Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series Short Title: Acta Math. Univ. Comen., New Ser. Publisher: Comenius University Press, Bratislava ISSN: 0862-9544 Online: Predecessor: Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 995 Publications (since 1991) References Indexed: 215 Publications with 4,449 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 93, No. 4 (2024) 93, No. 3 (2024) 93, No. 2 (2024) 93, No. 1 (2024) 92, No. 4 (2023) 92, No. 3 (2023) 92, No. 2 (2023) 92, No. 1 (2023) 91, No. 4 (2022) 91, No. 3 (2022) 91, No. 2 (2022) 91, No. 1 (2022) 90, No. 4 (2021) 90, No. 3 (2021) 90, No. 2 (2021) 90, No. 1 (2021) 89, No. 2 (2020) 89, No. 1 (2020) 88, No. 3 (2019) 88, No. 2 (2019) 88, No. 1 (2019) 87, No. 2 (2018) 87, No. 1 (2018) 86, No. 2 (2017) 86, No. 1 (2017) 85, No. 2 (2016) 85, No. 1 (2016) 84, No. 2 (2015) 84, No. 1 (2015) 83, No. 2 (2014) 83, No. 1 (2014) 82, No. 2 (2013) 82, No. 1 (2013) 81, No. 2 (2012) 81, No. 1 (2012) 80, No. 2 (2011) 80, No. 1 (2011) 79, No. 2 (2010) 79, No. 1 (2010) 78, No. 2 (2009) 78, No. 1 (2009) 77, No. 2 (2008) 77, No. 1 (2008) 76, No. 2 (2007) 76, No. 1 (2007) 75, No. 2 (2006) 75, No. 1 (2006) 74, No. 2 (2005) 74, No. 1 (2005) 73, No. 2 (2004) 73, No. 1 (2004) 72, No. 2 (2003) 72, No. 1 (2003) 71, No. 2 (2002) 71, No. 1 (2002) 70, No. 2 (2001) 70, No. 1 (2001) 69, No. 2 (2000) 69, No. 1 (2000) 68, No. 2 (1999) 68, No. 1 (1999) 67, No. 2 (1998) 67, No. 1 (1998) 66, No. 2 (1997) 66, No. 1 (1997) 65, No. 2 (1996) 65, No. 1 (1996) 64, No. 2 (1995) 64, No. 1 (1995) 63, No. 2 (1994) 63, No. 1 (1994) 62, No. 2 (1993) 62, No. 1 (1993) 61, No. 2 (1992) 61, No. 1 (1992) 60, No. 2 (1991) 60, No. 1 (1991) all top 5 Authors 10 Anastassiou, George Angelos 7 Chajda, Ivan 6 Alobaidi, Ghada 6 De, Uday Chand 6 Handlovičová, Angela 6 Ionaşcu, Eugen Julien 6 Jaroš, Jaroslav 6 Mallier, Roland 6 Mikula, Karol 6 Ntouyas, Sotiris K. 6 Raina, Ravinder Krishna 6 Širáň, Jozef 5 Benchohra, Mouffak 5 Boda, Eduard 5 Catarino, Paula Maria Machado Cruz 5 Griggs, Terry S. 5 Knor, Martin 5 Krasniqi, Xhevat Z. 5 Preda, Petre 5 Škoviera, Martin 4 Alsedà, Lluís 4 Ardjouni, Abdelouaheb 4 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru 4 El Berdan, Kassem 4 Gallardo, Luis Henri 4 Grzesik, Andrzej 4 Hubička, Jan 4 Kusano, Takaŝi 4 Mendonça, Walner 4 Michor, Peter Wolfram 4 Nedela, Roman 4 Petrich, Mario 4 Sarikaya, Mehmet Zeki 4 Sheikholeslami, Seyed Mahmoud 4 Stacho, Ladislav 4 Štulajter, František 4 Tomanová, Jana 4 Vizer, Máté 4 Volkmann, Lutz 3 Alzer, Horst 3 Bagewadi, Channabasappa Shanthappa 3 Beneš, Michal 3 Bodaghi, Abasalt 3 Bouras, Khalid 3 Brunovský, Pavol 3 Budak, Hüseyin 3 Čap, Andreas 3 Cedilnik, Anton 3 Czédli, Gábor 3 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 Demirci, Kamil 3 Djoudi, Ahcene 3 Dündar, Erdinç 3 Ehrhardt, Matthias 3 Eymard, Robert 3 Fila, Marek 3 Gerbner, Dániel 3 Graef, John R. 3 Günther, Michael 3 Győri, Ervin 3 Horák, Peter 3 Iacob, Alina C. 3 Iskander, Awad A. 3 Jajcay, Robert 3 Kacur, Jozef 3 Karakus, Sevda 3 Kelarev, Andrei Vladimirovich 3 Kışı, Ömer 3 Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu 3 Konečný, Matěj 3 Kupavskii, Andrey 3 Länger, Helmut M. 3 Liu, Ximin 3 Mahdou, Najib 3 Methuku, Abhishek 3 Mitrović, Zoran D. 3 Mollin, Richard Anthony 3 Nešetřil, Jaroslav 3 Pálvölgyi, Dömötör 3 Parczyk, Olaf 3 Plesník, Ján 3 Radenovic, Stojan 3 Rezaiguia, Ali 3 Salia, Nika 3 Sasu, Bogdan 3 Schacht, Mathias 3 Schülke, Bjarne 3 Set, Erhan 3 Tayebi, Akbar 3 Trnková, Věra 3 Vallin, Robert W. 3 Venkatesha, Venkatesha 3 Veselý, Libor 3 Zaharescu, Alexandru 3 Zariouh, Hassan 2 Agwa, Hassan Ahmed Hassan 2 Ahmad, Bashir 2 Al Ghour, Samer Hamed 2 Al-Gonah, Ahmed Ali 2 Al-Rawashdeh, Ahmad Saleh ...and 1,269 more Authors all top 5 Fields 203 Combinatorics (05-XX) 94 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 87 Operator theory (47-XX) 81 Real functions (26-XX) 77 General topology (54-XX) 73 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 70 Differential geometry (53-XX) 66 Functional analysis (46-XX) 65 Number theory (11-XX) 48 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 44 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 36 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 32 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 31 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 29 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 27 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 26 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 26 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 25 Computer science (68-XX) 24 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 24 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 23 Measure and integration (28-XX) 21 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 20 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 18 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 17 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 16 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 16 Special functions (33-XX) 16 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 15 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 15 Statistics (62-XX) 14 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 13 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 12 Integral equations (45-XX) 11 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 11 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 8 Geometry (51-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 7 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 Potential theory (31-XX) 6 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 5 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 572 Publications have been cited 3,070 times in 2,877 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Nondegenerate invariant bilinear forms on nonassociative algebras. Zbl 1014.17003 Bordemann, M. 83 1997 Stationary solutions, blow up and convergence to stationary solutions for semilinear parabolic equations with nonlinear boundary conditions. Zbl 0743.35038 Chipot, M.; Fila, M.; Quittner, P. 62 1991 On a nonlinear integral equation without compactness. Zbl 1164.45305 Isaia, F. 61 2006 Hermite-Hadamard inequality for fractional integrals via \(\eta \)-convex functions. Zbl 1374.26056 Khan, M. A.; Khurshid, Y.; Ali, T. 58 2017 On Prešić type generalization of the Banach contraction mapping principle. Zbl 1164.54030 Ćirić, L. B.; Prešić, S. B. 48 2007 On the convergence of the Ishikawa iteration in the class of quasi contractive operators. Zbl 1100.47054 Berinde, V. 48 2004 On critical exponents for a system of heat equations coupled in the boundary conditions. Zbl 0824.35048 Deng, K.; Fila, M.; Levine, H. A. 47 1994 On the Ostrowski type integral inequality. Zbl 1212.26058 Sarikaya, M. Z. 47 2010 Generalized difference posets and orthoalgebras. Zbl 0922.06002 Hedlíková, J.; Pulmannová, S. 45 1996 Precoloring extension. II. Graphs classes related to bipartite graphs. Zbl 0821.05026 Hujter, M.; Tuza, Zs. 43 1993 A Picone type identity for second-order half-linear differential equations. Zbl 0926.34023 Jaroš, J.; Kusano, T. 43 1999 Alexandroff spaces. Zbl 0944.54018 Arenas, F. G. 43 1999 Coefficient estimates in subclasses of the Carathéodory class related to conical domains. Zbl 1138.30301 Kanas, S. 39 2005 Precoloring extension with fixed color bound. Zbl 0821.05027 Kratochvíl, J. 33 1993 On some new inequalities of Hadamard type involving \(h\)-convex functions. Zbl 1240.26050 Sarikaya, Mehmet Zeki; Set, Erhan; Ozdemir, M. E. 30 2010 A priori bounds for global solutions of a semilinear parabolic problem. Zbl 0940.35112 Quittner, P. 30 1999 The blow-up rate for a semilinear parabolic equation with a nonlinear boundary condition. Zbl 0924.35017 Rossi, J. D. 29 1998 Lyapunov exponents for the parabolic Anderson model. Zbl 1046.60057 Cranston, M.; Mountford, T. S.; Shiga, T. 28 2002 A Fujita-type theorem for the Laplace equation with a dynamical boundary condition. Zbl 0922.35053 Amann, H.; Fila, M. 27 1997 Time-delayed Perona-Malik type problems. Zbl 1132.68067 Amann, Herbert 27 2007 Applications of nonlinear diffusion in image processing and computer vision. Zbl 0988.35070 Weickert, J. 26 2001 Roots of continuous piecewise monotone maps of an interval. Zbl 0736.58026 Blokh, A.; Coven, E.; Misiurewicz, Michał; Nitecki, Zbigniew 25 1991 Universal \(q\)-differential calculus and \(q\)-analog of homological algebra. Zbl 0928.16011 Dubois-Violette, M.; Kerner, R. 24 1996 Adaptive fast marching and level set methods for propagating interfaces. Zbl 0930.65099 Sethian, J. A. 23 1998 Convergence to a positive equilibrium for some nonlinear evolution equations in a ball. Zbl 0824.35011 Haraux, A.; Poláčik, P. 22 1992 On Leonardo numbers. Zbl 1481.11016 Catarino, Paula M. M. C.; Borges, Anabela 22 2020 ALBERT—Software for scientific computations and applications. Zbl 0993.65134 Schmidt, Alfred; Siebert, K. G. 20 2001 On decomposability of Nambu-Poisson tensor. Zbl 0864.70012 Alekseevsky, D.; Guha, P. 20 1996 Creating slowly oscillating sequences and slowly oscillating continuous functions. Zbl 1240.26004 Vallin, R. W. 19 2011 Simulation of instationary, incompressible flows. Zbl 0929.35105 Bänsch, E. 18 1998 Repdigits as products of two Pell or Pell-Lucas numbers. Zbl 1495.11013 Şiar, Zafer; Erduvan, Fatih; Keskin, Refik 18 2019 On the concave solutions of the Blasius equation. Zbl 0972.34015 Belhachmi, Z.; Brighi, B.; Taous, K. 17 2000 Generalized centers of finite sets in Banach spaces. Zbl 0922.41019 Veselý, L. 17 1997 The \(p\)-Laplacian – mascot of nonlinear analysis. Zbl 1136.35043 Drábek, Pavel 17 2007 \(n\)-Jordan homomorphisms on commutative algebras. Zbl 1413.46054 Bodaghi, A.; İnceboz, H. 17 2018 Pop-stack sorting and its image: permutations with overlapping runs. Zbl 07928471 Asinowski, A.; Banderier, C.; Billey, S.; Hackl, B.; Linusson, S. 17 2019 About the bivariate operators of Kantorovich type. Zbl 1199.41037 Pop, O. T.; Fărcaş, M. D. 16 2009 Discretization and some qualitative properties of ordinary differential equations about equilibria. Zbl 0822.34042 Garay, B. M. 16 1993 Contact CR-warped product submanifolds of \((\operatorname{LCS})_n\)-manifolds. Zbl 1374.53055 Hui, S. K.; Atçeken, M.; Nandy, S. 16 2017 On a Frankl-Wilson theorem and its geometric corollaries. Zbl 07928569 Sagdeev, A. A.; Raigorodskii, A. M. 16 2019 Invariant operators on manifolds with almost Hermitian symmetric structures. I: Invariant differentiation. Zbl 0969.53003 Čap, A.; Slovák, J.; Souček, V. 15 1997 Periodic solutions for a second order nonlinear functional differential equation with iterative terms by Schauder’s fixed point theorem. Zbl 1424.34232 Bouskkaz, A.; Ardjouni, A.; Djoudi, A. 15 2018 Compact sets without converging sequences in the random real model. Zbl 1164.54006 Dow, A.; Fremlin, D. 14 2007 Monotone semiflows generated by neutral equations with different delays in neutral and retarded parts. Zbl 0822.34064 Krisztin, T.; Wu, J. 14 1994 Tracking invariant manifolds without differential forms. Zbl 0879.34057 Brunovský, P. 14 1996 On bounded module maps between Hilbert modules over locally \(C^\ast \)-algebras. Zbl 1113.46056 Joiţa, M. 14 2005 A generalization of Orlicz sequence spaces by Cesàro mean of order one. Zbl 1265.46004 Dutta, H.; Başar, F. 14 2011 On existence of positive solution for initial value problem of nonlinear fractional differential equations of order \(1 < \alpha \leq 2\). Zbl 1340.34031 Matar, M. M. 14 2015 Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities via conformable fractional integrals. Zbl 1399.26063 Set, E.; Gözpinar, A.; Ekinci, A. 14 2017 A multi-step iterative method for approximating fixed points of Presić-Kannan operators. Zbl 1212.54125 Păcurar, M. 14 2010 Mathematical and computational aspects of solidification of pure substances. Zbl 0990.80006 Beneš, M. 13 2001 Matrix summability and Korovkin type approximation theorem on modular spaces. Zbl 1240.41065 Karakus, Sevda; Demirci, Kamil 13 2010 Topological transitivity and strong transitivity. Zbl 1048.37037 Kameyama, A. 13 2002 Invariant operations on manifolds with almost Hermitian symmetric structures. II: Normal Cartan connections. Zbl 1024.53007 Čap, A.; Slovák, J.; Souček, V. 13 1997 Operational results on bi-orthogonal Hermite functions. Zbl 1349.42053 Cesarano, C.; Fornaro, C.; Vazquez, L. 13 2016 Forced superlinear oscillations via Picone’s identity. Zbl 0959.34024 Jaroš, J.; Kusano, T.; Yoshida, N. 12 2000 Differential sandwich theorems for some subclasses of analytic functions involving a linear operator. Zbl 1164.30017 Shammugam, T. N.; Ramachandran, C.; Darus, M.; Sivasubramanian, S. 12 2007 Galois-type connections and closure operations on preordered sets. Zbl 1199.06005 Száz, Árpád 12 2009 A survey on Nambu-Poisson brackets. Zbl 0953.53023 Vaisman, I. 12 1999 Coexistence of singular and regular solutions for the equation of Chipot and Weissler. Zbl 0865.35008 Voirol, F. X. 12 1996 Some fixed point theorems for ordered Reich type contractions in cone rectangular metric spaces. Zbl 1313.54096 Malhotra, S. K.; Shukla, S.; Sen, R. 12 2013 Maximum principle and local mass balance for numerical solutions of transport equation coupled with variable density flow. Zbl 0940.76039 Frolkovič, P. 12 1998 Solutions of \(f''+A(z)f=0\) with prescribed sequences of zeros. Zbl 1164.34562 Heittokangas, J.; Laine, I. 12 2005 On weakly reversible rings. Zbl 1156.16026 Zhao, Liang; Yang, Gang 11 2007 Continuity of the Hausdorff dimension for invariant subsets of interval maps. Zbl 0828.58014 Raith, P. 11 1994 Predictions in nonlinear regression models. Zbl 0931.62083 Štulajter, F. 11 1997 Simulation of anisotropic motion by mean curvature – comparison of phase field and sharp interface approaches. Zbl 0963.80004 Beneš, M.; Mikula, K. 11 1998 A functional generalization of Ostrowski inequality via Montgomery identity. Zbl 1340.26045 Dragomir, S. S. 11 2015 Analysis tools for finite volume schemes. Zbl 1133.65062 Eymard, Robert; Gallouët, Thiery; Herbin, Raphaele; Latché, Jean Claude 11 2007 Stability in totally nonlinear neutral differential equations with variable delay. Zbl 1324.34142 Ardjouni, A.; Derrardjia, I.; Djoudi, A. 11 2014 A numerical approximation of non-Fickian flows with mixing length growth in porous media. Zbl 1007.76036 Ewing, R. E.; Lin, Y.; Wang, J. 10 2001 Subjective surfaces and Riemannian mean curvature flow of graphs. Zbl 0995.65100 Sarti, A.; Citti, G. 10 2001 Some families of \(p\)-valent functions with negative coefficients. Zbl 1199.30042 Aouf, M. K. 10 2009 Characterizations of series in Banach spaces. Zbl 0952.46009 Aizpuru, A.; Pérez-Fernández, F. J. 10 1999 Certain results involving a class of functions associated with the Hurwitz zeta function. Zbl 1098.11045 Raina, R. K.; Chhajed, P. K. 10 2004 The application of Picone-type identity for some nonlinear elliptic differential equations. Zbl 1106.35013 Bognár, G.; Došlý, O. 10 2003 On (weak) Gorenstein global dimensions. Zbl 1313.13024 Mahdou, N.; Tamekkante, M. 10 2013 On finite principal ideal rings. Zbl 0926.13015 Cazaran, J.; Kelarev, A. V. 10 1999 Further generalization of some double integral inequalities and applications. Zbl 1164.26017 Liu, Wenjun; Li, Chuncheng; Hao, Yongmei 9 2008 Preservation of tensor sum and tensor product. Zbl 1223.47023 Kubrusly, C. S.; Levan, N. 9 2011 On the dual space \(C^{\ast }_{0} (S,X)\). Zbl 1199.46092 Meziani, L. 9 2009 A note on some new fractional results involving convex functions. Zbl 1274.26034 Dahmani, Z. 9 2012 Dunford-Pettis sets in Banach lattices. Zbl 1274.46051 Aqzzouz, B.; Bouras, K. 9 2012 Two kinds of chaos and relations between them. Zbl 1104.26005 Lampart, M. 9 2003 On \(M\)-projective curvature tensor of a generalized Sasakian space form. Zbl 1313.53100 Venkatesha; Sumangala, B. 9 2013 Relative rank of the finite full transformation semigroup with restricted range. Zbl 1374.20059 Tinpun, K.; Koppitz, J. 9 2016 Invariant submanifolds of \((\operatorname {LCS})_n\)-manifolds with respect to quarter symmetric metric connection. Zbl 1424.53063 Hui, S. K.; Piscoran, L.-I.; Pal, T. 9 2018 Existence and uniqueness results for sequential \(\psi\)-Hilfer fractional differential equations with multi-point boundary conditions. Zbl 1496.34020 Ntouyas, Sotiris K.; Vivek, Devaraj 9 2021 Some results of \(F\)-biharmonic maps. Zbl 1324.58007 Han, Yingbo; Feng, Shuxiang 9 2014 Some more results on an \(\varepsilon \)-Kenmotsu manifold with a semi-symmetric metric connection. Zbl 1349.53043 Haseeb, A.; Khan, M. A.; Siddiqi, M. D. 9 2016 On the chromatic index of complementary prisms. Zbl 07928575 Zatesko, L. M.; Carmo, R.; Guedes, A. L. P.; Zorzi, A.; Machado, R. C. S.; Figueiredo, C. M. H. 9 2019 On second order differential inclusions with periodic boundary conditions. Zbl 0971.34003 Benchohra, M.; Ntouyas, S. K. 8 2000 Weak isometries in partially ordered groups. Zbl 0821.06016 Jasem, M. 8 1994 \(n\)-transitivity of certain diffeomorphism groups. Zbl 0824.58014 Michor, P. W.; Vizman, C. 8 1994 Kneading theory for a family of circle maps with one discontinuity. Zbl 0863.34046 Alsedà, Ll.; Mañosas, F. 8 1996 Generalized warped product manifolds and biharmonic maps. Zbl 1274.53093 Djaa, N. E. H.; Boulal, A.; Zagane, A. 8 2012 The Donoho-Stark uncertainty principle for a finite abelian group. Zbl 1100.43003 Matusiak, E.; Özaydin, M.; Przebinda, T. 8 2004 A note on some generalized summability methods. Zbl 1313.40017 Savas, E.; Das, P.; Dutta, S. 8 2013 Some convergence results for the Jungck–Mann and the Jungck–Ishikawa iteration processes in the class of generalized Zamfirescu operators. Zbl 1174.47056 Olatinwo, M. O.; Imoru, C. O. 8 2008 Some algebraic aspects of enhanced Johnson graphs. Zbl 1507.05049 Mirafzal, Seyed Morteza; Ziaee, Meysam 8 2019 Fractional Milne type inequalities. Zbl 07836933 Budak, H.; Karagözoğlu, P. 2 2024 On the existence of periodic solutions of a second order iterative differential equation. Zbl 1539.34076 Khemis, R.; Bouakkaz, A.; Chouaf, S. 3 2023 Existence and uniqueness results of boundary value problems for nonlinear fractional differential equations involving \(\Psi\)-Caputo-type fractional derivatives. Zbl 1522.34021 El Mfadel, A.; Melliani, S.; Elomari, M. 2 2023 Approximation of functions by superimposing of de la Vallée Poussin mean into deferred matrix mean of their Fourier series in Hölder metric with weight. Zbl 1520.40003 Krasniqi, Xh. Z. 2 2023 Representations of Menger hypercompositional algebras by some types of commutative hyperoperations. Zbl 1526.08001 Kumduang, Thodsaporn 1 2023 On a class of non-local boundary value problem for a \(\psi\)-Hilfer non-linear fractional integro-differential equation. Zbl 1519.45003 Maheswari, M. Latha; Shri, K. S. Keerthana 1 2023 Two-weighted norm inequalities of singular integral operators on local Morrey spaces. Zbl 1525.42012 Ho, Kwok-Pun 1 2023 Periodic traveling waves in a system of nonlinearly coupled nonlinear oscillators on a two-dimensional lattice. Zbl 1505.34025 Bak, Sergiy 2 2022 A note on dg-Gorenstein injective covers. Zbl 1512.16003 Iacob, Alina 1 2022 Robust sufficient optimality conditions and duality in semi-infinite multiobjective programming with data uncertainty. (Robust optimality conditions and duality in semi-infinite multiobjective programming.) Zbl 1527.90137 Ahmad, Izhar; Kaur, Arshpreet; Sharma, Mahesh Kumar 1 2022 Oscillation of second-order nonlinear noncanonical dynamic equations with deviating arguments. Zbl 1501.34068 Graef, John R.; Grace, Said R.; Tunc, Ercan 1 2022 Existence of nonnegative solutions for a hybrid nonlinear differential equation with iterative terms. Zbl 1498.34202 Guerfi, Abderrahim; Ardjouni, Abdelouaheb 1 2022 Rough statistical convergence of complex uncertain triple sequence. Zbl 1514.40005 Kişi, Ö.; Gürdal, M. 1 2022 On statistical convergence in modular vector spaces. Zbl 1518.40005 Nuray, F. 1 2022 Existence and uniqueness results for sequential \(\psi\)-Hilfer fractional differential equations with multi-point boundary conditions. Zbl 1496.34020 Ntouyas, Sotiris K.; Vivek, Devaraj 9 2021 Existence results for fractional impulsive integro-differential equations with integral conditions of Katugampola type. Zbl 1481.45007 Karthikeyan, P.; Venkatachalam, K.; Abbas, Syed 3 2021 Total vertex-edge domination in trees. Zbl 1487.05188 Ahangar, H. Abdollahzadeh; Chellali, M.; Sheikholeslami, S. M.; Soroudi, M.; Volkmann, L. 3 2021 On projective Ricci curvature of Matsumoto metrics. Zbl 1487.53091 Gabrani, Mehran; Rezaei, Bahman; Tayebi, Akbar 2 2021 Hermite-Hadamar’s inequalities for \(\eta\)-convex functions via conformable fractional integrals and related inequalities. Zbl 1486.26045 Khan, M. Adil; Khurshid, Yousaf 2 2021 Signless Laplacian spectral determination of path-friendship graphs. Zbl 1485.05105 Sharafdini, Reza; Zeydi Abdian, Ali 2 2021 On the complement connected Steiner number of a graph. Zbl 1480.05045 John, Johnson; Malchijah Raj, M. S. 1 2021 On the equal sum and product problem. Zbl 1529.11063 Zakarczemny, Maciej Szymon 1 2021 An approximation of the nonlinear fluid-structure interaction problem for a rotationally symmetric flow. Zbl 1489.35184 Filo, Ján; Pluschke, Volker 1 2021 An exponential Diophantine equation related to odd perfect numbers. Zbl 1491.11036 Yamada, Tomohiro 1 2021 Pullback attractors for a class of non-autonomous semilinear parabolic equations with infinite delay. Zbl 1481.35075 Hieu, Le Van 1 2021 On Leonardo numbers. Zbl 1481.11016 Catarino, Paula M. M. C.; Borges, Anabela 22 2020 Existence results for nonlinear Katugampola fractional differential equations with an integral condition. Zbl 1497.34007 Basti, B.; Arioua, Y.; Benhamidouche, N. 6 2020 The Farey maps modulo \(n\). Zbl 1521.11023 Singerman, David; Strudwick, James 4 2020 New bounds for the spread of a matrix using the radius of the smallest disc that contains all eigenvalues. Zbl 1478.15024 Frakis, Abdelkader 4 2020 On Banach and Kannan type results in cone \(b_v(s)\)-metric spaces over Banach algebra. Zbl 1481.54051 Mitrović, Zoran D.; Aydi, Hassen; Radenović, Stojan 4 2020 Relating total double Roman domination to 2-independence in trees. Zbl 1521.05132 Amjadi, Jafar; Valinavaz, Mina 3 2020 Meir-Keeler type contraction via rational expression. Zbl 1481.54057 Prasad, Koti N. V. V. Vara; Singh, Awnish Kumar 2 2020 Some generalized integral inequalities via fractional integrals. Zbl 1478.26022 Sarikaya, Mehmet Zeki; Budak, Hüseyin; Usta, Fuat 2 2020 Some new results on equitable coloring parameters of graphs. Zbl 1478.05058 Sudev, Naduvath 2 2020 On the minimal doubly resolving sets of Harary graph. Zbl 1478.05034 Ahmad, Ali; Bača, Martin; Sultan, Saba 2 2020 On inclusion problems involving Caputo and Hadamard fractional derivatives. Zbl 1521.34006 Ahmad, Bashir; Ntouyas, Sotiris K.; Tariboon, Jessada 2 2020 On some submanifolds of generalized \((\kappa,\mu)\)-space-forms. Zbl 1498.53083 Sarkar, Avijit; Biswas, Nirmal 2 2020 On mean stretch curvatures of Finsler metrics. Zbl 1498.53032 Tayebi, Akbar; Faghfuri, Morteza; Jazer, Nadereh 2 2020 A note on \(k\)-Pell, \(k\)-Pell-Lucas and modified \(k\)-Pell numbers with arithmetic indexes. Zbl 1481.11017 Catarino, Paula M. M. C.; Campos, Helena; Vasco, Paulo J. M. 1 2020 Korovkin type approximation theorem on an infinite interval in \(A^{\mathcal{I}}\)-statistical sense. Zbl 1521.40003 Dutta, Sudipta; Ghosh, Rima 1 2020 Some common fixed point results in partial \(b_v(s)\)-metric spaces. Zbl 1481.54033 Aydi, Hassen; Bajović, Dušan; Mitrović, Zoran D. 1 2020 A multigrid solver for control-constrained Navier-Stokes control problems. Zbl 1478.35166 Butt, Muhammad Munir 1 2020 Degree of convergence of an integral operator. Zbl 1497.42036 Mohapatra, Ram N.; Szal, Bogdan 1 2020 Repdigits as products of two Pell or Pell-Lucas numbers. Zbl 1495.11013 Şiar, Zafer; Erduvan, Fatih; Keskin, Refik 18 2019 Pop-stack sorting and its image: permutations with overlapping runs. Zbl 07928471 Asinowski, A.; Banderier, C.; Billey, S.; Hackl, B.; Linusson, S. 17 2019 On a Frankl-Wilson theorem and its geometric corollaries. Zbl 07928569 Sagdeev, A. A.; Raigorodskii, A. M. 16 2019 On the chromatic index of complementary prisms. Zbl 07928575 Zatesko, L. M.; Carmo, R.; Guedes, A. L. P.; Zorzi, A.; Machado, R. C. S.; Figueiredo, C. M. H. 9 2019 Some algebraic aspects of enhanced Johnson graphs. Zbl 1507.05049 Mirafzal, Seyed Morteza; Ziaee, Meysam 8 2019 Some generalized Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities involving fractional integral operator for functions whose second derivatives in absolute value are \(S\)-convex. Zbl 1489.26049 Set, E.; Dragomir, S. S.; Gözpinar, A. 8 2019 Harmonic and biharmonic maps between tangent bundles. Zbl 1506.53078 Belarbi, Lakehal; El Hendi, Hichem 7 2019 The Praeger-Xu graphs: cycle structures, maps and semitransitive orientations. Zbl 1507.05047 Jajcay, Robert; Potočnik, Primož; Wilson, Steve 7 2019 Existence results for systems of second-order impulsive differential equations. Zbl 1489.34046 Graef, J. R.; Kadari, H.; Ouahab, A.; Oumansour, A. 7 2019 Two values of the chromatic number of a sparse random graph. Zbl 07928540 Kargaltsev, S.; Shabanov, D.; Shaikheeva, T. 7 2019 Reciprocal skew morphisms of cyclic groups. Zbl 1520.20007 Hu, Kan; Nedela, Roman; Wang, Na-Er; Yuan, Kai 6 2019 Existence and Ulam stability results for two-orders fractional differential equation. Zbl 1496.34010 Atmania, R.; Bouzitouna, S. 6 2019 Sharp bounds for the chromatic number of random Kneser graphs. Zbl 07928542 Kiselev, S.; Kupavskii, A. 6 2019 Flexibility of planar graphs without 4-cycles. 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