European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids Short Title: Eur. J. Mech., A, Solids Publisher: Elsevier (Elsevier Masson), Paris ISSN: 0997-7538 Online: Predecessor: European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 3,145 Publications (since 1998) References Indexed: 3,015 Publications with 119,954 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 109 (2025) 108 (2024) 107 (2024) 106 (2024) 105 (2024) 104, Suppl. 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D. 17 Lee, Kangyong 16 Schiavone, Peter 15 Bui, Tinh Quoc 15 Chen, Weiqiu 14 Leblond, Jean-Baptiste 14 Niordson, Christian F. 13 Carrera, Erasmo 13 Sinou, Jean-Jacques 12 Børvik, Tore 12 Han, Qiang 12 Kondo, Djimédo 12 Polizzotto, Castrenze 12 Zhang, Chuanzeng 11 Langseth, Magnus 11 Leguillon, Dominique 11 Li, Yongdong 11 Nguyễn Đình Đức 11 Ponter, Alan R. S. 11 Steinmann, Paul 11 Tvergaard, Viggo 10 Abdelkefi, Abdessattar 10 Chen, Haofeng 10 Deshpande, Vikram S. 10 Lee, Jaehong 10 Nielsen, Kim Lau 10 Sacco, Elio 10 Zhang, Wei 10 Zhou, Zhengong 9 Chen, Jen-San 9 Chen, Liqun 9 de Borst, René 9 Dini, Daniele 9 Menzel, Andreas M. 9 Runesson, Kenneth 9 Tian, Xiaogeng 9 Wu, Linzhi 9 Zouain, Nestor 8 Ansari, Reza 8 Arockiarajan, Arunachalakasi 8 Askes, Harm 8 Challamel, Noël 8 de Buhan, Patrick 8 Desmorat, Rodrigue 8 Dhaliwal, Ranjit S. 8 Forest, Samuel 8 Liu, Jinxi 8 Mishuris, Gennady S. 8 Rokne, Jon G. 8 Sab, Karam 8 Singh, Brij Mohan 8 Sluys, Lambertus Johannes 7 Akbarov, Surkay D. 7 Argatov, Ivan I. 7 Barber, James R. 7 Barretta, Raffaele 7 Besson, Jacques 7 Bigoni, Davide 7 Cecchi, Antonella 7 Corigliano, Alberto 7 Dormieux, Luc 7 Hild, François 7 Holzapfel, Gerhard Alfred 7 Larsson, Fredrik 7 Larsson, Ragnar 7 Liu, Yinghua 7 Lu, Jianfei 7 Metrikine, Andrei V. 7 Morin, Léo 7 Natarajan, Sundararajan 7 Nguyen-Xuan, Hung 7 Peerlings, Ron H. J. 7 Reddy, Junuthula Narasimha 7 Shodja, Hossein M. 7 Wang, Baolin 7 Wang, Chien-Ming 7 Wang, Xi 7 Wang, Yuesheng 7 Yu, Tiantang 7 Yu, Yajun 7 Zenkour, Ashraf M. 6 Adhikari, Sondipon 6 Bardella, Lorenzo 6 Berstad, Torodd 6 Boutin, Claude 6 Churchman, C. M. 6 Cinefra, Maria 6 Combescure, Alain 6 dell’Isola, Francesco 6 Deng, Zichen 6 Ferreira, António Joaquim Mendes 6 Ganghoffer, Jean-François 6 Haddar, Mohamed Amine 6 Harsha, S. P. 6 Hassis, Hedi ...and 5,676 more Authors all top 5 Fields 3,047 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 116 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 64 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 63 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 50 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 34 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 21 Computer science (68-XX) 21 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 16 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 12 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 12 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 9 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Geophysics (86-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 2,316 Publications have been cited 14,804 times in 9,396 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A micro scale Timoshenko beam model based on strain gradient elasticity theory. Zbl 1480.74194 Wang, Binglei; Zhao, Junfeng; Zhou, Shenjie 100 2010 Modification of the Gurson model for shear failure. Zbl 1129.74041 Nahshon, K.; Hutchinson, J. W. 86 2008 On the gradient strain elasticity theory of plates. Zbl 1058.74570 Lazopoulos, K. A. 75 2004 Three-dimensional elasticity solution for bending of functionally graded rectangular plates. Zbl 1058.74569 Kashtalyan, M. 66 2004 Bifurcation phenomena in non-smooth dynamical systems. Zbl 1187.70041 Leine, R. I.; van Campen, D. H. 66 2006 A size-dependent Kirchhoff micro-plate model based on strain gradient elasticity theory. Zbl 1278.74103 Wang, Binglei; Zhou, Shenjie; Zhao, Junfeng; Chen, Xi 66 2011 Strength or toughness? A criterion for crack onset at a notch. Zbl 1061.74047 Leguillon, Dominique 62 2002 One-dimensional dynamically consistent gradient elasticity models derived from a discrete microstructure. I: Generic formulation. Zbl 1006.74016 Metrikine, Andrei V.; Askes, Harm 60 2002 A set-valued force law for spatial Coulomb–Contensou friction. Zbl 1038.74513 Leine, R. I.; Glocker, Ch. 60 2003 Crack tip field in piezoelectric/piezomagnetic media. Zbl 1032.74641 Wang, B. L.; Mai, Yiu-Wing 60 2003 Axisymmetric bending of functionally graded circular and annular plates. Zbl 0942.74044 Reddy, J. N.; Wang, C. M.; Kitipornchai, S. 59 1999 Three-dimensional model for solids undergoing stress-induced phase transformations. Zbl 0921.73024 Souza, Angela C.; Mamiya, Edgar N.; Zouain, Nestor 58 1998 A numerical assessment of phase-field models for brittle and cohesive fracture: \(\Gamma\)-convergence and stress oscillations. Zbl 1406.74599 May, Stefan; Vignollet, Julien; de Borst, René 54 2015 A thermodynamics-based formulation of gradient-dependent plasticity. Zbl 0937.74013 Polizzotto, Castrenze; Borino, Guido 53 1998 Two-dimensional sliding frictional contact of functionally graded materials. Zbl 1105.74029 Ke, Liaoliang; Wang, Yuesheng 52 2007 Three-dimensional thermomechanical deformations of functionally graded rectangular plates. Zbl 1002.74061 Reddy, J. N.; Cheng, Zhen-Qiang 50 2001 A deep energy method for finite deformation hyperelasticity. Zbl 1472.74213 Nguyen-Thanh, Vien Minh; Zhuang, Xiaoying; Rabczuk, Timon 49 2020 Variational formulation of pre-stressed solid-fluid mixture theory, with an application to wave phenomena. Zbl 1146.74012 Placidi, Luca; Dell’Isola, Francesco; Ianiro, Nicoletta; Sciarra, Giulio 49 2008 On the physical assumptions underlying the volumetric-isochoric split and the case of anisotropy. Zbl 1129.74009 Sansour, Carlo 48 2008 Nonlocal thermoelasticity based on nonlocal heat conduction and nonlocal elasticity. Zbl 1406.74187 Yu, Y. Jun; Tian, Xiao-Geng; Xiong, Qi-Lin 47 2016 Thermodynamically consistent orthotropic activation model capturing ventricular systolic wall thickening in cardiac electromechanics. Zbl 1406.74503 Rossi, Simone; Lassila, Toni; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo; Sequeira, Adélia; Quarteroni, Alfio 45 2014 Unified thermodynamic framework for nonlocal/gradient continuum theories. Zbl 1032.74505 Polizzotto, Castrenze 44 2003 New results on Painlevé paradoxes. Zbl 0962.70019 Génot, F.; Brogliato, B. 43 1999 Analysis of a bi-piezoelectric ceramic layer with an interfacial crack subjected to anti-plane shear and in-plane electric loading. Zbl 1001.74044 Soh, Ai Kah; Fang, Daining; Lee, Kwok Lun 42 2000 A micro-scale modeling of Kirchhoff plate based on modified strain-gradient elasticity theory. Zbl 1406.74067 Ashoori Movassagh, A.; Mahmoodi, M. J. 42 2013 A structural model for the viscoelastic behavior of arterial walls: continuum formulation and finite element analysis. Zbl 1100.74597 Holzapfel, G. A.; Gasser, T. C.; Stadler, M. 41 2002 Existence and exponential decay in the linear theory of viscoelastic mixtures. Zbl 1088.74018 Quintanilla, R. 41 2005 Isogeometric analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plates using a new inverse trigonometric shear deformation theory. Zbl 1406.74453 Thai, Chien H.; Ferreira, A. J. M.; Bordas, S. P. A.; Rabczuk, T.; Nguyen-Xuan, H. 41 2014 Plastic potentials for anisotropic porous solids. Zbl 1049.74017 Benzerga, Ahmed Amine; Besson, Jacques 40 2001 Deep autoencoder based energy method for the bending, vibration, and buckling analysis of Kirchhoff plates with transfer learning. Zbl 1484.74033 Zhuang, Xiaoying; Guo, Hongwei; Alajlan, Naif; Zhu, Hehua; Rabczuk, Timon 40 2021 On coupled gradient-dependent plasticity and damage theories with a view to localization analysis. Zbl 0968.74007 de Borst, René; Pamin, Jerzy; Geers, Marc G. D. 38 1999 Size-dependent generalized thermoelasticity using Eringen’s nonlocal model. Zbl 1406.74186 Yu, Y. Jun; Tian, Xiao-Geng; Liu, Xin-Rang 38 2015 Mass redistribution method for finite element contact problems in elastodynamics. Zbl 1147.74044 Khenous, Houari Boumediène; Laborde, Patrick; Renard, Yves 38 2008 Magnetoelastic modelling of elastomers. Zbl 1032.74549 Dorfmann, A.; Ogden, R. W. 37 2003 Nonlocal elasticity based vibration of initially pre-stressed coupled nanobeam systems. Zbl 1348.74149 Murmu, T.; Adhikari, S. 36 2012 On the validity range of strain-gradient elasticity: a mixed static-dynamic identification procedure. Zbl 1406.74092 Rosi, Giuseppe; Placidi, Luca; Auffray, Nicolas 35 2018 Periodic motion and bifurcations induced by the Painlevé paradox. Zbl 1023.70009 Leine, R. I.; Brogliato, B.; Nijmeijer, H. 34 2002 On the anti-plane shear of an elliptic nano inhomogeneity. Zbl 1176.74045 Luo, J.; Wang, X. 34 2009 Bending, buckling and free vibration analysis of size-dependent functionally graded circular/annular microplates based on the modified strain gradient elasticity theory. Zbl 1406.74526 Ansari, R.; Gholami, R.; Faghih Shojaei, M.; Mohammadi, V.; Sahmani, S. 34 2015 Multiple crack interaction problem in magnetoelectroelastic solids. Zbl 1062.74044 Tian, Wen-Ye; Gabbert, U. 33 2004 Transversely isotropic biological, soft tissue must be modelled using both anisotropic invariants. Zbl 1406.74501 Murphy, Jeremiah G. 33 2013 2-D solution for free vibrations of parabolic shells using generalized differential quadrature method. Zbl 1151.74360 Tornabene, Francesco; Viola, Erasmo 33 2008 A non-local model with tension and compression damage mechanisms. Zbl 0982.74005 Comi, Claudia 32 2001 Thermal buckling of functionally graded circular plates based on higher-order shear deformation plate theory. Zbl 1063.74042 Najafizadeh, M. M.; Heydari, H. R. 32 2004 Stress-driven nonlocal integral model for Timoshenko elastic nano-beams. Zbl 1406.74008 Barretta, Raffaele; Luciano, Raimondo; Marotti de Sciarra, Francesco; Ruta, Giuseppe 32 2018 A non-classical Mindlin plate finite element based on a modified couple stress theory. Zbl 1406.74458 Zhang, Bo; He, Yuming; Liu, Dabiao; Gan, Zhipeng; Shen, Lei 32 2013 Multi-mode propagation and diffusion in structures through finite elements. Zbl 1125.74347 Mencik, J.-M.; Ichchou, M. N. 31 2005 Nonlinear finite element analysis of functionally graded circular plates with modified couple stress theory. Zbl 1406.74448 Reddy, J. N.; Romanoff, Jani; Loya, Jose Antonio 31 2016 Form II of Mindlin’s second strain gradient theory of elasticity with a simplification: for materials and structures from nano- to macro-scales. Zbl 1406.74030 Khakalo, Sergei; Niiranen, Jarkko 31 2018 Initiation of cracks with cohesive force models: a variational approach. 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M. 23 2013 Axisymmetric bending analysis of thick functionally graded circular plates using fourth-order shear deformation theory. Zbl 1176.74110 Sahraee, S.; Saidi, A. R. 23 2009 Two-stage data-driven homogenization for nonlinear solids using a reduced order model. Zbl 1406.74560 Fritzen, Felix; Kunc, Oliver 23 2018 A quantitative assessment of the scale separation limits of classical and higher-order asymptotic homogenization. Zbl 1406.74553 Ameen, M. M.; Peerlings, R. H. J.; Geers, M. G. D. 23 2018 Nonlinear effect on stable state and snap-through bistability of square composite laminate. Zbl 07963184 Zhang, Peiliang; Li, Xinlei; Wang, Jianfei 1 2025 FFT based iterative schemes for composite conductors with uniform boundary conditions. Zbl 07782725 Monchiet, V.; Bonnet, G. 6 2024 FFT-based simulations of heterogeneous conducting materials with combined non-uniform Neumann, periodic and Dirichlet boundary conditions. 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Zbl 1530.74008 Cai, Wei; Wang, Ping 1 2024 A new exhaustive semi-analytical method to calculate stress distribution on the surface of a curved beam with circular cross section, with an application to helical compression springs. Zbl 1530.74042 Cadet, Guillaume; Paredes, Manuel 1 2024 A computational framework for nanotrusses: input convex neural networks approach. Zbl 1530.74052 Čanađija, Marko; Košmerl, Valentina; Zlatić, Martin; Vrtovšnik, Domagoj; Munjas, Neven 1 2024 A modified first-order plate theory of laminated piezoelectric plate actuators. Zbl 1537.74240 Lian, MengMeng; Fan, CuiYing; Qin, GuoShuai; Lu, Chunsheng; Wang, BingBing; Zhao, MingHao 1 2024 An investigation of torsional surface wave in a piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite layer imperfectly bonded to a functionally graded half-space. Zbl 1535.74411 Nath, Arindam; Dhua, Sudarshan; Mondal, Subrata 1 2024 Hybrid Rayleigh wave along a nonlocal nonlinear metasurface with two-degree-of-freedom spring-mass resonators. 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A.; Prikazchikova, L. 9 2023 Nonlinear resonance of graphene platelets reinforced metal foams plates under axial motion with geometric imperfections. Zbl 1514.74043 Zhang, Yi-Wen; She, Gui-Lin; Ding, Hao-Xuan 8 2023 Physics-informed neural networks for shell structures. Zbl 1503.74081 Bastek, Jan-Hendrik; Kochmann, Dennis M. 8 2023 Weak form of bond-associated peridynamic differential operator for thermo-mechanical analysis of orthotropic structures. Zbl 1517.74008 Li, Zhiyuan; Huang, Dan; Rabczuk, Timon; Ren, Huilong 7 2023 A peridynamic differential operator-based scheme for the extended bond-based peridynamics and its application to fracture problems of brittle solids. Zbl 1503.74010 Ni, Tao; Zaccariotto, Mirco; Fan, Xuanmei; Zhu, Qizhi; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Galvanetto, Ugo 7 2023 A dynamic description of material brittle failure using a hybrid phase-field model enhanced by adaptive isogeometric analysis. Zbl 1506.74359 Li, Yicong; Yu, Tiantang; Natarajan, Sundararajan; Bui, Tinh Quoc 6 2023 A beam model for duoskelion structures derived by asymptotic homogenization and its application to axial loading problems. Zbl 1514.74064 Barchiesi, Emilio; dell’Isola, Francesco; Seppecher, Pierre; Turco, Emilio 5 2023 Meshless analysis for modal properties and stochastic responses of heated laminated rectangular/sectorial plates in supersonic airflow. Zbl 1514.74044 Zhong, Rui; Wang, Qingshan; Hu, Shuangwei; Qin, Bin; Shuai, Cijun 5 2023 Static and dynamic thermal post-buckling analysis of imperfect sigmoid FG cylindrical shells resting on a non-uniform elastic foundation. Zbl 1504.74021 Foroutan, Kamran; Dai, Liming 4 2023 A variational RVE-based multiscale poromechanical formulation applied to soft biological tissues under large deformations. 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Zbl 1514.74079 Zhu, Shuai; Yu, Hongjun; Hao, Liulei; Shen, Zhen; Wang, Jianshan; Guo, Licheng 3 2023 Vibration and buckling analysis of agglomerated CNT composite plates via isogeometric analysis using non-polynomial shear deformation theory. Zbl 1517.74043 Singh, Diwakar; Kiran, Raj; Vaish, Rahul 3 2023 Auxetic metamaterials for bone-implanted medical devices: recent advances and new perspectives. Zbl 1517.74067 Shirzad, Masoud; Zolfagharian, Ali; Bodaghi, Mahdi; Nam, Seung Yun 3 2023 Gradation and porosity’s effect on Love waves in a composite structure of piezoelectric layers and functionally graded porous piezoelectric material. Zbl 1517.74055 Vashishth, Anil Kumar; Bareja, Umang 3 2023 Enhancing phenomenological yield functions with data: challenges and opportunities. Zbl 1510.74012 Fuhg, Jan Niklas; Fau, Amélie; Bouklas, Nikolaos; Marino, Michele 3 2023 Higher order finite element models for transient analysis of strain gradient functionally graded microplates. 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Zbl 1516.74069 Zang, Quansheng; Liu, Jun; Ye, Wenbin; Yang, Fan; Pang, Rui; Lin, Gao 3 2023 On simplified deformation gradient theory of modified gradient elastic Kirchhoff-Love plate. Zbl 1516.74068 Zhou, Yucheng; Huang, Kefu 3 2023 Heating process analysis for microplate subjected to moving laser pulse source. Zbl 1504.74014 Liu, Hu; Ma, Jingxuan 3 2023 Flexural wave propagation in periodic micropolar-Cosserat panels: spectral element formulation. Zbl 1506.74164 Singh, S. K.; Baxy, A.; Banerjee, A.; Bhattacharya, D.; Varma, R. K. 3 2023 Bifurcation and stability analysis of static equilibrium configuration of curved pipe conveying fluid. Zbl 1504.74026 Yan, Hao; Li, Mingwu; Wang, Lin 3 2023 Bending of FGM sandwich plates with tunable auxetic core using DQM. Zbl 1511.74037 Liu, B. L.; Li, S.; Li, Y. S. 3 2023 Three-scale bridging for woven composites using homogenization techniques. Zbl 1519.74013 Spilker, Kevin; Nguyen, Van-Dung; Wu, Ling; Noels, Ludovic 2 2023 An enhanced data-driven constitutive model for predicting strain-rate and temperature dependent mechanical response of elastoplastic materials. Zbl 1533.74008 Li, Xin; Li, Ziqi; Chen, Yang; Zhang, Chao 2 2023 Semi-analytical modeling and vibration analysis for U-shaped, Z-shaped and regular spatial pipelines supported by multiple clamps. Zbl 1516.74054 Zhang, Yu; Sun, Wei; Ma, Hongwei; Ji, Wenhao; Ma, Hui 2 2023 On the band gap formation in locally-resonant metamaterial thin-walled beams. Zbl 1512.74048 Burlon, Andrea; Failla, Giuseppe 2 2023 A novel metamaterial with individually adjustable and sign-switchable Poisson’s ratio. Zbl 1503.74022 Lv, Weitao; Dong, Liang; Li, Dong 2 2023 Thermomechanical buckling and wrinkling characteristics of softcore sandwich panels with CNT reinforced composite face sheets. Zbl 1514.74030 Chakraborty, Sumeet; Dey, Tanish 2 2023 On the influence of time-dependent behaviour of elastomeric wave energy harvesting membranes using experimental and numerical modelling techniques. Zbl 1514.74036 Collins, Ieuan; Contino, Marco; Marano, Claudia; Masters, Ian; Hossain, Mokarram 2 2023 ...and 1234 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 13,211 Authors 48 Ansari, Reza 42 Chen, Weiqiu 42 Ghayesh, Mergen H. 41 Rabczuk, Timon 40 Wang, Xu 39 Barretta, Raffaele 38 Schiavone, Peter 38 Steinmann, Paul 35 Khludnev, Aleksandr Mikhaĭlovich 32 Gao, Cun-Fa 32 Lee, Kangyong 32 Reddy, Junuthula Narasimha 32 Zhang, Wei 31 Bui, Tinh Quoc 31 Zhang, Chuanzeng 30 Forest, Samuel 30 Marotti de Sciarra, Francesco 30 Menzel, Andreas M. 29 Civalek, Ömer 29 Giorgio, Ivan 28 Geers, Marc G. D. 28 Li, Yongdong 27 Eremeyev, Victor A. 27 Kondo, Djimédo 27 Zhou, Zhengong 26 Askes, Harm 26 Nguyen-Xuan, Hung 26 Quintanilla de Latorre, Ramón 26 Sacco, Elio 26 Zenkour, Ashraf M. 25 Chen, Liqun 24 Deng, Zichen 24 Holzapfel, Gerhard Alfred 24 Neff, Patrizio 24 Polizzotto, Castrenze 24 Rouhi, Hessam 24 Tian, Xiaogeng 23 dell’Isola, Francesco 23 Ebrahimi, Farzad 23 Failla, Giuseppe 23 Farokhi, Hamed 23 He, Tianhu 23 Sluys, Lambertus Johannes 23 Yang, Jie 22 Pan, Ernian 22 Tornabene, Francesco 21 Awrejcewicz, Jan 21 Ghiba, Ionel-Dumitrel 21 Madeo, Angela 21 Nguyễn Đình Đức 21 Placidi, Luca 21 Schrefler, Bernhard A. 20 Andrianov, Igor Vasil’evich 20 Ding, Haojiang 20 Hopperstad, Odd Sture 20 Natarajan, Sundararajan 20 Yu, Tiantang 20 Zhang, Gongye 19 Brogliato, Bernard 19 Challamel, Noël 19 Chen, Zengtao 19 Faghidian, S. Ali 19 Ganghoffer, Jean-François 19 Lazarev, Nyurgun Petrovich 19 Luciano, Raimondo 19 Quarteroni, Alfio M. 19 Wang, Baolin 19 Wang, Qingshan 19 Wang, Yuesheng 18 Abouelregal, Ahmed E. 18 de Borst, René 18 Feng, Wenjie 18 Gao, Xinlin 18 Kanoria, Mridula 18 Li, Li 18 Li, Yinghui 18 Lim, Cheewah 18 Liu, Jinxi 18 Zhang, Hongwu 18 Żur, Krzysztof Kamil 17 Altenbach, Holm 17 Argatov, Ivan I. 17 Auricchio, Ferdinando 17 Barchiesi, Emilio 17 Bordas, Stéphane Pierre Alain 17 Ding, Hu 17 Ferreira, António Joaquim Mendes 17 Horgan, Cornelius Oliver 17 Karami, Behrouz 17 Ke, Liaoliang 17 Kuhl, Ellen 17 Li, Xianfang 17 Marfia, Sonia 17 Marigo, Jean-Jacques 17 Mi, Changwen 17 Murphy, Jeremiah G. 17 Rosi, Giuseppe A. 17 Roubíček, Tomáš 17 Saidi, Ali Reza 17 Solyaev, Yury O. ...and 13,111 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 330 Journals 1,569 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 873 Acta Mechanica 662 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 560 Applied Mathematical Modelling 357 International Journal of Engineering Science 310 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 275 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 274 Meccanica 274 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 264 Computational Mechanics 228 International Journal of Solids and Structures 228 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 211 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 162 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 135 Archive of Applied Mechanics 128 AMM. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 119 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 114 Journal of Elasticity 91 Nonlinear Dynamics 90 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 90 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 87 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 72 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72 International Journal of Plasticity 71 Applied Mathematics and Computation 66 International Journal of Fracture 64 Wave Motion 64 Multibody System Dynamics 62 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 60 Waves in Random and Complex Media 60 Acta Mechanica Sinica 57 International Journal of Computational Methods 48 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 46 Journal of Computational Physics 45 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 41 Mechanics Research Communications 39 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 37 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 34 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 29 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 28 Mechanics of Solids 27 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 24 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 24 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 23 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 23 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 23 International Applied Mechanics 23 Mechanism and Machine Theory 23 Journal of Theoretical Biology 23 Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 22 Journal of Vibration and Control 22 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 19 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 18 Physics Letters. 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Fluids 9 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 9 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 9 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 8 Journal of Scientific Computing 8 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 8 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 8 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Industrial’noĭ Matematiki 8 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 8 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 8 Matematicheskie Zametki SVFU 7 Physica A 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 7 Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Journal of Computational Acoustics 7 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 7 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. 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Series E 6 Computational Geosciences 6 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems ...and 230 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 49 Fields 8,458 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 989 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 518 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 451 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 339 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 264 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 175 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 161 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 129 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 117 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 102 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 97 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 97 Computer science (68-XX) 83 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 78 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 48 Real functions (26-XX) 33 Geophysics (86-XX) 29 Integral equations (45-XX) 26 Statistics (62-XX) 22 Operator theory (47-XX) 19 Differential geometry (53-XX) 19 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 13 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 13 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 12 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 11 Special functions (33-XX) 11 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 10 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 9 History and biography (01-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Measure and integration (28-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 Functional analysis (46-XX) 6 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Potential theory (31-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Mathematics education (97-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year