72 1953 Conformal representation. 2nd. ed. Zbl 0047.07905 Carathéodory, Constantin 18 1952 Introduction to modern prime number theory. Zbl 0049.03103 Estermann, T. 7 1952 The Lebesgue integral. Zbl 0043.27902 Burkill, J. C. 8 1951 Fourier Series. - 2nd ed. Zbl 0037.05103 Hardy, G. H.; Rogosinski, W. W. 27 1950 A locus with 25920 linear self-transformations. Zbl 0063.00170 Baker, H. F. 12 1946 Fourier series. Zbl 0060.18208 Hardy, G. H.; Rogosinski, W. W. 26 1944 Random variables and probability distributions. JFM 63.1080.01 Cramér, H. 61 1937 Random variables and probability distributions. Zbl 0016.36304 Cramér, Harald 16 1937 Über einige neuere Fortschritte der additiven Zahlentheorie. Zbl 0016.20201 Landau, Edmund 15 1937 Über einige neuere Fortschritte der additiven Zahlentheorie. JFM 63.0129.02 Landau, Edmund 7 1937 Geometrical optics. An introduction to Hamilton’s method. Zbl 0018.04302 Synge, J. L. 1 1937 The rational quartic curve in space of three and four dimensions. Being an introduction to rational curves. Zbl 0014.32702 Telling, H. G. 5 1936 The rational quartic curve in space of three and four dimensions. JFM 62.0768.01 Telling, H. G. 2 1936 Generalized hypergeometric series. Zbl 0011.02303 Bailey, W. N. 462 1935 Generalized hypergeometric series. JFM 61.0406.01 Bailey, W. N. 258 1935 Interpolatory function theory. Zbl 0012.15503 Whittaker, J. M. 124 1935 Interpolatory function theory. JFM 61.0331.04 Whittaker, J. M. 17 1935 Mathematical problems of radiative equilibrium. Zbl 0009.33004 Hopf, Eberhard 32 1934 Mathematical problems of radiative equilibrium. JFM 60.0809.01 Hopf, Eberhard 25 1934 The distribution of prime numbers. Zbl 0006.39701 Ingham, A. E. 73 1932 Conformal representation. JFM 58.0354.14 Carathéodory, C. 41 1932 The foundations of differential geometry. Zbl 0005.21801 Veblen, Oswald; Whitehead, J. H. C. 34 1932 The distribution of prime numbers. JFM 58.0193.02 Ingham, A. E. 24 1932 Conformal representation. Zbl 0005.16801 Carathéodory, Constantin 8 1932 Modular invariants. Zbl 0005.04904 Rutherford, D. E. 4 1932 The foundations of differential geometry. JFM 58.0754.01 Veblen, Oswald; Whitehead, J. H. C. 3 1932 Modular invariants. JFM 58.0116.07 Rutherford, D. E. 1 1932 The zeta-function of Riemann. JFM 56.0978.02 Titchmarsh, E. C. 34 1930 The elementary differential geometry of plane curves. 2. ed. JFM 55.1014.05 Fowler, R. H. 2 1929 The symmetrical optical system. JFM 54.0808.01 Steward, G. C. 3 1928 Invariants of quadratic differential forms. JFM 53.0681.01 Veblen, O. 46 1927 Integral bases. JFM 53.0142.01 Berwick, W. E. H. 12 1927 Operational methods in mathematical physics. JFM 53.0367.01 Jeffreys, Harold 2 1927 An introduction to the study of integral equations. 3. ed. JFM 52.0385.01 Bôcher, M. 1 1926 Orders of infinity. The “Infinitärcalcül” of Paul du Bois-Reymond. Second edition. JFM 50.0153.04 Hardy, G. H. 59 1924 The general theory of Dirichlet’s series. JFM 45.0387.03 Hardy, G. H.; Riesz, M. 172 1915 Linear algebras. JFM 45.0189.01 Dickson, L. E. 13 1914 Complex integration and Cauchy’s theorem. JFM 45.0664.05 Watson, G. N. 3 1914 The twisted cubic, with some account of the metrical properties of the cubical hyperbola. JFM 44.0732.02 Wood, P. W. 2 1913 The twisted cubic etc. with some account of the metrical properties of the cubical hyperbola. JFM 44.0729.02 Wood, P. W. 1 1913 The twenty-seven lines upon the cubic surface. JFM 42.0661.01 Henderson, A. 33 1911 Orders of infinity: The ‘Infinitärcalül’ of Paul du Bois-Reymond. JFM 41.0303.01 Hardy, G. H. 43 1910 The fundamental theorems of the differential calculus. JFM 41.0306.01 Young, W. H. 8 1910 An introduction to the study of integral equations. JFM 40.0395.02 Bôcher, M. 10 1909 Invariants of quadratic differential forms. JFM 39.0180.01 Wright, J. E. 1 1908 The axioms of descriptive geometry. JFM 38.0502.03 Whitehead, A. N. 7 1907 The theory of optical instruments. JFM 38.0849.05 Whittaker, E. T. 2 1907 Algebraic equations. JFM 38.0116.02 Mathews, G. B. 1 1907 The axioms of projective geometry. JFM 37.0559.01 Whitehead, A. N. 11 1906 The integration of functions of a single variable. JFM 36.0358.02 Hardy, G. H. 5 1905 Volume and surface integrals used in physics. JFM 36.0358.01 Leathem, J. G. 3 1905 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 5,163 Authors 119 Chu, Wenchang 25 Rathie, Arjun Kumar 21 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 18 Tribak, Rachid 17 Zudilin, Wadim 16 Chen, Xiaojing 16 Smith, Patrick Fleming 15 Blümlein, Johannes 15 Carlitz, Leonard 15 Kleinbock, Dmitry Ya. 15 Peters, James Francis III 14 Campbell, John Maxwell 14 Milne, Stephen C. 14 Szirmai, Jenó 13 Wei, Chuanan 12 Andrews, George Eyre 12 Chen, Chaoping 12 Moshchevitin, Nikolaĭ Germanovich 12 Rahman, Mizan 12 Zeilberger, Doron 11 Beer, Gerald Alan 11 Dimov, Georgi D. 11 Naimpally, Somashekhar Amrith 11 Pommerenke, Christian 11 Schneider, Carsten 11 Wang, Chenying 10 Bernal-Gonzàlez, Luis 10 Hwang, Jun Shung 10 Li, Nadia Na 10 Marchenko, Ivan Ivanovich 10 Nath Das, Rabindra 10 Qureshi, Mohammad Idris 10 Wang, Xiaoxia 10 Zhang, Wenlong 9 Bingham, Nicholas Hugh 9 Boshernitzan, Michael D. 9 Facchini, Alberto 9 Hayman, Walter Kurt 9 Kelley, Carl T. 9 Krattenthaler, Christian Friedrich 9 Lassak, Marek 9 Li, Xiaomin 9 Martini, Horst 9 Murashkin, Evgeniĭ Valer’evich 9 Radaev, Yuriĭ Nikolaevich 9 Rakha, Medhat Ahmed 9 Ryazanov, Vladimir Il’ich 9 Sharp, Rodney Y. 9 Tweddle, Ian 9 Ueno, Sueo 9 Wong, Patricia J. Y. 9 Yang, Sibei 8 Banaś, Józef 8 Barman, Rupam 8 Bezdek, Károly 8 Bracci, Filippo 8 Bridges, Douglas Suth 8 Defant, Andreas 8 Dubickas, Artūras 8 Goldston, Daniel Alan 8 Hussain, Mumtaz 8 Jurkat, Wolfgang B. 8 Kilic, Emrah 8 Pogány, Tibor K. 8 Schoolmann, Ingo 8 Shah, Swarupchand M. 8 Targonskij, Andriy L. 8 Tiwari, Surabhi 8 Türkmen, Burcu Nişanci 8 Van der Jeugt, Joris 8 Yamashita, Shinji 8 Zong, Chuanming 7 Ablinger, Jakob 7 Basawa, Ishwar V. 7 Bugeaud, Yann 7 Contreras, Manuel D. 7 Di Concilio, Anna 7 Di Maio, Giuseppe 7 Díaz-Madrigal, Santiago 7 Fejes Tóth, Gábor 7 Gasper, George Jun 7 German, Oleg N. 7 Ismail, Mourad El-Houssieny 7 Kalaba, Robert E. 7 Khare, Mona 7 Kim, Insuk 7 Kowalski, Arnold 7 Langley, James K. 7 Liao, Shijun 7 Paris, Richard Bruce 7 Park, Jae Keol 7 Rippon, Philip Jonathan 7 Rizvi, Syed Tariq 7 Simmons, David 7 Stanton, Dennis W. 7 Száz, Árpád 7 Türkmen, Ergül 7 Twomey, John Brian 7 Vámos, Peter 7 Wang, Xiaoyuan ...and 5,063 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 730 Journals 232 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 172 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 171 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 112 Journal of Number Theory 98 Mathematische Zeitschrift 87 Mathematische Annalen 80 Mathematical Notes 73 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 59 Journal of Approximation Theory 55 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 54 Journal of Algebra 54 The Ramanujan Journal 52 Monatshefte für Mathematik 49 Advances in Mathematics 48 Archiv der Mathematik 47 Topology and its Applications 44 Mathematics of Computation 44 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 42 Communications in Algebra 39 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 37 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 36 Israel Journal of Mathematics 36 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 33 Discrete Mathematics 32 Applied Mathematics and Computation 32 Journal of Functional Analysis 31 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 30 Acta Mathematica 29 International Journal of Number Theory 28 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 28 Mathematika 28 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 27 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 26 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 25 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 25 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 25 Linear Algebra and its Applications 24 Mathematische Nachrichten 24 Siberian Mathematical Journal 23 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 23 Inventiones Mathematicae 23 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 23 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 23 Advances in Applied Mathematics 23 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 23 Computational Methods and Function Theory 22 Astrophysics and Space Science 22 Communications in Mathematical Physics 21 Theoretical Computer Science 21 Discrete & Computational Geometry 20 Journal of Mathematical Physics 20 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 20 Arkiv för Matematik 20 European Journal of Combinatorics 20 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 19 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 19 Compositio Mathematica 19 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 19 Results in Mathematics 18 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 18 Statistics & Probability Letters 18 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 17 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 17 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 17 Journal of Differential Equations 16 Functional Analysis and its Applications 15 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 15 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 15 Duke Mathematical Journal 15 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 15 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 15 Manuscripta Mathematica 15 Constructive Approximation 14 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 14 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 13 Nuclear Physics. B 13 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 13 The Mathematical Intelligencer 13 Acta Arithmetica 13 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 13 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 13 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 13 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 13 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 13 Journal of Symbolic Computation 13 Historia Mathematica 13 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 13 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 12 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 12 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 12 Journal of Computational Physics 12 Reports on Mathematical Physics 12 Geometriae Dedicata 12 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 12 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 12 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 11 Acta Mechanica 11 Journal of Statistical Physics 11 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 11 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences ...and 630 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 63 Fields 948 Number theory (11-XX) 600 Special functions (33-XX) 530 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 330 Functional analysis (46-XX) 286 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 249 Combinatorics (05-XX) 238 Statistics (62-XX) 235 General topology (54-XX) 225 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 221 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 217 Operator theory (47-XX) 188 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 174 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 155 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 150 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 149 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 149 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 149 Integral equations (45-XX) 133 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 130 Computer science (68-XX) 128 Quantum theory (81-XX) 101 Measure and integration (28-XX) 100 Real functions (26-XX) 94 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 93 Differential geometry (53-XX) 92 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 87 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 85 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 82 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 80 History and biography (01-XX) 75 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 74 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 72 Geometry (51-XX) 70 Potential theory (31-XX) 69 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 66 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 58 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 57 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 54 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 52 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 52 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 51 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 49 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 48 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 47 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 47 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 45 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 45 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 45 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 41 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 40 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 36 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 27 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 26 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 25 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 20 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 20 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 17 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 12 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 7 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 6 Geophysics (86-XX) 6 Mathematics education (97-XX) 5 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) Citations by Year