Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya Short Title: Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat. Parallel Title: Bulletin de l’Académie des Sciences de l’URSS. Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Publisher: Izdatel’stvo Nauka, Moskva ISSN: 0373-2436 Online: http://www.mathnet.ru/php/archive.phtml?jrnid=im&wshow=contents&option_lang=eng Translation: Mathematics of the USSR. Izvestiya Predecessor: Bulletin de l’Académie des Sciences de l’URSS. VII. Série Successor: Izvestiya Rossiĭskoĭ Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 2,332 Publications (1937–1991) all top 5 Latest Issues 55, No. 6 (1991) 55, No. 5 (1991) 55, No. 4 (1991) 55, No. 3 (1991) 55, No. 1 (1991) 54, No. 6 (1990) 54, No. 5 (1990) 54, No. 4 (1990) 54, No. 3 (1990) 54, No. 2 (1990) 54, No. 1 (1990) 53, No. 6 (1989) 53, No. 5 (1989) 53, No. 4 (1989) 53, No. 3 (1989) 53, No. 2 (1989) 53, No. 1 (1989) 52, No. 5 (1988) 52, No. 4 (1988) 52, No. 3 (1988) 52, No. 2 (1988) 52, No. 1 (1988) 51, No. 6 (1987) 51, No. 5 (1987) 51, No. 4 (1987) 51, No. 3 (1987) 51, No. 2 (1987) 51, No. 1 (1987) 50, No. 6 (1986) 50, No. 5 (1986) 50, No. 4 (1986) 50, No. 3 (1986) 50, No. 2 (1986) 50, No. 1 (1986) 49, No. 6 (1985) 49, No. 5 (1985) 49, No. 4 (1985) 49, No. 3 (1985) 49, No. 1 (1985) 48, No. 6 (1984) 48, No. 3 (1984) 48, No. 2 (1984) 48, No. 1 (1984) 47, No. 6 (1983) 47, No. 5 (1983) 47, No. 4 (1983) 47, No. 3 (1983) 47, No. 2 (1983) 47, No. 1 (1983) 46 (1982) 45 (1981) 44 (1980) 43 (1979) 42 (1978) 41 (1977) 40 (1976) 39 (1975) 38 (1974) 37 (1973) 36 (1972) 35 (1971) 34 (1970) 33 (1969) 32 (1968) 31 (1967) 30 (1966) 29 (1965) 28 (1964) 27 (1963) 26 (1962) 25 (1961) 24 (1960) 23 (1959) 22 (1958) 21 (1957/1958) 20 (1956) 19, No. 6 (1955) 19, No. 5 (1955) 19, No. 4 (1955) 19, No. 3 (1955) 19, No. 2 (1955) 19, No. 1 (1955) 18 (1954) 17 (1953) 16 (1952) 15 (1951) 14 (1950) 13 (1949) 12 (1948) 11 (1947) 10 (1946) 9 (1945) 8 (1944) 7 (1943) 6 (1942) 5 (1941) 4 (1940) 3 (1939) 1938, No. 5-6 (1938) 1938, No. 3 (1938) ...and 2 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 43 Vinogradov, Ivan Matveevich 26 Bernshteĭn, Sergeĭ Natanovich 22 Leont’ev, Alekseĭ Fëdorovich 22 Naĭmark, Mark Aronovich 19 Linnik, Yuriĭ Vladimirovich 19 Nikol’skiĭ, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich 18 Geronimus, Yakov Lazarevich 18 Karatsuba, Anatoliĭ Alekseevich 17 Levitan, Boris Moiseevich 17 Vladimirov, Vasiliĭ Sergeevich 16 Dzhrbashyan, Mkhitar Mkrtichevich 16 Gel’fond, Aleksandr Osipovich 14 Lyapunov, Alekseĭ Andreevich 14 Shafarevich, Igor’ Rostislavovich 13 Stechkin, Sergeĭ Borisovich 11 Dolzhenko, Evgeniĭ Prokof’evich 11 Khinchin, Aleksandr Yakovlevich 11 Korobeĭnik, Yuriĭ Fëdorovich 11 Manin, Yuriĭ Ivanovich 11 Privalov, Ivan Ivanovich 10 Dzyadyk, Vladyslav Kyrylovych 10 Ibragimov, Ibragim Ibishevich 10 Krylov, Nicolaĭ Vladimirovich 10 Mal’tsev, Anatoliĭ Ivanovich 10 Piatetski-Shapiro, Ilya 10 Sobolev, Sergeĭ L’vovich 10 Tyurin, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 9 Evgrafov, M. A. 9 Kolmogorov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 9 Pontryagin, Lev Semënovich 9 Rudakov, Alexei Nikolaevich 9 Segal, Bentsion Izrailevich 8 Arkhipov, Gennadiĭ Ivanovich 8 Delone, Boris Nikolaevich 8 Fomenko, Anatoliĭ Timofeevich 8 Gizatullin, Marat Kharisovich 8 Kozlova, Z. I. 8 Mishchenko, Aleksandr Sergeevich 8 Popov, Vladimir Leonidovich 8 Shtraus, Abram Vilgelmovich 8 Tankeev, Sergeĭ Gennad’evich 8 Timan, Aleksandr Filippovich 8 Ul’yanov, Pëtr Lavrent’evich 8 Zhelobenko, Dmitry Petrovich 7 Artem’ev, N. A. 7 Badalyan, G. V. 7 Fel’dman, Naum Il’ich 7 Keldysh, Lyudmila Vsevolodovna 7 Lyapin, Evgeny Sergeevich 7 Markov, Andreĭ Andreevich jun. 7 Novikov, Sergeĭ Petrovich 7 Polubarinova Kochina, Pelageya Yakovlevna 7 Postnikov, Alekseĭ Georgievich 7 Suslin, Andreĭ Aleksandrovich 7 Taĭmanov, Asan Dabsovich 7 Vinogradov, Askol’d Ivanovich 6 Andrunakievich, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 6 Anosov, Dmitriĭ Viktorovich 6 Brudno, A. L. 6 Brudnyi, Yuri A. 6 Bukhshtaber, Viktor Matveevich 6 Dubovitskij, Abram Yakovlevich 6 Garkavi, Alexandr L’vovich 6 Gel’fand, Israil’ Moiseevich 6 Gnedenko, Boris Vladimirovich 6 Graev, Mark Iosifovich 6 Korobov, Nikolaĭ Mikhaĭlovich 6 Koshlyakov, Nikolaĭ Sergeevich 6 Kostrikin, Alekseĭ Ivanovich 6 Ladyzhenskaya, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna 6 Lapin, Andreĭ Ivanovich 6 Lozinskiĭ, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich 6 Merkur’ev, Aleksandr Sergeevich 6 Mikeladze, Shalva E. 6 Moishezon, Boris G. 6 Napalkov, Valentin Vasil’evich 6 Novikov, Pëtr Sergeevich 6 Platonov, Vladimir Petrovich 6 Rodosskij, Kirill Andreevich 6 Sapogov, N. A. 6 Sedletskiĭ, Anatoliĭ Mechislavovich 6 Sprindzhuk, Vladimir G. 5 Adyan, Sergeĭ Ivanovich 5 Birman, Mikhail Shlëmovich 5 Bogoyavlenskij, Oleg Igorevich 5 Borok, Valentina Mikhailovna 5 Chubarikov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 5 Dem’yanenko, V. A. 5 Dyubyuk, Petr Evgen’evich 5 Faddeev, Dmitriĭ Konstantinovich 5 Fedoryuk, Mikhail V. 5 Gakhov, Fedor Dmitrievich 5 Gamkrelidze, Revaz Valerianovich 5 Gromov, V. P. 5 Kats, Izrail’ Samoĭlovich 5 Khavinson, Semën Yakovlevich 5 Krasnov, Vyacheslav Alekseevich 5 Kuz’min, Leonid Viktorovich 5 Kuzmin, Rodion Osievich 5 Lukashenko, Taras P. ...and 1,040 more Authors all top 5 Fields 217 Number theory (11-XX) 156 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 124 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 102 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 92 Functional analysis (46-XX) 88 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 82 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 78 Operator theory (47-XX) 71 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 67 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 62 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 50 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 49 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 45 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 42 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 40 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 37 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 36 Differential geometry (53-XX) 36 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 34 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 33 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 31 Measure and integration (28-XX) 27 Integral equations (45-XX) 26 General topology (54-XX) 24 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 23 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 22 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 18 History and biography (01-XX) 17 Real functions (26-XX) 16 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 14 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 13 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 11 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Geometry (51-XX) 8 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 7 Potential theory (31-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 6 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 6 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 6 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Special functions (33-XX) 5 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,425 Publications have been cited 13,126 times in 11,565 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Integral symmetric bilinear forms and some geometric applications. Zbl 0408.10011 Nikulin, V. V. 225 1979 On a new problem of mathematical physics. Zbl 0055.08401 Sobolev, S. L. 197 1954 On a class of homogeneous spaces. (Über eine Klasse homogener Räume.) Zbl 0034.01701 Mal’tsev, A. I. 156 1949 The Cauchy problem and boundary problems for equations of the type of non-stationary filtration. Zbl 0093.10302 Oleĭnik, O. A.; Kalashnikov, A. S.; Zhou, Yu-lin 142 1958 Sur une classe d’équations fonctionnelles aux dérivées partielles. Zbl 0026.01901 Bernstein, S. 138 1940 Operator-K-Funktoren und Erweiterungen von C*-Algebren. Zbl 0448.46051 Kasparov, G. G. 137 1980 Eine gewisse Eigenschaft der Lösungen parabolischer Gleichungen mit meßbaren Koeffizienten. Zbl 0439.35023 Krylov, N. V.; Safonov, M. V. 131 1980 Parabolic points and zeta-functions of modular curves. (Parabolische Punkte und Zeta-Funktionen modularer Kurven.) Zbl 0243.14008 Manin, Yu. I. 129 1972 On the class field tower. Zbl 0136.02602 Golod, E. S.; Shafarevich, I. R. 126 1964 Bounded inhomogeneous elliptic and parabolic equations. Zbl 0511.35002 Krylov, N. V. 124 1982 On the determination of a differential equation from its spectral function. (Über die Bestimmung einer Differentialgleichung nach ihrer Spektralfunktion.) Zbl 0044.09301 Gel’fand, I. M.; Levitan, B. M. 119 1951 Theorem on the ‘universality’ of the Riemann zeta-function. Zbl 0315.10037 Voronin, S. M. 108 1975 Der Satz von Torelli für algebraische Flächen vom Typ K3. Zbl 0219.14021 Pyatetskij-Shapiro, I. I.; Shafarevich, I. R. 108 1971 On the structure of the special linear group over polynomial rings. Zbl 0354.13009 Suslin, A. A. 105 1977 Das Prinzip der Reduktion in der Theorie der Stabilität der Bewegung. Zbl 0131.31505 Pliss, V. A. 100 1964 Sur les fonctions-vecteurs complètement additives. Zbl 0024.38504 Liapounoff, A. 96 1940 Sur une classe d’équations fonctionnelles aux dérivées partielles. JFM 66.0471.01 Bernstein, S. 94 1940 On Galois extensions of a maximal cyclotomic field. Zbl 0409.12012 Belyĭ, G. V. 92 1979 Small denominators. I: Mapping the circle onto itself. (Kleine Nenner. I: Über Abbildungen der Kreisperipherie auf sich.) Zbl 0135.42603 Arnol’d, V. I. 89 1964 On a class of complete orthonormal systems. Zbl 0036.35601 Vilenkin, N. 87 1947 Hermitian operators in spaces with indefinite metric. Zbl 0061.26004 Pontryagin, L. 76 1944 Partially hyperbolic dynamical systems. Zbl 0304.58017 Brin, M. I.; Pesin, Ya. B. 73 1974 Equations in a free group. Zbl 0511.20019 Makanin, G. S. 72 1982 The Weyl group of a graded Lie algebra. Zbl 0363.20035 Vinberg, È. B. 70 1976 Über die Ordnung der besten Approximationen stetiger Funktionen. Zbl 0042.30001 Stechkin, S. B. 66 1951 Fano 3-folds. I. Zbl 0363.14010 Iskovskikh, V. A. 64 1977 Durchmesser gewisser endlichdimensionaler Mengen und Klassen glatter Funktionen. Zbl 0354.46021 Kasin, B. S. 63 1977 Euler equations on finite-dimensional Lie groups. Zbl 0383.58006 Mishchenko, A. S.; Fomenko, A. T. 62 1978 Representations of quivers of infinite type. Zbl 0298.15012 Nazarova, L. A. 59 1973 Über das beste Netz und den besten Schnitt einer Menge in einem normierten Raum. Zbl 0108.10801 Garkavi, A. L. 56 1962 Approximation of functions in the mean by trigonometrical polynomials. Zbl 0061.13603 Nikolsky, S. 55 1946 Fano 3-folds. II. Zbl 0407.14016 Iskovskikh, V. A. 54 1978 The index of elliptic operators over \(C^*\)-algebras. Zbl 0416.46052 Mishchenko, A. S.; Fomenko, A. T. 54 1979 On the characteristic roots of matrices with nonnegative elements. (Über die charakteristischen Wurzeln von Matrizen mit nicht-negativen Elementen.) Zbl 0043.01603 Karpelevich, F. I. 54 1951 Kovariante und kontravariante Operatorsymbole. Zbl 0247.47019 Berezin, F. A. 53 1972 Genaue Endomorphismen eines Lebesgueschen Raumes. Zbl 0107.33002 Rokhlin, V. A. 51 1961 Nilpotente Gruppen ohne Torsion. Zbl 0034.01702 Mal’tsev, A. I. 51 1949 Der Zusammenhang zwischen den verschiedenen Entropiecharakteristiken dynamischer Systeme. Zbl 0216.44704 Dinaburg, E. I. 50 1971 On the problems of Chaplygin for mixed sub- und supersonic flows. Zbl 0063.01435 Frankl, F. 49 1945 Eine neue Abschätzung der Funktion \(\zeta (1+it)\). Zbl 0097.26302 Vinogradov, I. M. 49 1958 Über Existenz und Eindeutigkeit der Lösung eines instationären Problems für eine zähe inkompressible Flüssigkeit. Zbl 0078.39801 Kiselev, A. A.; Ladyzhenskaya, O. A. 47 1957 Über das Burnsidesche Problem. Zbl 0090.24503 Kostrikin, A. I. 47 1959 Serre’s problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic K-theory. Zbl 0338.13015 Vaserstein, L. N.; Suslin, A. A. 46 1976 Sur les fonctions-vecteurs complètement additives. JFM 66.0219.02 Liapounoff, A. 46 1940 On free topological groups. Zbl 0061.04210 Markoff, A. 46 1945 The density hypothesis for Dirichet \(L\)-series. (Über die Dichtehypothese für die Dirichletschen \(L\)-Reihen.) Zbl 0128.04205 Vinogradov, A. I. 45 1965 Positive definite operator functions on a commutative group. Zbl 0061.25411 Neumark, M. 45 1943 Quantization in complex symmetric spaces. (Quantisierung in komplexen symmetrischen Räumen.) Zbl 0312.53050 Berezin, F. A. 43 1975 Entartungen von K3 Flächen und Enriquesschen Flächen. Zbl 0367.14014 Kulikov, Vik. S. 43 1977 Diskrete lineare Gruppen, die vermittels Spiegelungen erzeugt sind. Zbl 0247.20054 Vinberg, E. B. 43 1971 Eine neue allgemeine Methode der Untersuchung von linearen Operatorgleichungen vom Typ der singulären Integralgleichungen. I, II. Zbl 0146.13101 Simonenko, I. B. 43 1965 Zur Frage der gleichzeitigen Approximation von Funktionen und ihren Ableitungen auf der ganzen Zahlenachse. Zbl 0125.03504 Timan, A. F. 43 1960 Zur Theorie des mehrdimensionalen Schrödinger-Operators. Zbl 0148.35602 Maz’ya, V. G. 42 1964 On the asymptotic behavior of the spectral function of a self-adjoint differential equation of the second order. (Über das asymptotische Verhalten der Spektralfunktion einer selbstadjungierten Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung.) Zbl 0048.32403 Levitan, B. M. 42 1952 Rational G-surfaces. Zbl 0428.14022 Gizatullin, M. Kh. 41 1980 Topological invariant and a criterion for equivalence of integrable Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom. Zbl 0705.58023 Fomenko, A. T.; Zieschang, H. 40 1990 Über eine Ungleichung in der Theorie der Fourier-Integrale. Zbl 0122.34404 Babenko, K. I. 40 1961 Methoden der algebraischen Topologie vom Standpunkt der Theorie der Kobordismen. Zbl 0169.54503 Novikov, S. P. 39 1967 Über die Topologie der reellen algebraischen Flächen. Zbl 0035.10204 Petrovskiĭ, I. G.; Oleĭnik, O. A. 39 1949 On zeros of some transcendental functions. Zbl 0063.06306 Pontryagin, L. S. 39 1942 On characteristic roots of stochastic matrices. Zbl 0060.03305 Dmitriev, N.; Dynkin, E. 38 1946 Multiplikatoren von Fourierintegralen und Abschätzungen von Faltungen in Räumen mit gemischter Norm. Anwendungen. Zbl 0193.41302 Lizorkin, P. I. 37 1970 Random walks on free periodic groups. Zbl 0512.60012 Adyan, S. I. 36 1982 A finitely presented solvable group with non-solvable word problem. Zbl 0485.20023 Kharlampovich, O. G. 36 1981 Die Unlösbarkeit eines Identitätsproblems und Unteralgebren endlich definiter Liealgebren. Zbl 0252.02046 Bokut’, L. A. 36 1972 Wreath products and varieties of groups. Zbl 0135.04701 Shmel’kin, A. L. 36 1965 Die Existenz von Kaustiken für das Billardproblem in einem konvexen Gebiet. Zbl 0256.52001 Lazutkin, V. F. 36 1973 An application of the theory of linear differential equations to some problems of ground-water motion (number of singular points greater than three). Zbl 0063.06302 Polubarinova-Kochina, P. Ya. 36 1939 Construction of algebraic number fields with given solvable Galois group. Zbl 0057.27401 Shafarevich, I. R. 36 1954 Kohomologien dynamischer Systeme. Zbl 0252.58007 Livshits, A. N. 35 1972 On solvable Lie algebras. Zbl 0061.05303 Mal’tsev, A. I. 35 1945 Über Kummersche Flächen. Zbl 0312.14008 Nikulin, V. V. 34 1975 Brauer groups of factor spaces of linear representations. Zbl 0641.14005 Bogomolov, F. A. 34 1987 Spectral functions of a symmetric operator. JFM 66.0549.02 Neumark, M. 34 1940 Gruppe der maximalen \(p\)-Erweiterung eines lokalen Körpers. Zbl 0100.03302 Demushkin, S. P. 34 1961 Simple algebras and quadratic forms. Zbl 0733.12008 Merkur’ev, A. S. 33 1991 Über ein Extremalproblem für Polynome von n Veränderlichen. Zbl 0283.26012 Brudnyj, Yu. A.; Ganzburg, M. I. 33 1973 Minimale Modelle rationaler Flächen über beliebigen Körpern. Zbl 0412.14012 Iskovskikh, V. A. 33 1979 Asymptotic Hodge structure in vanishing cohomologies. Zbl 0476.14002 Varchenko, A. N. 33 1981 Rational points of algebraic curves over function fields. (Rationale Punkte von algebraischen Kurven über Funktionenkörpern.) Zbl 0166.16901 Manin, Yu. I. 33 1963 Unitary representations of the Lorentz group. Zbl 0037.15303 Gel’fand, I. M.; Naĭmark, M. A. 33 1947 Das Cauchysche Problem für die Laplacesche Gleichung. Zbl 0074.09004 Lavrent’ev, M. M. 33 1956 Topology of surfaces of constant energy of integrable Hamiltonian systems and barriers to integrability. Zbl 0619.58023 Fomenko, A. T. 32 1986 Toric Fano threefolds. Zbl 0478.14032 Batyrev, V. V. 32 1981 Über eine allgemeine Eigenschaft von Zahlensystemen. Zbl 0092.27702 Gel’fond, A. O. 32 1959 Spectral functions of a symmetric operator. Zbl 0025.06403 Naĭmark, M. A. 32 1940 On some infinite-dimensional groups. II. Zbl 0475.14036 Shafarevich, I. R. 31 1981 On the problem of Littlewood. Zbl 0493.42004 Konyagin, S. V. 31 1981 Homology of the general linear group over a local ring and the Milnor K- theory. Zbl 0668.18011 Nesterenko, Yu. P.; Suslin, A. A. 31 1989 Analogues of objects of the theory of Lie groups for nonlinear Poisson brackets. Zbl 0608.58023 Karasev, M. V. 31 1986 Algebraic curves over function fields. I. Zbl 0181.23902 Parshin, A. N. 31 1968 Freie topologische Gruppen. Zbl 0037.01203 Graev, M. I. 31 1948 Absolute convergence of Fourier integrals, summability of Fourier series, and approximation by polynomials of functions on a torus. Zbl 0459.42019 Trigub, R. M. 30 1980 Solution of the restricted Burnside problem for groups of odd exponent. Zbl 0704.20030 Zel’manov, E. I. 30 1990 Über die Fourierreihen stetiger Funktionen nach dem Haarschen System. Zbl 0134.28802 Golubov, B. I. 30 1964 Die Approximation von Funktionen durch Polynome mit ganzzahligen Koeffizienten. Zbl 0145.29202 Trigub, R. M. 30 1962 Über eine allgemeine Methode der Untersuchung von Randwertproblemen. Zbl 0154.09201 Perov, A. I.; Kibenko, A. V. 29 1966 Die beste Approximation einer Funktion und lineare Methoden der Summation von Fourier-Reihen. Zbl 0178.06202 Timan, M. F. 29 1965 The stationary method in the abstract theory of scattering. Zbl 0173.16501 Birman, M. Sh.; Èntina, S. B. 29 1967 A contribution to the theory of entire functions of exponential type. Zbl 0033.36501 Krein, Mark Grigorevich 29 1947 Simple algebras and quadratic forms. Zbl 0733.12008 Merkur’ev, A. S. 33 1991 Characteristic classes of vector bundles on a real algebraic variety. Zbl 0746.14024 Krasnov, V. A. 15 1991 A method of the theory of functions in boundary value problems on the plane. I: Smooth case. Zbl 0753.35029 Soldatov, A. P. 14 1991 Compatible Poisson brackets on Lie algebras and completeness of families of functions in involution. Zbl 0731.58026 Bolsinov, A. V. 13 1991 Two-dimensional spheres on the boundaries of pseudoconvex domains in \(\mathbb{C}^ 2\). Zbl 0744.32004 Kruzhilin, N. G. 9 1991 On the Dirichlet divisor problem in some sequences of natural numbers. Zbl 0737.11023 Èminyan, K. M. 8 1991 Bordism theory of integrable nondegenerate Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom. A new topological invariant of multi-dimensional integrable systems. Zbl 0746.58037 Fomenko, A. T. 8 1991 Sets of uniqueness in spaces of entire functions of one variable. Zbl 0745.30028 Khabibullin, B. N. 8 1991 Parabolic equations on a \(p\)-adic number field. Zbl 0765.35002 Kochubeĭ, A. N. 6 1991 On zeros of special form of functions connected with Dirichlet series. Zbl 0737.11021 Karatsuba, A. A. 5 1991 The restricted Burnside problem for varieties of semigroups. Zbl 0752.20032 Sapir, M. V. 5 1991 Maximal hypersurfaces of tube type in Minkowski space. Zbl 0732.53049 Klyachin, V. A.; Miklyukov, V. M. 4 1991 Generalized functions and Gaussian path integrals on non-Archimedean functional spaces. Zbl 0755.46047 Khrennikov, A. Yu. 4 1991 Abelian subgroups of Galois groups. Zbl 0736.12004 Bogomolov, F. A. 4 1991 Indices of Morse type of two-dimensional minimal surfaces in \(R^ 3\) and \(H^ 3\). Zbl 0746.49030 Tuzhilin, A. A. 3 1991 Generalized functions on a non-Archimedean superspace. Zbl 0755.46048 Khrennikov, A. Yu. 3 1991 Asymptotic behavior of the Heun equation and Heun functions. Zbl 0742.34004 Fedoryuk, M. V. 2 1991 Multiplicative functions on a set of shifted prime numbers. Zbl 0744.11044 Timofeev, N. M. 2 1991 Endomorphisms of semimodules over semirings with idempotent operation. Zbl 0728.16028 Dudnikov, P. I.; Samborskij, S. N. 2 1991 The extended matrix disk is a domain of holomorphy. Zbl 0754.32006 Sergeev, A. G.; Heinzner, P. 1 1991 Piecewise monotone functions of several variables and the Hardy- Littlewood theorem. Zbl 0752.42011 D’yachenko, M. I. 1 1991 Some properties of the complexification of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. Zbl 0738.35089 Red’kina, T. V. 1 1991 On large deviations in the averaging principle for stochastic differential equations with periodic coefficients. II. Zbl 0735.60030 Veretennikov, A. Yu. 1 1991 Specific relaxation cycles of systems of Lotka-Volterra type. Zbl 0748.34015 Kolesov, A. Yu. 1 1991 Topological invariant and a criterion for equivalence of integrable Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom. Zbl 0705.58023 Fomenko, A. T.; Zieschang, H. 40 1990 Solution of the restricted Burnside problem for groups of odd exponent. Zbl 0704.20030 Zel’manov, E. I. 30 1990 Bounded generation of Chevalley groups over rings of S-integer algebraic numbers. Zbl 0697.20032 Tavgen’, O. I. 25 1990 Prime alternative superalgebras and nilpotency of the radical of a free alternative algebra. Zbl 0713.17020 Zel’manov, E. I.; Shestakov, I. P. 24 1990 Norm residue homomorphism of degree three. Zbl 0711.19003 Merkur’ev, A. S.; Suslin, A. A. 22 1990 Two-weighted estimates of Riemann-Liouville integrals. Zbl 0705.26015 Stepanov, V. D. 19 1990 Spectral theory in p-adic quantum mechanics and theory of representations. Zbl 0709.22010 Vladimirov, V. S.; Volovich, I. V.; Zelenov, E. I. 14 1990 The group \(K_ 3\) for a field. Zbl 0711.19002 Merkur’ev, A. S.; Suslin, A. A. 11 1990 On deformation of torsion-free sheaves on an algebraic surface. Zbl 0709.14013 Artamkin, I. V. 10 1990 Free topological groups of metrizable spaces. Zbl 0722.22001 Uspenskij, V. V. 9 1990 On the zeros of the Davenport-Heilbronn function on the critical line. Zbl 0701.11028 Karatsuba, A. A. 9 1990 On the asymptotic behavior of the Weyl-Titchmarsh m-function. Zbl 0712.34072 Danielyan, A. A.; Levitan, B. M. 8 1990 The Boutroux ansatz for the second Painlevé equation in the complex domain. Zbl 0719.34014 Novokshënov, V. Yu. 6 1990 On finite basis property of systems of generalized polynomials. Zbl 0719.16017 Grishin, A. V. 5 1990 The Euler beta-function, the Vandermonde determinant, the Legendre equation and critical values of linear functions on a configuration of hyperplanes. II. Zbl 0699.33004 Varchenko, A. N. 5 1990 An inverse problem for a class of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with complex periodic potential. Zbl 0718.34015 Pastur, L. A.; Tkachenko, V. A. 5 1990 On the boundary behavior of functions of Hardy type spaces. Zbl 0713.46036 Krotov, V. G. 4 1990 A criterion for uniform invertibility of regular approximations of one-dimensional singular integral operators with piecewise continuous coefficients. Zbl 0714.45003 Pilidi, V. S. 4 1990 A criterion for the solvability of inhomogeneous convolution equations in convex domains of the space \(C^ n\). Zbl 0707.45003 Krivosheev, A. S. 4 1990 Asymptotic solution of variational inequalities for a linear operator with a small parameter at the higher derivatives. Zbl 0704.49016 Nazarov, S. A. 3 1990 Functional equations with a parameter of zeta-functions. Zbl 0709.11047 Lavrik, A. F. 3 1990 Hardy-Littlewood problems on uniform distribution of arithmetic progressions. Zbl 0702.11040 Oskolkov, V. A. 2 1990 Spaces of linear differential equations and flag manifolds. Zbl 0702.34032 Shapiro, B. Z. 2 1990 A stable algebra for the Morse theory. Zbl 0712.58019 Sharko, V. V. 2 1990 Asymptotic solution of a variational inequality simulating friction. Zbl 0713.49012 Nazarov, S. A. 2 1990 S-algebras and Harish-Chandra modules over symmetric Lie algebras. Zbl 0708.17009 Zhelobenko, D. P. 1 1990 Discrete regularization of optimal control problems for incorrect monotonic variational inequalities. Zbl 0713.49016 Liskovets, O. A. 1 1990 On the finiteness of the basis of identities of groups with nilpotent commutator group. Zbl 0728.20025 Krasil’nikov, A. N. 1 1990 On the functor Ext in the category of linear topological spaces. Zbl 0703.46048 Smirnov, V. A.; Chan Khuen 1 1990 Whitehead groups of spinor groups. Zbl 0697.20031 Monastyrnyj, A. P.; Yanchevskij, V. I. 1 1990 A proof of the asymptotic completeness uniformly with respect to the number of particles. Zbl 0702.47004 Botvich, D. D.; Malyshev, V. A. 1 1990 Change of the Jordan structure of G-selfadjoint operators and selfadjoint operator-functions under small perturbations. Zbl 0718.47019 Ol’shevskij, V. R. 1 1990 Homology of the general linear group over a local ring and the Milnor K- theory. Zbl 0668.18011 Nesterenko, Yu. P.; Suslin, A. A. 31 1989 Subgroups and homologies of free products of profinite groups. Zbl 0671.20025 Mel’nikov, O. V. 12 1989 Truncated induced modules over transitive Lie algebras of characteristic p. Zbl 0675.17006 Kuznetsov, M. I. 11 1989 On some algorithmic properties of hyperbolic groups. Zbl 0692.20022 Lysënok, I. G. 11 1989 The Euler beta-function, the Vandermonde determinant, the Legendre equation, and critical values of linear functions on a configuration of hyperplanes. I. Zbl 0695.33004 Varchenko, A. N. 10 1989 On the geometry of moduli spaces of vector bundles over a Riemann surface. Zbl 0689.53037 Zograf, P. G.; Takhtadzhyan, L. A. 7 1989 Smooth measures and the law of iterated logarithm. Zbl 0685.30025 Makarov, N. G. 6 1989 Polynomial integrals of Hamiltonian systems with exponential interaction. Zbl 0684.58012 Kozlov, V. V.; Treshchev, D. V. 4 1989 Factorization of almost periodic matrix-functions and the Noether theory of some classes of equations of convolution type. Zbl 0681.45003 Karlovich, Yu. I.; Spitkovskij, I. M. 3 1989 On the blocks of defect 0 in finite groups. Zbl 0681.20008 Strunkov, S. P. 2 1989 Zero sets of entire generating functions of Pólya frequency sequences of finite order. Zbl 0689.30019 Katkova, O. M.; Ostrovskij, I. V. 2 1989 On the chain complex of iterated loop spaces. Zbl 0693.55006 Smirnov, V. A. 2 1989 Spectrum of the algebra of pseudodifferential operators with piecewise smooth symbols. Zbl 0676.46044 Plamenevskij, B. A.; Senichkin, V. N. 2 1989 Structure of the neighborhood of a homogeneous cycle in a medium with diffusion. Zbl 0681.58021 Kolesov, A. Yu. 1 1989 Generalization of a theorem of Men’shov on monogenic functions. Zbl 0689.30003 Telyakovskij, D. S. 1 1989 Boundedness conditions of entire functions of exponential type inside of the hyperoctant \(R^ n_+\). Zbl 0678.32001 Logvinenko, V. N. 1 1989 Finite dimensionality of the groups of CR-automorphisms of a standard CR- manifold and proper holomorphic mappings of Siegel domains. Zbl 0655.32026 Tumanov, A. E. 24 1988 On typical topological properties of integrable Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0647.58018 Fomenko, A. T.; Zieschang, H. 22 1988 Finite-dimensionality of the group of automorphisms of a real analytic surface. Zbl 0647.32010 Beloshapka, V. K. 15 1988 Perturbation of conditionally periodic solutions of infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0662.58036 Kuksin, S. B. 13 1988 Exceptional fibre bundles on surfaces with moving anticanonical class. Zbl 0664.14011 Gorodentsev, A. L. 12 1988 Stochastically complete manifolds and summable harmonic functions. Zbl 0661.60090 Grigoryan, A. A. 12 1988 On estimates from below in the theory of the Riemann zeta-function. Zbl 0651.10027 Voronin, S. M. 9 1988 On free actions of 0-dimensional compact groups. Zbl 0648.57016 Dranishnikov, A. N. 8 1988 Closed geodesics, asymptotic volume and group growth characteristics. Zbl 0657.53024 Babenko, I. K. 8 1988 Generic real analytic manifolds of co-dimension 2 in \({\mathbb{C}}^ 4\) and their biholomorphic mappings. Zbl 0662.32018 Loboda, A. V. 8 1988 Series of exponential functions in Smirnov spaces and interpolation by entire functions of special classes. Zbl 0659.30006 Lyubarskij, Yu. I. 6 1988 Holomorphic automorphisms of hyperbolic Reinhardt domains. Zbl 0638.32024 Kruzhilin, N. G. 6 1988 Exceptional vector bundles on a quadric. Zbl 0661.14015 Rudakov, A. N. 6 1988 On deformation of sheaves. Zbl 0661.14007 Artomkin, I. V. 5 1988 Some estimates in a problem with oblique derivative. Zbl 0699.35061 Nadirashvili, N. S. 4 1988 Extremal projectors and generalized Mickelsson algebras over reductive Lie algebras. Zbl 0659.17010 Zhelobenko, D. P. 4 1988 On filters in a lattice of quasi-varieties of groups. Zbl 0656.20032 Budkin, A. I. 3 1988 Finite automorphism groups of torsion-free Abelian groups of finite rank. Zbl 0656.20062 Kozhukhov, S. F. 3 1988 The group \(SK_ 2\) for quaternion algebras. Zbl 0652.12006 Merkur’ev, A. S. 2 1988 Exponential series expansion of analytic functions. Zbl 0661.32001 Melikhov, S. N. 2 1988 On mixing rate and averaging principle for hypoelliptic stochastic differential equations. Zbl 0664.60060 Veretennikov, A. Yu. 2 1988 Representations of finitely generated Jordan PI-algebras. Zbl 0644.17014 Medvedev, Yu. A. 2 1988 On \(\Omega\)-theorems in the theory of the Riemann zeta-function. Zbl 0651.10026 Voronin, S. M. 2 1988 The problem of parametrization of cycles modulo 2 in a three-dimensional cubic lattice. Zbl 0654.55005 Dolbilin, N. P.; Shtan’ko, M. A.; Shtogrin, M. I. 1 1988 Lamé wave functions. Zbl 0662.35019 Fedoryuk, M. V. 1 1988 Lax representation with a spectral parameter for certain dynamical systems. Zbl 0695.35150 Bogoyavlenskij, O. I. 1 1988 On the reflection principle for analytic sets. Zbl 0638.32010 Pinchuk, S. I.; Chirka, E. M. 1 1988 On best and optimal quadrature formulae on classes of bounded analytic functions. Zbl 0647.30033 Osipenko, K. Yu. 1 1988 ...and 1197 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 11,723 Authors 51 Laurinčikas, Antanas 30 Vavilov, Nikolaĭ Aleksandrovich 28 Myasnikov, Alexei G. 27 Nazarov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 22 Volosivets, Sergeĭ Sergeevich 22 Vostokov, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 21 Basu, Saugata 21 Bokut, Leonid A. 21 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 19 Ganzburg, Michael Iosifovich 19 Tephnadze, George 18 Fomenko, Anatoliĭ Timofeevich 18 Gát, György 18 Pchelintsev, Sergeĭ Valentinovich 18 Trigub, Roal’d Mikhaĭlovich 17 Rao, Ravi A. 17 Shimada, Ichiro 17 Soldatov, Aleksandr Pavlovich 16 Gevorkyan, Gegham G. 16 Kondō, Shigeyuki 16 Maz’ya, Vladimir Gilelevich 16 Yang, Dachun 15 Beloshapka, Valeriĭ K. 15 Chubarikov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 15 Dolgachev, Igor’ Vladimirovich 15 Grigoryan, Martin Gevorgovich 15 Kharlampovich, Olga G. 15 Korolëv, Maksim Aleksandrovich 15 Persson, Lars-Erik 14 Forstnerič, Franc 14 Gesztesy, Fritz 14 Jafarov, Sadulla Z. 14 Krasnov, Vyacheslav Alekseevich 14 Malamud, Mark M. 14 Maslov, Viktor Pavlovich 14 Šiaučiūnas, Darius 14 Tkachenko, Mikhail Gelievich 14 Vedyushkina, Viktoriya Viktorovna 14 Yuan, Wen 14 Zel’manov, Efim Isaakovich 13 Babenko, Vladyslav Fedorovych 13 Bernik, Vasiliĭ Ivanovich 13 Futorny, Vyacheslav M. 13 Mináč, Ján 13 Ol’shanskiĭ, Aleksandr Yur’evich 13 Serdyuk, Anatoly S. 13 Skrypnik, Igor Igorievich 13 Varchenko, Alexander Nikolaevich 12 Blanc, Jérémy 12 Bolsinov, Alexey V. 12 Sapir, Mark Valentinovich 12 Vaserstein, Leonid N. 11 Ambrosio, Vincenzo 11 Atabekyan, Varuzhan S. 11 Bukhshtaber, Viktor Matveevich 11 Campoamor-Stursberg, Rutwig 11 Chen, Yuqun 11 Degtyarev, Alex 11 Dong, Hongjie 11 Goginava, Ushangi 11 Kanel’-Belov, Alekseĭ Yakovlevich 11 Kiselev, Alexander V. 11 Kollár, János 11 Kolomoitsev, Yurii S. 11 Nagy, Károly 11 Potseĭko, Pavel Gennad’evich 11 Rovba, Evgeniĭ Alekseevich 11 Sarti, Alessandra 11 Shamolin, Maksim Vladimirovich 11 Shestakov, Ivan Pavlovich 11 Stepanets’, Oleksandr Ivanovych 11 Steuding, Jörn 11 Tikhonov, Sergey Yur’evich 11 Viana, Marcelo 10 Adyan, Sergeĭ Ivanovich 10 Arov, Damir Zyamovich 10 Außenhofer, Lydia 10 Bakhtin, Oleksandr Konstyantynovych 10 Cherednichenko, Kirill D. 10 Denega, Iryna Viktorovna 10 Fomenko, Oleg Mstislavovich 10 Gabriyelyan, Saak S. 10 Isaev, Konstantin Petrovich 10 Kirstein, Bernd 10 Kutzschebauch, Frank 10 Li, Bing 10 Liflyand, Elijah 10 Malmendier, Andreas 10 Motornyĭ, Vitaliĭ Pavlovych 10 Panyushev, Dmitri Ivanovich 10 Peletier, Lambertus Adrianus 10 Prokhorov, Yuriĭ Gennad’evich 10 Roman’kov, Vitaliĭ Anatol’evich 10 Sargsyan, Artsrun A. 10 Skorobogatov, Alexei Nikolaïevitch 10 Temlyakov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 10 Tkachev, Dmitriĭ Leonidovich 10 Tschinkel, Yuri 10 Vakarchuk, Sergei Borisovich 10 Vasil’eva, Anastasiya Andreevna ...and 11,623 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 835 Journals 627 Mathematical Notes 397 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 303 Journal of Algebra 276 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 264 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 232 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 205 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 203 Siberian Mathematical Journal 193 Advances in Mathematics 182 Journal of Approximation Theory 150 Mathematische Zeitschrift 149 Journal of Functional Analysis 141 Mathematische Annalen 140 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 139 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 138 Journal of Number Theory 135 Journal of Differential Equations 119 Israel Journal of Mathematics 109 Inventiones Mathematicae 108 Functional Analysis and its Applications 106 Topology and its Applications 94 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 87 Algebra and Logic 85 Linear Algebra and its Applications 82 Duke Mathematical Journal 80 Russian Mathematics 74 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 65 Sbornik: Mathematics 63 Communications in Mathematical Physics 63 Differential Equations 59 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 59 Compositio Mathematica 58 Nonlinear Analysis. 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