Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics Short Title: Braz. J. Probab. Stat. Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), Bethesda, MD; Brazilian Statistical Association, São Paulo ISSN: 0103-0752 Online: Predecessor: REBRAPE Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; This journal is available open access with a moving wall of 3 years. Documents Indexed: 686 Publications (since 1999) References Indexed: 499 Publications with 13,325 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 38, No. 3 (2024) 38, No. 2 (2024) 38, No. 1 (2024) 37, No. 4 (2023) 37, No. 3 (2023) 37, No. 2 (2023) 37, No. 1 (2023) 36, No. 4 (2022) 36, No. 3 (2022) 36, No. 2 (2022) 36, No. 1 (2022) 35, No. 4 (2021) 35, No. 3 (2021) 35, No. 2 (2021) 35, No. 1 (2021) 34, No. 4 (2020) 34, No. 3 (2020) 34, No. 2 (2020) 34, No. 1 (2020) 33, No. 4 (2019) 33, No. 3 (2019) 33, No. 2 (2019) 33, No. 1 (2019) 32, No. 4 (2018) 32, No. 3 (2018) 32, No. 2 (2018) 32, No. 1 (2018) 31, No. 4 (2017) 31, No. 3 (2017) 31, No. 2 (2017) 31, No. 1 (2017) 30, No. 4 (2016) 30, No. 3 (2016) 30, No. 2 (2016) 30, No. 1 (2016) 29, No. 4 (2015) 29, No. 3 (2015) 29, No. 2 (2015) 29, No. 1 (2015) 28, No. 4 (2014) 28, No. 3 (2014) 28, No. 2 (2014) 28, No. 1 (2014) 27, No. 4 (2013) 27, No. 3 (2013) 27, No. 2 (2013) 27, No. 1 (2013) 26, No. 4 (2012) 26, No. 3 (2012) 26, No. 2 (2012) 26, No. 1 (2012) 25, No. 3 (2011) 25, No. 2 (2011) 25, No. 1 (2011) 24, No. 3 (2010) 24, No. 2 (2010) 24, No. 1 (2010) 23, No. 2 (2009) 23, No. 1 (2009) 22, No. 2 (2008) 22, No. 1 (2008) 21, No. 2 (2007) 21, No. 1 (2007) 20, No. 2 (2006) 20, No. 1 (2006) 19, No. 2 (2005) 19, No. 1 (2005) 18, No. 2 (2004) 18, No. 1 (2004) 17, No. 2 (2003) 17, No. 1 (2003) 16, No. 2 (2002) 16, No. 1 (2002) 15, No. 2 (2001) 15, No. 1 (2001) 14, No. 2 (2000) 14, No. 1 (2000) 13, No. 2 (1999) 13, No. 1 (1999) all top 5 Authors 22 Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho 22 Nadarajah, Saralees 21 Louzada-Neto, Francisco 11 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 9 Achcar, Jorge Alberto 9 Diniz, Carlos Alberto Ribeiro 8 Bazán, Jorge Luis 8 Biswas, Atanu 8 Lemonte, Artur José 8 Zhang, Jun 7 Branco, Márcia D’Elia 7 da Motta Singer, Julio 7 Morettin, Pedro Alberto 7 Ortega, Edwin Moises Marcos 6 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo Boris 6 Azevedo, Caio Lucidius Naberezny 6 Bhattacharya, Sourabh 6 Bolfarine, Heleno 6 Cancho, Vicente Garibay 6 Cribari-Neto, Francisco 6 Nobre, Juvêncio Santos 6 Tomazella, Vera Lúcia Damasceno 5 Da-Silva, Cibele Queiroz 5 Ferrari, Silvia Lopes de Paula 5 Galea, Manuel 5 Kolev, Nikolai 5 Kundu, Debasis 5 Lachos Dávila, Víctor Hugo 5 Leite, José Galvão 5 Lopes, Hedibert Freitas 5 Machado, Fábio Prates 5 Mazucheli, Josmar 5 Saulo, Helton 5 Vila, Roberto 5 Withers, Christopher Stroude 4 Andrade, Marinho Gomes 4 Díaz-García, José Antonio 4 Hotta, Luiz Koodi 4 Kotz, Samuel 4 Leão, Jeremias 4 Leiva, Víctor 4 Loschi, Rosangela Helena 4 Martinez, Edson Zangiacomi 4 Migon, Helio S. 4 Milan, Luis Aparecido 4 Misra, Neeraj Kumar 4 Paula, Gilberto Alvarenga 4 Pericchi, Luis Raul 4 Polson, Nicholas G. 4 Quintana, Fernando Andrés 4 Rodrigues, Josemar 4 Singh, Housila Prasad 4 Sutradhar, Brajendra Chandra 4 Swan, Yvik C. 4 Yambartsev, Anatoly A. 3 Assunção, Renato Martins 3 Barroso, Lúcia Pereira 3 Bertacchi, Daniela 3 Bourguignon, Marcelo 3 Brillinger, David R. 3 Carrasco, Jalmar Manuel Farfan 3 Castro, Mário de 3 Conceição, Katiane S. 3 Cui, Xia 3 Cysneiros, Audrey Helen M. A. 3 Cysneiros, Francisco José A. 3 de Lima, Bernardo N. B. 3 Dey, Dipak Kumar 3 Dey, Kushal Kr. 3 Ferraz do Nascimento, Fernando 3 Ferreira, Marco A. R. 3 Franco, Glaura C. 3 Gamerman, Dani 3 Gaunt, Robert Edward 3 Gonçalves, Flávio Bambirra 3 Li, Qi 3 Paulino, Carlos Daniel Mimoso 3 Pereira, Carlos Alberto de Bragança 3 Prates, Marcos Oliveira 3 Ravishankar, Krishnamurthi 3 San Martín, Ernesto 3 Saraiva, Erlandson F. 3 Sen, Pranab Kumar 3 Song, Yunquan 3 Suzuki, Adriano Kamimura 3 van der Meulen, Frank Henri 3 Vasconcellos, Klaus Leite Pinto 3 Vilca, Filidor 3 Zeller, Camila Borelli 3 Zevallos, Mauricio 3 Zhang, Xuekang 3 Zhu, Fukang 3 Zucca, Fabio 2 Ahmed, Shakeel 2 Al-Labadi, Luai 2 Andrade, Dalton F. 2 Aoki, Reiko 2 Arshad, Mohd Rizal 2 Asgharzadeh, Akbar 2 Bahadoran, Christophe ...and 975 more Authors all top 5 Fields 524 Statistics (62-XX) 236 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 72 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 51 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 41 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 30 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 18 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 14 Combinatorics (05-XX) 12 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 11 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 10 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Special functions (33-XX) 5 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 432 Publications have been cited 2,086 times in 1,875 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Gibbs measures and phase transitions on sparse random graphs. Zbl 1205.05209 Dembo, Amir; Montanari, Andrea 59 2010 Additive models for quantile regression: model selection and confidence bands. Zbl 1236.62031 Koenker, Roger 42 2011 Introduction to regularity structures. Zbl 1316.81061 Hairer, Martin 35 2015 The exponentiated Kumaraswamy distribution and its log-transform. Zbl 1319.62032 Lemonte, Artur J.; Barreto-Souza, Wagner; Cordeiro, Gauss M. 29 2013 Bayesian inference for the skewness parameter of the scalar skew-normal distribution. Zbl 1319.62057 Baves, Cristian Luis; Branco, Márcia D’Elia 27 2007 The beta power distribution. Zbl 1230.60011 Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho; dos Santos Brito, Rejane 26 2012 Log-symmetric distributions: statistical properties and parameter estimation. Zbl 1381.60047 Vanegas, Luis Hernando; Paula, Gilberto A. 25 2016 Limit theorems for empirical Fréchet means of independent and non-identically distributed manifold-valued random variables. Zbl 1234.60025 Kendall, Wilfrid S.; Le, Huiling 23 2011 Bayesian heavy-tailed models and conflict resolution: a review. Zbl 1319.62064 O’Hagan, Anthony; Pericchi, Luis 23 2012 Remarks on asymptotic efficient estimation for regression effects in stationary and nonstationary models for panel count data. Zbl 1319.62194 Sutradhar, Brajendra C.; Jowaheer, Vandna; Rao, R. Prabhakar 22 2014 Some properties of Schur-constant survival models and their copulas. Zbl 1272.62065 Nelsen, Roger B. 21 2005 Stationary infinitely divisible processes. Zbl 1244.60037 Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E. 21 2011 The Burr XII power series distributions: a new compounding family. Zbl 1326.62031 Silva, Rodrigo B.; Cordeiro, Gauss M. 19 2015 Closed-form expressions for moments of a class of beta generalized distributions. Zbl 1298.60024 Cordeiro, Gauss M.; Nadarajah, Saralees 19 2011 Gibbs-non-Gibbs properties for \(n\)-vector lattice and mean-field models. Zbl 1200.82015 van Enter, Aernout C. D.; Külske, Christof; Opoku, Alex A.; Ruszel, Wioletta M. 19 2010 The statistical mechanics of stretched polymers. Zbl 1195.82107 Ioffe, Dmitry; Velenik, Yvan 19 2010 Poisson-Lindley INAR(1) model with applications. Zbl 1395.62278 Mohammadpour, M.; Bakouch, Hassan S.; Shirozhan, M. 19 2018 Diagnostic methods in elliptical linear regression models. Zbl 0983.62039 Galea, Manuel; Riquelme, Marco; Paula, Gilberto A. 18 2000 Bayesian modeling of variance heterogeneity in normal regression models. Zbl 0983.62013 Cepeda, Edilberto; Gamerman, Dani 18 2000 First order non-negative integer valued autoregressive processes with power series innovations. Zbl 1329.62370 Bourguignon, Marcelo; Vasconcellos, Klaus L. P. 18 2015 Noise, interaction, nonlinear dynamics and the origin of rhythmic behaviors. Zbl 1330.92017 Giacomin, Giambattista; Poquet, Christophe 17 2015 A new extension of the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution. Zbl 1483.60023 Lemonte, Artur J. 17 2013 The complementary exponential power series distribution. Zbl 1298.62176 Flores D., José; Borges, Patrick; Cancho, Vicente G.; Louzada, Francisco 17 2013 On asymptotics of estimating functions. Zbl 0982.62020 Sørensen, Michael 17 1999 Dispersion models for geometric sums. Zbl 1271.62025 Jørgensen, Bent; Kokonendji, Célestin C. 16 2011 Bayesian computation for statistical models with intractable normalizing constants. Zbl 1298.62046 Atchadé, Yves F.; Lartillot, Nicolas; Robert, Christian 16 2013 Option pricing model based on a Markov-modulated diffusion with jumps. Zbl 1193.91158 Ratanov, Nikita 16 2010 A new weighted Lindley distribution with application. Zbl 1381.62038 Asgharzadeh, A.; Bakouch, Hassan S.; Nadarajah, S.; Sharafi, F. 15 2016 Some data analyses using mutual information. Zbl 1272.62007 Brillinger, David R. 14 2004 Products of normal, beta and gamma random variables: Stein operators and distributional theory. Zbl 1393.60020 Gaunt, Robert E. 14 2018 A survival model with Birnbaum-Saunders frailty for uncensored and censored cancer data. Zbl 1404.62125 Leão, Jeremias; Leiva, Víctor; Saulo, Helton; Tomazella, Vera 14 2018 Strong rate of tamed Euler-Maruyama approximation for stochastic differential equations with Hölder continuous diffusion coefficient. Zbl 1380.60062 Ngo, Hoang-Long; Luong, Duc-Trong 13 2017 Calibration procedures for linear regression models with multiplicative distortion measurement errors. Zbl 1445.62182 Zhang, Jun; Zhou, Yan 13 2020 Two classes of dynamic binomial integer-valued ARCH models. Zbl 1467.62141 Chen, Huaping; Li, Qi; Zhu, Fukang 12 2020 The beta log-logistic distribution. Zbl 1312.60008 Lemonte, Artur J. 12 2014 Angular spectra for non-Gaussian isotropic fields. Zbl 1328.83219 Terdik, György 12 2015 Recent developments in complex and spatially correlated functional data. Zbl 07232926 Martínez-Hernández, Israel; Genton, Marc G. 12 2020 Reliability estimation in a multicomponent stress-strength model for Burr XII distribution under progressive censoring. Zbl 1445.62256 Maurya, Raj Kamal; Tripathi, Yogesh Mani 12 2020 Nonlinear measurement errors models subject to partial linear additive distortion. Zbl 1404.62042 Zhang, Jun; Zhou, Nanguang; Chen, Qian; Chu, Tianyue 12 2018 Consistency and identifiability revisited. Zbl 1049.62003 San Martín, Ernesto; Quintana, Fernando 11 2002 Further remarks on estimating the reliability function of exponential distribution under type I and type II censorings. Zbl 0956.62100 Chaturvedi, Ajit; Surinder, K. 11 1999 Bivariate sinh-normal distribution and a related model. Zbl 1326.62028 Kundu, Debasis 11 2015 Parameter estimations for the sub-fractional Brownian motion with drift at discrete observation. Zbl 1416.62472 Kuang, Nenghui; Liu, Bingquan 11 2015 Measuring symmetry and asymmetry of multiplicative distortion measurement errors data. Zbl 1445.62033 Zhang, Jun; Gai, Yujie; Cui, Xia; Li, Gaorong 11 2020 The exp-\(G\) family of probability distributions. Zbl 1272.60008 Barreto-Souza, Wagner; Simas, Alexandre B. 11 2013 Role of regression estimator involving measurement errors. Zbl 1049.62081 Singh, Maneesha; Singh, R. Karan 10 2002 Improved maximum likelihood estimation in a new class of beta regression models. Zbl 1272.62050 Vasconcellos, Klaus L. P.; Cribari-Neto, Francisco 10 2005 An expansion for self-interacting random walks. Zbl 1238.60116 van der Hofstad, Remco; Holmes, Mark 10 2012 Combination of regression and ratio estimate in presence of nonresponse. Zbl 1298.62021 Singh, Housila P.; Kumar, Sunil 10 2011 Predicting dependent binary outcomes through logistic regressions and meta-elliptical copulas. Zbl 1298.62080 Genest, Christian; Nikoloulopoulos, Aristidis K.; Rivest, Louis-Paul; Fortin, Mathieu 10 2013 On some properties of Makeham distribution using generalized record values and its characterization. Zbl 1298.62178 Minimol, S.; Thomas, P. Yageen 10 2013 On matrix-variate Birnbaum-Saunders distributions and their estimation and application. Zbl 1329.60013 Sánchez, Luis; Leiva, Víctor; Caro-Lopera, Francisco J.; Cysneiros, Francisco José A. 10 2015 Random environment binomial thinning integer-valued autoregressive process with Poisson or geometric marginal. Zbl 1445.62232 Liu, Zhengwei; Li, Qi; Zhu, Fukang 10 2020 Fractional absolute moments of heavy tailed distributions. Zbl 1381.60039 Matsui, Muneya; Pawlas, Zbyněk 10 2016 Prediction of future failures for generalized exponential distribution under type-I or type-II hybrid censoring. Zbl 1362.62181 Valiollahi, R.; Asgharzadeh, A.; Kundu, D. 9 2017 Size-and-shape cone, shape disk and configuration densities for the elliptical models. Zbl 1082.62048 Díaz-García, José A.; Gutiérrez-Jáimez, Ramón; Ramos-Quiroga, Rogelio 9 2003 On bivariate inverse Weibull distribution. Zbl 1370.62010 Kundu, Debasis; Gupta, Arjun K. 9 2017 On estimating the scale parameter of the selected uniform population under the entropy loss function. Zbl 1370.62014 Arshad, Mohd.; Misra, Neeraj 9 2017 Bayesian analysis of a correlated binomial model. Zbl 1298.62048 Diniz, Carlos A. R.; Tutia, Marcelo H.; Leite, Jose G. 9 2010 Modeling \(\mathbb{Z}\)-valued time series based on new versions of the Skellam INGARCH model. Zbl 1478.62249 Cui, Yan; Li, Qi; Zhu, Fukang 9 2021 Stein characterizations for linear combinations of gamma random variables. Zbl 1453.60067 Arras, Benjamin; Azmoodeh, Ehsan; Poly, Guillaume; Swan, Yvik 9 2020 Probabilistic models for the (sub)tree(s) of life. Zbl 1373.05178 Lambert, Amaury 9 2017 Predictive construction of priors in Bayesian nonparametrics. Zbl 1319.62075 Fortini, Sandra; Petrone, Sonia 9 2012 Parametric Stein operators and variance bounds. Zbl 1376.60044 Ley, Christophe; Swan, Yvik 9 2016 A Skellam GARCH model. Zbl 1404.62082 Alomani, Ghadah A.; Alzaid, Abdulhamid A.; Omair, Maha A. 9 2018 From heavy-tailed Boolean models to scale-free Gilbert graphs. Zbl 1380.60087 Hirsch, Christian 8 2017 Bayesian robustness to outliers in linear regression and ratio estimation. Zbl 1418.62270 Desgagné, Alain; Gagnon, Philippe 8 2019 A \(\Phi_1\)-beta distribution. Zbl 1272.62016 Nadarajah, Saralees; Kotz, Samuel 8 2006 Asymptotics for sparse exponential random graph models. Zbl 1365.05264 Yin, Mei; Zhu, Lingjiong 8 2017 Exponential approach to, and properties of, a non-equilibrium steady state in a dilute gas. Zbl 1318.82035 Carlen, Eric A.; Lebowitz, Joel L.; Mouhot, Clément 8 2015 Spatial ARMA models and its applications to image filtering. Zbl 1298.62162 Bustos, Oscar; Ojeda, Silvia; Vallejos, Ronny 8 2009 Nonparametric density estimation for functional data by delta sequences. Zbl 1298.62063 Prakasa Rao, B. L. S. 8 2010 Estimating the Renyi entropy of several exponential populations. Zbl 1329.94028 Kayal, Suchandan; Kumar, Somesh; Vellaisamy, P. 8 2015 Efficient use of a two-stage randomized response procedure. Zbl 1298.62017 Abdelfatah, Sally; Mazloum, Reda; Singh, Sarjinder 8 2013 The cone percolation on \(\mathbb{T}_{d}\). Zbl 1310.60139 Junior, Valdivino V.; Machado, Fábio P.; Zuluaga, Mauricio 8 2014 Bayesian skew-probit regression for binary response data. Zbl 1304.62049 Bazán, Jorge L.; Romeo, José S.; Rodrigues, Josemar 8 2014 Estimation with improved efficiency in semi-parametric linear longitudinal models. Zbl 1304.62027 Warriyar K. V., Vineetha; Sutradhar, Brajendra C. 8 2014 GMM versus GQL inferences in semiparametric linear dynamic mixed models. Zbl 1235.62137 Rao, R. Prabhakar; Sutradhar, Brajendra; Pandit, V. N. 8 2012 Group selection in high-dimensional partially linear additive models. Zbl 1239.62048 Wei, Fengrong 8 2012 On risk unbiased estimation after selection. Zbl 1381.62051 Nematollahi, Nader; Jozani, Mohammad Jafari 8 2016 Comparing consensus Monte Carlo strategies for distributed Bayesian computation. Zbl 1385.65008 Scott, Steven L. 8 2017 Dynamics & sparsity in latent threshold factor models: a study in multivariate EEG signal processing. Zbl 1385.62025 Nakajima, Jouchi; West, Mike 8 2017 Statistical inference on restricted linear regression models with partial distortion measurement errors. Zbl 1381.62233 Wei, Zhenghong; Fan, Yongbin; Zhang, Jun 8 2016 On modelling asymmetric data using two-piece sinh-arcsinh distributions. Zbl 1381.60042 Rubio, F. J.; Ogundimu, E. O.; Hutton, J. L. 8 2016 On the time-dependent Fisher information of a density function. Zbl 1404.62008 Kharazmi, Omid; Asadi, Majid 8 2018 Failure rate of Birnbaum-Saunders distributions: shape, change-point, estimation and robustness. Zbl 1419.62025 Athayde, Emilia; Azevedo, Assis; Barros, Michelli; Leiva, Víctor 7 2019 BSDE with jumps and non-Lipschitz coefficients: application to large deviations. Zbl 1291.60123 Sow, Ahmadou Bamba 7 2014 Certainty equivalents as risk measures. Zbl 1272.91066 Müller, Alfred 7 2007 Modelling game outcomes of the Brazilian 2006 Series A Championship as ordinal-valued. Zbl 1310.62127 Brillinger, David R. 7 2008 Coherent forecasting for over-dispersed time series of count data. Zbl 1332.62361 Maiti, Raju; Biswas, Atanu 7 2015 Supercriticality conditions for asymmetric zero-range process with sitewise disorder. Zbl 1319.60179 Bahadoran, Christophe; Mountford, Thomas; Ravishankar, Krishnamurthi; Saada, Ellen 7 2015 Identifying interacting pairs of sites in Ising models on a countable set. Zbl 1316.60145 Galves, Antonio; Orlandi, Enza; Takahashi, Daniel Y. 7 2015 The log-generalized modified Weibull regression model. Zbl 1300.62019 Ortega, Edwin M. M.; Cordeiro, Gauss M.; Carrasco, Jalmar M. F. 7 2011 Long-term survival models with latent activation under a flexible family of distributions. Zbl 1298.62165 Cancho, Vicente G.; de Castro, Mário; Dey, Dipak K. 7 2013 An upper bound for front propagation velocities inside moving populations. Zbl 1203.60146 Gaudillière, A.; Nardi, F. R. 7 2010 Characterizations and time-dependent association measures for bivariate Schur-constant distributions. Zbl 1304.62035 Nair, N. Unnikrishnan; Sankaran, P. G. 7 2014 Bayesian analysis based on the Jeffreys prior for the hyperbolic distribution. Zbl 1319.62060 Fonseca, Thaís C. O.; Migon, Helio S.; Ferreira, Marco A. R. 7 2012 Some unified results on stochastic properties of residual lifetimes at random times. Zbl 1395.62313 Misra, Neeraj; Naqvi, Sameen 7 2018 Estimation of parameters in the \(\mathrm{DDRCINAR}(p)\) model. Zbl 1426.62261 Liu, Xiufang; Wang, Dehui 7 2019 Abrupt convergence for a family of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Zbl 1404.60109 Barrera, Gerardo 7 2018 Probabilistic cellular automata with Andrei Toom. Zbl 07902526 Gács, Peter 1 2024 On quasi Pólya thinning operator. Zbl 07789487 Peyhardi, Jean 3 2023 Componentwise equivariant estimation of order restricted location and scale parameters in bivariate models: a unified study. Zbl 07692851 Garg, Naresh; Misra, Neeraj 3 2023 Dependent percolation on \(\mathbb{Z}^2\). Zbl 07733569 de Lima, Bernardo N. B.; Sidoravicius, Vladas; Vares, Maria Eulália 3 2023 On the finiteness of the moments of the measure of level sets of random fields. Zbl 1511.60074 Armentano, Diego; Azaïs, Jean Marc; Dalmao, Federico; León, José Rafael; Mordecki, Ernesto 2 2023 Tuning parameter selection in fused lasso signal approximator with false discovery rate control. Zbl 07789477 Son, Won; Lim, Johan; Yu, Donghyeon 1 2023 Interest rate modeling with generalized Langevin equations. Zbl 1530.91582 Hess, Markus 1 2023 Likelihood-based missing data analysis in crossover trials. Zbl 07733564 Pareek, Savita; Das, Kalyan; Mukhopadhyay, Siuli 1 2023 Maximum likelihood estimation for the reflected stochastic linear system with a large signal. Zbl 07733565 Zhang, Xuekang; Shu, Huisheng 1 2023 Phase transitions for the Boolean model of continuum percolation for Cox point processes. Zbl 07477294 Jahnel, Benedikt; Tóbiás, András; Cali, Elie 5 2022 Limit theorems for quasi-arithmetic means of random variables with applications to point estimations for the Cauchy distribution. Zbl 1493.62095 Akaoka, Yuichi; Okamura, Kazuki; Otobe, Yoshiki 5 2022 Approximations related to the sums of \(m\)-dependent random variables. Zbl 1487.60092 Kumar, Amit N.; Upadhye, Neelesh S.; Vellaisamy, P. 4 2022 A functional limit theorem for moving averages with weakly dependent heavy-tailed innovations. Zbl 1490.60071 Krizmanić, Danijel 2 2022 Bucket plot: a visual tool for skewness and kurtosis comparisons. Zbl 07599097 De Bastiani, Fernanda; Stasinopoulos, Dimitrios M.; Rigby, Robert A.; Heller, Gillian Z.; Silva, Lucas A. 2 2022 A robust partial least squares approach for function-on-function regression. Zbl 1503.62039 Beyaztas, Ufuk; Shang, Han Lin 1 2022 Exponential squared loss based robust variable selection of AR models. Zbl 1503.62071 Wu, Yaxin; Song, Yunquan; Liang, Xijun; Gai, Yujie 1 2022 Convergence of partial sum processes to stable processes with application for aggregation of branching processes. Zbl 1505.60043 Barczy, Mátyás; Nedényi, Fanni K.; Pap, Gyula 1 2022 The discrete renewal equation with nonsummable inhomogeneous term. Zbl 1490.39027 Sgibnev, M. S. 1 2022 Integrals of incomplete beta functions, with applications to order statistics, random walks and string enumeration. Zbl 1490.60037 Connor, Stephen B.; Fewster, Christopher J. 1 2022 On outliers detection and prior distribution sensitivity in standard skew-probit regression models. Zbl 1496.62126 Coelho, Fabiano R.; Russo, Cibele M.; Bazán, Jorge L. 1 2022 Unadjusted Langevin algorithm for sampling a mixture of weakly smooth potentials. Zbl 07599102 Nguyen, Dao 1 2022 Cumulative past Fisher information measure and its extensions. Zbl 1496.62028 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy; Kharazmi, Omid 1 2022 Modeling \(\mathbb{Z}\)-valued time series based on new versions of the Skellam INGARCH model. Zbl 1478.62249 Cui, Yan; Li, Qi; Zhu, Fukang 9 2021 A general expression for second-order covariance matrices – an application to dispersion models. Zbl 1476.62109 Magalhães, Tiago M.; Botter, Denise A.; Sandoval, Mônica C. 3 2021 A Bayesian nonparametric estimation to entropy. Zbl 1475.62127 Al-Labadi, Luai; Patel, Vishakh; Vakiloroayaei, Kasra; Wan, Clement 3 2021 A class of asymmetric regression models for left-censored data. Zbl 1476.62208 Saulo, Helton; Leão, Jeremias; Nobre, Juvêncio; Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 3 2021 A central limit theorem for incomplete U-statistics over triangular arrays. Zbl 1474.60056 Löwe, Matthias; Terveer, Sara 3 2021 Graph distances of continuum long-range percolation. Zbl 07425685 Sönmez, Ercan 3 2021 The illusion of the illusion of sparsity: an exercise in prior sensitivity. Zbl 07477281 Fava, Bruno; Lopes, Hedibert F. 3 2021 Beta rectangular regression models to longitudinal data. Zbl 07477289 Ribeiro, Vinícius S. O.; Nobre, Juvêncio S.; dos Santos, José Roberto S.; Azevedo, Caio L. N. 3 2021 Finite-memory elephant random walk and the central limit theorem for additive functionals. Zbl 1471.60108 Ben-Ari, Iddo; Green, Jonah; Meredith, Taylor; Panzo, Hugo; Tan, Xioran 2 2021 On a transform for modeling skewness. Zbl 1475.62122 Kang, Li; Damien, Paul; Walker, Stephen 2 2021 Bayesian estimation of a decreasing density. Zbl 1475.62132 Jongbloed, Geurt; van der Meulen, Frank; Pang, Lixue 2 2021 Sample size for estimating organism concentration in ballast water: a Bayesian approach. Zbl 1472.92250 Costa, Eliardo G.; Paulino, Carlos Daniel; Singer, Julio M. 2 2021 A Monte Carlo integration approach to estimating drift and minorization coefficients for Metropolis-Hastings samplers. Zbl 1477.62225 Spade, David A. 2 2021 The foundations of statistical science: a history of textbook presentations. Zbl 07477280 Agresti, Alan 2 2021 Absolute continuity of the super-Brownian motion with infinite mean. Zbl 1492.60233 Mamin, Rustam; Mytnik, Leonid 2 2021 The local principle of large deviations for compound Poisson process with catastrophes. Zbl 1471.60039 Logachov, Artem; Logachova, Olga; Yambartsev, Anatoly 1 2021 A switch convergence for a small perturbation of a linear recurrence equation. Zbl 1471.60103 Barrera, Gerardo; Liu, Shuo 1 2021 The minimal observable clade size of exchangeable coalescents. Zbl 1472.92007 Freund, Fabian; Siri-Jégousse, Arno 1 2021 Efficient estimation of the odds using judgment post stratification. Zbl 1475.62254 Dizicheh, Mozhgan Alirezaei; Zamanzade, Ehsan; Iranpanah, Nasrollah 1 2021 A bivariate fatigue-life regression model and its application to fracture of metallic tools. Zbl 1471.62488 Saulo, Helton; Leão, Jeremias; Leiva, Víctor; Vila, Roberto; Tomazella, Vera 1 2021 Confidence intervals of the index \(C_{pk}\) for normally distributed quality characteristics using classical and Bayesian methods of estimation. Zbl 1471.62555 Saha, Mahendra; Dey, Sanku; Yadav, Abhimanyu Singh; Ali, Sajid 1 2021 Inference in a linear functional relationship with replications. Zbl 1479.62053 Hokama, Julio; Morettin, Pedro; Bolfarine, Heleno; Galea, Manuel 1 2021 Bayesian inference for zero-and/or-one augmented beta rectangular regression models. Zbl 07477283 Silva, Ana R. S.; Azevedo, Caio L. N.; Bazán, Jorge L.; Nobre, Juvêncio S. 1 2021 A note on the Nielsen distribution. Zbl 07477285 Gallardo, Diego I.; Bourguignon, Marcelo 1 2021 Calibration procedures for linear regression models with multiplicative distortion measurement errors. Zbl 1445.62182 Zhang, Jun; Zhou, Yan 13 2020 Two classes of dynamic binomial integer-valued ARCH models. Zbl 1467.62141 Chen, Huaping; Li, Qi; Zhu, Fukang 12 2020 Recent developments in complex and spatially correlated functional data. Zbl 07232926 Martínez-Hernández, Israel; Genton, Marc G. 12 2020 Reliability estimation in a multicomponent stress-strength model for Burr XII distribution under progressive censoring. Zbl 1445.62256 Maurya, Raj Kamal; Tripathi, Yogesh Mani 12 2020 Measuring symmetry and asymmetry of multiplicative distortion measurement errors data. Zbl 1445.62033 Zhang, Jun; Gai, Yujie; Cui, Xia; Li, Gaorong 11 2020 Random environment binomial thinning integer-valued autoregressive process with Poisson or geometric marginal. Zbl 1445.62232 Liu, Zhengwei; Li, Qi; Zhu, Fukang 10 2020 Stein characterizations for linear combinations of gamma random variables. Zbl 1453.60067 Arras, Benjamin; Azmoodeh, Ehsan; Poly, Guillaume; Swan, Yvik 9 2020 Asymptotic behavior of the maximum of multivariate order statistics in a norm sense. Zbl 1467.62068 Barakat, H. M.; Nigm, E. M.; Harpy, M. H. 5 2020 Multivariate normal approximation of the maximum likelihood estimator via the delta method. Zbl 1441.62139 Anastasiou, Andreas; Gaunt, Robert E. 5 2020 Symmetrical and asymmetrical mixture autoregressive processes. Zbl 1445.62233 Maleki, Mohsen; Hajrajabi, Arezo; Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B. 5 2020 Some new Stein operators for product distributions. Zbl 1469.60076 Gaunt, Robert E.; Mijoule, Guillaume; Swan, Yvik 4 2020 Robust Bayesian model selection for heavy-tailed linear regression using finite mixtures. Zbl 1440.62267 Gonçalves, Flávio B.; Prates, Marcos O.; Lachos, Victor Hugo 4 2020 On estimating the location parameter of the selected exponential population under the LINEX loss function. Zbl 1440.62082 Arshad, Mohd; Abdalghani, Omer 4 2020 On a bimodal Birnbaum-Saunders distribution with applications to lifetime data. Zbl 1445.62032 Vila, Roberto; Leão, Jeremias; Saulo, Helton; Shahzad, Mirza Naveed; Santos-Neto, Manoel 4 2020 Nonparametric Bayesian estimation of a Hölder continuous diffusion coefficient. 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Zbl 1439.92124 Bhattacharya, Durba; Bhattacharya, Sourabh 2 2020 On the Nielsen distribution. Zbl 1441.62055 Castellares, Fredy; Lemonte, Artur J.; Santos, Marcos A. C. 2 2020 Nonparametric discrimination of areal functional data. Zbl 1442.62092 Younso, Ahmad 2 2020 Application of weighted and unordered majorization orders in comparisons of parallel systems with exponentiated generalized gamma components. Zbl 1441.60018 Haidari, Abedin; Payandeh Najafabadi, Amir T.; Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 2 2020 Simple step-stress models with a cure fraction. Zbl 1451.62109 Kannan, Nandini; Kundu, Debasis 2 2020 Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit. Zbl 1453.60159 Kistler, Nicola; Schertzer, Adrien; Schmidt, Marius A. 2 2020 Improved estimators of the entropy in scale mixture of exponential distributions. Zbl 1445.62118 Petropoulos, Constantinos; Patra, Lakshmi Kanta; Kumar, Somesh 2 2020 Galton-Watson processes in varying environment and accessibility percolation. 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D. 9 Whittington, Stuart G. 8 Caro-Lopera, Francisco José 8 Cepeda-Cuervo, Edilberto 8 Dey, Sanku 8 Gallardo, Diego I. 8 Kundu, Debasis 8 Lachos Dávila, Víctor Hugo 8 Leão, Jeremias 8 Ratanov, Nikita 8 Swan, Yvik C. 7 Bahadoran, Christophe 7 Bakouch, Hassan Salah 7 Bolfarine, Heleno 7 Chen, Huaping 7 Cribari-Neto, Francisco 7 Dey, Dipak Kumar 7 Jahnel, Benedikt 7 Kharazmi, Omid 7 Külske, Christof 7 Lefèvre, Claude 7 Mazucheli, Josmar 7 Nardi, Francesca Romana 7 Patra, Lakshmi Kanta 7 Paula, Gilberto Alvarenga 7 Prakasa Rao, B. L. S. 7 Ravishankar, Krishnamurthi 7 Tahir, Muhammad Hussain 7 van der Hofstad, Remco W. 6 Achcar, Jorge Alberto 6 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo Boris 6 Asgharzadeh, Akbar 6 Barrera, Gerardo 6 Bertacchi, Daniela 6 Cysneiros, Francisco José A. 6 Gagnon, Philippe 6 Hamura, Yasuyuki 6 Kang, Yao 6 Kolev, Nikolai 6 Lambert, Amaury 6 Le, Huiling 6 Löwe, Matthias 6 Mukherjee, Sumit 6 Nascimento, Abraão David Costa 6 Nobre, Juvêncio Santos 6 Raqab, Mohammad Zayed 6 Rodrigues, Josemar 6 Tripathi, Yogesh Mani 6 Zucca, Fabio 5 Abid, Rahma 5 Azmoodeh, Ehsan 5 Barmalzan, Ghobad 5 Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler 5 Bhattacharya, Sourabh 5 Coja-Oghlan, Amin 5 Da-Silva, Cibele Queiroz 5 Formentin, Marco 5 Fouskakis, Dimitris 5 Giardinà, Cristian 5 Gomes, Antonio Eduardo 5 Gómez, Héctor Wladimir 5 Gutiérrez-Jáimez, Ramón 5 Hairer, Martin 5 Hamedani, Gholamhossein G. 5 Haran, Murali 5 Karakaya, Kadir 5 Kumar, Somesh 5 Ley, Christophe ...and 2,761 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 311 Journals 116 Communications in Statistics. 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