Journal of Universal Computer Science Short Title: J. UCS Publisher: Technische Universität Graz, Graz ISSN: 0948-6968/e Online: Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; Published electronic only as of Vol. 1 (1995). This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 504 Publications (1995–2013) all top 5 Latest Issues 19, No. 6 (2013) 19, No. 1 (2013) 18, No. 20 (2012) 18, No. 16 (2012) 18, No. 14 (2012) 18, No. 13 (2012) 18, No. 10 (2012) 17, No. 13 (2011) 17, No. 11 (2011) 17, No. 8 (2011) 17, No. 6 (2011) 17, No. 5 (2011) 16, No. 20 (2010) 16, No. 18 (2010) 16, No. 17 (2010) 16, No. 14 (2010) 16, No. 11 (2010) 16, No. 10 (2010) 16, No. 6 (2010) 16, No. 5 (2010) 16, No. 3 (2010) 16, No. 1 (2010) 15, No. 17 (2009) 15, No. 15 (2009) 15, No. 14 (2009) 15, No. 13 (2009) 15, No. 10 (2009) 15, No. 9 (2009) 15, No. 8 (2009) 15, No. 6 (2009) 15, No. 5 (2009) 15, No. 4 (2009) 15, No. 3 (2009) 15, No. 1 (2009) 14, No. 22 (2008) 14, No. 21 (2008) 14, No. 20 (2008) 14, No. 13 (2008) 14, No. 12 (2008) 14, No. 10 (2008) 14, No. 6 (2008) 14, No. 3 (2008) 13, No. 11 (2007) 11, No. 12 (2005) 10, No. 8 (2004) 9, No. 10 (2003) 8, No. 12 (2002) 8, No. 11 (2002) 8, No. 7 (2002) 8, No. 4 (2002) 8, No. 3 (2002) 8, No. 2 (2002) 7, No. 10 (2001) 7, No. 8 (2001) 7, No. 7 (2001) 7, No. 6 (2001) 7, No. 5 (2001) 7, No. 4 (2001) 7, No. 3 (2001) 7, No. 2, Spec. Iss. (2001) 7, No. 1, Spec. Iss. (2001) 6, No. 12 (2000) 6, No. 11, Spec. Iss. (2000) 6, No. 10, Spec. Iss. (2000) 6, No. 9 (2000) 6, No. 8 (2000) 6, No. 5 (2000) 6, No. 4 (2000) 6, No. 3 (2000) 6, No. 2 (2000) 6, No. 1 (2000) 5, No. 12 (1999) 5, No. 11 (1999) 5, No. 10 (1999) 5, No. 9 (1999) 5, No. 8 (1999) 5, No. 6 (1999) 5, No. 5 (1999) 5, No. 3 (1999) 4, No. 8 (1998) 4, No. 7 (1998) 4, No. 6 (1998) 4, No. 5 (1998) 4, No. 4 (1998) 4, No. 3 (1998) 4, No. 2 (1998) 4, No. 1 (1998) 3, No. 12 (1997) 3, No. 11 (1997) 3, No. 10 (1997) 3, No. 9 (1997) 3, No. 8 (1997) 3, No. 7 (1997) 3, No. 6 (1997) 3, No. 5 (1997) 3, No. 4 (1997) 3, No. 3 (1997) 3, No. 2 (1997) 3, No. 1 (1997) 2, No. 11 (1996) ...and 12 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 10 Calude, Cristian S. 8 Schewe, Klaus-Dieter 6 Honkala, Juha 6 Păun, Gheorghe 6 Salomaa, Arto Kustaa 6 Weihrauch, Klaus 5 Bridges, Douglas Suth 5 Hertling, Peter H. 4 Gurevich, Yuri 4 Hemaspaandra, Lane A. 4 Ishihara, Hajime 4 Jürgensen, Helmut 4 Maurer, Hermann A. 4 Muller, Jean-Michel 4 Salomaa, Kai T. 4 Schellhorn, Gerhard 4 Thalheim, Bernhard 4 Zhang, Xian-Mo 4 Zheng, Yuliang 3 Banach, Richard 3 Berger, Josef 3 Börger, Egon 3 Bosserhoff, Volker 3 Brattka, Vasco 3 Carlson, Patricia A. 3 Duval, Erik 3 Dvořák, Václav 3 Fenwick, Peter 3 Gheorghe, Marian 3 Ito, Masami 3 Keller, Jörg 3 Krishnan, Padmanabhan 3 Kuich, Werner 3 Margenstern, Maurice 3 Nguyen Thanh Ngoc 3 Posch, Reinhard 3 Reif, Wolfgang 3 Rettinger, Robert 3 Schröder, Matthias 3 Ştefănescu, Doru 3 Svozil, Karl 3 Wang, Qing 3 Yu, Sheng 2 Ahrendt, Wolfgang 2 Aichering, Bernhard K. 2 Bordihn, Henning 2 Chaitin, Gregory John 2 Chesneaux, Jean-Marie 2 Collins, Peter J. 2 Cristofor, Dana 2 Dassow, Jürgen 2 Daumas, Marc 2 Dinneen, Michael J. 2 Dunne, Paul E. 2 Farjudian, Amin 2 Futatsugi, Kokichi 2 Gaßner, Christine 2 Georgescu, Horia 2 Grozea, Cristian 2 Günther, Ulrich 2 Havea, Robin S. 2 Hemaspaandra, Edith 2 Holzer, Markus 2 Iljazović, Zvonko 2 Iorgulescu, Afrodita 2 Jeong, Ik Rae 2 Jézéquel, Fabienne 2 Kari, Jarkko 2 Khoussainov, Bakhadyr M. 2 Konečný, Michal 2 Kornerup, Peter 2 Kuo, Chin-Hwa 2 Kurosawa, Kaoru 2 Kutter, Philipp W. 2 Lee, Beomhee 2 Lee, Donghoon 2 Lee, Youngdae 2 Leppänen, Ville 2 Lipponen, Marjo 2 Ma, Hui 2 Markov, Svetoslav Marinovich 2 Martín-Vide, Carlos 2 Mateescu, Alexandru 2 Mearelli, Luca 2 Messine, Frédéric 2 Mitrana, Victor 2 Mori, Takakazu 2 Nagar, Atulya K. 2 Oishi, Shin’ichi 2 Olivie, Henk J. 2 Pauly, Arno M. 2 Pieprzyk, Josef P. 2 Pierantonio, Alfonso 2 Popova, Evgeniya D. 2 Roşu, Grigore 2 Rubio, Fernando 2 Ruf, Jürgen 2 Safavi-Naini, Reihaneh 2 Schuster, Peter Michael 2 Simovici, Dan A. ...and 693 more Authors all top 5 Fields 398 Computer science (68-XX) 91 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 28 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 27 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 17 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 16 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 14 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 9 General topology (54-XX) 8 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Functional analysis (46-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Mathematics education (97-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 247 Publications have been cited 1,242 times in 1,107 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Descriptional complexity of machines with limited resources. Zbl 1258.68058 Goldstine, Jonathan; Kappes, Martin; Kintala, Chandra M. R.; Leung, Hing; Malcher, Andreas; Wotschke, Detlef 40 2002 GAC – the criterion for global avalanche characteristics of cryptographic functions. Zbl 0960.68572 Zhang, Xian-Mo; Zheng, Yuliang 31 1995 Elementary computable topology. Zbl 1201.03039 Weihrauch, K.; Grubba, T. 31 2009 On the intractability of computing the Duquenne-Guigues base. Zbl 1277.68258 Kuznetsov, Sergei O. 27 2004 On BCK algebras. I.b: An attempt to treat unitarily the algebras of logic. New algebras. Zbl 1219.06019 Iorgulescu, A. 26 2008 How incomputable is finding Nash equilibria? Zbl 1216.91004 Pauly, Arno 26 2010 Behavioural coherence in object-oriented algebraic specification. Zbl 0963.68104 Diaconescu, Razvan; Futatsugi, Kokichi 24 2000 A generic tableau prover and its integration with Isabelle. Zbl 0961.68116 Paulson, Lawrence C. 20 1999 Chainable and circularly chainable co-r.e. sets in computable metric spaces. Zbl 1201.03033 Iljazović, Z. 20 2009 The computable multi-functions on multi-represented sets are closed under programming. Zbl 1227.03061 Weihrauch, K. 19 2008 Extensions of affine arithmetic: application to unconstrained global optimization. Zbl 1274.65184 Messine, F. 19 2002 A selection process based on additive consistency to deal with incomplete fuzzy linguistic information. Zbl 1216.68291 Cabrerizo, F. J.; Heradio, R.; Pérez, I. J.; Herrera-Viedma, E. 18 2010 New tools for cellular automata in the hyperbolic plane. Zbl 0967.68111 Margenstern, Maurice 17 2000 Chaitin \(\Omega\) numbers and strong reducibilities. Zbl 0960.68080 Calude, Cristian S.; Nies, André 17 1997 On directed interval arithmetic and its applications. Zbl 0960.65561 Markov, Svetoslav 16 1995 Additive distances and quasi-distances between words. Zbl 1258.68074 Calude, Cristian S.; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 16 2002 Dynamical control of computations using the trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules. Zbl 0967.68175 Chesneaux, J. M.; Jézéquel, F. 15 1998 The automorphism group of a hypercube. Zbl 0960.68130 Harary, Frank 15 2000 Lexical analysis with a simple finite-fuzzy-automaton model. Zbl 0960.68611 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai 15 1995 Effective computability of solutions of differential inclusions: the ten thousand monkeys approach. Zbl 1201.03031 Collins, P.; Graça, D. S. 15 2009 Enclosure methods for multivariate differentiable functions and application to global optimization. Zbl 1063.90574 Messine, Frédéric; Lagouanelle, Jean-Louis 14 1998 Persistency of confluence. Zbl 0960.68082 Aoto, Takahito; Toyama, Yoshihito 13 1997 The coalgebraic class specification language CCSL. Zbl 0970.68104 Rothe, Jan; Tews, Hendrik; Jacobs, Bart 13 2001 Parametric model-checking of stopwatch Petri nets. Zbl 1217.68140 Traonouez, L.-M.; Lime, D.; Roux, O. H. 13 2009 Rates of asymptotic regularity for Halpern iterations of nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1316.47057 Leuştean, Laurenţiu 13 2007 A direct proof of the equivalence between Brouwer’s fan theorem and König’s lemma with a uniqueness hypothesis. Zbl 1124.03042 Schwichtenberg, H. 13 2005 Error-correction, and finite-delay decodability. Zbl 1258.68086 Konstantinidis, Stavros 13 2002 Too many minor order obstructions (for parameterized lower ideals). Zbl 0967.68117 Dinneen, Michael J. 12 1997 An aperiodic set of Wang cubes. Zbl 0960.68623 Culik, Karel II; Kari, Jarkko 12 1995 Exploiting the potential of concept lattices for information retrieval with credo. Zbl 1277.68069 Carpineto, Claudio; Romano, Giovanni 12 2004 Synchronization and stability of finite automata. Zbl 1258.68084 Kari, Jarkko 11 2002 Computable separation in topology, from \(T_{0}\) to \(T_{2}\). Zbl 1219.03043 Weihrauch, Klaus 11 2010 Connection-based theorem proving in classical and non-classical logics. Zbl 0961.68118 Kreitz, Christoph; Otten, Jens 10 1999 Certificateless public key encryption secure against malicious KGC attacks in the standard model. Zbl 1217.68088 Hwang, Yong Ho; Liu, Joseph K.; Chow, Sherman S. M. 10 2008 Notions of probabilistic computability on represented spaces. Zbl 1227.03058 Bosserhoff, V. 10 2008 Isometries and computability structures. Zbl 1219.03042 Iljazović, Zvonko 10 2010 Group theoretical aspects of reversible logic gates. Zbl 0961.68008 Storme, Leo; de Vos, Alexis; Jacobs, Gerald 9 1999 Formal topology and constructive mathematics: the Gelfand and Stone-Yosida representation theorems. Zbl 1120.03049 Coquand, T.; Spitters, B. 9 2005 A note on the computability of graph minor obstruction sets for monadic second order ideals. Zbl 0960.68129 Courcelle, Bruno; Downey, Rodney G.; Fellows, Michael R. 8 1997 On cryptographic properties of random Boolean functions. Zbl 0967.68059 Olejár, Daniel; Stanek, Martin 8 1998 Some basic properties of general nonperfect secret sharing schemes. Zbl 0967.68060 Ogata, Wakaha; Kurosawa, Kaoru 8 1998 Accepting networks of evolutionary processors with filtered connections. Zbl 1175.68160 Drăgoi, C.; Manea, F.; Mitrana, V. 8 2007 Constructive set theory and Brouwerian principles. Zbl 1124.03034 Rathjen, M. 8 2005 Rationally additive semirings. Zbl 1257.16034 Ésik, Zoltán; Kuich, Werner 8 2002 Some notes on Fine computability. Zbl 1257.03072 Brattka, Vasco 8 2002 Realisability for induction and coinduction with applications to constructive analysis. Zbl 1219.03074 Berger, Ulrich 8 2010 Constructor-based logics. Zbl 1362.68193 Găină, Daniel; Futatsugi, Kokichi; Ogata, Kazuhiro 8 2012 Communicating stream \(X\)-machines systems are no more than \(X\)-machines. Zbl 0960.68005 Balanescu, Tudor; Cowling, Anthony J.; Georgescu, Horia; Gheorghe, Marian; Holcombe, Mike; Vertan, Cristina 7 1999 Orthogonal concatenation: language equations and state complexity. Zbl 1216.68141 Daley, M.; Domaratzki, M.; Salomaa, K. 7 2010 An axiomatization of a first-order branching time temporal logic. Zbl 1216.03033 Doder, D.; Ognjanović, Z.; Marković, Z. 7 2010 Shuffle decomposition of regular languages. Zbl 1258.68081 Ito, Masami 7 2002 On identification in \(\mathbb Z^2\) using translates of given patterns. Zbl 1312.68026 Honkala, Iiro; Lobstein, Antoine 7 2003 Reasoning about abstract state machines: The WAM case study. Zbl 0960.68090 Schellhorn, Gerhard; Ahrendt, Wolfgang 6 1997 Sequential continuity of linear mappings in constructive mathematics. Zbl 0970.46050 Ishihara, Hajime 6 1997 Mobile ambients and \(P\)-systems. Zbl 0960.68073 Petre, Ion; Petre, Luigia 6 1999 Nondeterministic admissible interference. Zbl 0963.68105 Mullins, John 6 2000 Linear multisecret-sharing schemes and error-correcting codes. Zbl 0960.68063 Ding, Cunsheng; Laihonen, Tero; Renvall, Ari 6 1997 Topological complexity of blowup problems. Zbl 1201.03036 Rettinger, R.; Weihrauch, K.; Zhong, N. 6 2009 Computability of topological pressure for sofic shifts with applications in statistical physics. Zbl 1227.03064 Spandl, C. 6 2008 Finding median partitions using information-theoretical-based genetic algorithms. Zbl 1258.68048 Cristofor, Dana; Simovici, Dan 6 2002 Reliable computation of elliptic functions. Zbl 0965.65046 Luther, Wolfram; Otten, Werner 5 1998 On the algebra of intervals and convex bodies. Zbl 0970.65053 Markov, Svetoslav M. 5 1998 Numerical verification method of existence of connecting orbits for continuous dynamical systems. Zbl 0965.65139 Oishi, Shinichi 5 1998 A representation theorem for monadic Pavelka algebras. Zbl 0963.03088 Georgescu, George; Leustean, Ioana 5 2000 On equational Craig interpolation. Zbl 0962.03026 Rosu, Grigore; Goguen, Joseph 5 2000 MSB-first digit serial arithmetic. Zbl 0960.68508 Nielsen, Asger Munk; Kornerup, Peter 5 1995 A polynomial solution for 3-SAT in the space of cellular automata in the hyperbolic plane. Zbl 0968.68105 Margenstern, Maurice; Morita, Kenichi 5 1999 Uncertainty propagation in heterogeneous algebras for approximate quantified constraint solving. Zbl 0963.03053 Ratschan, Stefan 5 2000 Computing the solution operators of symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDE. Zbl 1203.03058 Selivanova, S.; Selivanov, V. 5 2009 Certificate-based signatures revisited. Zbl 1216.94055 Wu, W.; Mu, Y.; Susilo, W.; Huang, X. 5 2009 On the power of P systems with symport rules. Zbl 1258.68061 Martıń-Vide, Carlos; Paun, Andrei; Paun, Gheorghe 5 2002 Generation of constants and synchronization of finite automata. Zbl 1258.68090 Salomaa, Arto 5 2002 How large is the set of disjunctive sequences? Zbl 1258.68091 Staiger, Ludwig 5 2002 Computability of the spectrum of self-adjoint operators. Zbl 1120.47063 Brattka, V.; Dillhage, R. 5 2005 New bounds for positive roots of polynomials. Zbl 1124.12001 Ştefănescu, Doru 5 2005 Conflict avoidance in additive order diagrams. Zbl 1277.68222 Ganter, Bernhard 5 2004 XML database transformations. Zbl 1216.68094 Schewe, Klaus-Dieter; Wang, Qing 5 2010 Gurevich abstract state machines and Schönhage storage modification machines. Zbl 0960.68089 Dexter, Scott; Doyle, Patrick; Gurevich, Yuri 4 1997 Recursive abstract state machines. Zbl 0960.68091 Gurevich, Yuri; Spielmann, Marc 4 1997 Model checking for abstract state machines. Zbl 0960.68071 Winter, Kirsten 4 1997 Query order and the polynomial hierarchy. Zbl 0961.68052 Hemaspaandra, Edith; Hemaspaandra, Lane A.; Hempel, Harald 4 1998 Monotone, Horn and quadratic pseudo-Boolean functions. Zbl 0963.06014 Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L. 4 2000 LCF: A lexicographic binary representation of the rationals. Zbl 0961.68004 Kornerup, Peter; Matula, David W. 4 1995 Quantum algorithmic information theory. Zbl 0960.68598 Svozil, K. 4 1996 Highly nonlinear \(t\)-resilient functions. Zbl 0960.68061 Kurosawa, Kaoru; Satoh, Takashi; Yamamoto, Kentaro 4 1997 Agent-oriented integration of distributed mathematical services. Zbl 0961.68117 Franke, Andreas; Hess, Stephan M.; Jung, Christoph G.; Kohlhase, Michael; Sorge, Volker 4 1999 Linear and quadratic complexity bounds on the values of the positive roots of polynomials. Zbl 1216.65053 Akritas, A. G. 4 2009 Representing measurement results. Zbl 1201.03035 Pauly, A. 4 2009 Petri net controlled grammars: the case of special Petri nets. Zbl 1217.68120 Dassow, J.; Turaev, S. 4 2009 A chronicle-based diagnosability approach for discrete timed-event systems: application to web-services. Zbl 1217.68046 Pencolé, Y.; Subias, A. 4 2009 Information fusion and logic-based reasoning approaches for decision making under uncertainty. Zbl 1216.68294 Martínez, L.; Liu, J.; Xu, Y. 4 2010 The tourist in the shopping arcade. Zbl 1216.68315 Fleischer, R.; Kamphans, T.; Klein, R.; Langetepe, E.; Trippen, G. 4 2010 Algebras and update strategies. Zbl 1216.68089 Johnson, Michael; Rosebrugh, R.; Wood, R. 4 2010 Quotient spaces and coequalisers in formal topology. Zbl 1124.03038 Palmgren, E. 4 2005 Membrane computing: the power of (rule) creation. Zbl 1258.68054 Arroyo, Fernando; Baranda, Angel; Castellanos, Juan; Paun, Gheorge 4 2002 An improved FPTAS for mobile agent routing with time constraints. Zbl 1247.68021 Levner, Eugene; Elalouf, Amir; Cheng, T. C. Edwin 4 2011 A hybrid metaheuristic strategy for covering with wireless devices. Zbl 1362.68278 Bajuelos, Antonio L.; Canales, Santiago; Hernández, Gregorio; Martins, Mafalda 4 2012 Kraft-Chaitin inequality revisited. Zbl 0961.68063 Calude, Cristian; Grozea, Cristian 3 1996 On the weaknesses of Gong’s collisionful hash function. Zbl 0960.68042 Bakhtiari, S.; Safavi-Naini, R.; Pieprzyk, J. 3 1997 Integrating ASMs into the software development life cycle. Zbl 0971.68051 Börger, Egon; Mearelli, Luca 3 1997 Gyrolayout: a hyperbolic level-of-detail tree layout. Zbl 1412.68288 Urribarri, Dana K.; Castro, Silvia M.; Martig, Sergio R. 1 2013 The Riesz representation operator on the dual of \(C[0; 1]\) is computable. Zbl 1412.03024 Jafarikhah, Tahereh; Weihrauch, Klaus 1 2013 Constructor-based logics. Zbl 1362.68193 Găină, Daniel; Futatsugi, Kokichi; Ogata, Kazuhiro 8 2012 A hybrid metaheuristic strategy for covering with wireless devices. Zbl 1362.68278 Bajuelos, Antonio L.; Canales, Santiago; Hernández, Gregorio; Martins, Mafalda 4 2012 A novel membrane algorithm based on particle swarm optimization for solving broadcasting problems. Zbl 1362.68262 Zhang, Gexiang; Zhou, Fen; Huang, Xiaoli; Cheng, Jixiang; Gheorghe, Marian; Ipate, Florentin; Lefticaru, Raluca 3 2012 The method of logistic optimization in e-commerce. Zbl 1311.90010 Bucki, Robert; Suchanek, Petr 1 2012 A general qualitative spatio-temporal model based on intervals. Zbl 1311.68153 Martínez-Martín, Ester; Escrig, M. Teresa; del Pobil, Angel P. 1 2012 An improved FPTAS for mobile agent routing with time constraints. Zbl 1247.68021 Levner, Eugene; Elalouf, Amir; Cheng, T. C. Edwin 4 2011 Descriptional complexity of ambiguity in symmetric difference NFAs. Zbl 1217.68135 van Zijl, Lynette; Geldenhuys, Jaco 2 2011 How incomputable is finding Nash equilibria? Zbl 1216.91004 Pauly, Arno 26 2010 A selection process based on additive consistency to deal with incomplete fuzzy linguistic information. Zbl 1216.68291 Cabrerizo, F. J.; Heradio, R.; Pérez, I. J.; Herrera-Viedma, E. 18 2010 Computable separation in topology, from \(T_{0}\) to \(T_{2}\). Zbl 1219.03043 Weihrauch, Klaus 11 2010 Isometries and computability structures. Zbl 1219.03042 Iljazović, Zvonko 10 2010 Realisability for induction and coinduction with applications to constructive analysis. Zbl 1219.03074 Berger, Ulrich 8 2010 Orthogonal concatenation: language equations and state complexity. Zbl 1216.68141 Daley, M.; Domaratzki, M.; Salomaa, K. 7 2010 An axiomatization of a first-order branching time temporal logic. Zbl 1216.03033 Doder, D.; Ognjanović, Z.; Marković, Z. 7 2010 XML database transformations. Zbl 1216.68094 Schewe, Klaus-Dieter; Wang, Qing 5 2010 Information fusion and logic-based reasoning approaches for decision making under uncertainty. Zbl 1216.68294 Martínez, L.; Liu, J.; Xu, Y. 4 2010 The tourist in the shopping arcade. Zbl 1216.68315 Fleischer, R.; Kamphans, T.; Klein, R.; Langetepe, E.; Trippen, G. 4 2010 Algebras and update strategies. Zbl 1216.68089 Johnson, Michael; Rosebrugh, R.; Wood, R. 4 2010 A note on the P-completeness of deterministic one-way stack language. Zbl 1216.68146 Lange, K.-J. 3 2010 A heuristic approach to positive root isolation for multiple power sums. Zbl 1216.68349 Xu, Ming; Mu, Chuandong; Zeng, Zhenbing; Li, Zhi-Bin 3 2010 From computing sets of optima, Pareto sets, and sets of Nash equilibria to general decision-related set computations. Zbl 1219.91038 Kreinovich, Vladik; Kubica, Bartlomiej Jacek 3 2010 Mobile agent routing with time constraints: a resource constrained longest-path approach. Zbl 1216.68302 Camponogara, E.; Shima, R. Boveto 2 2010 NP-completeness and FPT results for rectilinear covering problems. Zbl 1216.68126 Estivill-Castro, V.; Heednacram, A.; Suraweera, F. 2 2010 A pragmatic qualitative approach for juxtaposing shapes. Zbl 1216.68310 Museros, L.; González-Abril, L.; Velasco, F.; Falomir, Z. 2 2010 Canonical effective subalgebras of classical algebras as constructive metric completions. Zbl 1219.03041 Bauer, Andrej; Blanck, Jens 2 2010 Semantics of query-driven communication of exact values. Zbl 1216.68155 Konečný, Michal; Farjudian, Amin 2 2010 Compositional semantics of dataflow networks with query-driven communication of exact values. Zbl 1216.68156 Konečný, Michal; Farjudian, Amin 2 2010 Redundant relations in relational databases: a model theoretic perspective. Zbl 1216.68086 Ferrarotti, Flavio Antonio; Paoletti, Alejandra Lorena; Turull Torres, José María 2 2010 Internal representation of database views. Zbl 1216.68088 Hegner, Stephen J. 2 2010 Track-to-track measurement fusion architectures and correlation analysis. Zbl 1216.94029 Oussalah, M.; Messaoudi, Z.; Ouldali, A. 1 2010 Decision making with uncertainty information based on lattice-valued fuzzy concept lattice. Zbl 1216.68298 Yang, L.; Xu, Y. 1 2010 Reachability in restricted walk on integers. Zbl 1216.68202 Ginzboorg, P.; Niemi, V. 1 2010 On the linear number of matching substrings. Zbl 1216.68355 Han, Yo-Sub 1 2010 Pose estimation of rotating sensors in the context of accurate 3D scene modeling. Zbl 1216.68319 Scheibe, K.; Huang, Fay; Klette, R. 1 2010 The separation of relativized versions of P and DNP for the ring of the reals. Zbl 1216.68110 Gaßner, C. 1 2010 Elementary computable topology. Zbl 1201.03039 Weihrauch, K.; Grubba, T. 31 2009 Chainable and circularly chainable co-r.e. sets in computable metric spaces. Zbl 1201.03033 Iljazović, Z. 20 2009 Effective computability of solutions of differential inclusions: the ten thousand monkeys approach. Zbl 1201.03031 Collins, P.; Graça, D. S. 15 2009 Parametric model-checking of stopwatch Petri nets. Zbl 1217.68140 Traonouez, L.-M.; Lime, D.; Roux, O. H. 13 2009 Topological complexity of blowup problems. Zbl 1201.03036 Rettinger, R.; Weihrauch, K.; Zhong, N. 6 2009 Computing the solution operators of symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDE. Zbl 1203.03058 Selivanova, S.; Selivanov, V. 5 2009 Certificate-based signatures revisited. Zbl 1216.94055 Wu, W.; Mu, Y.; Susilo, W.; Huang, X. 5 2009 Linear and quadratic complexity bounds on the values of the positive roots of polynomials. Zbl 1216.65053 Akritas, A. G. 4 2009 Representing measurement results. Zbl 1201.03035 Pauly, A. 4 2009 Petri net controlled grammars: the case of special Petri nets. Zbl 1217.68120 Dassow, J.; Turaev, S. 4 2009 A chronicle-based diagnosability approach for discrete timed-event systems: application to web-services. Zbl 1217.68046 Pencolé, Y.; Subias, A. 4 2009 Reasoning about nonblocking concurrency. Zbl 1216.68075 Groves, L. 2 2009 Dynamic query optimization under access limitations and dependencies. Zbl 1216.68085 Calì, A.; Calvanese, D.; Martinenghi, D. 2 2009 On the effective existence of Schauder bases. Zbl 1201.03030 Bosserhoff, V. 2 2009 An effective Tietze-Urysohn theorem for QCB-spaces. Zbl 1201.03037 Schröder, Matthias 2 2009 Analyzing cooperation in iterative social network design. Zbl 1217.91161 Boella, G.; Van Der Torre, L.; Villata, S. 2 2009 Information theoretically secure encryption with almost free authentication. Zbl 1217.94114 Alomair, B.; Poovendran, R. 2 2009 A formal framework of aggregation for the OLAP-OLTP model. Zbl 1216.68091 Lenz, H.-J.; Thalheim, B. 1 2009 Non-denumerable infinitary modal logic. Zbl 1219.03018 Cresswell, M. J. 1 2009 Advances in homomorphic cryptosystems. Zbl 1216.94045 Akinwande, M. 1 2009 PDE-PEDA: a new Pareto-based multi-objective optimization algorithm. Zbl 1216.90080 Wang, Xuesong; Hao, M.; Cheng, Y.; Lei, R. 1 2009 Oracles and relativizations of the P =? NP question for several structures. Zbl 1201.03032 Gaßner, C. 1 2009 Constructive Urysohn universal metric space. Zbl 1201.03056 Lešnik, D. 1 2009 Fine-computable functions on the unit square and their integral. Zbl 1201.03034 Mori, T.; Yasugi, M.; Tsujii, Y. 1 2009 A Hammerstein-Wiener recurrent neural network with frequency-domain eigensystem realization algorithm for unknown system identification. Zbl 1217.68181 Chen, Y.-C.; Wang, J.-S. 1 2009 Rearranging series constructively. Zbl 1298.03114 Berger, J.; Bridges, D. S. 1 2009 On BCK algebras. I.b: An attempt to treat unitarily the algebras of logic. New algebras. Zbl 1219.06019 Iorgulescu, A. 26 2008 The computable multi-functions on multi-represented sets are closed under programming. Zbl 1227.03061 Weihrauch, K. 19 2008 Certificateless public key encryption secure against malicious KGC attacks in the standard model. Zbl 1217.68088 Hwang, Yong Ho; Liu, Joseph K.; Chow, Sherman S. M. 10 2008 Notions of probabilistic computability on represented spaces. Zbl 1227.03058 Bosserhoff, V. 10 2008 Computability of topological pressure for sofic shifts with applications in statistical physics. Zbl 1227.03064 Spandl, C. 6 2008 ASM refinement preserving invariants. Zbl 1217.68064 Schellhorn, G. 3 2008 On the subrecursive computability of several famous constants. Zbl 1227.03063 Skordev, D. 3 2008 Bloch’s constant is computable. Zbl 1227.03060 Rettinger, R. 3 2008 Guaranteeing seamless mobility with user redials and automatic handover retrials. Zbl 1217.68036 Gimenez-Guzman, J. M.; Domenech-Benlloch, M. J.; Pla, V.; Casares-Giner, V.; Martinez-Bauset, J. 3 2008 Simulation of timed abstract state machines with predicate logic model-checking. Zbl 1217.68066 Slissenko, A.; Vasilyev, P. 2 2008 Efficient \(k\)-out-of-\(n\) oblivious transfer schemes. Zbl 1217.68083 Chu, C.-K.; Tzeng, W.-G. 2 2008 Parallel formulations of scalar multiplication on Koblitz curves. 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