Elemente der MathematikEine Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Mathematischen Gesellschaft Short Title: Elem. Math. Publisher: EMS Press, Berlin ISSN: 0013-6018; 1420-8962/e Online: https://ems.press/journals/em/readhttps://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/volumes?UID=edm-001https://gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/id/PPN378850199?page=1 Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; This journal is available open access with a moving wall of 5 years. Documents Indexed: 1,561 Publications (since 1946) References Indexed: 387 Publications with 3,305 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 79, No. 4 (2024) 79, No. 3 (2024) 79, No. 2 (2024) 79, No. 1 (2024) 78, No. 4 (2023) 78, No. 3 (2023) 78, No. 2 (2023) 78, No. 1 (2023) 77, No. 4 (2022) 77, No. 3 (2022) 77, No. 2 (2022) 77, No. 1 (2022) 76, No. 4 (2021) 76, No. 3 (2021) 76, No. 2 (2021) 76, No. 1 (2021) 75, No. 4 (2020) 75, No. 3 (2020) 75, No. 2 (2020) 75, No. 1 (2020) 74, No. 4 (2019) 74, No. 3 (2019) 74, No. 2 (2019) 74, No. 1 (2019) 73, No. 4 (2018) 73, No. 3 (2018) 73, No. 2 (2018) 73, No. 1 (2018) 72, No. 4 (2017) 72, No. 3 (2017) 72, No. 2 (2017) 72, No. 1 (2017) 71, No. 4 (2016) 71, No. 3 (2016) 71, No. 2 (2016) 71, No. 1 (2016) 70, No. 4 (2015) 70, No. 3 (2015) 70, No. 2 (2015) 70, No. 1 (2015) 69, No. 4 (2014) 69, No. 3 (2014) 69, No. 2 (2014) 69, No. 1 (2014) 68, No. 4 (2013) 68, No. 3 (2013) 68, No. 2 (2013) 68, No. 1 (2013) 67, No. 4 (2012) 67, No. 3 (2012) 67, No. 2 (2012) 67, No. 1 (2012) 66, No. 4 (2011) 66, No. 3 (2011) 66, No. 2 (2011) 66, No. 1 (2011) 65, No. 4 (2010) 65, No. 3 (2010) 65, No. 2 (2010) 65, No. 1 (2010) 64, No. 4 (2009) 64, No. 3 (2009) 64, No. 2 (2009) 64, No. 1 (2009) 63, No. 4 (2008) 63, No. 3 (2008) 63, No. 2 (2008) 63, No. 1 (2008) 62, No. 4 (2007) 62, No. 3 (2007) 62, No. 2 (2007) 62, No. 1 (2007) 61, No. 4 (2006) 61, No. 3 (2006) 61, No. 2 (2006) 61, No. 1 (2006) 60, No. 4 (2005) 60, No. 3 (2005) 60, No. 2 (2005) 60, No. 1 (2005) 59, No. 4 (2004) 59, No. 3 (2004) 59, No. 2 (2004) 59, No. 1 (2004) 58, No. 4 (2003) 58, No. 3 (2003) 58, No. 2 (2003) 58, No. 1 (2003) 57, No. 4 (2002) 57, No. 3 (2002) 57, No. 2 (2002) 57, No. 1 (2002) 56, No. 4 (2001) 56, No. 3 (2001) 56, No. 2 (2001) 56, No. 1 (2001) 55, No. 4 (2000) 55, No. 3 (2000) 55, No. 2 (2000) 55, No. 1 (2000) ...and 101 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 18 Hadwiger, Hugo 17 Wunderlich, Walter 15 Schneebeli, Hans Rudolf 15 Wanner, Gerhard 14 Locher, Louis 13 Sydler, J.-P. 12 Sierpiński, Wacław 11 Rotkiewicz, Andrzej 10 Hohenberg, Fritz 10 Spilker, Jürgen 10 Van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert 9 Blatter, Christian 9 Kramer, Jürg 9 Kreyszig, Erwin 9 Rätz, Jürg 8 Goldberg, Michael 8 Harborth, Heiko 8 Hungerbuhler, Norbert 8 Ineichen, Robert 8 Trost, Ernst 7 Alzer, Horst 7 Bottema, Oene 7 Fejes Tóth, László 7 Jolissaint, Paul 7 Steinig, John 7 Thurnheer, Peter 6 Behrends, Ehrhard 6 Künzi, Hans Paul 6 Lang, Serge 6 Länger, Helmut M. 6 Leuenberger, Franz 6 Lukarevski, Martin 6 Mąkowski, Andrzej 6 Moll, Victor Hugo 6 Schopp, Janos 6 Schröder, Eberhard 6 Wirth, Karl-Joachim 5 Abel, Ulrich 5 Binz, Jany Cajetan 5 Buchner, Paul 5 Domiaty, Rudolf Z. 5 Erdős, Pál 5 Giering, Oswald 5 Kanold, Hans-Joachim 5 Läuchli, Peter 5 Leuenberger, Christoph 5 Marrero, Osvaldo 5 Martini, Horst 5 Mortini, Raymond 5 Richter, Christian 5 Schinzel, Andrzej 5 Spindler, Karlheinz 5 Stachel, Hellmuth 5 Stammbach, Urs 5 Suryanarayana, D. 4 Aebi, Christian 4 Aigner, Alexander 4 Berkes, J. 4 Bollobás, Béla 4 Brawer, Robert Alfred 4 Bundschuh, Peter 4 Carlitz, Leonard 4 Carnal, Henri 4 Debrunner, Hans E. 4 Eddy, Roland H. 4 Finsler, Paul 4 Halbeisen, Lorenz J. 4 Harary, Frank 4 Huber, Martin 4 Jecklin, Heinrich 4 Kimberling, Clark H. 4 Kuipers, Lauwerens 4 Lemmermeyer, Franz 4 Marinescu, Dan Ştefan 4 Mascioni, Vania 4 Paasche, Ivan 4 Pamfilos, Paris 4 Pestman, Wiebe R. 4 Ruoff, Dieter 4 Schneider, Rolf G. 4 Schreiber, Alfred 4 Tarnai, Tibor 4 Waldvogel, Jörg 4 Walser, Hans R. 4 Wetzel, John E. 4 Zeitler, Herbert 3 Abi-Khuzam, Faruk Fuad 3 Almira, Jose María 3 Bergmann, Horst 3 Bezdek, Károly 3 Böhm, Wolfgang 3 Dreiding, Andre S. 3 Fladt, Kuno 3 Fleckenstein, Joachim Otto 3 Geise, Gerhard 3 Hajja, Mowaffaq 3 Haldimann, Andreas 3 Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard 3 Herrera, Blas 3 Hofmann, Joseph Ehrenfried ...and 989 more Authors all top 5 Fields 305 Geometry (51-XX) 286 Number theory (11-XX) 151 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 107 Combinatorics (05-XX) 105 History and biography (01-XX) 88 Real functions (26-XX) 70 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 46 Differential geometry (53-XX) 42 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 29 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 28 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 27 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 26 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 24 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 24 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 23 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 19 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 19 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 16 Special functions (33-XX) 16 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 14 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 14 Computer science (68-XX) 14 Mathematics education (97-XX) 13 Statistics (62-XX) 12 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 11 Functional analysis (46-XX) 11 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 9 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 General topology (54-XX) 9 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 8 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 8 Measure and integration (28-XX) 8 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 8 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 7 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 7 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 5 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 530 Publications have been cited 1,629 times in 1,438 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Konvexe Fünfecke in ebenen Punktmengen. Zbl 0397.52005 Harborth, Heiko 75 1978 Fibonacci numbers at most one away from a perfect power. Zbl 1156.11008 Bugeaud, Yann; Luca, Florian; Mignotte, Maurice; Siksek, Samir 32 2008 Zur Gitterpunktanzahl konvexer Mengen. Zbl 0258.52013 Wills, J. M. 24 1973 On the coloring of signed graphs. Zbl 0155.31703 Cartwright, D.; Harary, Frank 23 1968 Sur un problème concernant les nombres \(k\cdot 2^n + 1\). Zbl 0093.04602 Sierpiński, Wacław 23 1960 Line-coloring of signed graphs. Zbl 0175.50302 Behzad, M.; Chartrand, G. 21 1969 An alternate proof of Mason’s theorem. Zbl 1031.11012 Snyder, Noah 18 2000 Schwach verkoppelte Ungleichungssysteme und konvexe Spline-Interpolation. Zbl 0518.65040 Schmidt, J. W.; Heß, W. 16 1984 p-adische Kettenbrüche und Irrationalität p-adischer Zahlen. Zbl 0344.10017 Bundschuh, Peter 16 1977 Also set-valued functions do not like iterative roots. Zbl 1144.39017 Jarczyk, Witold; Zhang, Weinian 16 2007 Parametric integrals, the Catalan numbers, and the beta function. Zbl 1440.11022 Qi, Feng 16 2017 A problem regarding the tracing of graphs. Zbl 0043.38503 Ore, Øystein 16 1951 Periodicity of \(p\)-adic continued fractions. Zbl 0701.11066 de Weger, B. M. M. 16 1988 Vektorielle Integralgeometrie. Zbl 0216.44003 Hadwiger, H.; Schneider, R. 15 1971 Some remarks about Descartes’ rule of signs. Zbl 1342.12002 Albouy, Alain; Fu, Yanning 14 2014 Zur Methode der finiten Elemente. Zbl 0458.65086 Schwarz, H. R. 13 1981 Die isoperimetrische Ungleichung im Raum. Zbl 0029.32003 Hadwiger, Hugo 13 1948 Seitenrisse honvexer Körper und Homothetic. Zbl 0115.16602 Hadwiger, Hugo 13 1963 Adding units mod \(n\). Zbl 0973.11008 Deaconescu, Marian 12 2000 Compromise, consensus, and the iteration of means. Zbl 1165.91011 Krause, Ulrich 11 2009 On nonconvex caustics of convex billiards. Zbl 1024.37030 Knill, Oliver 10 1998 Covering a square by equal circles. Zbl 0847.52018 Tarnai, Tibor; Gáspár, Zsolt 10 1995 Regular graphs containing a given graph. Zbl 0467.05039 Akiyama, Jin; Era, Hiroshi; Harary, Frank 10 1983 Gaussian binomial coefficients. Zbl 0218.05002 Pólya, G.; Alexanderson, G. L. 10 1971 Über Peano-Kurven. Zbl 0248.54040 Wunderlich, W. 10 1973 An elementary proof of the theorem of Beckman and Quarles. Zbl 0701.51013 Benz, Walter 10 1987 Edge lengths determining tetrahedrons. Zbl 1182.51006 Wirth, Karl; Dreiding, André S. 10 2009 Retracted: Some results on Heron triangles. Zbl 1119.11307 Aassila, Mohammed 9 2001 A representation formula for the inverse harmonic mean curvature flow. Zbl 1091.53044 Smoczyk, Knut 9 2005 The polynomial Pell equation. Zbl 1077.11020 Dubickas, Artūras; Steuding, Jörn 9 2004 A simple method for solving the Diophantine equation \(Y^2=X^4+aX^3+bX^2+cX+d\). Zbl 0952.11005 Poulakis, Dimitrios 9 1999 Ein Satz über räumliche Fünfecke. Zbl 0196.24101 van der Waerden, B. L. 9 1970 An improved inequality relating volume, area and radius of inner sphere in \(\mathbb R^n\). (Eine verschärfte Ungleichung zwischen Volumen, Oberfläche und Inkugelradius im \(\mathbb R^n\).) Zbl 0251.52015 Bokowski, J. 9 1973 An enduring error. Zbl 1176.52002 Grünbaum, Branko 9 2009 Starre, kippende, wackelige und bewegliche Achtflache. Zbl 0126.36906 Wunderlich, W. 9 1965 Eine Schnittrekursion für die Eulersche Charakteristik euklidischer Polyeder mit Anwendungen innerhalb der kombinatorischen Geometrie. Zbl 0172.47402 Hadwiger, Hugo 9 1968 On lattice polytopes having interior lattice points. Zbl 0443.52010 Zaks, J.; Perles, M. A.; Wills, J. M. 8 1982 Zum Satz von Holditch in der euklidischen Ebene. Zbl 0584.53005 Pottmann, Helmut 8 1986 Ungleichungen für \((e/a)^ a(b/e)^ b\). (Inequalities for \((e/a)^ a(b/e)^ b)\). Zbl 0596.26014 Alzer, H. 8 1985 A short proof of the formula of Faà di Bruno. Zbl 1074.05014 Spindler, Karlheinz 7 2005 Continuous flattening of some pyramids. Zbl 1305.51017 Nara, Chie 7 2014 Divisibility of power sums and the generalized Erdős-Moser equation. Zbl 1264.11025 MacMillan, Kieren; Sondow, Jonathan 7 2012 A remark on the gamma function. Zbl 0699.10013 Sándor, J.; Tóth, L. 7 1989 The Faà di Bruno formula revisited. Zbl 1272.05003 Mortini, Raymond 7 2013 Revisiting the hexagonal lattice: on optimal lattice circle packing. Zbl 1218.52016 Fukshansky, Lenny 7 2011 The Arnold-Liouville theorem of and its consequences. (Le théorème d’Arnold-Liouville et ses conséquences.) Zbl 1112.37043 Lesfari, A. 6 2003 Some inequalities for planar convex figures. Zbl 0839.52006 Henk, Martin; Tsintsifas, George A. 6 1994 Volume of an N-simplex by multiple integration. Zbl 0324.26008 Ellis, Richard S. 6 1976 On the numbers of the form \(\sigma(n)-n\) und \(n-\varphi(n)\). (Über die Zahlen der Form \(\sigma(n)-n\) und \(n-\varphi(n)\).) Zbl 0272.10003 Erdős, Paul 6 1973 An explicit family of \(U_m\)-numbers. Zbl 1293.11081 Chaves, Ana Paula; Marques, Diego 6 2014 An alternate proof of Gerretsen’s inequalities. Zbl 1364.51009 Lukarevski, Martin 6 2017 Tile the group. Zbl 1440.05240 Ginosar, Yuval 6 2018 A natural construction for the real numbers. Zbl 1514.12004 A’Campo, Norbert 6 2021 Euclid, Calkin & Wilf — playing with rationals. Zbl 1193.91033 Hofmann, Stefanie; Schuster, Gertraud; Steuding, Jörn 6 2008 On certain permutation groups and sums of two squares. Zbl 1306.11006 Corvaja, Pietro; Petronio, Carlo; Zannier, Umberto 6 2012 Werte zwischen dem geometrischen und dem arithmetischen Mittel zweier Zahlen. (Values between the geometric and arithmetic mean of two numbers). Zbl 0721.26009 Seiffert, H.-J. 6 1987 Some integral inequalities. Zbl 0702.26016 Sándor, Joseph 6 1988 A point set everywhere dense in the plane. Zbl 0573.52003 Bezdek, Károly; Pach, János 6 1985 Ein elementarer und konstruktiver Beweis für die Zerlegungsgleichheit der Hill’schen Tetraeder mit einem Quader. (An elementary and constructive proof for the equivalence by dissection of the Hill tetrahedra with a rectangular parallelepipedon). Zbl 0583.51018 Schöbi, Philipp 6 1985 Complexity of partial satisfaction. II. Zbl 1283.68165 Lieberherr, Karl J.; Specker, Ernst 6 2012 Volumschätzung für die einen Eikörper überdeckenden und unterdeckenden Parallelotope. Zbl 0066.40605 Hadwiger, Hugo 6 1955 A note on the successive remainders of the exponential series. Zbl 0442.33001 Gautschi, Walter 5 1982 Sätze vom Holditch-Typ für ebene Kurven. Zbl 0468.53002 Hering, Leonhard 5 1983 Extremal functions and financial gain. (Fonctions extrémales et gain financier.) Zbl 0906.90011 Hürlimann, Werner 5 1997 Maximal frequencies of elements in second-order linear recurring sequences over a finite field. Zbl 0747.11062 Niederreiter, H.; Schinzel, A.; Somer, L. 5 1991 An inequality on the greatest roots of a polynomial. Zbl 0745.12001 Mignotte, M. 5 1991 Densest packings of equal circles in a square. (Dichteste Packungen von gleichen Kreisen in einem Quadrat.) Zbl 0814.52007 Peikert, Ronald 5 1994 Densest packing of six equal circles in a square. Zbl 0807.52013 Melissen, Hans 5 1994 Zur ebenen hyperbolischen Kinematik. (Plane hyperbolic kinematics). Zbl 0223.53007 Frank, Hubert 5 1971 Eine Verallgemeinerung des Satzes von Dandelin. (Generalization of a theorem of Dandelin.). Zbl 0235.50014 Herzer, A. 5 1972 A note on Bernoulli numbers and polynomials. Zbl 0283.10003 Carlitz, Leonard 5 1974 Le chasseur perdu dans la foret. Zbl 0425.51011 Joris, H. 5 1980 A lower bound for the isoperimetric deficit. Zbl 1368.52004 Cufí, Julià; Reventós, Agustí 5 2016 Rings which are generated by their units: a graph theoretical approach. Zbl 1209.13031 Maimani, H. R.; Pournaki, M. R.; Yassemi, S. 5 2010 Dynamic geometry of polygons. Zbl 1004.51022 Hitt, L. Richard; Zhang, Xin-Min 5 2001 How to turn all the lights out. Zbl 0989.05012 Araújo, Paulo Ventura 5 2000 On the \(3n+1\) problem. (Über das \(3n+1\) problem.) Zbl 0999.11013 Wirsching, Günther J. 5 2000 A simple constructive proof of Kronecker’s density theorem. Zbl 1132.11040 Bridges, Douglas; Schuster, Peter 5 2006 Über die Funktionentheorie in einer hyperkomplexen Algebra. Zbl 0031.02601 Fueter, Rudolf 5 1948 Eine überall stetige und nirgends differenzierbare Funktion. Zbl 0046.28704 Wunderlich, W. 5 1952 Eine Integralungleichung für streng monotone Funktionen mit logarithmisch konvexer Umkehrfunktion. (An integral inequality for strictly monotonic functions with a logarithmically convex inverse function). Zbl 0721.26010 Seiffert, H.-J. 5 1989 A discrete Gauss-Bonnet type theorem. Zbl 1269.53011 Knill, Oliver 5 2012 A pretty binomial identity. Zbl 1250.11023 Amdeberhan, Tewodros; de Angelis, Valerio; Lin, Minghua; Moll, Victor H.; Sury, B. 5 2012 An explicit formula about the convex hull of random points. Zbl 0697.60015 Badertscher, E. 5 1989 Potenzen der Pascalmatrix und eine Identität der Kombinatorik. (Powers of the Pascal matrix and a combinatorial identity). Zbl 0699.05007 Brawer, R. 5 1990 Über Geraden in allgemeiner Lage. Zbl 0078.34501 Ringel, Gerhard 5 1957 Autoevoluten. Zbl 0109.39401 Wunderlich, W. 5 1962 Die innere axiale Symmetrie zentrischer Eibereiche der euklidischen Ebene. Zbl 0118.17304 Nohl, W. 5 1962 On the Diophantine equation \((x^2-1)(y^2-1) = [(\tfrac 12 (y-x))^2-1]^2\). (Sur l’équation diophantienne \((x^2-1)(y^2-1) = [(\tfrac 12 (y-x))^2-1]^2\).) Zbl 0126.07301 Schinzel, Andrzej; Sierpiński, Wacław 5 1963 Area of the union of disks. Zbl 0153.51903 Bollobas, B. 5 1968 Eine Kennzeichnung des Kreises. Zbl 0153.52002 Fejes Tóth, László 5 1967 Super perfect numbers. Zbl 0165.36001 Suryanarayana, D. 5 1969 Sur un problème de M. Erdős. Zbl 0089.26603 Rokowska, B.; Schinzel, Andrzej 5 1960 Kreispackung in Quadraten. Zbl 0393.52008 Schlüter, Klaus 4 1979 On a theorem of Burnside. Zbl 0321.20017 van der Waall, R. W. 4 1970 On minimum area quadrilaterals and triangles circumscribed about convex plane regions. Zbl 0514.52007 Kuperberg, W. 4 1983 Über die konvexe Hülle von Zufallspunkten in Eibereichen. Zbl 0521.52005 Buchta, C. 4 1983 Euclidean geometry problems rephrased in terms of midpoints and point-reflections. Zbl 1082.51011 Pambuccian, Victor 4 2005 Stirling numbers of the second kind and Bonferroni’s inequalities. Zbl 1162.11317 Wegner, Horst 4 2005 On a measure of axiality for triangular domains. Zbl 0749.52002 Buda, Andrzej B.; Mislow, Kurt 4 1991 Similarity of quadrilaterals as starting point for a geometric journey to orthocentric systems and conics (with an appendix by Ivan Izmestiev and Arseniy Akopyan). Zbl 07961610 Humenberger, Hans 1 2024 The Garfunkel-Bankoff inequality and the Finsler-Hadwiger inequality. Zbl 1517.51009 Jiang, Wei-Dong 1 2023 Is the spiral effect psychological? Zbl 1523.52031 Klaassen, Bernhard 1 2023 Angle sum of polygons in space. Zbl 1519.51011 Siegerist, Fritz; Wirth, Karl 1 2023 A simple proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Zbl 1526.30010 Chakraborty, Bikash 1 2023 Two statements characterizing the Euclidean metric of a metric plane. Zbl 1503.51014 Pambuccian, Victor 3 2022 Ceva-triangular points of a triangle. Zbl 1503.51010 Hungerbühler, Norbert; Wanner, Gerhard 2 2022 Regular spatial hexagons. Zbl 1503.51013 Siegerist, Fritz; Wirth, Karl 1 2022 A note on the Diophantine equation \((x+1)^3 + (x+2)^3 + \cdots + (2x)^3 = y^n\). Zbl 1510.11090 Nguyen Xuan Tho 1 2022 One property of a planar curve whose convex hull covers a given convex figure. Zbl 1503.51012 Nikonorov, Yurii; Nikonorova, Yulia 1 2022 Sections of triangles and circles. (Teildreiecke und Kreise.) Zbl 1504.51013 Thurnheer, Peter 1 2022 A natural construction for the real numbers. Zbl 1514.12004 A’Campo, Norbert 6 2021 Two remarkable triangles of a triangle and their circumcircles. Zbl 1503.51007 Kiss, Sándor Nagydobai; Bíró, Bálint 1 2021 Holes in lace doilies: the geometric kernel of circulant graphs. Zbl 1504.05132 Sander, Jürgen W. 1 2021 Mollweide’s formula and circumcevians of the incenter. Zbl 1483.51006 Lukarevski, Martin 1 2021 A proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra using Hurwitz’s theorem. Zbl 1475.30020 Mahmoudi, Mohammad Gholamzadeh 1 2021 Mixtilinear radii and Finsler-Hadwiger inequality. Zbl 1464.51018 Lukarevski, Martin; Wanner, Gerhard 2 2020 Constructions of isospectral circulant graphs. Zbl 1455.05046 Mönius, Katja 1 2020 Mean value theorems and convexity: an example of cross-fertilization of two mathematical items. Zbl 1456.26005 Hiriart-Urruty, Jean-Baptiste 1 2020 A simple proof of the infinitude of primes. Zbl 1460.11012 Lemmermeyer, Franz 1 2020 Ratios, roots, and means: a quartet of convergence tests. Zbl 1479.40002 Hammond, Christopher N. B. 1 2020 An inequality for cevians and applications. Zbl 1477.51023 Lukarevski, Martin; Marinescu, Dan Stefan 1 2020 Logical equivalence of the fundamental theorems on operators between Banach spaces. Zbl 1445.46003 Liebaug, Friederike; Spindler, Karlheinz 1 2020 Tuples of \(n\) natural numbers such that all sums are different and a measure concentration phenomenon. (Tupel aus \(n\) natürlichen Zahlen, für die alle Summen verschieden sind, und ein Maßkonzentrations-Phänomen.) Zbl 1439.11031 Behrends, Ehrhard 1 2019 Zigzags with Bürgi, Bernoulli, Euler and the Seidel-Entringer-Arnol’d triangle. Zbl 1439.01002 Henry, Philippe; Wanner, Gerhard 1 2019 On the unsolvability of certain equations of Erdős-Moser type. Zbl 1473.11076 Baoulina, Ioulia N. 1 2019 Composite values of irreducible polynomials. Zbl 1450.11020 Lemmermeyer, Franz 1 2019 Parallelograms inscribed in a pair of confocal ellipses. Zbl 1445.51005 Blinkiewicz, Dorota; Rzonsowski, Piotr; Szydło, Bogdan 1 2019 A short proof of Morley’s theorem. Zbl 1445.51007 Pamfilos, Paris 1 2019 Tile the group. Zbl 1440.05240 Ginosar, Yuval 6 2018 An extension of the Lobachevsky formula. Zbl 1408.26012 Jolany, Hassan 2 2018 Tiling by incongruent equilateral triangles without requiring local finiteness. II. Zbl 1394.52021 Richter, Christian 2 2018 Calculus style proof of Poncelet’s theorem for two ellipses. Zbl 1431.51010 Simonič, Aleksander 1 2018 Walking on rational numbers and a self-referential formula. Zbl 1439.11302 Fortman, Margaret; Kupiec, Kevin; Rawlings, Marina; Treviño, Enrique 1 2018 Parametric integrals, the Catalan numbers, and the beta function. Zbl 1440.11022 Qi, Feng 16 2017 An alternate proof of Gerretsen’s inequalities. Zbl 1364.51009 Lukarevski, Martin 6 2017 Johann Bernoulli and the cycloid: a theorem for posterity. Zbl 1381.01006 Henry, Philippe; Wanner, Gerhard 3 2017 The AM-GM inequality from different viewpoints. Zbl 1364.26031 Veljan, Darko 2 2017 A note on Sassenfeld matrices. Zbl 1372.65096 Baumann, Ramona; Wihler, Thomas P. 1 2017 Triangles with sides in arithmetic progression. Zbl 1372.51011 Mikami, Kentaro; O’Hara, Jun; Sugahara, Kunio 1 2017 Lattices modulo \(N\) with long shortest distances. Zbl 1381.52025 Pausinger, Florian 1 2017 Expressing the remainder of the Taylor polynomial when the function lacks smoothness. Zbl 1376.26002 Hošek, Radim 1 2017 A lower bound for the isoperimetric deficit. Zbl 1368.52004 Cufí, Julià; Reventós, Agustí 5 2016 Jost Bürgi’s artificium of 1586 in modern view, an ingenious algorithm for calculating tables of the sine function. Zbl 1378.01005 Waldvogel, Jörg 3 2016 A series involving Catalan numbers: proofs and demonstrations. Zbl 1354.11022 Amdeberhan, Tewodros; Guan, X.; Jiu, L.; Moll, Victor H.; Vignat, Christophe 3 2016 Alternative proofs for Kocik’s geometric diagram for relativistic velocity addition. Zbl 1369.51003 Sasane, Amol; Ufnarovski, Victor 1 2016 Rotationally symmetric tilings with convex pentagons and hexagons. Zbl 1370.52047 Klaassen, Bernhard 1 2016 A characterization of the ellipse related to illumination bodies. Zbl 1334.52002 Jerónimo-Castro, Jesús 4 2015 A probabilistic approach to some binomial identities. Zbl 1330.05024 Vignat, Christophe; Moll, Victor H. 4 2015 Euler and the partial sums of the prime harmonic series. Zbl 1358.11107 Pollack, Paul 4 2015 Some observations on the Furstenberg topological space. Zbl 1333.54040 Lovas, Rezső L.; Mező, István 3 2015 Wolstenholme again. Zbl 1392.11005 Aebi, Christian; Cairns, Grant 3 2015 On a family of pseudohyperbolic disks. Zbl 1367.30028 Mortini, Raymond; Rupp, Rudolf 3 2015 On the convergence of thinned harmonic series. Zbl 1344.40002 Stadje, Wolfgang 1 2015 A characterization by optimization of the orthocenter of a triangle. Zbl 1404.51017 Hiriart-Urruty, Jean-Baptiste; Laurent, Pierre-Jean 1 2015 A new Faà di Bruno type formula. Zbl 1339.26011 Abel, Ulrich 1 2015 An alternative product representation of cyclotomic polynomials. (Eine alternative Produktdarstellung für die Kreisteilungspolynome.) Zbl 1343.11036 Schramm, Wolfgang 1 2015 Would real analysis be complete without the fundamental theorem of calculus? Zbl 1347.26007 Deveau, Michael; Teismann, Holger 1 2015 Some remarks about Descartes’ rule of signs. Zbl 1342.12002 Albouy, Alain; Fu, Yanning 14 2014 Continuous flattening of some pyramids. Zbl 1305.51017 Nara, Chie 7 2014 An explicit family of \(U_m\)-numbers. Zbl 1293.11081 Chaves, Ana Paula; Marques, Diego 6 2014 Is every polynomial with integer coefficients near an irreducible polynomial? Zbl 1321.11035 Filaseta, Michael 4 2014 Polygons of the Lorentzian plane and spherical simplexes. Zbl 1325.52003 Fillastre, François 4 2014 Two curious integrals and a graphic proof. Zbl 1297.26002 Schmid, Hanspeter 3 2014 The Green-Tao theorem on primes in arithmetical progressions in the positive cone of \(\mathbb Z [X]\). Zbl 1293.11096 Pambuccian, Victor 3 2014 Limit shape of iterated Kiepert triangles. Zbl 1301.51021 Nicollier, Grégoire; Stadler, Albert 2 2014 Linear functional equations involving Babbage’s equation. Zbl 1323.39024 Shi, Yong-Guo; Gong, Xiao-Bing 2 2014 Contractible Hamiltonian cycles in triangulated surfaces. Zbl 1295.05137 Upadhyay, Ashish Kumar 1 2014 Jost Bürgi and the discovery of the logarithms. Zbl 1311.01014 Waldvogel, Jörg 1 2014 Inequalities comparing \((a+b)^p-a^p-b^p\) and \(a^{p-1}b+ab^{p-1}\). Zbl 1318.26033 Jameson, Graham J. O. 1 2014 The Faà di Bruno formula revisited. Zbl 1272.05003 Mortini, Raymond 7 2013 Tetrahedron classes based on edge lengths. Zbl 1283.52001 Wirth, Karl; Dreiding, André S. 4 2013 Bishop curves and orthogonal trajectories. 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A. 4 Liu, Liu 4 Liu, Xiaohua 4 Moree, Pieter 4 Patel, Vandita 4 Pollack, Paul 4 Poulakis, Dimitrios 4 Pranjali 4 Ramírez-Ros, Rafael 4 Ramos, Pedro A. 4 Romeo, Giuliano 4 Sanna, Carlo 4 Song, Yingqing 4 Stewart, Seán Mark 4 Terracini, Lea 4 Tóth, László 4 Trojovský, Pavel 4 Urabe, Masatsugu 4 Veljan, Darko 4 Vitale, Richard A. 4 Yeo, Anders 3 Abu-Saymeh, Sadi 3 Allouche, Jean-Paul Simon 3 Alzer, Horst 3 Balogh, József 3 Berele, Allan 3 Berenhaut, Kenneth S. 3 Bhat, B. V. 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