Computational GeometryTheory and Applications Short Title: Comput. Geom. Publisher: Elsevier (North-Holland), Amsterdam ISSN: 0925-7721 Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 1,531 Publications (since 1991) References Indexed: 1,364 Publications with 29,380 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 126 (2025) 124-125 (2025) 123 (2024) 122 (2024) 121 (2024) 120 (2024) 119 (2024) 118 (2024) 117 (2024) 116 (2024) 115 (2023) 114 (2023) 113 (2023) 112 (2023) 111 (2023) 110 (2023) 109 (2023) 108 (2023) 107 (2022) 105-106 (2022) 104 (2022) 103 (2022) 102 (2022) 101 (2022) 100 (2022) 99 (2021) 98 (2021) 97 (2021) 96 (2021) 95 (2021) 94 (2021) 93 (2021) 92 (2021) 91 (2020) 90 (2020) 89 (2020) 88 (2020) 87 (2020) 86 (2020) 85 (2019) 84 (2019) 83 (2019) 82 (2019) 81 (2019) 80 (2019) 79 (2019) 78 (2019) 77 (2019) 76 (2019) 75 (2018) 74 (2018) 73 (2018) 72 (2018) 70-71 (2018) 69 (2018) 68 (2018) 67 (2018) 66 (2017) 65 (2017) 64 (2017) 63 (2017) 62 (2017) 61 (2017) 60 (2017) 59 (2016) 58 (2016) 57 (2016) 56 (2016) 55 (2016) 54 (2016) 53 (2016) 52 (2016) 51 (2016) 50 (2015) 49 (2015) 48, No. 9 (2015) 48, No. 8 (2015) 48, No. 7 (2015) 48, No. 6 (2015) 48, No. 5 (2015) 48, No. 4 (2015) 48, No. 3 (2015) 48, No. 2 (2015) 48, No. 1 (2015) 47, No. 9 (2014) 47, No. 8 (2014) 47, No. 7 (2014) 47, No. 6 (2014) 47, No. 5 (2014) 47, No. 4 (2014) 47, No. 3, Part B (2014) 47, No. 3, Part A (2014) 47, No. 2, Part C (2014) 47, No. 2, Part B (2014) 47, No. 2, Part A (2014) 47, No. 1 (2014) 46, No. 9 (2013) 46, No. 8 (2013) 46, No. 7 (2013) 46, No. 6 (2013) ...and 166 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 53 Bose, Prosenjit K. 42 Smid, Michiel H. M. 38 Hurtado, Ferran 36 de Berg, Mark Theodoor 35 Aichholzer, Oswin 35 Maheshwari, Anil 34 Ahn, Hee-Kap 33 Demaine, Erik D. 30 Sharir, Micha 28 Katz, Matthew J. 26 Snoeyink, Jack Scott 25 Bae, Sang Won 25 Korman, Matias 25 Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 24 Cheong, Otfried 24 Gudmundsson, Joachim 24 Langerman, Stefan 24 van Kreveld, Marc J. 23 Carmi, Paz 22 Lubiw, Anna 22 Urrutia Galicia, Jorge L. 21 Overmars, Mark H. 20 Demaine, Martin L. 20 Liotta, Giuseppe 19 Klein, Rolf-Dieter 19 Rote, Günter 18 Eppstein, David Arthur 18 Morin, Pat 18 Tóth, Csaba D. 17 Dumitrescu, Adrian 17 O’Rourke, Joseph 17 Shin, Chan-Su 16 Agarwal, Pankaj Kumar 16 Aronov, Boris 16 Chan, Timothy Moon-Yew 16 Vogtenhuber, Birgit 15 Biniaz, Ahmad 15 Devillers, Olivier 15 Knauer, Christian 15 Pach, János 15 Suri, Subhash 15 Wolff, Alexander 14 Hackl, Thomas 14 Halperin, Dan 14 Meijer, Henk 14 Speckmann, Bettina 14 van Renssen, André 13 Bereg, Sergey N. 13 Guibas, Leonidas John 13 Janardan, Ravi 13 Löffler, Maarten 13 Mount, David M. 13 Pilz, Alexander 12 Biedl, Therese C. 12 Cabello, Sergio 12 Dey, Tamal Krishna 12 Díaz-Báñez, Jose Miguel 12 Hershberger, John E. 12 Mehlhorn, Kurt 12 Rappaport, David 12 Seara, Carlos 12 Seidel, Raimund 12 Silveira, Rodrigo I. 11 Aloupis, Greg 11 Arkin, Esther M. 11 Aurenhammer, Franz 11 Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel 11 Brass, Peter 11 Buchin, Kevin 11 Damian, Mirela 11 Das, Sandip 11 de Carufel, Jean-Lou 11 Haverkort, Herman J. 11 Huemer, Clemens 11 Toussaint, Godfried Theodore 10 Cardinal, Jean 10 Chen, Danny Ziyi 10 Collette, Sébastien 10 Fekete, Sándor P. 10 Goodrich, Michael Truman 10 Kobourov, Stephen G. 10 Matoušek, Jiří 10 Mulzer, Wolfgang Johann Heinrich 10 Nandy, Subhas Chandra 10 Vigneron, Antoine 9 Barequet, Gill 9 Cheng, Siu-Wing 9 Daescu, Ovidiu 9 Di Giacomo, Emilio 9 Didimo, Walter 9 Everett, Hazel 9 Fabila-Monroy, Ruy 9 Garcia, Alfredo Daniel 9 Lazard, Sylvain 9 Okamoto, Yoshio 9 Pérez-Lantero, Pablo 9 Shermer, Thomas Caton 9 Streinu, Ileana 9 Tóth, Géza 9 van der Stappen, A. Frank ...and 1,642 more Authors all top 5 Fields 854 Computer science (68-XX) 513 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 330 Combinatorics (05-XX) 294 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 75 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 53 Geometry (51-XX) 51 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 22 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 17 Statistics (62-XX) 16 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 13 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 12 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Differential geometry (53-XX) 7 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,173 Publications have been cited 9,308 times in 5,948 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Delaunay refinement algorithms for triangular mesh generation. Zbl 1016.68139 Shewchuk, Jonathan Richard 154 2002 Algorithms for drawing graphs: An annotated bibliography. Zbl 0804.68001 Di Battista, Giuseppe; Eades, Peter; Tamassia, Roberto; Tollis, Ioannis G. 110 1994 On a class of \(O(n^ 2)\) problems in computational geometry. Zbl 0839.68105 Gajentaan, Anka; Overmars, Mark H. 108 1995 Unit disk graph recognition is NP-hard. Zbl 0894.68099 Breu, Heinz; Kirkpatrick, David G. 92 1998 A local search approximation algorithm for \(k\)-means clustering. Zbl 1077.68109 Kanungo, Tapas; Mount, David M.; Netanyahu, Nathan S.; Piatko, Christine D.; Silverman, Ruth; Wu, Angela Y. 78 2004 A better heuristic for orthogonal graph drawings. Zbl 0894.68104 Biedl, Therese; Kant, Goos 77 1998 Label placement by maximum independent set in rectangles. Zbl 0921.68100 Agarwal, Pankaj K.; van Kreveld, Marc; Suri, Subhash 72 1998 Reporting points in halfspaces. Zbl 0772.68105 Matoušek, Jiří 61 1992 The power crust, unions of balls, and the medial axis transform. Zbl 0988.65015 Amenta, Nina; Choi, Sunghee; Kolluri, Ravi Krishna 60 2001 How good are convex hull algorithms? Zbl 0877.68119 Avis, David; Bremner, David; Seidel, Raimund 59 1997 Flips in planar graphs. Zbl 1146.05016 Bose, Prosenjit; Hurtado, Ferran 58 2009 On simultaneous planar graph embeddings. Zbl 1105.05015 Brass, Peter; Cenek, Eowyn; Duncan, Cristian A.; Efrat, Alon; Erten, Cesim; Ismailescu, Dan P.; Kobourov, Stephen G.; Lubiw, Anna; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 56 2007 More planar two-center algorithms. Zbl 0948.68196 Chan, Timothy M. 52 1999 Computing contour trees in all dimensions. Zbl 1052.68098 Carr, Hamish; Snoeyink, Jack; Axen, Ulrike 50 2003 Lower bounds on the number of crossing-free subgraphs of \(K_N\). Zbl 0966.68158 García, Alfredo; Noy, Marc; Tejel, Javier 49 2000 Randomized incremental construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams. Zbl 0797.68153 Klein, Rolf; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Meiser, Stefan 48 1993 Drawings of planar graphs with few slopes and segments. Zbl 1129.65010 Dujmović, Vida; Eppstein, David; Suderman, Matthew; Wood, David R. 48 2007 A note on optimal area algorithms for upward drawings of binary trees. Zbl 0768.68131 Crescenzi, P.; Di Battista, G.; Piperno, A. 47 1992 Computing minimum length paths of a given homotopy class. Zbl 0815.68116 Hershberger, John; Snoeyink, Jack 46 1994 On embedding an outer-planar graph in a point set. Zbl 1012.05057 Bose, Prosenjit 44 2002 Exact algorithms and APX-hardness results for geometric packing and covering problems. Zbl 1283.52032 Chan, Timothy M.; Grant, Elyot 44 2014 On plane geometric spanners: a survey and open problems. Zbl 1270.05032 Bose, Prosenjit; Smid, Michiel 43 2013 Graph of triangulations of a convex polygon and tree of triangulations. Zbl 0948.68127 Hurtado, F.; Noy, M. 42 1999 Largest bounding box, smallest diameter, and related problems on imprecise points. Zbl 1208.65029 Löffler, Maarten; van Kreveld, Marc 40 2010 A simple and fast incremental randomized algorithm for computing trapezoidal decompositions and for triangulating polygons. Zbl 0733.68092 Seidel, Raimund 40 1991 Mathematical model and efficient algorithms for object packing problem. Zbl 1228.05117 Chernov, N.; Stoyan, Yu.; Romanova, T. 39 2010 An experimental comparison of four graph drawing algorithms. Zbl 1133.68460 Di Battista, Giuseppe; Garg, Ashim; Liotta, Giuseppe; Tamassia, Roberto; Tassinari, Emanuele; Vargiu, Francesco 38 1997 On topological graphs with at most four crossings per edge. Zbl 1439.05163 Ackerman, Eyal 37 2019 Parallel searching in the plane. Zbl 0839.68104 Baeza-Yates, Ricardo; Schott, René 33 1995 Towards exact geometric computation. Zbl 0869.68104 Yap, Chee-Keng 33 1997 Point labeling with sliding labels. Zbl 0930.68153 van Kreveld, Marc; Strijk, Tycho; Wolff, Alexander 32 1999 Independent set of intersection graphs of convex objects in 2D. Zbl 1153.68513 Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Mustafa, Nabil H. 32 2006 Four results on randomized incremental constructions. Zbl 0781.68112 Clarkson, Kenneth L.; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Seidel, Raimund 31 1993 Flip distance between two triangulations of a point set is NP-complete. Zbl 1333.65022 Lubiw, Anna; Pathak, Vinayak 31 2015 Approximate range searching. Zbl 0968.68167 Arya, Sunil; Mount, David M. 30 2000 Approximation algorithms for lawn mowing and milling. Zbl 0968.68164 Arkin, Esther M.; Fekete, Sándor P.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 30 2000 Planar minimally rigid graphs and pseudo-triangulations. Zbl 1070.65014 Haas, Ruth; Orden, David; Rote, Günter; Santos, Francisco; Servatius, Brigitte; Servatius, Herman; Souvaine, Diane; Streinu, Ileana; Whiteley, Walter 29 2005 Abstract order type extension and new results on the rectilinear crossing number. Zbl 1110.65019 Aichholzer, Oswin; Krasser, Hannes 29 2007 Counting and cutting cycles of lines and rods in space. Zbl 0748.68082 Chazelle, Bernard; Edelsbrunner, Herbert; Guibas, Leonidas J.; Pollack, Richard; Seidel, Raimund; Sharir, Micha; Snoeyink, Jack 28 1992 Efficient visibility queries in simple polygons. Zbl 1019.65020 Bose, Prosenjit; Lubiw, Anna; Munro, J. Ian 28 2002 On representations of some thickness-two graphs. Zbl 0953.68116 Hutchinson, Joan P.; Shermer, Thomas; Vince, Andrew 28 1999 Faster core-set constructions and data-stream algorithms in fixed dimensions. Zbl 1103.65064 Chan, Timothy M. 28 2006 A circle packing algorithm. Zbl 1023.52005 Collins, Charles R.; Stephenson, Kenneth 27 2003 Analysis of backtrack algorithms for listing all vertices and all faces of a convex polyhedron. Zbl 1133.68462 Fukuda, Komei; Liebling, Thomas M.; Margot, François 27 1997 Watchman routes under limited visibility. Zbl 0772.68107 Ntafos, Simeon 26 1992 Convexity recognition of the union of polyhedra. Zbl 0976.68163 Bemporad, Alberto; Fukuda, Komei; Torrisi, Fabio D. 26 2001 Optimal core-sets for balls. Zbl 1138.68056 Bădoiu, Mihai; Clarkson, Kenneth L. 26 2008 Vietoris-Rips complexes also provide topologically correct reconstructions of sampled shapes. Zbl 1262.68171 Attali, Dominique; Lieutier, André; Salinas, David 26 2013 Fast approximations for sums of distances, clustering and the Fermat-Weber problem. Zbl 1016.65040 Bose, Prosenjit; Maheshwari, Anil; Morin, Pat 25 2003 A Tverberg-type result on multicolored simplices. Zbl 0896.68143 Pach, János 25 1998 A \((5/3+\varepsilon)\)-approximation for strip packing. Zbl 1283.52024 Harren, Rolf; Jansen, Klaus; Prädel, Lars; van Stee, Rob 25 2014 Deformable spanners and applications. Zbl 1102.65024 Gao, Jie; Guibas, Leonidas J.; Nguyen, An 25 2006 Curve-constrained drawings of planar graphs. Zbl 1066.65026 Di Giacomo, Emilio; Didimo, Walter; Liotta, Giuseppe; Wismath, Stephen K. 24 2005 Optimal discrete Morse functions for 2-manifolds. Zbl 1031.65031 Lewiner, Thomas; Lopes, Hélio; Tavares, Geovan 24 2003 Geometric pattern matching under Euclidean motion. Zbl 0869.68110 Chew, L. Paul; Goodrich, Michael T.; Huttenlocher, Daniel P.; Kedem, Klara; Kleinberg, Jon M.; Kravets, Dina 24 1997 Efficient hidden surface removal for objects with small union size. Zbl 0774.68099 Katz, Matthew J.; Overmars, Mark H.; Sharir, Micha 23 1992 The complexity of the free space for a robot moving amidst fat obstacles. Zbl 0801.68177 Van der Stappen, A. Frank; Halperin, Dan; Overmars, Mark H. 23 1993 Polygon decomposition for efficient construction of Minkowski sums. Zbl 0991.68124 Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Flato, Eyal; Halperin, Dan 23 2002 A lower bound on the number of triangulations of planar point sets. Zbl 1061.65013 Aichholzer, Oswin; Hurtado, Ferran; Noy, Marc 23 2004 Algorithms for area-efficient orthogonal drawing. Zbl 0894.68102 Papakostas, Achilleas; Tollis, Ioannis. G. 23 1998 New bounds on the maximum number of edges in \(k\)-quasi-planar graphs. Zbl 1328.05056 Suk, Andrew; Walczak, Bartosz 23 2015 Computing a subgraph of the minimum weight triangulation. Zbl 0807.68100 Keil, J. Mark 22 1994 Chromatic variants of the Erdős–Szekeres theorem on points in convex position. Zbl 1034.52014 Devillers, Olivier; Hurtado, Ferran; Károlyi, Gyula; Seara, Carlos 22 2003 Worst-case-optimal algorithms for guarding planar graphs and polyhedral surfaces. Zbl 1022.05078 Bose, Prosenjit; Kirkpatrick, David; Li, Zaiqing 22 2003 Optimal triangulation and quadric-based surface simplification. Zbl 0951.68554 Heckbert, Paul S.; Garland, Michael 22 1999 Classroom examples of robustness problems in geometric computations. Zbl 1135.65311 Kettner, Lutz; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Pion, Sylvain; Schirra, Stefan; Yap, Chee 22 2008 Geometric red-blue set cover for unit squares and related problems. Zbl 1314.65029 Chan, Timothy M.; Hu, Nan 22 2015 A Kuratowski-type theorem for planarity of partially embedded graphs. Zbl 1259.05044 Jelínek, Vít; Kratochvíl, Jan; Rutter, Ignaz 22 2013 Not being (super)thin or solid is hard: A study of grid Hamiltonicity. Zbl 1193.05105 Arkin, Esther M.; Fekete, Sándor P.; Islam, Kamrul; Meijer, Henk; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Núñez-Rodríguez, Yurai; Polishchuk, Valentin; Rappaport, David; Xiao, Henry 22 2009 Walking an unknown street with bounded detour. Zbl 0752.68086 Klein, Rolf 21 1992 Connectivity guarantees for wireless networks with directional antennas. Zbl 1233.05123 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Lotker, Zvi; Rosén, Adi 21 2011 Finding the largest area axis-parallel rectangle in a polygon. Zbl 0869.68111 Daniels, Karen; Milenkovic, Victor; Roth, Dan 21 1997 Abstract Voronoi diagrams revisited. Zbl 1173.65014 Klein, Rolf; Langetepe, Elmar; Nilforoushan, Zahra 21 2009 An algorithm for the maximum weight independent set problem on outerstring graphs. Zbl 1378.05154 Keil, J. Mark; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Pradhan, Dinabandhu; Vatshelle, Martin 21 2017 On rectangular cartograms. Zbl 1118.68172 van Kreveld, Marc; Speckmann, Bettina 21 2007 Sparse geometric graphs with small dilation. Zbl 1139.05063 Aronov, Boris; de Berg, Mark; Cheong, Otfried; Gudmundsson, Joachim; Haverkort, Herman; Smid, Michiel; Vigneron, Antoine 21 2008 Augmenting the connectivity of geometric graphs. Zbl 1147.05308 Abellanas, M.; García, A.; Hurtado, F.; Tejel, J.; Urrutia, J. 21 2008 Tiling figures of the plane with two bars. Zbl 0815.05022 Beauquier, Danièle; Nivat, Maurice; Remila, Eric; Robson, Mike 20 1995 Computing the smallest \(k\)-enclosing circle and related problems. Zbl 0807.68102 Efrat, Alon; Sharir, Micha; Ziv, Alon 20 1994 Smooth surface reconstruction via natural neighbour interpolation of distance functions. Zbl 1016.68145 Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel; Cazals, Frédéric 20 2002 Tiling space and slabs with acute tetrahedra. Zbl 1054.65020 Eppstein, David; Sullivan, John M.; Üngör, Alper 20 2004 Dynamic algorithms for geometric spanners of small diameter: Randomized solutions. Zbl 0937.68137 Arya, Sunil; Mount, David M.; Smid, Michiel 20 1999 On guarding the vertices of rectilinear domains. Zbl 1149.65015 Katz, Matthew J.; Roisman, Gabriel S. 20 2008 Approximating the volume of unions and intersections of high-dimensional geometric objects. Zbl 1206.65072 Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias 20 2010 The upper bound theorem for polytopes: An easy proof of its asymptotic version. Zbl 0831.68114 Seidel, Raimund 19 1995 Farthest neighbors, maximum spanning trees and related problems in higher dimensions. Zbl 0769.68037 Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Matoušek, Jiří; Suri, Subhash 19 1992 Higher order Delaunay triangulations. Zbl 1005.65020 Gudmundsson, Joachim; Hammar, Mikael; van Kreveld, Marc 19 2002 Generating random polygons with given vertices. Zbl 0857.68101 Zhu, Chong; Sundaram, Gopalakrishnan; Snoeyink, Jack; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 19 1996 Using generic programming for designing a data structure for polyhedral surfaces. Zbl 0935.68122 Kettner, Lutz 19 1999 The point of polygon problem for arbitrary polygons. Zbl 0990.68173 Hormann, Kai; Agathos, Alexander 19 2001 Guarding polyhedral terrains. Zbl 0869.68113 Bose, Prosenjit; Shermer, Thomas; Toussaint, Godfried; Zhu, Binhai 19 1997 Graph drawings with few slopes. Zbl 1128.65020 Dujmović, Vida; Suderman, Matthew; Wood, David R. 19 2007 Shortest paths in intersection graphs of unit disks. Zbl 1312.05041 Cabello, Sergio; Jejčič, Miha 19 2015 Flip distance between triangulations of a planar point set is APX-hard. Zbl 1293.65032 Pilz, Alexander 19 2014 Farthest-polygon Voronoi diagrams. Zbl 1210.65055 Cheong, Otfried; Everett, Hazel; Glisse, Marc; Gudmundsson, Joachim; Hornus, Samuel; Lazard, Sylvain; Lee, Mira; Na, Hyeon-Suk 19 2011 On the geometric dilation of closed curves, graphs, and point sets. Zbl 1115.65018 Dumitrescu, Adrian; Ebbers-Baumann, Annette; Grüne, Ansgar; Klein, Rolf; Rote, Günter 19 2007 A convex hull algorithm for discs, and applications. Zbl 0772.68108 Rappaport, David 18 1992 On the union of fat wedges and separating a collection of segments by a line. Zbl 0801.68167 Efrat, Alon; Rote, Günter; Sharir, Micha 18 1993 On rectilinear link distance. Zbl 0731.68094 de Berg, Mark 18 1991 Graphs that admit right angle crossing drawings. Zbl 1259.65035 Arikushi, Karin; Fulek, Radoslav; Keszegh, Balázs; Morić, Filip; Tóth, Csaba D. 18 2012 Approximating Gromov-Hausdorff distance in Euclidean space. Zbl 07738812 Majhi, Sushovan; Vitter, Jeffrey; Wenk, Carola 3 2024 Isometric deformations of discrete and smooth T-surfaces. Zbl 07885711 Izmestiev, Ivan; Rasoulzadeh, Arvin; Tervooren, Jonas 2 2024 Geometric triangulations and discrete Laplacians on manifolds: an update. Zbl 07887269 Glickenstein, David 1 2024 New formulas for cup-\(i\) products and fast computation of Steenrod squares. Zbl 07618075 Medina-Mardones, Anibal M. 3 2023 Experiments with unit disk cover algorithms for covering massive pointsets. Zbl 1534.68245 Friederich, Rachel; Ghosh, Anirban; Graham, Matthew; Hicks, Brian; Shevchenko, Ronald 3 2023 Geometric dominating-set and set-cover via local-search. Zbl 1542.68198 De, Minati; Lahiri, Abhiruk 2 2023 Cut locus realizations on convex polyhedra. Zbl 1519.05107 O’Rourke, Joseph; Vîlcu, Costin 2 2023 Geometric dominating sets – a minimum version of the no-three-in-line problem. Zbl 1498.05198 Aichholzer, Oswin; Eppstein, David; Hainzl, Eva-Maria 2 2023 Acrophobic guard watchtower problem. Zbl 1533.65265 Seth, Ritesh; Maheshwari, Anil; Nandy, Subhas C. 1 2023 Navigating planar topologies in near-optimal space and time. Zbl 1504.05196 Fuentes-Sepúlveda, José; Navarro, Gonzalo; Seco, Diego 1 2023 Computing the Fréchet distance between uncertain curves in one dimension. Zbl 1534.68240 Buchin, Kevin; Löffler, Maarten; Ophelders, Tim; Popov, Aleksandr; Urhausen, Jérôme; Verbeek, Kevin 1 2023 Simplex closing probabilities in directed graphs. Zbl 1532.92008 Unger, Florian; Krebs, Jonathan; Müller, Michael G. 1 2023 Subquadratic algorithms for some 3sum-hard geometric problems in the algebraic decision-tree model. Zbl 1534.68236 Aronov, Boris; de Berg, Mark; Cardinal, Jean; Ezra, Esther; Iacono, John; Sharir, Micha 1 2023 Drawing outerplanar graphs using thirteen edge lengths. Zbl 1506.05144 Bakhajian, Ziv; Feldheim, Ohad Noy 1 2023 Simple linear time algorithms for piercing pairwise intersecting disks. Zbl 1519.52001 Biniaz, Ahmad; Bose, Prosenjit; Wang, Yunkai 1 2023 Colouring bottomless rectangles and arborescences. Zbl 1519.05068 Cardinal, Jean; Knauer, Kolja; Micek, Piotr; Pálvölgyi, Dömötör; Ueckerdt, Torsten; Varadarajan, Narmada 1 2023 Range updates and range sum queries on multidimensional points with monoid weights. Zbl 07720610 Lu, Shangqi; Tao, Yufei 1 2023 Density of triangulated ternary disc packings. Zbl 1519.52014 Fernique, Thomas; Pchelina, Daria 1 2023 Discrete Fréchet distance for closed curves. Zbl 07699081 Vodolazskiy, Evgeniy 1 2023 Complexity results on untangling red-blue matchings. Zbl 1516.05186 Das, Arun Kumar; Das, Sandip; da Fonseca, Guilherme D.; Gerard, Yan; Rivier, Bastien 1 2023 Untangling circular drawings: algorithms and complexity. Zbl 1516.05149 Bhore, Sujoy; Li, Guangping; Nöllenburg, Martin; Rutter, Ignaz; Wu, Hsiang-Yun 1 2023 Dynamic data structures for \(k\)-nearest neighbor queries. Zbl 07699084 de Berg, Sarita; Staals, Frank 1 2023 An algorithmic framework for the single source shortest path problem with applications to disk graphs. Zbl 1516.05210 Klost, Katharina 1 2023 Angles of arc-polygons and lombardi drawings of cacti. Zbl 1514.05115 Eppstein, David; Frishberg, Daniel; Osegueda, Martha C. 1 2023 Partial matchings induced by morphisms between persistence modules. Zbl 07701319 Gonzalez-Diaz, R.; Soriano-Trigueros, M.; Torras-Casas, A. 1 2023 Automatic generation of formulae for polyominoes with a fixed perimeter defect. Zbl 1498.05050 Barequet, Gill; Magal, Bar 1 2023 Unfoldings and nets of regular polytopes. Zbl 1516.51006 Devadoss, Satyan L.; Harvey, Matthew 1 2023 The impact of geometry on monochrome regions in the flip Schelling process. Zbl 1500.91098 Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Molitor, Louise 1 2023 Approximating the packedness of polygonal curves. Zbl 1497.68529 Gudmundsson, Joachim; Sha, Yuan; Wong, Sampson 1 2023 Planar rectilinear drawings of outerplanar graphs in linear time. Zbl 1486.05207 Frati, Fabrizio 10 2022 On interval decomposability of \(2\)D persistence modules. Zbl 1502.55004 Asashiba, Hideto; Buchet, Mickaël; Escolar, Emerson G.; Nakashima, Ken; Yoshiwaki, Michio 9 2022 Universality of persistence diagrams and the bottleneck and Wasserstein distances. Zbl 1504.55004 Bubenik, Peter; Elchesen, Alex 7 2022 Algorithms for the line-constrained disk coverage and related problems. Zbl 1490.68268 Pedersen, Logan; Wang, Haitao 3 2022 On dominating set of some subclasses of string graphs. Zbl 1496.05123 Chakraborty, Dibyayan; Das, Sandip; Mukherjee, Joydeep 2 2022 On crossing-families in planar point sets. Zbl 1491.05058 Aichholzer, Oswin; Kynčl, Jan; Scheucher, Manfred; Vogtenhuber, Birgit; Valtr, Pavel 2 2022 On the spanning and routing ratios of the directed \(\Theta_6\)-graph. Zbl 1491.05059 Akitaya, Hugo A.; Biniaz, Ahmad; Bose, Prosenjit 2 2022 Layered drawing of undirected graphs with generalized port constraints. Zbl 1522.68435 Zink, Johannes; Walter, Julian; Baumeister, Joachim; Wolff, Alexander 2 2022 \( \delta \)-greedy \(t\)-spanner. Zbl 07445248 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Bar-On, Gali; Carmi, Paz 2 2022 Terrain-like graphs: PTASs for guarding weakly-visible polygons and terrains. Zbl 1497.68516 Ashur, Stav; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Saban, Rachel 2 2022 Computing maximum independent set on outerstring graphs and their relatives. Zbl 1486.05222 Bose, Prosenjit; Carmi, Paz; Keil, J. Mark; Maheshwari, Anil; Mehrabi, Saeed; Mondal, Debajyoti; Smid, Michiel 2 2022 Edge guards for polyhedra in three-space. Zbl 1524.68403 Cano, Javier; Tóth, Csaba D.; Urrutia, Jorge; Viglietta, Giovanni 2 2022 An \(\Omega (n^d)\) lower bound on the number of cell crossings for weighted shortest paths in \(d\)-dimensional polyhedral structures. Zbl 1502.68300 Bauernöppel, Frank; Maheshwari, Anil; Sack, Jörg-Rüdiger 1 2022 Maximum number of almost similar triangles in the plane. Zbl 1491.05137 Balogh, József; Clemen, Felix Christian; Lidický, Bernard 1 2022 Improved algorithms for the bichromatic two-center problem for pairs of points. Zbl 07445247 Wang, Haitao; Xue, Jie 1 2022 Sparse hop spanners for unit disk graphs. Zbl 1479.05080 Dumitrescu, Adrian; Ghosh, Anirban; Tóth, Csaba D. 1 2022 A linear optimization oracle for zonotope computation. Zbl 1479.52035 Deza, Antoine; Pournin, Lionel 1 2022 Minimum rectilinear polygons for given angle sequences. Zbl 1530.68261 Evans, William S.; Fleszar, Krzysztof; Kindermann, Philipp; Saeedi, Noushin; Shin, Chan-Su; Wolff, Alexander 1 2022 Fréchet distance between two point sets. Zbl 1524.68402 Buchin, Maike; Kilgus, Bernhard 1 2022 The maximum exposure problem. Zbl 1483.68466 Kumar, Neeraj; Sintos, Stavros; Suri, Subhash 1 2022 Efficient planar two-center algorithms. Zbl 1522.68637 Choi, Jongmin; Ahn, Hee-Kap 8 2021 On pseudo-disk hypergraphs. Zbl 1470.68232 Aronov, Boris; Donakonda, Anirudh; Ezra, Esther; Pinchasi, Rom 7 2021 Maximum-width empty square and rectangular annulus. Zbl 1516.68098 Bae, Sang Won; Baral, Arpita; Sinha Mahapatra, Priya Ranjan 4 2021 Two theorems on point-flat incidences. Zbl 1473.52031 Lund, Ben 3 2021 On the minimum-area rectangular and square annulus problem. Zbl 1468.68261 Bae, Sang Won 3 2021 Minimum ply covering of points with disks and squares. Zbl 1470.68234 Biedl, Therese; Biniaz, Ahmad; Lubiw, Anna 3 2021 Bisecting three classes of lines. Zbl 1525.52013 Pilz, Alexander; Schnider, Patrick 3 2021 Grid drawings of graphs with constant edge-vertex resolution. Zbl 1522.68382 Bekos, Michael A.; Gronemann, Martin; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Pálvölgyi, Dömötör; Symvonis, Antonios; Theocharous, Leonidas 3 2021 Concatenation arguments and their applications to polyominoes and polycubes. Zbl 1472.05033 Barequet, Gill; Ben-Shachar, Gil; Osegueda, Martha Carolina 3 2021 Smallest universal covers for families of triangles. Zbl 1471.52017 Park, Ji-won; Cheong, Otfried 2 2021 I/O-efficient 2-d orthogonal range skyline and attrition priority queues. Zbl 1470.68235 Kejlberg-Rasmussen, Casper; Tao, Yufei; Tsakalidis, Konstantinos; Tsichlas, Kostas; Yoon, Jeonghun 2 2021 Largest and smallest area triangles on imprecise points. Zbl 1516.68108 Keikha, Vahideh; Löffler, Maarten; Mohades, Ali 2 2021 Distance measures for embedded graphs. Zbl 1516.68055 Akitaya, Hugo A.; Buchin, Maike; Kilgus, Bernhard; Sijben, Stef; Wenk, Carola 2 2021 Euclidean minimum spanning trees with independent and dependent geometric uncertainties. Zbl 1516.68105 Gitik, Rivka; Bartal, Or; Joskowicz, Leo 2 2021 Coloring Delaunay-edges and their generalizations. Zbl 1475.05166 Ackerman, Eyal; Keszegh, Balázs; Pálvölgyi, Dömötör 2 2021 Piercing pairwise intersecting geodesic disks. Zbl 1522.68634 Bose, Prosenjit; Carmi, Paz; Shermer, Thomas C. 2 2021 Largest triangles in a polygon. Zbl 1478.51005 Lee, Seungjun; Eom, Taekang; Ahn, Hee-Kap 2 2021 Unfolding polycube trees with constant refinement. Zbl 07396878 Damian, Mirela; Flatland, Robin 2 2021 On the number of order types in integer grids of small size. Zbl 1516.68100 Caraballo, Luis E.; Díaz-Báñez, José-Miguel; Fabila-Monroy, Ruy; Hidalgo-Toscano, Carlos; Leaños, Jesús; Montejano, Amanda 2 2021 A linear-time algorithm for radius-optimally augmenting paths in a metric space. Zbl 1473.05293 Johnson, Christopher; Wang, Haitao 2 2021 Impartial achievement games on convex geometries. Zbl 1471.91067 McCoy, Stephanie; Sieben, Nándor 2 2021 Tilings of the regular \(N\)-gon with triangles of angles \(\pi/N, \pi/N, (N-2)\pi/N\) for \(N = 5,8,10\) and \(12\). Zbl 1454.52017 Laczkovich, M. 1 2021 Folding polyominoes with holes into a cube. Zbl 1471.51009 Aichholzer, Oswin; Akitaya, Hugo A.; Cheung, Kenneth C.; Demaine, Erik D.; Demaine, Martin L.; Fekete, Sándor P.; Kleist, Linda; Kostitsyna, Irina; Löffler, Maarten; Masárová, Zuzana; Mundilova, Klara; Schmidt, Christiane 1 2021 On the approximation of shortest escape paths. Zbl 1468.68266 Kübel, David; Langetepe, Elmar 1 2021 Maximum-area and maximum-perimeter rectangles in polygons. Zbl 1468.68264 Choi, Yujin; Lee, Seungjun; Ahn, Hee-Kap 1 2021 Angle-monotonicity of Delaunay triangulation. Zbl 1470.68233 Bakhshesh, Davood; Farshi, Mohammad 1 2021 Empty rainbow triangles in \(k\)-colored point sets. 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Zbl 1476.68271 Belton, Robin Lynne; Fasy, Brittany Terese; Mertz, Rostik; Micka, Samuel; Millman, David L.; Salinas, Daniel; Schenfisch, Anna; Schupbach, Jordan; Williams, Lucia 6 2020 1-bend upward planar slope number of SP-digraphs. Zbl 1450.05035 Di Giacomo, Emilio; Liotta, Giuseppe; Montecchiani, Fabrizio 6 2020 Fast and compact planar embeddings. Zbl 1476.68205 Ferres, Leo; Fuentes-Sepúlveda, José; Gagie, Travis; He, Meng; Navarro, Gonzalo 5 2020 Packing plane spanning trees into a point set. Zbl 1450.05067 Biniaz, Ahmad; García, Alfredo 5 2020 Evacuating equilateral triangles and squares in the face-to-face model. Zbl 1476.68281 Chuangpishit, Huda; Mehrabi, Saeed; Narayanan, Lata; Opatrny, Jaroslav 4 2020 On compact packings of the plane with circles of three radii. Zbl 1437.52013 Messerschmidt, Miek 4 2020 Plane hop spanners for unit disk graphs: simpler and better. Zbl 1450.05083 Biniaz, Ahmad 3 2020 Dihedral deformation and rigidity. Zbl 1450.65022 Amenta, Nina; Rojas, Carlos 3 2020 Topological inference of manifolds with boundary. Zbl 1435.62454 Wang, Yuan; Wang, Bei 3 2020 Extending Erdős-Beck’s theorem to higher dimensions. Zbl 1472.52022 Do, Thao 3 2020 Symmetric assembly puzzles are hard, beyond a few pieces. Zbl 1450.05009 Demaine, Erik D.; Korman, Matias; Ku, Jason S.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Otachi, Yota; van Renssen, André; Roeloffzen, Marcel; Uehara, Ryuhei; Uno, Yushi 3 2020 Extending upward planar graph drawings. Zbl 1474.68218 Da Lozzo, Giordano; Di Battista, Giuseppe; Frati, Fabrizio 3 2020 Optimally guarding 2-reflex orthogonal polyhedra by reflex edge guards. Zbl 1437.51018 Viglietta, Giovanni 3 2020 Shortest paths and convex hulls in 2D complexes with non-positive curvature. Zbl 1476.68289 Lubiw, Anna; Maftuleac, Daniela; Owen, Megan 2 2020 Packing boundary-anchored rectangles and squares. Zbl 1432.68489 Biedl, Therese; Biniaz, Ahmad; Maheshwari, Anil; Mehrabi, Saeed 2 2020 Minimizing the continuous diameter when augmenting a geometric tree with a shortcut. Zbl 1476.68201 De Carufel, Jean-Lou; Grimm, Carsten; Maheshwari, Anil; Schirra, Stefan; Smid, Michiel 2 2020 Range closest-pair search in higher dimensions. Zbl 1474.68414 Chan, Timothy M.; Rahul, Saladi; Xue, Jie 2 2020 Balanced line separators of unit disk graphs. Zbl 1433.68483 Carmi, Paz; Chiu, Man Kwun; Katz, Matthew J.; Korman, Matias; Okamoto, Yoshio; van Renssen, André; Roeloffzen, Marcel; Shiitada, Taichi; Smorodinsky, Shakhar 2 2020 \(k\)-sets and rectilinear crossings in complete uniform hypergraphs. Zbl 1437.05171 Gangopadhyay, Rahul; Shannigrahi, Saswata 2 2020 ...and 1073 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 6,938 Authors 106 Bose, Prosenjit K. 106 Liotta, Giuseppe 105 Tóth, Csaba D. 76 Aichholzer, Oswin 74 Sharir, Micha 66 de Berg, Mark Theodoor 62 Hurtado, Ferran 62 Urrutia Galicia, Jorge L. 59 Maheshwari, Anil 57 Dumitrescu, Adrian 57 Montecchiani, Fabrizio 56 Demaine, Erik D. 56 Didimo, Walter 56 Frati, Fabrizio 56 Smid, Michiel H. M. 52 Chan, Timothy Moon-Yew 52 Katz, Matthew J. 51 Di Battista, Giuseppe 50 Biedl, Therese C. 49 Di Giacomo, Emilio 48 Löffler, Maarten 48 Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 48 Nandy, Subhas Chandra 48 Vogtenhuber, Birgit 47 Ahn, Hee-Kap 45 Angelini, Patrizio 44 Das, Sandip 44 Rutter, Ignaz 43 Wang, Haitao 42 Carmi, Paz 42 Korman, Matias 42 Lubiw, Anna 42 Pach, János 42 Wolff, Alexander 41 Da Lozzo, Giordano 40 Bekos, Michael A. 40 Durocher, Stephane 40 Eppstein, David Arthur 40 Kaufmann, Michael 39 Gudmundsson, Joachim 39 van Kreveld, Marc J. 38 Bae, Sang Won 38 Díaz-Báñez, Jose Miguel 38 Langerman, Stefan 38 Mondal, Debajyoti 38 Pilz, Alexander 37 Agarwal, Pankaj Kumar 37 Aronov, Boris 37 Kobourov, Stephen G. 37 Silveira, Rodrigo I. 37 Speckmann, Bettina 36 Devillers, Olivier 36 Morin, Pat 36 Mulzer, Wolfgang Johann Heinrich 36 Patrignani, Maurizio 36 Seara, Carlos 34 Huemer, Clemens 33 Biniaz, Ahmad 33 Meijer, Henk 32 Cheong, Otfried 32 Pérez-Lantero, Pablo 32 Valtr, Pavel 31 Har-Peled, Sariel 30 Nöllenburg, Martin 30 Roy, Sasanka 29 Bereg, Sergey N. 29 Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel 29 Fekete, Sándor P. 29 Mchedlidze, Tamara 28 Halperin, Dan 28 Klein, Rolf-Dieter 28 Rote, Günter 28 Symvonis, Antonios 27 Aurenhammer, Franz 27 Buchin, Kevin 27 Hackl, Thomas 27 Kindermann, Philipp 27 Whitesides, Sue H. 26 Demaine, Martin L. 26 Mehrabi, Saeed 26 van Renssen, André 25 de Carufel, Jean-Lou 25 Hoffmann, Michael 25 Schulz, André 25 Xu, Dachuan 24 Akitaya, Hugo A. 24 Cabello, Sergio 24 Kaplan, Haim 24 Mustafa, Nabil Hassan 23 Bhore, Sujoy Kumar 23 Binucci, Carla 23 Chen, Danny Ziyi 23 Evans, William S. 23 Hong, Seok-Hee 23 Keszegh, Balázs 23 Mount, David M. 23 Saumell, Maria 22 Cardinal, Jean 22 Chaplick, Steven 22 Dujmović, Vida ...and 6,838 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 499 Journals 796 Computational Geometry 375 Discrete & Computational Geometry 275 Theoretical Computer Science 248 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 236 Algorithmica 174 Information Processing Letters 170 Discrete Applied Mathematics 73 Computer Aided Geometric Design 73 Graphs and Combinatorics 69 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 65 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 63 Discrete Mathematics 51 European Journal of Operational Research 45 European Journal of Combinatorics 44 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 43 SIAM Journal on Computing 41 Journal of Computational Physics 39 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 38 Applied Mathematics and Computation 37 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 34 Journal of Global Optimization 33 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 31 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 30 Journal of Symbolic Computation 28 Journal of Applied and Computational Topology 25 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 25 Theory of Computing Systems 24 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 22 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 21 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 21 Information and Computation 21 Computers & Operations Research 18 Automatica 18 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. 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