Experimental Mathematics Short Title: Exp. Math. Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia, PA ISSN: 1058-6458; 1944-950X/e Online: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uexm20http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.emhttp://www.emis.de/journals/EM/index.html Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 1,265 Publications (since 1992) References Indexed: 1,036 Publications with 20,747 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 33, No. 4 (2024) 33, No. 3 (2024) 33, No. 2 (2024) 33, No. 1 (2024) 32, No. 4 (2023) 32, No. 3 (2023) 32, No. 2 (2023) 32, No. 1 (2023) 31, No. 4 (2022) 31, No. 3 (2022) 31, No. 2 (2022) 31, No. 1 (2022) 30, No. 4 (2021) 30, No. 3 (2021) 30, No. 2 (2021) 30, No. 1 (2021) 29, No. 4 (2020) 29, No. 3 (2020) 29, No. 2 (2020) 29, No. 1 (2020) 28, No. 4 (2019) 28, No. 3 (2019) 28, No. 2 (2019) 28, No. 1 (2019) 27, No. 4 (2018) 27, No. 3 (2018) 27, No. 2 (2018) 27, No. 1 (2018) 26, No. 4 (2017) 26, No. 3 (2017) 26, No. 2 (2017) 26, No. 1 (2017) 25, No. 4 (2016) 25, No. 3 (2016) 25, No. 2 (2016) 25, No. 1 (2016) 24, No. 4 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1 (2001) 9, No. 4 (2000) 9, No. 3 (2000) 9, No. 2 (2000) 9, No. 1 (2000) ...and 30 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 17 Borwein, Jonathan Michael 13 Pohst, Michael 12 Bailey, David Harold 10 Strichartz, Robert Stephen 9 Crandall, Richard E. 9 Schwartz, Richard Evan 8 Gaál, István 8 Shparlinski, Igor E. 7 Ash, Avner 7 Burton, Benjamin A. 7 Lagarias, Jeffrey C. 6 Lux, Klaus Martin 6 Miller, Steven J. 5 Almkvist, Gert 5 Dummigan, Neil 5 Guillera, Jesús 5 Havas, George 5 Hodgson, Craig D. 5 Holt, Derek F. 5 Milnor, John Willard 5 Rubinstein, Michael O. 5 Shapiro, Boris Zalmanovich 5 Williams, Hugh Cowie 4 Boston, Nigel 4 Chas, Moira 4 Dembélé, Lassina 4 Deraux, Martin 4 Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan 4 Guilloux, Antonin 4 Gunnells, Paul E. 4 Hauenstein, Jonathan D. 4 Hulpke, Alexander 4 Katsurada, Hidenori 4 Katz, Nicholas Michael 4 Landsberg, Joseph Montague 4 Lutz, Frank Hagen 4 Malle, Gunter 4 Mossinghoff, Michael J. 4 Nebe, Gabriele 4 Petronio, Carlo 4 Plesken, Wilhelm 4 Reid, Alan W. 4 Rhin, Georges 4 Sinclair, Robert 4 Sottile, Frank 4 Spreer, Jonathan 4 Sturmfels, Bernd 4 Suzuki, Masaaki 4 Wilson, Robert Arnott 4 Zagier, Don 3 Batut, Christian 3 Borwein, Peter Benjamin 3 Boyd, David William 3 Brakke, Kenneth A. 3 Bremner, Andrew 3 Bressaud, Xavier 3 Brinkmann, Peter 3 Brown, Gavin Dennis 3 Chopp, David L. 3 Conrey, John Brian 3 Conway, John Horton 3 Crass, Scott 3 Cremona, John E. 3 de Graaf, Willem Adriaan 3 Dieulefait, Luis Victor 3 Dress, François 3 Dujella, Andrej 3 Eick, Bettina 3 Elder, Murray J. 3 Elkies, Noam David 3 Falbel, Elisha 3 Fearnley, Jack 3 Finch, Steven R. 3 Garoufalidis, Stavros 3 Görner, Matthias 3 Gorsky, Eugene 3 Graf von Bothmer, Hans-Christian 3 Griffeath, David 3 Gross, Robert H. 3 Heard, Damian 3 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 Ichim, Bogdan 3 Jacobson, Michael John jun. 3 Kasprzyk, Alexander M. 3 Kisilevsky, Hershy 3 Konovalov, Olexandr 3 Kurlberg, Pär 3 Lamm, Christoph 3 Leprévost, Franck 3 Long, Darren D. 3 Martelli, Bruno 3 Mazur, Barry 3 Neuberger, John W. 3 Paulson, Lawrence Charles 3 Pinner, Christopher G. 3 Platt, David John 3 Rawdon, Eric J. 3 Renka, Robert J. 3 Ritzenthaler, Christophe 3 Roblot, Xavier-François ...and 1,906 more Authors all top 5 Fields 501 Number theory (11-XX) 201 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 150 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 147 Combinatorics (05-XX) 144 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 123 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 88 Computer science (68-XX) 85 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 81 Differential geometry (53-XX) 68 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 64 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 58 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 42 Special functions (33-XX) 37 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 36 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 31 Measure and integration (28-XX) 31 Geometry (51-XX) 30 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 26 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 26 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 25 Field theory and polynomials 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(19-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,084 Publications have been cited 9,716 times in 8,248 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Computing discrete minimal surfaces and their conjugates. Zbl 0799.53008 Pinkall, Ulrich; Polthier, Konrad 189 1993 The surface evolver. Zbl 0769.49033 Brakke, Kenneth A. 165 1992 Euler sums and contour integral representations. Zbl 0920.11061 Flajolet, Philippe; Salvy, Bruno 162 1998 Geometry and dynamics of quadratic rational maps (with an appendix by J. Milnor and Tan Lei). Zbl 0922.58062 Milnor, John 146 1993 The superpolynomial for knot homologies. Zbl 1118.57012 Dunfield, Nathan M.; Gukov, Sergei; Rasmussen, Jacob 137 2006 Notes on the \(K3\) surface and the Mathieu group \(M_{24}\). Zbl 1266.58008 Eguchi, Tohru; Ooguri, Hirosi; Tachikawa, Yuji 136 2011 Packing lines, planes, etc.: Packings in Grassmannian spaces. Zbl 0864.51012 Conway, John H.; Hardin, Ronald H.; Sloane, Neil J. A. 125 1996 A software package for the numerical integration of ODEs by means of high-order Taylor methods. Zbl 1108.65072 Jorba, Àngel; Zou, Maorong 115 2005 rc-graphs and Schubert polynomials. Zbl 0803.05054 Bergeron, Nantel; Billey, Sara 108 1993 Patterns in knot cohomology. I. Zbl 1073.57007 Khovanov, Mikhail 96 2003 Chebyshev’s bias. Zbl 0823.11050 Rubinstein, Michael; Sarnak, Peter 89 1994 Experimental evaluation of Euler sums. Zbl 0810.11076 Bailey, David H.; Borwein, Jonathan M.; Girgensohn, Roland 80 1994 Mahler’s measure and special values of \(L\)-functions. Zbl 0932.11069 Boyd, David W. 76 1998 Remarks on iterated cubic maps. Zbl 0762.58018 Milnor, John 62 1992 On the distribution of Galois groups. II. Zbl 1099.11065 Malle, Gunter 61 2004 A random graph model for power law graphs. Zbl 0971.05100 Aiello, William; Chung, Fan; Lu, Linyuan 60 2001 Classification of solvable Lie algebras. Zbl 1173.17300 de Graaf, W. A. 54 2005 The pentagram map. Zbl 0765.52004 Schwartz, Richard 49 1992 On the topography of Maass waveforms for \(\text{PSL}(2,\mathbb Z)\). Zbl 0813.11035 Hejhal, Dennis A.; Rackner, Barry N. 46 1992 Computing special values of motivic \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1139.11317 Dokchitser, Tim 46 2004 Symmetries, isometries and length spectra of closed hyperbolic three-manifolds. Zbl 0841.57020 Hodgson, Craig D.; Weeks, Jeffrey R. 40 1994 Central binomial sums, multiple Clausen values, and zeta values. Zbl 0998.11045 Borwein, Jonathan Michael; Broadhurst, David J.; Kamnitzer, Joel 40 2001 The topology of rational points. Zbl 0784.14012 Mazur, Barry 39 1992 On rational maps with two critical points. Zbl 0972.30013 Milnor, John 39 2000 An algorithm for finding the Veech group of an origami. Zbl 1078.14036 Schmithüsen, Gabriela 38 2004 A methodology for the numerical computation of normal forms, centre manifolds and first integrals of Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0983.37107 Jorba, Àngel 37 1999 \(p\)-adic chaos and random number generation. Zbl 0920.11052 Woodcock, Christopher F.; Smart, Nigel P. 37 1998 The volume spectrum of hyperbolic 4-manifolds. Zbl 0963.57012 Ratcliffe, John G.; Tschantz, Steven T. 37 2000 Densities of self-similar measures on the line. Zbl 0860.28005 Strichartz, Robert S.; Taylor, Arthur; Zhang, Tong 36 1995 On the integral cohomology of Bianchi groups. Zbl 1269.22007 Şengün, Mehmet Haluk 35 2011 Kashaev’s conjecture and the Chern-Simons invariants of knots and links. Zbl 1117.57300 Murakami, Hitoshi; Murakami, Jun; Okamoto, Miyuki; Takata, Toshie; Yokota, Yoshiyuki 35 2002 Simplicial manifolds, bistellar flips and a 16-vertex triangulation of the Poincaré homology 3-sphere. Zbl 1101.57306 Björner, Anders; Lutz, Frank H. 34 2000 Experimental study of energy-minimizing point configurations on spheres. Zbl 1185.68771 Ballinger, Brandon; Blekherman, Grigoriy; Cohn, Henry; Giansiracusa, Noah; Kelly, Elizabeth; Schürmann, Achill 34 2009 Congruence subgroups of \(\text{PSL}(2,\mathbb{Z}\)) of genus less than or equal to 24. Zbl 1060.11021 Cummins, C. J.; Pauli, S. 34 2003 Abelian surfaces over finite fields as Jacobians. With an appendix by Everett W. Howe. Zbl 1101.14056 Maisner, Daniel; Nart, Enric 33 2002 On the evaluation of Euler sums. Zbl 0833.11045 Crandall, Richard E.; Buhler, Joe P. 32 1994 Computation of self-similar solutions for mean curvature flow. Zbl 0811.53011 Chopp, David L. 32 1994 Heuristics on Tate-Shafarevitch groups of elliptic curves defined over \(\mathbb{Q}\). Zbl 1045.11038 Delaunay, Christophe 32 2001 Pasting together Julia sets: a worked out example of mating. Zbl 1115.37051 Milnor, John 32 2004 About a new kind of Ramanujan-type series. Zbl 1083.33004 Guillera, Jesús 32 2003 The five-electron case of Thomson’s problem. Zbl 1269.78003 Schwartz, Richard Evan 32 2013 The Blasius function in the complex plane. Zbl 0980.34053 Boyd, John P. 31 1999 New conjectural lower bounds on the optimal density of sphere packings. Zbl 1113.52034 Stillinger, F. H.; Torquato, S. 31 2006 Computing arithmetic invariants of 3-manifolds. Zbl 1002.57044 Coulson, David; Goodman, Oliver A.; Hodgson, Craig D.; Neumann, Walter D. 31 2000 Identityfinder and some new identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type. Zbl 1327.11075 Kanade, Shashank; Russell, Matthew C. 30 2015 On the distribution of class groups of number fields. Zbl 1297.11139 Malle, Gunter 30 2010 On the volume of a certain polytope. Zbl 0960.05004 Chan, Clara S.; Robbins, David P.; Yuen, David S. 30 2000 Visualizing elements in the Shafarevich-Tate group. Zbl 0972.11049 Cremona, John E.; Mazur, Barry 30 2000 An atlas of Legendrian knots. Zbl 1267.57004 Chongchitmate, Wutichai; Ng, Lenhard 29 2013 Discovering and proving infinite binomial sums identities. Zbl 1365.05009 Ablinger, Jakob 29 2017 Finding all elliptic curves with good reduction outside a given set of primes. Zbl 1149.11028 Cremona, J. E.; Lingham, M. P. 28 2007 Three-manifolds having complexity at most 9. Zbl 1050.57018 Martelli, Bruno; Petronio, Carlo 28 2001 A numerical approach to three-dimensional dendritic solidification. Zbl 0811.65126 Kobayashi, Ryo 27 1994 Heuristics for the Brauer-Manin obstruction for curves. Zbl 1173.11040 Poonen, Bjorn 26 2006 On integrability of Hirota-Kimura-type discretizations: experimental study of the discrete Clebsch system. Zbl 1178.14007 Petrera, Matteo; Pfadler, Andreas; Suris, Yuri B. 26 2009 The transitive permutation groups of degree 32. Zbl 1175.20004 Cannon, John J.; Holt, Derek F. 26 2008 Random generators and normal numbers. Zbl 1165.11328 Bailey, David H.; Crandall, Richard E. 26 2002 Tropical polytopes and cellular resolutions. Zbl 1134.52006 Develin, Mike; Yu, Josephine 26 2007 On stable Khovanov homology of torus knots. Zbl 1281.57003 Gorsky, Eugene; Oblomkov, Alexei; Rasmussen, Jacob 26 2013 Minimizing the squared mean curvature integral for surfaces in space forms. Zbl 0778.53001 Hsu, Lucas; Kusner, Rob; Sullivan, John 25 1992 Real Schubert calculus: polynomial systems and a conjecture of Shapiro and Shapiro. Zbl 0997.14016 Sottile, Frank 25 2000 Twisted Alexander polynomials of hyperbolic knots. Zbl 1266.57008 Dunfield, Nathan M.; Friedl, Stefan; Jackson, Nicholas 25 2012 Explicit determination of the images of the Galois representations attached to abelian surfaces with \(\text{End}(A)= \mathbb Z\). Zbl 1162.11347 Dieulefait, Luis V. 25 2002 A family of cubic rational maps and matings of cubic polynomials. Zbl 0969.37020 Shishikura, Mitsuhiro; Lei, Tan 25 2000 The distribution of the largest nontrivial eigenvalues in families of random regular graphs. Zbl 1151.05043 Miller, Steven J.; Novikoff, Tim 24 2008 Convergence acceleration of alternating series. Zbl 0972.11115 Cohen, Henri; Rodriguez Villegas, Fernando; Zagier, Don 24 2000 Are the eigenvalues of banded symmetric Toeplitz matrices known in almost closed form? Zbl 1405.15037 Ekström, Sven-Erik; Garoni, Carlo; Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 24 2018 On the equation \(a^3+ b^3= c^p\). (Sur l’équation \(a^3+ b^3= c^p\).) Zbl 0923.11054 Kraus, Alain 23 1998 Artin’s conjecture, Turing’s method, and the Riemann hypothesis. Zbl 1169.11019 Booker, Andrew R. 23 2006 Some heuristics about elliptic curves. Zbl 1151.14025 Watkins, Mark 23 2008 Congruence subgroups of groups commensurable with \(\text{PSL}(2,\mathbb Z)\) of genus \(0\) and \(1\). Zbl 1099.11022 Cummins, C. J. 23 2004 Certified numerical homotopy tracking. Zbl 1238.14048 Beltrán, Carlos; Leykin, Anton 23 2012 Torus knots extremizing the Möbius energy. Zbl 0818.57007 Kim, Denise; Kusner, Rob 22 1993 Knot tightening by constrained gradient descent. Zbl 1261.49007 Ashton, Ted; Cantarella, Jason; Piatek, Michael; Rawdon, Eric J. 22 2011 Obtuse triangular billiards. II: One hundred degrees worth of periodic trajectories. Zbl 1417.37154 Schwartz, Richard Evan 22 2009 Constructing packings in Grassmannian manifolds via alternating projection. Zbl 1155.52304 Dhillon, I. S.; Heath, R. W. jun.; Strohmer, T.; Tropp, J. A. 22 2008 The splitting of primes in division fields of elliptic curves. Zbl 1162.11348 Duke, W.; Tóth, Á. 22 2002 A comparison of three high-precision quadrature schemes. Zbl 1082.65028 Bailey, David H.; Jeyabalan, Karthik; Li, Xiaoye S. 22 2005 Random discrete Morse theory and a new library of triangulations. Zbl 1296.57018 Benedetti, Bruno; Lutz, Frank H. 22 2014 The number of real quadratic fields having units of negative norm. Zbl 0792.11041 Stevenhagen, Peter 21 1993 Generating discrete Morse functions from point data. Zbl 1097.57020 King, Henry; Knudson, Kevin; Mramor, Neža 21 2005 Approximation of partitions of least perimeter by \(\Gamma\)-convergence: around Kelvin’s conjecture. Zbl 1261.49009 Oudet, Édouard 21 2011 Secant varieties of Segre-Veronese varieties \(\mathbb P^m \times \mathbb P^n\) embedded by \(\mathcal O(1,2)\). Zbl 1198.14051 Abo, Hirotachi; Brambilla, Maria Chiara 21 2009 Explicit presentations for exceptional braid groups. Zbl 1092.20033 Bessis, David; Michel, Jean 21 2004 High-accuracy semidefinite programming bounds for kissing numbers. Zbl 1279.11070 Mittelmann, Hans D.; Vallentin, Frank 21 2010 On the vanishing of twisted \(L\)-functions of elliptic curves. Zbl 1115.11033 David, Chantal; Fearnley, Jack; Kisilevsky, Hershy 21 2004 Salem numbers, Pisot numbers, Mahler measure, and graphs. Zbl 1082.11066 McKee, James; Smyth, Chris 21 2005 Informal remarks on the orbit structure of discrete approximations to chaotic maps. Zbl 0922.58042 Lanford, Oscar E. III 21 1998 Three-step and four-step random walk integrals. Zbl 1268.33005 Borwein, Jonathan M.; Straub, Armin; Wan, James 21 2013 Verified computations for hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Zbl 1337.57044 Hoffman, Neil; Ichihara, Kazuhiro; Kashiwagi, Masahide; Masai, Hidetoshi; Oishi, Shin’ichi; Takayasu, Akitoshi 21 2016 Flow under curvature: Singularity formation, minimal surfaces, and geodesics. Zbl 0806.53004 Chopp, David L.; Sethian, James A. 20 1993 A \(p\)-adic study of the partial sums of the harmonic series. Zbl 0838.11015 Boyd, David W. 20 1994 Remarks on self-affine tilings. Zbl 0838.52021 Hacon, Derek; Saldanha, Nicolau C.; Veerman, J. J. P. 20 1994 A singular example for the averaged mean curvature flow. Zbl 0982.53061 Mayer, Uwe F. 20 2001 On skew braces and their ideals. Zbl 1476.16036 Konovalov, Alexander; Smoktunowicz, Agata; Vendramin, Leandro 20 2021 Experimental determination of Apéry-like identities for \(\zeta(2n+2)\). Zbl 1204.11136 Bailey, David H.; Borwein, Jonathan M.; Bradley, David M. 20 2006 New bounds for the principal Dirichlet eigenvalue of planar regions. Zbl 1180.35388 Antunes, Pedro; Freitas, Pedro 20 2006 The 2-adic valuation of Stirling numbers. Zbl 1218.11024 Amdeberhan, Tewodros; Manna, Dante; Moll, Victor H. 20 2008 The minimal dilatation of a genus-two surface. Zbl 1153.37375 Cho, Jin-Hwan; Ham, Ji-Young 20 2008 Computing the modular degree of an elliptic curve. Zbl 1162.11349 Watkins, Mark 20 2002 On the special identities of Gelfand-Dorfman algebras. Zbl 1548.17035 Kolesnikov, P. S.; Sartayev, B. K. 6 2024 Universality of nodal count distribution in large metric graphs. Zbl 1542.05095 Alon, Lior; Band, Ram; Berkolaiko, Gregory 5 2024 Computation of the taut, the veering and the Teichmüller polynomials. Zbl 1537.30021 Parlak, Anna 4 2024 A computational view on the non-degeneracy invariant for Enriques surfaces. Zbl 07921116 Moschetti, Riccardo; Rota, Franco; Schaffler, Luca 2 2024 Homology representations of compactified configurations on graphs applied to \(\mathcal{M}_{2, n}\). Zbl 07962374 Bibby, Christin; Chan, Melody; Gadish, Nir; Yun, Claudia He 2 2024 Real and complex multiplication on \(K3\) surfaces via period integration. Zbl 07873968 Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan; Jahnel, Jörg 2 2024 On the arithmetic of generalized Fekete polynomials. Zbl 07962379 Mináč, Ján; Nguyen, Tung T.; Nguyễn, Duy Tân 1 2024 Continued fraction expansions towards Zaremba’s conjecture. Zbl 07962380 Ayadi, Khalil; Komatsu, Takao 1 2024 Equations at infinity for critical-orbit-relation families of rational maps. Zbl 07921115 Ramadas, Rohini; Silversmith, Rob 1 2024 Hard diagrams of the unknot. Zbl 07921120 Burton, Benjamin A.; Chang, Hsien-Chih; Löffler, Maarten; Maria, Clément; de Mesmay, Arnaud; Schleimer, Saul; Sedgwick, Eric; Spreer, Jonathan 1 2024 Explicit computations with cubic fourfolds, Gushel-Mukai fourfolds, and their associated K3 surfaces. Zbl 07962369 Staglianò, Giovanni 1 2024 Computing heights via limits of Hodge structures. Zbl 07962370 Bloch, Spencer; de Jong, Robin; Sertöz, Emre Can 1 2024 Discontinuities of the integrated density of states for Laplacians associated with Penrose and Ammann-Beenker tilings. Zbl 07962373 Damanik, David; Embree, Mark; Fillman, Jake; Mei, May 1 2024 Orbits on K3 surfaces of markoff type. Zbl 07962377 Fuchs, Elena; Litman, Matthew; Silverman, Joseph H.; Tran, Austin 1 2024 Density of binary disc packings: lower and upper bounds. Zbl 1542.05144 Fernique, Thomas 1 2024 Opers and non-abelian Hodge: numerical studies. Zbl 1544.14006 Dumas, David; Neitzke, Andrew 1 2024 Positive Plücker tree certificates for non-realizability. Zbl 1537.52013 Pfeifle, Julian 1 2024 Periodic representations and approximations of \(p\)-adic numbers via continued fractions. Zbl 07815483 Barbero, Stefano; Cerruti, Umberto; Murru, Nadir 1 2024 Evidence of random matrix corrections for the large deviations of Selberg’s central limit theorem. Zbl 07815485 Amzallag, E.; Arguin, L.-P.; Bailey, E.; Hui, K.; Rao, R. 1 2024 Effective reconstruction of generic genus 5 curves from their theta hyperplanes. Zbl 1544.14032 Lehavi, David 1 2024 Counting pop-stacked permutations in polynomial time. Zbl 1519.05013 Claesson, Anders; Guðmundsson, Bjarki Ágúst; Pantone, Jay 9 2023 New representations for all sporadic Apéry-like sequences, with applications to congruences. Zbl 1529.11044 Gorodetsky, Ofir 5 2023 Geodesic nets: some examples and open problems. Zbl 1519.53031 Nabutovsky, Alexander; Parsch, Fabian 5 2023 Arithmetic conjectures suggested by the statistical behavior of modular symbols. Zbl 1540.11063 Mazur, Barry; Rubin, Karl 4 2023 A SAGE package for \(n\)-gonal equisymmetric stratification of \(\mathcal{M}_g\). Zbl 1527.14069 Behn, Antonio; Rojas, Anita M.; Tello-Carrera, Miguel 3 2023 Primes in short intervals: heuristics and calculations. Zbl 07708950 Granville, Andrew; Lumley, Allysa 3 2023 Computer bounds for Kronheimer-Mrowka foam evaluation. Zbl 1527.05058 Boozer, David 3 2023 Decomposing Jacobians via Galois covers. Zbl 1525.14036 Lombardo, Davide; García, Elisa Lorenzo; Ritzenthaler, Christophe; Sijsling, Jeroen 3 2023 Adventures in supersingularland. Zbl 1517.94057 Arpin, Sarah; Camacho-Navarro, Catalina; Lauter, Kristin; Lim, Joelle; Nelson, Kristina; Scholl, Travis; Sotáková, Jana 3 2023 Mahler measure of families of polynomials defining genus 2 and 3 curves. Zbl 1531.11104 Liu, Hang; Qin, Hourong 3 2023 An algorithm for determining torsion growth of elliptic curves. Zbl 1522.11053 González-Jiménez, Enrique; Najman, Filip 2 2023 Experimenting with symplectic hypergeometric monodromy groups. Zbl 1528.20088 Detinko, A. S.; Flannery, D. L.; Hulpke, A. 2 2023 A 2-compact group as a spets. Zbl 1514.20041 Semeraro, Jason 2 2023 Free convolution powers via roots of polynomials. Zbl 1539.46047 Steinerberger, Stefan 2 2023 L-space knots with tunnel number \(>1\) by experiment. Zbl 1528.57002 Anderson, Chris; Baker, Kenneth L.; Gao, Xinghua; Kegel, Marc; Le, Khanh; Miller, Kyle; Onaran, Sinem; Sangston, Geoffrey; Tripp, Samuel; Wood, Adam; Wright, Ana 2 2023 Short, highly imprimitive words yield hyperbolic one-relator groups. Zbl 1528.20077 Cashen, Christopher H.; Hoffmann, Charlotte 2 2023 Empirical properties of optima in free semidefinite programs. Zbl 1522.90077 Evert, Eric; Fu, Yi; Helton, J. William; Yin, John 2 2023 Frame potential in \(CP^n\) some numerical and analytical results. Zbl 1517.42029 Ben Av, Radel; Dula, Giora; Goldberger, Assaf; Strassler, Yossi 2 2023 Hyperbolic 24-cell 4-manifolds with one cusp. Zbl 1546.57058 Ratcliffe, John G.; Tschantz, Steven T. 2 2023 Band-limited maximizers for a Fourier extension inequality on the circle. II. 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T. 16 Nebe, Gabriele 16 Voight, John Michael 16 Zudilin, Wadim 15 Kapovich, Ilya 15 Kostov, Vladimir Petrov 15 Mixon, Dustin G. 15 Shlapentokh, Alexandra 15 Spreer, Jonathan 14 De Schepper, Hennie 14 Duncan, John F. 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N. 10 Cristofori, Paola 10 Delaunay, Christophe 10 Dembélé, Lassina 10 Eie, Minking 10 Falbel, Elisha 10 Katsurada, Hidenori ...and 9,375 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 746 Journals 285 Experimental Mathematics 281 Journal of Number Theory 196 Mathematics of Computation 167 Journal of Algebra 140 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 135 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128 Advances in Mathematics 126 Journal of High Energy Physics 117 International Journal of Number Theory 112 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 98 The Ramanujan Journal 95 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 90 Journal of Symbolic Computation 82 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 81 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 74 Mathematische Zeitschrift 71 Communications in Mathematical Physics 70 Geometriae Dedicata 70 Discrete & Computational Geometry 67 Research in Number Theory 63 Mathematische Annalen 62 Linear Algebra and its Applications 59 Duke Mathematical Journal 58 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 57 Geometry & Topology 54 Journal of Computational Physics 54 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 50 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. 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