Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics Short Title: Stud. Nonlinear Dyn. Econom. Publisher: De Gruyter, Berlin ISSN: 1081-1826; 1558-3708/e Online: Comments: Journal; Published electronic only from 1 (1996) - 16 (2012). Documents Indexed: 693 Publications (since 1996) References Indexed: 363 Publications with 14,608 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 28, No. 3 (2024) 28, No. 2 (2024) 28, No. 1 (2024) 27, No. 5 (2023) 27, No. 4 (2023) 27, No. 3 (2023) 27, No. 2 (2023) 27, No. 1 (2023) 26, No. 5 (2022) 26, No. 4 (2022) 26, No. 3 (2022) 26, No. 2 (2022) 26, No. 1 (2022) 25, No. 5 (2021) 25, No. 4 (2021) 25, No. 3 (2021) 25, No. 2 (2021) 25, No. 1 (2021) 24, No. 5 (2020) 24, No. 4 (2020) 24, No. 3 (2020) 24, No. 2 (2020) 24, No. 1 (2020) 23, No. 5 (2019) 23, No. 4 (2019) 23, No. 3 (2019) 23, No. 2 (2019) 23, No. 1 (2019) 22, No. 5 (2018) 22, No. 4 (2018) 22, No. 3 (2018) 22, No. 2 (2018) 22, No. 1 (2018) 21, No. 5 (2017) 21, No. 4 (2017) 21, No. 3 (2017) 21, No. 2 (2017) 21, No. 1 (2017) 20, No. 5 (2016) 20, No. 4 (2016) 20, No. 3 (2016) 20, No. 2 (2016) 20, No. 1 (2016) 19, No. 5 (2015) 19, No. 4 (2015) 19, No. 3 (2015) 19, No. 2 (2015) 19, No. 1 (2015) 18, No. 5 (2014) 18, No. 4 (2014) 18, No. 3 (2014) 18, No. 2 (2014) 18, No. 1 (2014) 17, No. 5 (2013) 17, No. 4 (2013) 17, No. 3 (2013) 17, No. 2 (2013) 17, No. 1 (2013) 16, No. 5 (2012) 16, No. 4 (2012) 16, No. 3 (2012) 16, No. 2 (2012) 16, No. 1 (2012) 15, No. 4 (2011) 15, No. 3 (2011) 15, No. 2 (2011) 15, No. 1 (2011) 14, No. 4 (2010) 14, No. 3 (2010) 14, No. 2 (2010) 14, No. 1 (2010) 13, No. 4 (2009) 13, No. 3 (2009) 13, No. 2 (2009) 13, No. 1 (2009) 12, No. 4 (2008) 12, No. 3 (2008) 12, No. 2 (2008) 12, No. 1 (2008) 11, No. 4 (2007) 11, No. 3 (2007) 11, No. 2 (2007) 11, No. 1 (2007) 10, No. 4 (2006) 10, No. 3 (2006) 10, No. 2 (2006) 10, No. 1 (2006) 9, No. 4 (2005) 9, No. 3 (2005) 9, No. 2 (2005) 9, No. 1 (2005) 8, No. 4 (2004) 8, No. 3 (2004) 8, No. 2 (2004) 8, No. 1 (2004) 7, No. 4 (2003) 7, No. 3 (2003) 7, No. 2 (2003) 7, No. 1 (2003) 6, No. 4 (2003) ...and 21 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 8 Gupta, Rangan 8 Jawadi, Fredj 8 Semmler, Willi 6 Blazsek, Szabolcs 6 Chiarella, Carl 6 Gencay, Ramazan 6 Sola, Martin 5 Barnett, William Arnold 5 Escribano, Alvaro 5 Fabozzi, Frank J. 5 GĂłmez, Manuel A. 5 Lee, Junsoo 5 Psaradakis, Zacharias 5 Serletis, Apostolos 5 Teräsvirta, Timo 4 Bekiros, Stelios D. 4 Funke, Michael 4 Ignatieva, Katja 4 Koop, Gary 4 Leybourne, Stephen J. 4 Morley, James C. 4 Nishimura, Kazuo 4 Pavlidis, Efthymios G. 4 Peel, David A. 4 Proietti, Tommaso 4 Rachev, Svetlozar T. 4 Ramsey, James B. 4 Rothman, Philip 4 Taylor, Mark P. 4 Uddin, Gazi Salah 4 Westerhoff, Frank H. 3 Barunik, Jozef 3 Bec, FrĂ©dĂ©rique 3 Belaire-Franch, Jorge 3 Canarella, Giorgio 3 Casarin, Roberto 3 Chan, Jennifer So Kuen 3 Chen, Pu 3 Chen, Yiting 3 Chen, Yufu 3 Chevallier, Julien 3 Chong, Terence Tai-Leung 3 Chumacero, RĂłmulo A. 3 di Guilmi, Corrado 3 Dimpfl, Thomas 3 Donayre, Luiggi 3 DufrĂ©not, Gilles 3 Enders, Walter 3 Flaschel, Peter 3 Franses, Philip Hans 3 Gallegati, Mauro 3 Greiner, Alfred 3 Haas, Markus 3 Harvey, David I. 3 Hinich, Melvin J. 3 Hurn, Stan 3 Iglesias, Emma M. 3 Jensen, Mark J. 3 Kapetanios, George 3 Kim, Young Shin Aaron 3 Licht, Adrian 3 Martin, Vance L. 3 Milas, Costas 3 Olmo, Jose 3 Paya, Ivan 3 Ravazzolo, Francesco 3 Spagnolo, Fabio 3 Stengos, Thanasis 3 Xia, Qiang 3 Yamada, Hiroshi 3 Yang, Lixiong 3 Yano, Makoto 3 Yazgan, M. Ege 2 Ahmad, Yamin S. 2 Aknouche, Abdelhakim 2 Alexeev, Vitali 2 Anatolyev, Stanislav 2 Ayala, Astrid 2 BĂĄrdsen, Gunnar 2 Beylunioglu, Fuat C. 2 Boldin, Michael D. 2 Boubaker, Heni 2 Bradley, Michael D. 2 Brannas, Kurt 2 Caner, Mehmet 2 Carnero, M. Angeles 2 Chan, Joshua C. C. 2 Chang, Sheng-Kai 2 Chaubal, Aditi 2 Chen, Haiqiang 2 Chu, Ba 2 Chung, Huimin 2 Coakley, Jerry 2 Cuestas, Juan Carlos 2 Cuñado, Juncal 2 Dagum, Estelle Bee 2 Dahl, Christian M. 2 de Jong, Robert M. 2 Dimitrakopoulos, Stefanos 2 Dolado, Juan J. ...and 1,035 more Authors all top 5 Fields 543 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 490 Statistics (62-XX) 31 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 11 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 368 Publications have been cited 1,304 times in 1,080 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Inference in TAR models. Zbl 1078.91558 Hansen, Bruce E. 50 1997 The long memory of the efficient market. Zbl 1081.91595 Lillo, Fabrizio; Farmer, J. Doyne 41 2004 Forecasting stock market volatility with regime-switching GARCH models. Zbl 1081.91535 Marcucci, Juri 35 2005 The decomposition of economic relationships by time scale using wavelets: expenditure and income. Zbl 1078.91572 Ramsey, James B.; Lampart, Camille 27 1998 Wavelets in economics and finance: past and future. Zbl 1080.91570 Ramsey, James B. 26 2002 Microeconomic models for long memory in the volatility of financial time series. Zbl 1079.91565 Kirman, Alan; Teyssière, Gilles 24 2002 Estimating the Wishart affine stochastic correlation model using the empirical characteristic function. Zbl 1329.91148 Da Fonseca, JosĂ©; Grasselli, Martino; Ielpo, Florian 21 2014 Non-linear models: where do we go next - time varying parameter models? Zbl 1193.91115 Granger, Clive W. J. 20 2008 Experimental design for time-dependent models with correlated observations. Zbl 1082.62514 Ucinski, Dariusz; Atkinson, Anthony C. 19 2004 Smooth-transition GARCH models. Zbl 1078.91565 González-Rivera, Gloria 19 1998 GARCH for irregularly spaced financial data: the ACD-GARCH model. Zbl 1078.91564 Ghysels, Eric; Jasiak, Joanna 17 1998 Nonlinearities and cyclical behavior: the role of chartists and fundamentalists. Zbl 1080.91556 Westerhoff, Frank H.; Reitz, Stefan 16 2003 Using transfer entropy to measure information flows between financial markets. Zbl 1506.62402 Dimpfl, Thomas; Peter, Franziska Julia 15 2013 The nature of power spikes: a regime-switch approach. Zbl 1260.91173 De Jong, Cyriel 13 2006 Complex dynamics in the neoclassical growth model with differential savings and non-constant labor force growth. Zbl 1268.91108 Brianzoni, Serena; Mammana, Cristiana; Michetti, Elisabetta 13 2007 Inference and forecasting for ARFIMA models with an application to US and UK inflation. Zbl 1081.91585 Doornik, JĂĽrgen A.; Ooms, Marius 12 2004 Point and interval forecasting of spot electricity prices: linear vs. non-linear time series models. Zbl 1260.91176 Misiorek, Adam; Trueck, Stefan; Weron, Rafal 12 2006 Nonlinear monetary policy rules: some new evidence for the U.S. Zbl 1081.91594 Dolado, Juan; Pedrero, RamĂłn MarĂa-Dolores; Ruge-Murcia, Francisco J. 11 2004 MCMC Bayesian estimation of a skew-GED stochastic volatility model. Zbl 1081.91523 Cappuccio, Nunzio; Lubian, Diego; Raggi, Davide 11 2004 A practitioner’s guide to lag order selection for VAR impulse response analysis. Zbl 1081.91575 Ivanov, Ventzislav; Kilian, Lutz 11 2005 A note on the Hiemstra-Jones test for Granger non-causality. Zbl 1082.62510 Diks, Cees; Panchenko, Valentyn 10 2005 Multivariate skewed Student’s \(t\) copula in the analysis of nonlinear and asymmetric dependence in the German equity market. Zbl 1193.91183 Sun, Wei; Rachev, Svetlozar; Stoyanov, Stoyan V.; Fabozzi, Frank J. 10 2008 Regime-switching univariate diffusion models of the short-term interest rate. Zbl 1193.91171 Choi, Seungmoon 10 2009 State-dependent effects of fiscal policy. Zbl 1506.62502 Fazzari, Steven M.; Morley, James; Panovska, Irina 10 2015 The relationship between financial variables and real economic activity: evidence from spectral and wavelet analyses. Zbl 1080.91535 Kim, Sangbae; In, Francis Haeuck 9 2003 Detecting multiple changes in persistence. Zbl 1268.91149 Leybourne, Stephen; Kim, Tae-Hwan; Taylor, A. M. Robert 9 2007 Routes to complexity induced by constraints in Cournot oligopoly games with linear reaction functions. Zbl 1506.91089 Bischi, Gian Italo; Lamantia, Fabio 9 2012 Time-varying betas help in asset pricing: the threshold CAPM. Zbl 1080.91528 Akdeniz, Levent; Altay-Salih, Aslihan; Caner, Mehmet 8 2003 Estimating stochastic volatility models: a comparison of two importance samplers. Zbl 1081.91534 Lee, Kai Ming; Koopman, Siem Jan 8 2004 Markov-switching GARCH modelling of value-at-risk. Zbl 1193.91181 Sajjad, Rasoul; Coakley, Jerry; Nankervis, John C. 8 2008 Estimation of value-at-risk and expected shortfall based on nonlinear models of return dynamics and extreme value theory. Zbl 1225.62141 Martins-Filho, Carlos; Yao, Feng 8 2006 Energy shocks and financial markets: nonlinear linkages. Zbl 1079.91523 Ciner, Cetin 7 2001 Mixture processes for financial intradaily durations. Zbl 1081.91526 De Luca, Giovanni; Gallo, Giampiero M. 7 2004 SIMANN: a global optimization algorithm using simulated annealing. Zbl 1078.91519 Goffe, William L. 7 1996 Stability analysis of continuous-time macroeconometric systems. Zbl 1078.91549 Barnett, William A.; He, Yijun 7 1999 An approximate wavelet MLE of short- and long-memory parameters. Zbl 1078.91566 Jensen, Mark J. 7 1999 Modelling autoregressive processes with a shifting mean. Zbl 1194.62100 González, AndrĂ©s; Teräsvirta, Timo 7 2008 Estimation of time varying skewness and kurtosis with an application to value at risk. Zbl 1194.62099 Dark, Jonathan Graeme 7 2010 Wavelet variance analysis of output in G-7 countries. Zbl 1268.91137 Gallegati, Marco; Gallegati, Mauro 7 2007 Skew-normal mixture and Markov-switching GARCH processes. Zbl 1202.62117 Haas, Markus 7 2010 Business cycle (de)synchronization in the aftermath of the global financial crisis: implications for the euro area. Zbl 1506.62482 Bekiros, Stelios; Nguyen, Duc Khuong; Uddin, Gazi Salah; Sjö, Bo 7 2015 Asymmetries in monetary policy reaction function: evidence for U.S., French and German central banks. Zbl 1080.91548 Bec, FrĂ©dĂ©rique; Salem, MĂ©lika Ben; Collard, Fabrice 6 2002 Extensions of the forward search to time series. Zbl 1081.91592 Riani, Marco 6 2004 A new test of the martingale difference hypothesis. Zbl 1082.62539 Kuan, Chung-Ming; Lee, Wei-Ming 6 2004 Detecting nonlinearity in time series: surrogate and bootstrap approaches. Zbl 1081.91590 Hinich, Melvin J.; Mendes, Eduardo M.; Stone, Lewi 6 2005 A component GARCH model with time varying weights. Zbl 1193.91168 Bauwens, Luc; Storti, Giuseppe 6 2009 Multivariate extension of the Hodrick-Prescott filter-optimality and characterization. Zbl 1194.62107 Dermoune, Azzouz; Djehiche, Boualem; Rahmania, Nadji 6 2009 Interest rate setting and inflation targeting: evidence of a nonlinear Taylor rule for the United Kingdom. Zbl 1259.91086 Taylor, Mark P.; Davradakis, Emmanuel 6 2006 Issues of aggregation over time of conditional heteroscedastic volatility models: what kind of diffusion do we recover? Zbl 1260.91245 Trifi, Amine 6 2006 Spurious inference in the GARCH \((1,1)\) model when it is weakly identified. Zbl 1260.91186 Ma, Jun; Nelson, Charles R.; Startz, Richard 6 2007 Risk premia in electricity forward prices. Zbl 1260.91174 Diko, Pavel; Lawford, Steve; Limpens, Valerie 6 2006 Beta autoregressive transition Markov-switching models for business cycle analysis. Zbl 1506.62487 Billio, Monica; Casarin, Roberto 6 2011 Estimating stochastic volatility models using realized measures. Zbl 1507.62313 Bekierman, Jeremias; Gribisch, Bastian 6 2016 Power properties of linearity tests for time series. Zbl 1078.91574 Teräsvirta, Timo 5 1996 Optimal cycles and chaos: a survey. Zbl 1078.91547 Nishimura, Kazuo; Sorger, Gerhard 5 1996 A check on the robustness of Hamilton’s Markov switching model approach to the economic analysis of the business cycle. Zbl 1078.91568 Boldin, Michael D. 5 1996 If nonlinear models cannot forecast, what use are they? Zbl 1078.91543 Ramsey, James B. 5 1996 EVIM: a software package for extremel value analysis in MATLAB. Zbl 1079.91541 Gençay, Ramazan; Selçuk, Faruk; UlugĂĽlyagci, Abdurrahman 5 2001 Wavelet transforms and commodity prices. Zbl 1081.91515 Connor, Jeff; Rossiter, Rosemary 5 2005 Dual long memory in inflation dynamics across countries of the Euro area and the link between inflation uncertainty and macroeconomic performance. Zbl 1081.91574 Conrad, Christian; Karanasos, Menelaos 5 2005 A fast algorithm for the BDS statistic. Zbl 1078.91559 LeBaron, Blake 5 1997 On nonlinear, stochastic dynamics in economic and financial time series. Zbl 1079.91555 Schittenkopf, Christian; Dorffner, Georg; Dockner, Engelbert J. 5 2000 Asymptotic properties of some projection-based Robbins-Monro procedures in a Hilbert space. Zbl 1178.62089 Chen, Xiaohong; White, Halbert 5 2002 Characterizing the degree of stability of nonlinear dynamic models. Zbl 1080.91547 Bask, Mikael; de Luna, Xavier 5 2002 Cointegration with structural breaks: an application to the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle. Zbl 1193.91116 Kejriwal, Mohitosh 5 2008 Option valuation with normal mixture GARCH models. Zbl 1193.91148 Badescu, Alex; Kulperger, Reg; Lazar, Emese 5 2008 Nonlinear impacts of international business cycles on the U.K. – a Bayesian smooth transition VAR approach. Zbl 1193.91088 Gefang, Deborah; Strachan, Rodney 5 2010 A smooth transition autoregressive conditional duration model. Zbl 1260.91183 Chiang, Min-Hsien 5 2007 A threshold model of real U.S. GDP and the problem of constructing confidence intervals in TAR models. Zbl 1268.91129 Enders, Walter; Falk, Barry L.; Siklos, Pierre 5 2007 Particle Gibbs with ancestor sampling for stochastic volatility models with: heavy tails, in mean effects, leverage, serial dependence and structural breaks. Zbl 1506.91003 Nonejad, Nima 5 2015 Regime-switching cointegration. Zbl 1506.62515 Jochmann, Markus; Koop, Gary 5 2015 Common persistent factors in inflation and excess nominal money growth and a new measure of core inflation. Zbl 1080.91554 Morana, Claudio 4 2002 Terror cycles. Zbl 1080.91574 Faria, Joao Ricardo 4 2003 Determinism in financial time series. Zbl 1080.91565 Small, Michael; Tse, Chi K. 4 2003 A test of the martingale hypothesis. Zbl 1082.62075 Park, Joon Y.; Whang, Yoon-Jae 4 2005 Solving Ramsey problems with nonlinear projection methods. Zbl 1081.91563 Gapen, Michael T.; Cosimano, Thomas F. 4 2005 What causes the forecasting failure of Markov-switching models? A Monte Carlo study. Zbl 1082.62525 Bessec, Marie; Bouabdallah, Othman 4 2005 Can GARCH models capture long-range dependence? Zbl 1082.62541 Maheu, John 4 2005 Investigating cyclical asymmetries. Zbl 1078.91575 Verbrugge, Randal 4 1997 Technical trading rules and the size of the risk premium in security returns. Zbl 1078.91541 Gencay, Ramazan; Stengos, Thanasis 4 1997 Avoiding the pitfalls: can regime-switching tests reliably detect bubbles? Zbl 1078.91531 van Norden, Simon; Vigfusson, Robert 4 1998 The Hodrick-Prescott filter, a generalization, and a new procedure for extracting an empirical cycle from a series. Zbl 1079.91559 Reeves, Jonathan J.; Blyth, Conrad A.; Triggs, Christopher M.; Small, John P. 4 2000 A graphical investigation of the size and power of the Granger-causality tests in integrated-cointegrated VAR systems. Zbl 1080.62536 Mantalos, Panagiotis 4 2000 A stochastic version of Zeeman’s market model. Zbl 1081.91517 Rheinlaender, Thorsten; Steinkamp, Marcus 4 2004 Specifying smooth transition regression models in the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form. Zbl 1194.62105 Pavlidis, Efthymios G.; Paya, Ivan; Peel, David A. 4 2010 Wald tests of \(I(1)\) against \(I(d)\) alternatives: some new properties and an extension to processes with trending components. Zbl 1194.62128 Dolado, Juan J.; Gonzalo, Jesus; Mayoral, Laura 4 2008 Asymmetry in stochastic volatility models: threshold or correlation? Zbl 1193.91182 Smith, Daniel R. 4 2009 Synchronization and on-off intermittency phenomena in a market model with complementary goods and adaptive expectations. Zbl 1193.91054 Bignami, Fernando; Agliari, Anna 4 2010 Microfounded animal spirits in the new macroeconomic consensus. Zbl 1506.91125 Franke, Reiner 4 2012 A smooth transition long-memory model. Zbl 1506.62478 Aloy, Marcel; DufrĂ©not, Gilles; Tong, Charles Lai; Peguin-Feissolle, Anne 4 2013 On the relationship between oil and gold before and after financial crisis: linear, nonlinear and time-varying causality testing. Zbl 1506.62480 Bampinas, Georgios; Panagiotidis, Theodore 4 2015 Determining the number of global and country-specific factors in the euro area. Zbl 1506.62499 Dias, Francisco; Pinheiro, Maximiano; Rua, AntĂłnio 4 2013 A triple-threshold leverage stochastic volatility model. Zbl 1506.62421 Wu, Xin-Yu; Zhou, Hai-Lin 4 2015 Information criteria for nonlinear time series models. Zbl 1507.62294 Rinke, Saskia; Sibbertsen, Philipp 4 2016 On the estimation of regime-switching LĂ©vy models. Zbl 1507.62368 Chevallier, Julien; Goutte, StĂ©phane 4 2017 A model of the euro-area yield curve with discrete policy rates. Zbl 1507.62332 Renne, Jean-Paul 4 2017 Nonlinear Taylor rules: evidence from a large dataset. Zbl 1507.62396 Ma, Jun; Olson, Eric; Wohar, Mark E. 4 2018 Markov-switching quantile autoregression: a Gibbs sampling approach. Zbl 1507.62288 Liu, Xiaochun; Luger, Richard 4 2018 On the performance of information criteria for model identification of count time series. Zbl 07675514 WeiĂź, Christian H.; Feld, Martin H.-J. M. 4 2020 A random walk or color chaos on the stock market? Time-frequency analysis of S&P indexes. Zbl 1078.91561 Chen, Ping 3 1996 Score-driven location plus scale models: asymptotic theory and an application to forecasting Dow Jones volatility. Zbl 07950937 Blazsek, Szabolcs; Escribano, Alvaro; Licht, Adrian 2 2024 Matrix autoregressive models: generalization and Bayesian estimation. Zbl 07950945 Celani, Alessandro; Pagnottoni, Paolo 2 2024 Combining large numbers of density predictions with Bayesian predictive synthesis. Zbl 07950948 Chernis, Tony 1 2024 Anticipating extreme losses using score-driven shape filters. Zbl 07863045 Ayala, Astrid; Blazsek, Szabolcs; Escribano, Alvaro 1 2023 Multivariate Markov-switching score-driven models: an application to the global crude oil market. Zbl 07679720 Blazsek, Szabolcs; Escribano, Alvaro; Licht, Adrian 3 2022 Forecasting transaction counts with integer-valued GARCH models. Zbl 07681743 Aknouche, Abdelhakim; Almohaimeed, Bader S.; Dimitrakopoulos, Stefanos 2 2022 Instability in regime switching models. Zbl 07681751 Chen, Pu; Hsiao, Chih-Ying; Semmler, Willi 1 2022 Bayesian bandwidth estimation for local linear fitting in nonparametric regression models. Zbl 07679706 Shang, Han Lin; Zhang, Xibin 1 2022 The effect of price discrimination on dynamic duopoly games with bounded rationality. Zbl 07679718 Song, Qi-Qing; Zhang, Wei-li; Jiang, Yi-Rong; Geng, Juan 1 2022 Multiple structural breaks in cointegrating regressions: a model selection approach. Zbl 07679715 Schmidt, Alexander; Schweikert, Karsten 1 2022 Time-varying threshold cointegration with an application to the Fisher hypothesis. Zbl 07679716 Yang, Lixiong 1 2022 Fast maximum likelihood estimation of parameters for square root and Bessel processes. Zbl 07679730 Fergusson, Kevin 1 2021 A monitoring procedure for detecting structural breaks in factor copula models. Zbl 07679731 Manner, Hans; Stark, Florian; Wied, Dominik 1 2021 When is discretionary fiscal policy effective? Zbl 07679734 Fazzari, Steven M.; Morley, James; Panovska, Irina 1 2021 Stochastic model specification in Markov switching vector error correction models. Zbl 07676039 Hauzenberger, Niko; Huber, Florian; Pfarrhofer, Michael; Zörner, Thomas O. 1 2021 Variable elasticity of substitution and economic growth in the neoclassical model. Zbl 07679740 GĂłmez, Manuel A. 1 2021 On the performance of information criteria for model identification of count time series. Zbl 07675514 WeiĂź, Christian H.; Feld, Martin H.-J. M. 4 2020 Bayesian analysis of periodic asymmetric power GARCH models. Zbl 07675535 Aknouche, Abdelhakim; Demmouche, Nacer; Dimitrakopoulos, Stefanos; Touche, Nassim 3 2020 The nonlinear effects of uncertainty shocks. Zbl 07675536 Jackson, Laura E.; Kliesen, Kevin L.; Owyang, Michael T. 3 2020 A model for ordinal responses with heterogeneous status quo outcomes. Zbl 07675517 Sirchenko, Andrei 2 2020 Dissecting skewness under affine jump-diffusions. Zbl 07675532 Zhen, Fang; Zhang, Jin E. 2 2020 Markov regime-switching autoregressive model with tempered stable distribution: simulation evidence. Zbl 07675512 Feng, Lingbing; Shi, Yanlin 1 2020 Testing for cointegration with threshold adjustment in the presence of structural breaks. Zbl 07675516 Schweikert, Karsten 1 2020 Temporal aggregation of random walk processes and implications for economic analysis. Zbl 07675521 Ahmad, Yamin S.; Paya, Ivan 1 2020 A threshold mixed count time series model: estimation and application. Zbl 07675524 Dungey, Mardi; Martin, Vance L.; Tang, Chrismin; Tremayne, Andrew 1 2020 Unconventional monetary policy reaction functions: evidence from the US. Zbl 07675533 Agnello, Luca; Castro, Vitor; DufrĂ©not, Gilles; Jawadi, Fredj; Sousa, Ricardo M. 1 2020 The role of the threshold effect for the dynamics of futures and spot prices of energy commodities. Zbl 07675537 Rubaszek, Michal; Karolak, Zuzanna; Kwas, Marek; Uddin, Gazi Salah 1 2020 Unconventional monetary policy in a nonlinear quadratic model. Zbl 07675542 Faulwasser, Timm; Gross, Marco; Semmler, Willi; Loungani, Prakash 1 2020 Money growth variability and output: evidence with credit card-augmented Divisia monetary aggregates. Zbl 07675543 Liu, Jinan; Serletis, Apostolos 1 2020 Optimal growth in the Robinson-Shinkai-Leontief model: the case of capital-intensive consumption goods. Zbl 07675504 Deng, Liuchun; Fujio, Minako; Khan, M. Ali 3 2019 Regression discontinuity designs with unknown state-dependent discontinuity points: estimation and testing. Zbl 07675490 Yang, Lixiong 2 2019 Foster-Hart optimization for currency portfolios. Zbl 07675491 Kurosaki, Tetsuo; Kim, Young Shin 2 2019 Threshold models with time-varying threshold values and their application in estimating regime-sensitive Taylor rules. Zbl 07675507 Zhu, Yanli; Chen, Haiqiang; Lin, Ming 2 2019 An explicit formula for the smoother weights of the Hodrick-Prescott filter. Zbl 07675511 Yamada, Hiroshi; Jahra, Fatima Tuj 2 2019 A regime switching skew-normal model of contagion. Zbl 07675482 Chan, Joshua C. C.; Fry-McKibbin, RenĂ©e A.; Hsiao, Cody Yu-Ling 2 2019 Bubble on real estate: the role of altruism and fiscal policy. Zbl 07675501 Clain-Chamosset-Yvrard, Lise; Seegmuller, Thomas 2 2019 Think again: volatility asymmetry and volatility persistence. Zbl 07675483 Baur, Dirk G.; Dimpfl, Thomas 1 2019 Investment on human capital in a dynamic contest model. Zbl 07675485 Keskin, Kerim; SaÄźlam, ÇaÄźrı 1 2019 A parametric stationarity test with smooth breaks. Zbl 07675486 Tsong, Ching-Chuan; Lee, Cheng-Feng; Tsai, Li Ju 1 2019 Asymmetric impact of uncertainty in recessions: are emerging countries more vulnerable? Zbl 07675487 Chatterjee, Pratiti 1 2019 Efficient estimation of financial risk by regressing the quantiles of parametric distributions: an application to CARR models. Zbl 07675489 Chan, Jennifer So Kuen; Ng, Kok-Haur; Nitithumbundit, Thanakorn; Peiris, Shelton 1 2019 Flexible HAR model for realized volatility. Zbl 07675493 Audrino, Francesco; Huang, Chen; Okhrin, Ostap 1 2019 Variance reduction estimation for return models with jumps using gamma asymmetric kernels. Zbl 07675510 Song, Yuping; Hou, Weijie; Zhou, Shengyi 1 2019 Hopf bifurcation and the existence and stability of closed orbits in three-sector models of optimal endogenous growth. Zbl 07675498 Nishimura, Kazuo; Shigoka, Tadashi 1 2019 Two-sided altruism and time inconsistency. Zbl 07675503 Aoki, Takaaki; Nishimura, Kazuo; Yano, Makoto 1 2019 Nonlinear Taylor rules: evidence from a large dataset. Zbl 1507.62396 Ma, Jun; Olson, Eric; Wohar, Mark E. 4 2018 Markov-switching quantile autoregression: a Gibbs sampling approach. Zbl 1507.62288 Liu, Xiaochun; Luger, Richard 4 2018 Exchange rate misalignment and economic growth: evidence from nonlinear panel cointegration and Granger causality tests. Zbl 1507.62405 Tipoy, Christian K.; Breitenbach, Marthinus C.; Zerihun, Mulatu F. 2 2018 Causal relationships between economic policy uncertainty and housing market returns in China and India: evidence from linear and nonlinear panel and time series models. Zbl 1507.62371 Chow, Sheung-Chi; Cunado, Juncal; Gupta, Rangan; Wong, Wing-Keung 2 2018 Bayesian estimation of Gegenbauer long memory processes with stochastic volatility: methods and applications. Zbl 1507.62292 Phillip, Andrew; Chan, Jennifer S. K.; Peiris, Shelton 2 2018 A multivariate regime-switching GARCH model with an application to global stock market and real estate equity returns. Zbl 1507.62285 Haas, Markus; Liu, Ji-Chun 2 2018 Bayesian subset selection for two-threshold variable autoregressive models. Zbl 1507.62290 Ni, Shuxia; Xia, Qiang; Liu, Jinshan 2 2018 Testing for a unit root against ESTAR stationarity. Zbl 1507.62386 Harvey, David I.; Leybourne, Stephen J.; Whitehouse, Emily J. 1 2018 Time-varying correlations and Sharpe ratios during quantitative easing. Zbl 1507.62320 Jones, Paul M.; O’Steen, Haley 1 2018 Examining the success of the central banks in inflation targeting countries: the dynamics of the inflation gap and institutional characteristics. Zbl 1507.62357 Ardakani, Omid M.; Kishor, N. Kundan 1 2018 Estimation and inference of threshold regression models with measurement errors. Zbl 1507.62281 Chong, Terence Tai-Leung; Chen, Haiqiang; Wong, Tsz-Nga; Yan, Isabel Kit-Ming 1 2018 Uncertainty in the housing market: evidence from US states. Zbl 1507.62372 Christidou, Maria; Fountas, Stilianos 1 2018 A hidden Markov regime-switching smooth transition model. Zbl 1507.62283 Elliott, Robert J.; Siu, Tak Kuen; Lau, John W. 1 2018 A new method for specifying the tuning parameter of \(\ell_1\) trend filtering. Zbl 1507.62408 Yamada, Hiroshi 1 2018 Nonlinear and asymmetric pricing behaviour in the Spanish gasoline market. Zbl 1507.62380 Escribano, Alvaro; Torrado, MarĂa 1 2018 Closed-form estimators for finite-order ARCH models as simple and competitive alternatives to QMLE. Zbl 1507.62293 Prono, Todd 1 2018 Modeling changes in US monetary policy with a time-varying nonlinear Taylor rule. Zbl 1507.91122 Nguyen, Anh D. M.; Pavlidis, Efthymios G.; Peel, David A. 1 2018 An interview with Timo Teräsvirta. Zbl 1507.01036 Jawadi, Fredj 1 2018 On the estimation of regime-switching LĂ©vy models. Zbl 1507.62368 Chevallier, Julien; Goutte, StĂ©phane 4 2017 A model of the euro-area yield curve with discrete policy rates. Zbl 1507.62332 Renne, Jean-Paul 4 2017 Specification analysis in regime-switching continuous-time diffusion models for market volatility. Zbl 1507.62314 Bu, Ruijun; Cheng, Jie; Hadri, Kaddour 2 2017 Forecast accuracy of a BVAR under alternative specifications of the zero lower bound. Zbl 1507.62360 Berg, Tim Oliver 2 2017 A Markov-switching regression model with non-Gaussian innovations: estimation and testing. Zbl 1507.62376 De Angelis, Luca; Viroli, Cinzia 2 2017 Semi-global solutions to DSGE models: perturbation around a deterministic path. Zbl 1507.91109 Ajevskis, Viktors 2 2017 Nonstationary autoregressive conditional duration models. Zbl 1507.62329 Mishra, Anuj; Ramanathan, Thekke Variyam 2 2017 Asymmetric exchange rate exposure of stock returns: empirical evidence from Chinese industries. Zbl 1507.62316 Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Tang, Bo 2 2017 Modeling threshold effects in stock price co-movements: a vector nonlinear cointegration approach. Zbl 1507.62369 Chlibi, Souhir; Jawadi, Fredj; Sellami, Mohamed 1 2017 Time elements and oscillatory fluctuations in the Keynesian macroeconomic system. Zbl 1507.91121 Murakami, Hiroki 1 2017 VEC-MSF models in Bayesian analysis of short- and long-run relationships. Zbl 1507.62330 Pajor, Anna; WrĂłblewska, Justyna 1 2017 Detecting time variation in the price puzzle: a less informative prior choice for time varying parameter VAR models. Zbl 1507.62402 Reusens, Peter; Croux, Christophe 1 2017 Time-varying persistence of inflation: evidence from a wavelet-based approach. 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Zbl 1506.62480 Bampinas, Georgios; Panagiotidis, Theodore 4 2015 ...and 268 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,937 Authors 12 Michetti, Elisabetta 10 Mammana, Cristiana 9 Lillo, Fabrizio 9 Semmler, Willi 8 Teräsvirta, Timo 7 Escobar, Marcos 6 Casarin, Roberto 6 Chiarella, Carl 6 Gallegati, Marco 6 Gupta, Rangan 6 Lux, Thomas C. H. 6 Yamada, Hiroshi 5 Blazsek, Szabolcs 5 Fabozzi, Frank J. 5 Grassetti, Francesca 5 Jawadi, Fredj 5 Karanasos, Menelaos 5 Peiris, M. Shelton 5 Perron, Pierre 5 Phillips, Peter Charles Bonest 5 Psaradakis, Zacharias 5 Sun, Edward W. 5 Uddin, Gazi Salah 5 Weron, RafaĹ‚ 5 Westerhoff, Frank H. 4 Bekiros, Stelios D. 4 Bormetti, Giacomo 4 Chan, Jennifer So Kuen 4 Chen, Pu 4 Chevallier, Julien 4 Dermoune, Azzouz 4 Donayre, Luiggi 4 DufrĂ©not, Gilles 4 Flaschel, Peter 4 Gencay, Ramazan 4 Gori, Luca 4 LĂłpez Fidalgo, JesĂşs F. 4 Martin, Vance L. 4 Montes-Rojas, Gabriel V. 4 Morana, Claudio 4 Morley, James C. 4 Rubtsov, Alexey N. 4 Shang, Pengjian 4 TĂłth, Bence 4 van Dijk, Dick 4 WeiĂź, Christian H. 4 Yu, Jun 3 Alexander, Carol 3 Alfarano, Simone 3 Almohaimeed, Bader S. 3 Amman, Hans M. 3 Amo-Salas, Mariano 3 Auer, Benjamin R. 3 Ayala, Astrid 3 Bai, Jushan 3 Bauwens, Luc Claude A. 3 Benzaquen, Michael 3 Bhatti, Chad R. 3 Billio, Monica 3 Boubaker, Heni 3 Bouchaud, Jean-Philippe 3 Brianzoni, Serena 3 Bu, Ruijun 3 Canarella, Giorgio 3 Cavicchioli, Maddalena 3 Chan, Joshua C. 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