Journal of Scientific Computing Short Title: J. Sci. Comput. Publisher: Springer US, New York, NY ISSN: 0885-7474; 1573-7691/e Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 4,198 Publications (since 1986) References Indexed: 3,931 Publications with 143,648 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 102, No. 3 (2025) 102, No. 2 (2025) 102, No. 1 (2025) 101, No. 3 (2024) 101, No. 2 (2024) 101, No. 1 (2024) 100, No. 3 (2024) 100, No. 2 (2024) 100, No. 1 (2024) 99, No. 3 (2024) 99, No. 2 (2024) 99, No. 1 (2024) 98, No. 3 (2024) 98, No. 2 (2024) 98, No. 1 (2024) 97, No. 3 (2023) 97, No. 2 (2023) 97, No. 1 (2023) 96, No. 3 (2023) 96, No. 2 (2023) 96, No. 1 (2023) 95, No. 3 (2023) 95, No. 2 (2023) 95, No. 1 (2023) 94, No. 3 (2023) 94, No. 2 (2023) 94, No. 1 (2023) 93, No. 3 (2022) 93, No. 2 (2022) 93, No. 1 (2022) 92, No. 3 (2022) 92, No. 2 (2022) 92, No. 1 (2022) 91, No. 3 (2022) 91, No. 2 (2022) 91, No. 1 (2022) 90, No. 3 (2022) 90, No. 2 (2022) 90, No. 1 (2022) 89, No. 3 (2021) 89, No. 2 (2021) 89, No. 1 (2021) 88, No. 3 (2021) 88, No. 2 (2021) 88, No. 1 (2021) 87, No. 3 (2021) 87, No. 2 (2021) 87, No. 1 (2021) 86, No. 3 (2021) 86, No. 2 (2021) 86, No. 1 (2021) 85, No. 3 (2020) 85, No. 2 (2020) 85, No. 1 (2020) 84, No. 3 (2020) 84, No. 2 (2020) 84, No. 1 (2020) 83, No. 3 (2020) 83, No. 2 (2020) 83, No. 1 (2020) 82, No. 3 (2020) 82, No. 2 (2020) 82, No. 1 (2020) 81, No. 3 (2019) 81, No. 2 (2019) 81, No. 1 (2019) 80, No. 3 (2019) 80, No. 2 (2019) 80, No. 1 (2019) 79, No. 3 (2019) 79, No. 2 (2019) 79, No. 1 (2019) 78, No. 3 (2019) 78, No. 2 (2019) 78, No. 1 (2019) 77, No. 3 (2018) 77, No. 2 (2018) 77, No. 1 (2018) 76, No. 3 (2018) 76, No. 2 (2018) 76, No. 1 (2018) 75, No. 3 (2018) 75, No. 2 (2018) 75, No. 1 (2018) 74, No. 3 (2018) 74, No. 2 (2018) 74, No. 1 (2018) 73, No. 2-3 (2017) 73, No. 1 (2017) 72, No. 3 (2017) 72, No. 2 (2017) 72, No. 1 (2017) 71, No. 3 (2017) 71, No. 2 (2017) 71, No. 1 (2017) 70, No. 3 (2017) 70, No. 2 (2017) 70, No. 1 (2017) 69, No. 3 (2016) 69, No. 2 (2016) ...and 193 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 47 Shu, Chi-Wang 47 Zhang, Zhimin 30 Qiu, Jianxian 29 Orszag, Steven Alan 29 Osher, Stanley Joel 26 Cockburn, Bernardo 26 Gelb, Anne 25 Shen, Jie 23 Nordström, Jan 22 Xu, Yan 21 Gottlieb, Sigal 20 Huang, Yunqing 19 Gassner, Gregor J. 19 Kirby, Robert M. II 19 Kopriva, David Alan 18 Abgrall, Rémi 18 Jameson, Antony 18 Kang, Myungjoo 18 Rui, Hongxing 17 Feng, Xinlong 17 Guo, Ben-Yu 17 Hesthaven, Jan S. 17 Qiu, Jingmei 17 Rozza, Gianluigi 17 Wang, Cheng 16 Don, Wai Sun 16 Dumbser, Michael 16 He, Yinnian 16 Li, Fengyan 15 Gao, Zhen 15 Hu, Jun 15 Huang, Ting-Zhu 15 Karageorghis, Andreas 15 Li, Ruo 15 Pani, Amiya Kumar 15 Ryan, Jennifer K. 15 Tang, Tao 15 Wang, Hong 15 Yin, Wotao 14 Liu, Steve Wenbin 14 Zeng, Tie Yong 14 Zhang, Qiang 13 Brenner, Susanne Cecelia 13 Chen, Long 13 Chen, Wenbin 13 Chen, Yanping 13 Deng, Weihua 13 Feng, Xiaobing 13 Ju, Lili 13 Jung, Jae-Hun 13 Kurganov, Alexander 13 Ng, Michael Kwok-Po 13 Wang, Lilian 13 Xing, Yulong 12 Chen, Minghua 12 Fu, Guosheng 12 Gottlieb, David I. 12 Ketcheson, David I. 12 Leung, Shingyu 12 Li, Jichun 12 Lui, Lok Ming 12 Sun, Zhizhong 12 Sung, Li-Yeng 12 Tai, Xuecheng 12 Wang, Zhongqing 12 Zhang, Yongtao 12 Zingg, David W. 11 Antonietti, Paola Francesca 11 Cheng, Yingda 11 Christlieb, Andrew J. 11 Chung, Tsz Shun Eric 11 Dawson, Clint N. 11 Fernández-Nieto, Enrique Domingo 11 Gatica, Gabriel N. 11 Glowinski, Roland 11 Gustafsson, Bertil 11 Guzmán, Johnny 11 Houston, Paul 11 Mattsson, Ken 11 Qian, Jianliang 11 Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 11 Stynes, Martin Joseph 11 Xia, Yinhua 11 Xie, Hehu 10 Baccouch, Mahboub 10 Boyd, John Philip 10 Cao, Waixiang 10 Deville, Michel O. 10 Ditkowski, Adi 10 Fischer, Paul F. 10 Fu, Hongfei 10 Ha, Youngsoo 10 Hao, Wenrui 10 Li, Dongfang 10 Li, Huiyuan 10 Lou, Yifei 10 Mao, Shipeng 10 Mulet, Pep 10 Parés Madroñal, Carlos 10 Qiao, Zhonghua ...and 5,694 more Authors all top 5 Fields 3,589 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1,836 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1,259 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 224 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 206 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 198 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 195 Computer science (68-XX) 181 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 131 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 120 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 119 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 118 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 102 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 94 Real functions (26-XX) 93 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 90 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 82 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 80 Integral equations (45-XX) 60 Geophysics (86-XX) 57 Operator theory (47-XX) 57 Statistics (62-XX) 51 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 45 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 40 Special functions (33-XX) 33 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 33 Quantum theory (81-XX) 33 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 28 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 24 Potential theory (31-XX) 17 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 17 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 14 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 12 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 12 Functional analysis (46-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 8 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 3,467 Publications have been cited 48,543 times in 26,970 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Runge–Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods for convection-dominated problems. Zbl 1065.76135 Cockburn, Bernardo; Shu, Chi-Wang 834 2001 Implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta schemes and applications to hyperbolic systems with relaxation. Zbl 1203.65111 Pareschi, Lorenzo; Russo, Giovanni 308 2005 Spectral methods on triangles and other domains. Zbl 0742.76059 Dubiner, Moshe 271 1991 Aerodynamic design via control theory. Zbl 0676.76055 Jameson, Antony 255 1988 ADER: Arbitrary high-order Godunov approach. Zbl 1024.76028 Titarev, V. A.; Toro, E. F. 233 2002 Renormalization group analysis of turbulence. I: Basic theory. Zbl 0648.76040 Yakhot, Victor; Orszag, Steven A. 221 1986 A boundary condition capturing method for multiphase incompressible flow. Zbl 1049.76046 Kang, Myungjoo; Fedkiw, Ronald P.; Liu, Xu-Dong 216 2000 \(C^0\) interior penalty methods for fourth order elliptic boundary value problems on polygonal domains. Zbl 1071.65151 Brenner, Susanne C.; Sung, Li-Yeng 206 2005 Global convergence of ADMM in nonconvex nonsmooth optimization. Zbl 1462.65072 Wang, Yu; Yin, Wotao; Zeng, Jinshan 205 2019 On the global and linear convergence of the generalized alternating direction method of multipliers. Zbl 1379.65036 Deng, Wei; Yin, Wotao 170 2016 A note on discontinuous Galerkin divergence-free solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1151.76527 Cockburn, Bernardo; Kanschat, Guido; Schötzau, Dominik 164 2007 A weak Galerkin finite element method for the Maxwell equations. Zbl 1327.65220 Mu, Lin; Wang, Junping; Ye, Xiu; Zhang, Shangyou 158 2015 A new class of high-order energy stable flux reconstruction schemes. Zbl 1433.76094 Vincent, P. E.; Castonguay, P.; Jameson, A. 154 2011 Maximum-principle-satisfying and positivity-preserving high order discontinuous Galerkin schemes for conservation laws on triangular meshes. Zbl 1247.65131 Zhang, Xiangxiong; Xia, Yinhua; Shu, Chi-Wang 150 2012 Boundary conditions for incompressible flows. Zbl 0648.76023 Orszag, Steven A.; Israeli, Moshe; Deville, Michel O. 148 1986 High order strong stability preserving time discretizations. Zbl 1203.65135 Gottlieb, Sigal; Ketcheson, David I.; Shu, Chi-Wang 145 2009 Unconditionally stable finite difference, nonlinear multigrid simulation of the Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw system of equations. Zbl 1203.76153 Wise, S. M. 143 2010 A unified primal-dual algorithm framework based on Bregman iteration. Zbl 1227.65052 Zhang, Xiaoqun; Burger, Martin; Osher, Stanley 137 2011 Solving multi-linear systems with \(\mathcal {M}\)-tensors. Zbl 1371.65032 Ding, Weiyang; Wei, Yimin 133 2016 A new error analysis of Crank-Nicolson Galerkin FEMs for a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1306.65257 Wang, Jilu 128 2014 On high order strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta and multi step time discretizations. Zbl 1203.65166 Gottlieb, Sigal 128 2005 A simple extension of the Osher Riemann solver to non-conservative hyperbolic systems. Zbl 1220.65110 Dumbser, Michael; Toro, Eleuterio F. 123 2011 Modeling textures with total variation minimization and oscillating patterns in image processing. Zbl 1034.49039 Vese, Luminita A.; Osher, Stanley J. 122 2003 A linear energy stable scheme for a thin film model without slope selection. Zbl 1326.76007 Chen, Wenbin; Conde, Sidafa; Wang, Cheng; Wang, Xiaoming; Wise, Steven M. 118 2012 Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for partial differential equations with higher order derivatives. Zbl 1003.65115 Yan, Jue; Shu, Chi-Wang 116 2002 Analysis of a discontinuous finite element method for the coupled Stokes and Darcy problems. Zbl 1065.76143 Rivière, Béatrice 110 2005 Quadrature methods for periodic singular and weakly singular Fredholm integral equations. Zbl 0662.65122 Sidi, Avram; Israeli, Moshe 109 1988 Spectral difference method for unstructured grids. II. Extension to the Euler equations. Zbl 1151.76543 Wang, Z. J.; Liu, Yen; May, Georg; Jameson, Antony 105 2007 Scientific machine learning through physics-informed neural networks: where we are and what’s next. Zbl 07568980 Cuomo, Salvatore; Schiano Di Cola, Vincenzo; Giampaolo, Fabio; Rozza, Gianluigi; Raissi, Maziar; Piccialli, Francesco 105 2022 Numerical analysis of fully discretized Crank-Nicolson scheme for fractional-in-space Allen-Cahn equations. Zbl 1379.65063 Hou, Tianliang; Tang, Tao; Yang, Jiang 104 2017 Metric identities and the discontinuous spectral element method on curvilinear meshes. Zbl 1178.76269 Kopriva, David A. 103 2006 A radial basis function partition of unity collocation method for convection-diffusion equations arising in financial applications. Zbl 1325.65139 Safdari-Vaighani, Ali; Heryudono, Alfa; Larsson, Elisabeth 102 2015 An operator-integration-factor splitting method for time-dependent problems: Application to incompressible fluid flow. Zbl 0724.76070 Maday, Y.; Patera, Anthony T.; Rønquist, Einar M. 99 1990 An Eulerian formulation for solving partial differential equations along a moving interface. Zbl 1081.76579 Xu, Jian-Jun; Zhao, Hong-Kai 98 2003 To CG or to HDG: A comparative study. Zbl 1244.65174 Kirby, Robert M.; Sherwin, Spencer J.; Cockburn, Bernardo 96 2012 A stabilized Nitsche fictitious domain method for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1417.76028 Massing, André; Larson, Mats G.; Logg, Anders; Rognes, Marie E. 96 2014 Quasi-compact finite difference schemes for space fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1278.65130 Zhou, Han; Tian, WenYi; Deng, Weihua 96 2013 Locally divergence-free discontinuous Galerkin methods for MHD equations. Zbl 1123.76341 Li, Fengyan; Shu, Chi-Wang 95 2005 On second order semi-implicit Fourier spectral methods for 2D Cahn-Hilliard equations. Zbl 1434.65206 Li, Dong; Qiao, Zhonghua 94 2017 Error analysis of a second-order method on fitted meshes for a time-fractional diffusion problem. Zbl 1419.65010 Chen, Hu; Stynes, Martin 94 2019 Optimal spectral-Galerkin methods using generalized Jacobi polynomials. Zbl 1102.76047 Guo, Benyu; Shen, Jie; Wang, Li-Lian 94 2006 Image recovery via nonlocal operators. Zbl 1203.65088 Lou, Yifei; Zhang, Xiaoqun; Osher, Stanley; Bertozzi, Andrea 94 2010 A second-order, weakly energy-stable pseudo-spectral scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation and its solution by the homogeneous linear iteration method. Zbl 1375.65137 Cheng, Kelong; Wang, Cheng; Wise, Steven M.; Yue, Xingye 92 2016 Dispersive and dissipative properties of discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for the second-order wave equation. Zbl 1102.76032 Ainsworth, M.; Monk, P.; Muniz, W. 92 2006 Implicit-explicit schemes for BGK kinetic equations. Zbl 1115.76057 Pieraccini, Sandra; Puppo, Gabriella 92 2007 Family of spectral filters for discontinuous problems. Zbl 0752.35003 Vandeven, Hervé 91 1991 Stability and convergence analysis of fully discrete Fourier collocation spectral method for 3-D viscous Burgers’ equation. Zbl 1297.76126 Gottlieb, Sigal; Wang, Cheng 91 2012 High-order fluctuation schemes on triangular meshes. Zbl 1068.65133 Abgrall, R.; Roe, P. L. 88 2003 A weak Galerkin finite element scheme for the biharmonic equations by using polynomials of reduced order. Zbl 1331.65163 Zhang, Ran; Zhai, Qilong 87 2015 High order fast sweeping methods for static Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Zbl 1149.70302 Zhang, Yong-Tao; Zhao, Hong-Kai; Qian, Jianliang 87 2006 Parallel multi-block ADMM with \(o(1/k)\) convergence. Zbl 1398.65121 Deng, Wei; Lai, Ming-Jun; Peng, Zhimin; Yin, Wotao 87 2017 Semi-implicit level set methods for curvature and surface diffusion motion. Zbl 1035.65098 Smereka, Peter 86 2003 Decoupled energy stable schemes for a phase-field model of two-phase incompressible flows with variable density. Zbl 1326.76064 Liu, Chun; Shen, Jie; Yang, Xiaofeng 84 2015 On the quadrature and weak form choices in collocation type discontinuous Galerkin spectral element methods. Zbl 1203.65199 Kopriva, David A.; Gassner, Gregor 84 2010 Stable and accurate artificial dissipation. Zbl 1085.76050 Mattsson, Ken; Svärd, Magnus; Nordström, Jan 83 2004 Geometric applications of the split Bregman method: segmentation and surface reconstruction. Zbl 1203.65044 Goldstein, Tom; Bresson, Xavier; Osher, Stanley 83 2010 Stabilized methods for compressible flows. Zbl 1203.76130 Hughes, Thomas J. R.; Scovazzi, Guglielmo; Tezduyar, Tayfun E. 83 2010 High order semi-implicit schemes for time dependent partial differential equations. Zbl 1353.65075 Boscarino, Sebastiano; Filbet, Francis; Russo, Giovanni 83 2016 A third order exponential time differencing numerical scheme for no-slope-selection epitaxial thin film model with energy stability. Zbl 1427.65148 Cheng, Kelong; Qiao, Zhonghua; Wang, Cheng 83 2019 Building blocks for arbitrary high order discontinuous Galerkin schemes. Zbl 1115.65100 Dumbser, Michael; Munz, Claus-Dieter 82 2006 Summation by parts operators for finite difference approximations of second-derivatives with variable coefficients. Zbl 1252.65055 Mattsson, Ken 81 2012 \(hp\)-version a priori error analysis of interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximations to the biharmonic equation. Zbl 1116.65117 Mozolevski, Igor; Süli, Endre; Bösing, Paulo R. 80 2007 A fully automatic \(hp\)-adaptivity. Zbl 0999.65121 Demkowicz, L.; Rachowicz, W.; Devloo, Ph. 80 2002 An \(\mathcal O(N\log N)\) fast direct solver for partial hierarchically semi-separable matrices. With application to radial basis function interpolation. Zbl 1292.65030 Ambikasaran, Sivaram; Darve, Eric 79 2013 A linear iteration algorithm for a second-order energy stable scheme for a thin film model without slope selection. Zbl 1305.82034 Chen, Wenbin; Wang, Cheng; Wang, Xiaoming; Wise, Steven M. 79 2014 A radial basis function (RBF)-finite difference (FD) method for diffusion and reaction-diffusion equations on surfaces. Zbl 1319.65079 Shankar, Varun; Wright, Grady B.; Kirby, Robert M.; Fogelson, Aaron L. 79 2015 Conservative finite difference formulations, variable coefficients, energy estimates and artificial dissipation. Zbl 1109.65076 Nordström, Jan 79 2006 An \(hp\)-analysis of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for diffusion problems. Zbl 1001.76060 Perugia, Ilaria; Schötzau, Dominik 79 2002 Linearized Galerkin FEMs for nonlinear time fractional parabolic problems with non-smooth solutions in time direction. Zbl 1418.65179 Li, Dongfang; Wu, Chengda; Zhang, Zhimin 79 2019 Fast explicit integration factor methods for semilinear parabolic equations. Zbl 1317.65172 Ju, Lili; Zhang, Jian; Zhu, Liyong; Du, Qiang 78 2015 Spectral (finite) volume method for conservation laws on unstructured grids. III: One-dimensional systems and partition optimization. Zbl 1097.65100 Wang, Z. J.; Liu, Y. 78 2004 Primal discontinuous Galerkin methods for time-dependent coupled surface and subsurface flow. Zbl 1203.76078 Çeşmelioğlu, Ayçıl; Rivière, Béatrice 78 2009 Mixed element method for two-dimensional Darcy-Forchheimer model. Zbl 1326.76065 Pan, Hao; Rui, Hongxing 77 2012 A comprehensive deep learning-based approach to reduced order modeling of nonlinear time-dependent parametrized PDEs. Zbl 1470.65166 Fresca, Stefania; Dede’, Luca; Manzoni, Andrea 77 2021 Two-grid method for nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations by mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1246.65178 Chen, Luoping; Chen, Yanping 76 2011 Numerical experiments on the accuracy of ENO and modified ENO schemes. Zbl 0732.65085 Shu, Chi-Wang 76 1990 The temporal second order difference schemes based on the interpolation approximation for solving the time multi-term and distributed-order fractional sub-diffusion equations. Zbl 1381.65064 Gao, Guang-hua; Alikhanov, Anatoly A.; Sun, Zhi-zhong 76 2017 Unconditional convergence of a fast two-level linearized algorithm for semilinear subdiffusion equations. Zbl 1450.65078 Liao, Hong-lin; Yan, Yonggui; Zhang, Jiwei 76 2019 Fast iterative method with a second-order implicit difference scheme for time-space fractional convection-diffusion equation. Zbl 1379.65062 Gu, Xian-Ming; Huang, Ting-Zhu; Ji, Cui-Cui; Carpentieri, Bruno; Alikhanov, Anatoly A. 75 2017 Adaptive mesh refinement for hyperbolic systems based on third-order compact WENO reconstruction. Zbl 1335.65077 Semplice, M.; Coco, A.; Russo, G. 74 2016 ADER: A high-order approach for linear hyperbolic systems in 2D. Zbl 1022.76034 Schwartzkopff, T.; Munz, C. D.; Toro, E. F. 74 2002 Numerical analysis of second order, fully discrete energy stable schemes for phase field models of two-phase incompressible flows. Zbl 1397.76070 Han, Daozhi; Brylev, Alex; Yang, Xiaofeng; Tan, Zhijun 74 2017 Formulation of kinetic energy preserving conservative schemes for gas dynamics and direct numerical simulation of one-dimensional viscous compressible flow in a shock tube using entropy and kinetic energy preserving schemes. Zbl 1133.76031 Jameson, Antony 74 2008 An analysis of the minimal dissipation local discontinuous Galerkin method for convection-diffusion problems. Zbl 1143.76031 Cockburn, Bernardo; Dong, Bo 74 2007 A second order accurate scalar auxiliary variable (SAV) numerical method for the square phase field crystal equation. Zbl 1497.65196 Wang, Min; Huang, Qiumei; Wang, Cheng 73 2021 A high-order compact finite difference scheme for the fractional sub-diffusion equation. Zbl 1328.65176 Ji, Cui-cui; Sun, Zhi-zhong 72 2015 Multirate timestepping methods for hyperbolic conservation laws. Zbl 1127.76033 Constantinescu, Emil M.; Sandu, Adrian 72 2007 A proof of the stability of the spectral difference method for all orders of accuracy. Zbl 1203.65198 Jameson, Antony 72 2010 Convergence analysis of spectral Galerkin methods for Volterra type integral equations. Zbl 1273.65200 Xie, Ziqing; Li, Xianjuan; Tang, Tao 71 2012 A new type of finite volume WENO schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws. Zbl 1381.65074 Zhu, Jun; Qiu, Jianxian 71 2017 Unconditional superconvergence analysis for nonlinear parabolic equation with \(EQ_1^{rot}\) nonconforming finite element. Zbl 1368.65162 Shi, Dongyang; Wang, Junjun; Yan, Fengna 70 2017 Mixed discontinuous Galerkin methods for Darcy flow. Zbl 1103.76031 Brezzi, F.; Hughes, T. J. R.; Marini, L. D.; Masud, A. 70 2005 On the accuracy of WENO and CWENO reconstructions of third order on nonuniform meshes. Zbl 1343.65116 Cravero, I.; Semplice, M. 69 2016 A level set approach for the numerical simulation of dendritic growth. Zbl 1081.74560 Gibou, Frédéric; Fedkiw, Ronald; Caflisch, Russel; Osher, Stanley 69 2003 A \(C^0\)-weak Galerkin finite element method for the biharmonic equation. Zbl 1305.65233 Mu, Lin; Wang, Junping; Ye, Xiu; Zhang, Shangyou 69 2014 Error estimates and superconvergence of mixed finite element methods for convex optimal control problems. Zbl 1203.49042 Chen, Yanping; Huang, Yunqing; Liu, Wenbin; Yan, Ningning 69 2010 Numerical analysis of nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1203.65237 Cancès, Eric; Chakir, Rachida; Maday, Yvon 69 2010 A high-order kernel method for diffusion and reaction-diffusion equations on surfaces. Zbl 1275.65056 Fuselier, Edward J.; Wright, Grady B. 68 2013 An optimal partition problem for eigenvalues. Zbl 1123.65060 Cafferelli, L. A.; Lin, Fang Hua 68 2007 Hermite WENO schemes and their application as limiters for Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method, III: Unstructured meshes. Zbl 1203.65156 Zhu, Jun; Qiu, Jianxian 68 2009 A new finite element method for elliptic optimal control problems with pointwise state constraints in energy spaces. Zbl 07960910 Gong, Wei; Tan, Zhiyu 1 2025 Discontinuity computing using physics-informed neural networks. Zbl 1530.65138 Liu, Li; Liu, Shengping; Xie, Hui; Xiong, Fansheng; Yu, Tengchao; Xiao, Mengjuan; Liu, Lufeng; Yong, Heng 10 2024 Asymptotically compatible energy and dissipation law of the nonuniform \(\mathrm{L}2\)-\(1_{\sigma}\) scheme for time fractional Allen-Cahn model. Zbl 1541.65069 Liao, Hong-lin; Zhu, Xiaohan; Sun, Hong 4 2024 Analysis of a new NFV scheme preserving DMP for two-dimensional sub-diffusion equation on distorted meshes. Zbl 1546.65067 Yang, Xuehua; Zhang, Zhimin 4 2024 A novel boundary integral formulation for the biharmonic wave scattering problem. Zbl 1534.65260 Dong, Heping; Li, Peijun 3 2024 A well-balanced semi-implicit IMEX finite volume scheme for ideal magnetohydrodynamics at all Mach numbers. Zbl 07788956 Birke, Claudius; Boscheri, Walter; Klingenberg, Christian 3 2024 A new insight on augmented Lagrangian method with applications in machine learning. Zbl 1537.65064 Bai, Jianchao; Jia, Linyuan; Peng, Zheng 3 2024 Block preconditioning methods for asymptotic preserving scheme arising in anisotropic elliptic problems. Zbl 1537.65162 Li, Lingxiao; Yang, Chang 3 2024 Algorithms for square root of semi-infinite quasi-Toeplitz \(M\)-matrices. Zbl 1539.15036 Chen, Hongjia; Kim, Hyun-Min; Meng, Jie 3 2024 A power method for computing the dominant eigenvalue of a dual quaternion Hermitian matrix. Zbl 1544.15010 Cui, Chunfeng; Qi, Liqun 3 2024 A priori error estimate of deep mixed residual method for elliptic PDEs. Zbl 1537.65191 Li, Lingfeng; Tai, Xue-Cheng; Yang, Jiang; Zhu, Quanhui 2 2024 Crank-Nicolson schemes for sub-diffusion equations with nonsingular and singular source terms in time. Zbl 1531.65190 Zhou, Han; Tian, Wenyi 2 2024 Convergence of Dirichlet energy minimization for spherical conformal parameterizations. Zbl 1530.53074 Liao, Wei-Hung; Huang, Tsung-Ming; Lin, Wen-Wei; Yueh, Mei-Heng 2 2024 Structure preserving schemes for Fokker-Planck equations of irreversible processes. Zbl 1530.65087 Liu, Chen; Gao, Yuan; Zhang, Xiangxiong 2 2024 Provable stochastic algorithm for large-scale fully-connected tensor network decomposition. Zbl 1530.65048 Zheng, Wen-Jie; Zhao, Xi-Le; Zheng, Yu-Bang; Huang, Ting-Zhu 2 2024 Modeling excitable cells with the EMI equations: spectral analysis and iterative solution strategy. Zbl 1533.65045 Benedusi, Pietro; Ferrari, Paola; Rognes, Marie E.; Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 2 2024 Fast high-order compact finite difference methods based on the averaged \(L1\) formula for a time-fractional mobile-immobile diffusion problem. Zbl 1544.65152 Zheng, Zi-Yun; Wang, Yuan-Ming 2 2024 A rapid numerical method for the Mullins-Sekerka flow with application to contact angle problems. Zbl 1533.65192 Eto, Tokuhiro 2 2024 Optimal error estimates of the penalty finite element method for the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations with nonsmooth initial data. Zbl 1532.65075 Bir, Bikram; Goswami, Deepjyoti; Pani, Amiya K. 2 2024 Structure preserving polytopal discontinuous Galerkin methods for the numerical modeling of neurodegenerative diseases. Zbl 07880222 Corti, Mattia; Bonizzoni, Francesca; Antonietti, Paola F. 2 2024 Novel well-balanced continuous interior penalty stabilizations. Zbl 1544.65172 Micalizzi, Lorenzo; Ricchiuto, Mario; Abgrall, Rémi 2 2024 A novel energy-optimized technique of SAV-based (EOP-SAV) approaches for dissipative systems. Zbl 07935470 Liu, Zhengguang; Zhang, Yanrong; Li, Xiaoli 2 2024 High-order accurate entropy stable schemes for relativistic hydrodynamics with general Synge-type equation of state. Zbl 1537.76112 Xu, Linfeng; Ding, Shengrong; Wu, Kailiang 1 2024 Free-boundary problems for wave-structure interactions in shallow-water: DG-ALE description and local subcell correction. Zbl 1531.76058 Haidar, Ali; Marche, Fabien; Vilar, François 1 2024 Least-squares virtual element method for Stokes problems on polygonal meshes. Zbl 1531.65253 Wang, Gang; Wang, Ying 1 2024 Enhancing electrical impedance tomography reconstruction using learned half-quadratic splitting networks with Anderson acceleration. Zbl 1531.78006 Xu, Guixian; Wang, Huihui; Zhou, Qingping 1 2024 Energy-stable global radial basis function methods on summation-by-parts form. Zbl 1535.65292 Glaubitz, Jan; Nordström, Jan; Öffner, Philipp 1 2024 On finite volume methods for a Navier-Stokes variational inequality. Zbl 1531.65219 Jing, Feifei; Han, Weimin; Kashiwabara, Takahito; Yan, Wenjing 1 2024 An explicit exponential integrator based on Faber polynomials and its application to seismic wave modeling. Zbl 1531.65222 Ravelo, Fernando V.; Peixoto, Pedro S.; Schreiber, Martin 1 2024 A \(C^1\)-conforming arbitrary-order two-dimensional virtual element method for the fourth-order phase-field equation. Zbl 1530.65154 Adak, Dibyendu; Manzini, Gianmarco; Mourad, Hashem M.; Plohr, JeeYeon N.; Svolos, Lampros 1 2024 Second order unconditionally convergent fully discrete scheme for incompressible vector potential MHD system. Zbl 07870822 Ding, Qianqian; Long, Xiaonian; Mao, Shipeng; Xi, Ruijie 1 2024 A unified \(L^2\) norm error analysis of SAV-BDF schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1544.65136 Ji, Bingquan; Liao, Hong-lin 1 2024 Coupled and decoupled stabilized finite element methods for the Stokes-Darcy-transport problem. Zbl 1542.65117 Wang, Yongshuai; Shi, Feng; You, Zemin; Zheng, Haibiao 1 2024 Random walks in frequency and the reconstruction of obstacles with cavities from multi-frequency data. Zbl 1530.65147 Askham, Travis; Borges, Carlos; Hoskins, Jeremy; Rachh, Manas 1 2024 Strong stability preserving second derivative general linear methods based on Taylor series conditions for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations. Zbl 1530.65124 Moradi, Afsaneh; Abdi, Ali; Hojjati, Gholamreza 1 2024 A dimensional-splitting weak Galerkin finite element method for 2D time-fractional diffusion equation. 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II 46 Mei, Liquan 46 Xing, Yulong 45 Li, Meng 45 Sun, Shuyu 45 Yang, Yang 45 Yang, Yidu 44 Balsara, Dinshaw S. 44 Jameson, Antony 44 Liu, Fawang 44 Liu, Hailiang 44 Mu, Lin 44 Qiao, Zhonghua 44 Russo, Giovanni 44 Sun, Zhizhong 43 Chen, Wenbin 43 Ng, Michael Kwok-Po 43 Qiu, Jingmei 43 Tai, Xuecheng 43 Wang, Lilian 43 Wu, Boying 42 Boyd, John Philip 42 Cheng, Yingda 42 Chung, Tsz Shun Eric 42 Dawson, Clint N. 42 Fu, Hongfei 42 Gatica, Gabriel N. 41 Bürger, Raimund 41 Gao, Zhen 41 Li, Xiaoli 41 Song, Songhe 41 Sung, Li-Yeng 41 Temam, Roger Meyer 41 Wang, Junping 41 Xie, Xiaoping 40 Deng, Weihua 40 Lowengrub, John Samuel 40 Lukáčová-Medviďová, Mária ...and 25,818 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 719 Journals 3,358 Journal of Computational Physics 2,427 Journal of Scientific Computing 1,205 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1,083 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 976 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 936 Applied Numerical Mathematics 790 Computers and Fluids 764 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 698 Applied Mathematics and Computation 465 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 435 Numerical Algorithms 434 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 347 Communications in Computational Physics 323 Mathematics of Computation 313 Computational and Applied Mathematics 298 Advances in Computational Mathematics 292 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 264 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 263 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 250 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 248 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 244 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 243 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 242 Numerische Mathematik 234 Applied Mathematics Letters 230 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 217 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 193 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 191 Applied Mathematical Modelling 179 Computer Physics Communications 169 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 161 Calcolo 140 BIT 123 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 117 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 112 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 112 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 111 Inverse Problems 111 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 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