Computing and Visualization in Science Short Title: Comput. Vis. Sci. Publisher: Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg ISSN: 1432-9360; 1433-0369/e Online: Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 420 Publications (1997–2020) References Indexed: 270 Publications with 8,359 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 23, No. 1-4 (2020) 22, No. 1-4 (2019) 21, No. 1-6 (2019) 20, No. 3-6 (2019) 20, No. 1-2 (2019) 19, No. 5-6 (2018) 19, No. 3-4 (2018) 19, No. 1-2 (2018) 18, No. 6 (2018) 18, No. 4-5 (2017) 18, No. 2-3 (2017) 18, No. 1 (2016) 17, No. 6 (2015) 17, No. 5 (2015) 17, No. 4 (2015) 17, No. 3 (2015) 17, No. 2 (2015) 17, No. 1 (2015) 16, No. 6 (2013) 16, No. 5 (2013) 16, No. 4 (2013) 16, No. 3 (2013) 16, No. 2 (2013) 16, No. 1 (2013) 15, No. 6 (2012) 15, No. 5 (2012) 15, No. 4 (2012) 15, No. 3 (2012) 15, No. 2 (2012) 15, No. 1 (2012) 14, No. 8 (2011) 14, No. 7 (2011) 14, No. 6 (2011) 14, No. 5 (2011) 14, No. 4 (2011) 14, No. 3 (2011) 14, No. 2 (2011) 14, No. 1 (2011) 13, No. 8 (2010) 13, No. 7 (2010) 13, No. 6 (2010) 13, No. 5 (2010) 13, No. 4 (2010) 13, No. 3 (2010) 13, No. 2 (2010) 13, No. 1 (2010) 12, No. 8 (2009) 12, No. 7 (2009) 12, No. 6 (2009) 12, No. 5 (2009) 12, No. 4 (2009) 12, No. 3 (2009) 12, No. 2 (2009) 12, No. 1 (2009) 11, No. 4-6 (2008) 10, No. 1 (2007) 9, No. 4 (2006) 9, No. 3 (2006) 9, No. 2 (2006) 9, No. 1 (2006) 8, No. 3-4 (2005) 8, No. 2 (2005) 8, No. 1 (2005) 7, No. 3-4 (2004) 7, No. 2 (2004) 7, No. 1 (2004) 6, No. 4 (2004) 6, No. 2-3 (2004) 6, No. 1 (2003) 5, No. 4 (2003) 5, No. 3 (2002) 5, No. 2 (2002) 5, No. 1 (2002) 4, No. 4 (2002) 4, No. 3 (2002) 4, No. 2 (2001) 4, No. 1 (2001) 3, No. 4 (2001) 3, No. 3 (2000) 3, No. 1-2 (2000) 2, No. 4 (2000) 2, No. 2-3 (1999) 2, No. 1 (1999) 1, No. 4 (1999) 1, No. 3 (1998) 1, No. 2 (1998) 1, No. 1 (1997) all top 5 Authors 28 Wittum, Gabriel 11 Bank, Randolph E. 11 Mikula, Karol 8 Grillo, Alfio 8 Hackbusch, Wolfgang 8 Krause, Rolf H. 8 Nägel, Arne 8 Quarteroni, Alfio M. 7 Frolkovič, Peter 7 Sauter, Stefan 7 Schulz, Volker H. 6 Börm, Steffen 6 Borzì, Alfio 6 Espedal, Magne S. 6 Hoppe, Ronald H. W. 6 Kriemann, Ronald 6 Reiter, Sebastian 6 Steinbach, Olaf 5 Langer, Ulrich 5 Lemke, Babett 5 Logashenko, Dmitry 5 Ruprecht, Daniel 5 Sander, Oliver 5 Veneziani, Alessandro 5 Vogel, Andreas 5 Xu, Jinchao 4 Kornhuber, Ralf 4 Kröhn, Klaus-Peter 4 Rumpf, Martin 4 Saleri, Fausto 4 Schroder, Jacob B. 4 Vermolen, Fred J. 4 Vuik, Cornelis 4 Wendland, Wolfgang L. 4 Yserentant, Harry 3 Deuflhard, Peter 3 Espig, Mike 3 Ewing, Richard Edward 3 Fladmark, Gunnar E. 3 Grasedyck, Lars 3 Haase, Gundolf 3 Harbrecht, Helmut 3 Hiptmair, Ralf 3 Hoffer, Michael 3 Iliev, Oleg P. 3 John, Volker 3 Knabner, Peter 3 Knodel, Markus M. 3 Lai, Choi-Hong 3 Lampe, Michael 3 Le Borne, Sabine 3 Lines, Glenn Terje 3 Lions, Pierre-Louis 3 Micheletti, Stefano 3 Ohlberger, Mario 3 Pericleous, Koulis A. 3 Preusser, Tobias 3 Queisser, Gillian 3 Reusken, Arnold 3 Rupp, Martin 3 Scheichl, Robert 3 Schöberl, Joachim 3 Speck, Robert 3 Vandewalle, Stefan G. 3 Wagner, Christian 3 Wesseling, Pieter 3 Wieners, Christian 2 Aksoylu, Burak 2 Amara, Mohamed 2 Bänsch, Eberhard 2 Bause, Markus 2 Benner, Peter 2 Berninger, Heiko 2 Boffi, Daniele 2 Bolten, Matthias 2 Bornemann, Folkmar A. 2 Braess, Dietrich 2 Bürger, Raimund 2 Capatina-Papaghiuc, Daniela 2 Carfagna, Melania 2 Carlini, Elisabetta 2 Celia, Michael A. 2 Chaib, Mohamed 2 Chinnamsetty, Sambasiva Rao 2 Coclici, Cristian-Aurelian 2 D’Ambra, Pasqua 2 Deotte, Chris 2 di Serafino, Daniela 2 Douglas, Craig C. 2 Eberhard, Jens P. 2 Efendiev, Yalchin R. 2 Engquist, Bjorn E. 2 Eymard, Robert 2 Falgout, Robert D. 2 Ferretti, Roberto Giorgio 2 Feuchter, Dirk 2 Formaggia, Luca 2 Friedhoff, Stephanie 2 Gallouët, Thierry 2 Gander, Martin Jakob ...and 717 more Authors all top 5 Fields 266 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 136 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 64 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 44 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 39 Computer science (68-XX) 32 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 25 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 18 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 15 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 14 Geophysics (86-XX) 13 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 6 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 336 Publications have been cited 4,291 times in 3,724 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Large eddy simulation and the variational multiscale method. Zbl 0998.76040 Hughes, Thomas J. R.; Mazzei, Luca; Jansen, Kenneth E. 294 2000 NETGEN: An advancing front 2D/3D-mesh generator based on abstract rules. Zbl 0883.68130 Schöberl, Joachim 238 1997 Multilevel Monte Carlo methods and applications to elliptic PDEs with random coefficients. Zbl 1241.65012 Cliffe, K. A.; Giles, M. B.; Scheichl, R.; Teckentrup, A. L. 230 2011 Computational vascular fluid dynamics: problems, models and methods. Zbl 1096.76042 Quarteroni, Alfio; Tuveri, Massimiliano; Veneziani, Alessandro 147 2000 Numerical methods for fractional diffusion. Zbl 07704543 Bonito, Andrea; Borthagaray, Juan Pablo; Nochetto, Ricardo H.; Otárola, Enrique; Salgado, Abner J. 105 2018 UG – a flexible software toolbox for solving partial differential equations. Zbl 0970.65129 Bastian, P.; Birken, K.; Johannsen, K.; Lang, S.; Neuß, N.; Rentz-Reichert, H.; Wieners, C. 95 1997 Convergence analysis of a subdomain iterative method for the finite element approximation of the coupling of Stokes and Darcy equations. Zbl 1299.76252 Discacciati, Marco; Quarteroni, Alfio 90 2004 Multiscale modelling of the circulatory system: a preliminary analysis. Zbl 1067.76624 Formaggia, Luca; Nobile, Fabio; Quarteroni, Alfio; Veneziani, Alessandro 86 1999 MooNMD – a program package based on mapped finite element methods. Zbl 1061.65124 John, Volker; Matthies, Gunar 84 2004 Adaptive multigrid methods for Signorini’s problem in linear elasticity. Zbl 1051.74045 Kornhuber, Ralf; Krause, Rolf 60 2001 Analysis of an extended pressure Finite element space for two-phase incompressible flows. Zbl 1522.76044 Reusken, Arnold 47 2008 Applications of time parallelization. Zbl 07704915 Ong, Benjamin W.; Schroder, Jacob B. 43 2020 Analysis of a stabilized finite element approximation of the transient convection-diffusion-reaction equation using orthogonal subscales. Zbl 0995.65101 Codina, Ramon; Blasco, Jordi 43 2002 A finite element based level-set method for multiphase flow applications. Zbl 1060.76578 Tornberg, Anna-Karin; Engquist, Björn 41 2000 Computational model of three-dimensional cardiac electromechanics. Zbl 1001.92005 Usyk, Taras P.; LeGrice, Ian J.; McCulloch, Andrew D. 41 2002 A finite element based level set method for two-phase incompressible flows. Zbl 1119.76042 Groß, Sven; Reichelt, Volker; Reusken, Arnold 38 2006 A finite point method for incompressible flow problems. Zbl 1060.76629 Oñate, Eugenio; Sacco, Carlos; Idelsohn, Sergio 38 2000 Wave propagation characteristics of Parareal. Zbl 1398.65374 Ruprecht, Daniel 38 2018 Computational aspects of the stochastic finite element method. Zbl 1123.65004 Eiermann, Michael; Ernst, Oliver G.; Ullmann, Elisabeth 35 2007 On an energy minimizing basis for algebraic multigrid methods. Zbl 1077.65130 Xu, Jinchao; Zikatanov, Ludmil 31 2004 Anisotropic mesh adaptation for finite volume and finite element methods on triangular meshes. Zbl 0917.68214 Dolejší, Vít 31 1998 Coupling between lumped and distributed models for blood flow problems. Zbl 1097.76615 Quarteroni, Alfio; Ragni, Stefania; Veneziani, Alessandro 31 2001 Composite finite elements for problems containing small geometric details. II: Implementation and numerical results. Zbl 1001.65127 Hackbusch, W.; Sauter, S. A. 31 1997 Parallel black box \(\mathcal{H}\)-LU preconditioning for elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 1522.65040 Grasedyck, Lars; Kriemann, Ronald; Le Borne, Sabine 29 2008 Finite elements for scalar convection-dominated equations and incompressible flow problems: a never ending story? Zbl 07704544 John, Volker; Knobloch, Petr; Novo, Julia 28 2018 UG 4: a novel flexible software system for simulating PDE based models on high performance computers. Zbl 1375.35003 Vogel, Andreas; Reiter, Sebastian; Rupp, Martin; Nägel, Arne; Wittum, Gabriel 28 2013 Non-standard bone simulation: interactive numerical analysis by computational steering. Zbl 1522.92006 Yang, Zhengxiong; Kollmannsberger, Stefan; Düster, Alexander; Ruess, Martin; Garcia, Eduardo Grande; Burgkart, Rainer; Rank, Ernst 27 2011 Realization of an integrated structural design process: analysis-suitable geometric modelling and isogeometric analysis. Zbl 1216.65019 Schmidt, R.; Kiendl, J.; Bletzinger, K.-U.; Wüchner, R. 26 2010 Reduced basis methods for Stokes equations in domains with non-affine parameter dependence. Zbl 1522.65225 Rozza, Gianluigi 26 2009 The finite volume Scharfetter-Gummel method for steady convection diffusion equations. Zbl 0912.68084 Bank, Randolph E.; Coughran, W. M. jun.; Cowsar, Lawrence C. 26 1998 Finite-element discretization of static Hamilton-Jacobi equations based on a local variational principle. Zbl 1511.65119 Bornemann, Folkmar; Rasch, Christian 25 2006 An Eulerian approach to transport and diffusion on evolving implicit surfaces. Zbl 1220.65132 Dziuk, G.; Elliott, C. M. 25 2010 An efficient algorithm for Hamilton-Jacobi equations in high dimension. Zbl 1070.65072 Carlini, Elisabetta; Falcone, Maurizio; Ferretti, Roberto 25 2004 HP90: A general and flexible Fortran 90 \(hp\)-FE code. Zbl 0912.68014 Demkowicz, L.; Gerdes, K.; Schwab, C.; Bajer, A.; Walsh, T. 25 1998 A time-adaptive fluid-structure interaction method for thermal coupling. Zbl 1273.76369 Birken, Philipp; Quint, Karsten J.; Hartmann, Stefan; Meister, Andreas 24 2010 Vorticity-velocity-pressure formulation for Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1299.76059 Amara, Mohamed; Capatina-Papaghiuc, Daniela; Chacón-Vera, Eliseo; Trujillo, David 24 2004 Domain decomposition and model reduction for the numerical solution of PDE constrained optimization problems with localized optimization variables. Zbl 1220.65074 Antil, Harbir; Heinkenschloss, Matthias; Hoppe, Ronald H. W.; Sorensen, Danny C. 23 2010 On numerical simulation of flow through oil filters. Zbl 1299.76255 Iliev, Oleg; Laptev, Vsevolod 23 2004 Analysis of multipatch discontinuous Galerkin IgA approximations to elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 1388.65152 Langer, Ulrich; Toulopoulos, Ioannis 23 2015 Geometric surface mesh optimization. Zbl 0911.68202 Frey, Pascal J.; Borouchaki, Houman 22 1998 A massively parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids. Zbl 1380.65463 Reiter, Sebastian; Vogel, Andreas; Heppner, Ingo; Rupp, Martin; Wittum, Gabriel 22 2013 Multigrid methods with space-time concurrency. Zbl 1448.65146 Falgout, R. D.; Friedhoff, S.; Kolev, Tz. V.; MacLachlan, S. P.; Schroder, J. B.; Vandewalle, S. 21 2017 A low Mach number scheme based on multi-scale asymptotics. Zbl 1060.76630 Roller, Sabine; Munz, Claus-Dieter 21 2000 Stable discretization of poroelasticity problems and efficient preconditioners for arising saddle point type matrices. Zbl 1388.74035 Axelsson, Owe; Blaheta, Radim; Byczanski, Petr 21 2012 Investigation of the potential of asymptotic homogenization for elastic composites via a three-dimensional computational study. Zbl 1388.74086 Penta, Raimondo; Gerisch, Alf 21 2015 Convergence analysis of multigrid methods with collective point smoothers for optimal control problems. Zbl 1250.65086 Takacs, Stefan; Zulehner, Walter 20 2011 Applications of a fast multipole Galerkin in boundary element method in linear elastostatics. Zbl 1512.74097 Of, G.; Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 20 2005 Fokker-Planck approximation of the master equation in molecular biology. Zbl 1522.92026 Sjöberg, Paul; Lötstedt, Per; Elf, Johan 20 2009 A Dirichlet-Neumann type algorithm for contact problems with friction. Zbl 1099.74536 Krause, Rolf H.; Wohlmuth, Barbara I. 20 2002 Numerical approximation of an elliptic-parabolic equation arising in environment. Zbl 1060.76075 Eymard, R.; Gallouët, T.; Gutnic, M.; Herbin, R.; Hilhorst, D. 20 2000 Adaptive AMG with coarsening based on compatible weighted matching. Zbl 1376.65038 D’Ambra, Pasqua; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 19 2013 Image segmentation using a multilayer level-set approach. Zbl 1216.65024 Chung, Ginmo; Vese, Luminita A. 19 2009 Multigrid interpretations of the parareal algorithm leading to an overlapping variant and MGRIT. Zbl 07704537 Gander, Martin J.; Kwok, Felix; Zhang, Hui 19 2018 Mathematical models and numerical methods for the forward problem in cardiac electrophysiology. Zbl 1050.92017 Lines, G. T.; Buist, M. L.; Grøttum, P.; Pullan, A. J.; Sundnes, J.; Tveito, A. 19 2003 Progress in adjoint error correction for integral functionals. Zbl 1061.65091 Giles, Michael B.; Pierce, Niles; Süli, Endre 19 2004 Parallelization of structured, hierarchical adaptive mesh refinement algorithms. Zbl 0971.65089 Rendleman, Charles A.; Beckner, Vincent E.; Lijewski, Mike; Crutchfield, William; Bell, John B. 19 2000 A Poisson integrator for Gaussian wavepacket dynamics. Zbl 1511.65108 Faou, Erwan; Lubich, Christian 18 2006 Computational and qualitative aspects of evolution of curves driven by curvature and external force. Zbl 1522.53008 Mikula, Karol; Ševčovič, Daniel 18 2004 On multigrid for anisotropic equations and variational inequalities “pricing multi-dimensional European and American options”. Zbl 1111.91019 Reisinger, Christoph; Wittum, Gabriel 18 2004 Nonlinear multigrid methods for total variation image denoising. Zbl 1071.65093 Frohn-Schauf, Claudia; Henn, Stefan; Witsch, Kristian 18 2004 A POD framework to determine robust controls in PDE optimization. Zbl 1242.93025 Borzì, A.; von Winckel, G. 17 2011 Robust multigrid methods for vector-valued Allen-Cahn equations with logarithmic free energy. Zbl 1511.65100 Kornhuber, Ralf; Krause, Rolf 17 2006 A geometric data structure for parallel finite elements and the application to multigrid methods with block smoothing. Zbl 1216.65164 Wieners, Christian 17 2010 Modeling the electrical activity of the heart: A bidomain model of the ventricles embedded in a torso. Zbl 1024.92006 Lines, Glenn Terje; Grottum, Per; Tveito, Aslak 17 2003 Fast parallel solution of boundary integral equations and related problems. Zbl 1512.65299 Bebendorf, M.; Kriemann, R. 16 2005 Convergence of goal-oriented adaptive finite element methods for semilinear problems. Zbl 1388.65149 Holst, Michael; Pollock, Sara; Zhu, Yunrong 16 2015 Monotone difference approximations for the simulation of clarifier-thickener units. Zbl 1299.76283 Bürger, R.; Karlsen, K. H.; Risebro, N. H.; Towers, J. D. 16 2004 An adaptive subdivision technique for the approximation of attractors and invariant measures. Zbl 0970.65130 Dellnitz, Michael; Junge, Oliver 16 1998 Lagrangian data assimilation for river hydraulics simulations. Zbl 1426.86005 Honnorat, Marc; Monnier, Jérôme; Le Dimet, François-Xavier 15 2009 Multigrid and sparse-grid schemes for elliptic control problems with random coefficients. Zbl 1213.65092 Borzì, A. 15 2010 Refinement of flexible space-time finite element meshes and discontinuous Galerkin methods. Zbl 1522.65177 Neumüller, Martin; Steinbach, Olaf 15 2011 Flux-based method of characteristics for contaminant transport in flowing groundwater. Zbl 1052.76578 Frolkovič, Peter 15 2002 An anisotropic a posteriori error estimate for a convection-diffusion problem. Zbl 1009.76051 Formaggia, Luca; Perotto, Simona; Zunino, Paolo 15 2001 Time-parallel simulation of the decay of homogeneous turbulence using Parareal with spatial coarsening. Zbl 1396.76044 Lunet, Thibaut; Bodart, Julien; Gratton, Serge; Vasseur, Xavier 15 2018 A 2589 line topology optimization code written for the graphics card. Zbl 1380.74100 Schmidt, Stephan; Schulz, Volker 15 2011 Finite element approximation of elliptic partial differential equations on implicit surfaces. Zbl 1173.65353 Burger, Martin 15 2008 From computer aided design to wavelet BEM. Zbl 1213.65146 Harbrecht, H.; Randrianarivony, M. 14 2010 Nested multigrid methods for time-periodic, parabolic optimal control problems. Zbl 1241.65061 Abbeloos, Dirk; Diehl, Moritz; Hinze, Michael; Vandewalle, Stefan 14 2011 A cascadic multigrid algorithm for variational inequalities. Zbl 1070.65046 Blum, H.; Braess, D.; Suttmeier, F. T. 14 2004 Blood flow through compliant vessels after endovascular repair: wall deformations induced by the discontinuous wall properties. Zbl 0987.92011 Čanić, Sunčica 14 2002 Mathematical model and numerical simulation of the liquid fluidization of polydisperse solid particle mixtures. Zbl 1299.76282 Berres, S.; Bürger, R.; Tory, E. M. 14 2004 Freeflow: An integrated simulation system for three-dimensional free surface flows. Zbl 0979.76067 Castello F., A.; Tomé, M. F.; César, C. N. L.; McKee, S.; Cuminato, J. A. 14 2000 Numerical simulation of interaction between turbulent flow and a vibrating airfoil. Zbl 1426.74127 Dubcová, Lenka; Feistauer, Miloslav; Horáček, Jaromír; Sváček, Petr 13 2009 Modelling and simulation of moving contact line problems with wetting effects. Zbl 1410.76173 Ganesan, Sashikumaar; Tobiska, Lutz 13 2009 A multigrid finite element method for reaction-diffusion systems on surfaces. Zbl 1213.65128 Landsberg, Christoph; Voigt, Axel 13 2010 Efficient solvers for nonlinear time-periodic eddy current problems. Zbl 1512.78042 Bachinger, Florian; Langer, Ulrich; Schöberl, Joachim 13 2006 A coarsening finite element strategy in image selective smoothing. Zbl 0971.65084 Bänsch, Eberhard; Mikula, Karol 13 1997 Optimization problems in contracted tensor networks. Zbl 1380.49059 Espig, Mike; Hackbusch, Wolfgang; Handschuh, Stefan; Schneider, Reinhold 13 2011 Composite finite elements for 3D image based computing. Zbl 1512.65036 Liehr, Florian; Preusser, Tobias; Rumpf, Martin; Sauter, Stefan; Schwen, Lars Ole 13 2008 Numerical simulation of the motion of red blood cells and vesicles in microfluidic flows. Zbl 1402.92066 Franke, Thomas; Hoppe, Ronald H. W.; Linsenmann, Christopher; Schmid, Lothar; Willbold, Carina; Wixforth, Achim 12 2011 On tensor approximation of Green iterations for Kohn-Sham equations. Zbl 1522.65249 Khoromskij, Boris N. 12 2008 A generalization of the vertex-centered finite volume scheme to arbitrary high order. Zbl 1207.65128 Vogel, Andreas; Xu, Jinchao; Wittum, Gabriel 12 2010 Fourier two-level analysis for higher dimensional discontinuous Galerkin discretisation. Zbl 1071.65154 Hemker, P. W.; van Raalte, M. H. 12 2004 Efficient calculation of intrinsic low-dimensional manifolds for the simplification of chemical kinetics. Zbl 0984.80008 Maas, Ulrich 12 1998 Solving discretized optimization problems by partially reduced SQP methods. Zbl 0970.65066 Schulz, Volker H. 12 1998 Efficient arithmetic operations for rank-structured matrices based on hierarchical low-rank updates. Zbl 1380.65461 Börm, Steffen; Reimer, Knut 11 2013 Numerical investigation of homogenized Stokes-Nernst-Planck-Poisson systems. Zbl 1358.76070 Frank, Florian; Ray, Nadja; Knabner, Peter 11 2011 Adaptive finite element simulation of ventricular fibrillation dynamics. Zbl 1512.92001 Deuflhard, Peter; Erdmann, Bodo; Roitzsch, Rainer; Lines, Glenn Terje 11 2009 Stable free surface flows with the lattice Boltzmann method on adaptively coarsened grids. Zbl 1426.76055 Thürey, Nils; Rüde, Ulrich 11 2009 Fast numerical upscaling of heat equation for fibrous materials. Zbl 1419.74099 Iliev, Oleg; Lazarov, Raytcho; Willems, Joerg 11 2010 Applications of time parallelization. Zbl 07704915 Ong, Benjamin W.; Schroder, Jacob B. 43 2020 Parareal computation of stochastic differential equations with time-scale separation: a numerical convergence study. Zbl 07704913 Legoll, Frédéric; Lelièvre, Tony; Myerscough, Keith; Samaey, Giovanni 9 2020 A space-time parallel algorithm with adaptive mesh refinement for computational fluid dynamics. Zbl 07704917 Christopher, Joshua; Falgout, Robert D.; Schroder, Jacob B.; Guzik, Stephen M.; Gao, Xinfeng 6 2020 Parallel-in-time simulation of an electrical machine using MGRIT. Zbl 07704918 Bolten, Matthias; Friedhoff, Stephanie; Hahne, Jens; Schöps, Sebastian 4 2020 Fast solution of the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation with nonaffine parametrized boundary conditions using the reduced basis method. Zbl 07704919 Kweyu, Cleophas; Feng, Lihong; Stein, Matthias; Benner, Peter 4 2020 Toward error estimates for general space-time discretizations of the advection equation. Zbl 07704920 Gander, Martin J.; Lunet, Thibaut 4 2020 Performance of parallel-in-time integration for Rayleigh Bénard convection. Zbl 07704914 Clarke, Andrew; Davies, Chris; Ruprecht, Daniel; Tobias, Steven; Oishi, Jeffrey S. 4 2020 PFASST-ER: combining the parallel full approximation scheme in space and time with parallelization across the method. Zbl 07704916 Schöbel, Ruth; Speck, Robert 3 2020 Mesh generation for thin layered domains and its application to parallel multigrid simulation of groundwater flow. Zbl 07704906 Reiter, Sebastian; Logashenko, Dmitry; Vogel, Andreas; Wittum, Gabriel 2 2020 Computational analysis of transport in three-dimensional heterogeneous materials. An openfoam®-based simulation framework. Zbl 07704908 Boccardo, Gianluca; Crevacore, Eleonora; Passalacqua, Alberto; Icardi, Matteo 2 2020 Algebraic multigrid for the finite pointset method. Zbl 07704907 Metsch, Bram; Nick, Fabian; Kuhnert, Jörg 1 2020 Parareal with a learned coarse model for robotic manipulation. Zbl 07704912 Agboh, Wisdom; Grainger, Oliver; Ruprecht, Daniel; Dogar, Mehmet 1 2020 Homogenized out-of-plane shear response of three-scale fiber-reinforced composites. Zbl 07704883 Ramírez-Torres, Ariel; Penta, Raimondo; Rodríguez-Ramos, Reinaldo; Grillo, Alfio; Preziosi, Luigi; Merodio, José; Guinovart-Díaz, Raúl; Bravo-Castillero, Julián 11 2019 Computation of best \(L^{\infty }\) exponential sums for \(1 / x\) by Remez’ algorithm. Zbl 07704875 Hackbusch, Wolfgang 8 2019 Exploiting multilevel Toeplitz structures in high dimensional nonlocal diffusion. Zbl 07704877 Vollmann, Christian; Schulz, Volker 8 2019 Anelastic reorganisation of fibre-reinforced biological tissues. Zbl 07704884 Di Stefano, Salvatore; Carfagna, Melania; Knodel, Markus M.; Hashlamoun, Kotaybah; Federico, Salvatore; Grillo, Alfio 8 2019 Numerical shape optimization to decrease failure probability of ceramic structures. Zbl 07704833 Bolten, Matthias; Gottschalk, Hanno; Hahn, Camilla; Saadi, Mohamed 7 2019 A multigrid scheme for solving convection-diffusion-integral optimal control problems. Zbl 07704904 Gathungu, Duncan Kioi; Borzì, Alfio 5 2019 Numerical solution of a phase field model for polycrystallization processes in binary mixtures. Zbl 07704876 Hoppe, Ronald H. W.; Winkle, James J. 3 2019 Triangular membership function based real-time gesture monitoring system for physical disorder detection. Zbl 07704901 Saha, Sriparna; Pal, Monalisa; Konar, Amit 2 2019 Hierarchical matrix arithmetic with accumulated updates. Zbl 07704882 Börm, Steffen 2 2019 Numerical methods for fractional diffusion. Zbl 07704543 Bonito, Andrea; Borthagaray, Juan Pablo; Nochetto, Ricardo H.; Otárola, Enrique; Salgado, Abner J. 105 2018 Wave propagation characteristics of Parareal. Zbl 1398.65374 Ruprecht, Daniel 38 2018 Finite elements for scalar convection-dominated equations and incompressible flow problems: a never ending story? Zbl 07704544 John, Volker; Knobloch, Petr; Novo, Julia 28 2018 Multigrid interpretations of the parareal algorithm leading to an overlapping variant and MGRIT. Zbl 07704537 Gander, Martin J.; Kwok, Felix; Zhang, Hui 19 2018 Time-parallel simulation of the decay of homogeneous turbulence using Parareal with spatial coarsening. Zbl 1396.76044 Lunet, Thibaut; Bodart, Julien; Gratton, Serge; Vasseur, Xavier 15 2018 A non-intrusive parallel-in-time adjoint solver with the xbraid library. Zbl 07704539 Günther, Stefanie; Gauger, Nicolas R.; Schroder, Jacob B. 10 2018 Parallelizing spectral deferred corrections across the method. Zbl 07704538 Speck, Robert 9 2018 A numerical study of a semi-Lagrangian Parareal method applied to the viscous Burgers’ equation. Zbl 1398.65375 Schmitt, A.; Schreiber, M.; Peixoto, P.; Schäfer, M. 9 2018 Fast multipole preconditioners for sparse matrices arising from elliptic equations. Zbl 1398.65039 Ibeid, Huda; Yokota, Rio; Pestana, Jennifer; Keyes, David 6 2018 Influence of the phase accuracy of the coarse solver calculation on the convergence of the parareal method iteration for hyperbolic pdes. Zbl 07704540 Iizuka, Mikio; Ono, Kenji 3 2018 Comparison of two local discontinuous Galerkin formulations for the subjective surfaces problem. Zbl 1398.65244 Aizinger, Vadym; Bungert, Leon; Fried, Michael 2 2018 A massively parallel eikonal solver on unstructured meshes. Zbl 07704542 Ganellari, Daniel; Haase, Gundolf; Zumbusch, Gerhard 1 2018 Multilevel techniques for compression and reduction of scientific data – the univariate case. Zbl 07704545 Ainsworth, Mark; Tugluk, Ozan; Whitney, Ben; Klasky, Scott 1 2018 Lossy data compression reduces communication time in hybrid time-parallel integrators. Zbl 1398.65372 Fischer, Lisa; Götschel, Sebastian; Weiser, Martin 1 2018 Multigrid methods with space-time concurrency. Zbl 1448.65146 Falgout, R. D.; Friedhoff, S.; Kolev, Tz. V.; MacLachlan, S. P.; Schroder, J. B.; Vandewalle, S. 21 2017 The spherical design algorithm in the numerical simulation of biological tissues with statistical fibre-reinforcement. Zbl 1390.74175 Carfagna, Melania; Grillo, Alfio 6 2017 An error-resilient redundant subspace correction method. Zbl 1364.65275 Cui, Tao; Xu, Jinchao; Zhang, Chen-Song 5 2017 On the influence of the wall shear stress vector form on hemodynamic indicators. Zbl 1391.76892 John, L.; Pustějovská, P.; Steinbach, O. 4 2017 A semi-Lagrangian scheme with radial basis approximation for surface reconstruction. Zbl 1364.65160 Carlini, E.; Ferretti, R. 2 2017 Adventures in adaptivity. Zbl 1364.65238 Bank, Randolph E.; Deotte, Chris 1 2017 Numerical studies of a class of linear solvers for fine-scale petroleum reservoir simulation. Zbl 1364.76157 Li, Zheng; Wu, Shuhong; Zhang, Chen-Song; Xu, Jinchao; Feng, Chunsheng; Hu, Xiaozhe 1 2017 Characterizing groundwater flow in the fractured rock at Äspö, Sweden. Zbl 1390.86018 Kröhn, Klaus-Peter 1 2017 Numerical simulation of contaminant transport in groundwater using software tools of \(r^3t\). Zbl 1360.76007 Frolkovič, Peter; Lampe, Michael; Wittum, Gabriel 3 2016 Flux-based level-set method for two-phase flows on unstructured grids. Zbl 1360.76159 Frolkovič, Peter; Logashenko, Dmitriy; Wehner, Christian 3 2016 A parallel multigrid method for constrained minimization problems and its application to friction, contact, and obstacle problems. Zbl 1360.65175 Krause, Rolf; Rigazzi, Alessandro; Steiner, Johannes 2 2016 Analysis of multipatch discontinuous Galerkin IgA approximations to elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 1388.65152 Langer, Ulrich; Toulopoulos, Ioannis 23 2015 Investigation of the potential of asymptotic homogenization for elastic composites via a three-dimensional computational study. Zbl 1388.74086 Penta, Raimondo; Gerisch, Alf 21 2015 Convergence of goal-oriented adaptive finite element methods for semilinear problems. Zbl 1388.65149 Holst, Michael; Pollock, Sara; Zhu, Yunrong 16 2015 Scalable shape optimization methods for structured inverse modeling in 3D diffusive processes. Zbl 1360.65240 Nägel, Arne; Schulz, Volker; Siebenborn, Martin; Wittum, Gabriel 10 2015 Parallel tensor sampling in the hierarchical Tucker format. Zbl 1360.65042 Grasedyck, Lars; Kriemann, Ronald; Löbbert, Christian; Nägel, Arne; Wittum, Gabriel; Xylouris, Konstantinos 9 2015 Two-grid optimality for Galerkin linear systems based on B-splines. Zbl 1388.65176 Donatelli, Marco; Garoni, Carlo; Manni, Carla; Serra-Capizzano, Stefano; Speleers, Hendrik 9 2015 Numerical simulation of skin transport using Parareal. Zbl 1360.65337 Kreienbuehl, Andreas; Naegel, Arne; Ruprecht, Daniel; Speck, Robert; Wittum, Gabriel; Krause, Rolf 8 2015 Solution of linear systems in high spatial dimensions. Zbl 1388.65032 Hackbusch, Wolfgang 8 2015 Multigrid method for nonlinear poroelasticity equations. Zbl 1388.74013 Luo, P.; Rodrigo, Carmen; Gaspar, F. J.; Oosterlee, C. W. 8 2015 \(\mathcal H\)-FAINV: hierarchically factored approximate inverse preconditioners. Zbl 1388.65027 Kriemann, Ronald; Le Borne, S. 6 2015 A generalized Suzuki-Trotter type method in optimal control of coupled Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1367.49004 Henneke, Felix; Liebmann, Manfred 1 2015 Adaptive large eddy simulation. Zbl 1367.76031 Hauser, Andreas; Wittum, G. 1 2015 The fuzzy interface of a drop. Zbl 1388.94012 Biolè, Davide; Bertola, Volfango 1 2015 Multigrid analysis of spatially resolved hepatitis C virus protein simulations. Zbl 1388.92004 Knodel, Markus M.; Nägel, Arne; Reiter, Sebastian; Rupp, Martin; Vogel, Andreas; Targett-Adams, Paul; Herrmann, Eva; Wittum, Gabriel 1 2015 UG 4: a novel flexible software system for simulating PDE based models on high performance computers. Zbl 1375.35003 Vogel, Andreas; Reiter, Sebastian; Rupp, Martin; Nägel, Arne; Wittum, Gabriel 28 2013 A massively parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids. Zbl 1380.65463 Reiter, Sebastian; Vogel, Andreas; Heppner, Ingo; Rupp, Martin; Wittum, Gabriel 22 2013 Adaptive AMG with coarsening based on compatible weighted matching. Zbl 1376.65038 D’Ambra, Pasqua; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 19 2013 Efficient arithmetic operations for rank-structured matrices based on hierarchical low-rank updates. Zbl 1380.65461 Börm, Steffen; Reimer, Knut 11 2013 \(\mathcal H\)-LU factorization on many-core systems. Zbl 1388.65210 Kriemann, Ronald 11 2013 On optimal \(L^2\)- and surface flux convergence in FEM. Zbl 1380.65370 Horger, T.; Melenk, J. M.; Wohlmuth, B. 10 2013 Saturation estimates for \(hp\)-finite element methods. Zbl 1380.65359 Bank, Randolph E.; Parsania, Asieh; Sauter, Stefan 9 2013 On the robustness and optimality of algebraic multilevel methods for reaction-diffusion type problems. Zbl 1380.65377 Kraus, Johannes; Wolfmayr, Monika 6 2013 Preconditioning sparse grad-div/augmented Lagrangian stabilized saddle point systems. 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Zbl 1522.65028 Hughes, Gary B.; Chraibi, Mohcine 6 2012 Developing a modelling tool for density-driven flow in complex hydrogeological structures. Zbl 1388.76006 Schneider, Anke; Kröhn, Klaus-Peter; Püschel, Anne 5 2012 Topology optimization of electric machines based on topological sensitivity analysis. Zbl 1360.49036 Gangl, Peter; Langer, Ulrich 4 2012 On surface meshes induced by level set functions. Zbl 1388.65157 Olshanskii, Maxim A.; Reusken, Arnold; Xu, Xianmin 4 2012 Hysteretic upscaled constitutive relationships for vertically integrated porous media flow. Zbl 1388.76358 Doster, Florian; Nordbotten, Jan M.; Celia, Michael A. 4 2012 Parallel \(\mathcal {H}\)-matrix arithmetic on distributed-memory systems. Zbl 1388.65209 Izadi, Mohammad 3 2012 Forchheimer’s correction in modelling flow and transport in fractured porous media. Zbl 1388.76360 Grillo, Alfio; Logashenko, Dmitriy; Stichel, Sabine; Wittum, Gabriel 3 2012 Qualifying a computer program for simulating fracture flow. Zbl 1388.76364 Kröhn, Klaus-Peter 3 2012 Modeling carbon sequestration in the Illinois Basin using a vertically-integrated approach. Zbl 1388.76352 Bandilla, Karl W.; Celia, Michael A.; Elliot, Thomas R.; Person, Mark; Ellett, Kevin M.; Rupp, John A.; Gable, Carl; Zhang, Yipeng 3 2012 Numerical simulation of gas migration through engineered and geological barriers for a deep repository for radioactive waste. Zbl 1388.86002 Amaziane, Brahim; El Ossmani, Mustapha; Jurak, Mladen 2 2012 Preconditioning of wavelet BEM by the incomplete Cholesky factorization. Zbl 1360.65292 Harbrecht, Helmut 1 2012 Partial evaluation of the discrete solution of elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 1522.65210 Hackbusch, Wolfgang; Drechsler, Florian 1 2012 Towards practical anisotropic adaptive FEM on triangular meshes: a new refinement paradigm. Zbl 1522.65226 Schneider, René 1 2012 A curved-element unstructured discontinuous Galerkin method on GPUs for the Euler equations. Zbl 1388.65108 Siebenborn, M.; Schulz, Volker; Schmidt, S. 1 2012 Multilevel Monte Carlo methods and applications to elliptic PDEs with random coefficients. Zbl 1241.65012 Cliffe, K. A.; Giles, M. B.; Scheichl, R.; Teckentrup, A. L. 230 2011 Non-standard bone simulation: interactive numerical analysis by computational steering. Zbl 1522.92006 Yang, Zhengxiong; Kollmannsberger, Stefan; Düster, Alexander; Ruess, Martin; Garcia, Eduardo Grande; Burgkart, Rainer; Rank, Ernst 27 2011 Convergence analysis of multigrid methods with collective point smoothers for optimal control problems. Zbl 1250.65086 Takacs, Stefan; Zulehner, Walter 20 2011 A POD framework to determine robust controls in PDE optimization. Zbl 1242.93025 Borzì, A.; von Winckel, G. 17 2011 Refinement of flexible space-time finite element meshes and discontinuous Galerkin methods. Zbl 1522.65177 Neumüller, Martin; Steinbach, Olaf 15 2011 A 2589 line topology optimization code written for the graphics card. Zbl 1380.74100 Schmidt, Stephan; Schulz, Volker 15 2011 ...and 236 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 5,765 Authors 54 John, Volker 46 Quarteroni, Alfio M. 36 Wittum, Gabriel 35 Schöberl, Joachim 32 Krause, Rolf H. 29 Wohlmuth, Barbara I. 28 Rozza, Gianluigi 26 Nobile, Fabio 24 Langer, Ulrich 23 Bazilevs, Yuri 23 Hughes, Thomas J. R. 23 Melenk, Jens Markus 23 Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio 23 Schwab, Christoph 22 Matthies, Gunar 21 Dede’, Luca 21 Scheichl, Robert 21 Schillinger, Dominik 20 Gravemeier, Volker 20 Wall, Wolfgang A. 19 Lederer, Philip Lukas 19 Tempone, Raúl F. 19 Vassilevski, Panayot Spirov 18 Hsu, Ming-Chen 18 Reusken, Arnold 18 Wieners, Christian 17 Penta, Raimondo 16 Grillo, Alfio 16 Gunzburger, Max Donald 15 Dumbser, Michael 15 Frolkovič, Peter 15 Gander, Martin Jakob 15 Hoppe, Ronald H. W. 15 Hou, Yanren 15 Lehrenfeld, Christoph 15 Vergara, Christian 15 Xu, Jinchao 15 Zheng, Haibiao 14 Codina, Ramon 14 Harbrecht, Helmut 14 Idelsohn, Sergio Rodolfo 14 Nochetto, Ricardo Horacio 14 Sacco, Riccardo 14 Schroder, Jacob B. 14 Tobiska, Lutz 13 Ahmed, Naveed 13 Bürger, Raimund 13 Mikula, Karol 13 Rank, Ernst 13 Schulz, Volker H. 13 Veneziani, Alessandro 12 Calo, Victor Manuel 12 Čanić, Sunčica 12 Chacón Rebollo, Tomás 12 Chorfi, Nejmeddine 12 Formaggia, Luca 12 Jansen, Kenneth E. 12 Neff, Patrizio 12 Novo, Julia 12 Sauter, Stefan 12 Yang, Huidong 11 Antonietti, Paola Francesca 11 Falgout, Robert D. 11 Ganesan, Sashikumaar 11 Gaspar, Francisco José 11 Hackbusch, Wolfgang 11 He, Xiaoming 11 Hu, Xiaozhe 11 Jiang, Yaolin 11 Knobloch, Petr 11 Layton, William J. 11 Rodríguez-Ramos, Reinaldo 11 Steinbach, Olaf 11 Turek, Stefan 11 Vabishchevich, Pëtr Nikolaevich 10 Badia, Santiago 10 Burman, Erik 10 Chen, Ke 10 Dostál, Zdeněk 10 Düster, Alexander 10 Efendiev, Yalchin R. 10 Faustmann, Markus 10 Fries, Thomas-Peter 10 Iliev, Oleg P. 10 Knabner, Peter 10 Kollmannsberger, Stefan 10 Linsenmann, Christopher 10 Neunteufel, Michael 10 Oberai, Assad A. 10 Praetorius, Dirk 10 Radu, Florin Adrian 10 Reali, Alessandro 10 Rebholz, Leo Gregory 10 Regazzoni, Francesco 10 Rhebergen, Sander 10 Vandewalle, Stefan G. 10 Wu, Shulin 10 Zikatanov, Ludmil T. 10 Zuo, Liyun 9 Abdelwahed, Mohamed ...and 5,665 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 340 Journals 419 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 323 Journal of Computational Physics 159 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 129 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 129 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 116 Journal of Scientific Computing 101 Computing and Visualization in Science 91 Computers and Fluids 86 Applied Numerical Mathematics 84 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 66 Numerische Mathematik 63 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 59 Computational Mechanics 53 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 52 Applied Mathematics and Computation 48 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 46 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 41 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 41 Mathematics of Computation 38 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 34 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 31 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 30 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 28 Computational Geosciences 27 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 26 Advances in Computational Mathematics 25 Applied Mathematical Modelling 25 Communications in Computational Physics 23 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 21 BIT 21 Physics of Fluids 19 Computer Physics Communications 19 Numerical Algorithms 18 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 18 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 18 Computing 17 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 16 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 15 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 15 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 14 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 12 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 12 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 12 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 12 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 12 Acta Numerica 12 Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations. 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