Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika Short Title: Prikl. Mat. Mekh. Publisher: Russian Academy of Sciences - RAS (Rossiĭskaya Akademiya Nauk - RAN), Moscow; Nauka, Moscow ISSN: 0032-8235 Online: Translation: Mechanics of SolidsFluid DynamicsJournal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Comments: Journal; Latest articles indexed in the translation journals. In 1937 the journal started a New Series with the same title, beginning again with Vol. 1. In the beginning indexed with the English title. Documents Indexed: 2,655 Publications (since 1935) References Indexed: 1,170 Publications with 14,158 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 73, No. 3 (2009) 73, No. 2 (2009) 73, No. 1 (2009) 72, No. 6 (2008) 72, No. 5 (2008) 72, No. 4 (2008) 72, No. 3 (2008) 72, No. 2 (2008) 72, No. 1 (2008) 71, No. 6 (2007) 71, No. 5 (2007) 71, No. 4 (2007) 71, No. 3 (2007) 71, No. 2 (2007) 71, No. 1 (2007) 70, No. 6 (2006) 70, No. 5 (2006) 70, No. 4 (2006) 70, No. 3 (2006) 70, No. 2 (2006) 70, No. 1 (2006) 69, No. 6 (2005) 69, No. 5 (2005) 69, No. 4 (2005) 69, No. 3 (2005) 69, No. 2 (2005) 69, No. 1 (2005) 68, No. 6 (2004) 68, No. 5 (2004) 68, No. 4 (2004) 68, No. 3 (2004) 68, No. 2 (2004) 68, No. 1 (2004) 67, No. 6 (2003) 67, No. 5 (2003) 67, No. 4 (2003) 67, No. 3 (2003) 67, No. 2 (2003) 67, No. 1 (2003) 66, No. 6 (2002) 66, No. 5 (2002) 66, No. 4 (2002) 66, No. 3 (2002) 66, No. 2 (2002) 66, No. 1 (2002) 65, No. 6 (2001) 65, No. 5 (2001) 65, No. 4 (2001) 65, No. 3 (2001) 65, No. 2 (2001) 65, No. 1 (2001) 64, No. 6 (2000) 64, No. 5 (2000) 64, No. 4 (2000) 64, No. 3 (2000) 64, No. 2 (2000) 64, No. 1 (2000) 63, No. 6 (1999) 63, No. 5 (1999) 63, No. 4 (1999) 63, No. 3 (1999) 63, No. 2 (1999) 63, No. 1 (1999) 62, No. 2 (1998) 62, No. 1 (1998) 61, No. 6 (1997) 61, No. 5 (1997) 61, No. 4 (1997) 61, No. 3 (1997) 61, No. 2 (1997) 61, No. 1 (1997) 45 (1981) 40 (1976) 38 (1974) 37 (1973) 36 (1972) 35 (1971) 34 (1970) 33 (1969) 32 (1968) 31 (1967) 30 (1966) 29 (1965) 28 (1964) 27 (1963) 25 (1961) 24 (1960) 23 (1959) 21 (1957/1958) 20 (1956) 19 (1955) 18 (1954) 17 (1953) 16 (1952) 15 (1951) 14 (1950) 13 (1949) 12 (1948) 11 (1947) 10 (1946) ...and 17 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 33 Akulenko, Leonid Denisovich 26 Aleksandrov, Viktor Mikhaĭlovich 24 Lur’e, Anatoliĭ Isaakovich 22 Krasovskiĭ, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 20 Sokolovskij, V. V. 19 Malkin, Ioèl’ Gil’evich 18 Chernous’ko, Feliks Leonidovich 18 Galin, Lev Aleksandrovich 17 Erugin, Nikolaĭ Pavlovich 17 Markeev, Anatoliĭ Pavlovich 17 Sherman, D. I. 16 Chetaev, Nikolaĭ Gur’evich 13 Polubarinova Kochina, Pelageya Yakovlevna 12 Nesterov, Sergeĭ V. 12 Popov, Gennadiĭ Yakovlevich 11 Argatov, Ivan I. 11 Burov, Aleksandr Anatol’evich 11 Ishlinskiĭ, Aleksandr Yul’evich 11 Kozlov, Valeriĭ Vasil’evich 11 Leonov, M. Ya. 11 Mushtari, Kh. M. 11 Pozharskii, D. A. 11 Rumyantsev, Valentin Vital’evich 11 Slobodyanskiĭ, M. G. 11 Tkhaĭ, Valentin Nikolaevich 10 Alumäe, Nikolai A. 10 Arutyunyan, N. Kh. 10 Barenblatt, Grigory Isaakovich 10 Bulgakov, B. V. 10 Gol’denveĭzer, A. L. 10 Il’yushin, Alekseĭ Antonovich 10 Ivanov, Aleksandr Pavlovich 10 Karapetyan, Aleksandr Vladilenovich 10 Rakhmatulin, Khalil Akhmedovich 10 Seĭranyan, Aleksandr Paruĭrovich 9 Fal’kovich, S. V. 9 Khaskind, M. D. 9 Kulikovskiĭ, Andreĭ Gennad’evich 9 Loĭtsyanskiĭ, Lev Gerasimovich 9 Nazarov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 9 Riz, P. M. 8 Galkin, V. S. 8 Gurevich, Maksim Isidorovich 8 Krajko, Aleksandr Nikolaevich 8 Néronoff, N. P. 8 Panov, Dmitrii Yur’evich 8 Ryzhov, Oleg Sergeevich 8 Shevchenko, K. N. 8 Sokolovsky, W. W. 8 Starzhinskiĭ, Vyacheslav Mikhaĭlovich 8 Ushakov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 8 Ustinov, Yuriĭ Anatol’evich 7 Belenky, I. M. 7 Chashechkin, Yu. D. 7 Grigolyuk, Èduard Ivanovich 7 Kholostova, Ol’ga Vladimirovna 7 Kochin, Nikolaĭ Evgrafovich 7 Leonov, Gennadiĭ Alekseevich 7 Mossakovsky, Vladimir Ivanovich 7 Novozhilov, V. V. 7 Shmatkov, Anton M. 7 Sikorski, G. S. 7 Sturova, Izolda V. 7 Ter-Krikorov, A. M. 7 Uflyand, Ya. S. 7 Vatul’yan, Aleksandr Ovanesovich 7 Vorovich, Iosif Izrailevich 7 Zubov, Leonid M. 6 Aĭzerman, Mark Aronovich 6 Andreev, Aleksandr Sergeevich 6 Blinov, A. P. 6 Dimentberg, F. M. 6 Fridman, M. M. 6 Golubev, Yuriĭ Fillipovich 6 Gorr, Gennadiĭ Viktorovich 6 Goryacheva, Irina Georgievna 6 Grinberg, Georgii Abramovich 6 Koshlyakov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 6 Kunitsyn, A. L. 6 Letov, Aleksandr Mikhaĭlovich 6 Melikyan, Arik Artavazdovich 6 Pugachëv, Vladimir Semënovich 6 Rabotnov, Yury Nikolaevich 6 Simonov, L. A. 6 Soldatenkov, I. A. 6 Sveshnikova, Elena Ivanovna 6 Vilke, Vladimir G. 6 Vlasov, Vasiliĭ Zakharovich 6 Volk, I. M. 6 Yakunina, G. E. 6 Yudovich, Viktor Iosifovich 6 Zelentsov, V. B. 5 Abramyan, B. L. 5 Bakanov, S. P. 5 Bautin, Sergeĭ Petrovich 5 Belokon, A. V. 5 Bloch, E. L. 5 Bogdanov, A. N. 5 Chaskind, M. D. 5 Diesperov, V. N. ...and 1,524 more Authors all top 5 Fields 562 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 374 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 319 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 98 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 87 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 73 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 61 History and biography (01-XX) 51 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 39 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 20 Geophysics (86-XX) 12 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 8 Integral equations (45-XX) 8 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,250 Publications have been cited 5,776 times in 4,567 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Über gewisse instationäre Bewegungen einer Flüssigkeit und eines Gases in einem porösen Medium. Zbl 0049.41902 Barenblatt, G. I. 187 1952 Concerning the sufficient conditions of the stability of a rotating motion of a projectile. Zbl 0061.42004 Chetaev, N. G. 89 1943 Über die Stabilität der Bewegung in einem endlichen Zeitintervall. Zbl 0055.32101 Kamenkov, G. V. 86 1953 Concerning the theory of stability of regulating systems. Zbl 0061.19407 Lur’e, A. I.; Postnikov, V. N. 85 1944 Über die Stabilität der Systeme mit Verzögerung. Zbl 0075.27301 Razumikhin, B. S. 76 1956 Bounds for attractors and the existence of homoclinic orbits in the Lorenz system. Zbl 1025.34048 Leonov, G. A. 62 2001 Über automodulierte Bewegungen einer kompressiblen Flüssigkeit in einem porösen Medium. Zbl 0047.19204 Barenblatt, G. I. 57 1952 Verallgemeinerung der linearen Deformationsgesetze und ihre Anwendung auf Probleme der inneren Reibung. Zbl 0032.12901 Gerasimov, A. N. 55 1948 Axially symmetric flows of ideal and viscous fluids filling the whole space. Zbl 0172.53405 Uhovskij, M. R.; Yudovich, V. I. 44 1968 Analysis and optimization of a body motion controlled by a movable internal mass. Zbl 1126.70334 Chernous’ko, F. L. 43 2006 Unterschallströmungen um Profile mit Überschallzonen, die mit geradem Verdichtungsstoß enden. Zbl 0074.42201 Frankl’, F. I. 40 1956 Stability of a canonical system with two degrees of freedom in the presence of resonance. Zbl 0184.11904 Markeev, A. P. 35 1968 Exact solutions of the Burgers-Huxley equation. Zbl 1092.35084 Efimova, O. Yu.; Kudryashov, N. A. 34 2004 Dynamics of the Chaplygin sledge. Zbl 1183.74080 Borisov, A. V.; Mamayev, I. S. 33 2009 Über die Anwendung der zweiten Methode Lyapunovs auf Gleichungen mit Zeitverzögerung. Zbl 0075.27102 Krasovskiĭ, N. N. 30 1956 Gleichgewicht eines elastischen Mittels mit Nachwirkung. Zbl 0036.24903 Rabotnov, Ju. N. 28 1948 Adhesive interaction of elastic bodies. Zbl 1010.74586 Goryacheva, I. G.; Makhovskaya, Yu. Yu. 27 2001 The optimum rectilinear motion of a two-mass system. Zbl 1075.70544 Chernous’ko, F. L. 27 2002 Solutions of the equations of rigid body dynamics. Zbl 0202.57203 Kharlamov, P. V. 27 1965 D-Zerlegung des Raumes der Quasipolynome. (Zur Stabilität der linearisierten gesteuerten Systeme). Zbl 0039.30304 Nejmark, Ju. I. 27 1949 Optimal control of rectilinear motion of a rigid body on a rough surface by means of displacement of two internal masses. Zbl 1189.70033 Bolotnik, N. N.; Figurina, T. Yu. 26 2008 Invariant energy integrals for the nonlinear crack problem with possible contact of the crack surfaces. Zbl 1067.74562 Kovtunenko, V. A. 25 2003 Über eine Klasse von genauen Lösungen der ebenen eindimensionalen Aufgabe der instationären Filtration eines Gases in einem porösen Medium. Zbl 0053.46103 Barenblatt, G. I. 25 1953 Optimal periodic motions of two-mass system in a resisting medium. Zbl 1177.74135 Chernous’ko, F. L. 25 2008 Correlations of strain theory in quadratic approximation and problems on constructing refined versions of geometrically nonlinear theory of laminated construction elements. Zbl 1100.74501 Pajmushin, V. N.; Shalashilin, V. I. 25 2005 On the analysis of line-loaded cylindrical shells. Zbl 0165.27802 Grigolyuk, Eh. I.; Tolkachev, V. M. 24 1967 Asymptotic pattern of flow past bodies of revolution in a sonic stream of viscous and heat-conducting gas. Zbl 0173.28104 Ryzhov, O. S. 24 1965 The stability of equilibrium of two-phase elastic bodies. Zbl 1150.74040 Eremeev, V. A.; Frejdin, A. B.; Sharipova, L. L. 24 2007 The effect of small internal and external friction on stability of distributed nonconservative systems. Zbl 1102.35307 Kirillov, O. N.; Seĭranyan, A. P. 22 2005 The motion of controlled mechanical systems with prescribed constraints (servoconstraints). Zbl 0201.57003 Kirgetov, V. I. 21 1967 The stability of the plane motions of a rigid body in the Kovalevskaya case. Zbl 1010.70505 Markeyev, A. P. 20 2001 Motion of a variable body in an ideal liquid. Zbl 1046.76008 Kozlov, V. V.; Ramodanov, S. M. 20 2001 Free convection and bifurcation. Zbl 0173.28803 Yudovich, V. I. 20 1967 Pressure of a punch with friction and cohesion domains. Zbl 0060.42003 Galin, L. A. 20 1945 On the analogy between the plane problem of the theory of elasticity and the symmetrical strain problem. Zbl 0024.13401 Papkovich, P. F. 20 1939 Comparison of Jacobi integrable cases of plane and spatial motion of a body in a medium at streamlining. Zbl 1100.74546 Shamolin, M. V. 20 2005 The Hess case in rigid-body dynamics. Zbl 1066.70504 Borisov, A. V.; Mamayev, I. S. 19 2003 Dynamic theory of continuously distributed dislocations. Its relation to plasticity theory. Zbl 0172.51901 Berdichevskij, V. L.; Sedov, L. I. 19 1967 Über eine Aufgabe der Filtration. Zbl 0032.27901 Vinogradov, Yu. P.; Kufarev, P. P. 19 1948 Basic theorems of the theory of stability of motion. Zbl 0063.03733 Malkin, I. G. 19 1942 On the stability of the triangular libration points in the circular bounded three-body problem. Zbl 0191.23106 Markeev, A. P. 18 1969 Konstruktion der ganzen Menge von Differentialgleichungssystemen, die eine vorgegebene Integralkurve haben. Zbl 0047.32805 Erugin, N. P. 18 1952 On the Prandtl integro-differential equation. Zbl 0063.08027 Vekua, I. N. 18 1945 Dynamically coupled model of contact stresses at plane motion of a rigid body. Zbl 1189.70012 Ivanov, A. P. 18 2009 On the theory of thick plates. Zbl 0063.03649 Lourie, A. 17 1942 Stability in the case of constantly acting disturbances. Zbl 0061.19504 Malkin, I. 16 1944 The approximation of reachable domains of control systems. Zbl 0966.93019 Gusejnov, Kh. G.; Moiseev, A. N.; Ushakov, V. N. 16 1998 New integrable cases in dynamics of a medium-interacting body with allowance for dependence of resistance force moment on angular velocity. Zbl 1189.70045 Shamolin, M. V. 16 2008 An algorithm for normalizing Hamiltonian systems in the problem of the orbital stability of periodic motions. Zbl 1044.70008 Markeev, A. P. 16 2002 The motion of a multilink system along a horizontal plane. Zbl 0983.70006 Chernous’ko, F. L. 15 2000 The stability of regular Grioli precessions. Zbl 0983.70005 Tkhaĭ, V. N. 15 2000 The reconstruction of unbounded controls in nonlinear dynamical systems. Zbl 1074.93532 Maksimov, V. I.; Pandolfi, L. 15 2001 Asymptotic solution of a class of integral equations and its application to contact problems for cylindrical elastic bodies. Zbl 0187.46001 Aleksandrov, V. M.; Belokon’, A. V. 15 1967 Zum Problem der Stabilität der Bewegung in einem endlichen Zeitintervall. Zbl 0055.32102 Lebedev, A. A. 15 1954 Concerning unsteady motions in the theory of filtration. Zbl 0061.46109 Poloubarinova-Kotschina, P. J. 15 1945 On the equations of Poincaré. Zbl 0063.00756 Chetaev, N. G. 15 1941 A problem of group pursuit with phase constraints. Zbl 1038.91020 Vagin, D. A.; Petrov, N. N. 14 2002 Invariant normalization of non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1066.70514 Zhuravlev, V. F. 14 2002 Energy release caused by the kinking of a crack in a plane anisotropic solid. Zbl 1066.74578 Argatov, I. I.; Nazarov, S. A. 14 2002 Non-linear oscillations of a Hamiltonian system with 2:1 resonance. Zbl 0941.70016 Markeev, A. P. 14 1999 Some problems of optimal control with a small parameter. Zbl 0172.13105 Chernous’ko, F. L. 14 1968 A game of optimal pursuit of one object by several. Zbl 0973.91009 Ibragimov, Gafurzhan I. 14 1998 Simultaneous multiple capture in the problem on simple pursuit. Zbl 1199.49076 Blagodatskikh, A. I. 14 2009 A problem of optimal pursuit in systems with distributed parameters. Zbl 1037.49039 Ibragimov, G. I. 14 2002 Controllable motions of a two-link mechanism on horizontal plane. Zbl 1051.70554 Chernous’ko, F. L. 13 2001 Pendulum-like motions of a solid in the Goryachev-Chaplygin case. Zbl 1150.70313 Markeev, A. P. 13 2004 Motion of ground water which does not conform to Darcy’s law. JFM 66.1113.08 Christianovitch, S. A. 13 1940 A Hamilton-Jacobi type equation in control problems with hereditary information. Zbl 1001.49025 Lukoyanov, N. Yu. 13 2000 Solutions of the modified Ostrovskii equation with cubic nonlinearity. Zbl 0982.35086 Nikitenkova, S. P.; Stepanyants, Yu. A.; Chikhladze, L. M. 13 2000 Contact problem for a half-plane with elastic reinforcement. Zbl 0184.50402 Arutyunyan, N. Kh. 13 1968 On the method of orthogonal polynomials in contact problems of the theory of elasticity. Zbl 0201.26701 Popov, G. Ya. 13 1969 Application of Galerkin’s method of the problem of stability of flow of a viscous liquid. Zbl 0024.09102 Petrov, G. I. 13 1940 Spatial contact problems of the theory of elasticity for punches of circular shape in plane. Zbl 0060.42004 Galin, L. A. 13 1946 Propagation of a wave of unloading. Zbl 0063.06386 Rakhmatulin, Kh. A. 13 1945 Über einige Probleme zum Maximum und Minimum der charakteristischen Zahlen und über die Ljapunovschen Stabilitätszonen. Zbl 0043.30903 Krejn, M. G. 13 1951 Maintained oscillations of automatically controlled systems. Zbl 0061.19313 Bulgakov, B. V. 13 1943 Plane elastico-plastic problem. Plastic zones in the vicinity of circular apertures. Zbl 0063.01495 Galin, L. A. 13 1946 Multiple parametric resonance in Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1114.70322 Markeev, A. P. 13 2006 The effect of small dissipation on the onset of one-dimensional shock waves. Zbl 1010.76505 Kudashev, V. R.; Suleimanov, B. I. 12 2001 The wavelike motion of a multilink system on a horizontal plane. Zbl 0983.70007 Chernous’ko, F. L. 12 2000 On approximate construction of solutions in game-theoretic control problems. Zbl 0881.90148 Ushakov, V. N.; Khripunov, A. P. 12 1997 Some results of the implementation of the “Podmodeli” program for the gas dynamics equations. Zbl 0947.76070 Ovsyannikov, L. V. 12 1999 On some two-dimensional problems of the theory of filtration with a limiting gradient. Zbl 0172.54702 Entov, V. M. 12 1967 On the approximate solution of some integral equations of the theory of elasticity and mathematical physics. Zbl 0187.12603 Aleksandrov, V. M. 12 1967 On the basic properties of a system of homogeneous solutions. Zbl 0176.24001 Vorovich, I. I.; Koval’chuk, V. E. 12 1967 Temperaturspannungen in einem elastischen Halbraum, die infolge einer plötzlichen Erwärmung seiner Begrenzung entstehen. Zbl 0038.37301 Danilovskaja, V. L. 12 1950 Asymptotic solution of van der Pol’s equation. Zbl 0034.35602 Dorodnitsyn, A. A. 12 1947 Gas motion in a local supersonic region and conditions of break of potential flow. Zbl 0063.05963 Nikol’skiĭ, A. A.; Taganov, G. I. 12 1946 Zum Problem der Torsion eines elastischen Halbraumes. Zbl 0066.18601 Rostovtsev, N. A. 12 1955 Stability of a turned-over pendulum with a vibrating suspension point. Zbl 1126.70361 Seĭranyan, A. A.; Seĭranyan, A. P. 12 2006 A constructive algorithm for the normalization of a periodic Hamiltonian. Zbl 1100.70520 Markeev, A. P. 12 2005 Contacts in multibody systems. Zbl 0982.70006 Pfeiffer, F.; Glocker, Ch. 11 2000 Robust stabilization of linear interval systems. Zbl 1066.93020 Shashikhin, V. N. 11 2002 Precession motions in solid body dynamics and dynamics of systems of connected rigid bodies. Zbl 1150.70310 Gorr, G. V. 11 2003 First fundamental problem for a piecewise-homogeneous plane with a slit perpendicular to the line of separation. Zbl 0202.24804 Khrapkov, A. A. 11 1968 Problem of extension of an elastic space containing a plane annular slit. Zbl 0202.24901 Smetanin, B. I. 11 1968 Equations of the theory of thin shells. Zbl 0024.13501 Gol’denveĭzer, A. L. 11 1940 Über einige Fragen der Stabilität einer Bewegung und die qualitative Theorie der Differentialgleichungen im Großen. Zbl 0039.09502 Erugin, N. P. 11 1950 Über die Stabilität der Bewegung in einem gegebenen Zeitintervall. Zbl 0059.08203 Lebedev, A. A. 11 1954 The contact problem for an anisotropic wedge-shaped plate with an elastic fastening of variable stiffness. Zbl 1094.74607 Bantsuri, R. D.; Shavlakadze, N. N. 11 2002 Dynamics of the Chaplygin sledge. Zbl 1183.74080 Borisov, A. V.; Mamayev, I. S. 33 2009 Dynamically coupled model of contact stresses at plane motion of a rigid body. Zbl 1189.70012 Ivanov, A. P. 18 2009 Simultaneous multiple capture in the problem on simple pursuit. Zbl 1199.49076 Blagodatskikh, A. I. 14 2009 Dynamics of an omni-mobile vehicle. Zbl 1189.70020 Zobova, A. A.; Tatarinov, Ya. V. 10 2009 Non-contradicting equations of the theory of plane curvilinear rods under finite displacements and linearized problems of stability. Zbl 1183.74129 Paymushin, V. N.; Polyakova, N. V. 7 2009 Vibrations and stability of a pre-stressed plate resting on an elastic base. Zbl 1183.74108 Tovstik, P. E. 6 2009 Dynamical contact problem for filling with liquid of a pre-stressed cylindrical pipe. Zbl 1183.74054 Belyankova, T. I.; Kalinchuk, V. V. 6 2009 Nonlinear vibrations of a Hamiltonian system under the resonance \(3:1\). Zbl 1189.70050 Bardin, B. S.; Chekin, A. M. 6 2009 Wave processes at the longitudinal impact of a rod against a step-like rod contacting with a rigid obstacle. Zbl 1183.74198 Bityurin, A. A.; Manzhosov, V. K. 5 2009 Hydrodynamic interpretation of a problem in the theory of dimensional electrochemical treatment of metals. Zbl 1193.92102 Minazetdinov, N. M. 4 2009 Qualitative analysis of stationary modes of small wind electric power stations. Zbl 1189.70008 Dosayev, M. Z.; Lin’, Ch. H.; Lyu, V. L.; Samsonov, V. A.; Selyutzkiy, Yu. D. 4 2009 Reflection of shock wave from the center or axis of symmetry for the adiabatic curve values from 1.2 to 3. Zbl 1183.76797 Valiev, Kh. F. 4 2009 Plane sonic wave diffraction on an inhomogeneous thermoelastic cylindrical layer adjoining to nonviscous thermal-conductive liquids. Zbl 1183.74125 Larin, N. V.; Tolokonnikov, L. A. 4 2009 Complex variable functions in the problems of elasticity theory in the presence of mass forces. Zbl 1182.74007 Sharafutdinov, G. Z. 3 2009 Unbalanced model of a porous medium saturated by non-mixing liquids. Zbl 1183.76887 Kondaurov, V. I. 3 2009 Stationary motions of a satellite with two-degree power gyroscope in the central gravitation field and their stability. Zbl 1189.70109 Amel’kin, N. I. 3 2009 Bifurcation of natural vibrations of a plate under small damping in a supersonic gas flow. Zbl 1183.76845 Kulikov, A. N. 3 2009 Relationship between the invariant integrals of linear isotropic elasticity theory and the integrals determined by the mutuality principle. Zbl 1182.74026 Shifrin, E. I. 3 2009 Complex equations and numerical solution of harmonic problems for piece-wise homogeneous media. Zbl 1183.74098 Dobroskok, A. A.; Lin’kov, A. M. 3 2009 Variational method in contact problems. Modern state and trends. Zbl 1183.74186 Kravchuk, A. S. 3 2009 A problem on time-optimal control of a space vehicle re-orientation. Zbl 1189.70128 Levskiy, M. V. 2 2009 Control reconstructions by the methods of regularization with non-smooth stabilizers. Zbl 1189.70029 Korotkiy, M. A. 2 2009 Soliton-like Lamb waves. Zbl 1183.76895 Kuznetsov, S. V. 2 2009 Application of near-front ray decompositions in deformation dynamics. Zbl 1185.74025 Gerasimenko, E. A.; Zavertan, A. V.; Ragozina, V. E. 2 2009 Analysis of boundary layer structure in the problem on torsion of a laminated spherical shell. Zbl 1183.74148 Akhmedov, N. K.; Ustinov, Yu. A. 2 2009 The method of integro-differential corelations for the analysis of natural vibrations of membranes. Zbl 1183.74137 Kostin, G. V.; Saurin, V. V. 2 2009 Harmonic vibrations of a rigid punch on a porous elastic layer. Zbl 1183.74195 Scalia, A. 2 2009 Problems on cuts in a compound elastic wedge. Zbl 1185.74004 Aleksandrov, V. M.; Pozharskiy, D. A. 2 2009 Spatial chaotic vibrations at periodic change of location of a body mass center in the atmosphere. Zbl 1189.70110 Aslanov, V. S. 1 2009 Estimation of time of perturbed Lagrangian system being in given domain. Zbl 1189.70049 Akulenko, L. D.; Kovaleva, A. S. 1 2009 Optimal control of rectilinear motion of a rigid body on a rough surface by means of displacement of two internal masses. Zbl 1189.70033 Bolotnik, N. N.; Figurina, T. Yu. 26 2008 Optimal periodic motions of two-mass system in a resisting medium. Zbl 1177.74135 Chernous’ko, F. L. 25 2008 New integrable cases in dynamics of a medium-interacting body with allowance for dependence of resistance force moment on angular velocity. Zbl 1189.70045 Shamolin, M. V. 16 2008 Boundary-value problems of asymmetric elasticity theory for thin plates. Zbl 1177.74244 Sarkisyan, S. O. 8 2008 Conditions of univalent solvability for dynamic equations of systems with friction. Zbl 1189.70041 Ivanov, A. P. 8 2008 Contact bifurcation and chaotic vibrations of vibro-impact systems with one degree of freedom. Zbl 1189.70098 Kryzhevich, S. G. 8 2008 Effect of the bottom topography on nonstationary behavior of an elastic plate floating in shallow water. Zbl 1183.74145 Sturova, I. V. 6 2008 Equations of geometrically nonlinear elasticity theory and momentless shells under arbitrary displacements. Zbl 1182.74015 Paymushin, V. N. 6 2008 Non-degenerated locally optimal ellipsoidal approximation of state estimate of linear systems. Zbl 1189.70133 Shmatkov, A. M. 5 2008 Motion of a body with a plane of symmetry on a three-dimensional sphere under the action of a spherical analog of Newtonian attraction. Zbl 1187.70011 Burov, A. A. 5 2008 Mixing of a viscous liquid in a layer between rotating eccentric cylinders. Zbl 1183.74063 Petrov, A. G. 5 2008 Statistical and dynamical beam forms of stability loss of a long orthotropic cylindrical shell under external pressure. Zbl 1183.74140 Paymushin, V. N. 5 2008 Stability of mechanical systems of certain class. Zbl 1189.70075 Kalenova, V. I.; Morozov, V. M.; Sobolevskiy, P. M. 4 2008 Evolution of precession motion of unbalanced gyrostats of variable composition. Zbl 1189.70007 Doroshin, A. V. 4 2008 Construction of optimal bodies in the framework of local interaction models. Zbl 1177.76358 Krajko, A. N.; Yakunina, G. E. 3 2008 Three-dimensional contact problems for an elastic wedge with cover. Zbl 1177.74294 Aleksandrov, V. M.; Pozharskiy, D. A. 3 2008 Asymptotic solutions of coupled dynamical thermoelasticity problems for isotropic plates. Zbl 1177.74124 Gevorkyan, P. S. 3 2008 General method of construction of Timoshenko-type theories. Zbl 1177.74069 Zveryayev, E. M.; Makarov, G. I. 3 2008 The contact problem for a shallow and a continuous cylinders with the ends free of stresses. Zbl 1177.74295 Bazarenko, N. A. 3 2008 Modeling of deformation and localization processes of plastic deformations at torsion-dilation of revolution bodies. Zbl 1177.74088 Bazhenov, V. G.; Zefirov, S. V.; Kramarev, L. N.; Pavlionkova, E. V. 3 2008 Impact of a box with elastic bottom on a thin liquid layer. Zbl 1183.76645 Tkacheva, L. A. 3 2008 Asymptotic solution of the first boundary-value problem of elasticity theory on forced vibrations of an isotropic plate. Zbl 1183.74138 Agalovyan, L. A.; Gevorkyan, R. S. 3 2008 Deformation of a half-space with a gradient elastic coating under the action of arbitrary axisymmetric loading. Zbl 1182.74003 Aizikovich, S. M.; Krenev, L. I.; Trubchik, I. S. 3 2008 Anisotropic dry friction and unilateral non-holonomic constraints. Zbl 1189.70043 Vil’ke, V. 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A. 2 2008 Vibrations of a thin elastic orthotropic circular cylindrical shell with free hinge-supported ends. Zbl 1177.74256 Gulgazaryan, G. R.; Gulgazaryan, L. G.; Saakyan, R. D. 2 2008 A plane dynamical problem of coupled electroelasticity. Zbl 1183.74092 Kobzar’, V. N.; Fil’shtinsky, L. A. 2 2008 A spatial contact problem with friction for an elastic wedge. Zbl 1183.74192 Pozharsky, D. A. 2 2008 Identification of ten parameters of inertia of a rigid body. Zbl 1187.70017 Atchonouglo, K.; Vallee, C.; Monnet, T.; Fortune, D. 2 2008 Controlled rolling of a disk on a plane curve. Zbl 1189.70119 Akulenko, L. D. 2 2008 A problem on dam failure in a two-layer shallow water (linear approximation). Zbl 1183.76849 Karabut, P. E.; Ostapenko, V. V. 2 2008 Motion of liquid films in gas. Zbl 1177.76436 Voinov, O. V. 1 2008 Calculation methods for ropes. A dilation-torsion problem. Zbl 1177.74101 Getman, I. P.; Ustinov, Yu. A. 1 2008 Axisymmetric vibrations of an orthotropic inhomogeneous cylindrical shell. Zbl 1177.74248 Ambartzumyan, S. A.; Belubekyan, M. V. 1 2008 The method of asymptotic decompositions of solutions to a stationary heat conductivity problem for laminated anisotropic inhomogeneous plates. Zbl 1177.74103 Nemirovskiy, Yu. V.; Yankovskiy, A. P. 1 2008 Rational solutions of fifth order evolutionary equations for the description of water waves. Zbl 1177.76042 Bagderina, Yu. Yu. 1 2008 Permanent revolutions of a body with viscous filler suspended on a rod. Zbl 1177.74141 Karapetyan, A. V.; Sumin, T. S. 1 2008 Solution of three-dimensional contact problems with friction. Zbl 1177.74290 Kravchuk, A. S. 1 2008 Automodelling solution of the problem on a separation crack in a coupled statement. Zbl 1177.74063 Stepanova, L. V.; Fedina, M. E. 1 2008 Linear stabilization of program motions of controlled nonlinear dynamic systems in the presence of parametric perturbations. Zbl 1189.70137 Zotov, Yu. 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G.; Sveshnikova, E. I. 1 2008 Dislocation and disclination theory in elastic plates. Zbl 1183.74146 Zubov, L. V.; Stolpovsky, A. V. 1 2008 The stability of equilibrium of two-phase elastic bodies. Zbl 1150.74040 Eremeev, V. A.; Frejdin, A. B.; Sharipova, L. L. 24 2007 Relationship between problems of pursuit, controllability and stability in the whole in linear systems with restrictions of different types. Zbl 1150.49018 Azamov, A. A.; Kuchkarov, A. Sh.; Samatov, B. 8 2007 Qualitative investigation of oscillations of a pendulum with periodically changing length and a mathematical swing model. Zbl 1164.70025 Zevin, A. A.; Filonenko, L. A. 7 2007 Periodic solutions of bounded three-body problem for small mass correlation. Zbl 1164.70010 Bryuno, A. D.; Varin, V. P. 7 2007 The exponential stability and stabilization of non-autonomous mechanical systems with nonconservative forces. Zbl 1164.70022 Kosov, A. 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