Congressus NumerantiumA Conference Journal on Numerical Themes Short Title: Congr. Numerantium Publisher: Combinatorial Press, Winnipeg, MB ISSN: 0384-9864 Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 2,801 Publications (since 1983) all top 5 Latest Issues 234 (2019) 233 (2019) 232 (2019) 231 (2018) 230 (2018) 229 (2017) 228 (2017) 227 (2016) 226 (2016) 225 (2015) 224 (2015) 223 (2015) 222 (2014) 221 (2014) 220 (2014) 219 (2014) 218 (2013) 217 (2013) 216 (2013) 215 (2013) 214 (2012) 213 (2012) 212 (2012) 211 (2012) 210 (2011) 209 (2011) 208 (2011) 207 (2011) 206 (2010) 205 (2010) 204 (2010) 203 (2010) 202 (2010) 201 (2010) 200 (2010) 199 (2009) 198 (2009) 197 (2009) 196 (2009) 195 (2009) 194 (2009) 193 (2008) 192 (2008) 191 (2008) 190 (2008) 189 (2008) 188 (2007) 187 (2007) 186 (2007) 185 (2007) 184 (2007) 183 (2006) 182 (2006) 181 (2006) 180 (2006) 179 (2006) 178 (2006) 177 (2005) 176 (2005) 175 (2005) 174 (2005) 173 (2005) 172 (2005) 171 (2004) 170 (2004) 169 (2004) 168 (2004) 167 (2004) 166 (2004) 165 (2003) 164 (2003) 163 (2003) 162 (2003) 161 (2003) 160 (2003) 159 (2002) 158 (2002) 157 (2002) 156 (2002) 155 (2002) 154 (2002) 153 (2001) 152 (2001) 151 (2001) 150 (2001) 149 (2001) 148 (2001) 147 (2000) 146 (2000) 145 (2000) 144 (2000) 143 (2000) 142 (2000) 141 (1999) 140 (1999) 139 (1999) 138 (1999) 137 (1999) 136 (1999) 135 (1998) ...and 46 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 69 Zhang, Ping 53 Lee, Sinmin 52 Harborth, Heiko 44 Cheng, Eddie 42 Deo, Narsingh 37 Gargano, Michael L. 33 Chartrand, Gary Theodore 33 Laskar, Renu Chakravarti 32 Johnson, Peter D. jun. 30 Finizio, Norman J. 28 Grimaldi, Ralph P. 28 Slater, Peter James 27 Lundgren, J. Richard 27 Wierman, John C. 26 Jamison, Robert E. 25 Chopra, Dharam V. 25 Shiu, Wai Chee 24 Bode, Jens-P. 23 Kemnitz, Arnfried 23 Soifer, Alexander 22 Brigham, Robert C. 20 Haynes, Teresa W. 20 Kountanis, Dionysios I. 20 Larcombe, Peter J. 19 Dutton, Ronald D. 19 Klerlein, Joseph B. 19 Saccoman, John Thomas 19 Su, Hsin-Hao 18 Qiu, Ke 18 Quintas, Louis V. 17 Beasley, LeRoy B. 17 Low, Richard M. 17 Merz, Sarah K. 17 Stanton, Ralph Gordon 17 Suffel, Charles Louis 16 Zweig Chinn, Phyllis 16 Hilton, Anthony J. W. 16 Lam, Peter Che Bor 16 Lipman, Marc J. 16 Shapiro, Louis W. 15 Hedetniemi, Stephen Travis 15 Winters, Steven J. 14 Carr, Edward C. 14 Dios, Rose 14 Fronček, Dalibor 14 Gao, Shanzhen 14 Gross, Daniel J. 14 Kruk, Serge G. 13 Feder, Elie 13 Tapia-Recillas, Horacio 12 Brown, David E. 12 Eggleton, Roger B. 12 Factor, Kim A. S. 12 Faudree, Ralph Jasper jun. 12 Fletcher, Raymond R. III 12 Hartnell, Bert L. 12 Johns, Garry L. 12 Lewinter, Marty 12 Niederhausen, Heinrich 12 Sarvate, Dinesh G. 12 Starling, A. Gregory 12 Stevens, Gary E. 11 Beeler, Robert A. 11 Carnes, Neil P. 11 Godbole, Anant P. 11 Langley, Larry J. 11 Levit, Vadim E. 11 MacDougall, James A. 11 Molina, Robert R. 11 Okamoto, Futaba 11 Roberts, Charles E. jun. 11 Schaal, Daniel J. 11 Shahrokhi, Farhad 11 Sternfeld, Robert W. 11 Todt, Heiko 10 Clark, Lane H. 10 French, David R. 10 Kaneko, Yoshihiro 10 Li, Wing-Ning 10 Lipták, László 10 Mandrescu, Eugen 10 MacKee, Terry Allan 10 Traldi, Lorenzo 10 West, Douglas Brent 10 Woan, Wen-Jin 9 Adams, Peter J. 9 Berman, David R. 9 Calkin, Neil J. 9 Chung, Ping-Tsai 9 Edelson, William 9 Goldberg, Robert R. 9 Gould, Ronald J. 9 Harary, Frank 9 Heubach, Silvia 9 Hoffmann, Frederick 9 Li, Rao 9 Mullin, Ronald Cleveland 9 Oxley, James G. 9 Rasmussen, Craig W. 9 Shen, Zhizhang ...and 2,329 more Authors all top 5 Fields 2,317 Combinatorics (05-XX) 347 Computer science (68-XX) 207 Number theory (11-XX) 109 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 106 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 57 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 52 Geometry (51-XX) 49 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 45 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 40 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 38 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 35 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 32 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 30 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 25 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 22 History and biography (01-XX) 19 Statistics (62-XX) 15 Special functions (33-XX) 9 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 7 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 6 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 5 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 5 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,102 Publications have been cited 4,579 times in 3,718 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Generalized vertex labelings with a condition at distance two. Zbl 0904.05077 Georges, John P.; Mauro, David W. 66 1995 On peppling graphs. Zbl 0895.05063 Pachter, Lior; Snevily, Hunter S.; Voxman, Bill 65 1995 On the existence of \(H\) designs. Zbl 0862.05016 Mills, W. H. 63 1990 Perfect-matching preclusion. Zbl 1091.05057 Brigham, Robert C.; Harary, Frank; Violin, Elizabeth C.; Yellen, Jay 63 2005 The theory and applications of resolvability in graphs (a survey). Zbl 1039.05029 Chartrand, Gary; Zhang, Ping 59 2003 Perfect dominating sets. Zbl 0862.05064 Livingston, Marilynn; Stout, Quentin F. 53 1990 Paired-domination and the paired-domatic number. Zbl 0904.05052 Haynes, Teresa W.; Slater, Peter J. 52 1995 Some fascinating properties of balancing numbers. Zbl 1262.11019 Panda, G. K. 47 2009 A survey of graph pebbling. Zbl 0961.05067 Hurlbert, Glenn H. 47 1999 Clique-decomposition, NLC-decomposition, and modular decomposition – relationships and results for random graphs. Zbl 0951.05093 Johansson, Öjvind 39 1998 Dominator colorings and safe clique partitions. Zbl 1113.05032 Gera, Ralucca; Rasmussen, Craig; Horton, Steve 38 2006 On satisfactory partitioning of graphs. Zbl 1022.05068 Shafique, Khurram H.; Dutton, Ronald D. 37 2002 Triangle centers and central triangles. Zbl 0912.51009 Kimberling, Clark 34 1998 Topological graph theory. A survey. Zbl 0897.05026 Archdeacon, Dan 32 1996 Consecutive edge-colorings of complete and incomplete Cartesian products of graphs. Zbl 0903.05021 Giaro, Krzysztof; Kubale, Marek 31 1997 On interval colorings of planar graphs. Zbl 1026.05036 Axenovich, Maria A. 29 2002 Extending matchings in graphs: An update. Zbl 0902.05059 Plummer, Michael D. 29 1996 The random planar graph. Zbl 0973.05066 Denise, Alain; Vasconcellos, Marcio; Welsh, Dominic J. A. 27 1996 Firefighting on trees: How bad is the greedy algorithm? Zbl 0974.68005 Hartnell, Bert; Li, Qiyan 25 2000 Graphs with unique minimum dominating sets. Zbl 0836.05045 Gunther, G.; Hartnell, B.; Markus, L. R.; Rall, D. 24 1994 Reinforcement in graphs. Zbl 0862.05071 Kok, J.; Mynhardt, C. M. 24 1990 Maximum alliance-free and minimum alliance-cover sets. Zbl 1046.05060 Shafique, Khurram H.; Dutton, Ronald D. 24 2003 Squaring the tournament—an open problem. Zbl 0904.05034 Dean, Nathaniel; Latka, Brenda J. 24 1995 Radio number for square of cycles. Zbl 1064.05089 Liu, Daphne Der-Fen; Xie, Melanie 23 2004 Some results on \(\lambda^j_k\)-numbers of the products of complete graphs. Zbl 0960.05093 Georges, J. P.; Mauro, David W. 22 1999 On the enumeration of generalized parking functions. Zbl 0971.05003 Yan, Catherine Huafei 22 2000 Multitrack interval graphs. Zbl 0904.05050 Gyárfás, András; West, Douglas 22 1995 Compositions of \(n\) with parts in a set. Zbl 1067.05004 Heubach, Silvia; Mansour, Toufik 21 2004 A sharp lower bound on the powerful alliance number of \(C_m\square C_n\). Zbl 1066.05100 Brigham, Robert C.; Dutton, Ronald D.; Hedetniemi, Stephen T. 21 2004 The geodetic number of a graph: A survey. Zbl 1027.05033 Chartrand, Gary; Palmer, Edgar M.; Zhang, Ping 21 2002 A survey of Hadwiger’s conjecture. Zbl 0895.05025 Toft, Bjarne 21 1996 Paired-domination in grid graphs. Zbl 0988.05067 Proffitt, Kenneth E.; Haynes, Teresa W.; Slater, Peter J. 20 2001 The minimum degree approach for Paul Seymour’s distance 2 conjecture. Zbl 0996.05042 Kaneko, Yoshihiro; Locke, Stephen C. 20 2001 The NP-completeness of multi-partite cutset testing. Zbl 0897.68070 Klein, Sulamita; de Figueiredo, Celina M. H. 20 1996 On generalized Schur numbers. Zbl 0804.05003 Schaal, Daniel 20 1993 On powers of chordal graphs and their colorings. Zbl 0976.05027 Agnarsson, Geir; Greenlaw, Raymond; Halldórsson, Magnús M. 19 2000 Forbidden subgraphs and pancyclicity. Zbl 0904.05055 Faudree, Ralph; Gould, Ronald; Ryjáček, Zdeněk; Schiermeyer, Ingo 19 1995 On the connections between universal hashing, combinatorial designs and error-correcting codes. Zbl 0897.68048 Stinson, D. R. 19 1996 Tournaments: Scores, kings, generalizations and special topics. Zbl 0899.05024 Reid, K. B. 19 1996 On finding shortest paths in the rotation graph of binary trees. Zbl 0968.05047 Rogers, Rodney O. 18 1999 On singular line graphs of trees. Zbl 0952.05047 Sciriha, Irene 18 1998 On well-covered trees with unimodal independence polynomials. Zbl 1032.05032 Levit, Vadim E.; Mandrescu, Eugen 17 2002 Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. VIII: Variations on Graffiti 105. Zbl 0994.05078 Aouchiche, Mustapha; Caporossi, Gilles; Hansen, Pierre 16 2001 On the \(V_4\)-magic graphs. Zbl 1022.05075 Lee, Sin-Min; Saba, Farrokh; Salehi, Ebrahim; Sun, Hugo 16 2002 Connectivity and edge-connectivity in graphs: A survey. Zbl 0905.05044 Oellermann, Ortrud R. 16 1996 Matching preclusion and conditional matching preclusion problems for twisted cubes. Zbl 1231.05209 Bhaskar, Ram; Cheng, Eddie; Liang, Mason; Pandey, Saurabh; Wang, Kevin 16 2010 Structural properties of Cayley graphs generated by transposition trees. Zbl 1117.05050 Cheng, Eddie; Lipták, László 15 2006 Some results on equalized total coloring. Zbl 0837.05062 Fu, Hung-Lin 15 1994 Vertex magic labelings of multiple graphs. Zbl 0993.05132 Wallis, W. D. 15 2001 Broadcast domination algorithms for interval graphs, series-parallel graphs, and trees. Zbl 1066.05138 Blair, Jean R. S.; Heggernes, Pinar; Horton, Steve; Manne, Frederik 15 2004 On geodomination in graphs. Zbl 0969.05047 Muntean, Raluca; Zhang, Ping 15 2000 Few compare to the great Roman Empire. Zbl 1293.05263 Hedetniemi, Stephen T.; Rubalcaba, Robert R.; Slater, Peter J.; Walsh, Matt 15 2013 Spanning paths, cycles, trees and walks for graphs on surfaces. Zbl 0894.05033 Ellingham, M. N. 15 1996 Criticality index of total domination. Zbl 0951.05081 van der Merwe, Lucas C.; Mynhardt, Christina M.; Haynes, Teresa W. 14 1998 Location with dominating sets. Zbl 0996.05095 Gimbel, John; Van Gordon, Brian D.; Nicolescu, Mihaela; Umstead, Cherie; Vaiana, Nicole 14 2001 A Hamilton path heuristic with applications to the middle two levels problem. Zbl 0960.05063 Shields, Ian; Savage, Carla D. 14 1999 Partial unimodality for independence polynomials of König-Egerváry graphs. Zbl 1119.05079 Levit, Vadim E.; Mandrescu, Eugen 14 2006 On computing maximum k-independent sets. Zbl 0821.68095 Kong, M. C.; Zhao, Yijun 14 1993 Well-covered and Koenig-Egervary graphs. Zbl 0952.05062 Levit, Vadim E.; Mandrescu, Eugen 14 1998 Radio antipodal colorings of cycles. Zbl 0976.05028 Chartrand, Gary; Erwin, David; Zhang, Ping 14 2000 A family of connected quasi-strongly regular graphs. Zbl 0899.05072 Golightly, W. L.; Haynsworth, W. H.; Sarvate, D. G. 14 1997 Paths, trees and cycles in tournaments. Zbl 0894.05032 Bang-Jensen, Jørgen; Gutin, Gregory 14 1996 On the mathematics of flat origamis. Zbl 0842.51014 Hull, Thomas 13 1994 Constant time computation of minimum dominating sets. Zbl 0842.68054 Livingston, Marilynn; Stout, Quentin F. 13 1994 The isometric path number of the Cartesian product of paths. Zbl 0968.05043 Fitzpatrick, Shannon L. 13 1999 Results and open problems on the Tower of Hanoi. Zbl 0963.68228 Bode, Jens-P.; Hinz, Andreas M. 13 1999 The domination number for the product of graphs. Zbl 0862.05060 Faudree, R. J.; Schelp, R. H. 13 1990 Menger-type results for three or more vertices. Zbl 0974.05047 Hind, H. R.; Oellermann, O. 13 1996 Maximization versions of “Lights Out” games in grids and graphs. Zbl 0897.05048 Goldwasser, John; Klostermeyer, William 13 1997 An elementary approach to algebraic geometry codes. Zbl 0978.94046 Høholdt, T.; van Lint, J. H.; Pellikaan, R. 12 1998 The generalized quadrangle with \((s,t)=(3,5)\). Zbl 0880.51002 Payne, Stanley E. 12 1990 Partial permutation decoding for codes from Paley graphs. Zbl 1071.94028 Key, J. D.; Limbupasiriporn, J. 12 2004 Fair incomplete tournaments with odd number of teams and large number of games. Zbl 1134.05093 Fronček, Dalibor 12 2007 Stories from the age of reconstruction. Zbl 0895.05044 Cameron, Peter J. 12 1996 The structure of \(V\)-order for integer vectors. Zbl 0898.15003 Tran Ngoc Danh; Daykin, David E. 12 1996 Orientations of graphs and submodular flows. Zbl 0974.05039 Frank, András 12 1996 Complexity results for closed neighborhood order parameters. Zbl 0895.05060 Smart, Chris B.; Slater, Peter J. 12 1995 Pursuit-evasion and search problems on graphs. Zbl 0897.05079 Fomin, F. V.; Petrov, N. N. 12 1996 Orientable domination in graphs. Zbl 0899.05028 Chartrand, Gary; VanderJagt, Donald W.; Yue, Bill Quan 12 1996 Colorings and list colorings of integer distance graphs. Zbl 0989.05039 Kemnitz, Arnfried; Marangio, Massimiliano 11 2001 Cycle free probe interval graphs. Zbl 0960.05085 Sheng, Li 11 1999 Zhou’s theory of constructing identities. Zbl 1204.11025 Howard, Fred T.; Saidak, Filip 11 2010 Upper bounds for covering designs by simulated annealing. Zbl 0801.05021 Nurmela, Kari J.; Östergård, Patric R. J. 11 1993 Minimum distance and second generalized Hamming weight of two particular linear codes. Zbl 1047.94018 González-Sarabia, M.; Rentería, C.; Hernández de la Torre, M. A. 11 2003 Some conjectures of Graffiti.pc on total domination. Zbl 1134.05070 DeLaViña, Ermelinda; Liu, Qi; Pepper, Ryan; Waller, Bill; West, Douglas B. 11 2007 Resolvable coverings. Zbl 0801.05020 Lamken, E. R.; Mills, W. H. 11 1993 On the partition dimension of a graph. Zbl 0952.05021 Chartrand, Gary; Zhang, Ping; Salehi, Ebrahim 10 1998 A result on the Erdős-Gyárfás conjecture in planar graphs. Zbl 0997.05053 Daniel, Dale; Shauger, Stephen E. 10 2001 Reliability of networks with delay constraints. Zbl 0999.68021 Petingi, L.; Rodriguez, J. 10 2001 Extremal graphs for some problems on cycles in graphs. Zbl 1063.05073 Markström, Klas 10 2004 An application of permutatation arrays to block ciphers. Zbl 0976.05015 de la Torre, Douglas R.; Colbourn, Charles J.; Ling, Alan C. H. 10 2000 Parity and strong parity edge-coloring of graphs. Zbl 1135.05020 Bunde, David P.; Milans, Kevin; West, Douglas B.; Wu, Hehui 10 2007 Line graphs and generalizations—a survey. Zbl 0906.05061 Prisner, Erich 10 1996 Implications of some observations about the \(k\)-domination number. Zbl 1218.05117 Pepper, Ryan 10 2010 Matrix quadrature integration and orthogonal matrix polynomials. Zbl 0836.33004 Jódar, Lucas; Defez, Emilio; Ponsoda, Enrique 9 1995 Some open problems on reliabilty polynomials. Zbl 0806.90046 Colbourn, Charles J. 9 1993 Graph competition independence and enclaveless parameters. Zbl 1021.05078 Phillips, James B.; Slater, Peter J. 9 2002 On the “other” Catalan numbers: A historical formulation re-examined. Zbl 0971.05001 Larcombe, Peter J.; French, David R. 9 2000 Large sets of Hamilton cycle and path decompositions. Zbl 0952.05056 Bryant, Darryn E. 9 1998 Rectangle number for hypercubes and complete multipartite graphs. Zbl 0951.05055 Chang, Yi-Wu; West, Douglas B. 9 1998 Large arcs in small planes. Zbl 07953849 Al-ogaidi, Awss; Betten, Anton 5 2019 \(C_4\)-face-magic torus labelings on \(C_4 \times C_4\). Zbl 07961085 Curran, Stephen J.; Low, Richard M. 3 2019 Cycle extendability in tournaments. Zbl 07961092 Beasley, Leroy B.; Merz, Sarah K.; Brown, David E.; Thomas, Brent J. 2 2019 Tight bounds for the split domination number of a nearly regular tournament. Zbl 07962780 Factor, Kim A. S.; Langley, Larry J.; Merz, Sarah K. 1 2019 On the decomposition of generalized Fermat varieties in \(P^3\) corresponding to Kasami-Welch functions. Zbl 07953847 Delgado, Moises; Janwa, Heeralal 1 2019 An improved upper bound for the site percolation threshold of the \((4, 8^2)\) Archimedean lattice. Zbl 07953850 Wierman, John C. 1 2019 Grid domination on hexagonal boards. Zbl 07961087 Harborth, Heiko; Nienborg, Hauke 1 2019 Distinct representatives in special set families in graphs. Zbl 07961094 Hedetniemi, S.; Holliday, S.; Johnson, P. 1 2019 Kirchhoff graph uniformity. Zbl 07961097 Fehribach, Joseph D. 1 2019 Roots of formal power series and new theorems on Riordan group elements. Zbl 07961102 Cohen, Marshall M. 1 2019 Constructing Clifford graph algebras from classical Clifford algebras. Zbl 07961103 Myers, Timothy 1 2019 Minimally non-asymmetric graphs and balanced incomplete block designs. Zbl 07961104 Flórez, Rigoberto; Narayan, Darren A. 1 2019 Perfect domination ratios of Archimedean lattices. Zbl 1420.05138 Zhao, Yunfan; Wierman, John C.; Marge, Thomas 2 2018 Matrices and Kirchhoff graphs, a rank-two, nullity-two construction. Zbl 1420.05103 Fehribach, Joseph D.; McDonald, Judi J. 1 2018 Cycle extendability and split domination in tournaments. Zbl 1420.05066 Brown, David E.; Factor, Kim A. S.; Langley, Larry J.; Merz, Sarah K. 1 2018 Generalized most-perfect squares. Zbl 1420.05027 Lorch, John 1 2018 Efficient and non-efficient domination of Archimedean lattices. Zbl 1420.05134 Marge, Thomas; Zhao, Yunfan; Wierman, John C. 1 2018 Neighborhood representatives. Zbl 1420.05123 Hedetniemi, S.; Holliday, S.; Johnson, P. 1 2018 An alternative approach for bounding the additive choice number of planar graphs. Zbl 1420.05155 Brandt, Axel; Tenpas, Nathan; Yerger, Carl 1 2018 Collapsible graphs. Zbl 1420.05037 Bickle, Allan 1 2018 The spectrum for a multigraph on 4 vertices and 7 edges. Zbl 1420.05096 Bunge, R. C.; Chwee, M. K.; Cooper, A. M.; El-Zanati, S. I.; Kennedy, K. L.; Roberts, D. P.; Wilson, C. C. 1 2018 The \(\lambda\)-fold spectrum problem for a multigraph on four vertices and eight edges. Zbl 1420.05110 Bunge, R. C.; El-Zanati, S. I.; Gibson, D. J.; Roberts, D. P.; Sickman, A. L.; States, L. A.; Ward, J. T. 1 2018 Hamiltonian-connected graphs with additional properties. Zbl 1421.05058 Almohanna, Nasreen; Olejniczak, Drake; Zhang, Ping 1 2018 Partial domination in graphs. Zbl 1388.05136 Case, Benjamin M.; Hedetniemi, Stephen T.; Laskar, Renu C.; Lipman, Drew J. 5 2017 On the \(\mathcal{P}\)-sum choice number of graphs for \(1\)-additive properties. Zbl 1388.05068 Kemnitz, Arnfried; Marangio, Massimiliano; Voigt, Margit 3 2017 Another method of constructing pseudo-involutions in the Riordan group. Zbl 1388.05014 Marshall, Candice 3 2017 \(t\)-tone colorings in the Cartesian product. Zbl 1394.05032 Cooper, Catherine; Wash, Kirsti 3 2017 On the completion of the exceptional APN conjecture in the Gold degree case and absolutely irreducible polynomials. Zbl 1425.11189 Delgado, Moisés; Janwa, Heeralal 2 2017 An introduction to \(t\)-restricted optimal rubbling. Zbl 1388.05121 Beeler, Robert A.; Haynes, Teresa W.; Murphy, Kyle 2 2017 On \(k\)-rainbow connection in graphs. Zbl 1388.05056 Bi, Zhenming; Byers, Alexis; Devereaux, Stephen; Zhang, Ping 1 2017 Strong matching preclusion of the generalized Petersen graph. Zbl 1388.05148 Arora, Ajay; Cheng, Eddie 1 2017 Split domination in digraphs. Zbl 1388.05138 Kim, A. S.; Merz, Sarah K. 1 2017 Spectrum for multigraph designs on four vertices and six edges. Zbl 1421.05066 Bunge, R. C.; Jeffries, J. A.; Kirkpatrick, J. N.; Roberts, D. P.; Sickman, A. L. 1 2017 \((an + b)\)-color compositions. Zbl 1387.05009 Birmajer, Daniel; Gil, Juan B.; Weiner, Michael D. 1 2017 Contributions to balanced arrays of strength ten and fractional factorial designs of resolution eleven. Zbl 1393.05065 Chopra, D. V.; Low, Richard M. 1 2017 Prime labelings of bipartite generalized Petersen graphs and other prime cubic bipartite graphs. Zbl 1360.05148 Schluchter, S.; Wilson, T. 3 2016 Sum list colorings of small graphs. Zbl 1365.05091 Kemnitz, Arnfried; Marangio, Massimiliano; Voigt, Margit 2 2016 Split domination, independence, and irredundance in graphs. Zbl 1360.05114 Hedetniemi, Stephen; Knoll, Fiona; Laskar, Renu 2 2016 The multiplicity of watchman’s walks. Zbl 1360.05159 Dyer, Danny; Howell, Jared 2 2016 Rigorous bounds relating bond percolation thresholds of two three-dimensional lattices. Zbl 1360.05158 Wierman, John C.; Yu, Gaoran 1 2016 Best monotone degree condition for 1-binding graphs to contain a 1-factor. Zbl 1358.05064 Bauer, D.; Nevo, A.; Schmeichel, E. 1 2016 Degrees of Menger and Sierpinski graphs. Zbl 1362.28011 Bickle, Allan 1 2016 Parallel moves in Hanoi games on graphs: every parallel Hanoi graph is a sequential Hanoi graph. Zbl 1360.05105 Leiss, Ernst L.; Mackey, Isaac 1 2016 On extending Hansel’s theorem to hypergraphs. Zbl 1360.05110 Churchill, Gregory; Nagle, Brendan 1 2016 Regular incomplete tournaments with handicap two. Zbl 1360.05068 Froncek, Dalibor 1 2016 Oriented book embeddings. Zbl 1360.05107 McAdams, Stacey; Kanno, Jinko 1 2016 Spreads of \(\mathrm{PG}(3, 8)\) and \(\mathrm{PG}(3, 9)\) containing a regulus. Zbl 1368.51004 Betten, Anton; Wassermann, Alfred 1 2016 Broadcast irredundance in graphs. Zbl 1338.05259 Ahmadi, Dora; Fricke, Gerd H.; Schroeder, Chris; Hedetniemi, Stephen T.; Laskar, Renu C. 6 2015 Strong matching preclusion of 2-matching composition networks. Zbl 1338.05213 Chang, William; Cheng, Eddie 6 2015 Sum list colorings of products of graphs. Zbl 1338.05085 Kemnitz, Arnfried; Marangio, Massimiliano; Voigt, Margit 4 2015 Distance-2 domatic numbers of grid graphs. Zbl 1351.05171 Kiser, Derek; Haynes, Teressa W. 4 2015 Peg solitaire: “Burn two bridges, build one”. Zbl 1335.05118 Bullington, Grady D. 3 2015 Hall’s condition for partial Latin squares. Zbl 1346.05022 Hilton, A. J. W.; Vaughan, E. R. 2 2015 Cycle domination, independence, and irredundance in graphs. Zbl 1338.05197 Grady, Amy; Knoll, Fiona; Laskar, Renu; Lipman, Drew J. 2 2015 Integer-antimagic spectra of tadpole and lollipop graphs. Zbl 1338.05172 Shiu, Wai Chee; Sun, Pak Kiu; Low, Richard M. 2 2015 Book embedding of projective-planar graphs. Zbl 1335.05050 Nakamoto, Atsuhiro; Nozawa, Takayuki 2 2015 On neighbor component order edge connectivity. Zbl 1338.05254 Heinig, Monika M.; Gross, Daniel; Saccoman, John T.; Suffel, Charles L. 1 2015 A note on resolution nine factorial designs using coincidences. Zbl 1335.05029 Chopra, D. V.; Low, Richard M.; Dios, R. 1 2015 An upper bound for the bond percolation threshold of the cubic lattice. Zbl 1338.05251 Wierman, John C.; McCarthy, Shaun 1 2015 Chromatic-connection in graphs. Zbl 1401.05122 Lumduanhom, Chira; Laforge, Elliot; Zhang, Ping 1 2015 On the choosability of some graphs. Zbl 1338.05071 Allagan, Julian A.; Bobga, Benkam; Johnson, Peter 1 2015 The \(t\)-pebbling number of the complete graph with a missing edge. Zbl 1343.05103 Sieben, Nándor 1 2015 Universal cycles for 2- and 3-partitions of \([n]\). Zbl 1409.05025 Elks, Amanda; Godbole, Anant; McInturff, Steven 1 2015 On the Erdős-Sós conjecture for graphs with circumference at most \(k\). Zbl 1338.05186 Gilbert, Adam; Tiner, Gary 1 2015 WORM colorings forbidding cycles or cliques. Zbl 1312.05050 Goddard, Wayne; Wash, Kirsti; Xu, Honghai 9 2014 Unit mixed interval graphs. Zbl 1312.05096 Shuchat, Alan; Shull, Randy; Trenk, Ann N.; West, Lee C. 6 2014 Covering array bounds using analytical techniques. Zbl 1312.05031 Yuan, Ruyue Julia; Koch, Zoe; Godbole, Anant 5 2014 Bounds on Zimin word avoidance. Zbl 1329.68193 Cooper, Joshua; Rorabaugh, Danny 5 2014 Domination of cylinder graphs. Zbl 1314.05148 Crevals, Simon 5 2014 The crossing number of \(K_{3,3,n}\). Zbl 1314.05139 Ginn, Mark; Miller, Faith 3 2014 3-polychromatic quadrangulations on surfaces. Zbl 1314.05077 Mukae, Raiji; Nakamoto, Atsuhiro; Suzuki, Yusuke 3 2014 The total domination polynomial and its generalization. Zbl 1322.05107 Dod, Markus 3 2014 Alpha labelings of straight simple polyominal caterpillars. Zbl 1312.05118 Froncek, Dalibor; Kingston, O’Neill; Vezina, Kyle 1 2014 On the edge-balance index sets of broken wheels. Zbl 1314.05176 Lee, Sin-Min; Su, Hsin-Hao; Todt, Heiko 1 2014 Hamiltonian edge-connectivity of 2-tree-generated networks. Zbl 1408.05076 Cheng, Eddie; Abdallah, Mohamad 1 2014 Product cordial sets of trees. Zbl 1314.05079 Salehi, Ebrahim; Churchman, Seth; Hill, Tahj; Jordan, Jim 1 2014 Defensive alliances with prescribed and proscribed vertices. Zbl 1314.05150 Kawaura, Takahiro; Kimura, Kenji; Niki, Naoto 1 2014 Hypercube packings and their holes. Zbl 1408.05034 Mathew, K. Ashik; Östergård, Patric R. J. 1 2014 On \(C_4\)-factorizations with two associate classes where \(a\equiv 3 \pmod 4\) and small. Zbl 1314.05162 Goss, C.; Tiemeyer, M.; Waller, R. 1 2014 On constructing regular distance-preserving graphs. Zbl 1312.05044 Ross, Dennis; Sagan, Bruce; Nussbaum, Ronald; Esfahanian, Abdol-Hossein 1 2014 An upper bound for the twin chromatic index of a graph. 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Julian R. 12 Brandstädt, Andreas 12 Dantas, Simone 12 Daykin, Jacqueline W. 12 Hansen, Pierre 12 Kim, Suh-Ryung 12 Meng, Jixiang 12 Niederhausen, Heinrich 12 Otachi, Yota 12 Ozeki, Kenta 12 Rodger, Christopher Andrew 12 Zhang, Ping 11 Aldred, Robert E. L. 11 Aouchiche, Mustapha 11 Bermudo, Sergio 11 Chartrand, Gary Theodore 11 Key, Jennifer D. 11 Lê Văn Băng 11 Lou, Dingjun 11 Low, Richard M. 11 Lu, Mei 11 Mütze, Torsten 11 Paulusma, Daniël 11 Saito, Akira 11 Slater, Peter James 11 Yeo, Anders 10 Caro, Yair 10 Chang, Yanxun 10 Favaron, Odile 10 Hell, Pavol 10 Kemnitz, Arnfried 10 Lin, Wensong 10 Östergård, Patric R. J. 10 Sano, Yoshio 10 Santhakumaran, Ananthapalpu PonnaiahNadar 10 Zhang, Gengsheng 9 Broersma, Hajo J. 9 Chandran, L. Sunil 9 Finizio, Norman J. 9 Furuya, Michitaka 9 Godbole, Anant P. 9 Hilton, Anthony J. W. 9 Johnson, Peter D. jun. 9 Lourdusamy, Arockiam 9 Milanič, Martin 9 Nakamoto, Atsuhiro 9 Narayan, Darren A. 9 Ota, Katsuhiro 9 Ray, Prasanta Kumar 9 Smyth, William F. 9 Soykan, Yüksel 9 Szwarcfiter, Jayme Luiz 9 Traetta, Tommaso 9 Yerger, Carl R. 9 Yi, Eunjeong 8 Alikhani, Saeid 8 Arumugam, Subramanian 8 Balbuena, Camino 8 Bujtás, Csilla 8 Cancela, Héctor 8 Deveci, Ömür 8 Drgas-Burchardt, Ewa 8 Dutton, Ronald D. 8 Golumbic, Martin Charles ...and 4,653 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 400 Journals 566 Discrete Mathematics 448 Discrete Applied Mathematics 148 Graphs and Combinatorics 133 Theoretical Computer Science 78 Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory 77 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 73 Linear Algebra and its Applications 70 European Journal of Combinatorics 68 Journal of Graph Theory 64 Information Processing Letters 59 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 55 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 54 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 44 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 43 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 42 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 40 Journal of Combinatorial Designs 36 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 33 Applied Mathematics and Computation 33 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 30 Advances in Applied Mathematics 28 Networks 28 Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 24 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 22 Algorithmica 22 Applied Mathematics Letters 19 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 19 Proyecciones 17 Integers 16 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 15 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 15 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 15 Finite Fields and their Applications 15 Journal of Integer Sequences 15 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 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