Combustion Theory and Modelling Short Title: Combust. Theory Model. Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, Oxfordshire ISSN: 1364-7830; 1741-3559/e Online: Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 978 Publications (since 1997) References Indexed: 915 Publications with 33,010 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 28, No. 5 (2024) 28, No. 4 (2024) 28, No. 3 (2024) 28, No. 2 (2024) 28, No. 1 (2024) 27, No. 7 (2023) 27, No. 6 (2023) 27, No. 5 (2023) 27, No. 4 (2023) 27, No. 3 (2023) 27, No. 2 (2023) 27, No. 1 (2023) 26, No. 7 (2022) 26, No. 6 (2022) 26, No. 5 (2022) 26, No. 4 (2022) 26, No. 3 (2022) 26, No. 2 (2022) 26, No. 1 (2022) 25, No. 7 (2021) 25, No. 6 (2021) 25, No. 5 (2021) 25, No. 4 (2021) 25, No. 3 (2021) 25, No. 2 (2021) 25, No. 1 (2021) 24, No. 6 (2020) 24, No. 5 (2020) 24, No. 4 (2020) 24, No. 3 (2020) 24, No. 2 (2020) 24, No. 1 (2020) 23, No. 6 (2019) 23, No. 5 (2019) 23, No. 4 (2019) 23, No. 3 (2019) 23, No. 2 (2019) 23, No. 1 (2019) 22, No. 6 (2018) 22, No. 5 (2018) 22, No. 4 (2018) 22, No. 3 (2018) 22, No. 2 (2018) 22, No. 1 (2018) 21, No. 6 (2017) 21, No. 5 (2017) 21, No. 4 (2017) 21, No. 3 (2017) 21, No. 2 (2017) 21, No. 1 (2017) 20, No. 6 (2016) 20, No. 5 (2016) 20, No. 4 (2016) 20, No. 3 (2016) 20, No. 2 (2016) 20, No. 1 (2016) 19, No. 6 (2015) 19, No. 5 (2015) 19, No. 4 (2015) 19, No. 3 (2015) 19, No. 2 (2015) 19, No. 1 (2015) 18, No. 6 (2014) 18, No. 4-5 (2014) 18, No. 3 (2014) 18, No. 2 (2014) 18, No. 1 (2014) 17, No. 6 (2013) 17, No. 5 (2013) 17, No. 4 (2013) 17, No. 3 (2013) 17, No. 2 (2013) 17, No. 1 (2013) 16, No. 6 (2012) 16, No. 5 (2012) 16, No. 4 (2012) 16, No. 3 (2012) 16, No. 2 (2012) 16, No. 1 (2012) 15, No. 6 (2011) 15, No. 5 (2011) 15, No. 4 (2011) 15, No. 3 (2011) 15, No. 2 (2011) 15, No. 1 (2011) 14, No. 6 (2010) 14, No. 5 (2010) 14, No. 4 (2010) 14, No. 3 (2010) 14, No. 2 (2010) 14, No. 1 (2010) 13, No. 6 (2009) 13, No. 5 (2009) 13, No. 4 (2009) 13, No. 3 (2009) 13, No. 2 (2009) 13, No. 1 (2009) 12, No. 6 (2008) 12, No. 5 (2008) 12, No. 4 (2008) ...and 49 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 22 Pope, Stephen Bailey 18 Daou, Joel 17 Sivashinsky, Gregory I. 15 Liñán, Amable 15 Stewart, D. Scott 14 Ren, Zhuyin 13 Greenberg, Jerrold Barry 13 Gubernov, Vladimir Vladimirovich 13 Maas, Ulrich 13 van Oijen, Jeroen Adrianus 13 Williams, Forman A. 12 Joulin, Guy 12 Kapila, Ashwani Kumar 12 Smooke, Mitchell D. 11 Buckmaster, John David 11 Bushe, William Kendal 11 Chen, Zheng 11 Kurdyumov, Vadim N. 11 Najm, Habib N. 10 Im, Hong G. 10 Jackson, Thomas Luther 10 Masri, Assaad R. 10 Pitsch, Heinz 10 Short, Mark W. 9 Chakraborty, Nilanjan 9 Devaud, Cécile B. 8 Bai, Xue-Song 8 Bennett, Beth Anne V. 8 Giovangigli, Vincent 8 Goussis, Dimitris A. 8 Hasegawa, Tatsuya 8 McIntosh, Andy C. 8 Sánchez, Antonio L. 8 Seshadri, Kalyanasundaram 8 Sharpe, Gary J. 8 Swaminathan, Nedunchezhian 7 Bell, John B. 7 Mastorakos, Epaminondas 7 Matalon, Moshe 7 Mukhopadhyay, Achintya 7 Thatcher, Ronald W. 7 Treviño, César 7 Wang, Haifeng 6 Consalvi, Jean-Louis 6 Day, Marcus S. 6 Fursenko, Roman V. 6 Gol’dshtein, Vladimir Mikhailovich 6 Haworth, Daniel C. 6 Ju, Yiguang 6 Lu, Zhanbin 6 Margolis, Stephen B. 6 Minaev, Sergey S. 6 Nishiki, Shinnosuke 6 Riedel, Uwe 6 Schwendeman, Donald William 6 Wichman, Indrek S. 5 Bdzil, John Bohdan 5 Biagioli, Fernando 5 Bilger, Robert W. 5 Brailovsky, Irina 5 Brindley, John 5 Bychkov, Vitaly V. 5 Denet, Bruno 5 Higuera, Francisco J. 5 Jangi, Mehdi 5 Jiménez, Carmen 5 Kagan, L. 5 Kagan, Leonid S. 5 Lipatnikov, Andrei Nikolaevich 5 Minaev, Sergei S. 5 Nayagam, Vedha 5 Nmira, Fatiha 5 Polifke, Wolfgang 5 Raghavan, Vasudevan 5 Sen, Swarnendu 5 Sunderland, Peter B. 5 Valorani, Mauro 5 Volpert, Vladimir A. 5 Xuan, Yuan 4 Akkerman, Vyacheslav Borisovich 4 Al-Malki, Faisal A. 4 Axelbaum, Richard L. 4 Bisetti, Fabrizio 4 Bykov, Viatcheslav 4 Cant, Robert Stewart 4 D’Angelo, Yves 4 Daou, Rémi 4 Dold, John W. 4 Fan, Jianren 4 Fernández-Galisteo, Daniel 4 Figueira da Silva, Luís Fernando 4 Giacomazzi, Eugenio 4 Goldfarb, Igor 4 Goldin, Graham M. 4 Guo, Hongsheng 4 Hasse, Christian 4 Hernández, Alberto M. 4 Higgins, Andrew J. 4 Huang, Jian 4 Huh, Kang Y. ...and 1,559 more Authors all top 5 Fields 952 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 639 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 48 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 34 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 23 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 13 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 11 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 7 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 610 Publications have been cited 2,965 times in 1,602 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Computationally efficient implementation of combustion chemistry using in situ adaptive tabulation. Zbl 1046.80500 Pope, S. B. 93 1997 Numerical simulation of laminar reacting flows with complex chemistry. Zbl 0970.76065 Day, M. S.; Bell, J. B. 79 2000 Characteristic boundary conditions for direct simulations of turbulent counterflow flames. Zbl 1086.80006 Yoo, C. S.; Wang, Y.; Trouvé, A.; Im, H. G. 44 2005 Characteristic boundary conditions for simulations of compressible reacting flows with multi-dimensional, viscous and reaction effects. Zbl 1121.80342 Yoo, C. S.; Im, H. G. 43 2007 High resolution numerical simulation of ideal and non-ideal compressible reacting flows with embedded internal boundaries. Zbl 1046.80505 Xu, Shaojie; Aslam, Tariq; Stewart, D. Scott 39 1997 Multi-fluid modelling of laminar polydisperse spray flames: origin, assumptions and comparison of sectional and sampling methods. Zbl 1160.76419 Laurent, Frédérique; Massot, Marc 32 2001 Thermal diffusion effects in hydrogen-air and methane-air flames. Zbl 0944.76092 Ern, Alexandre; Giovangigli, Vincent 31 1998 The extension of the ILDM concept to reaction-diffusion manifolds. Zbl 1180.80067 Bykov, V.; Maas, U. 31 2007 Impact of volume viscosity on a shock-hydrogen-bubble interaction. Zbl 1148.80374 Billet, G.; Giovangigli, V.; de Gassowski, G. 31 2008 Flow and mixing fields of turbulent bluff-body jets and flames. Zbl 0963.76543 Dally, B. B.; Fletcher, D. F.; Masri, A. R. 28 1998 Quasi steady state and partial equilibrium approximations: their relation and their validity. Zbl 1516.80009 Goussis, DimitrisA. 28 2012 The role of unequal diffusivities in ignition and extinction fronts in strained mixing layers. Zbl 0934.80001 Daou, J.; Liñán, A. 24 1998 Investigation of azimuthal staging concepts in annular gas turbines. Zbl 1229.80015 Noiray, Nicolas; Bothien, Mirko; Schuermans, Bruno 24 2011 An automatic chemical lumping method for the reduction of large chemical kinetic mechanisms. Zbl 1158.80325 Pepiot-Desjardins, P.; Pitsch, H. 23 2008 Global reduced mechanisms for methane and hydrogen combustion with nitric oxide formation constructed with CSP data. Zbl 0939.80506 Massias, A.; Diamantis, D.; Mastorakos, E.; Goussis, D. A. 22 1999 Numerical resolution of pulsating detonation waves. Zbl 0987.76066 Hwang, P.; Fedkiw, R. P.; Merriman, B.; Aslam, T. D.; Karagozian, A. R.; Osher, S. J. 21 2000 Numerical simulation of laminar flames at low Mach number by adaptive finite elements. Zbl 0951.76035 Becker, R.; Braack, M.; Rannacher, R. 21 1999 Numerical simulations of pulsating detonations. I: Nonlinear stability of steady detonations. Zbl 1010.76096 Sharpe, G. J.; Falle, S. A. E. G. 20 2000 A capturing-tracking hybrid scheme for deflagration discontinuities. Zbl 0956.76070 Smiljanovski, V.; Moser, V.; Klein, R. 19 1997 Local rectangular refinement with application to axisymmetric laminar flames. Zbl 0936.80007 Bennett, Beth Anne V.; Smooke, Mitchell D. 19 1998 Flame enhancement and quenching in fluid flows. Zbl 1068.76570 Vladimirova, Natalia; Constantin, Peter; Kiselev, Alexander; Ruchayskiy, Oleg; Ryzhik, Leonid 19 2003 Viscous detonation in \(H_2-O_2-Ar\) using intrinsic low-dimensional manifolds and wavelet adaptive multilevel representation. Zbl 1044.76512 Singh, Sandeep; Rastigejev, Yevgenii; Paolucci, Samuel; Powers, Joseph M. 18 2001 A numerical study of auto-ignition in turbulent lifted flames issuing into a vitiated co-flow. Zbl 1113.80025 Gordon, R. L.; Masri, A. R.; Pope, S. B.; Goldin, G. M. 18 2007 Modelling of turbulent scalar flux in turbulent premixed flames based on DNS databases. Zbl 1119.80013 Nishiki, S.; Hasegawa, T.; Borghi, R.; Himeno, R. 18 2006 Simple global reduction technique based on decomposition approach. Zbl 1148.80391 Bykov, V.; Gol’dshtein, V.; Maas, U. 18 2008 Monte Carlo PDF modelling of a turbulent natural-gas diffusion flame. Zbl 1034.80504 Nooren, P. A.; Wouters, H. A.; Peeters, T. W. J.; Roekaerts, D.; Maas, U.; Schmidt, D. 16 1997 Nonlinear dynamics and chaos analysis of one-dimensional pulsating detonations. Zbl 1116.80312 Ng, H. D.; Higgins, A. J.; Kiyanda, C. B.; Radulescu, M. I.; Lee, J. H. S.; Bates, K. R.; Nikiforakis, N. 16 2005 Analysis of methane-air edge flame structure. Zbl 1197.80058 Najm, Habib N.; Valorani, Mauro; Goussis, Dimitris A.; Prager, Jens 16 2010 Mechanisms of detonation formation due to a temperature gradient. Zbl 1068.80517 Kapila, A. K.; Schwendeman, D. W.; Quirk, J. J.; Hawa, T. 15 2002 Exploiting ISAT to solve the reaction-diffusion equation. Zbl 1068.80538 Singer, Michael A.; Pope, S. B. 15 2004 Linear analysis of diffusional-thermal instability in diffusion flames with Lewis numbers close to unity. Zbl 1046.80502 Kim, J. S. 14 1997 On model evolution equations for the whole surface of three-dimensional expanding wrinkled premixed flames. Zbl 0982.76097 D’Angelo, Yves; Joulin, Guy; Boury, Gaël 14 2000 Premixed flames modelled with thermally sensitive intermediate branching kinetics. Zbl 1187.80028 Dold, J. W. 14 2007 Predicting the ignition delay of turbulent methane jets using conditional source-term estimation. Zbl 1180.80061 Grout, R. W.; Bushe, W. Kendal; Blair, C. 14 2007 A study of detonation diffraction in the ignition-and-growth model. Zbl 1145.80011 Kapila, A. K.; Schwendeman, D. W.; Bdzil, J. B.; Henshaw, W. D. 14 2007 Operator-splitting with ISAT to model reacting flow with detailed chemistry. Zbl 1121.80333 Singer, Michael A.; Pope, S. B.; Najm, H. N. 14 2006 Theoretical analysis of the evolution from ignition kernel to flame ball and planar flame. Zbl 1113.80024 Chen, Z.; Ju, Y. 14 2007 Analyses of conditional moment closure for turbulent premixed flames. Zbl 0981.76530 Swaminathan, N.; Bilger, R. W. 13 2001 Numerical investigation of the instability for one-dimensional Chapman-Jouguet detonations with chain-branching kinetics. Zbl 1077.80506 Ng, H. D.; Radulescu, M. I.; Higgins, A. J.; Nikiforakis, N.; Lee, J. H. S. 13 2005 On symmetries and averaging of the \(G\)-equation for premixed combustion. Zbl 1114.80306 Oberlack, M.; Wenzel, H.; Peters, N. 13 2001 Fast, non-diffusive ignition of a gaseous reacting mixture subject to a point energy source. Zbl 1114.80307 Vázquez-Espí, C.; Liñán, A. 13 2001 Simulation of transient turbulent methane jet ignition and combustion under engine-relevant conditions using conditional source-term estimation with detailed chemistry. Zbl 1180.80062 Huang, J.; Bushe, W. K. 13 2007 Turbulent propagation of premixed flames in the presence of Darrieus-Landau instability. Zbl 1219.80118 Creta, F.; Fogla, N.; Matalon, M. 13 2011 An adaptive two-dimensional wavelet-vaguelette algorithm for the computation of flame balls. Zbl 0991.80514 Bockhorn, Henning; Fröhlich, Jochen; Schneider, Kai 12 1999 Dynamics of planar gaseous detonations near Chapman-Jouguet conditions for small heat release. Zbl 0999.80011 Clavin, Paul; Williams, Forman A. 12 2002 Detonation capturing for stiff combustion chemistry. Zbl 0936.80005 Berkenbosch, A. C.; Kaasschieter, E. F.; Klein, R. 12 1998 Presumed PDF modeling for RANS simulation of turbulent premixed flames. Zbl 1197.80053 Salehi, M. M.; Bushe, W. K. 12 2010 A CSP and tabulation-based adaptive chemistry model. Zbl 1105.80015 Lee, J. C.; Najm, H. N.; Lefantzi, S.; Ray, J.; Frenklach, M.; Valorani, M.; Goussis, D. A. 12 2007 Modelling of the correlation between velocity and reactive scalar gradients in turbulent premixed flames based on DNS data. Zbl 1145.80015 Mura, Arnaud; Tsuboi, Kazuya; Hasegawa, Tatsuya 12 2008 Flame balls with thermally sensitive intermediate kinetics. Zbl 1068.80512 Dold, J. W.; Weber, R. O.; Thatcher, R. W.; Shah, A. A. 11 2003 Modelling radiative mean absorption coefficients. Zbl 1021.78002 Ripoll, J.-F.; Dubroca, B.; Duffa, G. 11 2001 A study of detonation evolution and structure for a model of compressible two-phase reactive flow. Zbl 1132.80322 Schwendeman, D. W.; Wahle, C. W.; Kapila, A. K. 11 2008 Evans function analysis of the stability of non-adiabatic flames. Zbl 1068.80531 Simon, Peter L.; Kalliadasis, Serafim; Merkin, John H.; Scott, Stephen K. 11 2003 Coupling multimodelling with local mesh refinement for the numerical computation of laminar flames. Zbl 1068.80534 Braack, Malte; Ern, Alexandre 11 2004 Large eddy simulations of a piloted lean premix jet flame using finite-rate chemistry. Zbl 1253.80016 Duwig, Christophe; Nogenmyr, Karl-Johan; Chan, Cheong-Ki; Dunn, Matthew J. 11 2011 A study of detonation propagation and diffraction with compliant confinement. Zbl 1144.80379 Banks, J. W.; Henshaw, W. D.; Schwendeman, D. W.; Kapila, A. K. 11 2008 Comparison of well-mixed and multiple representative interactive flamelet approaches for diesel spray combustion modelling. Zbl 1516.76084 D’Errico, G.; Lucchini, T.; Contino, F.; Jangi, M.; Bai, X.-S. 11 2014 High-order algorithms for compressible reacting flow with complex chemistry. Zbl 1519.76083 Emmett, Matthew; Zhang, Weiqun; Bell, John B. 11 2014 The onset of oscillations in diffusion flames. Zbl 1044.80500 Kukuck, S.; Matalon, M. 10 2001 The effects of radiation on stretched flames. Zbl 1046.80501 Buckmaster, J. 10 1997 Critical conditions for spherical flame initiation in mixtures with high Lewis numbers. Zbl 0955.76097 He, Longting 10 2000 Possible role of temporal correlations in the bending of turbulent flame velocity. Zbl 0948.76086 Denet, Bruno 10 1999 A generalized level-set/in-cell-reconstruction approach for accelerating turbulent premixed flames. Zbl 1068.80537 Schmidt, Heiko; Klein, Rupert 10 2003 Stability characteristics and flowfields of turbulent non-premixed swirling flames. Zbl 1068.80502 Al-Abdeli, Yasir M.; Masri, Assaad R. 10 2003 Nonlinear/chaotic behaviour in thermo-acoustic instability. Zbl 1176.80082 Lei, S.; Turan, A. 10 2009 A simple model for the filtered density function for passive scalar combustion LES. Zbl 1177.80087 Floyd, J.; Kempf, A. M.; Kronenburg, A.; Ram, R. H. 10 2009 Application of the conditional source-term estimation model for turbulence-chemistry interactions in a premixed flame. Zbl 1264.80026 Salehi, M. M.; Bushe, W. K.; Daun, K. J. 10 2012 Pattern formation in flame spread over thin solid fuels. Zbl 1148.80380 Kagan, L.; Sivashinsky, G. 10 2008 Rate-controlled constrained-equilibrium method using constraint potentials. Zbl 0928.92039 Hamiroune, Djamel; Bishnu, Partha; Metghalchi, Mohamad; Keck, James C. 9 1998 Detonation shock dynamics and comparisons with direct numerical simulation. Zbl 1081.80505 Aslam, Tariq D.; Stewart, D. Scott 9 1999 Flow-frequency effect upon Huygens front propagation. Zbl 0948.76630 Ashurst, Wm T. 9 2000 Intrinsic low-dimensional manifolds of strained and unstrained flames. Zbl 0934.80004 Schmidt, D.; Blasenbrey, T.; Maas, U. 9 1998 An elementary model for the validation of flamelet approximations in non-premixed turbulent combustion. Zbl 1112.80308 Bourlioux, A.; Majda, A. J. 9 2000 Parametrizing the burning speed enhancement by small-scale periodic flows. I: Unsteady shears, flame residence time and bending. Zbl 1114.80303 Khouider, B.; Bourlioux, A.; Majda, A. J. 9 2001 Physical and numerical realizability requirements for flame surface density approaches to large-eddy and Reynolds averaged simulation of premixed turbulent combustion. Zbl 1160.80308 Hawkes, E. R.; Cant, R. S. 9 2001 The effect of heat loss on flame edges in a non-premixed counterflow within a thermo-diffusive model. Zbl 1068.80510 Daou, R.; Daou, J.; Dold, J. 9 2004 The geometry of reaction trajectories and attracting manifolds in composition space. Zbl 1115.80316 Ren, Zhuyin; Pope, Stephen B. 9 2006 Numerical simulation of flames as gas-dynamic discontinuities. Zbl 1115.80315 Rastigejev, Yevgenii; Matalon, Moshe 9 2006 Asymptotic analysis of flame propagation in weakly-strained mixing layers under a reversible chemical reaction. Zbl 1156.80405 Daou, Joel 9 2009 Combustion waves in a model with chain branching reaction and their stability. Zbl 1148.80379 Gubernov, V. V.; Sidhu, H. S.; Mercer, G. N. 9 2008 Time-averaging strategies in the finite-volume/particle hybrid algorithm for the joint PDF equation of turbulent reactive flows. Zbl 1148.80388 Wang, Haifeng; Pope, Stephen B. 9 2008 Computational study of lean premixed turbulent flames using RANSPDF and LESPDF methods. Zbl 1516.80021 Rowinski, David H.; Pope, Stephen B. 9 2013 Darrieus-Landau instability, growing cycloids and expanding flame acceleration. Zbl 1034.80501 Ashurst, Wm. T. 8 1997 Linear stability analysis of non-adiabatic free-radical polymerization waves. Zbl 1058.80007 Spade, C. A.; Volpert, V. A. 8 2001 Gradient, counter-gradient transport and their transition in turbulent premixed flames. Zbl 1001.80003 Zimont, Vladimir L.; Biagioli, Fernando 8 2002 Constituent properties of HMX needed for mesoscale simulations. Zbl 0999.80503 Menikoff, Ralph; Sewell, Thomas D. 8 2002 Thermal explosion in a combustible gas containing fuel droplets. Zbl 0974.76093 McIntosh, A. C.; Gol’dshtein, V.; Goldfarb, I.; Zinoviev, A. 8 1998 A cell agglomeration algorithm for accelerating detailed chemistry in CFD. Zbl 1176.80074 Goldin, Graham M.; Ren, Zhuyin; Zahirovic, Selma 8 2009 Numerical studies of curved stationary flames in wide tubes. Zbl 1068.80522 Liberman, Michael A.; Ivanov, Mikhail F.; Peil, Oleg E.; Valiev, Damir M.; Eriksson, Lars-Erik 8 2003 Turbulent flame and the Darrieus-Landau instability in a three-dimensional flow. Zbl 1068.80501 Akkerman, V’yacheslav; Bychkov, Vitaly 8 2003 Numerical parameter estimation for chemical models in multidimensional reactive flows. Zbl 1068.80533 Becker, R.; Braack, M.; Vexler, B. 8 2004 Velocity of weakly turbulent flames of finite thickness. Zbl 1095.80002 Akkerman, V.; Bychkov, V. 8 2005 Triple-flame propagation in a parallel flow: an analytical study. Zbl 1197.80046 Daou, Joel; Al-Malki, Faisal 8 2010 Integration of large chemical kinetic mechanisms via exponential methods with Krylov approximations to Jacobian matrix functions. Zbl 1262.80089 Bisetti, Fabrizio 8 2012 Eulerian transported probability density function sub-filter model for large-eddy simulations of turbulent combustion. Zbl 1115.80314 Raman, Venkatramanan; Pitsch, Heinz; Fox, Rodney O. 8 2006 Detailed modeling of planar transcritical H\(_{2}\)-O\(_{2}\)-N\(_{2}\) flames. Zbl 1219.80121 Giovangigli, Vincent; Matuszewski, Lionel; Dupoirieux, Francis 8 2011 Transient convective burning of interactive fuel droplets in single-layer arrays. Zbl 1219.80124 Wu, Guang; Sirignano, William A. 8 2011 A greedy algorithm for species selection in dimension reduction of combustion chemistry. Zbl 1214.80005 Hiremath, Varun; Ren, Zhuyin; Pope, Stephen B. 8 2010 A reduced-order deterministic model describing an intermittency route to combustion instability. Zbl 1519.80185 Seshadri, Akshay; Nair, Vineeth; Sujith, R. I. 8 2016 Pore collapse in an energetic material from the micro-scale to the macro-scale. Zbl 1519.76320 Jackson, Thomas Luther; Buckmaster, John David; Zhang, Ju; Anderson, Michael James 8 2015 Impact of a discretisation method and chemical kinetics on the accuracy of simulation of a lifted hydrogen flame. Zbl 07734800 Tyliszczak, Artur; Wawrzak, Agnieszka; Wawrzak, Karol 2 2023 Determining the global activation energy of methane-air premixed flames. Zbl 07855709 Moroshkina, Anastasia D.; Ponomareva, Alina A.; Mislavskii, Vladimir V.; Sereshchenko, Evgeniy V.; Gubernov, Vladimir V.; Bykov, Viatcheslav V.; Minaev, Sergey S. 1 2023 Application of machine learning in low-order manifold representation of chemistry in turbulent flames. Zbl 1519.80156 Mousemi, Arash; Jadidi, Mehdi; Dworkin, Seth B.; Bushe, W. Kendal 1 2023 Optimisation method for automatic selection of rate constants of global reaction mechanisms. Zbl 07734796 Zakharov, Aleksander D.; Fursenko, Roman V.; Minaev, Sergey S. 1 2023 A thick reaction zone model for premixed flames in two-dimensional channels. Zbl 07734810 Rajamanickam, Prabakaran; Daou, Joel 1 2023 Analysis of an innovative sampling strategy based on \(k\)-means clustering algorithm for POD and POD-DEIM reduced order models of a 2-D reaction-diffusion system. Zbl 07734811 Cutillo, Enrico Alberto; Petito, Gianmarco; Bizon, Katarzyna; Continillo, Gaetano 1 2023 Investigation of conditional source-term estimation coupled with a semi-empirical model for soot predictions in two turbulent flames. Zbl 1519.80020 Ashrafizadeh, Seyed Mehdi; Devaud, Cecile 3 2022 A coupled model of composite synthesis in combustion regime. Zbl 1519.80107 Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna; Bukrina, Natalia Valerievna 2 2022 Assessing diffusion model impacts on enstrophy and flame structure in turbulent lean premixed flames. Zbl 1519.80058 Fillo, Aaron J.; Hamlington, Peter E.; Niemeyer, Kyle E. 2 2022 Asymptotic analysis of cool-flame propagation in mixtures of an n-alkane, oxygen, and nitrogen. Zbl 1519.80287 Nayagam, Vedha; Williams, Forman A.; Dietrich, Daniel L. 1 2022 Effects of thermal expansion on Taylor dispersion-controlled diffusion flames. Zbl 1519.80171 Rajamanickam, Prabakaran; Weiss, Adam D. 1 2022 Modelling of pulsating inverted conical flames: a numerical instability analysis. Zbl 1519.80041 da Costa Ramos, Louise; Figueira da Silva, Luís Fernando; Di Meglio, Florent; Morgenthaler, Valery 1 2022 Examination of probability distribution of mixture fraction in LES/FDF modelling of a turbulent partially premixed jet flame. Zbl 1519.80211 Wang, Haifeng; Zhang, Pei; Tao, Jie 1 2022 Neural network PID control for combustion instability. Zbl 1519.80239 Zhang, Long; Li, Shan; Xue, Yuan; Zhou, Hua; Ren, Zhuyin 1 2022 Reaction-diffusion manifolds including differential diffusion applied to methane/air combustion in strong extinction regimes. Zbl 1519.80032 Breda, Paola; Yu, Chunkan; Maas, Ulrich; Pfitzner, Michael 1 2022 Sensitivity of reaction-diffusion manifolds (REDIM) method with respect to the gradient estimate. Zbl 1519.80232 Yu, Chunkan; Maas, Ulrich 1 2022 Modelling extinction/re-ignition processes in fire plumes under oxygen-diluted conditions using flamelet tabulation approaches. Zbl 1519.80145 Ma, Li; Nmira, Fatiha; Consalvi, Jean-Louis 1 2022 Counterflow combustion waves in short samples of metal powders at natural filtration of oxygen. Zbl 1519.80024 Bayliss, Alvin; Shafirovich, Evgeny; Volpert, Vladimir A. 1 2022 Numerical study of the stability of premixed flames propagating in half-open tubes. Zbl 1519.80190 Shen, Ting; Xiao, Huahua 1 2022 Assessment of optimal reaction progress variable characteristics for partially premixed flames. Zbl 1519.80039 Chitgarha, Fatemeh; Ommi, Fathollah; Farshchi, Mohammad 1 2022 Simulations of turbulent acetone spray flames using the conditional source term estimation (CSE) approach. Zbl 1519.80270 Hussien, A.; Devaud, C. B. 5 2021 Effect of progress variable definition on the mass burning rate of premixed laminar flames predicted by the flamelet generated manifold method. Zbl 1519.80285 Gupta, Harshit; Teerling, Omkejan J.; van Oijen, Jeroen A. 4 2021 Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of steady char burnout. Zbl 1519.80085 Hassan, Ahmed; Sayadi, Taraneh; Le Chenadec, Vincent; Pitsch, Heinz; Attili, Antonio 2 2021 Effect of Taylor dispersion on the thermo-diffusive instabilities of flames in a Hele-Shaw burner. Zbl 1519.80008 Daou, Joel 2 2021 Dynamics of diffusion flames in a very low strain rate flow field: from transient one-dimensional to stationary two-dimensional regime. Zbl 1519.80187 Severino, Matheus P.; Donini, Mariovane S.; Fachini, Fernando F. 2 2021 Diffusion-controlled premixed flames. Zbl 1519.80280 Sirignano, William A. 2 2021 Exploring subgrid-scale variance models in LES of lab-scale methane fire plumes. Zbl 1519.80011 Ma, Li; Nmira, Fatiha; Consalvi, Jean-Louis 1 2021 An extended flame index partitioning for partially premixed combustion. Zbl 1519.80094 Illana, Enric; Mira, Daniel; Mura, Arnaud 1 2021 Numerical study on the effect of injection pressure on high-pressure diesel spray. Zbl 1519.80276 Ong, Yong Liang; Salehi, Fatemeh; Ghiji, Mohammadmahdi; Garaniya, Vikram 1 2021 Data-driven blended equations of state for condensed-phase explosives. Zbl 1519.80250 Lee, Kibaek; Hernández, Alberto M.; Stewart, D. Scott; Lee, Seungjoon 1 2021 Exploring active subspace for neural network prediction of oscillating combustion. Zbl 1519.80240 Zhang, Long; Wang, Nana; Wei, Jieli; Ren, Zhuyin 1 2021 A technique for characterising feature size and quality of manifolds. Zbl 1519.80019 Armstrong, Elizabeth; Sutherland, James C. 1 2021 Simulation of side-wall quenching of laminar premixed flames with manifold-based reduced kinetic models implemented in generalised coordinates. Zbl 1519.80140 Luo, Yujuan; Strassacker, Christina; Hasse, Christian; Maas, Ulrich 1 2021 Numerical methodology for spontaneous wrinkling of centrally ignited premixed flames – linear theory. Zbl 1519.80275 Mohan, Shikhar; Matalon, Moshe 1 2021 Shock structure for the seven-equation, two-phase continuum-mixture model. Zbl 1519.80264 Bdzil, John Bohdan; Kapila, Ashwani Kumar; Hennessey, Michael Patrick 1 2021 Implementation problems of manifolds-based model reduction and their generic solution. Zbl 1519.80071 Golda, Philipp; Blattmann, Andreas; Neagos, Alexander; Bykov, Viatcheslav; Maas, Ulrich 4 2020 Simulation of ECN diesel spray A using conditional source-term estimation. Zbl 1519.80052 Fang, Xiao Hang; Ismail, Riyaz; Bushe, Kendal; Davy, Martin 4 2020 QFM: quenching flamelet-generated manifold for modelling of flame-wall interactions. Zbl 1519.80049 Efimov, Denis V.; de Goey, Philip; van Oijen, Jeroen A. 3 2020 A novel method to automate FGM progress variable with application to igniting combustion systems. Zbl 1519.80209 Vasavan, Aromal; de Goey, Philip; van Oijen, Jeroen 3 2020 Numerical studies on autoignition and detonation development from a hot spot in hydrogen/air mixtures. Zbl 1519.80068 Gao, Yuan; Dai, Peng; Chen, Zheng 3 2020 Taylor-diffusion-controlled combustion in ducts. Zbl 1519.80129 Liñán, Amable; Rajamanickam, Prabakaran; Weiss, Adam D.; Sánchez, Antonio L. 3 2020 A spectral deferred correction strategy for low Mach number reacting flows subject to electric fields. Zbl 1519.80051 Esclapez, Lucas; Ricchiuti, Valentina; Bell, John B.; Day, Marcus S. 2 2020 Computational modelling of multi-material energetic materials and systems. Zbl 1519.80088 Hernández, Alberto M.; Stewart, D. Scott 2 2020 REDIM reduced chemistry for the simulation of counterflow diffusion flames with oscillating strain rates. Zbl 1519.80233 Yu, Chunkan; Minuzzi, Felipe; Maas, Ulrich 2 2020 Travelling wave mathematical analysis and efficient numerical resolution for a one-dimensional model of solid propellant combustion. Zbl 1519.80060 François, Laurent; Dupays, Joël; Davidenko, Dmitry; Massot, Marc 1 2020 DNS-studies on flame front markers for turbulent premixed combustion. Zbl 1519.80183 Schießl, Robert; Denev, Jordan A. 1 2020 Stability of combustion waves propagating in two thermally coupled thin solid fuel layers. Zbl 1519.80154 Miroshnichenko, Taisia P.; Gubernov, Vladimir V.; Kurdyumov, Vadim N. 1 2020 Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of quantities of interest of complex combustion models. Zbl 1519.80122 Lemke, Mathias; Cai, Liming; Reiss, Julius; Pitsch, Heinz; Sesterhenn, Jörn 6 2019 A fourth-order adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for the multicomponent, reacting compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1519.76171 Emmett, Matthew; Motheau, Emmanuel; Zhang, Weiqun; Minion, Michael; Bell, John B. 5 2019 Chemical-diffusive models for flame acceleration and transition-to-detonation: genetic algorithm and optimisation procedure. Zbl 1519.76353 Kaplan, Carolyn R.; Özgen, Alp; Oran, Elaine S. 4 2019 Influence of chemical kinetics on spontaneous waves and detonation initiation in highly reactive and low reactive mixtures. Zbl 1519.80124 Liberman, Michael; Wang, Cheng; Qian, Chengeng; Liu, JianNan 4 2019 Concurrent implicit spectral deferred correction scheme for low-Mach number combustion with detailed chemistry. Zbl 1519.80079 Hamon, François P.; Day, Marcus S.; Minion, Michael L. 3 2019 Experimental data-based reduced-order model for analysis and prediction of flame transition in gas turbine combustors. Zbl 1519.80023 Barwey, Shivam; Hassanaly, Malik; An, Qiang; Raman, Venkat; Steinberg, Adam 3 2019 A priori analysis of sub-grid variance of a reactive scalar using DNS data of high Ka flames. Zbl 1519.80162 Nilsson, Thommie; Langella, Ivan; Doan, Nguyen Anh Khoa; Swaminathan, Nedunchezhian; Yu, Rixin; Bai, Xue-Song 2 2019 Effects of turbulence-chemistry interactions on auto-ignition and flame structure for n-dodecane spray combustion. Zbl 1519.80243 Zhang, Yan; Wang, Hu; Both, Ambrus; Ma, Likun; Yao, Mingfa 2 2019 A hybrid, non-split, stiff/RKC, solver for advection-diffusion-reaction equations and its application to low-Mach number combustion. Zbl 1519.80138 Lucchesi, M.; Alzahrani, H. H.; Safta, C.; Knio, O. M. 2 2019 A LES/PDF simulator on block-structured meshes. Zbl 1519.76363 Turkeri, Hasret; Pope, Stephen B.; Muradoglu, Metin 2 2019 Adjoint-based sensitivity and ignition threshold mapping in a turbulent mixing layer. Zbl 1519.76063 Capecelatro, Jesse; Bodony, Daniel J.; Freund, Jonathan B. 2 2019 Generalized entropy production analysis for mechanism reduction. Zbl 1519.80014 Acampora, Luigi; Kooshkbaghi, Mahdi; Frouzakis, Christos E.; Marra, Francesco S. 2 2019 Modelling compression ignition engines by incorporation of the flamelet generated manifolds combustion closure. Zbl 1519.80144 Maghbouli, Amin; Akkurt, Berşan; Lucchini, Tommaso; D’Errico, Gianluca; Deen, Niels G.; Somers, Bart 2 2019 Computational investigations of the coupling between transient flame dynamics and thermo-acoustic instability in a self-excited resonance combustor. Zbl 1519.80168 Pant, Tejas; Han, Chao; Wang, Haifeng 1 2019 Comparative analysis of methods for heat losses in turbulent premixed flames using physically-derived reduced-order manifolds. Zbl 1519.76114 Nunno, A. Cody; Grenga, Temistocle; Mueller, Michael E. 1 2019 A DNS assessment of linear relations between filtered reaction rate, flame surface density, and scalar dissipation rate in a weakly turbulent premixed flame. Zbl 1519.80133 Lipatnikov, Andrei N.; Nishiki, Shinnosuke; Hasegawa, Tatsuya 1 2019 Influence of micro-explosions on the stability of laminar premixed water-in-fuel emulsion spray flames. Zbl 1519.80231 Yokev, N.; Greenberg, J. B. 1 2019 Effects of endothermic chain-branching reaction on spherical flame initiation and propagation. Zbl 1519.80127 Li, Haiyue; Zhang, Huangwei; Chen, Zheng 1 2019 A combined PPAC-RCCE-ISAT methodology for efficient implementation of combustion chemistry. Zbl 1519.80257 Newale, Ashish S.; Liang, Youwen; Pope, Stephen B.; Pepiot, Perrine 1 2019 Low temperature first ignition of \(n\)-butane. Zbl 1519.80204 Treviño, C.; Turányi, T. 1 2019 A conservative, thermodynamically consistent numerical approach for low Mach number combustion. I: Single-level integration. Zbl 1519.80163 Nonaka, Andrew; Day, Marcus S.; Bell, John B. 7 2018 A DNS study of the physical mechanisms associated with density ratio influence on turbulent burning velocity in premixed flames. Zbl 1519.80130 Lipatnikov, Andrei N.; Chomiak, Jerzy; Sabelnikov, Vladimir A.; Nishiki, Shinnosuke; Hasegawa, Tatsuya 5 2018 Numerical model of two-dimensional heterogeneous combustion in porous media under natural convection or forced filtration. Zbl 1519.80142 Lutsenko, Nickolay A. 5 2018 An explicit algorithm for imbedding solid boundaries in Cartesian grids for the reactive Euler equations. Zbl 1519.80269 Hernández, Alberto M.; Stewart, D. Scott; Lieberthal, Brandon 4 2018 Evaluation of deconvolution modelling applied to numerical combustion. Zbl 1519.80149 Mehl, Cédric; Idier, Jérôme; Fiorina, Benoît 3 2018 Probabilistic inference of reaction rate parameters from summary statistics. Zbl 1519.80105 Khalil, Mohammad; Najm, Habib N. 3 2018 Calibration of the pseudo-reaction-zone model for detonation wave propagation. Zbl 1519.76122 Chiquete, Carlos; Short, Mark; Meyer, Chad D.; Quirk, James J. 3 2018 Probabilistic parameter estimation in a 2-step chemical kinetics model for \(n\)-dodecane jet autoignition. Zbl 1519.80248 Hakim, Layal; Lacaze, Guilhem; Khalil, Mohammad; Sargsyan, Khachik; Najm, Habib; Oefelein, Joseph 3 2018 Identification of flame transfer functions in the presence of intrinsic thermoacoustic feedback and noise. Zbl 1520.93582 Jaensch, Stefan; Merk, Malte; Emmert, Thomas; Polifke, Wolfgang 3 2018 Turbulent scalar fluxes in \(\mathrm{H}_2\)-air premixed flames at low and high Karlovitz numbers. Zbl 1519.80106 Klein, Markus; Kasten, Christian; Chakraborty, Nilanjan; Mukhadiyev, Nurzhan; Im, Hong G. 3 2018 Effects of pressure and fuel dilution on coflow laminar methane-air diffusion flames: a computational and experimental study. Zbl 1519.80036 Cao, Su; Ma, Bin; Giassi, Davide; Bennett, Beth Anne V.; Long, Marshall B.; Smooke, Mitchell D. 2 2018 Influence of water mist on propagation and suppression of laminar premixed flame. Zbl 1519.80025 Belyakov, Nikolay S.; Babushok, Valeri I.; Minaev, Sergei S. 2 2018 A LES-CMC formulation for premixed flames including differential diffusion. Zbl 1519.80054 Farrace, Daniele; Chung, Kyoungseoun; Bolla, Michele; Wright, Yuri M.; Boulouchos, Konstantinos; Mastorakos, Epaminondas 2 2018 Bifurcation and extinction limit of stretched premixed flames with chain-branching intermediate kinetics and radiative loss. Zbl 1519.80237 Zhang, Huangwei; Chen, Zheng 2 2018 An energy-consistency-preserving large eddy simulation-scalar filtered mass density function (LES-SFMDF) method for high-speed flows. Zbl 1519.76110 Zhang, Lin; Liang, Jianhan; Sun, Mingbo; Wang, Hongbo; Yang, Yue 1 2018 Influence of smooth temperature variation on hotspot ignition. Zbl 1519.80174 Reinbacher, Fynn; Regele, Jonathan David 1 2018 A novel formulation for unsteady counterflow flames using a thermal-conductivity-weighted coordinate. Zbl 1519.80219 Weiss, Adam D.; Vera, Marcos; Liñán, Amable; Sánchez, Antonio L.; Williams, Forman A. 1 2018 Validation of a mixture-averaged thermal diffusion model for premixed lean hydrogen flames. Zbl 1519.80184 Schlup, Jason; Blanquart, Guillaume 1 2018 Influence of gas compressibility on a burning accident in a mining passage. Zbl 1519.80045 Demir, Sinan; Calavay, Anish Raman; Akkerman, V’yacheslav 1 2018 Modelling of a closed two-dimensional reactor bounded by a wavy wall. Zbl 1519.80012 Roy, Nepal C. 1 2018 Combustion kinetic model development using surrogate model similarity method. Zbl 1519.80212 Wang, Jiaxing; Li, Shuang; Yang, Bin 1 2018 Dynamic mode decomposition of a direct numerical simulation of a turbulent premixed planar jet flame: convergence of the modes. Zbl 1519.80075 Grenga, Temistocle; MacArt, Jonathan F.; Mueller, Michael E. 1 2018 Asymptotic analysis to the effect of temperature gradient on the propagation of triple flames. Zbl 1519.80016 Al-Malki, Faisal 1 2018 A mechanism for hot-spot generation in a reactive two-dimensional sheared viscous layer. Zbl 1519.80281 Timms, Robert; Purvis, Richard; Curtis, John P. 1 2018 Issues arising in the construction of QSSA mechanisms: the case of reduced \(n\)-heptane/air models for premixed flames. Zbl 1519.80201 Tingas, Efstathios-Al.; Diamantis, Dimitrios J.; Goussis, Dimitris A. 1 2018 FGM with REDx: chemically reactive dimensionality extension. Zbl 1519.80048 Efimov, Denis V.; de Goey, Philip; van Oijen, Jeroen A. 1 2018 Joint-scalar transported PDF modelling of soot in a turbulent non-premixed natural gas flame. Zbl 1519.80182 Schiener, Marcus Andreas; Lindstedt, Rune Peter 1 2018 Flamelet perturbations and flame surface density transport in weakly turbulent premixed combustion. Zbl 1519.80132 Lipatnikov, Andrei Nikolaevich; Sabelnikov, Vladimir Anatolievich; Nishiki, Shinnosuke; Hasegawa, Tatsuya 7 2017 Direct detonation initiation with thermal deposition due to pore collapse in energetic materials – towards the coupling between micro- and macroscale. Zbl 1519.80238 Zhang, Ju; Jackson, Thomas Luther 3 2017 Investigation of mass and energy coupling between soot particles and gas species in modelling ethylene counterflow diffusion flames. Zbl 1519.80246 Zimmer, Leonardo; Pereira, Fernando Marcelo; van Oijen, Jeroen Adrianus; de Goey, Laurentius Philippus Hendrika 3 2017 Large eddy simulation of piloted pulverised coal combustion using extended flamelet/progress variable model. Zbl 1519.80220 Wen, Xu; Luo, Kun; Jin, Hanhui; Fan, Jianren 3 2017 Effects of stoichiometry on premixed flames propagating in narrow channels: symmetry-breaking bifurcations. Zbl 1519.80056 Fernández-Galisteo, Daniel; Jiménez, Carmen; Sánchez-Sanz, Mario; Kurdyumov, Vadim N. 3 2017 Three-step approach for prediction of limit cycle pressure oscillations in combustion chambers of gas turbines. Zbl 1519.80096 Iurashev, Dmytro; Campa, Giovanni; Anisimov, Vyacheslav V.; Cosatto, Ezio 3 2017 ...and 510 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,564 Authors 29 Pope, Stephen Bailey 24 Gubernov, Vladimir Vladimirovich 23 Chakraborty, Nilanjan 20 Goussis, Dimitris A. 18 Giovangigli, Vincent 17 Bell, John B. 16 Ren, Zhuyin 16 Stewart, D. Scott 15 Greenberg, Jerrold Barry 14 Aslam, Tariq D. 14 Chen, Zheng 14 Massot, Marc 14 Najm, Habib N. 13 Daou, Joel 13 Day, Marcus S. 13 Sidhu, Harvinder Singh 13 Sivashinsky, Gregory I. 12 Maas, Ulrich 12 Williams, Forman A. 11 Denet, Bruno 11 Fox, Rodney O. 11 Im, Hong G. 11 Jackson, Thomas Luther 11 Lipatnikov, Andrei Nikolaevich 11 Pitsch, Heinz 11 Sujith, R. I. 11 van Oijen, Jeroen Adrianus 10 Braack, Malte 10 Schwendeman, Donald William 10 Sharpe, Gary J. 10 Smooke, Mitchell D. 10 Valorani, Mauro 9 Bykov, Viatcheslav 9 Clavin, Paul 9 Gao, Xinfeng 9 Gol’dshtein, Vladimir Mikhailovich 9 Henshaw, William D. 9 Kapila, Ashwani Kumar 9 Mastorakos, Epaminondas 9 Matalon, Moshe 9 Merci, Bart 9 Mura, Arnaud 9 Sánchez, Antonio L. 9 Short, Mark W. 9 Vervisch, Luc 8 Bennett, Beth Anne V. 8 Brauner, Claude-Michel 8 Buckmaster, John David 8 Bushe, William Kendal 8 Bychkov, Vitaly V. 8 D’Angelo, Yves 8 Hawkes, Evatt R. 8 Juniper, Matthew P. 8 Laurent, Frédérique 8 Law, Chung K. 8 Liñán, Amable 8 Ng, Hoi Dick 8 Paolucci, Samuel 8 Swaminathan, Nedunchezhian 8 Volpert, Vladimir A. 8 Wang, Haifeng 7 Akkerman, Vyacheslav Borisovich 7 Bai, Xue-Song 7 Bdzil, John Bohdan 7 Becker, Roland 7 Brindley, John 7 Cant, Robert Stewart 7 Chen, Jacqueline H. 7 Devaud, Cécile B. 7 Domingo, Pascale 7 Groth, Clinton P. T. 7 Hasegawa, Tatsuya 7 Haworth, Daniel C. 7 Kerstein, Alan R. 7 Klein, Markus 7 Kurdyumov, Vadim N. 7 Lafortune, Stéphane 7 Lorenzi, Luca 7 Masri, Assaad R. 7 McIntosh, Andy C. 7 Merkin, John H. 7 Minion, Michael L. 7 Nave, Ophir 7 Poinsot, Thierry J. 7 Radulescu, Matei Ioan 7 Raghavan, Vasudevan 7 Ryzhik, Lenya 7 Thatcher, Ronald W. 7 Xin, Jack X. 6 Banks, Jeffrey W. 6 Blanquart, Guillaume 6 Chan, Cheongki 6 Creta, Francesco 6 Ducomet, Bernard 6 Ge, Haiwen 6 Ghazaryan, Anna R. 6 Gordon, Peter V. 6 Guzik, Stephen M. 6 Janicka, Johannes 6 Joulin, Guy ...and 2,464 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 165 Journals 528 Combustion Theory and Modelling 204 Journal of Computational Physics 129 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 83 Computers and Fluids 65 Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 54 Physics of Fluids 22 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 20 Applied Mathematical Modelling 18 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 17 Physica D 15 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 14 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 14 Computer Physics Communications 12 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 12 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 11 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 11 Journal of Scientific Computing 11 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 11 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 9 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 8 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 8 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 7 Shock Waves 7 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 7 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. 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