Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society Short Title: Electron. Res. Announc. Am. Math. Soc. Publisher: American Mathematical Society (AMS), Providence, RI ISSN: 1079-6762/e Online: http://www.ams.org/era/http://www.emis.de/journals/ERA-AMS/ Successor: Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; Published electronic only as of Vol. 1 (1995). This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 194 Publications (1995–2007) References Indexed: 192 Publications with 3,199 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 13 (2007) 12 (2006) 11 (2005) 10 (2004) 9 (2003) 8 (2002) 7 (2001) 6, No. 13 (2000) 6, No. 12 (2000) 6, No. 11 (2000) 6, No. 10 (2000) 6, No. 9 (2000) 6, No. 8 (2000) 6, No. 7 (2000) 6, No. 6 (2000) 6, No. 5 (2000) 6, No. 4 (2000) 6, No. 3 (2000) 6, No. 2 (2000) 6, No. 1 (2000) 5, No. 20 (1999) 5, No. 19 (1999) 5, No. 18 (1999) 5, No. 17 (1999) 5, No. 16 (1999) 5, No. 15 (1999) 5, No. 14 (1999) 5, No. 13 (1999) 5, No. 12 (1999) 5, No. 11 (1999) 5, No. 10 (1999) 5, No. 9 (1999) 5, No. 8 (1999) 5, No. 7 (1999) 5, No. 6 (1999) 5, No. 5 (1999) 5, No. 4 (1999) 5, No. 3 (1999) 5, No. 2 (1999) 5, No. 1 (1999) 4, No. 15 (1998) 4, No. 14 (1998) 4, No. 13 (1998) 4, No. 12 (1998) 4, No. 11 (1998) 4, No. 10 (1998) 4, No. 9 (1998) 4, No. 8 (1998) 4, No. 7 (1998) 4, No. 6 (1998) 4, No. 5 (1998) 4, No. 4 (1998) 4, No. 3 (1998) 4, No. 2 (1998) 4, No. 1 (1998) 3, No. 22 (1997) 3, No. 21 (1997) 3, No. 20 (1997) 3, No. 19 (1997) 3, No. 18 (1997) 3, No. 17 (1997) 3, No. 16 (1997) 3, No. 15 (1997) 3, No. 14 (1997) 3, No. 13 (1997) 3, No. 12 (1997) 3, No. 11 (1997) 3, No. 10 (1997) 3, No. 9 (1997) 3, No. 8 (1997) 3, No. 7 (1997) 3, No. 6 (1997) 3, No. 5 (1997) 3, No. 4 (1997) 3, No. 3 (1997) 3, No. 2 (1997) 3, No. 1 (1997) 02, No. 2 (1996) 02, No. 1 (1996) 2, No. 3 (1996) 1, No. 3 (1995) 1, No. 2 (1995) 1, No. 1 (1995) all top 5 Authors 3 Guan, Daniel Zhuang-Dan 3 Jakobson, Dmitry 3 Luo, Feng 3 Schmeling, Jorg 2 Barreira, Luis Manuel 2 Delshams, Amadeu 2 Etingof, Pavel Il’ich 2 Feichtner-Kozlov, Dimitry N. 2 Hasselblatt, Boris 2 Hebey, Emmanuel 2 Hunt, Brian R. 2 Hutchings, Michael Lounsbery 2 Jørgensen, Palle E. T. 2 Kaloshin, Vadim Yu. 2 Kamber, Franz W. 2 Katok, Anatole 2 Kim, Ki Hang 2 Kollár, János 2 Lauter, Robert 2 Lee, Tzong-Yow 2 Lindenstrauss, Elon 2 Matveev, Vladimir S. 2 McLaughlin, Joyce Rogers 2 Michor, Peter Wolfram 2 Mitrea, Marius 2 Nistor, Victor 2 Ol’shanskiĭ, Aleksandr Yur’evich 2 Petrunin, Anton Mikhailovich 2 Robert, Frédéric 2 Roush, Fred William 2 Sapir, Mark Valentinovich 2 M-Seara, Tere 2 Varshavsky, Yakov 1 Adem, Alejandro 1 Afraimovich, Valentin S. 1 Agrachev, Andreĭ Aleksandrovich 1 Aldous, David John 1 Álvarez Paiva, Juan Carlos 1 Alves, José Ferreira 1 Ammann, Bernd Eberhard 1 Anand, Christopher Kumar 1 Anderson, Michael T. 1 Astels, Steve 1 Avni, Nir 1 Babson, Eric K. 1 Bachman, Gennady 1 Balaji, Vikraman 1 Balan, Radu V. 1 Battaglia, Fiammetta 1 Beli, Constantin-Nicolae 1 Bennett, Jonathan M. 1 Berenstein, Carlos Alberto 1 Besche, Hans Ulrich 1 Biswas, Indranil 1 Bonfiglioli, Andrea 1 Boulabiar, Karim Mohamed 1 Brändén, Petter 1 Brandolini, Luca 1 Brooks, Robert Wolfe 1 Bullett, Shaun R. 1 Burger, Martin 1 Buskes, Gerard J. H. M. 1 Cai, Guanghui 1 Calegari, Danny Matthew Cornelius 1 Calogero, Andrea 1 Cao, Huai-Dong 1 Capogna, Luca 1 Carter, J. Scott 1 Casadio Tarabusi, Enrico 1 Casazza, Peter George 1 Chazottes, Jean-René 1 Chigira, Naoki 1 Cohen, Joel M. 1 Cohn, Henry Lee 1 Colding, Tobias Holck 1 Colonna, Flavia 1 Cornea, Octav 1 Csiszár, Imre 1 Damjanović, Danijela 1 Day, Sarah L. 1 de la Llave, Rafael 1 de Man, Ronald 1 De Oliveira, Marcelo P. 1 Denisov, Vasiliĭ Nikolaevich 1 Deshouillers, Jean-Marc 1 Diaz, Ricardo L. 1 DiBenedetto, Emmanuele 1 Dijkstra, Jan J. 1 Doty, Stephen R. 1 Dougherty, Randall L. 1 Druet, Olivier 1 Drumm, Todd A. 1 du Sautoy, Marcus 1 Dutkay, Dorin Ervin 1 Dutour-Sikiric, Mathieu 1 Dynkin, Evgeniĭ Borisovich 1 Ebin, David G. 1 Effinger, Gove W. 1 Egilsson, Ágúst Sverrir 1 Eick, Bettina ...and 213 more Authors all top 5 Fields 40 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 30 Differential geometry (53-XX) 25 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 23 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 22 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 20 Number theory (11-XX) 19 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 16 Combinatorics (05-XX) 15 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 12 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 12 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 12 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 9 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 7 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 5 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 5 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 170 Publications have been cited 1,394 times in 1,341 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On the cut point conjecture. Zbl 0868.20032 Swarup, G. A. 47 1996 On Noether’s bound for polynomial invariants of a finite group. Zbl 0980.13003 Fogarty, John 45 2001 Wavelets with composite dilations. Zbl 1066.42023 Guo, Kanghui; Labate, Demetrio; Lim, Wang-Q; Weiss, Guido; Wilson, Edward 42 2004 Operator \(K\)-theory for groups which act properly and isometrically on Hilbert space. Zbl 0888.46046 Higson, Nigel; Kasparov, Gennadi 38 1997 Maximal regularity for parabolic equations with inhomogeneous boundary conditions in Sobolev spaces with mixed \(L_p\)-norm. Zbl 1015.35036 Weidemaier, Peter 30 2002 State-sum invariants of knotted curves and surfaces from quandle cohomology. Zbl 0995.57004 Carter, J. Scott; Jelsovsky, Daniel; Kamada, Seiichi; Langford, Laurel; Saito, Masahico 28 1999 A new proof of the four-colour theorem. Zbl 0865.05039 Robertson, Neil; Sanders, Daniel P.; Seymour, Paul; Thomas, Robin 27 1996 Pointwise theorems for amenable groups. Zbl 0944.28014 Lindenstrauss, Elon 27 1999 Tarski’s problem about the elementary theory of free groups has a positive solution. Zbl 0923.20016 Kharlampovich, Olga; Myasnikov, Alexei 24 1998 Classification of eight-dimensional perfect forms. Zbl 1186.11039 Dutour Sikirić, Mathieu; Schürmann, Achill; Vallentin, Frank 24 2007 \(q\)-Eulerian polynomials: excedance number and major index. Zbl 1113.05015 Shareshian, John; Wachs, Michelle L. 23 2007 The groups of order at most 2000. Zbl 0986.20024 Besche, Hans Ulrich; Eick, Bettina; O’Brien, E. A. 22 2001 Automorphisms of categories of free algebras of varieties. Zbl 0996.08008 Mashevitzky, G.; Plotkin, B.; Plotkin, E. 22 2002 Drinfel’d doubles and Ehresmann doubles for Lie algebroids and Lie bialgebroids. Zbl 0924.58115 Mackenzie, K. C. H. 21 1998 Cluster homology: an overview of the construction and results. Zbl 1113.53052 Cornea, Octav; Lalonde, François 21 2006 A Pieri-Chevalley formula in the K-theory of a \(G/B\)-bundle. Zbl 0947.14025 Pittie, Harsh; Ram, Arun 20 1999 Wavelets on general lattices, associated with general expanding maps of \(\mathbf R^n\). Zbl 0914.42026 Calogero, A. 19 1999 Harmonic functions on Alexandrov spaces and their applications. Zbl 1071.53527 Petrunin, Anton 19 2003 Compactness and global estimates for the geometric Paneitz equation in high dimensions. Zbl 1068.58017 Hebey, Emmanuel; Robert, Frédéric 18 2004 Crofton formulas in projective Finsler spaces. Zbl 0910.53044 Álvarez Paiva, J. C.; Fernandes, E. 18 1998 The Schläfli formula in Einstein manifolds with boundary. Zbl 0910.53036 Rivin, Igor; Schlenker, Jean-Marc 18 1999 Rigidity properties of {\(\mathbb Z^ d\)}-actions on tori and solenoids. Zbl 1068.37002 Einsiedler, Manfred; Lindenstrauss, Elon 18 2003 \(\mathbb C^*\)-actions on \(\mathbb C^ 3\) are linearizable. Zbl 0890.14026 Kaliman, Shulim I.; Koras, Mariusz; Makar-Limanov, Leonid; Russell, Peter 18 1997 The double bubble conjecture. Zbl 0864.53007 Hass, Joel; Hutchings, Michael; Schlafly, Roger 17 1995 Möbius transformations and monogenic functional calculus. Zbl 0869.47013 Kisil, Vladimir V. 17 1996 A combinatorial curvature flow for compact 3-manifolds with boundary. Zbl 1079.53098 Luo, Feng 16 2005 Homeomorphism groups of manifolds and Erdős space. Zbl 1078.57033 Dijkstra, Jan J.; van Mill, Jan 16 2004 Tangential Hilbert problem for perturbations of hyperelliptic Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0922.58076 Novikov, D.; Yakovenko, S. 16 1999 Counterexamples to the Neggers-Stanley conjecture. Zbl 1068.06002 Brändén, Petter 15 2004 A geometric mechanism for diffusion in Hamiltonian systems overcoming the large gap problem: announcement of results. Zbl 1068.37043 Delshams, Amadeu; de la Llave, Rafael; Seara, Tere M. 15 2003 Nonholonomic tangent spaces: intrinsic construction and rigid dimensions. Zbl 1068.58001 Agrachev, A.; Marigo, A. 15 2003 The special Schubert calculus is real. Zbl 0921.14037 Sottile, Frank 15 1999 On positive entire solutions to the Yamabe-type problem on the Heisenberg and stratified groups. Zbl 0887.35052 Lu, Guozhen; Wei, Juncheng 15 1997 The densest lattice in twenty-four dimensions. Zbl 1062.11044 Cohn, Henry; Kumar, Abhinav 14 2004 Polynomials with integral coefficients, equivalent to a given polynomial. Zbl 0867.11047 Kollár, János 14 1997 Projected products of polygons. Zbl 1068.52014 Ziegler, Günter M. 13 2004 On non-Spechtianness of the variety of associative rings that satisfy the identity \(x^{32}=0\). Zbl 0961.16011 Grishin, A. V. 13 2000 On asymptotic behavior of solutions of the Dirichlet problem in half-space for linear and quasi-linear elliptic equations. Zbl 1120.35306 Denisov, Vasily; Muravnik, Andrey 12 2003 Metric with ergodic geodesic flow is completely determined by unparameterized geodesics. Zbl 0979.53032 Matveev, Vladimir S.; Topalov, Petar J. 12 2000 Galois groups and connection matrices for \(q\)-difference equations. Zbl 0844.12004 Etingof, Pavel 10 1995 Mating quadratic maps with Kleinian groups via quasiconformal surgery. Zbl 1027.37024 Bullett, S. R.; Harvey, W. J. 10 2000 Minimal varieties of algebras of exponential growth. Zbl 1044.16017 Giambruno, A.; Zaicev, M. 10 2000 On Cherednik-Macdonald-Mehta identities. Zbl 0897.05089 Etingof, Pavel; Kirillov, Alexander jun. 10 1998 A new inequality for superdiffusions and its applications to nonlinear differential equations. Zbl 1080.60066 Dynkin, E. B. 10 2004 Fully explicit quasiconvexification of the mean-square deviation of the gradient of the state in optimal design. Zbl 0980.49021 Pedregal, Pablo 10 2001 Metric minimizing surfaces. Zbl 0916.53032 Petrunin, Anton 10 1999 A natural smooth compactification of the space of elliptic curves in projective space. Zbl 1131.14028 Vakil, Ravi; Zinger, Aleksey 10 2007 Optimization and majorization of invariant measures. Zbl 1186.37007 Jenkinson, Oliver 10 2007 Orthogonal harmonic analysis of fractal measures. Zbl 0893.28005 Jørgensen, Palle E. T.; Pedersen, Steen 9 1998 Unification of zero-sum problems, subset sums and covers of {\(\mathbb Z\)}. Zbl 1062.11015 Sun, Zhiwei 9 2003 Topological obstructions to graph colorings. Zbl 1063.05041 Babson, Eric; Kozlov, Dmitry N. 9 2003 On the pointwise dimension of hyperbolic measures: a proof of the Eckmann-Ruelle conjecture. Zbl 0871.58054 Barreira, Luis; Pesin, Yakov; Schmeling, Jörg 9 1996 A \(C^0\)-theory for the blow-up of second order elliptic equations of critical Sobolev growth. Zbl 1061.58020 Druet, Olivier; Hebey, Emmanuel; Robert, Frédéric 9 2003 A complete Vinogradov 3-primes theorem under the Riemann hypothesis. Zbl 0892.11032 Deshouillers, J.-M.; Effinger, G.; te Riele, H.; Zinoviev, D. 9 1997 On the connectedness of the space of initial data for the Einstein equations. Zbl 0969.83006 Smith, Brian; Weinstein, Gilbert 9 2000 Nonlinear parabolic problems on manifolds, and a nonexistence result for the noncompact Yamabe problem. Zbl 0872.35050 Zhang, Qi S. 8 1997 The Hilbert-Smith conjecture for quasiconformal actions. Zbl 0979.30013 Martin, Gaven J. 8 1999 The Williams conjecture is false for irreducible subshifts. Zbl 0887.58014 Kim, K. H.; Roush, F. W. 8 1997 Modification and the cohomology groups of compact solvmanifolds. Zbl 1134.53024 Guan, Daniel 8 2007 Picard-Hayman behavior of derivatives of meromorphic functions with multiple zeros. Zbl 1186.30036 Nevo, Shahar; Pang, Xuecheng; Zalcman, Lawrence 8 2006 Family algebras. Zbl 0946.16019 Kirillov, A. A. 7 2000 Eigenvalue formulas for the uniform Timoshenko beam: the free-free problem. Zbl 0897.34071 Geist, Bruce; McLaughlin, Joyce R. 7 1998 Wavelet constructions in non-linear dynamics. Zbl 1069.42021 Dutkay, Dorin Ervin; Jørgensen, Palle E. T. 7 2005 Symmetric groups and expanders. Zbl 1077.20001 Kassabov, Martin 7 2005 The Ehrhart polynomial of a lattice \(n\)-simplex. Zbl 0871.52008 Diaz, Ricardo; Robins, Sinai 7 1996 Cellular algebras and quasi-hereditary algebras: a comparison. Zbl 0999.16010 König, Steffen; Xi, Changchang 7 1999 Thickness measures for Cantor sets. Zbl 0956.37034 Astels, S. 7 1999 A stretched exponential bound on the rate of growth of the number of periodic points for prevalent diffeomorphisms. I. Zbl 0977.37007 Kaloshin, Vadim Yu.; Hunt, Brian R. 7 2001 Invariant sets with zero measure and full Hausdorff dimension. Zbl 0887.58042 Barreira, Luis; Schmeling, Jörg 7 1997 Local dimensions for Poincaré recurrences. Zbl 0955.37013 Afraimovich, Valentin; Chazottes, Jean-René; Saussol, Benoît 7 2000 The Nash conjecture for threefolds. Zbl 0896.14030 Kollár, János 6 1998 Theorems on sets not belonging to algebras. Zbl 1066.03048 Grinblat, L. Š. 6 2004 Complex group algebras of finite groups: Brauer’s problem 1. Zbl 1077.20003 Moretó, Alexander 6 2005 A stretched exponential bound on the rate of growth of the number of periodic points for prevalent diffeomorphisms. II. Zbl 0977.37008 Kaloshin, Vadim Yu.; Hunt, Brian R. 6 2001 Some nonexistence results for higher-order evolution inequalities in cone-like domains. Zbl 0981.35104 Laptev, Gennady G. 6 2001 Residues and effective Nullstellensatz. Zbl 0872.14042 Berenstein, Carlos A.; Yger, Alain 6 1996 A note on the construction of nonseparable wavelet bases and multiwavelet matrix filters of \(L^2(\mathbb R^n)\), where \(n\geq 2\). Zbl 1020.65110 Karoui, Abderrazek 6 2003 Inert actions on periodic points. Zbl 0881.54042 Kim, K. H.; Roush, F. W.; Wagoner, J. B. 6 1997 The \({\text{SL}(2,{\mathbb C})}\) character variety of a one-holed torus. Zbl 1113.57005 Tan, Ser Peow; Wong, Yan Loi; Zhang, Ying 6 2005 Density, overcompleteness, and localization of frames. Zbl 1142.42313 Balan, Radu; Casazza, Peter G.; Heil, Christopher; Landau, Zeph 6 2006 Well-approximable angles and mixing for flows on \(\mathbb T^ 2\) with nonsingular fixed points. Zbl 1068.37027 Kochergin, A. 5 2004 Local rigidity of actions of higher rank abelian groups and KAM method. Zbl 1068.37015 Damjanović, Danijela; Katok, Anatole 5 2004 On pairs of metrics invariant under a cocompact action of a group. Zbl 0983.51009 Krat, S. A. 5 2001 Probabilistic and numerical validation of homology computations for nodal domains. Zbl 1141.60025 Day, Sarah; Kalies, William D.; Mischaikow, Konstantin; Wanner, Thomas 5 2007 Recent progress on the boundary rigidity problem. Zbl 1113.53027 Stefanov, Plamen; Uhlmann, Gunther 5 2005 Vanishing of the entropy pseudonorm for certain integrable systems. Zbl 1186.37067 Kruglikov, Boris S.; Matveev, Vladimir S. 5 2006 Cobounding odd cycle colorings. Zbl 1116.05029 Kozlov, Dmitry N. 5 2006 Representations of integral quadratic forms over dyadic local fields. Zbl 1186.11019 Beli, Constantin N. 5 2006 Crooked planes. Zbl 0849.51012 Drumm, Todd A.; Goldman, William M. 4 1995 On spaces with periodic cohomology. Zbl 0995.57008 Adem, Alejandro; Smith, Jeff H. 4 2000 On embedding the 1:1:2 resonance space in a Poisson manifold. Zbl 0849.58029 Egilsson, Agust Sverrir 4 1995 Invariants from triangulations of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Zbl 0851.57013 Neumann, Walter D.; Yang, Jun 4 1995 Spectral and mixing properties of actions of amenable groups. Zbl 1089.37002 Avni, Nir 4 2005 Global solutions of the equations of elastodynamics for incompressible materials. Zbl 0870.35070 Ebin, David G. 4 1996 On aspherical presentations of groups. Zbl 0923.20024 Ivanov, Sergei V. 4 1998 Generators and relations for Schur algebras. Zbl 0986.16012 Doty, Stephen; Giaquinto, Anthony 4 2001 Non-amenable finitely presented torsion-by-cyclic groups. Zbl 0986.20035 Ol’shanskij, A. Yu.; Sapir, M. V. 4 2001 Quantum affine algebras, combinatorics of Young walls, and global bases. Zbl 1030.17012 Kang, Seok-Jin; Kwon, Jae-Hoon 4 2002 Intrinsic Harnack estimates for nonnegative local solutions of degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 1112.35112 DiBenedetto, Emmanuele; Gianazza, Ugo; Vespri, Vincenzo 4 2006 On the distribution of the order over residue classes. Zbl 1186.11061 Moree, Pieter 4 2006 Classification of eight-dimensional perfect forms. Zbl 1186.11039 Dutour Sikirić, Mathieu; Schürmann, Achill; Vallentin, Frank 24 2007 \(q\)-Eulerian polynomials: excedance number and major index. Zbl 1113.05015 Shareshian, John; Wachs, Michelle L. 23 2007 A natural smooth compactification of the space of elliptic curves in projective space. Zbl 1131.14028 Vakil, Ravi; Zinger, Aleksey 10 2007 Optimization and majorization of invariant measures. Zbl 1186.37007 Jenkinson, Oliver 10 2007 Modification and the cohomology groups of compact solvmanifolds. Zbl 1134.53024 Guan, Daniel 8 2007 Probabilistic and numerical validation of homology computations for nodal domains. Zbl 1141.60025 Day, Sarah; Kalies, William D.; Mischaikow, Konstantin; Wanner, Thomas 5 2007 Lengths of geodesics between two points on a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 1113.53026 Nabutovsky, Alexander; Rotman, Regina 2 2007 Global weak solutions of non-isothermal front propagation problem. Zbl 1132.76056 Su, Bo; Burger, Martin 1 2007 Cluster homology: an overview of the construction and results. Zbl 1113.53052 Cornea, Octav; Lalonde, François 21 2006 Picard-Hayman behavior of derivatives of meromorphic functions with multiple zeros. Zbl 1186.30036 Nevo, Shahar; Pang, Xuecheng; Zalcman, Lawrence 8 2006 Density, overcompleteness, and localization of frames. Zbl 1142.42313 Balan, Radu; Casazza, Peter G.; Heil, Christopher; Landau, Zeph 6 2006 Vanishing of the entropy pseudonorm for certain integrable systems. Zbl 1186.37067 Kruglikov, Boris S.; Matveev, Vladimir S. 5 2006 Cobounding odd cycle colorings. Zbl 1116.05029 Kozlov, Dmitry N. 5 2006 Representations of integral quadratic forms over dyadic local fields. Zbl 1186.11019 Beli, Constantin N. 5 2006 Intrinsic Harnack estimates for nonnegative local solutions of degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 1112.35112 DiBenedetto, Emmanuele; Gianazza, Ugo; Vespri, Vincenzo 4 2006 On the distribution of the order over residue classes. Zbl 1186.11061 Moree, Pieter 4 2006 Quasigroup associativity and biased expansion graphs. Zbl 1113.05044 Zaslavsky, Thomas 2 2006 Strong laws for weighted sums of i.i.d. random variables. Zbl 1112.60022 Cai, Guang-Hui 2 2006 A new tower of Rankin-Selberg integrals. Zbl 1186.11027 Ginzburg, David; Hundley, Joseph 1 2006 Estimates on the dimension of an attractor for a nonclassical hyperbolic equation. Zbl 1112.35030 Wu, Delin; Zhong, Chengkui 1 2006 On polyharmonic operators with limit-periodic potential in dimension two. Zbl 1109.81031 Karpeshina, Yulia; Lee, Young-Ran 1 2006 A combinatorial curvature flow for compact 3-manifolds with boundary. Zbl 1079.53098 Luo, Feng 16 2005 Wavelet constructions in non-linear dynamics. Zbl 1069.42021 Dutkay, Dorin Ervin; Jørgensen, Palle E. T. 7 2005 Symmetric groups and expanders. Zbl 1077.20001 Kassabov, Martin 7 2005 Complex group algebras of finite groups: Brauer’s problem 1. Zbl 1077.20003 Moretó, Alexander 6 2005 The \({\text{SL}(2,{\mathbb C})}\) character variety of a one-holed torus. Zbl 1113.57005 Tan, Ser Peow; Wong, Yan Loi; Zhang, Ying 6 2005 Recent progress on the boundary rigidity problem. Zbl 1113.53027 Stefanov, Plamen; Uhlmann, Gunther 5 2005 Spectral and mixing properties of actions of amenable groups. Zbl 1089.37002 Avni, Nir 4 2005 On gluing formulas for the spectral invariants of Dirac type operators. Zbl 1072.58016 Loya, Paul; Park, Jinsung 2 2005 The smallest hyperbolic 6-manifolds. Zbl 1069.57005 Everitt, Brent; Ratcliffe, John; Tschantz, Steven 2 2005 A proof of a generalization of Deligne’s conjecture. Zbl 1109.14021 Varshavsky, Yakov 2 2005 Lower bounds for the spectral function and for the remainder in local Weyl’s law on manifolds. Zbl 1112.58033 Jakobson, Dmitry; Polterovich, Iosif 1 2005 Invariant measures for the horocycle flow on periodic hyperbolic surfaces. Zbl 1186.37043 Ledrappier, François; Sarig, Omri 1 2005 Hurewicz-like tests for Borel subsets of the plane. Zbl 1117.03342 Lecomte, Dominique 1 2005 Wavelets with composite dilations. Zbl 1066.42023 Guo, Kanghui; Labate, Demetrio; Lim, Wang-Q; Weiss, Guido; Wilson, Edward 42 2004 Compactness and global estimates for the geometric Paneitz equation in high dimensions. Zbl 1068.58017 Hebey, Emmanuel; Robert, Frédéric 18 2004 Homeomorphism groups of manifolds and Erdős space. Zbl 1078.57033 Dijkstra, Jan J.; van Mill, Jan 16 2004 Counterexamples to the Neggers-Stanley conjecture. Zbl 1068.06002 Brändén, Petter 15 2004 The densest lattice in twenty-four dimensions. Zbl 1062.11044 Cohn, Henry; Kumar, Abhinav 14 2004 Projected products of polygons. Zbl 1068.52014 Ziegler, Günter M. 13 2004 A new inequality for superdiffusions and its applications to nonlinear differential equations. Zbl 1080.60066 Dynkin, E. B. 10 2004 Theorems on sets not belonging to algebras. Zbl 1066.03048 Grinblat, L. Š. 6 2004 Well-approximable angles and mixing for flows on \(\mathbb T^ 2\) with nonsingular fixed points. Zbl 1068.37027 Kochergin, A. 5 2004 Local rigidity of actions of higher rank abelian groups and KAM method. Zbl 1068.37015 Damjanović, Danijela; Katok, Anatole 5 2004 Endoscopic decomposition of characters of certain cuspidal representations. Zbl 1071.22022 Kazhdan, David; Varshavsky, Yakov 3 2004 Dimension product structure of hyperbolic sets. Zbl 1068.37016 Hasselblatt, Boris; Schmeling, Jorg 3 2004 On approximation of locally compact groups by finite algebraic systems. Zbl 1104.22006 Glebsky, L. Yu.; Gordon, E. I. 3 2004 A trilinear restriction problem for the paraboloid in \(\mathbb R^ 3\). Zbl 1066.42008 Bennett, Jonathan 2 2004 An upper bound for positive solutions of the equation \(\Delta u=u^ \alpha\). Zbl 1120.35039 Kuznetsov, S. E. 2 2004 Completing Lie algebra actions to Lie group actions. Zbl 1066.22021 Kamber, Franz W.; Michor, Peter W. 2 2004 Automorphic forms on \(\text{PGSp}(2)\). Zbl 1062.11027 Flicker, Yuval Z. 1 2004 Harmonic functions on Alexandrov spaces and their applications. Zbl 1071.53527 Petrunin, Anton 19 2003 Rigidity properties of {\(\mathbb Z^ d\)}-actions on tori and solenoids. Zbl 1068.37002 Einsiedler, Manfred; Lindenstrauss, Elon 18 2003 A geometric mechanism for diffusion in Hamiltonian systems overcoming the large gap problem: announcement of results. Zbl 1068.37043 Delshams, Amadeu; de la Llave, Rafael; Seara, Tere M. 15 2003 Nonholonomic tangent spaces: intrinsic construction and rigid dimensions. Zbl 1068.58001 Agrachev, A.; Marigo, A. 15 2003 On asymptotic behavior of solutions of the Dirichlet problem in half-space for linear and quasi-linear elliptic equations. Zbl 1120.35306 Denisov, Vasily; Muravnik, Andrey 12 2003 Unification of zero-sum problems, subset sums and covers of {\(\mathbb Z\)}. Zbl 1062.11015 Sun, Zhiwei 9 2003 Topological obstructions to graph colorings. Zbl 1063.05041 Babson, Eric; Kozlov, Dmitry N. 9 2003 A \(C^0\)-theory for the blow-up of second order elliptic equations of critical Sobolev growth. Zbl 1061.58020 Druet, Olivier; Hebey, Emmanuel; Robert, Frédéric 9 2003 A note on the construction of nonseparable wavelet bases and multiwavelet matrix filters of \(L^2(\mathbb R^n)\), where \(n\geq 2\). Zbl 1020.65110 Karoui, Abderrazek 6 2003 Singularity structure in mean curvature flow of mean-convex sets. Zbl 1071.53535 Colding, Tobias H.; Kleiner, Bruce 3 2003 Algebras of pseudodifferential operators on complete manifolds. Zbl 1068.58015 Ammann, Bernd; Lauter, Robert; Nistor, Victor 2 2003 Nonpositive immersions, sectional curvature, and subgroup properties. Zbl 1059.20041 Wise, Daniel T. 2 2003 A strongly diagonal power of algebraic order bounded disjointness preserving operators. Zbl 1064.47038 Boulabiar, Karim; Buskes, Gerard; Sirotkin, Gleb 1 2003 On 3-graded Lie algebras, Jordan pairs and the canonical kernel function. Zbl 1120.17300 De Oliveira, M. P. 1 2003 Metric tensor estimates, geometric convergence, and inverse boundary problems. Zbl 1071.53525 Anderson, Michael; Katsuda, Atsushi; Kurylev, Yaroslav; Lassas, Matti; Taylor, Michael 1 2003 A stochastic complex network model society. Zbl 1075.60120 Aldous, David J. 1 2003 The conjugacy problem for groups, and Higman embeddings. Zbl 1069.20023 Ol’shanskii, A. Yu.; Sapir, M. V. 1 2003 Markov structures for non-uniformly expanding maps on compact manifolds in arbitrary dimension. Zbl 1016.37014 Alves, José F.; Luzzatto, Stefano; Pinheiro, Vilton 1 2003 Maximal regularity for parabolic equations with inhomogeneous boundary conditions in Sobolev spaces with mixed \(L_p\)-norm. Zbl 1015.35036 Weidemaier, Peter 30 2002 Automorphisms of categories of free algebras of varieties. Zbl 0996.08008 Mashevitzky, G.; Plotkin, B.; Plotkin, E. 22 2002 Quantum affine algebras, combinatorics of Young walls, and global bases. 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