Computers & Operations Research Short Title: Comput. Oper. Res. Publisher: Elsevier (Pergamon), Oxford ISSN: 0305-0548 Online: Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 6,357 Publications (since 1984) References Indexed: 6,132 Publications with 198,926 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 167 (2024) 166 (2024) 165 (2024) 164 (2024) 163 (2024) 162 (2024) 161 (2024) 160 (2023) 159 (2023) 158 (2023) 157 (2023) 156 (2023) 155 (2023) 154 (2023) 153 (2023) 152 (2023) 151 (2023) 150 (2023) 149 (2023) 148 (2022) 147 (2022) 146 (2022) 145 (2022) 144 (2022) 143 (2022) 142 (2022) 141 (2022) 140 (2022) 139 (2022) 138 (2022) 137 (2022) 136 (2021) 135 (2021) 134 (2021) 133 (2021) 132 (2021) 131 (2021) 130 (2021) 129 (2021) 128 (2021) 127 (2021) 126 (2021) 125 (2021) 124 (2020) 123 (2020) 122 (2020) 121 (2020) 120 (2020) 119 (2020) 118 (2020) 117 (2020) 116 (2020) 115 (2020) 114 (2020) 113 (2020) 112 (2019) 111 (2019) 110 (2019) 109 (2019) 108 (2019) 107 (2019) 106 (2019) 105 (2019) 104 (2019) 103 (2019) 102 (2019) 101 (2019) 100 (2018) 99 (2018) 98 (2018) 97 (2018) 96 (2018) 95 (2018) 94 (2018) 93 (2018) 92 (2018) 91 (2018) 90 (2018) 89 (2018) 88 (2017) 87 (2017) 86 (2017) 85 (2017) 84 (2017) 83 (2017) 82 (2017) 81 (2017) 80 (2017) 79 (2017) 78 (2017) 77 (2017) 76 (2016) 75 (2016) 74 (2016) 73 (2016) 72 (2016) 71 (2016) 70 (2016) 69 (2016) 68 (2016) ...and 315 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 98 Laporte, Gilbert 50 Cheng, Tai-Chiu Edwin 33 Gendreau, Michel 31 Cordeau, Jean-François 28 Hao, Jin-Kao 27 Golden, Bruce L. 27 Martí, Rafael 26 Mosheiov, Gur 26 Puerto Albandoz, Justo 22 Drezner, Zvi 22 Mladenović, Nenad 21 Crainic, Teodor Gabriel 21 Speranza, Maria Grazia 20 Batta, Rajan 20 Carrizosa, Emilio 20 Escudero, Laureano Fernando 20 Framinan, Jose M. 19 Archetti, Claudia 19 Coelho, Leandro C. 19 Salazar-González, Juan-José 19 Van Woensel, Tom 19 Vanhoucke, Mario 18 Guerriero, Francesca 18 Pardalos, Panos M. 18 Sörensen, Kenneth 17 Berman, Oded 17 Bruneel, Herwig 17 Fagerholt, Kjetil 17 Gupta, Jatinder N. D. 17 Wasil, Edward A. 16 Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane 16 Gouveia, Luis 16 Soumis, François 15 Blum, Christian 15 Della Croce, Federico 15 Desaulniers, Guy 15 Ghiani, Gianpaolo 15 Iori, Manuel 15 Langevin, André 15 Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio M. 15 Ruiz, Rubén 15 Salhi, Said 15 Tang, Lixin 14 Akturk, M. Selim 14 Duarte, Abraham 14 Ernst, Andreas T. 14 Goerigk, Marc 14 Lü, Zhipeng 14 Marianov, Vladimir 14 Marín, Alfredo 14 Morabito, Reinaldo 14 Potvin, Jean-Yves 14 Savelsbergh, Martin W. P. 14 Smith, James MacGregor 13 Bard, Jonathan F. 13 Figueira, José Rui 13 Gendron, Bernard 13 Glover, Fred W. 13 Haouari, Mohamed 13 Hartl, Richard F. 13 Krishnamoorthy, Mohan 13 Liao, Ching-Jong 13 Pereira, Jordi 13 Pisinger, David 13 Punnen, Abraham P. 13 Sicilia, Joaquín 13 Subramanian, Anand Prabhu 13 Yaman, Hande 12 Allahverdi, Ali 12 Cerulli, Raffaele 12 Chu, Chengbin 12 Demeulemeester, Erik L. 12 He, Kun 12 Hvattum, Lars Magnus 12 Labbé, Martine V. 12 Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira 12 Nagi, Rakesh 12 Renaud, Jacques 12 Rousseau, Louis-Martin 12 Semet, Frédéric 12 Sherali, Hanif D. 12 Stützle, Thomas G. 12 Urošević, Dragan 12 Vanden Berghe, Greet 12 Werner, Frank 12 Wu, Qinghua 11 Church, Richard L. 11 Climaco, Joao Carlos Namorado 11 Cui, Yaodong 11 Dörner, Karl F. 11 Feillet, Dominique 11 Fernández, Elena 11 Hanafi, Saïd 11 Kim, Yeong-Dae 11 Klamroth, Kathrin 11 Laguna, Manuel 11 Pan, Quanke 11 Pastor, Rafael 11 Prins, Christian 11 Vidal, Thibaut ...and 9,717 more Authors all top 5 Fields 6,135 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 527 Computer science (68-XX) 456 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 201 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 171 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 158 Statistics (62-XX) 156 Combinatorics (05-XX) 102 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 28 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 25 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 22 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 20 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 18 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 13 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 5,415 Publications have been cited 53,901 times in 24,759 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Variable neighborhood search. Zbl 0889.90119 Mladenović, N.; Hansen, P. 863 1997 Future paths for integer programming and links to artificial intelligence. Zbl 0615.90083 Glover, Fred 446 1986 A general heuristic for vehicle routing problems. Zbl 1144.90318 Pisinger, David; Ropke, Stefan 273 2007 A simple and effective evolutionary algorithm for the vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1100.90504 Prins, Christian 162 2004 Heuristics for cardinality constrained portfolio optimization. Zbl 1032.91074 Chang, T.-J.; Meade, N.; Beasley, J. E.; Sharaiha, Y. M. 149 2000 Scheduling jobs under simple linear deterioration. Zbl 0810.90074 Mosheiov, Gur 131 1994 A genetic algorithm for flowshop sequencing. Zbl 0815.90097 Reeves, Colin R. 121 1995 Retailer’s pricing and lot sizing policy for exponentially deteriorating products under condition of permissible delay in payments. Zbl 0882.90029 Hwang, Hark; Shinn, Seong Whan 113 1997 Resource-constrained project scheduling: A survey of recent developments. Zbl 1040.90525 Herroelen, Willy; De Reyck, Bert; Demeulemeester, Erik 106 1998 Industrial aspects and literature survey: Combined inventory management and routing. Zbl 1190.90012 Andersson, Henrik; Hoff, Arild; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir; Løkketangen, Arne 104 2010 An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for two-echelon vehicle routing problems arising in city logistics. Zbl 1349.90858 Hemmelmayr, Vera C.; Cordeau, Jean-François; Crainic, Teodor Gabriel 100 2012 A survey on Benders decomposition applied to fixed-charge network design problems. Zbl 1071.90009 Costa, Alysson M. 98 2004 A hybrid genetic algorithm with adaptive diversity management for a large class of vehicle routing problems with time-windows. Zbl 1349.90137 Vidal, Thibaut; Crainic, Teodor Gabriel; Gendreau, Michel; Prins, Christian 97 2013 A bilevel mixed-integer program for critical infrastructure protection planning. Zbl 1139.90439 Scaparra, Maria P.; Church, Richard L. 91 2008 The fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem. Zbl 0607.90043 Golden, Bruce; Assad, Arjang; Levy, Larry; Gheysens, Filip 87 1984 Detecting critical nodes in sparse graphs. Zbl 1158.90411 Arulselvan, Ashwin; Commander, Clayton W.; Elefteriadou, Lily; Pardalos, Panos M. 80 2009 Dynamic multi-commodity capacitated facility location: a mathematical modeling framework for strategic supply chain planning. Zbl 1077.90006 Melo, M. T.; Nickel, S.; Saldanha da Gama, F. 77 2006 Supplier selection and order lot sizing modeling: a review. Zbl 1128.90033 Aissaoui, Najla; Haouari, Mohamed; Hassini, Elkafi 75 2007 The quickest path problem. Zbl 0698.90083 Chen, Y. L.; Chin, Y. H. 74 1990 A common framework for deriving preference values from pairwise comparison matrices. Zbl 1043.62063 Choo, E. U.; Wedley, W. C. 74 2004 A survey on two-echelon routing problems. Zbl 1348.90078 Cuda, R.; Guastaroba, G.; Speranza, M. G. 74 2015 A genetic algorithm for the generalised assignment problem. Zbl 0881.90070 Chu, P. C.; Beasley, J. E. 73 1997 Supply chain models for perishable products under inflation and permissible delay in payment. Zbl 0935.90013 Sarker, Bhaba R.; Jamal, A. M. M.; Wang, Shaojun 73 2000 Where are the hard knapsack problems? Zbl 1116.90089 Pisinger, David 72 2005 Risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming with an application to disaster management. Zbl 1251.90251 Noyan, Nilay 71 2012 A theorem on the determination of economic order quantity under conditions of permissible delay in payments. Zbl 0906.90051 Chung, Kun-Jen 70 1998 Fuzzy approach for multi-level programming problems. Zbl 0838.90140 Shih, Hsu-Shih; Lai, Young-Jou; Lee, E. Stanley 70 1996 A deterministic lot-size inventory model for deteriorating items with shortages and a declining market. Zbl 0827.90050 Wee, Hui-Ming 70 1995 Scheduling in sports: an annotated bibliography. Zbl 1171.90400 Kendall, Graham; Knust, Sigrid; Ribeiro, Celso C.; Urrutia, Sebastián 68 2010 A parallel heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery. Zbl 1188.90041 Subramanian, A.; Drummond, L. M. A.; Bentes, C.; Ochi, L. S.; Farias, R. 66 2010 Lot-sizing decisions under trade credit depending on the ordering quantity. Zbl 1048.90016 Chung, Kun-Jen; Liao, Jui-Jung 66 2004 A Branch-and-Cut method for the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem. Zbl 1205.90172 Belenguer, José-Manuel; Benavent, Enrique; Prins, Christian; Prodhon, Caroline; Wolfler Calvo, Roberto 66 2011 Heuristic solutions to multi-depot location-routing problems. Zbl 0994.90019 Wu, Tai-Hsi; Low, Chinyao; Bai, Jiunn-Wei 65 2002 A genetic algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem. Zbl 1162.90014 Pezzella, F.; Morganti, G.; Ciaschetti, G. 64 2008 Economic production quantity models for deteriorating items with price- and stock-dependent demand. Zbl 1073.90008 Teng, Jinn-Tsair; Chang, Chun-Tao 63 2005 Bound sets for biobjective combinatorial optimization problems. Zbl 1141.90509 Ehrgott, Matthias; Gandibleux, Xavier 63 2007 Batch arrival queue with \(N\)-policy and single vacation. Zbl 0821.90048 Lee, Soon Seok; Lee, Ho Woo; Yoon, Seung Hyun; Chae, K. C. 63 1995 An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1251.90057 Mattos Ribeiro, Glaydston; Laporte, Gilbert 63 2012 Mining market data: a network approach. Zbl 1113.90079 Boginski, Vladimir; Butenko, Sergiy; Pardalos, Panos M. 62 2006 Bilevel linear programming. Zbl 0783.90068 Ben-Ayed, Omar 62 1993 On the robust shortest path problem. Zbl 1040.90554 Gang, Yu; Jian, Yang 62 1998 The application of the simulated annealing algorithm to the solution of the \(n/m/C_{\max}\) flowshop problem. Zbl 0694.90059 Ogbu, F. A.; Smith, D. K. 61 1990 A simple algorithm for reliability evaluation of a stochastic-flow network with node failure. Zbl 0989.90015 Lin, Yi-Kuei 60 2001 A heuristic rule for relocating blocks. Zbl 1079.90079 Kim, Kap Hwan; Hong, Gyu-Pyo 60 2006 Robust multiperiod portfolio management in the presence of transaction costs. Zbl 1139.91333 Bertsimas, Dimitris; Pachamanova, Dessislava 59 2008 A survey on networking games in telecommunications. Zbl 1116.91310 Altman, E.; Boulogne, T.; El-Azouzi, R.; Jiménez, T.; Wynter, L. 59 2006 A comparative analysis of several asymmetric traveling salesman problem formulations. Zbl 1179.90321 Öncan, Temel; Altınel, İ. Kuban; Laporte, Gilbert 59 2009 Iterated local search for the team orienteering problem with time windows. Zbl 1175.90239 Vansteenwegen, Pieter; Souffriau, Wouter; Vanden Berghe, Greet; van Oudheusden, Dirk 57 2009 Home health care routing and scheduling: a review. Zbl 1391.90261 Fikar, Christian; Hirsch, Patrick 57 2017 Optimal pricing and ordering policies for retailers under order-size-dependent delay in payments. Zbl 1029.90008 Shinn, Seong Whan; Hwang, Hark 56 2003 A comparison of solution strategies for biobjective shortest path problems. Zbl 1162.90579 Raith, Andrea; Ehrgott, Matthias 56 2009 Polynomial calculation of the Shapley value based on sampling. Zbl 1177.91021 Castro, Javier; Gómez, Daniel; Tejada, Juan 56 2009 The production routing problem: a review of formulations and solution algorithms. Zbl 1348.90056 Adulyasak, Yossiri; Cordeau, Jean-François; Jans, Raf 56 2015 The generalized maximal covering location problem. Zbl 0995.90056 Berman, Oded; Krass, Dmitry 55 2002 Parallel machine scheduling under a grade of service provision. Zbl 1074.68529 Hwang, Hark-Chin; Chang, Soo Y.; Lee, Kangbok 55 2004 Efficient algorithms for the capacitated concentrator location problem. Zbl 0617.90019 Pirkul, Hasan 55 1987 Very large-scale vehicle routing: new test problems, algorithms, and results. Zbl 1075.90013 Li, Feiyue; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 55 2005 Variable neighborhood search and local branching. Zbl 1086.90042 Hansen, Pierre; Mladenoviç, Nenad; Uroševiç, Dragan 55 2006 Optimal price and order size for a reseller under partial backordering. Zbl 0976.90001 Abad, Prakash L. 54 2001 BISON: A fast hybrid procedure for exactly solving the one-dimensional bin packing problem. Zbl 0882.90113 Scholl, Armin; Klein, Robert; Jürgens, Christian 54 1997 A user-oriented implementation of the ELECTRE-TRI method integrating preference elicitation support. Zbl 0972.90038 Mousseau, V.; Slowinski, R.; Zielniewicz, P. 54 2000 A TABU search heuristic for the team orienteering problem. Zbl 1122.90434 Tang, Hao; Miller-Hooks, Elise 54 2004 Economic order quantity of deteriorating items under permissible delay in payments. Zbl 1042.90505 Chu, Peter; Chung, Kun-Jen; Lan, Shaw-Ping 54 1998 A hybrid algorithm for a class of vehicle routing problems. Zbl 1348.90132 Subramanian, Anand; Uchoa, Eduardo; Ochi, Luiz Satoru 54 2013 An exact algorithm for the bilevel mixed integer linear programming problem under three simplifying assumptions. Zbl 1348.90496 Xu, Pan; Wang, Lizhi 54 2014 A survey of local search methods for graph coloring. Zbl 1086.90060 Galinier, Philippe; Hertz, Alain 54 2006 An exact bit-parallel algorithm for the maximum clique problem. Zbl 1231.90369 Segundo, Pablo San; Rodríguez-Losada, Diego; Jiménez, Agustín 53 2011 A column generation approach to capacitated \(p\)-median problems. Zbl 1048.90132 Lorena, Luiz A. N.; Senne, Edson L. F. 53 2004 Industrial aspects and literature survey: fleet composition and routing. Zbl 1231.90091 Hoff, Arild; Andersson, Henrik; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir; Løkketangen, Arne 53 2010 The exact solution of several classes of inventory-routing problems. Zbl 1349.90016 Coelho, Leandro C.; Laporte, Gilbert 53 2013 A memetic algorithm for bi-objective integrated forward/reverse logistics network design. Zbl 1178.90060 Pishvaee, Mir Saman; Farahani, Reza Zanjirani; Dullaert, Wout 52 2010 A genetic algorithm for the job shop problem. Zbl 0816.90081 Della Croce, Federico; Tadei, Roberto; Volta, Giuseppe 52 1995 A note on lead time and distributional assumptions in continuous review inventory models. Zbl 1042.90509 Moon, Ilkyeong; Choi, Sangjin 52 1998 Benders decomposition for the uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem. Zbl 1180.90038 de Camargo, R. S.; Miranda jun., G.; Luna, H. P. 52 2008 An effective memetic algorithm for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1188.90037 Ngueveu, Sandra Ulrich; Prins, Christian; Wolfler Calvo, Roberto 51 2010 Network DEA: efficiency analysis of organizations with complex internal structure. Zbl 1061.90061 Lewis, Herbert F.; Sexton, Thomas R. 51 2004 A multiperiod set covering location model for dynamic redeployment of ambulances. Zbl 1278.90234 Rajagopalan, Hari K.; Saydam, Cem; Xiao, Jing 51 2008 Inter-company comparison using modified TOPSIS with objective weights. Zbl 0970.90038 Deng, Hepu; Yeh, Chung-Hsing; Willis, Robert J. 50 2000 Review and classification of hybrid flow shop scheduling problems from a production system and a solutions procedure perspective. Zbl 1183.90189 Ribas, Imma; Leisten, Rainer; Framiñan, Jose M. 50 2010 A discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm for the no-wait flowshop scheduling problem. Zbl 1144.90393 Pan, Quan-Ke; Tasgetiren, M. Fatih; Liang, Yun-Chia 50 2008 A computational study of Benders decomposition for the integrated aircraft routing and crew scheduling problem. Zbl 1122.90355 Mercier, Anne; Cordeau, Jean-François; Soumis, Jean-François 50 2004 Three-dimensional container loading models with cargo stability and load bearing constraints. Zbl 1251.90240 Junqueira, Leonardo; Morabito, Reinaldo; Yamashita, Denise Sato 50 2012 Location models for airline hubs behaving as \(M/D/c\) queues. Zbl 1039.90029 Marianov, Vladimir; Serra, Daniel 50 2003 D-Ants: Savings Based Ants divide and conquer the vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1061.90024 Reimann, Marc; Doerner, Karl; Hartl, Richard F. 50 2004 Time-dependent routing problems: a review. Zbl 1349.90164 Gendreau, Michel; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Guerriero, Emanuela 50 2015 Supervised classification and mathematical optimization. Zbl 1349.68135 Carrizosa, Emilio; Romero Morales, Dolores 50 2013 Population set-based global optimization algorithms: some modifications and numerical studies. Zbl 1073.90576 Ali, M. M.; Törn, A. 49 2004 Event-based MILP models for resource-constrained project scheduling problems. Zbl 1231.90202 Koné, Oumar; Artigues, Christian; Lopez, Pierre; Mongeau, Marcel 49 2011 A tabu search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pick-up and delivery service. Zbl 1077.90058 Tang Montané, Fermín Alfredo; Galvão, Roberto Diéguez 49 2006 Determining objective weights in multiple criteria problems: The critic method. Zbl 0830.90079 Diakoulaki, D.; Mavrotas, G.; Papayannakis, L. 48 1995 A tabu search heuristic for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem. Zbl 0855.90055 Renaud, Jacques; Laporte, Gilbert; Boctor, Fayez F. 48 1996 A hybrid genetic and variable neighborhood descent algorithm for flexible job shop scheduling problems. Zbl 1144.90379 Gao, Jie; Sun, Linyan; Gen, Mitsuo 48 2008 GRASP and path relinking for the max-min diversity problem. Zbl 1173.90521 Resende, M. G. C.; Martí, R.; Gallego, M.; Duarte, A. 48 2010 The inventory-routing problem with transshipment. Zbl 1251.90030 Coelho, Leandro C.; Cordeau, Jean-François; Laporte, Gilbert 48 2012 Solving efficiently the 0-1 multi-objective knapsack problem. Zbl 1175.90323 Bazgan, Cristina; Hugot, Hadrien; Vanderpooten, Daniel 48 2009 Using the Miller-Tucker-Zemlin constraints to formulate a minimal spanning tree problem with Hop constraints. Zbl 0854.90139 Gouveia, Luis 47 1995 An exact algorithm for the robust shortest path problem with interval data. Zbl 1073.90055 Montemanni, R.; Gambardella, L. M. 47 2004 Kernel search: a general heuristic for the multi-dimensional knapsack problem. Zbl 1188.90207 Angelelli, Enrico; Mansini, Renata; Speranza, M. Grazia 47 2010 A tabu search method for the truck and trailer routing problem. Zbl 1026.90102 Chao, I-Ming 47 2002 A multi-commodity, multi-plant, capacitated facility location problem: Formulation and efficient heuristic solution. Zbl 1042.90580 Pirkul, Hasan; Jayaraman, Vaidyanathan 47 1998 Margin optimal classification trees. Zbl 07765549 D’Onofrio, Federico; Grani, Giorgio; Monaci, Marta; Palagi, Laura 3 2024 Unrelated parallel batch processing machine scheduling with time requirements and two-dimensional packing constraints. Zbl 07860746 Hu, Kanxin; Che, Yuxin; Ng, Tsan Sheng; Deng, Jie 2 2024 Metaheuristics for bilevel optimization: a comprehensive review. Zbl 07765527 Camacho-Vallejo, José-Fernando; Corpus, Carlos; Villegas, Juan G. 2 2024 Particle swarm optimization for integrated scheduling problem with batch additive manufacturing and batch direct-shipping delivery. Zbl 07765538 Chandra Sugianto, Willy; Soo Kim, Byung 2 2024 Manipulating hidden-Markov-model inferences by corrupting batch data. Zbl 07860750 Caballero, William N.; Camacho, Jose Manuel; Ekin, Tahir; Naveiro, Roi 1 2024 Evaluating different methods for ranking inputs in the context of the performance assessment of decision making units: a machine learning approach. Zbl 07860760 Valero-Carreras, Daniel; Moragues, Raul; Aparicio, Juan; Guerrero, Nadia M. 1 2024 A heuristic approach for the integrated production-transportation problem with process flexibility. Zbl 07860766 Carvalho, Desiree M.; Jans, Raf; de Araujo, Silvio A.; Fiorotto, Diego J. 1 2024 New optimization models for optimal classification trees. Zbl 07860784 Ales, Zacharie; Huré, Valentine; Lambert, Amélie 1 2024 Revised eight-step feasibility checking procedure with linear time complexity for the dial-a-ride problem (DARP). Zbl 07860795 Sohrabi, Somayeh; Ziarati, Koorush; Keshtkaran, Morteza 1 2024 A hybrid genetic algorithm for the min-max multiple traveling salesman problem. Zbl 07860735 Mahmoudinazlou, Sasan; Kwon, Changhyun 1 2024 An adaptive variable neighbourhood search approach for the dynamic vehicle routing problem. Zbl 07860796 Sze, Jeeu Fong; Salhi, Said; Wassan, Niaz 1 2024 Nesting and scheduling optimization of additive manufacturing systems: mapping the territory. Zbl 07870687 Pinto, Marcelo; Silva, Cristóvão; Thürer, Matthias; Moniz, Samuel 1 2024 Formulations for the clustered traveling salesman problem with \(d\)-relaxed priority rule. Zbl 07765520 dos Santos Teixeira, Eduardo; de Araujo, Silvio Alexandre 1 2024 The drone-assisted pickup and delivery problem: an adaptive large neighborhood search metaheuristic. Zbl 07765543 Mulumba, Timothy; Najy, Waleed; Diabat, Ali 1 2024 Project scheduling cost optimization based on resource transfer costs and robustness. Zbl 07765553 Zhang, Houkun; Ma, Ran; He, Zhengwen 1 2024 Sequential customers’ decisions in facility location with comparison-shopping. Zbl 07765556 Méndez-Vogel, Gonzalo; Marianov, Vladimir; Fernández, Pascual; Pelegrín, Blas; Lüer-Villagra, Armin 1 2024 \(\Gamma\)-robust optimization of project scheduling problems. Zbl 07765560 Koster, Arie M. C. A.; Segschneider, Jenny; Ventsch, Nicole 1 2024 Solution algorithms for dock scheduling and truck sequencing in cross-docks: a neural branch-and-price and a metaheuristic. Zbl 07877722 Monemi, Rahimeh Neamatian; Gelareh, Shahin; Maculan, Nelson 1 2024 An improved column-generation-based matheuristic for learning classification trees. Zbl 07870677 Patel, Krunal Kishor; Desaulniers, Guy; Lodi, Andrea 1 2024 Solving unconstrained binary polynomial programs with limited reach: application to low autocorrelation binary sequences. Zbl 07870682 Clausen, Jens Vinther; Crama, Yves; Lusby, Richard; Rodríguez-Heck, Elisabeth; Ropke, Stefan 1 2024 The value of the multi-period solution revisited: when to model time in capacitated location problems. Zbl 07765536 Bakker, Hannah; Nickel, Stefan 1 2024 Variable neighborhood search: the power of change and simplicity. Zbl 1543.90306 Brimberg, Jack; Salhi, Said; Todosijević, Raca; Urošević, Dragan 16 2023 Designing a portfolio-based closed-loop supply chain network for dairy products with a financial approach: accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm. Zbl 1543.90023 Goli, Alireza; Tirkolaee, Erfan Babaee 10 2023 A family of hybrid conjugate gradient method with restart procedure for unconstrained optimizations and image restorations. Zbl 1543.90281 Jiang, Xianzhen; Ye, Xiaomin; Huang, Zefeng; Liu, Meixing 6 2023 A variable neighborhood search-based algorithm with adaptive local search for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and multi-depots aiming for vehicle fleet reduction. Zbl 1520.90018 Bezerra, Sinaide Nunes; Souza, Marcone Jamilson Freitas; de Souza, Sérgio Ricardo 5 2023 Opportunities for reinforcement learning in stochastic dynamic vehicle routing. Zbl 1520.90036 Hildebrandt, Florentin D.; Thomas, Barrett W.; Ulmer, Marlin W. 5 2023 Iterated maximum large neighborhood search for the traveling salesman problem with time windows and its time-dependent version. Zbl 1520.90183 Pralet, Cédric 4 2023 Tabu search for proactive project scheduling problem with flexible resources. Zbl 1542.90106 Ma, Yong; He, Zhengwen; Wang, Nengmin; Demeulemeester, Erik 4 2023 Exploiting flat subspaces in local search for \(p\)-center problem and two fault-tolerant variants. Zbl 1520.90159 Mousavi, Seyed R. 3 2023 Robust optimization for lot-sizing problems under yield uncertainty. Zbl 1520.90010 Metzker, Paula; Thevenin, Simon; Adulyasak, Yossiri; Dolgui, Alexandre 3 2023 Learning-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for batching decision problem. Zbl 1520.90190 Meng, Ying; Li, Tianyang; Tang, Lixin 3 2023 Resource distribution under spatiotemporal uncertainty of disease spread: stochastic versus robust approaches. Zbl 1520.90154 Basciftci, Beste; Yu, Xian; Shen, Siqian 3 2023 Unrelated parallel machine scheduling with eligibility constraints and delivery times to minimize total weighted tardiness. Zbl 1520.90116 Maecker, Söhnke; Shen, Liji; Mönch, Lars 3 2023 Scenario-dominance to multi-stage stochastic lot-sizing and knapsack problems. Zbl 1542.90163 Büyüktahtakın, İ. Esra 3 2023 Fairness in maximal covering location problems. Zbl 1542.90143 Blanco, Víctor; Gázquez, Ricardo 3 2023 The knapsack problem with forfeit sets. Zbl 1542.90197 D’Ambrosio, Ciriaco; Laureana, Federica; Raiconi, Andrea; Vitale, Gaetano 3 2023 A branch-and-bound algorithm for the unit-capacity resource constrained project scheduling problem with transfer times. Zbl 1542.90105 Liu, Ying; Jin, Shuang; Zhou, Jing; Hu, Qian 3 2023 Robust optimization for the electric vehicle pickup and delivery problem with time windows and uncertain demands. Zbl 1542.90033 Liu, Xiaochang; Wang, Dujuan; Yin, Yunqiang; Cheng, T. C. E. 3 2023 Learning-augmented heuristics for scheduling parallel serial-batch processing machines. Zbl 1542.90122 Uzunoglu, Aykut; Gahm, Christian; Wahl, Stefan; Tuma, Axel 3 2023 The vehicle routing problem with drones and drone speed selection. Zbl 1542.90045 Tamke, Felix; Buscher, Udo 3 2023 Optimal joint maintenance and orienteering strategy for complex mission-oriented systems: a case study in offshore wind energy. Zbl 1520.90085 O’Neil, R.; Khatab, A.; Diallo, C.; Venkatadri, U. 2 2023 Time window optimization for attended home service delivery under multiple sources of uncertainties. Zbl 1520.90065 Yu, Xian; Shen, Siqian; Badri-Koohi, Babak; Seada, Haitham 2 2023 Local-ideal-points based autonomous space decomposition framework for the multi-objective periodic generalized directed rural postman problem under length restrictions with intermediate facilities. Zbl 1520.90195 Chen, Long; Xu, Peng; Yan, Xuedong; Souleyrette, Reginald R.; Wang, Teng (Alex) 2 2023 Strip based compact formulation for two-dimensional guillotine cutting problems. Zbl 1520.90184 Rodrigues, Carlos Diego; Cherri, Adriana Cristina; de Araujo, Silvio Alexandre 2 2023 Ranking with multiple reference points: efficient SAT-based learning procedures. Zbl 1520.90142 Belahcène, Khaled; Mousseau, Vincent; Ouerdane, Wassila; Pirlot, Marc; Sobrie, Olivier 2 2023 Reducing tardy batches by seru production: model, exact solution, cooperative coevolution solution, and insights. Zbl 07764406 Li, Xiaolong; Yu, Yang; Sun, Wei; Tang, Jiafu 2 2023 A three-phase matheuristic algorithm for the multi-day task assignment problem. Zbl 1543.90152 Wang, Yang; Liu, Haichao; Peng, Bo; Wang, Haibo; Punnen, Abraham P. 2 2023 Dock assignment and truck scheduling problem; consideration of multiple scenarios with resource allocation constraints. Zbl 1542.90109 Neamatian Monemi, Rahimeh; Gelareh, Shahin 2 2023 Continuous-time formulations for multi-mode project scheduling. Zbl 1542.90117 Sayah, David 2 2023 On optimal regression trees to detect critical intervals for multivariate functional data. Zbl 1542.62087 Blanquero, Rafael; Carrizosa, Emilio; Molero-Río, Cristina; Romero Morales, Dolores 2 2023 New resource-constrained project scheduling instances for testing (meta-)heuristic scheduling algorithms. Zbl 1542.90092 Coelho, José; Vanhoucke, Mario 2 2023 Branch-and-price algorithms for large-scale mission-oriented maintenance planning problems. Zbl 1542.90076 Al-Jabouri, Hamzea; Saif, Ahmed; Diallo, Claver; Khatab, Abdelhakim 2 2023 A customized two-stage parallel computing algorithm for solving the combined modal split and traffic assignment problem. 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Zbl 1542.90102 Karsu, Özlem; Solyalı, Oğuz 1 2023 ...and 1324 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 30,346 Authors 184 Laporte, Gilbert 127 Pardalos, Panos M. 107 Cheng, Tai-Chiu Edwin 102 Mladenović, Nenad 91 Gendreau, Michel 82 Puerto Albandoz, Justo 80 Hao, Jin-Kao 80 Wang, Ji-Bo 79 Cordeau, Jean-François 76 Drezner, Zvi 64 Glover, Fred W. 60 Lin, Yi-Kuei 60 Mosheiov, Gur 60 Speranza, Maria Grazia 57 Crainic, Teodor Gabriel 56 Bruneel, Herwig 56 Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Reza 54 Boysen, Nils 54 Shabtay, Dvir 52 Carrizosa, Emilio 52 Sörensen, Kenneth 50 Archetti, Claudia 50 Hanafi, Saïd 50 Hansen, Pierre 50 Iori, Manuel 49 Vanhoucke, Mario 48 Escudero, Laureano Fernando 48 Figueira, José Rui 48 Gouveia, Luis 48 Hartl, Richard F. 47 Desaulniers, Guy 47 Haouari, Mohamed 47 Maiti, Manoranjan 47 Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio M. 47 Voß, Stefan 46 Burke, Edmund Kieran 46 Juan, Angel A. 46 Lim, Andrew 46 Martí, Rafael 45 Gendron, Bernard 45 Ruiz, Rubén 44 Golden, Bruce L. 44 Morabito, Reinaldo 43 Duarte, Abraham 43 Ke, Jauchuan 43 Yuan, Jinjiang 42 Dörner, Karl F. 42 Punnen, Abraham P. 42 Salazar-González, Juan-José 42 Salhi, Said 42 Yin, Yunqiang 41 Guerriero, Francesca 41 Ljubić, Ivana 41 Prins, Christian 41 Uchoa, Eduardo 40 Allahverdi, Ali 40 Chu, Chengbin 40 Coelho, Leandro C. 39 Framinan, Jose M. 39 Hertz, Alain 39 Savelsbergh, Martin W. 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