Information Processing Letters Short Title: Inf. Process. Lett. Publisher: Elsevier (North-Holland), Amsterdam ISSN: 0020-0190 Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 7,444 Publications (since 1971) References Indexed: 7,271 Publications with 82,531 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 188 (2025) 187 (2025) 186 (2024) 185 (2024) 184 (2024) 183 (2024) 182 (2023) 181 (2023) 180 (2023) 179 (2023) 178 (2022) 177 (2022) 176 (2022) 175 (2022) 174 (2022) 173 (2022) 172 (2021) 171 (2021) 170 (2021) 169 (2021) 168 (2021) 167 (2021) 166 (2021) 165 (2021) 164 (2020) 163 (2020) 162 (2020) 161 (2020) 159-160 (2020) 158 (2020) 157 (2020) 156 (2020) 155 (2020) 154 (2020) 153 (2020) 152 (2019) 151 (2019) 150 (2019) 149 (2019) 148 (2019) 147 (2019) 146 (2019) 145 (2019) 144 (2019) 143 (2019) 142 (2019) 141 (2019) 140 (2018) 139 (2018) 138 (2018) 137 (2018) 136 (2018) 135 (2018) 134 (2018) 133 (2018) 132 (2018) 131 (2018) 130 (2018) 129 (2018) 128 (2017) 127 (2017) 126 (2017) 125 (2017) 124 (2017) 123 (2017) 122 (2017) 121 (2017) 120 (2017) 119 (2017) 118 (2017) 117 (2017) 116, No. 12 (2016) 116, No. 11 (2016) 116, No. 10 (2016) 116, No. 9 (2016) 116, No. 8 (2016) 116, No. 7 (2016) 116, No. 6 (2016) 116, No. 5 (2016) 116, No. 4 (2016) 116, No. 3 (2016) 116, No. 2 (2016) 116, No. 1 (2016) 115, No. 12 (2015) 115, No. 11 (2015) 115, No. 10 (2015) 115, No. 9 (2015) 115, No. 6-8 (2015) 115, No. 5 (2015) 115, No. 4 (2015) 115, No. 3 (2015) 115, No. 2 (2015) 115, No. 1 (2015) 114, No. 12 (2014) 114, No. 11 (2014) 114, No. 10 (2014) 114, No. 9 (2014) 114, No. 8 (2014) 114, No. 7 (2014) 114, No. 6 (2014) ...and 598 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 27 Rytter, Wojciech 22 Hsu, Lihhsing 22 Lingas, Andrzej 22 Woeginger, Gerhard 20 Mehlhorn, Kurt 19 Luccio, Fabrizio 19 Raynal, Michel 18 Xu, Junming 17 Tang, Chuan Yi 17 Tarjan, Robert Endre 17 Wang, Yue-Li 16 Crochemore, Maxime 16 Szwarcfiter, Jayme Luiz 15 Cheng, Tai-Chiu Edwin 15 Rozenberg, Grzegorz 15 Szepietowski, Andrzej 14 Chang, Jou-Ming 14 Choe, Kwang-Moo 14 Leung, Joseph Y.-T. 14 Pelc, Andrzej 14 Rautenbach, Dieter 14 Tsur, Dekel 14 Wegener, Ingo 13 Hassin, Refael 13 Mäkinen, Erkki 13 Shallit, Jeffrey Outlaw 12 Bollig, Beate 12 Chang, Maw-Shang 12 Chen, Xiebin 12 Chin, Francis Y. L. 12 Chrobak, Marek 12 Meng, Jixiang 12 Xu, Yinfeng 12 Yang, Xiaofan 11 Akl, Selim G. 11 Amir, Amihood 11 Chwa, Kyungyong 11 De Santis, Alfredo 11 Gavril, Fanica 11 Huang, Shingtsaan 11 Iliopoulos, Costas S. 11 Nagamochi, Hiroshi 11 Pagli, Linda 11 Raspaud, André 11 Tan, Xuehou 11 Tsai, Chang-Hsiung 11 Urrutia Galicia, Jorge L. 11 Yuan, Jinjiang 10 Bertossi, Alan A. 10 Brandstädt, Andreas 10 Chen, Genhuey 10 Chung, Kuoliang 10 Damaschke, Peter 10 Frieze, Alan Michael 10 Gries, David 10 Khuller, Samir 10 Kratsch, Dieter 10 Larmore, Lawrence L. 10 Mosheiov, Gur 10 Nandy, Subhas Chandra 10 Olariu, Stephan 10 Shparlinski, Igor E. 9 Aggarwal, Alok 9 Atkinson, Mike D. 9 Baeza-Yates, Ricardo A. 9 Chakrabarti, Partha Pratim 9 Chang, Gerard Jennhwa 9 Chen, Jian-er 9 Culik, Karel II 9 de Figueiredo, Celina M. Herrera 9 Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej 9 Engelfriet, Joost 9 Fomin, Fedor V. 9 Goldreich, Oded 9 Grabowski, Szymon 9 Hwang, Tzonelih 9 Ibarra, Oscar H. 9 Inoue, Katsushi 9 Kim, Sung Kwon 9 Landau, Gad M. 9 Lee, Richard Chia-Tung 9 Lin, Min-Sheng 9 Misra, Jayadev 9 Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 9 Overmars, Mark H. 9 Panda, Bhawani Sankar 9 Papadimitriou, Christos Harilaos 9 Rahman, Mohammad Sohel 9 Raman, Venkatesh 9 Rangan, Chandrasekharan Pandu 9 Santoro, Nicola 9 Saxena, Sanjeev Kumar 9 Seidl, Helmut 9 Tan, Jimmy J. M. 9 Tsin, Yung Hyang 9 Wood, Derick 8 Aceto, Luca 8 Allison, Lloyd 8 Atallah, Mikhail J. 8 Bergstra, Jan A. ...and 8,810 more Authors all top 5 Fields 6,500 Computer science (68-XX) 1,428 Combinatorics (05-XX) 598 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 451 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 305 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 156 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 142 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 112 Number theory (11-XX) 97 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 50 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 46 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 37 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 33 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 32 Statistics (62-XX) 29 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 25 Quantum theory (81-XX) 16 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 11 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 10 Geometry (51-XX) 9 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 4 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 5,385 Publications have been cited 42,303 times in 29,637 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A linear-time algorithm for testing the truth of certain quantified Boolean formulas. Zbl 0398.68042 Aspvall, Bengt; Plass, Michael F.; Tarjan, Robert Endre 313 1979 An efficient algorithm for determining the convex hull of a finite planar set. Zbl 0236.68013 Graham, R. L. 239 1972 On generating all maximal independent sets. Zbl 0654.68086 Johnson, David S.; Yannakakis, Mihalis; Papadimitriou, Christos H. 228 1988 On computing a conditional edge-connectivity of a graph. Zbl 0633.05045 Esfahanian, Abdol-Hossein; Hakimi, S. Louis 197 1988 Fixed-parameter tractability of graph modification problems for hereditary properties. Zbl 0875.68702 Cai, Leizhen 194 1996 Optimal packing and covering in the plane are NP-complete. Zbl 0469.68053 Fowler, Robert J.; Paterson, Michael S.; Tanimoto, Steven L. 183 1981 The particle swarm optimization algorithm: Convergence analysis and parameter selection. Zbl 1156.90463 Trelea, Ioan Cristian 151 2003 Preserving order in a forest in less than logarithmic time and linear space. Zbl 0364.68053 van Emde Boas, P. 150 1977 A probabilistic remark on algebraic program testing. Zbl 0397.68011 DeMillo, Richard A.; Lipton, Richard J. 143 1978 Defining liveness. Zbl 0575.68030 Alpern, Bowen; Schneider, Fred B. 139 1985 A calculus of durations. Zbl 0743.68097 Zhou, Chaochen; Hoare, C. A. R.; Ravn, Anders P. 128 1991 On computing the determinant in small parallel time using a small number of processors. Zbl 0541.68019 Berkowitz, Stuart J. 127 1984 A guided tour of Chernoff bounds. Zbl 0702.60021 Hagerup, Torben; Rüb, Christine 126 1990 The budgeted maximum coverage problem. Zbl 1002.68203 Khuller, Samir; Moss, Anna; Naor, Joseph 125 1999 Constructing optimal binary decision trees is NP-complete. Zbl 0333.68029 Hyafil, Laurent; Rivest, Ronald L. 117 1976 A lower bound for the time to assure interactive consistency. Zbl 0493.68026 Fischer, Michael J.; Lynch, Nancy A. 114 1982 Deciding the winner in parity games is in \(\mathrm{UP}\cap\mathrm{co-UP}\). Zbl 1338.68109 Jurdziński, Marcin 114 1998 NP-completeness of some generalizations of the maximum matching problem. Zbl 0493.68039 Stockmeyer, Larry J.; Vazirani, Vijay V. 110 1982 Finding the upper envelope of n line segments in O(n log n) time. Zbl 0689.68058 Hershberger, John 110 1989 Maximum bounded 3-dimensional matching is MAX SNP-complete. Zbl 0711.68045 Kann, Viggo 107 1991 Intersection and union of regular languages and state complexity. Zbl 0763.68048 Birget, Jean-Camille 103 1992 An optimal algorithm for computing the repetitions in a word. Zbl 0467.68075 Crochemore, Max 103 1981 Optimal speedup of Las Vegas algorithms. Zbl 0797.68139 Luby, Michael; Sinclair, Alistair; Zuckerman, David 103 1993 Log-logarithmic worst-case range queries are possible in space theta(N). Zbl 0509.68106 Willard, Dan E. 102 1983 Dominating sets for split and bipartite graphs. Zbl 0539.68058 Bertossi, Alan A. 99 1984 Occam’s razor. Zbl 0653.68084 Blumer, Anselm; Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej; Haussler, David; Warmuth, Manfred K. 99 1987 Paw-free graphs. Zbl 0654.05063 Olariu, Stephan 99 1988 The Steiner problem with edge lengths 1 and 2. Zbl 0677.68074 Bern, Marshall; Plassmann, Paul 99 1989 A linear algorithm for the domination number of a tree. Zbl 0311.68024 Cockayne, E.; Goodman, S.; Hedetniemi, S. 99 1975 Does co-NP have short interactive proofs ? Zbl 0653.68037 Boppana, Ravi B.; Håstad, Johan; Zachos, Stathis 97 1987 Relative complexity of checking and evaluating. Zbl 0342.68028 Valiant, Leslie G. 94 1976 The vertex separation number of a graph equals its path-width. Zbl 0764.68121 Kinnersley, Nancy G. 91 1992 A \(\max \{m, n \}\) algorithm for determining the graph \(H\) from its line graph \(G\). Zbl 0274.05116 Roussopoulos, Nicholas D. 91 1973 Private vs. common random bits in communication complexity. Zbl 0735.68034 Newman, Ilan 89 1991 Myths about the mutual exclusion problem. Zbl 0474.68031 Peterson, G. L. 85 1981 Application of a stochastic name-passing calculus to representation and simulation of molecular processes. Zbl 0997.92018 Priami, Corrado; Regev, Aviv; Shapiro, Ehud; Silverman, William 82 2001 On the identification of the convex hull of a finite set of points in the plane. Zbl 0256.68041 Jarvis, R. A. 82 1973 Arrangement graphs: A class of generalized star graphs. Zbl 0772.68005 Day, Khaled; Tripathi, Anand 80 1992 An algorithm for drawing general undirected graphs. Zbl 0679.68128 Kamada, Tomihisa; Kawai, Satoru 80 1989 Pattern matching for permutations. Zbl 1338.68304 Bose, Prosenjit; Buss, Jonathan F.; Lubiw, Anna 78 1998 An improved lower bound for on-line bin packing algorithms. Zbl 0764.68083 van Vliet, André 77 1992 Finding paths of length \(k\) in \(O^{*}(2^k)\) time. Zbl 1191.68857 Williams, Ryan 77 2009 Finding Hamiltonian circuits in interval graphs. Zbl 0578.68053 Keil, J. Mark 74 1985 \(0(n^{2.7799})\) complexity for \(n\times n\) approximate matrix multiplication. Zbl 0395.68048 Bini, Dario; Capovani, Milvio; Romani, Francesco; Lotti, Grazia 72 1979 Good and semi-strong colorings of oriented planar graphs. Zbl 0806.05031 Raspaud, André; Sopena, Eric 72 1994 Voronoi diagrams from convex hulls. Zbl 0424.68036 Brown, Kevin Q. 70 1979 A Kolmogorov complexity characterization of constructive Hausdorff dimension. Zbl 1045.68570 Mayordomo, Elvira 70 2002 Bipanconnectivity and edge-fault-tolerant bipancyclicity of hypercubes. Zbl 1161.68684 Li, Tseng-Kuei; Tsai, Chang-Hsiung; Tan, Jimmy J. M.; Hsu, Lih-Hsing 69 2003 A lower bound technique for the size of nondeterministic finite automata. Zbl 0900.68313 Glaister, Ian; Shallit, Jeffrey 68 1996 The maximum k-colorable subgraph problem for chordal graphs. Zbl 0653.68070 Yannakakis, Mihalis; Gavril, Fanica 67 1987 Counterexamples to termination for the direct sum of term rewriting systems. Zbl 0653.68010 Toyama, Yoshihito 66 1987 A note on the graph isomorphism counting problem. Zbl 0395.68057 Mathon, Rudolf 65 1979 Simple linear time recognition of unit interval graphs. Zbl 0875.68690 Corneil, Derek G.; Kim, Hiryoung; Natarajan, Sridhar; Olariu, Stephan; Sprague, Alan P. 64 1995 Finding good approximate vertex and edge partitions is NP-hard. Zbl 0764.68061 Bui, Thang Nguyen; Jones, Curt 64 1992 A note on the complexity of the chromatic number problem. Zbl 0336.68021 Lawler, E. L. 63 1976 Decomposable searching problems. Zbl 0404.68067 Bentley, Jon Louis 63 1979 Minimizing the sum of the \(k\) largest functions in linear time. Zbl 1050.68155 Ogryczak, Wlodzimierz; Tamir, Arie 63 2003 BPP and the polynomial hierarchy. Zbl 0515.68042 Lautemann, Clemens 62 1983 The \((n,k)\)-star graph: A generalized star graph. Zbl 1027.68645 Chiang, Wei-Kuo; Chen, Rong-Jaye 62 1995 An \(O(IVI^3)\) algorithm for finding maximum flows in networks. Zbl 0391.90041 Malhotra, V. M.; Kumar, M. Pramodh; Maheshwari, S. N. 60 1978 A unified approach to domination problems on interval graphs. Zbl 0658.05040 Ramalingam, G.; Pandu Rangan, C. 60 1988 Triangulating a simple polygon. Zbl 0384.68040 Garey, Michael R.; Johnson, David S.; Preparata, Franco P.; Tarjan, Robert E. 60 1978 An approximation algorithm for interval data minmax regret combinatorial optimization problems. Zbl 1184.68640 Kasperski, Adam; Zieliński, Paweł 59 2006 The Min-Max Spanning Tree Problem and some extensions. Zbl 0373.05028 Camerini, P. M. 58 1978 On maximum induced matchings in bipartite graphs. Zbl 1046.68081 Lozin, V. V. 58 2002 \(k\)-tuple domination in graphs. Zbl 1175.68299 Liao, Chung-Shou; Chang, Gerard J. 58 2003 Faster deterministic Feedback Vertex Set. Zbl 1371.68116 Kociumaka, Tomasz; Pilipczuk, Marcin 58 2014 Depth-first search is inherently sequential. Zbl 0572.68051 Reif, John H. 57 1985 An optimal greedy heuristic to color interval graphs. Zbl 0711.68083 Olariu, Stephan 57 1991 Constructing the visibility graph for n-line segments in \(O(n^ 2)\) time. Zbl 0573.68036 Welzl, Emo 55 1985 Domination in convex and chordal bipartite graphs. Zbl 0706.68055 Damaschke, Peter; Müller, Haiko; Kratsch, Dieter 55 1990 Optimal node ranking of tree in linear time. Zbl 0683.68038 Schäffer, Alejandro A. 55 1989 A fast and simple randomized parallel algorithm for maximal matching. Zbl 0588.68036 Israeli, Amos; Itai, A. 54 1986 A faster approximation algorithm for the Steiner problem in graphs. Zbl 0635.68071 Mehlhorn, Kurt 54 1988 Doubly lexical ordering of dense 0–1 matrices. Zbl 0771.68068 Spinrad, Jeremy P. 54 1993 Conditional connectivity of Cayley graphs generated by transposition trees. Zbl 1379.05069 Yang, Weihua; Li, Hengzhe; Meng, Jixiang 54 2010 An algorithm for finding clique cut-sets. Zbl 0454.68078 Whitesides, S. H. 53 1981 Acyclic colorings of subcubic graphs. Zbl 1169.05325 Skulrattanakulchai, San 53 2004 Burrows-Wheeler transform and Sturmian words. Zbl 1162.68511 Mantaci, S.; Restivo, A.; Sciortino, M. 53 2003 The edge Hamiltonian path problem is NP-complete. Zbl 0495.68058 Bertossi, Alan A. 52 1981 Finding and counting small induced subgraphs efficiently. Zbl 1339.05394 Kloks, Ton; Kratsch, Dieter; Müller, Haiko 52 2000 An on-line string superprimitivity test. Zbl 0795.68079 Breslauer, Dany 50 1992 An almost optimal algorithm for unbounded searching. Zbl 0335.68030 Bentley, Jon Louis; Yao, Andrew Chi-Chih 50 1976 Optimum watchman routes. Zbl 0652.68042 Chin, Wei-pang; Ntafos, Simeon 50 1988 Hitting sets when the VC-dimension is small. Zbl 1184.68632 Even, Guy; Rawitz, Dror; Shahar, Shimon 50 2005 Linear algorithm for optimal path cover problem on interval graphs. Zbl 0697.68048 Rao Arikati, Srinivasa; Pandu Rangan, C. 50 1990 Optimal state-space lumping in Markov chains. Zbl 1189.68039 Derisavi, Salem; Hermanns, Holger; Sanders, William H. 50 2003 Termination detection for diffusing computations. Zbl 0439.68039 Dijkstra, Edsger W.; Scholten, C. S. 49 1980 Linear algorithms to recognize outerplanar and maximal outerplanar graphs. Zbl 0444.68055 Mitchell, Sandra L. 49 1979 Connectivity and edge-disjoint spanning trees. Zbl 0507.05030 Gusfield, Dan 49 1983 Complexity of scheduling tasks with time-dependent execution times. Zbl 0942.68508 Ho, Kevin I-J.; Leung, Joseph Y-T.; Wei, W-D. 49 1993 A 3-approximation algorithm for the \(k\)-level uncapacitated facility location problem. Zbl 0994.90090 Aardal, Karen; Chudak, Fabián A.; Shmoys, David B. 49 1999 The minimum labeling spanning trees. Zbl 0938.90063 Chang, Ruay-Shiung; Leu, Shing-Jiuan 49 1997 Some results on graphs without long induced paths. Zbl 1178.68285 Lozin, Vadim; Rautenbach, Dieter 49 2003 The constrained longest common subsequence problem. Zbl 1175.90407 Tsai, Yin-Te 49 2003 A factor \(2\) approximation algorithm for the vertex cover \(P_3\) problem. Zbl 1260.68304 Tu, Jianhua; Zhou, Wenli 48 2011 On the minimum label spanning tree problem. Zbl 0938.90064 Krumke, Sven; Wirth, Hans-Christoph 47 1998 Alphabet dependence in parameterized matching. Zbl 0795.68077 Amir, Amihood; Farach, Martin; Muthukrishnan, S. 47 1994 Automata and forbidden words. Zbl 1339.68145 Crochemore, M.; Mignosi, F.; Restivo, A. 47 1998 Optimal superprimitivity testing for strings. Zbl 0734.68071 Apostolico, Alberto; Farach, Martin; Iliopoulos, Costas S. 47 1991 Is this network proper forest-based? Zbl 1544.92109 Huber, Katharina T.; van Iersel, Leo; Moulton, Vincent; Scholz, Guillaume E. 1 2025 On semi-transitive orientability of split graphs. Zbl 07824702 Kitaev, Sergey; Pyatkin, Artem 2 2024 Ranking and unranking bordered and unbordered words. Zbl 07824712 Gabric, Daniel 2 2024 There is no APTAS for 2-dimensional vector bin packing: revisited. Zbl 1530.68123 Ray, Arka 2 2024 Checking in polynomial time whether or not a regular tree language is deterministic top-down. Zbl 07824709 Maneth, Sebastian; Seidl, Helmut 1 2024 On the complexity of co-secure dominating set problem. Zbl 07817060 Panda, B. S.; Rana, Soumyashree; Mishra, Sounaka 1 2024 FPT approximation and subexponential algorithms for covering few or many edges. Zbl 07817066 Fomin, Fedor V.; Golovach, Petr A.; Inamdar, Tanmay; Koana, Tomohiro 1 2024 On the hull number on cycle convexity of graphs. Zbl 1529.05111 Araujo, Julio; Campos, Victor; Girão, Darlan; Nogueira, João; Salgueiro, António; Silva, Ana 1 2024 A new key recovery attack on a code-based signature from the Lyubashevsky framework. Zbl 1529.94040 Tan, Chik How; Prabowo, Theo Fanuela 1 2024 On approximate near-neighbors search under the (continuous) Fréchet distance in higher dimensions. Zbl 1529.68313 Mirzanezhad, Majid 1 2024 A note on matching-cut in \(P_t\)-free graphs. Zbl 1529.68209 Feghali, Carl 5 2023 Efficient linear-time ranking and unranking of derangements. Zbl 1531.05008 Mikawa, Kenji; Tanaka, Ken 2 2023 Packing batches of cubes into a single bin. Zbl 07647060 Januszewski, Janusz; Zielonka, Łukasz 2 2023 Thou shalt covet the average of thy neighbors’ cakes. Zbl 07647064 Tucker-Foltz, Jamie 2 2023 The odd chromatic number of a toroidal graph is at most 9. Zbl 07691943 Tian, Fangyu; Yin, Yuxue 2 2023 Polynomial kernels for tracking shortest paths. Zbl 1529.68194 Blažej, Václav; Choudhary, Pratibha; Knop, Dušan; Křišťan, Jan Matyáš; Suchý, Ondřej; Valla, Tomáš 2 2023 Embedded edge connectivity of \(k\)-ary \(n\)-cubes. Zbl 07647053 Yang, Yuxing 2 2023 On the preferred extensions of argumentation frameworks: bijections with naive sets. Zbl 07649510 Elaroussi, Mohammed; Nourine, Lhouari; Radjef, Mohammed Said; Vilmin, Simon 2 2023 Improved bounds for rectangular monotone min-plus product and applications. Zbl 07649514 Dürr, Anita 2 2023 A real polynomial for bipartite graph minimum weight perfect matchings. Zbl 1531.05124 Tröbst, Thorben; Vazirani, Vijay V. 1 2023 NP-hardness of shortest path problems in networks with non-FIFO time-dependent travel times. Zbl 1529.68231 Zeitz, Tim 1 2023 A note on the satisfactory partition problem: constant size requirement. Zbl 1529.68199 Ciccarelli, Felice; Di Ianni, Miriam; Palumbo, Giancarlo 1 2023 Cyclic generators and an improved linear kernel for the rooted subtree prune and regraft distance. Zbl 07647059 Kelk, Steven; Linz, Simone; Meuwese, Ruben 1 2023 Bicriteria scheduling on an unbounded parallel-batch machine for minimizing makespan and maximum cost. Zbl 07647066 Li, Shuguang; Geng, Zhichao 1 2023 Algorithmic results in Roman dominating functions on graphs. Zbl 07691931 Poureidi, Abolfazl; Fathali, Jafar 1 2023 Bounds and algorithms for generalized superimposed codes. Zbl 07691933 Rescigno, Adele A.; Vaccaro, Ugo 1 2023 Efficiently recognizing graphs with equal independence and annihilation numbers. Zbl 07691946 Rauch, Johannes; Rautenbach, Dieter 1 2023 Optimal circle search despite the presence of faulty robots. Zbl 07691950 Georgiou, Konstantinos; Kranakis, Evangelos; Leonardos, Nikos; Pagourtzis, Aris; Papaioannou, Ioannis 1 2023 Simplified Chernoff bounds with powers-of-two probabilities. Zbl 07691956 Dillencourt, Michael; Goodrich, Michael T. 1 2023 Probabilistic weak bisimulation and axiomatization for probabilistic models. Zbl 07691958 Wu, Hao; Long, Huan 1 2023 Monochromatic partitioning of colored points by lines. Zbl 07691960 Jowhari, Hossein; Rezapour, Mohsen 1 2023 Connectivity, super connectivity and generalized 3-connectivity of folded divide-and-swap cubes. Zbl 07691936 Zhao, Shu-Li; Chang, Jou-Ming 1 2023 Tight FPT approximation for socially fair clustering. Zbl 07691942 Goyal, Dishant; Jaiswal, Ragesh 1 2023 On radio \(k\)-labeling of the power of the infinite path. Zbl 07691945 Das, Tapas; Lehtilä, Tuomo; Nandi, Soumen; Sen, Sagnik; Supraja, D. K. 1 2023 Determining rate monotonic schedulability of real-time periodic tasks using continued fractions. Zbl 1529.68059 Park, Moonju; Baek, Hyeongboo 1 2023 Strong edge-colorings of sparse graphs with \(3\Delta-1\) colors. Zbl 1531.05083 Li, Xiangwen; Li, Yangfan; Lv, Jian-Bo; Wang, Tao 1 2023 Faster deterministic algorithm for cactus vertex deletion. Zbl 1529.68228 Tsur, Dekel 1 2023 Revisiting lower dimension lattice attacks on NTRU. Zbl 07649509 Zhao, Zishen; Ye, Qing 1 2023 Generalized cuckoo hashing with a stash, revisited. Zbl 07649512 Minaud, Brice; Papamanthou, Charalampos 1 2023 Verification and generation of unrefinable partitions. Zbl 07649516 Aragona, Riccardo; Campioni, Lorenzo; Civino, Roberto; Lauria, Massimo 1 2023 List \(k\)-colouring \(P_t\)-free graphs: a mim-width perspective. Zbl 1476.05050 Brettell, Nick; Horsfield, Jake; Munaro, Andrea; Paulusma, Daniël 7 2022 Quantum attacks on sum of Even-Mansour pseudorandom functions. Zbl 1476.94030 Shinagawa, Kazuo; Iwata, Tetsu 7 2022 The first Zagreb index, reciprocal degree distance and Hamiltonian-connectedness of graphs. Zbl 1486.05051 An, Mingqiang 6 2022 A polylogarithmic approximation algorithm for 2-edge-connected dominating set. Zbl 1476.05150 Belgi, Amir; Nutov, Zeev 5 2022 Cluster deletion revisited. Zbl 1476.05191 Tsur, Dekel 3 2022 Palindromic trees for a sliding window and its applications. Zbl 1472.68225 Mieno, Takuya; Watanabe, Kiichi; Nakashima, Yuto; Inenaga, Shunsuke; Bannai, Hideo; Takeda, Masayuki 3 2022 Packing batches of items into a single bin. Zbl 1533.68415 Januszewski, Janusz; Zielonka, Łukasz 3 2022 Minimum projective linearizations of trees in linear time. Zbl 1533.68199 Alemany-Puig, Lluís; Esteban, Juan Luis; Ferrer-i-Cancho, Ramon 3 2022 Robust algorithms for preemptive scheduling on uniform machines of non-increasing job sizes. Zbl 1535.90060 Levin, Asaf 3 2022 A refined approximation for Euclidean \(k\)-means. Zbl 1485.68268 Grandoni, Fabrizio; Ostrovsky, Rafail; Rabani, Yuval; Schulman, Leonard J.; Venkat, Rakesh 3 2022 On complementing unambiguous automata and graphs with many cliques and cocliques. Zbl 1547.68360 Indzhev, Emil; Kiefer, Stefan 3 2022 End vertices of graph searches on bipartite graphs. Zbl 1472.68125 Zou, Meibiao; Wang, Zhifeng; Wang, Jianxin; Cao, Yixin 2 2022 Randomized consensus with regular registers. Zbl 1523.68169 Hadzilacos, Vassos; Hu, Xing; Toueg, Sam 2 2022 A faster parameterized algorithm for temporal matching. Zbl 1532.68072 Zschoche, Philipp 2 2022 A note on distance-preserving graph sparsification. Zbl 1533.68213 Bodwin, Greg 2 2022 An improved exact algorithm for minimum dominating set in chordal graphs. Zbl 1533.68198 Abu-Khzam, Faisal N. 2 2022 Hard problems that quickly become very easy. Zbl 1533.68254 Martin, Barnaby; Paulusma, Daniël; Smith, Siani 2 2022 The complexity of the vertex-minor problem. Zbl 1533.68104 Dahlberg, Axel; Helsen, Jonas; Wehner, Stephanie 2 2022 The complexity of finding temporal separators under waiting time constraints. Zbl 1533.68261 Molter, Hendrik 2 2022 Horton-Strahler number, rooted pathwidth and upward drawings of trees. Zbl 1533.68348 Biedl, Therese 2 2022 A note on VNP-completeness and border complexity. Zbl 1541.68150 Ikenmeyer, Christian; Sanyal, Abhiroop 2 2022 Geometric separability using orthogonal objects. Zbl 1490.68258 Abidha, V. P.; Ashok, Pradeesha 2 2022 The upper and lower bounds of \(R_g\)-conditional diagnosability of networks. Zbl 1483.68265 Yuan, Jun; Qiao, Huijuan; Liu, Aixia 2 2022 Online search for a hyperplane in high-dimensional Euclidean space. Zbl 1515.68329 Antoniadis, Antonios; Hoeksma, Ruben; Kisfaludi-Bak, Sándor; Schewior, Kevin 2 2022 Spectral independence, coupling, and the spectral gap of the Glauber dynamics. Zbl 07537427 Jain, Vishesh; Pham, Huy Tuan; Vuong, Thuy-Duong 2 2022 New results on pairwise compatibility graphs. Zbl 07581522 Hakim, Sheikh Azizul; Papan, Bishal Basak; Rahman, Md. Saidur 1 2022 Approximation and polynomial algorithms for the data mule scheduling with handling time and time span constraints. Zbl 1547.68859 Yu, Wei; Liu, Zhaohui 1 2022 Optimizing the evaluation of \(\ell\)-isogenous curve for isogeny-based cryptography. Zbl 1499.14046 Huang, Yan; Jin, Yan; Hu, Zhi; Zhang, Fangguo 1 2022 On computing the number of (BC-)subtrees, eccentric subtree number, and global and local means of trees. 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