Journal of Sound and Vibration Short Title: J. Sound Vib. Publisher: Elsevier Science (Academic Press), London ISSN: 0022-460X Online: Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 4,466 Publications (1964–2007) References Indexed: 1 Publication with 12 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 306, No. 1-2 (2007) 305, No. 4-5 (2007) 305, No. 3 (2007) 305, No. 1-2 (2007) 304, No. 3-5 (2007) 304, No. 1-2 (2007) 303, No. 3-5 (2007) 302, No. 4-5 (2007) 302, No. 3 (2007) 302, No. 1-2 (2007) 301, No. 3-5 (2007) 301, No. 1-2 (2007) 300, No. 3-5 (2007) 300, No. 1-2 (2007) 299, No. 4-5 (2007) 299, No. 3 (2007) 299, No. 1-2 (2007) 298, No. 4-5 (2006) 298, No. 1-2 (2006) 297, No. 3-5 (2006) 297, No. 1-2 (2006) 296, No. 4-5 (2006) 296, No. 1-2 (2006) 295, No. 3-5 (2006) 295, No. 1-2 (2006) 294, No. 3 (2006) 294, No. 1-2 (2006) 293, No. 1-2 (2006) 292, No. 3-5 (2006) 292, No. 1-2 (2006) 291, No. 3-5 (2006) 291, No. 1-2 (2006) 290, No. 3-5 (2006) 290, No. 1-2 (2006) 289, No. 1-2 (2006) 288, No. 4-5 (2005) 288, No. 3 (2005) 288, No. 1-2 (2005) 287, No. 4-5 (2005) 287, No. 3 (2005) 287, No. 1-2 (2005) 286, No. 4-5 (2005) 286, No. 3 (2005) 286, No. 1-2 (2005) 285, No. 4-5 (2005) 285, No. 3 (2005) 285, No. 1-2 (2005) 284, No. 3-5 (2005) 284, No. 1-2 (2005) 283, No. 3-5 (2005) 283, No. 1-2 (2005) 282, No. 3-5 (2005) 282, No. 1-2 (2005) 281, No. 3-5 (2005) 281, No. 1-2 (2005) 280, No. 3-5 (2005) 280, No. 1-2 (2005) 279, No. 3-5 (2005) 279, No. 1-2 (2005) 278, No. 4-5 (2004) 278, No. 3 (2004) 278, No. 1-2 (2004) 277, No. 4-5 (2004) 276, No. 3-5 (2004) 276, No. 1-2 (2004) 275, No. 3-5 (2004) 275, No. 1-2 (2004) 274, No. 3-5 (2004) 273, No. 4-5 (2004) 273, No. 1-2 (2004) 272, No. 1-2 (2004) 271, No. 3-5 (2004) 271, No. 1-2 (2004) 270, No. 4-5 (2004) 270, No. 3 (2004) 270, No. 1-2 (2004) 269, No. 3-5 (2004) 269, No. 1-2 (2004) 268, No. 5 (2003) 268, No. 4 (2003) 268, No. 3 (2003) 268, No. 2 (2003) 268, No. 1 (2003) 267, No. 5 (2003) 267, No. 4 (2003) 267, No. 2 (2003) 266, No. 4 (2003) 266, No. 3 (2003) 266, No. 2 (2003) 266, No. 1 (2003) 265, No. 5 (2003) 265, No. 3 (2003) 265, No. 2 (2003) 265, No. 1 (2003) 264, No. 5 (2003) 264, No. 4 (2003) 264, No. 3 (2003) 264, No. 2 (2003) 264, No. 1 (2003) 263, No. 4 (2003) ...and 573 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 67 Laura, Patricio A. A. 65 Mickens, Ronald Elbert 39 Nayfeh, Ali Hasan 25 Awrejcewicz, Jan 24 Leung, Andrew Yee-Tak 24 Liew, Kim Meow 22 Howe, Michael S. 21 Gutiérrez, R. H. 20 Langley, Robin S. 20 Rao, Boggarapu Nageswara 19 Cheung, Yau Kai 18 Dasarathy, Belur V. 18 Elishakoff, Isaac 18 Eversman, Walter 18 Gladwell, Graham M. L. 18 Gorman, Daniel J. 18 Leissa, Arthur W. 18 Mead, Denys J. 18 Paidoussis, Michael P. 17 Hu, Hui 17 Maidanik, G. 17 Soldatos, Kostas P. 17 Zhu, Weiqiu 16 Grossi, Ricardo Oscar 16 Mace, Brian R. 15 Andrianov, Igor Vasil’evich 15 Dickinson, S. M. 15 Ganesan, N. 15 Nagaya, Kosuke 15 Srirangarajan, H. R. 15 To, Cho Wing Solomon 14 Cveticanin, Livija 14 Gottlieb, H. P. W. 14 Popplewell, Neil 14 Singh, Rajendra 14 Soedel, Werner 14 Williams, Frederic W. 13 Dowell, Earl H. 13 Elliott, Stephen J. 13 Mote, C. D. jun. 13 Sinha, Subhash C. 12 Barr, Allan D. S. 12 Bert, Charles W. 12 Chonan, S. 12 Davies, Huw G. 12 Ge, Zhengming 12 Munjal, M. L. 12 Papastavridis, John G. 12 Plaut, Raymond H. 12 Rao, G. Venkateswara 12 Wang, Chang-Yi 11 Bishop, Richard Evelyn Donohue 11 Craggs, Anthony 11 Fahy, F. J. 11 Hansen, Colin H. 11 Kapitaniak, Tomasz 11 Lee, Heowpueh 11 Massalas, Christos V. 11 Mook, Dean T. 11 Petyt, Maurice 11 Yu, Pei 10 Bajaj, Anil K. 10 Bapat, C. N. 10 Bapat, V. A. 10 Morfey, Christopher L. 10 Ohta, Mitsuo 10 Roberts, J. B. 10 van Horssen, Wilhem Teunis 9 Astley, R. Jeremy 9 Bhat, Rama B. 9 Burton, Thomas D. 9 Crighton, David George 9 Fried, Isaac 9 Friswell, Michael Ian 9 Huang, C. C. 9 Huseyin, Koncay 9 Mazumdar, Jagannath 9 Meirovitch, Leonard 9 Prathap, Gangan 9 Roy, Debasish 9 Shivamoggi, Bhimsen K. 9 Szemplińska-Stupnicka, Wanda 9 Tam, Christopher K. W. 9 Warburton, G. B. 9 Zajaczkowski, J. 8 Abrahams, I. David 8 Ahmadi, Goodarz 8 Celep, Zekai 8 Das, Y. C. 8 Díaz Bejarano, J. 8 Doak, P. E. 8 El-Raheb, Michael 8 Filippi, Paul J. T. 8 Gibbs, Barry M. 8 Ginsberg, Jerry H. 8 Holmes, Philip J. 8 Iyengar, R. Narayana 8 Kukla, Stanislaw 8 Kunukkasseril, Vincent X. 8 Lam, Khin-Yong ...and 3,398 more Authors all top 5 Fields 2,737 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1,055 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 675 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 423 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 284 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 277 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 192 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 84 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 75 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 62 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 29 Statistics (62-XX) 19 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 19 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 19 Integral equations (45-XX) 19 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 18 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 17 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 12 Special functions (33-XX) 12 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 10 Geophysics (86-XX) 9 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 8 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 6 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 2,925 Publications have been cited 18,444 times in 10,999 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The free vibration of rectangular plates. Zbl 0268.73033 Leissa, A. W. 218 1973 Perturbation methods and non-linear hyperbolic waves. Zbl 0375.35005 Nayfeh, A. H. 204 1977 A periodically forced piecewise linear oscillator. Zbl 0561.70022 Shaw, S. W.; Holmes, P. J. 171 1983 Dynamics of transversely vibrating beams using four engineering theories. Zbl 1235.74075 Han, Seon M.; Benaroya, Haym; Wei, Timothy 143 1999 Computation of normal forms via a perturbation technique. Zbl 1235.34126 Yu, P. 124 1998 Proper orthogonal decomposition and its applications-part. I: Theory. Zbl 1237.65040 Liang, Y. C.; Lee, H. P.; Lim, S. P.; Lin, W. Z.; Lee, K. H.; Wu, C. G. 102 2002 Normal modes for nonlinear vibratory systems. Zbl 0925.70235 Shaw, Steven W.; Pierre, Christophe 96 1993 A magnetoelastic strange attractor. Zbl 0405.73082 Moon, F. C.; Holmes, P. J. 94 1979 Model updating in structural dynamics: A survey. Zbl 0967.74525 Mottershead, J. E.; Friswell, M. I. 92 1993 The dynamics of repeated impacts with a sinusoidally vibrating table. Zbl 0518.73015 Holmes, P. J. 87 1982 A new rectangular beam theory. Zbl 0453.73058 Levinson, M. 82 1981 Stability and vibration of isotropic, orthotropic and laminated plates according to a higher-order shear deformation theory. Zbl 0558.73031 Reddy, J. N.; Phan, N. D. 80 1985 Non-linear vibration of an elastic string. Zbl 0164.26701 Narasimha, R. 70 1968 Construction of a finite-difference scheme that exactly conserves energy for a mixed parity oscillator. Zbl 0925.70016 Mickens, R. E. 68 1994 Acoustis streaming. Zbl 0402.76066 Lighthill, James 66 1978 On the dynamic response of a system with dry friction. Zbl 1235.70105 Shaw, S. W. 63 1986 Iteration procedure for determining approximate solutions to non-linear oscillator equations. Zbl 1235.70006 Mickens, R. E. 58 1987 Chaos and chaos synchronization of a symmetric gyro with linear-plus-cubic damping. Zbl 1237.70094 Chen, H.-K. 58 2002 Bifurcations to divergence and flutter in flow-induced oscillations: a finite dimensional analysis. Zbl 0363.73059 Holmes, P. J. 56 1977 Mapped wave envelope elements for acoustical radiation and scattering. Zbl 0925.76419 Astley, R. J.; Macaulay, G. J.; Coyette, J. P. 55 1994 An exact analysis for vibration of simply-supported homogeneous and laminated thick rectangular plates. Zbl 0212.57801 Srinivas, S.; Rao, C. V. J.; Rao, A. K. 55 1970 The force vibration of a three-layer, damped sandwich beam with arbitrary boundary conditions. Zbl 0195.26903 Mead, D. J.; Markus, S. 55 1969 The fast Fourier transform algorithm: Programming considerations in the calculation of sine, cosine and Laplace transforms. Zbl 0195.46301 Cooley, J. W.; Lewis, P. A. W.; Welch, P. D. 55 1970 A higher order beam finite element for bending and vibration problems. Zbl 1235.74283 Heyliger, P. R.; Reddy, J. N. 54 1988 van der Pol’s oscillator under delayed feedback. Zbl 1235.70142 Atay, F. M. 52 1998 Vibration analysis by discrete singular convolution. Zbl 1237.74095 Wei, G. W. 52 2001 On the acoustic boundary condition in the presence of flow. Zbl 0448.76065 Myers, M. K. 50 1980 Transition to chaotic motion in mechanical systems with impacts. Zbl 0925.70280 Peterka, F.; Vacík, J. 49 1992 Global dynamics of a vibro-impacting linear oscillator. Zbl 1235.70209 Whiston, G. S. 49 1987 Analysis of four-parameter fractional derivative model of real solid materials. Zbl 1235.34026 Pritz, T. 49 1996 On calculation of sound fields around three dimensional objects by integral equation methods. Zbl 0435.76053 Terai, T. 47 1980 Boundary integral solutions of three dimensional acoustic radiation problems. Zbl 0391.76052 Meyer, W. L.; Bell, W. A.; Zinn, B. T. 46 1978 Determination of periodic solution for a \(u^{1/3}\) force by He’s modified Lindstedt-Poincaré method. Zbl 1242.70044 Öziş, Turgut; Yıldırım, Ahmet 46 2007 A new approach in applying differential quadrature to static and free vibrational analyses of beams and plates. Zbl 0958.74527 Wang, X.; Bert, C. W. 45 1993 On the aeroelastic instability of two-dimensional panels in uniform incompressible flow. Zbl 0329.73044 Kornecki, A.; Dowell, E. H.; O’Brien, J. 44 1976 Solution of multi-delay systems using hybrid of block-pulse functions and Taylor series. Zbl 1243.93050 Marzban, H. R.; Razzaghi, M. 44 2006 A higher order theory for extensional motion of laminated composites. Zbl 0265.73049 Whitney, J. M.; Sun, C. T. 43 1973 A refined analysis of composite laminates. Zbl 0267.73050 Srinivas, S. 43 1973 Averaging method using generalized harmonic functions for strongly non-linear oscillators. Zbl 0945.70534 Xu, Z.; Cheung, Y. K. 42 1994 The nonlinear equations of motion of pipes conveying fluid. Zbl 0925.73661 Semler, C.; Li, G. X.; Païdoussis, M. P. 42 1994 Integrity measures quantifying the erosion of smooth and fractal basins of attraction. Zbl 1235.70106 Soliman, M. S.; Thompson, J. M. T. 42 1989 DSC analysis of free-edged beams by an iteratively matched boundary method. Zbl 1237.74198 Zhao, S.; Wei, G. W.; Xiang, Y. 41 2005 Normal modes of vibration for nonlinear continuous systems. Zbl 0925.73439 Shaw, Steven W.; Pierre, Christophe 41 1994 Modelling of wave propagation in composite plates using the time domain spectral element method. Zbl 1242.74044 Kudela, Paweł; Ẓak, Arkadiusz; Krawczuk, Marek; Ostachowicz, Wiesław 40 2007 Stick and non-stick periodic motions in periodically forced oscillators with dry friction. Zbl 1243.70025 Luo, Albert C. J.; Gegg, Brandon C. 40 2006 Singularities in vibro-impact dynamics. Zbl 0925.70152 Whiston, G. S. 40 1992 A general theory of harmonic wave propagation in linear periodic systems with multiple coupling. Zbl 0264.73046 Mead, D. J. 39 1973 Acoustic radiation from an airfoil in a turbulent stream. Zbl 0318.76055 Amiet, R. K. 39 1975 Stability and bifurcation analysis in van der Pol’s oscillator with delayed feedback. Zbl 1237.70091 Wei, Junjie; Jiang, Weihua 39 2005 A continuous cracked beam vibration theory. Zbl 1235.74162 Chondros, T. G.; Dimarogonas, A. D.; Yao, J. 39 1998 A survey of the dynamic behaviour of a simple rotating shaft with a transverse crack. Zbl 0925.73332 Gasch, R. 39 1993 Acoustic disturbance from gas non-uniformities convected through a nozzle. Zbl 0371.76049 Marble, F. E.; Candel, S. M. 37 1977 Research on thick plate vibration: a literature survey. Zbl 1237.74002 Liew, K. M.; Xiang, Y.; Kitipornchai, S. 37 1995 The variational iteration method for nonlinear oscillators with discontinuities. Zbl 1242.65154 Rafei, M.; Ganji, D. D.; Daniali, H.; Pashaei, H. 37 2007 Model reduction using dynamic and iterated IRS techniques. Zbl 1049.74725 Friswell, M. I.; Garvey, S. D.; Penny, J. E. T. 37 1995 The role of non-linear theories in transient dynamic analysis of flexible structures. Zbl 1235.74193 Simo, J. C.; Vu-Quoc, L. 36 1987 Exact correspondence between eigenvalues of membranes and functionally graded simply supported polygonal plates. Zbl 1235.74209 Cheng, Z.-Q.; Batra, R. C. 36 2000 Chaos in a forced dry-friction oscillator: Experiments and numerical modelling. Zbl 0925.70285 Feeny, B.; Moon, F. C. 36 1994 Transverse vibration of an axially accelerating string. Zbl 0925.73438 Pakdemirli, M.; Ulsoy, A. G.; Ceranoglu, A. 36 1994 \(H_{\infty}\) control of active vehicle suspensions with actuator time delay. Zbl 1242.93041 Du, Haiping; Zhang, Nong 35 2007 Improved Lindstedt-Poincaré method for the solution of nonlinear problems. Zbl 1237.70097 Amore, Paolo; Aranda, Alfredo 35 2005 Mathematical and numerical study of the Duffing-harmonic oscillator. Zbl 1237.65082 Mickens, R. E. 35 2001 On coupled bending and torsional vibration of uniform beams. Zbl 1235.74158 Bishop, R. E. D.; Cannon, S. M.; Miao, S. 35 1989 Higher accuracy analytical approximations to the Duffing-harmonic oscillator. Zbl 1243.34021 Lim, C. W.; Wu, B. S.; Sun, W. P. 34 2006 Damage detection in structures using changes in flexibility. Zbl 0925.73690 Pandey, A. K.; Biswas, M. 34 1994 Physical interpretation of the proper orthogonal modes using the singular value decomposition. Zbl 1237.70041 Kerschen, G.; Golinval, J. C. 34 2002 Solution of a Duffing-harmonic oscillator by the method of harmonic balance. Zbl 1243.34049 Hu, Hui; Tang, Ji Hua 33 2006 Spectral analysis of non-linear systems involving square-law operations. Zbl 0493.93026 Bendat, J. S.; Piersol, A. G. 33 1982 Transient responses of an axially accelerating viscoelastic string constituted by a fractional differentiation law. Zbl 1236.74201 Chen, Li-Qun; Zhao, Wei-Jia; Zu, Jean W. 33 2004 A novel active vibration absorption technique: Delayed resonator. Zbl 0945.74572 Olgac, N.; Holm-Hansen, B. 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Zbl 1243.74025 Singh, Baljeet 29 2006 A study of nonlinear oscillators with \(u^{1/3}\) force by He’s variational iteration method. Zbl 1242.74214 Öziş, Turgut; Yıldırım, Ahmet 28 2007 A comprehensive overview of a non-parametric probabilistic approach of model uncertainties for predictive models in structural dynamics. Zbl 1243.74069 Soize, Christian 28 2005 Bounds on the extremal eigenvalues of the finite element stiffness and mass matrices and their spectral condition number. Zbl 0244.73048 Fried, I. 28 1972 Oscillations in an \(x^{4/3}\) potential. Zbl 1237.34044 Mickens, R. E. 28 2001 Forced vibration of Euler-Bernoulli beams by means of dynamic Green functions. Zbl 1236.74136 Abu-Hilal, M. 28 2003 On oscillatory motion of spring-mass systems subjected to piecewise constant forces. Zbl 1078.70506 Dai, L.; Singh, M. C. 27 1994 Impact oscillations: linear theory of stability and bifurcations. Zbl 1237.70065 Ivanov, A. P. 27 1994 Chaotic motion of a horizontal impact pair. Zbl 1237.70028 Han, R. P. S.; Luo, A. C. J.; Deng, W. 27 1995 The second spectrum of Timoshenko beam theory-further assessment. Zbl 1243.74095 Stephen, N. G. 27 2006 Master-slave chaos synchronization criteria for the horizontal platform systems via linear state error feedback control. Zbl 1243.93095 Wu, Xiaofeng; Cai, Jianping; Wang, Muhong 27 2006 Determination of periodic solution for a \(u^{1/3}\) force by He’s modified Lindstedt-Poincaré method. Zbl 1242.70044 Öziş, Turgut; Yıldırım, Ahmet 46 2007 Modelling of wave propagation in composite plates using the time domain spectral element method. Zbl 1242.74044 Kudela, Paweł; Ẓak, Arkadiusz; Krawczuk, Marek; Ostachowicz, Wiesław 40 2007 The variational iteration method for nonlinear oscillators with discontinuities. Zbl 1242.65154 Rafei, M.; Ganji, D. D.; Daniali, H.; Pashaei, H. 37 2007 \(H_{\infty}\) control of active vehicle suspensions with actuator time delay. Zbl 1242.93041 Du, Haiping; Zhang, Nong 35 2007 Stochastic averaging of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems with delayed feedback control. Zbl 1241.93021 Liu, Z. H.; Zhu, W. Q. 30 2007 A study of nonlinear oscillators with \(u^{1/3}\) force by He’s variational iteration method. Zbl 1242.74214 Öziş, Turgut; Yıldırım, Ahmet 28 2007 Low-dimensional maps for piecewise smooth oscillators. Zbl 1242.70046 Pavlovskaia, Ekaterina; Wiercigroch, Marian 23 2007 Robust synchronization of chaotic horizontal platform systems with phase difference. Zbl 1242.93123 Wu, Xiaofeng; Cai, Jianping; Wang, Muhong 20 2007 Determination of limit cycle by He’s parameter-expanding method for strongly nonlinear oscillators. Zbl 1242.70038 Xu, Lan 17 2007 Optimal placement and active vibration control for piezoelectric smart flexible cantilever plate. Zbl 1242.74060 Qiu, Zhi-Cheng; Zhang, Xian-Min; Wu, Hong-Xin; Zhang, Hong-Hua 16 2007 A numerical method for quadratic eigenvalue problems of gyroscopic systems. Zbl 1242.70013 Qian, Jiang; Lin, Wen-Wei 15 2007 Approximate analytical solutions for oscillation of a mass attached to a stretched elastic wire. Zbl 1241.93029 Sun, W. P.; Wu, B. S.; Lim, C. W. 14 2007 Transverse vibrations of non-homogeneous orthotropic rectangular plates of variable thickness: a spline technique. Zbl 1242.74210 Lal, Roshan; Dhanpati 13 2007 Exact dynamic stiffness method for non-uniform Timoshenko beam vibrations and Bernoulli-Euler column buckling. Zbl 1242.74052 Yuan, Si; Ye, Kangsheng; Xiao, Cheng; Williams, F. W.; Kennedy, D. 11 2007 A generalization of the IDQ method and a DQ-based approach to approximate non-smooth solutions in structural analysis. Zbl 1242.74021 Tomasiello, S. 10 2007 Damage detection and generalized Fourier coefficients. Zbl 1242.74034 Morassi, Antonino 10 2007 Coexisting solutions and bifurcations in mechanical oscillators with backlash. Zbl 1242.70045 Halse, Christopher K.; Wilson, R. Eddie; Di Bernardo, Mario; Homer, Martin E. 10 2007 A classical iteration procedure valid for certain strongly nonlinear oscillators. Zbl 1241.70032 Hu, H.; Tang, J. H. 10 2007 Nonlinear free transverse vibration of an axially moving beam: comparison of two models. Zbl 1241.74021 Chen, Li-Qun; Yang, Xiao-Dong 9 2007 An analysis of the modified Dahl and Masing models: application to a belt tensioner. Zbl 1242.74025 Bastien, Jérôme; Michon, Guilhem; Manin, Lionel; Dufour, Régis 8 2007 Vibration of visco-elastic rectangular plate with linearly thickness variations in both directions. Zbl 1242.74055 Gupta, Arun Kumar; Khanna, A. 7 2007 Numerical evaluation of high-order modes of vibration in uniform Euler-Bernoulli beams. Zbl 1242.74206 Gonçalves, P. J. P.; Brennan, M. J.; Elliott, S. J. 7 2007 Active boundary control of an Euler-Bernoulli beam for generating vibration-free state. Zbl 1242.74051 Tanaka, Nobuo; Iwamoto, Hiroyuki 7 2007 A simple feedback control for a chaotic oscillator with limited power supply. Zbl 1241.93020 De Souza, S. L. T.; Caldas, I. L.; Viana, R. L.; Balthazar, J. M.; Brasil, R. M. L. R. F. 7 2007 Comments on “Investigation of the properties of the period for the nonlinear oscillator \(\ddot x+(1+\dot x{}^2)x=0\)”. Zbl 1242.34056 Beléndez, A.; Beléndez, T.; Hernández, A.; Gallego, S.; Ortuño, M.; Neipp, C. 6 2007 Optimal sliding mode control for linear time-delay systems with sinusoidal disturbances. Zbl 1242.93029 Tang, Gong-You; Lu, Shan-Shan; Dong, Rui 6 2007 Free vibration of an extensible rotating inclined Timoshenko beam. Zbl 1242.74049 Lee, Sen Yung; Sheu, Jer Jia 6 2007 On the convergence of the Volterra-series representation of the Duffing’s oscillators subjected to harmonic excitations. Zbl 1242.65138 Peng, Z. K.; Lang, Z. Q. 6 2007 Natural frequencies and mode shapes of arbitrary beam structures with arbitrary boundary conditions. Zbl 1241.74023 Wiedemann, S. M. 6 2007 Evaluation of the Helmholtz boundary integral equation and its normal and tangential derivatives in two dimensions. Zbl 1242.76260 Yang, S. A. 5 2007 Propagation of elastic energy in a general anisotropic medium. Zbl 1242.74218 Sharma, M. D. 5 2007 Use of particle filters in an active control algorithm for noisy nonlinear structural dynamical systems. Zbl 1242.93147 Sajeeb, R.; Manohar, C. S.; Roy, D. 5 2007 Suppressing self-excited vibrations by synchronous and time-periodic stiffness and damping variation. Zbl 1242.70039 Dohnal, Fadi 5 2007 Optimal tracking control with zero steady-state error for time-delay systems with sinusoidal disturbances. Zbl 1241.93047 Tang, Gong-You; Zhang, Shu-Mei; Zhang, Bao-Lin 5 2007 The frequency response of a rectangular cantilever plate vibrating in a viscous fluid. Zbl 1241.74010 Atkinson, C.; De Lara, M. Manrique 5 2007 Active vibration control of structural systems by a combination of the linear quadratic Gaussian and input estimation approaches. Zbl 1242.93050 Ho, Chih-Chergn; Ma, Chih-Kao 4 2007 A general method for chaos synchronization and parameters estimation between different systems. Zbl 1242.93117 Li, Shuang; Xu, Wei; Li, Ruihong; Zhao, Xiaoshan 4 2007 Stochastic averaging of MDOF quasi integrable Hamiltonian systems under wide-band random excitation. Zbl 1242.70048 Deng, M. L.; Zhu, W. Q. 4 2007 Asymptotic representations of the period for the nonlinear oscillator. (Asymptotic representations of the period for the nonlinear oscillator \(\ddot x+(1+\dot x^2)x=0\).) Zbl 1241.70031 Beléndez, A.; Hernández, A.; Beléndez, T.; Neipp, C.; Márquez, A. 4 2007 On the natural vibrations of linear structures with constraints. Zbl 1242.70035 Lidström, P.; Olsson, Pär 3 2007 Stability of damped membranes and plates with distributed inputs. Zbl 1242.74036 Zhao, Haiyu; Rahn, Christopher D. 3 2007 Stochastic spur gear dynamics by numerical path integration. Zbl 1242.74211 Naess, A.; Kolnes, F. E.; Mo, E. 3 2007 A technique for overcoming load discontinuity in using Newmark method. Zbl 1242.65130 Chang, Shuenn-Yih 3 2007 A bounded stochastic optimal semi-active control. Zbl 1242.93096 Ying, Z. G.; Ni, Y. Q.; Ko, J. M. 3 2007 Concerning the cause of instability in time-stepping boundary element methods applied to the exterior acoustic problem. Zbl 1242.65213 Wang, H.; Henwood, D. J.; Harris, P. J.; Chakrabarti, R. 3 2007 A chaos detectable and time step-size adaptive numerical scheme for nonlinear dynamical systems. Zbl 1243.65082 Chen, Yung-Wei; Liu, Chein-Shan; Chang, Jiang-Ren 3 2007 Sesquipoles in aeroacoustics. Zbl 1241.76346 Chapman, C. J. 3 2007 Piecewise-linearized methods for oscillators with fractional-power nonlinearities. Zbl 1241.34045 Ramos, J. I. 3 2007 Erratum to “Asymptotic representations of the period for the nonlinear oscillator \(\ddot x+(1+\dot x^2)x=0\)”. Zbl 1242.70040 Beléndez, A.; Hernández, A.; Beléndez, T.; Neipp, C.; Márquez, A. 2 2007 Strongly nonlinear vibrations of damped oscillators with two nonsmooth limits. Zbl 1242.34062 Pilipchuk, V. N. 2 2007 Parametric translation models for stationary non-Gaussian processes and fields. Zbl 1242.60032 Grigoriu, Mircea 2 2007 Implications of time-delayed feedback control on limit cycle oscillation of a two-dimensional supersonic lifting surface. Zbl 1242.76303 Yu, P.; Chen, Z.; Librescu, L.; Marzocca, P. 2 2007 Optimal periodic disturbance reduction for active noise cancelation. Zbl 1242.93089 Kinney, C. E.; De Callafon, R. A.; Dunens, E.; Bargerhuff, R.; Bash, C. E. 2 2007 A convenient technique for evaluating angular frequency in some nonlinear oscillations. Zbl 1242.70047 Chen, Y. Z.; Lin, X. Y. 2 2007 Adiabatic invariants of oscillators with one degree of freedom. Zbl 1241.34044 Kovacic, Ivana 2 2007 Development of accurate solutions for a classical oscillator. Zbl 1241.70030 Amore, Paolo; Sanchez, Nestor E. 2 2007 PC-based pseudo-model following discrete integral variable structure control of positions in slider-Crank mechanisms. Zbl 1242.93081 Chuang, Chin-Wen 1 2007 Modal control of vibration in rotating machines and other generally damped systems. Zbl 1242.93116 Houlston, P. R.; Garvey, S. D.; Popov, A. A. 1 2007 Rayleigh-Lamb waves in a microstretch elastic plate cladded with liquid layers. Zbl 1242.74056 Singh, Dilbag; Tomar, S. K. 1 2007 Eigenvalue problems of linear Hamiltonian systems arising from \(H_{\infty }\) filtering. Zbl 1242.93043 Wu, Z. G.; Gao, Q. 1 2007 Instabilities due to instrumentation phase-lead and phase-lag in the feedback control of a simple vibrating system. Zbl 1242.93049 Brennan, M. J.; Ananthaganeshan, K. A.; Elliott, S. J. 1 2007 An active-passive absorber by using hierarchical fuzzy methodology for vibration control. Zbl 1242.93066 Lin, Jonqlan 1 2007 Comparison of some approaches to stability of a sdof system under random parametric excitation. Zbl 1242.34104 Bobryk, Roman V. 1 2007 On a superposition method for the approximate determination of the eigenfrequencies of nonlinear conservative oscillators. Zbl 1242.34061 Müller, Peter C.; Gürgöze, Metin 1 2007 Dynamic response of an infinite beam and plate to a stochastic train of moving forces. Zbl 1243.74093 Rystwej, Artur; Sniady, Pawel 1 2007 An improved symplectic precise integration method for analysis of the rotating rigid-flexible coupled system. Zbl 1241.70005 Huang, Yong-An; Deng, Zi-Chen; Yao, Lin-Xiao 1 2007 Fundamental frequency of clamped plates with circularly periodic boundaries. Zbl 1241.74025 Yüce, H.; Wang, C. Y. 1 2007 Solution of multi-delay systems using hybrid of block-pulse functions and Taylor series. 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C.; Hansen, Colin H.; Tan, Chunxiao 19 2006 Dual reciprocity boundary element method solution of the Cauchy problem for Helmholtz-type equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 1243.74192 Marin, L.; Elliott, L.; Heggs, P. J.; Ingham, D. B.; Lesnic, D.; Wen, X. 18 2006 Deformation modes in the finite element absolute nodal coordinate formulation. Zbl 1243.74188 Sugiyama, Hiroyuki; Gerstmayr, Johannes; Shabana, Ahmed A. 18 2006 Thermal postbuckling and vibration analyses of functionally graded plates. Zbl 1243.74043 Park, Jae-Sang; Kim, Ji-Hwan 17 2006 Double Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and torus bifurcation of a class of vibratory systems with symmetrical rigid stops. Zbl 1243.70028 Luo, G. W.; Chu, Y. D.; Zhang, Y. L.; Zhang, J. G. 17 2006 A method for calculating the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents by local maps in non-smooth impact-vibrating systems. Zbl 1243.74200 Jin, L.; Lu, Q.-S.; Twizell, E. 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