European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids Short Title: Eur. J. Mech., B, Fluids Publisher: Elsevier (Elsevier Masson), Paris ISSN: 0997-7546 Online: Predecessor: European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 2,161 Publications (since 1998) References Indexed: 2,036 Publications with 69,422 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 110 (2025) 109 (2025) 108 (2024) 107 (2024) 106 (2024) 105 (2024) 104 (2024) 103 (2024) 102 (2023) 101 (2023) 100 (2023) 99 (2023) 98 (2023) 97 (2023) 96 (2022) 95 (2022) 94 (2022) 93 (2022) 92 (2022) 91 (2022) 90 (2021) 89 (2021) 88 (2021) 87 (2021) 86 (2021) 85 (2021) 84 (2020) 83 (2020) 82 (2020) 81 (2020) 80 (2020) 79 (2020) 78 (2019) 77 (2019) 76 (2019) 75 (2019) 74 (2019) 73 (2019) 72 (2018) 71 (2018) 70 (2018) 69 (2018) 68 (2018) 67 (2018) 66 (2017) 65 (2017) 64 (2017) 63 (2017) 62 (2017) 61, Part 2 (2017) 61, Part 1 (2017) 60 (2016) 59 (2016) 58 (2016) 57 (2016) 56 (2016) 55, Part 2 (2016) 55, Part 1 (2016) 54 (2015) 53 (2015) 52 (2015) 51 (2015) 50 (2015) 49, Part B (2015) 49, Part A (2015) 48 (2014) 47 (2014) 46 (2014) 45 (2014) 44 (2014) 43 (2014) 42 (2013) 41 (2013) 40 (2013) 39 (2013) 38 (2013) 37 (2013) 36 (2012) 35 (2012) 34 (2012) 33 (2012) 32 (2012) 31 (2012) 30, No. 6 (2011) 30, No. 5 (2011) 30, No. 4 (2011) 30, No. 3 (2011) 30, No. 2 (2011) 30, No. 1 (2011) 29, No. 6 (2010) 29, No. 5 (2010) 29, No. 4 (2010) 29, No. 3 (2010) 29, No. 2 (2010) 29, No. 1 (2010) 28, No. 6 (2009) 28, No. 5 (2009) 28, No. 4 (2009) 28, No. 3 (2009) 28, No. 2 (2009) ...and 65 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 27 Noblesse, Francis 22 He, Jiayi 17 Pop, Ioan 16 Ghidaglia, Jean-Michel 16 Wu, Huiyu 13 Kharif, Christian 13 Weidman, Patrick D. 12 Li, Wei 12 Pelinovsky, Efim 12 Yang, Chenjun 12 Zhu, Yi 11 Alfredsson, Per Henrik 11 Monaghan, Joseph J. 11 Siewert, Charles E. 11 Vanden-Broeck, Jean-Marc 11 Zhu, Renchuan 10 Keh, Huan J. 10 Schröder, Wolfgang 10 Sharipov, Felix M. 10 Turkyilmazoglu, Mustafa 10 Ungarish, Marius 10 Valougeorgis, Dimitris 9 Clercx, Herman J. H. 9 Fernholz, Hans-Hermann 9 Garrett, Stephen J. 9 Kachanov, Yury S. 9 Luchini, Paolo 9 Simanovskii, Ilya B. 9 Zhang, Chenliang 8 Wang, Chang-Yi 7 Bridges, Thomas J. 7 Busse, Friedrich Hermann 7 Dias, Frédéric 7 Jeong, Jae-Tack 7 Kim, Junseok 7 Wan, Decheng 7 Yang, Chi 7 Zakharov, Vladimir Evgen’evich 6 Agnon, Yehuda 6 Ashmawy, E. A. 6 Astolfi, Jacques André 6 Chanson, Hubert 6 Felderhof, B. U. 6 Garcia, Roberto D. M. 6 Grue, John 6 Il’ichev, Andreĭ Teĭmurazovich 6 Ivanov, Andrey V. 6 Liao, Shijun 6 Lingwood, R. J. 6 Núñez Jiménez, Manuel 6 Peake, Nigel 6 Sahu, Kirti Chandra 6 Thompson, Mark Christopher 6 Verzicco, Roberto 6 Zemach, Tamar 5 Abderrahmane, Hamid Ait 5 Amaouche, Mustapha 5 Bassom, Andrew P. 5 Bottaro, Alessandro 5 Brandt, Luca 5 Congedo, Pietro Marco 5 de Langre, Emmanuel 5 El-Sapa, Shreen 5 Graur, Irina A. 5 Hancock, Philip E. 5 Ho, Nang X. 5 Housiadas, Kostas D. 5 Iosilevskii, Gil 5 Kimmoun, Olivier 5 Kuznetsov, Andrey V. 5 Lagrée, Pierre-Yves 5 Loyalka, S. K. 5 Lyubimov, Dmitry V. 5 Ma, Chao 5 Magyari, Eugen 5 Mazumder, Bijoy Singha 5 Merkin, John H. 5 Pedrizzetti, Gianni 5 Querzoli, Giorgio 5 Rist, Ulrich 5 Schlatter, Philipp 5 Sheremet, Mikhail Aleksandrovich 5 Sherief, Hany H. 5 Slunyaev, Alexey V. 5 Takata, Shigeru 5 Tompson, R. V. jun. 5 Turner, Matthew R. 5 Tyvand, Peder A. 5 van Heijst, Gert-Jan F. 5 Vittori, Giovanna 5 Viviani, Antonio 5 Vu, Truong V. 4 Ali, Nasir 4 Aminossadati, Saiied M. 4 Avramenko, Andriy A. 4 Azese, Martin Ndi 4 Blondeaux, Paolo 4 Bonneton, Philippe 4 Borodulin, Vladimir I. 4 Braeunig, Jean-Philippe ...and 3,962 more Authors all top 5 Fields 2,143 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 200 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 132 Geophysics (86-XX) 113 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 77 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 60 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 44 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 35 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 21 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 17 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 12 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 11 History and biography (01-XX) 8 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,514 Publications have been cited 8,756 times in 6,617 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Physical mechanisms of the rogue wave phenomenon. Zbl 1058.76017 Kharif, Christian; Pelinovsky, Efim 195 2003 An exact solution for equatorial geophysical water waves with an underlying current. Zbl 1297.86002 Henry, David 130 2013 The Gaussian-BGK model of Boltzmann equation with small Prandtl number. Zbl 0967.76082 Andries, Pierre; Le Tallec, Patrick; Perlat, Jean-Philippe; Perthame, Benoît 114 2000 Exact solutions for self-similar boundary-layer flows induced by permeable stretching walls. Zbl 0976.76021 Magyari, Eugen; Keller, Bruno 85 2000 Derivation of a new two-dimensional viscous shallow water model with varying topography, bottom friction and capillary effects. Zbl 1105.76021 Marche, Fabien 74 2007 A kinetic model allowing to obtain the energy law of polytropic gases in the presence of chemical reactions. Zbl 1060.76100 Desvillettes, L.; Monaco, R.; Salvarani, F. 71 2005 The lift-up effect: the linear mechanism behind transition and turbulence in shear flows. Zbl 1297.76073 Brandt, Luca 52 2014 Natural convection cooling of a localised heat source at the bottom of a nanofluid-filled enclosure. Zbl 1176.76127 Aminossadati, S. M.; Ghasemi, B. 52 2009 Large-amplitude steady rotational water waves. Zbl 1149.76011 Ko, Joy; Strauss, Walter 51 2008 Statistical theory of gravity and capillary waves on the surface of a finite-depth fluid. Zbl 0960.76014 Zakharov, V. 49 1999 Global two-dimensional stability measures of the flat plate boundary-layer flow. Zbl 1147.76025 Åkervik, Espen; Ehrenstein, Uwe; Gallaire, François; Henningson, Dan S. 48 2008 New method for numerical simulation of a nonstationary potential flow of incompressible fluid with a free surface. Zbl 1016.76062 Zakharov, Vladimir E.; Dyachenko, Alexander I.; Vasilyev, Oleg A. 47 2002 Computation of turbulent flow past an array of cylinders using a spectral method with Brinkman penalization. Zbl 1020.76037 Kevlahan, Nicholas K.-R.; Ghidaglia, Jean-Michel 47 2001 Application of the Cercignani-Lampis scattering kernel to calculations of rarefied gas flows. II: Slip and jump coefficients. Zbl 1051.76063 Sharipov, Felix 46 2003 On the numerical solution to two-fluid models via a cell-centered finite volume method. Zbl 1059.76041 Ghidaglia, Jean-Michel; Kumbaro, Anela; Le Coq, Gérard 45 2001 Fast deterministic method of solving the Boltzmann equation for hard spheres. Zbl 0965.76059 Bobylev, A. V.; Rjasanow, S. 43 1999 A new volume-of-fluid formulation for surfactants and simulations of drop deformation under shear at a low viscosity ratio. Zbl 1063.76077 Renardy, Yuriko Y.; Renardy, Michael; Cristini, Vittorio 43 2002 Traveling gravity water waves in two and three dimensions. Zbl 1084.76509 Craig, Walter; Nicholls, David P. 43 2002 The onset of convection in a horizontal nanofluid layer of finite depth. Zbl 1193.76052 Nield, D. A.; Kuznetsov, A. V. 43 2010 Simulating 2D open-channel flows through an SPH model. Zbl 1258.76123 Federico, I.; Marrone, S.; Colagrossi, A.; Aristodemo, F.; Antuono, M. 42 2012 Numerical investigation of falling bacterial plumes caused by bioconvection in a three-dimensional chamber. Zbl 1408.76608 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 41 2015 On enhancement of energy conservation properties of projection-based particle methods. Zbl 1408.76414 Khayyer, Abbas; Gotoh, Hitoshi; Shimizu, Yuma; Gotoh, Kohji 40 2017 Recent advances in Serre-Green-Naghdi modelling for wave transformation, breaking and runup processes. Zbl 1258.76033 Bonneton, P.; Barthelemy, E.; Chazel, F.; Cienfuegos, R.; Lannes, D.; Marche, F.; Tissier, M. 39 2011 A novel technique for including surface tension in PLIC-VOF methods. Zbl 1064.76084 Meier, Markus; Yadigaroglu, George; Smith, Brian L. 37 2002 Three-dimensional instabilities in wake transition. Zbl 0948.76505 Leweke, T.; Williamson, C. H. K. 36 1998 Application of the Cercignani-Lampis scattering kernel to calculations of rarefied gas flows. I: Plane flow between two parallel plates. Zbl 1001.76093 Sharipov, Felix 34 2002 Two-dimensionality of gravity water flows of constant nonzero vorticity beneath a surface wave train. Zbl 1222.76020 Constantin, A. 34 2011 Series solutions of unsteady three-dimensional MHD flow and heat transfer in the boundary layer over an impulsively stretching plate. Zbl 1105.76061 Xu, Hang; Liao, Shijun; Pop, Ioan 34 2007 On Tollmien-Schlichting-like waves in streaky boundary layers. Zbl 1060.76040 Cossu, Carlo; Brandt, Luca 33 2004 Local and global instability properties of separation bubbles. Zbl 0922.76158 Hammond, D. A.; Redekopp, L. G. 32 1998 General coupling of porous flows and hyperelastic formulations – from thermodynamics principles to energy balance and compatible time schemes. Zbl 1297.76157 Chapelle, D.; Moireau, P. 30 2014 Investigations of time-growing instabilities in laminar separation bubbles. Zbl 1084.76525 Rist, Ulrich; Maucher, Ulrich 30 2002 Shock-wave structure for a binary gas mixture: Finite difference analysis of the Boltzmann equation for hard-sphere molecules. Zbl 0980.76078 Kosuge, Shingo; Aoki, Kazuo; Takata, Shigeru 29 2001 A self-similar solution of a shock propagation in a dusty gas. Zbl 1006.76046 Steiner, Helfried; Hirschler, Thomas 29 2002 Freak waves as nonlinear stage of Stokes wave modulation instability. Zbl 1101.76016 Zakharov, V. E.; Dyachenko, A. I.; Prokofiev, A. O. 29 2006 Visco-potential free-surface flows and long wave modelling. Zbl 1167.76323 Dutykh, Denys 29 2009 Local and global instabilities of flow in a flexible-walled channel. Zbl 1167.76329 Stewart, Peter S.; Waters, Sarah L.; Jensen, Oliver E. 29 2009 Derivation of a BGK model for mixtures. Zbl 1258.76122 Brull, Stéphane; Pavan, Vincent; Schneider, Jacques 29 2012 Stable, high-order computation of traveling water waves in three dimensions. Zbl 1122.76019 Nicholls, David P.; Reitich, Fernando 28 2006 Extreme waves, modulational instability and second-order theory: wave flume experiments on irregular waves. Zbl 1101.76012 Onorato, M.; Osborne, A. R.; Serio, M.; Cavaleri, L.; Brandini, C.; Stansberg, C. T. 28 2006 Non-Newtonian fluid flow induced by peristaltic waves in a curved channel. Zbl 1196.76014 Ali, N.; Sajid, M.; Abbas, Z.; Javed, T. 27 2010 On the development of an implicit high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for DNS and implicit LES of turbulent flows. Zbl 1408.76360 Bassi, F.; Botti, L.; Colombo, A.; Crivellini, A.; Ghidoni, A.; Massa, F. 27 2016 Analytical solutions for uniform potential flow past multiple cylinders. Zbl 1210.76027 Crowdy, Darren G. 26 2006 Is concentrated vorticity that important? Zbl 0932.76029 Tsinober, A. 25 1998 Current knowledge in hydraulic jumps and related phenomena. A survey of experimental results. Zbl 1156.76308 Chanson, Hubert 25 2009 Application of the Cercignani-Lampis scattering kernel to calculations of rarefied gas flows. III: Poiseuille flow and thermal creep through a long tube. Zbl 1119.76373 Sharipov, Felix 25 2003 Two-dimensional Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities of multi-component fluids. Zbl 1408.76143 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 25 2015 Long time interaction of envelope solitons and freak wave formations. Zbl 1331.76027 Clamond, Didier; Francius, Marc; Grue, John; Kharif, Christian 25 2006 The kinematics and stability of solitary and cnoidal wave solutions of the Serre equations. Zbl 1258.76047 Carter, John D.; Cienfuegos, Rodrigo 25 2011 A new formulation for the streamwise turbulence intensity distribution in wall-bounded turbulent flows. Zbl 1291.76163 Alfredsson, P. Henrik; Örlü, Ramis; Segalini, Antonio 24 2012 Nonlinear two- and three-dimensional free surface flows due to moving disturbances. Zbl 1012.76012 Părău, Emilian; Vanden-Broeck, Jean-Marc 24 2002 Two-dimensional turbulence in square and circular domains with no-slip walls. Zbl 1011.76039 Clercx, H. J. H.; Nielsen, A. H.; Torres, D. J.; Coutsias, E. A. 22 2001 Mixed convection boundary-layer flow over a vertical surface embedded in a porous medium. Zbl 1033.76055 Aly, E. H.; Elliott, L.; Ingham, D. B. 22 2003 A numerical method for the computation of bifurcation points in fluid mechanics. Zbl 1084.76047 Cadou, J. M.; Potier-Ferry, M.; Cochelin, B. 22 2006 Laminar separation on a forward facing step. Zbl 0938.76502 Stüer, H.; Gyr, A.; Kinzelbach, W. 21 1999 The method of fundamental solutions for Stokes flow in a rectangular cavity with cylinders. Zbl 1103.76319 Young, D. L.; Chen, C. W.; Fan, C. M.; Murugesan, K.; Tsai, C. C. 21 2005 Experiments and modeling of cavitating flows in venturi: Attached sheet cavitation. Zbl 1167.76300 Barre, S.; Rolland, J.; Boitel, G.; Goncalves, E.; Patella, R. Fortes 21 2009 Solitary waves and conjugate flows in a three-layer fluid. Zbl 1069.76009 Rusås, Per-Olav; Grue, John 21 2002 Analytical study of transonic flows of a gas condensing onto its plane condensed phase on the basis of kinetic theory. Zbl 0922.76235 Sone, Yoshio; Golse, François; Ohwada, Taku; Doi, Toshiyuki 20 1998 Eddy structure in turbulent boundary layers. Zbl 1005.76035 Hunt, Julian C. R.; Morrison, Jonathan F. 20 2000 Numerical study of viscoelastic mixtures through a Cahn-Hilliard flow model. Zbl 1058.76531 Boyer, Franck; Chupin, Laurent; Fabrie, Pierre 20 2004 Method of fundamental solutions for multidimensional Stokes equations by the dual-potential formulation. Zbl 1106.76020 Young, D. L.; Chiu, C. L.; Fan, C. M.; Tsai, C. C.; Lin, Y. C. 20 2006 Higher-order Boussinesq equations for two-way propagation of shallow water waves. Zbl 1171.76332 Daripa, Prabir 20 2006 Accurate model reduction of transient and forced wakes. Zbl 1150.76019 Galletti, Bernardo; Bottaro, Alessandro; Bruneau, Charles-Henri; Iollo, Angelo 20 2007 Interference effects on the Kelvin wake of a monohull ship represented via a continuous distribution of sources. Zbl 1408.76104 Zhang, Chenliang; He, Jiayi; Zhu, Yi; Yang, Chen-Jun; Li, Wei; Zhu, Yifei; Lin, Muyuan; Noblesse, Francis 20 2015 Numerical implementation and validation of the Neumann-Michell theory of ship waves. Zbl 1408.76095 Huang, Fuxin; Yang, Chi; Noblesse, Francis 20 2013 Hydrodynamic forces acting on a rigid fixed sphere in early transitional regimes. Zbl 1093.76014 Bouchet, G.; Mebarek, M.; Dušek, J. 20 2006 A modified high-order spectral method for wavemaker modeling in a numerical wave tank. Zbl 1258.76117 Ducrozet, Guillaume; Bonnefoy, Félicien; Le Touzé, David; Ferrant, Pierre 20 2012 Review of similarity stretching exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1258.76061 Wang, C. Y. 20 2011 The VOLNA code for the numerical modeling of tsunami waves: generation, propagation and inundation. Zbl 1258.76036 Dutykh, Denys; Poncet, Raphaël; Dias, Frédéric 20 2011 Three-dimensional solitary waves in the presence of additional surface effects. Zbl 0933.76012 Hărăguş-Courcelle, Mariana; Il’ichev, Andrej 19 1998 Turbulence and vortex structures in rotating and stratified flows. Zbl 1047.76029 Cambon, Claude 19 2001 Three-dimensional stationary flow over a backward-facing step. Zbl 1045.76501 Beaudoin, Jean-François; Cadot, Olivier; Aider, Jean-Luc; Wesfreid, José Eduardo 19 2004 Propulsive efficiency of oscillating foils. Zbl 1068.76016 Guglielmini, Laura; Blondeaux, Paolo 19 2004 Why can ship wakes appear narrower than Kelvin’s angle? Zbl 1297.76037 Noblesse, Francis; He, Jiayi; Zhu, Yi; Hong, Liang; Zhang, Chenliang; Zhu, Renchuan; Yang, Chi 19 2014 Similarity stagnation point solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations - review and extension. Zbl 1151.76425 Wang, C. Y. 19 2008 Numerical simulation of unsteady mixed convection in a driven cavity using an externally excited sliding lid. Zbl 1128.76059 Khanafer, Khalil M.; Al-Amiri, Abdalla M.; Pop, Ioan 19 2007 Dispersion relation for water waves with non-constant vorticity. Zbl 1258.76042 Karageorgis, Paschalis 19 2012 Electromagnetic control of seawater flow around circular cylinders. Zbl 1011.76100 Posdziech, Oliver; Grundmann, Roger 18 2001 Experimental and theoretical stability investigations of plane liquid jets. Zbl 0936.76017 Söderberg, L. D.; Alfredsson, P. H. 18 1998 Three-dimensional instabilities of laminar flow in a rough channel and the concept of hydraulically smooth wall. Zbl 1150.76021 Floryan, J. M. 18 2007 An assessment of turbulence models for linear hydrodynamic stability analysis of strongly swirling jets. Zbl 1408.76276 Rukes, Lothar; Paschereit, Christian Oliver; Oberleithner, Kilian 18 2016 A turbulence model for smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Zbl 1258.76124 Monaghan, J. J. 18 2011 Streamwise vortices in large-eddy simulations of mixing layers. Zbl 0941.76042 Comte, P.; Silvestrini, J. H.; Bégou, P. 17 1998 New insights on steady, nonlinear flow in porous media. Zbl 0935.76088 Skjetne, E.; Auriault, J. L. 17 1999 Turbulence in the rotating-disk boundary layer investigated through direct numerical simulations. Zbl 1408.76288 Appelquist, E.; Schlatter, P.; Alfredsson, P. H.; Lingwood, R. J. 17 2018 Heat transport and flow structure in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Zbl 1408.76286 Stevens, Richard J. A. M.; Clercx, Herman J. H.; Lohse, Detlef 17 2013 The absolute instability of the boundary layer on a rotating cone. Zbl 1150.76026 Garrett, S. J.; Peake, N. 17 2007 Catastrophic transition to instability of evaporation front in a porous medium. Zbl 1151.76480 Il’ichev, A. T.; Tsypkin, G. G. 17 2008 Gas flow through an elliptical tube over the whole range of the gas rarefaction. Zbl 1154.76376 Graur, Irina; Sharipov, Felix 17 2008 The linear stability of double-diffusive miscible rectilinear displacements in a Hele-Shaw cell. Zbl 1167.76330 Pritchard, David 17 2009 Investigating lump and its interaction for the third-order evolution equation arising propagation of long waves over shallow water. Zbl 1477.76024 Manafian, Jalil; Mohammed, Sizar Abid; Alizadeh, As’ad; Baskonus, Haci Mehmet; Gao, Wei 17 2020 Numerical solutions of the Boltzmann equation: Comparison of different algorithms. Zbl 1129.76040 Kowalczyk, Piotr; Palczewski, Andrzej; Russo, Giovanni; Walenta, Zbigniew 16 2008 Mixed convection flow in a lid-driven inclined square enclosure filled with a nanofluid. Zbl 1202.76130 Abu-Nada, Eiyad; Chamkha, Ali J. 16 2010 Strong shock waves generated by a piston moving in a dust-laden gas under isothermal condition. Zbl 1060.76069 Gretler, Walter; Regenfelder, René 16 2005 Reconstruction of the pressure in long-wave models with constant vorticity. Zbl 1347.76007 Ali, Alfatih; Kalisch, Henrik 16 2013 Asymptotic theory of the Boltzmann system, for a steady flow of a slightly rarefied gas with a finite Mach number: General theory. Zbl 0973.76076 Sone, Yoshio; Bardos, Claude; Golse, François; Sugimoto, Hiroshi 15 2000 Identification and analysis of vortical structures. Zbl 0921.76072 Kida, S.; Miura, H. 15 1998 Experiments and localized disturbances in a flat plate boundary layer. I: The receptivity and evolution of a localized free stream disturbance. II: Interaction between localized disturbances and TS-waves. Zbl 0925.76005 Westin, K. J. A.; Bakchinov, A. A.; Kozlov, V. V.; Alfredsson, P. H. 15 1998 Solitary wave breaking on sloping beaches: 2-D two-phase flow numerical simulation by SL-VOF method. Zbl 0983.76059 Guignard, Stephan; Marcer, Richard; Rey, Vincent; Kharif, Christian; Fraunié, Philippe 15 2001 Lagrangian studies of coherent sets and heat transport in constant heat flux-driven turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Zbl 1546.76049 Vieweg, Philipp P.; Klünker, Anna; Schumacher, Jörg; Padberg-Gehle, Kathrin 2 2024 An investigation of a supersonic fluidic oscillator generating pulsations in chambers during pressurization. Zbl 1546.76057 Xu, Sichang; Peirone, Chris; Ryzer, Eugene; Rankin, Gary W. 1 2024 Newtonian annular Poiseuille and Couette flows with dynamic wall slip. Zbl 1546.76020 EL Farragui, Meryieme; Souhar, Otmane; Georgiou, Georgios C. 1 2024 Roughness induced transition delay in a swept-wing boundary layer in presence of freestream disturbances. I: Turbulence effects. Zbl 07855568 Borodulin, V. I.; Ivanov, A. V.; Kachanov, Y. S. 1 2024 Solidification of a liquid drop enclosing a bubble on an inclined surface. Zbl 1541.76094 Ho, Nang X.; Vu, Truong V. 1 2024 Effects of anisotropy on the geometry of tracer particle trajectories in turbulent flows. Zbl 1541.76048 Hengster, Yasmin; Lellep, Martin; Weigel, Julian; Bross, Matthew; Bosbach, Johannes; Schanz, Daniel; Schröder, Andreas; Huhn, Florian; Novara, Matteo; Garaboa Paz, Daniel; Kähler, Christian J.; Linkmann, Moritz 1 2024 Generalized mean state of the isothermal Darcy-Benard problem and its instability onset. Zbl 1541.76039 Turkyilmazoglu, Mustafa; Duraihem, Faisal Z. 1 2024 Comparison of surface tension models for the simulation of two-phase flow in an ISPH-FVM coupling method. Zbl 07858318 Xu, Yixiang; Yang, Gang; Hu, Dean 1 2024 Mean flow induced by longitudinal libration of a fluid-filled rotating container bounded by two conical surfaces. Zbl 1544.76126 Kurgansky, M. V. 1 2024 Newtonian flow with slip and pressure-drop predictions in hyperbolic confined geometries. Zbl 07929212 Sialmas, Panagiotis; Housiadas, Kostas D. 1 2024 A continuous non-ergodic theory for the wave set-up. Zbl 07881323 Mendes, Saulo 1 2024 Resonant water-waves in ducts with different geometries: forced KdV solutions. Zbl 07881326 Harlander, U.; Schön, F.-T.; Borcia, I. D.; Richter, S.; Borcia, R.; Bestehorn, M. 1 2024 Channel flow with variable geometry and Navier slip at the walls using high-order lubrication theory. Zbl 1507.76045 Housiadas, Kostas D.; Tsangaris, Christos 4 2023 A stable interface-preserving reinitialization equation for conservative level set method. Zbl 1519.76283 Parameswaran, S.; Mandal, J. C. 3 2023 Flow through porous metamaterials formed by TPMS-based unit cells: effects of advection. Zbl 1523.76091 Ahmed, Essam Nabil; Bottaro, Alessandro 2 2023 On fast peristaltic waves. Zbl 1516.76022 Floryan, J. M.; Haq, N. N.; Bassom, Andrew P. 2 2023 Role of slip in the stability of viscoelastic liquid flow through a channel. Zbl 1539.76060 Pal, Subham; Samanta, Arghya 2 2023 Investigation of aspect ratio effects on flow characteristics and vorticity generation in shock-induced rectangular bubble. Zbl 1522.76100 Singh, Satyvir 2 2023 Turbulent superstructure statistics in a turbulent boundary layer with pressure gradients. Zbl 1522.76037 Bross, Matthew; Schanz, Daniel; Novara, Matteo; Eich, Felix; Schröder, Andreas; Kähler, Christian J. 2 2023 Instability of waves in deep water – a discrete Hamiltonian approach. Zbl 1522.76031 Andrade, David; Stuhlmeier, Raphael 2 2023 Acoustic-gravity waves generated by surface disturbances. Zbl 1519.76309 Meza-Valle, Claudio; Kadri, Usama; Ortega, Jaime H. 2 2023 Mixed electroosmotic/pressure-driven flow for a generalized Phan-Thien-Tanner fluid in a microchannel with nonlinear Navier slip at the wall. Zbl 1506.76214 Teodoro, C.; Bautista, O.; Méndez, F.; Arcos, J. 2 2023 Numerical simulation of high peak overpressure blast wave through shock tube and its interaction with a rectangular object. Zbl 1506.76061 Thangadurai, Murugan; Kundu, Abhishek; Sandhu, Inderpal Singh; Das, Moloy Narayan 2 2023 Floating hydroelastic circular plate in regular and irregular waves. Zbl 1520.76012 Michele, Simone; Zheng, Siming; Buriani, Federica; Borthwick, Alistair G. L.; Greaves, Deborah M. 2 2023 Dynamic balance of the mesoscale repulsion and attraction with varying surface tension and interaction coefficients on two-phase flow patterns simulated by an improved non-dimensional lattice Boltzmann model. Zbl 1520.76088 Su, Yan 2 2023 Cost vs accuracy: DNS of turbulent flow over a sphere using structured immersed-boundary, unstructured finite-volume, and spectral-element methods. Zbl 1548.76085 Capuano, Francesco; Beratlis, Nikolaos; Zhang, Fengrui; Peet, Yulia; Squires, Kyle; Balaras, Elias 1 2023 Droplet dynamics in asymmetric microfluidic junctions. Zbl 1548.76232 Yang, He; Xu, Yufan; Knowles, Tuomas 1 2023 Low-Mach number asymptotic analysis of fluid-structure-interaction (FSI) pressure waves inside an elastic tube. Zbl 1529.76079 Bayle, A.; Plouraboué, F. 1 2023 Solute dispersion phenomena in a free and forced convective flow with boundary reactions. Zbl 07699307 Saha, Gourab; Poddar, Nanda; Dhar, Subham; Mazumder, Bijoy Singha; Mondal, Kajal Kumar 1 2023 Effects of bulb seal on slat flow dynamics and slat tones. Zbl 1530.76070 Zhang, Qiao; Gao, Chuanqiang; Wang, Hongjian; Zhang, Weiwei; Yang, Dangguo 1 2023 Towards the modeling of the effect of turbulent water batches on the flow of slurries in horizontal pipes using CFD. Zbl 1516.76091 Ghoudi, Zeineb; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Piscaglia, Federico; Hajjaji, Noureddine 1 2023 Interaction of a turbulent flame with the very-large-scale structures in a channel flow. Zbl 1522.76038 Chi, Cheng; Theisel, Holger; Thévenin, Dominique 1 2023 Rotationally symmetric hybrid-nanofluid flow over a stretchable rotating disk. Zbl 1522.76109 Pandey, Amit Kumar; Das, Abhijit 1 2023 Entrainment at multi-scales in shear-dominated and Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence. Zbl 1522.76033 Brizzolara, Stefano; Mollicone, Jean-Paul; van Reeuwijk, Maarten; Holzner, Markus 1 2023 The Stokes thermocapillary motion of a spherical droplet in the presence of an interface. Zbl 1522.76096 Salem, Ahmed G.; Faltas, M. S.; Sherief, H. H. 1 2023 Viscous effects on the added mass and damping forces during free heave decay of a floating cylinder with a hemispherical bottom. Zbl 1519.76030 Chen, Hao; Xu, Qianlong; Zheng, Xiaobo; Bennetts, Luke G.; Xie, Bin; Lin, Zhiliang; Lin, Zaibin; Li, Ye 1 2023 The vortex structures of the mean turbulent flow field in a 90-degree bend pipe. Zbl 1520.76035 Vasa, Adarsh; Chaudhury, Kaustav 1 2023 Bulk viscosity of dilute monatomic gases revisited. Zbl 1511.76090 Sharma, Bhanuday; Pareek, Savitha; Kumar, Rakesh 1 2023 Spatiotemporal stability of a thin film in the presence of thermal and solutal Marangoni stresses. Zbl 1511.76035 Kishal, Divij; Nandini, Raj; Tiwari, Naveen 1 2023 Axisymmetric lattice Boltzmann model for liquid flows with super-hydrophobic cylindrical surfaces. Zbl 1511.76078 Ren, Junjie; Wang, Shengzhen; Wu, Qingxing; Song, Yinan 1 2023 Numerical prediction of cavitation damage based on shock-induced single bubble collapse near solid surfaces. 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Zbl 1531.76068 Guan, Xiangshan; Zhao, Weiwen; Wan, Decheng; Xu, Fei; Liu, Jie 1 2023 The role of time integration in energy conservation in smoothed particle hydrodynamics fluid dynamics simulations. Zbl 1506.76124 Cercos-Pita, Jose Luis; Merino-Alonso, Pablo Eleazar; Calderon-Sanchez, Javier; Duque, Daniel 1 2023 Dynamics of landslide-generated tsunamis and their dependence on the particle concentration of initial release mass. Zbl 1506.76199 Kafle, Jeevan; Dangol, Bekha Ratna; Tiwari, Chet Nath; Kattel, Parameshwari 1 2023 A two-experiment finite similitude approach to experimental fluid mechanics. Zbl 1520.76070 Davey, Keith; Sadeghi, Hamed; Al-Tarmoom, Abdullah; Darvizeh, Rooholamin 1 2023 A preliminary depth-integrated model for tsunamis propagation including water compressibility and seafloor elasticity. Zbl 1520.76076 Richard, G. L.; Msheik, K.; Duran, A. 1 2023 Modeling and simulation of multi-component immiscible flows based on a modified Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1495.76123 Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 13 2022 Numerical investigation on the water entry of a 3D circular cylinder based on a GPU-accelerated SPH method. Zbl 1503.76073 Zhang, Huashan; Zhang, Zhilang; He, Fang; Liu, Moubin 10 2022 An efficient and generalized solid boundary condition for SPH: applications to multi-phase flow and fluid-structure interaction. Zbl 1487.76060 Zhang, Chi; Zhu, Yujie; Lyu, Xiuxiu; Hu, Xiangyu 10 2022 An ES-BGK model for diatomic gases with correct relaxation rates for internal energies. Zbl 1500.76075 Mathiaud, J.; Mieussens, L.; Pfeiffer, M. 7 2022 Stability and accuracy of the weakly compressible SPH with particle regularization techniques. Zbl 1487.76058 Jandaghian, Mojtaba; Siaben, Herman Musumari; Shakibaeinia, Ahmad 7 2022 Study of two free-falling spheres interaction by coupled SPH-DEM method. Zbl 07463925 Zou, Li; Sun, Jia Zhao; Sun, Zhe; Yu, Zong Bing; Zhao, Huai Bin 6 2022 Coupling of the meshless finite volume particle method and the finite element method for fluid-structure interaction with thin elastic structures. Zbl 07463931 McLoone, Maryrose; Quinlan, Nathan J. 6 2022 SPH numerical modelling of landslide movements as coupled two-phase flows with a new solution for the interaction term. Zbl 1500.76089 Tayyebi, Saeid Moussavi; Pastor, Manuel; Stickle, Miguel Martin; Yagüe, Ángel; Manzanal, Diego; Molinos, Miguel; Navas, Pedro 5 2022 The role of Brinkmann ratio on non-Newtonian fluid flow due to a porous shrinking/stretching sheet with heat transfer. Zbl 07463934 Mahabaleshwar, U. S.; Vishalakshi, A. B.; Azese, Martin Ndi 5 2022 A predictor-corrector scheme for simulation of two-phase granular flows over a moved bed with a variable topography. Zbl 1500.76058 Mohamed, Kamel; Sahmim, Slah; Abdelrahman, Mahmoud A. E. 4 2022 An implicit SPH-based structure model for accurate fluid-structure interaction simulations with hourglass control scheme. Zbl 1500.76066 Shimizu, Yuma; Khayyer, Abbas; Gotoh, Hitoshi 4 2022 Nonlinear dynamic behavior analysis of multi-linkage mechanism with multiple lubrication clearances. Zbl 07463912 Chen, Xiulong; Jiang, Shouyuan 4 2022 Multi-phase moving particle semi-implicit method for violent sloshing flows. Zbl 1512.76076 Wen, Xiao; Zhao, Weiwen; Wan, Decheng 4 2022 Numerical investigations on bionic propulsion problems using the multi-resolution delta-plus SPH model. Zbl 1519.76373 Huang, Xiao-Ting; Sun, Peng-Nan; Lyu, Hong-Guan; Zhang, A-Man 4 2022 Driven flow motion by a dually moving lid of a square cavity. Zbl 1503.76023 Turkyilmazoglu, Mustafa 3 2022 Double-deck structure in the fluid flow induced by a uniformly rotating disk with small symmetric irregularities on its surface. Zbl 1490.76085 Gaydukov, R. K.; Fonareva, A. V. 3 2022 Multiple solutions of the unsteady hybrid nanofluid flow over a rotating disk with stability analysis. Zbl 1503.76035 Waini, Iskandar; Ishak, Anuar; Pop, Ioan 3 2022 Solute dispersion in non-Newtonian fluids flow through small blood vessels: a varying viscosity approach. Zbl 1487.76117 Chauhan, Satyendra Singh; Tiwari, Ashish 3 2022 Vortex induced vibrations of a cylinder at low mass ratio. Zbl 07463902 Reyes, M.; Mandujano, F. 3 2022 Unsteady electromagnetohydrodynamic flow of couple stress fluid through a microchannel: a theoretical analysis. Zbl 1514.76125 Siva, Thota; Jangili, Srinivas; Kumbhakar, Bidyasagar; Mondal, Pranab Kumar 3 2022 SPH method for long-time simulations of sloshing flows in LNG tanks. Zbl 1486.76065 Pilloton, C.; Bardazzi, A.; Colagrossi, A.; Marrone, S. 3 2022 Energy stability of plane Couette and Poiseuille flows: a conjecture. Zbl 1486.76032 Falsaperla, Paolo; Mulone, Giuseppe; Perrone, Carla 3 2022 Numerical simulation of single- and multi-mode Rayleigh-Taylor instability with surface tension in two dimensions. Zbl 07463909 Shin, Suyeon; Sohn, Sung-Ik; Hwang, Woonjae 2 2022 Thermocapillary effect on the dynamics of falling self-rewetting fluid films down a heated vertical cylinder. Zbl 07463910 Ma, Chicheng; Liu, Jianlin; Dai, Xiangjun; Liu, Yongqi 2 2022 Low-Reynolds-number rotation of a soft particle inside an eccentric cavity. Zbl 07463913 Chou, Chin Y.; Keh, Huan J. 2 2022 Stokes flow of an incompressible couple stress fluid confined between two eccentric spheres. Zbl 07463919 Alsudais, Noura S.; El-Sapa, Shreen; Ashmawy, E. A. 2 2022 WCSPH simulation of the forced response of an attenuator oscillating water column wave energy converter. Zbl 1512.76073 Soleimani, Kaveh; Ketabdari, Mohammad Javad; Bingham, Harry B. 2 2022 Moving particle semi-implicit method coupled with finite element method for hydroelastic responses of floating structures in waves. Zbl 1512.76077 Zhang, Guanyu; Zhao, Weiwen; Wan, Decheng 2 2022 An improved impermeable solid boundary scheme for meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method. Zbl 1519.76282 Pan, Xinglin; Zhou, Yan; Dong, Ping; Shi, Huabin 2 2022 Stagnation point heat flux characterization under numerical error and boundary conditions uncertainty. Zbl 1495.76072 Capriati, Michele; Cortesi, Andrea; Magin, Thierry E.; Congedo, Pietro M. 2 2022 Electrohydrodynamic instability of viscous liquid films: electrostatically modified second-order Benney and Kuramoto-Sivashinsky models. Zbl 07463922 Wei, Tao; Zhang, Mengqi 2 2022 An improved recoil pressure boundary condition for the simulation of deep penetration laser beam welding using the SPH method. 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Zbl 1503.76072 Zhang, Guanyu; Zha, Ruosi; Wan, Decheng 1 2022 Laminar flow and pressure loss in planar Tee joints: pressure loss coefficients. Zbl 1503.76033 Patiño-Jaramillo, Gustavo A.; Iglesias, Immaculada; Vera, Marcos 1 2022 Velocity-vorticity correlations and the four-layer regime in turbulent channel flow of generalized Newtonian fluids. Zbl 07463896 Arosemena, Arturo A.; Solsvik, Jannike 1 2022 Riemann problem for the Chaplygin gas equations for several classes of non-constant initial data. Zbl 07463906 Kumar, Akshay; Radha, R. 1 2022 Modeling and simulation for estimating thin film lubrication effects on flow of Jeffrey liquid by a spiraling disk. Zbl 07463911 Sadiq, M. N.; Sajid, M.; Javed, T.; Ali, N. 1 2022 Numerical investigation on influences of injection flow rate on bubbling flow at submerged orifices. Zbl 1512.76114 Duy, Trong-Nguyen; Nguyen, Van-Tu; Park, Warn-Gyu 1 2022 Stability of laminar viscoplastic flows down an inclined open channel. Zbl 1519.76042 Fusi, Lorenzo; Calusi, Benedetta; Farina, Angiolo; Rosso, Fabio 1 2022 Reversing and non-reversing Taylor vortex flows in modulated Taylor-Couette flow with counter-oscillating cylinders. Zbl 1495.76041 Riahi, Mehdi; Choujaa, Mohamed Hayani; Aniss, Saïd 1 2022 Momentum balance based model for predicting the scale of separation bubbles induced by incident shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions. Zbl 1495.76064 Xie, Wen-Zhong; Yang, Shu-Zi; Zhao, Qing-Wei; Zhang, Qing; Guo, Shengmin 1 2022 Focused wave interaction with a partially-immersed rectangular box using 2-D incompressible SPH on a GPU comparing with experiment and linear theory. Zbl 1495.76082 Chow, Alex D.; Stansby, Peter K.; Rogers, Benedict D.; Lind, Steven J.; Fang, Qinghe 1 2022 Wall-layer boundary condition method for laminar and turbulent flows in weakly-compressible SPH. 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