Differential Equations Short Title: Differ. Equ. Publisher: Springer US, New York, NY; Pleiades Publishing, New York, NY; MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”, Moscow ISSN: 0012-2661; 1608-3083/e Online: https://link.springer.com/journal/10625/volumes-and-issues Original: Differentsial’nye Uravneniya Predecessor: Differential Equations Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; Contains original contributions and selected translations from Russian language publications. Documents Indexed: 4,599 Publications (since 2000) References Indexed: 3,736 Publications with 48,585 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 60, No. 10 (2024) 60, No. 9 (2024) 60, No. 8 (2024) 60, No. 7 (2024) 60, No. 6 (2024) 60, No. 5 (2024) 60, No. 4 (2024) 60, No. 3 (2024) 60, No. 2 (2024) 60, No. 1 (2024) 59, No. 12 (2023) 59, No. 11 (2023) 59, No. 10 (2023) 59, No. 9 (2023) 59, No. 8 (2023) 59, No. 7 (2023) 59, No. 6 (2023) 59, No. 5 (2023) 59, No. 4 (2023) 59, No. 3 (2023) 59, No. 2 (2023) 59, No. 1 (2023) 59, Suppl. 2 (2023) 59, Suppl. 1 (2023) 58, No. 12 (2022) 58, No. 11 (2022) 58, No. 10 (2022) 58, No. 9 (2022) 58, No. 8 (2022) 58, No. 7 (2022) 58, No. 6 (2022) 58, No. 5 (2022) 58, No. 4 (2022) 58, No. 3 (2022) 58, No. 2 (2022) 58, No. 1 (2022) 57, No. 12 (2021) 57, No. 11 (2021) 57, No. 10 (2021) 57, No. 9 (2021) 57, No. 8 (2021) 57, No. 7 (2021) 57, No. 6 (2021) 57, No. 5 (2021) 57, No. 4 (2021) 57, No. 3 (2021) 57, No. 2 (2021) 57, No. 1 (2021) 56, No. 12 (2020) 56, No. 11 (2020) 56, No. 10 (2020) 56, No. 9 (2020) 56, No. 8 (2020) 56, No. 7 (2020) 56, No. 6 (2020) 56, No. 5 (2020) 56, No. 4 (2020) 56, No. 3 (2020) 56, No. 2 (2020) 56, No. 1 (2020) 55, No. 12 (2019) 55, No. 11 (2019) 55, No. 10 (2019) 55, No. 9 (2019) 55, No. 8 (2019) 55, No. 7 (2019) 55, No. 6 (2019) 55, No. 5 (2019) 55, No. 4 (2019) 55, No. 3 (2019) 55, No. 2 (2019) 55, No. 1 (2019) 54, No. 12 (2018) 54, No. 11 (2018) 54, No. 10 (2018) 54, No. 9 (2018) 54, No. 8 (2018) 54, No. 7 (2018) 54, No. 6 (2018) 54, No. 5 (2018) 54, No. 4 (2018) 54, No. 3 (2018) 54, No. 2 (2018) 54, No. 1 (2018) 53, No. 13 (2017) 53, No. 12 (2017) 53, No. 11 (2017) 53, No. 10 (2017) 53, No. 9 (2017) 53, No. 8 (2017) 53, No. 7 (2017) 53, No. 6 (2017) 53, No. 5 (2017) 53, No. 4 (2017) 53, No. 3 (2017) 53, No. 2 (2017) 53, No. 1 (2017) 52, No. 13 (2016) 52, No. 12 (2016) 52, No. 11 (2016) ...and 205 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 64 Moiseev, Evgeniĭ Ivanovich 63 Gaĭshun, Ivan Vasil’evich 62 Izobov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 52 Il’in, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 43 Fomichev, Vasily V. 36 Rozov, Nikolaĭ Khristovich 35 Smol’yakov, Èduard Rimovich 34 Sadovnichiĭ, Viktor Antonovich 33 Fursov, A. S. 33 Korovin, Sergeĭ Konstantinovich 30 Maksimov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich 29 Arutyunov, Aram Vladimirovic 29 Setukha, Alexey V. 28 Ilin, Andrew V. 28 Moiseev, T. E. 27 Denisov, Alexander Mikhailovich 27 Kapustin, N. Yu 27 Lomov, Igor’ Sergeevich 26 Kolesov, Andreĭ Yur’evich 26 Metel’skij, A. V. 26 Soldatov, Aleksandr Pavlovich 25 Gabbasov, Nazim S. 25 Krutitskii, Pavel A. 25 Makin, Alexander S. 25 Matus, Pëtr Paŭlavich 24 Emel’yanov, Stanislav Vasil’evich 24 Kurzhanskiĭ, Aleksandr Borisovich 24 Sabitov, Kamil’ Basirovich 22 Èlkin, V. I. 22 Korzyuk, Viktor Ivanovich 22 Krishchenko, Alexander P. 22 Lomovtsev, Fiodar E. 22 Zarubin, Aleksandr Nikolaevich 21 Eremin, Yuri A. 20 Amel’kin, Vladimir Vasilievich 20 Barabanov, E. A. 20 Cherkas, Leonid A. 20 Marchenko, Vladimir M. 19 Chetverikov, Vladimir N. 19 Korovina, Mariya Viktorovna 19 Polosin, Alexei A. 18 Akhtyamov, Azamat Moukhtarovich 18 Glyzin, Sergeĭ Dmitrievich 18 Kholomeeva, Anna A. 18 Kiguradze, Ivan Tarielovich 18 Samoĭlenko, Anatoliĭ Mykhaĭlovych 18 Sultanaev, Yaudat Talgatovich 18 Vas’kovskiĭ, Maksim Mikhaĭlovich 17 Lepin, A. Ya 17 Makarov, Evgeniĭ Konstantinovich 17 Rautian, Nadegda Aleksandrovna 17 Smirnov, Yury G. 16 Naimov, Alizhon Nabidzhanovich 16 Sadovskiĭ, Anton Pavlovich 16 Samokhin, Aleksandr Borisovich 15 Butuzov, Valentin Fëdorovich 15 Glushak, A. V. 15 Gorodetskij, V. V. 15 Grin’, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 15 Gulin, Alexei V. 15 Kogan, Mark Mikhailovich 15 Laptinskij, V. N. 15 Levakov, Anatoliĭ Afanas’evich 15 Lifanov, Ivan K. 15 Mirsaburov, Mirakhmat 15 Nefedov, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 15 Nikol’skiĭ, Mikhaĭl Sergeevich 15 Potapov, Dmitriĭ Konstantinovich 15 Shemyakina, Tamara Kuz’minichna 14 Dzhokhadze, Otar Mikhajlovich 14 Gromak, Valeriĭ Ivanovich 14 Kanatnikov, Anatoly N. 14 Kharibegashvili, Sergei S. 14 Klokov, Yuriĭ Aleksandrovich 14 Knyazhishche, Leonid Boleslavovich 14 Lepin, L. A. 14 Magnitskii, Nikolai Alexandrovich 14 Martynyuk, Anatoliĭ Andriĭovych 14 Mironov, Alekseĭ Nikolaevich 14 Pokhozhaev, Stanislav I. 14 Vetokhin, Alexandr N. 14 Vlasov, Viktor Valentinovich 14 Yukhno, L. F. 14 Zakharov, Eugene V. 13 Abramov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 13 Kadiev, Ramazan Ismailovich 13 Piven, V. F. 13 Rasulov, Abdurauf Babadzhanovich 13 Repin, Oleg Aleksandrovich 13 Safonov, Valeriĭ Fedorovich 13 Vasilyev, Vladimir Borisovich 13 Yurchuk, Nikolay Iossifovich 13 Zaitsev, Vasilii Alexandrovich 12 Balandin, Dmitriĭ Vladimirovich 12 Baskakov, Anatoliĭ Grigor’evich 12 Bibikov, Yuriĭ Nikolaevich 12 Kozlov, Valeriĭ Vasil’evich 12 Kritskov, Leonid V. 12 Mukhamadiev, Èrgashboĭ Mirzoevich 12 Pskhu, Arsen Vladimirovich ...and 2,365 more Authors all top 5 Fields 1,754 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1,606 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 579 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 468 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 372 Integral equations (45-XX) 351 Operator theory (47-XX) 311 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 250 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 199 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 165 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 100 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 91 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 82 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 65 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 64 History and biography (01-XX) 57 Functional analysis (46-XX) 55 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 53 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 51 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 50 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 46 Potential theory (31-XX) 40 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 37 Real functions (26-XX) 32 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 28 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 27 Quantum theory (81-XX) 26 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 20 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 19 Special functions (33-XX) 13 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 12 Differential geometry (53-XX) 11 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 11 Geophysics (86-XX) 10 General topology (54-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 5 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 5 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 2,960 Publications have been cited 14,223 times in 8,529 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A priori estimates for solutions of boundary value problems for fractional-order equations. Zbl 1208.35161 Alikhanov, A. A. 179 2010 Nonlinear differential equations with the Caputo fractional derivative in the space of continuously differentiable functions. Zbl 1160.34301 Kilbas, A. A.; Marzan, S. A. 95 2005 Uniform estimates and stabilization of symmetric solutions of a system of quasilinear equations. Zbl 1088.35516 Zlotnik, A. A. 76 2000 On the solvability of boundary value problems with a nonlocal boundary condition of integral form for multidimensional hyperbolic equations. Zbl 1141.35408 Kozhanov, A. I.; Pul’kina, L. S. 65 2006 Localization of invariant compact sets of dynamical systems. Zbl 1133.34342 Krishchenko, A. P. 57 2005 The basis property in \(L_p\) of the system of eigenfunctions corresponding to two problems with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition. Zbl 1005.34075 Kapustin, N. Yu.; Moiseev, E. I. 50 2000 Two-endpoint boundary control of vibrations described by a finite-energy generalized solution of the wave equation. Zbl 1005.93023 Il’in, V. A. 50 2000 On the basis property of the system of eigenfunctions of a spectral problem with spectral parameter in the boundary condition. Zbl 1189.34161 Kerimov, N. B.; Aliev, Z. S. 49 2007 On a nonlocal boundary value problem with variable coefficients for the heat equation and the Aller equation. Zbl 1076.35044 Kozhanov, A. I. 45 2004 Nonsmooth eigenfunctions in problems of mathematical physics. Zbl 1244.34102 Lomov, I. S. 42 2011 Some Hardy inequalities on the Heisenberg group. Zbl 1073.22003 D’Ambrosio, L. 42 2004 Solvability of a boundary value problem for a differential equation of the Boussinesq type. Zbl 1411.35211 Yuldashev, T. K. 40 2018 Boundary value problems with discontinuity conditions in an interior point of the interval. Zbl 0991.34028 Yurko, V. A. 39 2000 Covering mappings and their applications to differential equations unsolved for the derivative. Zbl 1204.54015 Avakov, E. R.; Arutyunov, A. V.; Zhukovskii, E. S. 39 2009 Homogenization of boundary value problems in perforated domains with the third boundary condition and the resulting change in the character of the nonlinearity in the problem. Zbl 1217.35049 Zubova, M. N.; Shaposhnikova, T. A. 37 2011 Comparative index for solutions of symplectic difference systems. Zbl 1182.39007 Eliseeva, Yu. V. 36 2009 Criticality for some evolution equations. Zbl 0996.35007 Guedda, M.; Kirane, M. 35 2001 On weak solutions of a regularized model of a viscoelastic fluid. Zbl 1070.35048 Zvyagin, V. G.; Dmitrienko, V. T. 35 2002 A nonlocal problem with integral conditions for a hyperbolic equation. Zbl 1077.35076 Pul’kina, L. S. 34 2004 The center-focus problem for a system with homogeneous nonlinearities in the case of zero eigenvalues of the linear part. Zbl 1067.34030 Andreev, A. F.; Sadovskij, A. P.; Tsikalyuk, V. A. 34 2003 Blow-up of solutions of nonlinear Sobolev type equations with cubic sources. Zbl 1131.35073 Korpusov, M. O.; Sveshnikov, A. G. 33 2006 Criterion for the basis property of the eigenfunction system of a multiple differentiation operator with an involution. Zbl 1268.47053 Sadybekov, M. A.; Sarsenbi, A. M. 31 2012 Equations in Banach spaces with a degenerate operator under a fractional derivative. Zbl 1330.47095 Fedorov, V. E.; Gordievskikh, D. M.; Plekhanova, M. V. 31 2015 Basis properties in \(L_{p}\) of systems of root functions of a spectral problem with spectral parameter in a boundary condition. Zbl 1235.34222 Aliev, Z. S. 31 2011 Global solvability of a nonlinear nonstationary problem with a nonlocal boundary condition of radiative heat transfer type. Zbl 1081.35052 Amosov, A. A. 31 2005 Solution of boundary value problems for the fractional diffusion equation by the Green function method. Zbl 1070.45010 Pskhu, A. V. 31 2003 On the reconstruction of a convolution perturbation of the Sturm-Liouville operator from the spectrum. Zbl 1197.34017 Buterin, S. A. 30 2010 A boundary value problem for a class of mixed equations with the Bitsadze–Samarskii condition on parallel characteristics. Zbl 1028.35114 Mirsaburov, M. 30 2001 Boundary control of oscillations at one endpoint with the other endpoint fixed in terms of a finite-energy generalized solution of the wave equation. Zbl 0989.35027 Il’in, V. A. 30 2000 Spectral properties of a nonlocal problem for a second-order differential equation with an involution. Zbl 1331.34161 Kritskov, L. V.; Sarsenbi, A. M. 30 2015 Stability of a nonlocal two-dimensional finite-difference problem. Zbl 1004.65091 Gulin, A. V.; Ionkin, N. I.; Morozova, V. A. 29 2001 On the structure of the spectrum of a differential operator with a nonlocal condition. Zbl 1246.35139 Sapagovas, M. P.; Štikonas, A. D. 28 2005 Time symmetry preserving perturbations of differential systems. Zbl 1087.34521 Mironenko, V. V. 28 2004 Dirichlet problem for an equation of mixed type with two degeneration lines in a rectangular domain. Zbl 1268.35093 Sabitov, K. B.; Vagapova, E. V. 28 2013 Mixed problem for pseudoparabolic integro-differential equation with degenerate kernel. Zbl 1368.45006 Yuldashev, T. K. 28 2017 Defect basis property of a system of root functions of a Sturm-Liouville problem with spectral parameter in the boundary conditions. Zbl 1339.34088 Aliev, Z. S.; Dun’yamalieva, A. A. 27 2015 Difference method of increased order of accuracy for the Poisson equation with nonlocal conditions. Zbl 1180.65138 Sapagovas, M. P. 27 2008 A critical periodic boundary value problem for a matrix Riccati equation. Zbl 1010.34009 Boĭchuk, A. A.; Krivosheya, S. A. 27 2001 On a spectral problem arising in a mathematical model of torsional vibrations of a rod with pulleys at the ends. Zbl 1355.74049 Kapustin, N. Yu. 27 2005 Stationary free convection problem with radiative heat exchange. Zbl 1316.35241 Kovtanyuk, A. E.; Chebotarev, A. Yu. 27 2014 On the well-posedness of differential equations unsolved for the derivative. Zbl 1252.34009 Arutyunov, A. V.; Zhukovskii, E. S.; Zhukovskii, S. E. 27 2011 An analog of the Bitsadze-Samarskiĭ problem for a mixed type equation with a fractional derivative. Zbl 1065.35206 Kilbas, A. A.; Repin, O. A. 27 2003 The \(L_2\) solvability of a nonlocal problem with integral conditions for a hyperbolic equation. Zbl 1064.35517 Pul’kina, L. S. 26 2000 A monotonic finite-difference scheme for a parabolic problem with nonlocal conditions. Zbl 1030.65092 Čiegis, R.; Štikonas, A.; Štikonienė, O.; Suboč, O. 26 2002 Boundary value problem for a parabolic-hyperbolic equation with a nonlocal integral condition. Zbl 1213.35321 Sabitov, K. B. 26 2010 A boundary value problem for the Dirac system with a spectral parameter in the boundary conditions. Zbl 1039.34075 Kerimov, N. B. 25 2002 On the theory of the continual integro-differentiation operator. Zbl 1082.45010 Pskhu, A. V. 25 2004 On an analog of periodic boundary value problems for the Poisson equation in the disk. Zbl 1297.35089 Sadybekov, M. A.; Turmetov, B. Kh. 25 2014 Criterion for the solvability of the Cauchy problem for an abstract Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation. Zbl 1345.35069 Glushak, A. V.; Pokruchin, O. A. 25 2016 Simple layer potential and the first boundary value problem for a parabolic system on the plane. Zbl 1365.35058 Baderko, E. A.; Cherepova, M. F. 25 2016 Dynamic inverse problems for parabolic systems. Zbl 1021.34008 Osipov, Yu. S.; Kryazhimskii, A. V.; Maksimov, V. I. 24 2000 Two inverse problems of finding a coefficient in a parabolic equation. Zbl 1193.35251 Kamynin, V. L.; Kostin, A. B. 24 2010 The Cauchy problem for the diffusion-wave equation with the Caputo partial derivative. Zbl 1123.35302 Voroshilov, A. A.; Kilbas, A. A. 24 2006 Localization of invariant compact sets of nonautonomous systems. Zbl 1183.34061 Kanatnikov, A. N.; Krishchenko, A. P. 24 2009 Solution of a boundary value problem for a fractional partial differential equation. Zbl 1065.35096 Pskhu, A. V. 24 2003 Boundary value problems for a parabolic equation with integral conditions. Zbl 1084.35028 Ivanchov, N. I. 24 2004 Optimal pursuit with countably many pursuers and one evader. Zbl 1180.91054 Ibragimov, G. I. 24 2005 An inverse problem for a differential equation in a Banach space and the distribution of zeros of an entire Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1033.34017 Tikhonov, I. V.; Èĭdelman, Yu. S. 23 2002 Analogs of classical boundary value problems for a second-order differential equation with deviating argument. Zbl 1084.35108 Andreev, A. A. 23 2004 Boundary value problem with normal derivatives for a higher-order elliptic equation on the plane. Zbl 1368.35102 Koshanov, B. D.; Soldatov, A. P. 23 2016 Problem of determining the thermal memory of a conducting medium. Zbl 1464.45018 Durdiev, D. K.; Zhumaev, Zh. Zh. 22 2020 An asymptotic method of differential inequalities for the investigation of periodic contrast structures: Existence, asymptotics, and stability. Zbl 0979.35150 Nefedov, N. N. 21 2000 Boundary value problems for a pseudoparabolic equation with the Caputo fractional derivative. Zbl 1426.35221 Beshtokov, M. Kh. 21 2019 Riesz basis property of system of root functions of second-order differential operator with involution. Zbl 1367.34085 Kritskov, L. V.; Sarsenbi, A. M. 21 2017 Convergence of spectral expansions for functions of the Hölder class for two problems with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition. Zbl 0990.34071 Kapustin, N. Yu.; Moiseev, E. I. 20 2000 On the solution of boundary value problems with nonseparated multipoint and integral conditions. Zbl 1286.34033 Aida-Zade, K. R.; Abdullaev, V. M. 20 2013 Theory of pseudo-orbit shadowing in dynamical systems. Zbl 1252.37019 Pilyugin, S. Yu. 20 2011 On a new method for constructing the Green function of the Dirichlet problem for the polyharmonic equation. Zbl 1247.31003 Kal’menov, T. Sh.; Suragan, D. 20 2012 Asymptotic representations of solutions of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations with regularly varying nonlinearities. Zbl 1242.34092 Evtukhov, V. M.; Samoilenko, A. M. 20 2011 Alternating direction method for the Poisson equation with variable weight coefficients in an integral condition. Zbl 1252.65183 Sapagovas, M.; Štikonas, A.; Štikonienė, O. 20 2011 Invariant tori of a class of point transformations: Preservation of an invariant torus under perturbations. Zbl 1071.37016 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kulikov, A. N.; Rozov, N. Kh. 20 2003 Unconditional bases related to a nonclassical second-order differential operator. Zbl 1214.34082 Sarsenbi, A. M. 20 2010 Application of Faber polynomials to the approximate solution of singular integral equations with the Cauchy kernel. Zbl 1266.45006 Wójcik, P.; Sheshko, M. A.; Sheshko, S. M. 20 2013 Nonlocal boundary value problem for a nonlinear Fredholm integro-differential equation with degenerate kernel. Zbl 1417.45007 Yuldashev, Tursun K. 20 2018 Some results for general systems of isentropic gas dynamics. Zbl 1388.76331 Lu, Yunguang 20 2007 Internal layers for a singularly perturbed second-order quasilinear differential equation with discontinuous right-hand side. Zbl 1391.34093 Ni, Mingkang; Pang, Yafei; Levashova, N. T.; Nikolaeva, O. A. 20 2017 Cauchy problem for the beam vibration equation. Zbl 1372.35182 Sabitov, K. B. 20 2017 Finite spectrum assignment problem for a differential system of neutral type. Zbl 1311.93035 Metel’skii, A. V. 19 2015 On some approaches to the simultaneous stabilization of linear plants by a controller of a given structure. Zbl 1171.93033 Korovin, S. K.; Kudritskii, A. V.; Fursov, A. S. 19 2009 Quadratic systems with a linear reflecting function. Zbl 1180.34046 Maiorovskaya, S. V. 19 2009 Boundary conditions for the volume potential for the polyharmonic equation. Zbl 1247.31004 Kal’menov, T. Sh.; Suragan, D. 19 2012 A remark on the convergence problem for spectral expansions corresponding to a classical problem with spectral parameter in the boundary condition. Zbl 1031.34011 Kapustin, N. Yu.; Moiseev, E. I. 19 2001 Invertibility of nonnegatively Hamiltonian operators in a Hilbert space. Zbl 1032.47013 Kurina, G. A. 19 2001 The Green function and a priori estimates of solutions of monotone three-point singularly perturbed finite-difference schemes. Zbl 0999.65079 Andreev, V. B. 19 2001 Polynomial solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the biharmonic equation in the ball. Zbl 1276.35070 Karachik, V. V.; Antropova, N. A. 19 2013 Inverse problem of determining the kernel in an integro-differential equation of parabolic type. Zbl 1300.45006 Durdiev, D. K.; Rashidov, A. Sh. 19 2014 On a nonlocal problem for a degenerating parabolic-hyperbolic equation. Zbl 1295.35343 Sabitov, K. B.; Sidorov, S. N. 19 2014 Criteria for modal controllability of linear systems of neutral type. Zbl 1357.93014 Metel’skii, A. V.; Khartovskii, V. E. 19 2016 A remark on the theory of initial-boundary value problems for the equation of rods and beams. Zbl 1368.35070 Sabitov, K. B. 19 2017 Periodic Riemann problem and discrete convolution equations. Zbl 1331.45003 Vasil’ev, A. V.; Vasil’ev, V. B. 18 2015 On a Żołądek theorem. Zbl 1186.34042 Bondar’, Yu. L.; Sadovskii, A. P. 18 2008 Solvability conditions for the Neumann problem for the homogeneous polyharmonic equation. Zbl 1319.35032 Karachik, V. V. 18 2014 On the uniform convergence in \(C^{1}\) of Fourier series for a spectral problem with squared spectral parameter in a boundary condition. Zbl 1244.34104 Kapustin, N. Yu. 18 2011 Unique solvability of nonlocal boundary value problems for systems of hyperbolic equations. Zbl 1065.35169 Asanova, A. T.; Dzhumabaev, D. S. 18 2003 Boundary value problem for a generalized Cauchy-Riemann equation with singular coefficients. Zbl 1353.35014 Rasulov, A. B.; Soldatov, A. P. 18 2016 Solution of the Dirichlet problem with polynomial data for the polyharmonic equation in a ball. Zbl 1331.35118 Karachik, V. V. 18 2015 Discreteness of the spectrum in the problem on normal waves in an open inhomogeneous waveguide. Zbl 1384.78008 Smirnov, Yu. G.; Smolkin, E. Yu. 18 2017 Inverse problem of determining the heat source density for the subdiffusion equation. Zbl 1471.35321 Ashurov, R. R.; Mukhiddinova, A. T. 17 2020 Hoff equations on graphs. Zbl 1126.37047 Sviridyuk, G. A.; Shemetova, V. V. 17 2006 Global solvability of an inverse problem for an integro-differential equation of electrodynamics. Zbl 1175.78006 Durdiev, D. K. 17 2008 Asymptotically stable solutions with boundary and internal layers in direct and inverse problems for a singularly perturbed heat equation with nonlinear thermal diffusion. Zbl 07891406 Davydova, M. A.; Rublev, G. D. 1 2024 An inverse problem for the wave equation with two nonlinear terms. Zbl 1544.35212 Romanov, V. G. 1 2024 On the solvability of a periodic problem for a system of second-order nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1546.34034 Mukhamadiev, E.; Naimov, A. N. 1 2024 Invariants of geodesic, potential, and dissipative systems with three degrees of freedom. Zbl 07879100 Shamolin, M. V. 1 2024 Equivalent differential equations in problems of control theory and the theory of Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1537.70040 Yumagulov, M. G.; Ibragimova, L. S. 1 2024 Explicit-implicit schemes for calculating the dynamics of elastoviscoplastic media with a short relaxation time. Zbl 07734401 Golubev, V. I.; Nikitin, I. S.; Burago, N. G.; Golubeva, Yu. A. 3 2023 Smooth solutions of hyperbolic equations with translation by an arbitrary vector in the free term. Zbl 1516.35258 Zaitseva, N. V.; Muravnik, A. B. 3 2023 On the features of numerical solution of coefficient inverse problems for nonlinear equations of the reaction-diffusion-advection type with data of various types. Zbl 1534.65167 Lukyanenko, D. V.; Argun, R. L.; Borzunov, A. A.; Gorbachev, A. V.; Shinkarev, V. D.; Shishlenin, M. A.; Yagola, A. G. 2 2023 On the existence of feedback control for one fractional Voigt model. Zbl 1533.49024 Zvyagin, A. V.; Kostenko, E. I. 2 2023 On one Cauchy problem for a hyperbolic differential-difference equation. Zbl 1534.35416 Zaitseva, N. V. 2 2023 On exact solutions of a multidimensional system of elliptic equations with power-law nonlinearities. Zbl 1534.35137 Kosov, A. A.; Semenov, E. I. 2 2023 Equivalence of entropy and renormalized solutions of a nonlinear elliptic problem in Musielak-Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1511.35122 Kozhevnikova, L. M.; Kashnikova, A. P. 2 2023 On the preservation of a quadratic Lyapunov function of a linear differential autonomous system under constant perturbations of the coefficients. Zbl 1519.34011 Antonovskaya, O. G. 2 2023 Boundary value problem for an inhomogeneous fourth-order equation with lower-order terms. Zbl 1518.35212 Apakov, Yu. P.; Mamazhonov, S. M. 2 2023 Finding the two-dimensional relaxation kernel of an integro-differential wave equation. Zbl 1518.45014 Durdiev, D. K.; Safarov, J. Sh. 2 2023 Stability criterion and sharp estimates for the “super-twisting” algorithm. Zbl 1520.93415 Fomichev, V. V.; Vysotskii, A. O. 2 2023 On the solvability of a periodic problem for a system of ordinary differential equations with the main positive homogeneous nonlinearity. Zbl 1526.34028 Mukhamadiev, E.; Naimov, A. N. 2 2023 On the control of the spectra of upper strong oscillation exponents of signs, zeros, and roots of third-order differential equations. Zbl 1522.34035 Stash, A. Kh. 2 2023 On the fundamental solution matrix of the plane anisotropic elasticity theory. Zbl 1522.74010 Vuong Tran Quang; Soldatov, A. P. 2 2023 Mixed problems with integral conditions for hyperbolic equations with the Bessel operator. Zbl 1531.35243 Zaitseva, N. V. 2 2023 Existence and stability of solutions with internal transition layer for the reaction-diffusion-advection equation with a KPZ-nonlinearity. Zbl 1526.34037 Nefedov, N. N.; Orlov, A. O. 2 2023 On the monotonicity of solutions of nonlinear systems with respect to the initial conditions. Zbl 1526.34009 Rodina, L. I.; Woldeab, M. S. 2 2023 On the Fredholm property and solvability of a system of integral equations in the transmission problem for the Helmholtz equation. Zbl 1525.35080 Smirnov, Yu. G.; Kondyrev, O. V. 2 2023 Optimal feedback in a linear-quadratic optimal control problem for a fractional-order system. Zbl 1523.49038 Gomoyunov, M. I.; Lukoyanov, N. Yu. 2 2023 One-dimensional inverse problem for nonlinear equations of electrodynamics. Zbl 07786629 Romanov, V. G. 2 2023 Existence and uniqueness of the classical solution of the first boundary value problem for parabolic systems on the plane. Zbl 1522.35302 Konenkov, A. N. 2 2023 Spectral properties of the operator in the problem of oscillations in a mixture of viscous compressible fluids. Zbl 1530.35236 Zakora, D. A. 2 2023 On the smoothness of the Poisson potential for second-order parabolic systems on the plane. Zbl 1534.35051 Baderko, E. A.; Fedorov, K. D. 1 2023 Initial-boundary value problems for homogeneous parabolic systems in a semibounded plane domain and complementarity condition. Zbl 1534.35239 Sakharov, S. I. 1 2023 Projector approach to constructing the asymptotics of solution of initial value problems for weakly nonlinear discrete systems with small step in the critical case. Zbl 1511.39009 Kurina, G. A.; Hoai, N. T. 1 2023 Asymptotics of solutions of linear singularly perturbed optimal control problems with a convex integral performance index and a cheap control. Zbl 1511.49005 Danilin, A. R.; Shaburov, A. A. 1 2023 On linearization of single-input nonlinear control systems based on time scaling and a one-fold prolongation. Zbl 1511.93030 Fetisov, D. A. 1 2023 Numerical construction of the transform of the kernel of the integral representation of the Poincaré-Steklov operator for an elastic strip. Zbl 1515.74009 Bobylev, A. A. 1 2023 Properties of degenerate systems of linear integro-differential equations and initial value problems for these equations. Zbl 1514.45004 Chistyakov, V. F.; Chistyakova, E. V. 1 2023 On a nonclassical eigenvalue problem with nonlinearizable solutions. Zbl 1519.34018 Valovik, D. V.; Martynova, V. Yu. 1 2023 On the spectral properties of a fourth-order self-adjoint operator. Zbl 1539.34021 Polyakov, D. M. 1 2023 On the fundamental solution of a parabolic equation with Dini continuous coefficients. Zbl 1518.35013 Baderko, E. A.; Semenov, K. V. 1 2023 Well-posedness of the generalized Samarskii-Ionkin problem for elliptic equations in a cylindrical domain. Zbl 1519.35098 Kozhanov, A. I.; Dyuzheva, A. V. 1 2023 On the exact controllability of a semilinear evolution equation with an unbounded operator. Zbl 1522.47112 Chernov, A. V. 1 2023 On the bifurcation of thresholds of the essential spectrum with a spectral singularity. Zbl 1527.81055 Borisov, D. I.; Zezyulin, D. A. 1 2023 Studying the oscillation, rotation, and wandering indicators by the first approximation. Zbl 1523.34016 Sergeev, I. N. 1 2023 Approximation of the solution of an inverse problem for a singularly perturbed system of partial differential equations. Zbl 1522.35578 Denisov, A. M. 1 2023 Sliding window algorithm for parametric identification of dynamical systems with rectangular and ellipsoid parameter uncertainty domains. Zbl 1521.93039 Morozov, A. Yu.; Reviznikov, D. L. 1 2023 On the unique solvability of initial-boundary value problems for parabolic systems in bounded plane domains with nonsmooth lateral boundaries. Zbl 1519.35203 Baderko, E. A.; Sakharov, S. I. 1 2023 Traveling wave method. Zbl 1519.35003 Borovskikh, A. V. 1 2023 On the relationship between the Pontryagin maximum principle and the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation in optimal control problems for fractional-order systems. Zbl 1531.49023 Gomoyunov, M. I. 1 2023 Construction of polynomial eigenfunctions of a second-order linear differential equation. Zbl 1531.34076 Kruglov, V. E. 1 2023 Approximation to the Sturm-Liouville problem with a discontinuous nonlinearity. Zbl 1531.34040 Potapov, D. K. 1 2023 Classical solution of the second mixed problem for the telegraph equation with a nonlinear potential. Zbl 1530.35143 Korzyuk, V. I.; Rudzko, J. V. 1 2023 Construction of integral representations of fields in problems of diffraction by penetrable bodies of revolution. Zbl 07786618 Eremin, Yu. A.; Lopushenko, V. V. 1 2023 On the properties of the root vector function systems of a \(2m\)th-order Dirac type operator with an integrable potential. Zbl 1534.34083 Ibadov, E. C. 1 2023 Analytical solution of mixed problems for the one-dimensional ionization equations in the case of constant velocities of atoms and ions. Zbl 1531.35257 Gavrikov, M. B.; Taiurskii, A. A. 1 2023 Gellerstedt problem with a nonlocal oddness boundary condition for the Lavrent’ev-Bitsadze equation. Zbl 1530.35159 Moiseev, T. E. 1 2023 The problem of two-dimensional string vibrations with a nonlinear condition. Zbl 1526.74031 Zvereva, M. B. 1 2023 Representation of the Green’s function of the Dirichlet problem for the polyharmonic equation in the ball. Zbl 1525.35100 Karachik, V. V. 1 2023 Classical solution of the first mixed problem for the telegraph equation with a nonlinear potential in a curvilinear quadrant. Zbl 1525.35174 Korzyuk, V. I.; Rudzko, J. V. 1 2023 Quasidifferentiability and uniform observability of linear time-varying singularly perturbed systems. Zbl 1527.93024 Tsekhan, O. B. 1 2023 Existence of two solutions of the inverse problem for a mathematical model of sorption dynamics. Zbl 1530.35360 Denisov, A. M.; Zhu Dongqin 1 2023 On one type of oscillating solutions of a second-order ordinary differential equation with a three-position hysteresis relay and a perturbation. Zbl 1522.34036 Yevstafyeva, V. V.; Kamachkin, A. M.; Potapov, D. K. 1 2023 On the Pinsky phenomenon for B-elliptic operators. Zbl 1519.35060 Alimov, Sh. A.; Pirmatov, Sh. T. 1 2023 On the existence of solutions of nonlinear boundary value problems for a system of differential equilibrium equations for Timoshenko-type shells in isometric coordinates. Zbl 1519.35318 Timergaliev, S. N. 1 2023 Linear group pursuit problem with fractional derivatives, simple matrices, and different possibilities of players. Zbl 1522.91053 Petrov, N. N.; Machtakova, A. I. 1 2023 Difference decomposition schemes based on splitting the solution and operator of the problem. Zbl 07737436 Vabishchevich, P. N. 1 2023 Globally stable difference schemes for the Fisher equation. Zbl 07737437 Matus, P. P.; Pylak, D. 1 2023 On the numerical solution of nonconservative hyperbolic systems of equations. Zbl 07737438 Polekhina, R. R.; Alekseev, M. V.; Savenkov, E. B. 1 2023 High-order grid-characteristic method for systems of hyperbolic equations with piecewise constant coefficients. Zbl 07737439 Khokhlov, N. I.; Petrov, I. B. 1 2023 The existence of a unique fixed point of mappings generated by a multidimensional system with relay hysteresis. Zbl 1527.37023 Kamachkin, A. M.; Yevstafyeva, V. V.; Potapov, D. K. 1 2023 A nonlocal problem with an integral matching condition for a loaded parabolic-hyperbolic equation with a fractional Caputo derivative. Zbl 1516.35449 Abdullaev, O. Kh. 1 2023 Pullback attractors of the Bingham model. Zbl 1521.35052 Zvyagin, V. G.; Ustiuzhaninova, A. S. 1 2023 On the solvability of a system of nonlinear integral equations with the Hammerstein-Stieltjes operator on the half-line. Zbl 1518.45006 Khachatryan, Kh. A.; Petrosyan, H. S. 1 2023 On the stability of solutions to control problems for a nonlinear reaction-diffusion-convection model. Zbl 1516.35219 Brizitskii, R. V.; Maksimov, P. A. 1 2023 On the asymptotic stability and ultimate boundedness of solutions of a class of nonlinear systems with delay. Zbl 1522.34093 Aleksandrov, A. Yu. 1 2023 Uniqueness of the solution of the Dirichlet problem for the Poisson equation with a singular \(\Delta_B\)-Kipriyanov operator. Zbl 1518.35011 Lyakhov, L. N.; Bulatov, Yu. N.; Roshchupkin, S. A.; Sanina, E. L. 1 2023 On some properties of solutions of systems of linear difference equations with periodic right-hand sides. Zbl 1518.39001 Ignatyev, A. O. 1 2023 A special version of the collocation method for one class of integro-differential equations. Zbl 1521.65145 Gabbasov, N. S. 1 2023 On a class of control problems with mixed constraints. Zbl 1518.49025 Arutyunov, A. V.; Karamzin, D. Yu. 1 2023 Stabilization of a differential-difference system of delay type. Zbl 1520.93421 Metel’skii, A. V. 1 2023 On the stability of a switched affine system for a class of switching signals. Zbl 1520.93369 Fursov, A. S.; Krylov, P. A. 1 2023 Classical solution of the first mixed problem for the telegraph equation with a nonlinear potential. Zbl 1487.35243 Korzyuk, V. I.; Rudzko, J. V. 10 2022 Inverse problem of determining an unknown coefficient in the beam vibration equation. Zbl 1485.74038 Durdiev, U. D. 7 2022 Fixed points of a mapping generated by a system of ordinary differential equations with relay hysteresis. Zbl 1503.34093 Kamachkin, A. M.; Potapov, D. K.; Yevstafyeva, V. V. 7 2022 Determining the coefficient of a mixed parabolic-hyperbolic equation with noncharacteristic type change line. Zbl 1509.35376 Durdiev, D. K. 6 2022 Pseudoshift and the fundamental solution of the Kipriyanov \(\Delta_B\)-operator. Zbl 1512.35321 Lyakhov, L. N.; Bulatov, Yu. N.; Roshchupkin, S. A.; Sanina, E. L. 5 2022 Example of a differential system with complete Perron and upper-limit instability but massive partial stability. Zbl 1501.34050 Bondarev, A. A. 5 2022 Poisson potential in the first initial-boundary value problem for a parabolic system in a semibounded domain on the plane. Zbl 1505.35243 Baderko, E. A.; Sakharov, S. I. 4 2022 On complex-valued solutions of the general loaded Korteweg-de Vries equation with a source. Zbl 1492.35269 Khasanov, A. B.; Hoitmetov, U. A. 4 2022 Interval approach to solving parametric identification problems for dynamical systems. Zbl 1500.93134 Morozov, A. Yu.; Reviznikov, D. L. 4 2022 Optimization inverse spectral problem for a vector Sturm-Liouville operator. Zbl 1518.34022 Sadovnichii, V. A.; Sultanaev, Ya. T.; Valeev, N. F. 3 2022 Construction of a generalized solution of a mixed problem for the telegraph equation: sequential and axiomatic approaches. Zbl 1506.35038 Lomov, I. S. 3 2022 Invariant manifolds and global attractor of the Ginzburg-Landau integro-differential equation. Zbl 1506.35218 Kulikov, A. N.; Kulikov, D. A. 3 2022 A method for studying integral equations by using a covering set of the Nemytskii operator in spaces of measurable functions. Zbl 1491.45009 Zhukovskiy, E. S.; Merchela, W. 3 2022 Compact difference schemes for the multidimensional Klein-Gordon equation. Zbl 07495305 Matus, P. P.; Hoang Thi Kieu Anh 3 2022 Mixed problem with a nonlinear boundary condition for a semilinear wave equation. Zbl 1496.35252 Jokhadze, O. M. 3 2022 Operator equations of the second kind: theorems on the existence and uniqueness of the solution and on the preservation of solvability. Zbl 1510.47067 Chernov, A. V. 3 2022 Singularly perturbed Cauchy problem in which the limit operator has multiple spectrum and a weak first-order turning point. Zbl 1504.34143 Eliseev, A. G.; Kirichenko, P. V. 3 2022 Analytical representation of the integral scattering cross-section in the integrofunctional discrete source method. Zbl 1511.81126 Eremin, Yu. A.; Zakharov, E. V. 3 2022 Collocation methods for a class of singular integro-differential equations. Zbl 1503.65155 Gabbasov, N. S. 3 2022 Well-posed solvability of Volterra integro-differential equations in Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1506.45003 Vlasov, V. V.; Rautian, N. A. 3 2022 Problem with Sturm type conditions for a second-order ordinary differential equation with a distributed differentiation operator. Zbl 1525.34020 Efendiev, B. I. 2 2022 Uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problem for the general Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation. Zbl 1510.35200 Shishkina, E. L. 2 2022 ...and 1244 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 6,220 Authors 57 Yuldashev, Tursun Kamaldinovich 50 Maksimov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich 48 Fëdorov, Vladimir Evgen’evich 45 Fomichev, Vasily V. 41 Assanova, Anar Turmaganbetkyzy 39 Karachik, Valeriĭ Valentinovich 39 Korzyuk, Viktor Ivanovich 39 Moiseev, Evgeniĭ Ivanovich 39 Sabitov, Kamil’ Basirovich 39 Shaposhnikova, Tatiana Ardolionovna 38 Nefedov, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 38 Potapov, Dmitriĭ Konstantinovich 37 Beshtokov, Murat Khamidbievich 36 Ilin, Andrew V. 35 Arutyunov, Aram Vladimirovic 33 Ashyralyev, Allaberen 33 Fursov, A. S. 33 Kirane, Mokhtar 33 Setukha, Alexey V. 33 Smirnov, Yury G. 31 Krishchenko, Alexander P. 30 Chebotarev, Alexander Yurievich 30 Glyzin, Sergeĭ Dmitrievich 30 Kozhanov, Aleksandr Ivanovich 30 Turmetov, Batirkhan Khudaybergenovich 30 Yang, Chuanfu 29 Kolesov, Andreĭ Yur’evich 29 Rautian, Nadegda Aleksandrovna 28 Ashurov, Ravshan Rajabovich 28 Valovik, Dmitry V. 27 Denisov, Alexander Mikhailovich 27 Gabbasov, Nazim S. 27 Soldatov, Aleksandr Pavlovich 27 Zvyagin, Viktor Grigor’evich 26 Durdiev, Durdimurod Kalandarovich 26 Glushak, A. V. 26 Izobov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 26 Korovin, Sergeĭ Konstantinovich 26 Rozov, Nikolaĭ Khristovich 26 Sapagovas, Mifodijus 26 Smol’yakov, Èduard Rimovich 25 Akhtyamov, Azamat Moukhtarovich 25 Aliyev, Ziyatkhan S. 25 Metel’skij, A. V. 25 Vasilyev, Vladimir Borisovich 25 Zhukovskiĭ, Evgeniĭ Semenovich 24 Kanatnikov, Anatoly N. 24 Polyakov, Dmitriĭ Mikhaĭlovich 24 Vlasov, Viktor Valentinovich 23 Kholomeeva, Anna A. 23 Krutitskii, Pavel A. 23 Kulikov, Dmitriĭ Anatol’evich 23 Mironov, Alekseĭ Nikolaevich 23 Plekhanova, Marina Vasil’evna 23 Zhou, Zhengxin 22 Baskakov, Anatoliĭ Grigor’evich 22 Buterin, Sergey Alexandrovich 22 Khartovskiĭ, Vadim Evgen’evich 22 Zaitsev, Vasilii Alexandrovich 21 Aida-Zade, Kamil Rajab 21 Benchohra, Mouffak 21 Cherepova, M. F. 21 Kapustin, N. Yu 21 Lomov, Igor’ Sergeevich 21 Lyakhov, Lev Nikolaevich 21 Repin, Oleg Aleksandrovich 21 Sadovnichiĭ, Viktor Antonovich 20 Baderko, Elena A. 20 Ibragimov, Gafurjan I. 20 Korovina, Mariya Viktorovna 20 Matus, Pëtr Paŭlavich 20 Sergeev, Igor’ Nikolaevich 20 Vabishchevich, Pëtr Nikolaevich 20 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 19 Chuĭko, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich 19 Czornik, Adam 19 Makin, Alexander S. 19 Matevosyan, Hovik A. 19 Orlov, Vladimir P. 19 Savin, Anton Yur’evich 19 Sidorov, Denis Nikolaevich 19 Torebek, Berikbol Tillabayuly 19 Urinov, Akhmadzhon Kushakovich 18 Alikhanov, Anatoliĭ Alievich 18 Elyseeva, Julia V. 18 Evtukhov, Vyacheslav Mikhaĭlovich 18 Il’in, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 18 Kharibegashvili, Sergei S. 18 Lapin, Kirill Sergeevich 18 Ni, Mingkang 18 Orlov, Mikhail V. 18 Rukavishnikov, Viktor Anatol’evich 18 Starkov, Konstantin E. 17 Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna 17 Chetverikov, Vladimir N. 17 Gomoyunov, Mikhail Igorevich 17 Levenshtam, Valeriĭ Borisovich 17 Li, Pingrun 17 Podolskii, Alexander V. 17 Pskhu, Arsen Vladimirovich ...and 6,120 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 547 Journals 1,520 Differential Equations 448 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 304 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 301 Doklady Mathematics 270 Russian Mathematics 242 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 189 Mathematical Notes 146 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 128 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 106 Applied Mathematics and Computation 103 Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 101 Automation and Remote Control 98 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 95 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 82 Journal of Differential Equations 73 Siberian Mathematical Journal 65 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 63 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 62 Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp’yuternye Nauki 60 Boundary Value Problems 58 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 56 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 56 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 49 Applied Mathematics Letters 48 Abstract and Applied Analysis 48 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 48 Chelyabinskiĭ Fiziko-Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 45 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 45 Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics 45 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 44 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 40 Vestnik KRAUNTS. Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 39 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 Applicable Analysis 37 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 37 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 37 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 37 Advances in Difference Equations 35 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 34 Applied Numerical Mathematics 34 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 34 Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural’skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie i Programmirovanie 33 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 31 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Industrial’noĭ Matematiki 31 Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences 30 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 30 Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie 30 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 29 Differentsial’nye Uravneniya i Protsessy Upravleniya 29 Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika 29 Vestnik Rossiĭskikh Universitetov. Matematika 28 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 28 Eurasian Mathematical Journal 27 Results in Mathematics 27 Izvestiya: Mathematics 26 Sbornik: Mathematics 26 Vestnik Samarskogo Universiteta. Estestvennonauchnaya Seriya 25 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 24 Automatica 24 Nonlinear Dynamics 23 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 23 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 23 Georgian Mathematical Journal 22 Journal of Mathematical Physics 22 Nonlinear Oscillations 22 Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika i Mekhanika 22 Matematicheskie Zametki SVFU 22 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 21 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 21 Computational and Applied Mathematics 21 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 21 Filomat 21 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 21 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 21 Trudy Instituta Matematiki 21 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 20 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 19 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 19 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 19 Doklady Natsional’noĭ Akademii Nauk Belarusi 19 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 18 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 18 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 18 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 18 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 18 AIMS Mathematics 17 International Journal of Control 17 Mathematische Nachrichten 17 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 17 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 17 Izvestiya Instituta Matematiki i Informatiki. Udmurtskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet 17 Journal of Function Spaces 17 Ural Mathematical Journal 16 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 16 Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 16 Dal’nevostochnyĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 15 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 15 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 15 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 14 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ...and 447 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 60 Fields 3,788 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2,455 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1,106 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 929 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 747 Operator theory (47-XX) 595 Integral equations (45-XX) 536 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 500 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 482 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 312 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 296 Real functions (26-XX) 191 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 178 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 175 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 125 Functional analysis (46-XX) 122 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 119 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 118 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 113 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 111 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 103 Potential theory (31-XX) 100 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 98 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 90 Special functions (33-XX) 56 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 55 Quantum theory (81-XX) 46 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 46 General topology (54-XX) 46 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 44 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 41 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 41 Differential geometry (53-XX) 34 Geophysics (86-XX) 24 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 21 Computer science (68-XX) 20 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 18 History and biography (01-XX) 12 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 12 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 11 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 9 Measure and integration (28-XX) 9 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 9 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 9 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Number theory (11-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) Citations by Year