The Mathematical Gazette Short Title: Math. Gaz. Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; Mathematical Association (MA), Leicester ISSN: 0025-5572; 2056-6328/e Online: Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 2,679 Publications (since 1895) References Indexed: 363 Publications with 3,198 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 105, No. 564 (2021) 105, No. 563 (2021) 105, No. 562 (2021) 104, No. 561 (2020) 104, No. 560 (2020) 104, No. 559 (2020) 103, No. 558 (2019) 103, No. 557 (2019) 103, No. 556 (2019) 102, No. 555 (2018) 102, No. 554 (2018) 102, No. 553 (2018) 101, No. 552 (2017) 101, No. 551 (2017) 101, No. 550 (2017) 100, No. 549 (2016) 100, No. 548 (2016) 100, No. 547 (2016) 99, No. 546 (2015) 99, No. 545 (2015) 99, No. 544 (2015) 98, No. 543 (2014) 98, No. 542 (2014) 98, No. 541 (2014) 97, No. 540 (2013) 97, No. 539 (2013) 97, No. 538 (2013) 96, No. 537 (2012) 96, No. 536 (2012) 96, No. 535 (2012) 95, No. 534 (2011) 95, No. 533 (2011) 95, No. 532 (2011) 94, No. 531 (2010) 94, No. 530 (2010) 94, No. 529 (2010) 92, No. 525 (2008) 91, No. 522 (2007) 86, No. 506 (2002) 85, No. 502 (2001) 83, No. 498 (1999) 83, No. 496 (1999) 82, No. 494 (1998) 81, No. 490 (1997) 80, No. 489 (1996) 80, No. 488 (1996) 80, No. 487 (1996) 79, No. 486 (1995/1996) 79, No. 485 (1995) 79, No. 484 (1995) 78, No. 482 (1994) 78, No. 481 (1994) 77, No. 480 (1993) 77, No. 479 (1993) 77, No. 478 (1993) 76, No. 477 (1992) 76, No. 476 (1992) 76, No. 475 (1992) 75, No. 473 (1991) 75, No. 472 (1991) 75, No. 471 (1991) 74, No. 469 (1990) 73, No. 466 (1989) 73, No. 465 (1989) 72, No. 461 (1988) 72, No. 460 (1988) 72 (1988) 71 (1987) 69 (1985) 68 (1984) 67 (1983) 66 (1982) 65 (1981) 64 (1980) 63 (1979) 62 (1978) 61 (1977) 60 (1976) 59 (1975) 58 (1974) 57 (1973) 56 (1972) 55 (1971) 54 (1970) 53 (1969) 52 (1968) 51 (1967) 50 (1966) 49 (1965) 48 (1964) 47 (1963) 46 (1962) 45 (1961) 44 (1960) 43 (1959) 42 (1958) 41 (1957) 40 (1956) 39 (1955) 38 (1954) ...and 68 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 64 Neville, Eric Harold 39 Gibbins, N. M. 30 Goodstein, Reuben Louis 23 Tuckey, C. O. 22 Jameson, Graham J. O. 17 McLachlan, N. W. 17 Shiu, Peter 16 Bryan, George Hartley 16 Dobbs, William John 16 Muirhead, Robert Franklin 15 Forder, Henry George 15 Krishnaswami Ayyangar, A. A. 15 Lowry, H. V. 14 Beardon, Alan Frank 14 Lawrence, B. E. 14 Mallison, H. V. 14 Naylor, V. D. 14 Picken, D. K. 13 Carslaw, Horatio Scott 13 Lord, Nicolas J. 13 Piaggio, Henry Thomas Herbert 12 Boon, F. C. 12 Crilly, Tony 12 Dolan, Stan 12 Green, H. Gwynedd 12 Milne, John J. 11 Lodge, Alfred 11 Sommerville, Duncan M’Laren Young 11 Thébault, Victor 10 Bromwich, Thomas John I’Anson 10 Egan, Michael F. 10 Fletcher, Colin R. 10 Langley, Edward Mann 10 Milne, William Proctor 10 Nunn, T. Percy 10 Osler, Thomas J. 10 Smart, E. Howard 9 Cundy, Henry Martyn 9 Fabian, William 9 Hill, M. J. M. 9 Hope-Jones, W. 9 Josefsson, Martin 9 Mahony, John D. 9 McLean, K. Robin 9 Robinson, R. T. 9 Sheppard, William Fleetwood 8 Child, James Mark 8 Fox, Charles 8 Gerrish, F. 8 Greenhill, Alfred George 8 Griffiths, Martin 8 Heawood, Percy John 8 Jackson, C. S. 8 Lob, H. 8 Lockwood, E. H. 8 Paradine, C. G. 8 Shephard, Geoffrey Colin 8 Silvester, John R. 8 Underwood, F. 8 Watson, George Neville 7 Burn, Robert Pemberton 7 Collings, S. N. 7 Goormaghtigh, René 7 Hajja, Mowaffaq 7 Macaulay, Francis Sowerby 7 MacKinnon, Nick 7 McCrea, William Hunter 7 Primrose, E. J. F. 7 Quadling, Douglas Arthur 7 Weatherburn, Charles Ernest 6 Buxton, A. 6 Clemow, J. 6 Dockeray, N. R. C. 6 Fletcher, W. C. 6 Fox, Michael J. 6 Leech, John 6 Lewis, E. P. 6 Lidstone, George James 6 MacHale, Desmond 6 Macmillan, Robert Hugh 6 Miller, William 6 Rigby, John F. 6 Rouse Ball, Walter William 6 Siddons, Arthur Warry 6 Simpson, Harold 5 Ball, Derek G. 5 Bickley, William G. 5 Bowman, Frank 5 Brodetsky, Selig 5 Carson, G. St. L. 5 Chapman, Sydney 5 Chorlton, Frank 5 Coxeter, Harold Scott MacDonald 5 de Villiers, Michael D. 5 Dixon, Edward T. 5 Eagle, Albert 5 Elliott, T. C. J. 5 Fletcher, T. J. 5 Genese, Robert Williams 5 Gulasekharam, F. H. V. ...and 1,233 more Authors all top 5 Fields 210 Number theory (11-XX) 198 Geometry (51-XX) 98 History and biography (01-XX) 97 Combinatorics (05-XX) 66 Real functions (26-XX) 48 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 44 Mathematics education (97-XX) 41 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 39 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 36 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 33 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 31 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 24 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 22 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 20 Special functions (33-XX) 18 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 16 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 13 Statistics (62-XX) 10 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 9 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 9 Differential geometry (53-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 8 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 474 Publications have been cited 1,560 times in 1,400 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Triangulated polygons and frieze patterns. Zbl 0285.05028 Conway, J. H.; Coxeter, H. S. M. 73 1973 Euler’s constant. Zbl 1124.11305 Young, Robert M. 71 1991 Triangulated polygons and frieze patterns. Zbl 0288.05021 Conway, J. H.; Coxeter, H. S. M. 47 1973 The solution of algebraic and transcendental equations by iteration. Zbl 0051.34703 Bateman, E. H. 44 1953 Bessel functions for engineers. JFM 61.1177.05 McLachlan, N. W. 31 1935 On a problem in graph theory. Zbl 0117.17402 Erdős, Pál 31 1963 Replicating figures in the plane. Zbl 0125.38504 Golomb, S. W. 29 1964 The incomplete gamma functions. Zbl 1384.33006 Jameson, G. J. O. 26 2016 Approximate evaluation of Euler’s constant. Zbl 0208.32002 Tims, S. R.; Tyrrell, J. A. 25 1971 The problem of the thirteen spheres. Zbl 0070.17601 Leech, John 25 1956 A problem on strings of beads. Zbl 0079.01101 Leech, John 21 1957 A simple proof of Stirling’s formula for the gamma function. Zbl 1384.33004 Jameson, G. J. O. 20 2015 Network-colourings. Zbl 0030.37601 Descartes, Blanche 18 1948 The generalised inverse. Zbl 0403.15004 James, M. 17 1978 Formulae for numerical differentiation. Zbl 0061.28106 Bickley, W. G. 17 1941 Fibonacci properties by matrix methods. Zbl 0416.10004 Silvester, J. R. 16 1979 A generalisation of Schur’s inequality. Zbl 0074.04002 Wright, E. M. 16 1956 Sums of powers of integers: a little of the history. Zbl 0493.10004 Edwards, A. W. F. 16 1982 A game based on the Euclidean algorithm and a winning strategy for it. Zbl 0186.25303 Cole, A. J.; Davie, A. J. T. 15 1969 Equilibrium of sets of particles on a sphere. Zbl 0080.14106 Leech, John 15 1957 On Langford’s problem. Zbl 0116.01103 Davies, R. O. 15 1959 Halving a triangle. Zbl 0234.50009 Dunn, J. A.; Pretty, J. E. 14 1972 John Smith’s problem. Zbl 0123.36304 Chaundy, T. W.; Bullard, J. E. 14 1960 Looking at graphs through infinitesimal microscopes, windows and telescopes. Zbl 0499.26008 Tall, David 12 1980 Cayley graphs for some well-known groups. Zbl 0584.05040 Budden, Frank 11 1985 Greek mathematics and science. JFM 48.1114.21 Heath, T. L. 11 1921 Some elementary inequalities for polynomials. Zbl 0064.01802 Rogosinski, W. W. 11 1955 How commutative can a non-commutative group be? Zbl 0288.20024 MacHale, Desmond 11 1974 A note on the historical development of logic diagrams: Leibniz, Euler and Venn. Zbl 0179.31201 Baron, Margaret E. 10 1969 Some problems in combinatorics. Zbl 0098.24503 Forder, H. G. 10 1961 On Langford’s problem. I. Zbl 0107.24904 Priday, C. J. 10 1959 On the evaluation of log-sine integrals. Zbl 0081.05202 Lewin, L. 9 1958 On a problem of Schütte and Erdős. Zbl 0134.43502 Szekeres, E.; Szekeres, George 9 1965 Cyclic polygons and related questions. Zbl 0448.52003 Macnab, D. S. 9 1981 The integral \(\int_0^\infty \frac{\sin x}{x}\;dx\). JFM 40.0341.04 Hardy, G. H. 8 1909 Application of Mathieu’s equation to stability of non-linear oscillator. Zbl 0043.09001 McLachlan, N. W. 8 1951 Inconsistent systems of linear equations. Zbl 0429.15005 Planitz, M. 8 1979 Sine, cosine and exponential integrals. Zbl 1384.97006 Jameson, G. J. O. 8 2015 On arcs that cannot be covered by an open equilateral triangle of side 1. Zbl 0134.40604 Besicovitch, A. S. 7 1965 Some logarithm inequalities. Zbl 0444.26003 Love, E. R. 7 1980 Twenty problems on convex polyhedra. II. Zbl 0167.20303 Shephard, G. C. 6 1968 Lame ovals. Zbl 0189.22901 Gridgeman, N. T. 6 1970 W. W. Rouse Ball. JFM 51.0029.05 Whittaker, E. T. 6 1925 Extension of Huygens’ approximation to a circular arc. JFM 34.0574.02 Milne, R. M. 6 1903 The orthocentric simplex in space of three and higher dimensions. Zbl 0011.22205 Lob, H. 6 1935 Some properties of the isosceles tetrahedron. Zbl 0039.15901 Leech, John 6 1950 Heaviside and the operational calculus. Zbl 0046.11503 Cooper, J. L. B. 6 1952 Pythagorean triads in Babylonian mathematics. Zbl 0077.00306 Bruins, E. M. 6 1957 A problem on circles. Zbl 0033.12702 Reifenberg, E. R. 6 1948 On a problem of Ore. Zbl 0131.20903 Moon, J. W. 6 1965 The 17 plane symmetry groups. Zbl 0283.20033 Schwarzenberger, R. L. E. 6 1974 Integrals evaluated in terms of Catalan’s constant. Zbl 1507.40001 Jameson, Graham; Lord, Nick 6 2017 Regarding a generalisation of Ioachimescu’s constant. Zbl 1383.40003 Sîntămărian, Alina 6 2010 A direct derivation of the Catalan formula. Zbl 1384.05029 Leversha, Gerry 6 2013 Some inequalities for \((a+b)^p\) and \((a+b)^p+(a-b)^p\). Zbl 1383.26014 Jameson, G. J. O. 6 2014 The geometry of the discriminant of a polynomial. Zbl 0873.26007 Nickalls, R. W. D.; Dye, R. H. 5 1996 On certain polyhedra. Zbl 0163.42601 Hawkins, A. F.; Hill, A. C.; Reeve, J. E.; Tyrrell, J. A. 5 1966 Extension of the formula for the Nth power of a square matrix to negative and fractional values of N. Zbl 0168.03303 Astin, J. 5 1967 An old Chinese way of finding the volume of a sphere. Zbl 0238.01005 Kiang, T. 5 1972 Twenty problems on convex polyhedra. I. Zbl 0161.41604 Shephard, Geoffrey C. 5 1968 The teaching of Euclid. JFM 33.0542.15 Russell, B. 5 1902 A note on skew-symmetric matrices. Zbl 0048.00901 Drazin, M. P. 5 1952 Non-associate powers and a functional equation. Zbl 0015.34102 Etherington, I. M. H. 5 1937 Randomisation, and an old enigma of card play. Zbl 0010.17403 Fisher, R. A. 5 1934 Potentiel et problème généralise de Dirichlet. Zbl 0018.15201 de la Vallée Poussin, Ch.-J. 5 1938 Modern mathematics and the school curriculum. Zbl 0098.00209 Newman, M. H. A. 5 1961 On a conjecture of L. J. Mordell. II. Zbl 0094.03102 Zulauf, A. 5 1959 A functional equation in the heuristic theory of primes. Zbl 0125.02602 Wright, E. M. 5 1961 Pascal matrices. Zbl 0355.15016 Lawden, G. H. 5 1972 The enhancement of Machin’s formula by Todd’s process. Zbl 0861.11067 Wetherfield, Michael 4 1996 The Fermat-Torricelli problem once more. Zbl 0873.51011 Eriksson, Folke 4 1997 Affine planes. An example of research on geometric structures. Zbl 0276.50011 Pickert, Günter 4 1973 Pascal (mod p). Zbl 0271.05002 Broomhead, W. Antony 4 1972 The circumradius of the general simplex. JFM 56.0578.01 Coxeter, H. S. M. 4 1930 Mathematical logic. JFM 52.0046.02 Ramsey, F. P. 4 1926 The trigonometry of the tetrahedron. JFM 33.0542.16 Richardson, G. 4 1902 On the solution of linear difference equations. Zbl 0047.08204 Lawden, D. F. 4 1952 The oriental influence on Greek mathematics. Zbl 0064.24110 Gillings, R. J. 4 1955 A net to hold a sphere. Zbl 0079.14503 Besicovitch, A. S. 4 1957 Probability and its applications. Zbl 0001.39902 Piaggio, H. T. H. 4 1931 A property of linear cyclic transformations. Zbl 0051.11703 Cadwell, J. H. 4 1953 31-point geometry. Zbl 0064.14401 Edge, W. L. 4 1955 Some finite inversion formulae. Zbl 0105.24903 Stanton, R. G.; Sprott, D. A. 4 1962 Matrices and sequences. Zbl 0106.24005 Alway, G. G. 4 1962 An elementary proof of the theorem on change of variable in Riemann integration. Zbl 0125.30503 Davies, R. O. 4 1961 On formulae for the \(n\)th prime number. Zbl 0131.04502 Willans, C. P. 4 1964 The quartic equation: alignment with an equivalent tetrahedron. Zbl 1383.51024 Nickalls, R. W. D. 4 2012 Variations on a theme – Euler and the logsine integral. Zbl 1383.26001 Lord, Nick 4 2012 The Laplace transform of \(J_n(t)\). Zbl 0243.44005 Spiegel, M. R. 4 1972 Rings of small order. Zbl 0435.16010 Fletcher, Colin R. 4 1980 A colourful path. Zbl 0677.05034 Fung, Tat-Sang 4 1989 Evaluating Fresnel-type integrals. Zbl 1384.26009 Jameson, G. J. O. 4 2015 George Green, mathematician and physicist 1793–1841. Zbl 0786.01015 Cannell, D. M.; Lord, N. J. 3 1993 Recent calculations of \(\pi\): The Gauss-Salamin algorithm. Zbl 0805.11086 Lord, Nick 3 1992 Steiner-Lehmus and the automedian triangle. Zbl 0738.51011 Parry, C. F. 3 1991 The remarkable Ibn al-Haytham. Zbl 0755.01043 Smith, John D. 3 1992 A problem in cartophily. JFM 64.1191.02 Maunsell, F. G. 3 1938 Old tripos days at Cambridge. JFM 61.0008.04 Forsyth, A. R. 3 1935 La notion de differentielle dans l’enseignement. JFM 61.0964.06 Hadamard, J. 3 1935 An \(n\)-dimensional extension of Pythagoras’ theorem. JFM 61.1379.03 Donchian, P. S.; Coxeter, H. S. M. 3 1935 Orbituary: Peter Michael Neumann OBE. (28 December 1940 – 18 December 2020). Zbl 1474.01042 McBride, Adam; Cullingworth, Barbara 1 2021 Two ways to generate monotonic sequences: convexity and ratios. Zbl 1507.26021 Jameson, G. J. O. 1 2021 Some more properties of the bisect-diagonal quadrilateral. Zbl 1507.51009 De Villiers, Michael 1 2021 Aesop’s moral on success. Zbl 1507.00006 Allen, Edward J. 1 2021 A Catalan constant inspired integral odyssey. Zbl 1507.33016 Stewart, Seán M. 2 2020 An arithmetical question related to perfect numbers. Zbl 1506.11009 Lescot, Paul 1 2020 The convexity of the function \(y = E(x)\) defined by \(x^y=y^x\). Zbl 1507.26020 Beardon, Alan F.; Gordon, Russell A. 1 2020 The Thébault configuration keeps on giving. Zbl 1482.51015 Viglione, Raymond 1 2020 Tropical cycles. Zbl 1479.39008 Northshield, S. 1 2020 Integrals of functions containing parameters. Zbl 1507.26016 Corless, Robert M.; Jeffrey, David J.; Stoutemyer, David R. 1 2020 Concurrent sequences of Bernoulli trials. Zbl 1507.60022 Kaczkowski, Stephen 1 2020 Characterisations of the parabola. Zbl 1507.51016 Kilner, Steven J.; Farnsworth, David L. 1 2019 The morphology of \(\mathbb{Z}\sqrt{[10]}\). Zbl 1504.11115 Simoson, Andrew J. 1 2019 Eight formulae for the area of triangle OIH. Zbl 1477.51027 Josefsson, Martin 1 2019 More variations on the Steiner-Lehmus theme. Zbl 1477.51005 Abu-Saymeh, Sadi; Hajja, Mowaffaq 1 2019 Pascal-points quadrilaterals inscribed in a cyclic quadrilateral. Zbl 1477.52005 Fraivert, David 1 2019 The seven circles theorem revisited. Zbl 1507.51020 Silvester, John R. 1 2018 Fibonacci periods and multiples. Zbl 1508.11021 Jameson, G. J. O. 1 2018 Integrals evaluated in terms of Catalan’s constant. Zbl 1507.40001 Jameson, Graham; Lord, Nick 6 2017 Properties of bisect-diagonal quadrilaterals. Zbl 1507.51013 Josefsson, Martin 3 2017 Finding sums of powers using physical arguments. Zbl 1507.05016 Treeby, David 3 2017 Further characterisations of tangential quadrilaterals. Zbl 1504.51012 Josefsson, Martin 2 2017 Closed form expressions for two harmonic continued fractions. Zbl 1506.11012 Bunder, Martin; Tonien, Joseph 2 2017 Lyness cycles. Zbl 1507.39003 Dolan, Stan 2 2017 Some alternative derivations of Craig’s formula. Zbl 1507.33002 Stewart, Seán M. 2 2017 Thoughts on a conjecture of Erdős. Zbl 1507.52010 Dolan, Stan 1 2017 Non-Desarguesian planes and weak associativity. Zbl 1507.51001 Burn, R. P. 1 2017 Extremal area ellipses of a convex quadrilateral. Zbl 1507.51018 Silvester, John R. 1 2017 Integration based on the parametrisation of conics. Zbl 1507.26003 Hoseana, Jonathan 1 2017 The incomplete gamma functions. Zbl 1384.33006 Jameson, G. J. O. 26 2016 Identities connecting the Chebyshev polynomials. Zbl 1384.11050 Griffiths, Jonny 1 2016 Multisection of series. Zbl 1384.05012 Beauregard, Raymond A.; Dobrushkin, Vladimir A. 1 2016 UK pension changes in 2015: some mathematical considerations. Zbl 1384.97010 Stubbs, John; Adetunji, Jacob 1 2016 Picking genuine zeros of cubics in the Tschirnhaus method. Zbl 1386.65140 Kulkarni, Raghavendra G. 1 2016 The dice-and-numbers game. Zbl 1384.97008 Járai, Antal A. 1 2016 Properties of Pythagorean quadrilaterals. Zbl 1384.51018 Josefsson, Martin 1 2016 Euler, the clothoid and \(\int_0^{\infty}\frac{\sin x}{x}dx\). Zbl 1384.26013 Lord, Nick 1 2016 A simple proof of Stirling’s formula for the gamma function. Zbl 1384.33004 Jameson, G. J. O. 20 2015 Sine, cosine and exponential integrals. Zbl 1384.97006 Jameson, G. J. O. 8 2015 Evaluating Fresnel-type integrals. Zbl 1384.26009 Jameson, G. J. O. 4 2015 The Heron parameters of a triangle. Zbl 1384.11054 Beardon, Alan F.; Stephenson, Paul 3 2015 Counting divisors. Zbl 1384.11007 Jameson, G. J. O. 1 2015 Euler-Maclaurin, harmonic sums and Stirling’s formula. Zbl 1384.40003 Jameson, G. J. O. 1 2015 Fermat’s method of factorisation. Zbl 1384.11104 Shiu, Peter 1 2015 The factorisation of \(2^{67}-1\). Zbl 1384.11105 Shiu, Peter 1 2015 On the Routh-Steiner theorem and some generalisations. Zbl 1384.51005 Abboud, Elias 1 2015 The ‘hitchhiker triangle’ and the problem of perimeter = area. Zbl 1384.51006 Crilly, Tony; Fletcher, Colin R. 1 2015 A search for sums of powers. Zbl 1384.11045 Derby, Nigel 1 2015 Quotients of triangular numbers. Zbl 1384.11055 Breiteig, Trygve 1 2015 Elegant special cases of Van Aubel’s theorem. Zbl 1384.51023 Oxman, Victor; Stupel, Moshe 1 2015 Some inequalities for \((a+b)^p\) and \((a+b)^p+(a-b)^p\). Zbl 1383.26014 Jameson, G. J. O. 6 2014 A fresh look at Euler’s limit formula for the gamma function. Zbl 1383.33001 Jameson, G. J. O. 3 2014 An approximation to the arithmetic-geometric mean. Zbl 1383.26016 Jameson, G. J. O. 2 2014 The Steiner-Lehmus angle-bisector theorem. Zbl 1455.51005 Conway, John; Ryba, Alex 2 2014 Inequalities for the perimeter of an ellipse. Zbl 1383.26012 Jameson, G. J. O. 2 2014 Misunderstandings in A-level statistics. Zbl 1383.97009 Toller, Owen 1 2014 Series involving \(\zeta(n)\). Zbl 1383.40002 Jameson, G. J. O. 1 2014 On static equilibrium of a hemispheroid. Zbl 1383.70008 De, Subhranil 1 2014 Graph-theoretic models for the Fibonacci family. Zbl 1383.11016 Koshy, Thomas 1 2014 A cubic surface of revolution. Zbl 1383.53005 Villarino, Mark B. 1 2014 Cryptic crossnumber puzzles: a setter’s perspective. Zbl 1384.00011 Cuthbertson, Alastair 1 2014 If everyone wanted girls more boys might be born. Zbl 1383.97010 Christian, Helen; Trustrum, Brian 1 2014 The ‘stop after \(k\) girls or \(N\) children’ policy. Zbl 1383.97013 Paseau, A. C.; de Villiers, Michael; Fox, Michael 1 2014 Beyond the Basel problem: Euler’s derivation of the general formula for \(\zeta (2n)\). Zbl 1383.11100 Lord, Nick 1 2014 A direct derivation of the Catalan formula. Zbl 1384.05029 Leversha, Gerry 6 2013 The gaps between sums of two squares. Zbl 1384.11067 Shiu, Peter 2 2013 Revisiting the sliding ladder. Zbl 1384.97011 De, Subhranil 2 2013 On proving certain optimisation theorems in plane geometry. Zbl 1384.51011 Grattan-Guinness, I. 1 2013 Frieze groups, cylinders, and quotient groups. Zbl 1384.20041 Beardon, Alan F. 1 2013 Reflections on the Woolwich ferry. Zbl 1384.70004 Colman, W. J. A. 1 2013 3D generalisations of Viviani’s theorem. Zbl 1383.51032 de Villiers, Michael 1 2013 A simple series representation for Apéry’s constant. Zbl 1383.11101 Melville, John 1 2013 The quartic equation: alignment with an equivalent tetrahedron. Zbl 1383.51024 Nickalls, R. W. D. 4 2012 Variations on a theme – Euler and the logsine integral. Zbl 1383.26001 Lord, Nick 4 2012 Properties of inscribed and circumscribed rectangles. Zbl 1383.51019 Grattan-Guinness, I. 2 2012 Pascal’s prism. Zbl 1383.05009 Brothers, Harlan J. 2 2012 Packing squares into rectangles. Zbl 1383.05047 Ellard, Richard; MacHale, Des 1 2012 Pell’s equation and Fermat. Zbl 1383.11037 Dolan, Stan 1 2012 Gaston Tarry and multimagic squares. Zbl 1383.05033 Keedwell, A. D. 2 2011 Family planning. Zbl 1383.97012 Paseau, A. C. 2 2011 Finding pseudoprimes. Zbl 1383.11006 Jameson, G. J. O. 1 2011 A classification of Kaprekar constants. Zbl 1383.11010 Dolan, Stan 1 2011 Morphing Lord Brouncker’s continued fraction for \(\pi\) into the product of Wallis. Zbl 1383.11128 Osler, Thomas J. 1 2011 Triangles with one angle equal to 60 degrees. Zbl 1383.51028 Shirali, Shailesh A. 1 2011 Finding Carmichael numbers. Zbl 1383.11007 Jameson, G. J. O. 1 2011 Regarding a generalisation of Ioachimescu’s constant. Zbl 1383.40003 Sîntămărian, Alina 6 2010 The perfect cipher. Zbl 1384.94080 Lewand, Robert Edward 2 2010 Integrating expressions of the form \(\frac{\sin^n x}{x^m}\) and others. Zbl 1383.26007 Trainin, J. 2 2010 How to choose your relations. Zbl 1384.00009 Crilly, Tony; Fletcher, Colin R. 1 2010 An elementary, limit-free calculus for polynomials. Zbl 1383.97006 McAndrew, Alasdair 1 2010 Quadrilaterals of triangle centres. Zbl 1439.51015 Mammana, M.; Micale, B. 1 2008 Euler and triangle geometry. Zbl 1372.51010 Leversha, Gerry; Smith, G. C. 2 2007 Generalising ‘Sums of cubes equal to squares of sums’. Zbl 1352.11033 Mason, John 1 2001 Decimal déjà vu. Zbl 1352.11016 Silvester, John R. 1 1999 Equifacial tetrahedra and a famous location problem. Zbl 0942.51009 Kupitz, Y. S.; Martini, H. 1 1999 The Fermat-Torricelli problem once more. Zbl 0873.51011 Eriksson, Folke 4 1997 Integer geometry: Some examples and constructions. Zbl 0873.52018 Peterson, Blake E.; Jordan, James H. 1 1997 The fundamental theorem of arithmetic dissected. Zbl 0872.11001 Agargün, Ahmet G.; Fletcher, Colin R. 1 1997 The geometry of the discriminant of a polynomial. Zbl 0873.26007 Nickalls, R. W. D.; Dye, R. H. 5 1996 The enhancement of Machin’s formula by Todd’s process. Zbl 0861.11067 Wetherfield, Michael 4 1996 ...and 319 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,029 Authors 14 Alzer, Horst 13 Chen, Chaoping 13 Jameson, Graham J. O. 12 Hajja, Mowaffaq 11 Morier-Genoud, Sophie 11 Ovsienko, Valentin Yu. 10 Baur, Karin 9 Beardon, Alan Frank 9 Berele, Allan 9 Catoiu, Stefan 9 Lu, Dawei 8 Mortici, Cristinel 8 Stewart, Seán Mark 7 Holm, Thorsten 6 Borwein, Jonathan Michael 6 Cuntz, Michael Joachim 6 Katz, Mikhail G. 6 Martini, Horst 5 Crilly, Tony 5 Gordon, Russell A. 5 Grattan-Guinness, Ivor 5 Harris, Lawrence A. 5 Jørgensen, Peter Bjørn 5 Musin, Oleg R. 5 Shiu, Peter 5 Tabachnikov, Serge L. 5 Youssri, Youssri H. 5 Zhang, Xinmin 4 Abu-Saymeh, Sadi 4 Assem, Ibrahim 4 Coxeter, Harold Scott MacDonald 4 Dolan, Stan 4 Gurvich, Vladimir A. 4 Hayajneh, Mostafa 4 Ho, Nhan Bao 4 Hollings, Christopher David 4 Hsu, Lihhsing 4 Lord, Nicolas J. 4 Mabilat, Flavien 4 Machado, José António Tenreiro 4 Musiker, Gregg 4 Nath, Rajat Kanti 4 Peters, James Francis III 4 Schiffler, Ralf 4 Serhiyenko, Khrystyna 4 Shalaby, Nabil 4 Sîntămărian, Alina 4 Škoviera, Martin 4 Straub, Armin 4 Tarasov, Alexey S. 4 Todorov, Gordana 4 Vince, Andrew 4 Zaka, Orgest 3 Barrow-Green, June Elizabeth 3 Ben Zitoun, Feyed 3 Bessenrodt, Christine 3 Cairns, Grant 3 Caro, Yair 3 Cherruault, Yves 3 Cohn, Henry Lee 3 Conley, Charles H. 3 Del Centina, Andrea 3 Faber, Eleonore 3 Fletcher, Colin R. 3 Gratz, Sira 3 Gülsu, Mustafa 3 Gunawan, Emily 3 Henning, Michael Anthony 3 Ho, Tung-Yang 3 Josefsson, Martin 3 Katz, Karin Usadi 3 Kwong, Man Kam 3 Lángi, Zsolt 3 Lopes, António M. 3 Máčajová, Edita 3 Maehara, Hiroshi 3 Marsh, Bethany Rose 3 Movshovich, Yevgenya 3 Ngan, Henry Y. T. 3 Osler, Thomas J. 3 Pedersen, Jean J. 3 Rack, Heinz-Joachim 3 Reutenauer, Christophe 3 Sezer, Mehmet 3 Shallit, Jeffrey Outlaw 3 Song, Lixin 3 Volenec, Vladimir 3 Vuorinen, Matti Keijo Kustaa 3 Yu, Yang 3 Zhang, Xiaohui 3 Zhu, Binhai 2 Abd-Elhameed, Waleed Mohamed 2 Ash, J. Marshall 2 Atta, Ahmed Gamal 2 Aulbach, Martin 2 Bagherzadeh, Fatemeh 2 Bailey, David Harold 2 Balasubramaniam, Pagavathigounder 2 Barnabei, Marilena 2 Barnsley, Michael Fielding ...and 1,929 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 451 Journals 79 The Mathematical Gazette 47 Discrete Mathematics 34 The Mathematical Intelligencer 29 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 25 Applied Mathematics and Computation 23 Historia Mathematica 22 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 20 Journal of Geometry 19 American Mathematical Monthly 18 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 14 Aequationes Mathematicae 13 Mathematics of Computation 13 Mathematics Magazine 12 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 12 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 12 European Journal of Combinatorics 12 Elemente der Mathematik 11 Discrete Applied Mathematics 11 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 11 Journal of Approximation Theory 11 Theoretical Computer Science 11 Linear Algebra and its Applications 10 Journal of Number Theory 10 Advances in Applied Mathematics 10 The College Mathematics Journal 9 The Ramanujan Journal 8 Advances in Mathematics 8 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 8 History and Philosophy of Logic 8 Discrete & Computational Geometry 8 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 7 Acta Mechanica 7 Information Processing Letters 7 Mathematische Zeitschrift 7 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 7 Results in Mathematics 7 Journal for Geometry and Graphics 7 Journal of Integer Sequences 6 Centaurus 6 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 6 ZAMP. 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