Annals of Mathematics 218 Articles (1884–1899) indexed 239 Citations Publisher: University of Virginia, Department of Mathematics, Charlottesville, VA Short Title: Annals of Math. Main Fields: Number theory (11-XX); Functions of a complex variable (30-XX); Approximations and expansions (41-XX); ...
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1,466 Articles (since 1990) indexed 6,716 Citations Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Cham Short Title: Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. Main Fields: Computer science (68-XX); Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX)
Annals of Mathematics Studies 421 Volumes (since 1940) indexed 32,346 Citations Publisher: Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ Short Title: Ann. Math. Stud. Main Fields: Algebraic geometry (14-XX); Number theory (11-XX); General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX); ...
Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 6,296 Articles (since 1899) indexed 237,945 Citations Publisher: Princeton University, Mathematics Department, Princeton, NJ Short Title: Ann. Math. (2) Main Fields: Number theory (11-XX); Algebraic geometry (14-XX); Differential geometry (53-XX); ...
Chinese Annals of Mathematics 192 Articles (1980–1983) indexed 237 Citations Publisher: – Short Title: Chin. Ann. Math. Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); Operator theory (47-XX); ...
Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series A 3,139 Articles (since 1983) indexed 3,201 Citations Publisher: Fudan University, Shanghai Short Title: Chin. Ann. Math., Ser. A Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Operator theory (47-XX); Ordinary differential equations (34-XX); ...
Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 2,309 Articles (since 1983) indexed 9,248 Citations Publisher: Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg; Editorial Office of Chinese Annals of Mathematics c/o Fudan University, Shanghai Short Title: Chin. Ann. Math., Ser. B Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Differential geometry (53-XX); Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX); ...
Hunan Annals of Mathematics 444 Articles (1983–1998) indexed 29 Citations Publisher: Mathematical Society of Hunan, Changsha Short Title: Hunan Ann. Math. Main Fields: Numerical analysis (65-XX); Ordinary differential equations (34-XX); Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX); ...
\(M\times\Phi\). Annals of Mathematics and Philosophy 0 Articles indexed Publisher: Éditions Spartacus-ldh [s.l.] Short Title: \(M\times\Phi\), Ann. Math. Philos. Main Fields: –