The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming Short Title: J. Log. Algebr. Program. Publisher: Elsevier Science Inc. (North-Holland), New York, NY ISSN: 1567-8326 Online: Predecessor: The Journal of Logic Programming Successor: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 356 Publications (2001–2014) References Indexed: 325 Publications with 11,208 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 83, No. 1 (2014) 82, No. 8 (2013) 82, No. 5-7 (2013) 82, No. 3-4 (2013) 82, No. 2 (2013) 82, No. 1 (2013) 81, No. 7-8 (2012) 81, No. 6 (2012) 81, No. 5 (2012) 81, No. 4 (2012) 81, No. 3 (2012) 81, No. 2 (2012) 81, No. 1 (2012) 80, No. 8 (2011) 80, No. 7 (2011) 80, No. 6 (2011) 80, No. 3-5 (2011) 80, No. 2 (2011) 80, No. 1 (2011) 79, No. 8 (2010) 79, No. 7 (2010) 79, No. 6 (2010) 79, No. 3-5 (2010) 79, No. 2 (2010) 79, No. 1 (2010) 78, No. 8 (2009) 78, No. 7 (2009) 78, No. 6 (2009) 78, No. 5 (2009) 78, No. 4 (2009) 78, No. 3 (2009) 78, No. 2 (2009) 78, No. 1 (2008) 77, No. 1-2 (2008) 76, No. 2 (2008) 76, No. 1 (2008) 75, No. 2 (2008) 75, No. 1 (2008) 74, No. 2 (2008) 74, No. 1 (2007) 73, No. 1-2 (2007) 72, No. 2 (2007) 72, No. 1 (2007) 71, No. 2 (2007) 71, No. 1 (2007) 70, No. 2 (2007) 70, No. 1 (2007) 69, No. 1-2 (2006) 68, No. 1-2 (2006) 67, No. 1-2 (2006) 66, No. 2 (2006) 66, No. 1 (2006) 65, No. 2 (2005) 65, No. 1 (2005) 64, No. 2 (2005) 64, No. 1 (2005) 63, No. 2 (2005) 63, No. 1 (2005) 62, No. 2 (2005) 62, No. 1 (2005) 60-61 (2004) 59, No. 1-2 (2004) 58, No. 1-2 (2004) 57, No. 1-2 (2003) 56, No. 1-2 (2003) 55, No. 1-2 (2003) 54, No. 1-2 (2003) 52-53 (2002) 51, No. 2 (2002) 51, No. 1 (2002) 49, No. 1-2 (2001) 48, No. 1-2 (2001) 47, No. 2 (2001) 47, No. 1 (2001) all top 5 Authors 7 Aceto, Luca 7 Berghammer, Rudolf 7 Möller, Bernhard 6 Bergstra, Jan A. 6 Johnsen, Einar Broch 6 Larsen, Kim Guldstrand 6 Middelburg, Cornelis A. 6 Steffen, Martin 5 Baeten, Jos C. M. 5 Groote, Jan Friso 5 Martí-Oliet, Narciso 5 Meseguer Guaita, José 5 Núñez, Manuel 5 Owe, Olaf 5 Schneider, Gerardo 5 Valero, Valentín 4 Bravetti, Mario 4 Diaz, Gregorio 4 Guttmann, Walter 4 Höfner, Peter 4 Ponse, Alban 4 Reniers, Michel Adriaan 4 Schmidt, Gunther 4 Struth, Georg 3 Banach, Richard 3 Brogi, Antonio 3 Cambronero, María Emilia 3 Ciobanu, Gabriel 3 Danicic, Sebastian 3 Fokkink, Willem Jan 3 Fournet, Cédric 3 Gnesi, Stefania 3 Hierons, Robert Mark 3 Ingólfsdóttir, Anna 3 Jeske, Czeslaw 3 Kahl, Wolfram 3 Kamareddine, Fairouz D. 3 Latella, Diego 3 Laurence, Michael R. 3 Lee, Insup 3 Legay, Axel 3 Macià, Hermenegilda 3 Massink, Mieke 3 Merayo, Mercedes G. 3 Pace, Gordon J. 3 Palomino, Miguel 3 Pérez-Jiménez, Mario J. 3 Rodríguez, Ismael 3 Rooda, Jacobus E. 3 Sokolsky, Oleg 3 Uustalu, Tarmo 3 Verdejo, Alberto 3 Winter, Michael 3 Zavattaro, Gianluigi 3 Zucker, Jeffery I. 2 Agrigoroaiei, Oana 2 Bethke, Inge 2 Bielova, Nataliia 2 Blanck, Jens 2 Bloo, Roel 2 Buscemi, Maria Grazia 2 Busi, Nadia 2 Cazorla, Diego 2 Costa, José Félix 2 Cuartero, Fernando 2 Cuijpers, Pieter J. L. 2 de Boer, Frank S. 2 Delahaye, Benoît 2 Desharnais, Jules 2 Dovland, Johan 2 Dragoni, Nicola 2 Duan, Zhenhua 2 Ésik, Zoltán 2 Fahrenberg, Uli 2 Francalanza, Adrian 2 Grabe, Immo 2 Guerra, Hélia 2 Hansen, Michael Reichhardt 2 Harman, N. A. 2 Haveraaen, Magne 2 Henglein, Fritz 2 Hennessy, Matthew C. B. 2 Hirschkoff, Daniel 2 Jacobs, Bart 2 Katoen, Joost-Pieter 2 Koutny, Maciej 2 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 2 Lakhnech, Yassine 2 Lämmel, Ralf 2 Lamo, Yngve 2 Leucker, Martin 2 Manca, Vincenzo 2 Martínez-del-Amor, Miguel Ángel 2 McIver, Annabelle K. 2 Montanari, Ugo G. 2 Mossakowski, Till 2 Navarro, Marisa 2 Nielson, Flemming 2 Orejas, Fernando 2 Pang, Jun ...and 515 more Authors all top 5 Fields 334 Computer science (68-XX) 62 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 23 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 11 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 8 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 6 General topology (54-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 274 Publications have been cited 2,184 times in 1,692 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A structural approach to operational semantics. Zbl 1082.68062 Plotkin, Gordon D. 204 2004 Reversing algebraic process calculi. Zbl 1123.68065 Phillips, Iain; Ulidowski, Irek 69 2007 A brief account of runtime verification. Zbl 1192.68433 Leucker, Martin; Schallhart, Christian 67 2009 The origins of structural operational semantics. Zbl 1072.68063 Plotkin, Gordon D. 57 2004 Concurrent Kleene algebra and its foundations. Zbl 1278.68176 Hoare, Tony; Möller, Bernhard; Struth, Georg; Wehrman, Ian 53 2011 Automated verification of selected equivalences for security protocols. Zbl 1135.68007 Blanchet, Bruno; Abadi, Martín; Fournet, Cédric 47 2008 Twenty years of rewriting logic. Zbl 1267.03043 Meseguer, José 44 2012 An overview of the K semantic framework. Zbl 1214.68188 Roşu, Grigore; Şerbănuţă, Traian Florin 44 2010 Folding variant narrowing and optimal variant termination. Zbl 1291.68217 Escobar, Santiago; Sasse, Ralf; Meseguer, José 42 2012 Linear parametric model checking of timed automata. Zbl 1008.68069 Hune, Thomas; Romijn, Judi; Stoelinga, Mariëlle; Vaandrager, Frits 40 2002 Modular structural operational semantics. Zbl 1072.68061 Mosses, Peter D. 30 2004 The meaning of negative premises in transition system specifications. II. Zbl 1072.68075 van Glabbeek, R. J. 29 2004 Continuous stochastic logic characterizes bisimulation of continuous-time Markov processes. Zbl 1053.68065 Desharnais, Josée; Panangaden, Prakash 27 2003 Constructor-based observational logic. Zbl 1088.68112 Bidoit, Michel; Hennicker, Rolf 26 2006 On the Church-Rosser and coherence properties of conditional order-sorted rewrite theories. Zbl 1272.03139 Durán, Francisco; Meseguer, José 26 2012 Hybrid process algebra. Zbl 1090.68071 Cuijpers, P. J. L.; Reniers, M. A. 26 2005 Program algebra for sequential code. Zbl 1008.68079 Bergstra, J. A.; Loots, M. E. 24 2002 The KRAKATOA tool for certification of JAVA/JAVACARD programs annotated in JML. Zbl 1073.68678 Marché, C.; Paulin-Mohring, C.; Urbain, X. 23 2004 Syntax and consistent equation semantics of hybrid Chi. Zbl 1088.68111 van Beek, D. A.; Man, K. L.; Reniers, M. A.; Rooda, J. E.; Schiffelers, R. R. H. 22 2006 Taylor models and floating-point arithmetic: proof that arithmetic operations are validated in COSY. Zbl 1080.68519 Revol, N.; Makino, K.; Berz, M. 21 2005 Recent progress in exact geometric computation. Zbl 1080.68106 Li, Chen; Pion, S.; Yap, C. K. 19 2005 A hierarchy of equivalences for asynchronous calculi. Zbl 1066.68088 Fournet, Cédric; Gonthier, Georges 18 2005 Cut-free sequent systems for temporal logic. Zbl 1151.03009 Brünnler, Kai; Lange, Martin 16 2008 A finite model construction for coalgebraic modal logic. Zbl 1127.03014 Schröder, Lutz 16 2007 Quantitative analysis of weighted transition systems. Zbl 1204.68137 Thrane, Claus; Fahrenberg, Uli; Larsen, Kim G. 16 2010 Algebraic separation logic. Zbl 1260.03060 Dang, H.-H.; Höfner, P.; Möller, B. 15 2011 Combining programs and state machines. Zbl 1008.68068 Bergstra, Jan A.; Ponse, Alban 14 2002 Indexed induction-recursion. Zbl 1080.68014 Dybjer, Peter; Setzer, Anton 14 2006 Axiomatizability of representable domain algebras. Zbl 1207.68207 Hirsch, Robin; Mikulás, Szabolcs 13 2011 Executable structural operational semantics in Maude. Zbl 1088.68095 Verdejo, Alberto; Martí-Oliet, Narciso 12 2006 Comparing disjunctive modal transition systems with an one-selecting variant. Zbl 1151.68035 Fecher, H.; Schmidt, H. 12 2008 Propositional dynamic logic with recursive programs. Zbl 1123.03017 Löding, Christof; Lutz, Carsten; Serre, Olivier 12 2007 A quick introduction to membrane computing. Zbl 1208.68127 Păun, Gheorghe 12 2010 Synchronous Kleene algebra. Zbl 1204.68123 Prisacariu, Cristian 12 2010 Algebraic theory of probabilistic processes. Zbl 1048.68057 Núñez, Manuel 12 2003 Development graphs – proof management for structured specifications. Zbl 1088.68114 Mossakowski, Till; Autexier, Serge; Hutter, Dieter 11 2006 Variable binding operators in transition system specifications. Zbl 0970.68117 Middelburg, C. A. 11 2001 A double completion for an arbitrary \(T_0\)-quasi-metric space. Zbl 1211.54039 Künzi, Hans-Peter A.; Kivuvu, Charly Makitu 11 2008 Pathway analysis for BioAmbients. Zbl 1147.92002 Pilegaard, Henrik; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 11 2008 Distributed semantics for the \(\pi \)-calculus based on Petri nets with inhibitor ARCS. Zbl 1169.68031 Busi, Nadia; Gorrieri, Roberto 11 2009 Characterizing and proving operational termination of deterministic conditional term rewriting systems. Zbl 1206.68163 Schernhammer, Felix; Gramlich, Bernhard 11 2010 Computable total functions on metric algebras, universal algebraic specifications and dynamical systems. Zbl 1085.68094 Tucker, J. V.; Zucker, J. I. 11 2005 An algebra of hybrid systems. Zbl 1161.68032 Höfner, Peter; Möller, Bernhard 10 2009 Non-bisimulation-based Markovian behavioral equivalences. Zbl 1121.68077 Bernardo, Marco 10 2007 Is your model checker on time? On the complexity of model checking for timed modal logics. Zbl 1008.68030 Aceto, Luca; Laroussinie, François 10 2002 Observable behavior of distributed systems: component reasoning for concurrent objects. Zbl 1247.68184 Din, Crystal Chang; Dovland, Johan; Johnsen, Einar Broch; Owe, Olaf 10 2012 Axiomatizing GSOS with termination. Zbl 1072.68058 Baeten, J. C. M.; de Vink, E. P. 10 2004 Operational semantics of Framed Tempura. Zbl 1170.68006 Yang, Xiaoxiao; Duan, Zhenhua 9 2008 Algebraic simulations. Zbl 1184.68300 Meseguer, José; Palomino, Miguel; Martí-Oliet, Narciso 9 2010 Test generation from P systems using model checking. Zbl 1208.68146 Ipate, Florentin; Gheorghe, Marian; Lefticaru, Raluca 9 2010 \(\mathcal {HOTL}\): Hypotheses and observations testing logic. Zbl 1131.68064 Rodríguez, Ismael; Merayo, Mercedes G.; Núñez, Manuel 9 2008 Using probabilistic Kleene algebra pKA for protocol verification. Zbl 1148.68034 McIver, A. K.; Gonzalia, C.; Cohen, E.; Morgan, C. C. 9 2008 Linking operational semantics and algebraic semantics for a probabilistic timed shared-variable language. Zbl 1243.68208 Zhu, Huibiao; Yang, Fan; He, Jifeng; Bowen, Jonathan P.; Sanders, Jeff W.; Qin, Shengchao 9 2012 Algebraic theory of probabilistic and nondeterministic processes. Zbl 1054.68091 Cazorla, Diego; Cuartero, Fernando; Valero, Valentín; Pelayo, Fernando L.; Pardo, J. José 9 2003 Reachability analysis for timed automata using max-plus algebra. Zbl 1279.68214 Lu, Qi; Madsen, Michael; Milata, Martin; Ravn, Søren; Fahrenberg, Uli; Larsen, Kim G. 9 2012 Three-valued abstraction for probabilistic systems. Zbl 1277.68219 Katoen, Joost-Pieter; Klink, Daniel; Leucker, Martin; Wolf, Verena 9 2012 Linearization in parallel pCRL. Zbl 0988.68121 Groote, J. F.; Ponse, A.; Usenko, Y. S. 9 2001 Partiality. I: Embedding relation algebras. Zbl 1086.68093 Schmidt, Gunther 8 2006 A theory for observational fault tolerance. Zbl 1123.68080 Francalanza, Adrian; Hennessy, Matthew 8 2007 Dual systems of tableaux and sequents for PLTL. Zbl 1183.68596 Gaintzarain, Jose; Hermo, Montserrat; Lucio, Paqui; Navarro, Marisa; Orejas, Fernando 8 2009 Ready to preorder: an algebraic and general proof. Zbl 1187.68309 de Frutos Escrig, David; Rodríguez, Carlos Gregorio; Palomino, Miguel 8 2009 Normal design algebra. Zbl 1184.68179 Guttmann, Walter; Möller, Bernhard 8 2010 Axiomatizing the equational theory of regular tree languages. Zbl 1184.68315 Ésik, Z. 8 2010 Revivals, stuckness and the hierarchy of CSP models. Zbl 1171.68025 Roscoe, A. W. 8 2009 Compositional semantics of spiking neural P systems. Zbl 1208.68123 Barbuti, Roberto; Maggiolo-Schettini, Andrea; Milazzo, Paolo; Tini, Simone 8 2010 CCS with priority guards. Zbl 1134.68042 Phillips, Iain 8 2008 Weakest pre-condition reasoning for Java programs with JML annotations. Zbl 1073.68024 Jacobs, Bart 8 2004 Verification of the Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test. Zbl 1048.68051 Hurd, Joe 8 2003 Adding recursive constructs to bialgebraic semantics. Zbl 1072.68059 Klin, Bartek 8 2004 Abstract abstract reduction. Zbl 1086.68068 Struth, Georg 7 2006 Kleene under a modal demonic star. Zbl 1086.68080 Desharnais, Jules; Möller, Bernhard; Tchier, Fairouz 7 2006 Programming from Galois connections. Zbl 1257.68057 Mu, Shin-Cheng; Oliveira, José Nuno 7 2012 Distributed system contract monitoring. Zbl 1283.68243 Francalanza, Adrian; Gauci, Andrew; Pace, Gordon J. 7 2013 Canonical completeness of infinitary \(\mu \). Zbl 1156.68013 Jäger, Gerhard; Kretz, Mathis; Studer, Thomas 7 2008 Simulating a P system based efficient solution to SAT by using GPUs. Zbl 1208.68124 Cecilia, José M.; García, José M.; Guerrero, Ginés D.; Martínez-del-Amor, Miguel A.; Pérez-Hurtado, Ignacio; Pérez-Jiménez, Mario J. 7 2010 Focus points and convergent process operators: A proof strategy for protocol verification. Zbl 1015.68175 Groote, Jan Friso; Springintveld, Jan 7 2001 Composition mechanisms for retrenchment. Zbl 1137.68037 Banach, R.; Jeske, C.; Poppleton, M. 7 2008 A dynamic deontic logic for complex contracts. Zbl 1258.03024 Prisacariu, Cristian; Schneider, Gerardo 7 2012 Timed mobility in process algebra and Petri nets. Zbl 1230.68154 Ciobanu, Gabriel; Koutny, Maciej 7 2011 An alternative formulation of operational conservativity with binding terms. Zbl 1048.68056 Middelburg, C. A. 7 2003 Model-checking large structured Markov chains. Zbl 1048.68053 Buchholz, Peter; Katoen, Joost-Pieter; Kemper, Peter; Tepper, Carsten 7 2003 Computing strong and weak bisimulations for psi-calculi. Zbl 1277.68192 Johansson, Magnus; Victor, Björn; Parrow, Joachim 7 2012 Inheritance in the join calculus. Zbl 1035.03011 Fournet, Cédric; Laneve, Cosimo; Maranget, Luc; Rémy, Didier 7 2003 Sequent calculi for process verification: Hennessy-Milner logic for an arbitrary GSOS. Zbl 1072.68070 Simpson, Alex 7 2004 A pi-calculus based semantics for WS-BPEL. Zbl 1178.68367 Lucchi, Roberto; Mazzara, Manuel 7 2007 The security pi-calculus and non-interference. Zbl 1067.68096 Hennessy, Matthew 7 2005 Abstract interpretation of mobile systems. Zbl 1066.68087 Feret, Jérôme 7 2005 Regular algebra applied to language problems. Zbl 1086.68069 Backhouse, Roland 6 2006 Relation-algebraic computation of fixed points with applications. Zbl 1086.68095 Berghammer, Rudolf 6 2006 Kleene modules and linear languages. Zbl 1086.68075 Leiß, Hans 6 2006 Compositional modeling and refinement for hierarchical hybrid systems. Zbl 1088.68098 Alur, Rajeev; Grosu, Radu; Lee, Insup; Sokolsky, Oleg 6 2006 Inheritance of behavior. Zbl 0974.68137 Basten, Twan; van der Aalst, Wil M. P. 6 2001 Contracts for cross-organizational workflows as timed dynamic condition response graphs. Zbl 1283.68245 Hildebrandt, Thomas; Mukkamala, Raghava Rao; Slaats, Tijs; Zanitti, Francesco 6 2013 Program and proof optimizations with type systems. Zbl 1151.68008 Saabas, Ando; Uustalu, Tarmo 6 2008 Linearity and bisimulation. Zbl 1119.68131 Yoshida, Nobuko; Honda, Kohei; Berger, Martin 6 2007 A logic of reachable patterns in linked data-structures. Zbl 1121.03040 Yorsh, Greta; Rabinovich, Alexander; Sagiv, Mooly; Meyer, Antoine; Bouajjani, Ahmed 6 2007 \(\mathcal{MOQA}\); unlocking the potential of compositional static average-case analysis. Zbl 1192.68975 Schellekens, M. P. 6 2010 Schedulability of asynchronous real-time concurrent objects. Zbl 1188.68085 Jaghoori, Mohammad Mahdi; de Boer, Frank S.; Chothia, Tom; Sirjani, Marjan 6 2009 Behavioral interface description of an object-oriented language with futures and promises. Zbl 1187.68130 Ábrahám, Erika; Grabe, Immo; Grüner, Andreas; Steffen, Martin 6 2009 Reversing computation in membrane systems. Zbl 1208.68121 Agrigoroaiei, Oana; Ciobanu, Gabriel 6 2010 Conversion to tail recursion in term rewriting. Zbl 1283.68128 Nishida, Naoki; Vidal, Germán 1 2014 Distributed system contract monitoring. Zbl 1283.68243 Francalanza, Adrian; Gauci, Andrew; Pace, Gordon J. 7 2013 Contracts for cross-organizational workflows as timed dynamic condition response graphs. Zbl 1283.68245 Hildebrandt, Thomas; Mukkamala, Raghava Rao; Slaats, Tijs; Zanitti, Francesco 6 2013 Free inductive \(K\)-semialgebras. Zbl 1286.68332 Ésik, Z.; Kuich, W. 5 2013 Syntax and semantics of the compositional interchange format for hybrid systems. Zbl 1257.68101 Nadales Agut, D. E.; van Beek, D. A.; Rooda, J. E. 4 2013 Computing and visualizing Banks sets of dominance relations using relation algebra and RelView. Zbl 1278.91049 Berghammer, Rudolf 4 2013 Survey on JavaScript security policies and their enforcement mechanisms in a web browser. Zbl 1283.68063 Bielova, Nataliia 3 2013 Algorithmic type checking for a pi-calculus with name matching and session types. Zbl 1283.68127 Giunti, Marco 2 2013 Comparing approaches to free dcpo-algebra constructions. Zbl 1256.68115 Battenfeld, Ingo 1 2013 A framework for conflict analysis of normative texts written in controlled natural language. Zbl 1283.68333 Angelov, Krasimir; Camilleri, John J.; Schneider, Gerardo 1 2013 Session types for safe web service orchestration. Zbl 1283.68065 Michaux, Jonathan; Najm, Elie; Fantechi, Alessandro 1 2013 Rewriting-based repairing strategies for XML repositories. Zbl 1283.68130 Alpuente, María; Ballis, Demis; Falaschi, Moreno; Frechina, Francisco; Romero, Daniel 1 2013 Processes with infinite liveness requirements. Zbl 1510.68058 Guerra, Hélia; Costa, José Félix 1 2013 Twenty years of rewriting logic. Zbl 1267.03043 Meseguer, José 44 2012 Folding variant narrowing and optimal variant termination. Zbl 1291.68217 Escobar, Santiago; Sasse, Ralf; Meseguer, José 42 2012 On the Church-Rosser and coherence properties of conditional order-sorted rewrite theories. Zbl 1272.03139 Durán, Francisco; Meseguer, José 26 2012 Observable behavior of distributed systems: component reasoning for concurrent objects. Zbl 1247.68184 Din, Crystal Chang; Dovland, Johan; Johnsen, Einar Broch; Owe, Olaf 10 2012 Linking operational semantics and algebraic semantics for a probabilistic timed shared-variable language. Zbl 1243.68208 Zhu, Huibiao; Yang, Fan; He, Jifeng; Bowen, Jonathan P.; Sanders, Jeff W.; Qin, Shengchao 9 2012 Reachability analysis for timed automata using max-plus algebra. Zbl 1279.68214 Lu, Qi; Madsen, Michael; Milata, Martin; Ravn, Søren; Fahrenberg, Uli; Larsen, Kim G. 9 2012 Three-valued abstraction for probabilistic systems. Zbl 1277.68219 Katoen, Joost-Pieter; Klink, Daniel; Leucker, Martin; Wolf, Verena 9 2012 Programming from Galois connections. Zbl 1257.68057 Mu, Shin-Cheng; Oliveira, José Nuno 7 2012 A dynamic deontic logic for complex contracts. Zbl 1258.03024 Prisacariu, Cristian; Schneider, Gerardo 7 2012 Computing strong and weak bisimulations for psi-calculi. Zbl 1277.68192 Johansson, Magnus; Victor, Björn; Parrow, Joachim 7 2012 A formal approach to the specification and transformation of constraints in MDE. Zbl 1246.68098 Rutle, Adrian; Rossini, Alessandro; Lamo, Yngve; Wolter, Uwe 6 2012 Rewriting logic bibliography by topic: 1990–2011. Zbl 1262.03052 Martí-Oliet, Narciso; Palomino, Miguel; Verdejo, Alberto 5 2012 Modal transition systems with weight intervals. Zbl 1243.68215 Juhl, Line; Larsen, Kim G.; Srba, Jiří 5 2012 Relation-algebraic modeling and solution of chessboard independence and domination problems. Zbl 1280.68301 Berghammer, Rudolf 4 2012 Declarative debugging of rewriting logic specifications. Zbl 1279.68220 Riesco, Adrián; Verdejo, Alberto; Martí-Oliet, Narciso; Caballero, Rafael 4 2012 Rewriting semantics of production rule sets. Zbl 1279.68188 Katelman, Michael; Keller, Sean; Meseguer, José 4 2012 Consistency and refinement for interval Markov chains. Zbl 1247.68195 Delahaye, Benoît; Larsen, Kim G.; Legay, Axel; Pedersen, Mikkel L.; Wąsowski, Andrzej 4 2012 Deadlock checking by a behavioral effect system for lock handling. Zbl 1246.68097 Pun, Ka I.; Steffen, Martin; Stolz, Volker 3 2012 Left omega algebras and regular equations. Zbl 1279.68242 Struth, Georg 2 2012 A versatile concept for the analysis of loops. Zbl 1246.68094 Ghardallou, Wided; Mraihi, Olfa; Louhichi, Asma; Jilani, Lamia Labed; Bsaies, Khaled; Mili, Ali 2 2012 Static analysis of IMC. Zbl 1243.68220 Skrypnyuk, Nataliya; Nielson, Flemming; Pilegaard, Henrik 2 2012 Automated debugging based on a constraint model of the program and a test case. Zbl 1246.68102 Wotawa, Franz; Nica, Mihai; Moraru, Iulia 2 2012 Partiality. II: Constructed relation algebras. Zbl 1255.03056 Schmidt, Gunther 1 2012 A relational realizability model for higher-order stateful ADTs. Zbl 1279.68227 Birkedal, Lars; Støvring, Kristian; Thamsborg, Jacob 1 2012 Termination detection for active objects. Zbl 1243.68221 de Boer, Frank S.; Grabe, Immo; Steffen, Martin 1 2012 On the analysis of compensation correctness. Zbl 1246.68100 Vaz, Cátia; Ferreira, Carla 1 2012 Deriving a Floyd-Hoare logic for non-local jumps from a formulæ-as-types notion of control. Zbl 1259.03044 Crolard, T.; Polonowski, E. 1 2012 Synthesis of secure adaptors. Zbl 1236.68062 Martín, J. A.; Martinelli, F.; Pimentel, E. 1 2012 Concurrent Kleene algebra and its foundations. Zbl 1278.68176 Hoare, Tony; Möller, Bernhard; Struth, Georg; Wehrman, Ian 53 2011 Algebraic separation logic. Zbl 1260.03060 Dang, H.-H.; Höfner, P.; Möller, B. 15 2011 Axiomatizability of representable domain algebras. Zbl 1207.68207 Hirsch, Robin; Mikulás, Szabolcs 13 2011 Timed mobility in process algebra and Petri nets. Zbl 1230.68154 Ciobanu, Gabriel; Koutny, Maciej 7 2011 Contact, closure, topology, and the linking of row and column types of relations. Zbl 1231.03058 Schmidt, Gunther; Berghammer, Rudolf 6 2011 Collagories: relation-algebraic reasoning for gluing constructions. Zbl 1216.68137 Kahl, Wolfram 5 2011 Validation and verification of web services choreographies by using timed automata. Zbl 1207.68082 Cambronero, M. Emilia; Díaz, Gregorio; Valero, Valentín; Martínez, Enrique 5 2011 QoS negotiation in service composition. Zbl 1207.68220 Buscemi, Maria Grazia; Montanari, Ugo 4 2011 Fixpoints for general correctness. Zbl 1216.68073 Guttmann, Walter 3 2011 Passage retrieval in legal texts. Zbl 1213.68668 Rosso, Paolo; Correa, Santiago; Buscaldi, Davide 2 2011 Contracts for security adaptation. Zbl 1213.68615 Martín, J. A.; Pimentel, E. 2 2011 A contract-based approach to adaptivity. Zbl 1213.68208 Schroeder, Andreas; Bauer, Sebastian S.; Wirsing, Martin 2 2011 Building distributed controllers for systems with priorities. Zbl 1217.68057 Ben-Hafaiedh, Imene; Graf, Susanne; Quinton, Sophie 2 2011 Structural operational semantics through context-dependent behaviour. Zbl 1223.68026 Colvin, Robert J.; Hayes, Ian J. 2 2011 Permission to speak: a logic for access control and conformance. Zbl 1207.68115 Dinesh, Nikhil; Joshi, Aravind; Lee, Insup; Sokolsky, Oleg 1 2011 Decidability of strong equivalence for subschemas of a class of linear, free, near-liberal program schemas. Zbl 1209.68136 Danicic, Sebastian; Hierons, Robert M.; Laurence, Michael R. 1 2011 A decentralised graphical implementation of mobile ambients. Zbl 1207.68224 Gadducci, Fabio; Monreale, Giacoma Valentina 1 2011 Simple feature engineering via neat default retrenchments. Zbl 1231.68106 Banach, R.; Jeske, C. 1 2011 An overview of the K semantic framework. Zbl 1214.68188 Roşu, Grigore; Şerbănuţă, Traian Florin 44 2010 Quantitative analysis of weighted transition systems. Zbl 1204.68137 Thrane, Claus; Fahrenberg, Uli; Larsen, Kim G. 16 2010 A quick introduction to membrane computing. Zbl 1208.68127 Păun, Gheorghe 12 2010 Synchronous Kleene algebra. Zbl 1204.68123 Prisacariu, Cristian 12 2010 Characterizing and proving operational termination of deterministic conditional term rewriting systems. Zbl 1206.68163 Schernhammer, Felix; Gramlich, Bernhard 11 2010 Algebraic simulations. Zbl 1184.68300 Meseguer, José; Palomino, Miguel; Martí-Oliet, Narciso 9 2010 Test generation from P systems using model checking. Zbl 1208.68146 Ipate, Florentin; Gheorghe, Marian; Lefticaru, Raluca 9 2010 Normal design algebra. Zbl 1184.68179 Guttmann, Walter; Möller, Bernhard 8 2010 Axiomatizing the equational theory of regular tree languages. Zbl 1184.68315 Ésik, Z. 8 2010 Compositional semantics of spiking neural P systems. Zbl 1208.68123 Barbuti, Roberto; Maggiolo-Schettini, Andrea; Milazzo, Paolo; Tini, Simone 8 2010 Simulating a P system based efficient solution to SAT by using GPUs. Zbl 1208.68124 Cecilia, José M.; García, José M.; Guerrero, Ginés D.; Martínez-del-Amor, Miguel A.; Pérez-Hurtado, Ignacio; Pérez-Jiménez, Mario J. 7 2010 \(\mathcal{MOQA}\); unlocking the potential of compositional static average-case analysis. Zbl 1192.68975 Schellekens, M. P. 6 2010 Reversing computation in membrane systems. Zbl 1208.68121 Agrigoroaiei, Oana; Ciobanu, Gabriel 6 2010 Lazy behavioral subtyping. Zbl 1204.68072 Dovland, Johan; Johnsen, Einar Broch; Owe, Olaf; Steffen, Martin 6 2010 A formalisation of the copy-modify-merge approach to version control in MDE. Zbl 1204.68075 Rossini, Alessandro; Rutle, Adrian; Lamo, Yngve; Wolter, Uwe 6 2010 Algebraic notions of nontermination: Omega and divergence in idempotent semirings. Zbl 1205.68111 Höfner, Peter; Struth, Georg 5 2010 Engineering constraint solvers for automatic analysis of probabilistic hybrid automata. Zbl 1205.68252 Fränzle, Martin; Teige, Tino; Eggers, Andreas 5 2010 Termination in higher-order concurrent calculi. Zbl 1205.68241 Demangeon, Romain; Hirschkoff, Daniel; Sangiorgi, Davide 5 2010 On the Wadge reducibility of \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1186.03066 Selivanov, Victor L. 4 2010 P systems and the Byzantine agreement. 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Zbl 1161.68032 Höfner, Peter; Möller, Bernhard 10 2009 ...and 174 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,167 Authors 37 Meseguer Guaita, José 30 Aceto, Luca 28 Struth, Georg 26 Ingólfsdóttir, Anna 24 Larsen, Kim Guldstrand 23 Bergstra, Jan A. 22 Escobar, Santiago 21 Mezzina, Claudio Antares 20 Reniers, Michel Adriaan 19 Fahrenberg, Uli 19 Mousavi, Mohammad Reza 19 Roşu, Grigore 19 Ulidowski, Irek 18 Alpuente, María 18 Middelburg, Cornelis A. 18 van Glabbeek, Robert Jan 17 André, Étienne 17 Berghammer, Rudolf 16 Guttmann, Walter 16 Luttik, Bas 15 Lanese, Ivan 15 Phillips, Iain W. 14 Fokkink, Willem Jan 13 Bernardo, Marco 13 Ciobanu, Gabriel 13 Francalanza, Adrian 13 Höfner, Peter 13 Katoen, Joost-Pieter 13 Möller, Bernhard 13 Montanari, Ugo G. 13 Sapiña, Julia 13 Yoshida, Nobuko 12 Legay, Axel 12 Martí-Oliet, Narciso 12 Owe, Olaf 12 Schröder, Lutz 12 Tini, Simone 12 Zhu, Huibiao 11 Baeten, Jos C. M. 11 Ballis, Demis 11 Falcone, Yliès 11 Hayes, Ian J. 11 Pattinson, Dirk 11 van de Pol, Jan Cornelis 10 de Frutos-Escrig, David 10 Delaune, Stéphanie 10 Diaconescu, Răzvan 10 Durán, Francisco 10 Johnsen, Einar Broch 10 Lucanu, Dorel 10 Madeira, Alexandre 10 Şerbănuţă, Traian Florin 10 Talcott, Carolyn L. 9 Baier, Christel 9 Banach, Richard 9 Cimini, Matteo 9 Colvin, Robert J. 9 Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola 9 Gadducci, Fabio 9 Gregorio-Rodríguez, Carlos 9 Groote, Jan Friso 9 Hennicker, Rolf 9 Hierons, Robert Mark 9 Hoare, Charles Antony Richard 9 Milazzo, Paolo 9 Núñez, Manuel 9 Ogata, Kazuhiro 9 Ponse, Alban 9 Rodríguez, Ismael 9 Steffen, Martin 9 Tiezzi, Francesco 8 Aman, Bogdan 8 Barbosa, Luís Soares 8 Barbuti, Roberto 8 Bonchi, Filippo 8 Bruni, Roberto 8 Duan, Zhenhua 8 Foster, Simon 8 Futatsugi, Kokichi 8 Hermo, Montserrat 8 Levi, Francesca 8 Lime, Didier 8 Mossakowski, Till 8 Nielson, Flemming 8 Woodcock, James C. P. 8 Zucker, Jeffery I. 7 Aubert, Clément 7 Brodo, Linda 7 Deng, Yuxin 7 Gheorghe, Marian 7 Gori, Roberta 7 Ipate, Florentin 7 Klin, Bartek 7 Kremer, Steve 7 Lucio, Paqui 7 Martins, Manuel António 7 McIver, Annabelle K. 7 Melgratti, Hernán 7 Nestmann, Uwe 7 Nishida, Naoki ...and 2,067 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 122 Journals 168 Theoretical Computer Science 143 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 109 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 63 Information and Computation 63 Formal Aspects of Computing 49 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 41 Logical Methods in Computer Science 32 Formal Methods in System Design 29 Acta Informatica 27 Journal of Automated Reasoning 18 Journal of Membrane Computing 17 Information Processing Letters 14 Science of Computer Programming 11 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 11 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 11 Journal of Applied Logic 10 Topology and its Applications 10 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 9 Journal of Symbolic Computation 9 Journal of Functional Programming 9 Fundamenta Informaticae 8 Artificial Intelligence 8 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 8 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 7 Algebra Universalis 6 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 5 Automatica 5 Information Sciences 5 Studia Logica 5 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 5 Theory of Computing Systems 5 Soft Computing 4 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 4 Computational Geometry 4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 4 Distributed Computing 4 Logica Universalis 3 Computing 3 Algorithmica 3 European Journal of Operational Research 3 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 Nonlinear Dynamics 3 Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 3 Natural Computing 3 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 3 Computer Science Review 2 Discrete Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2 Programming and Computer Software 2 Semigroup Forum 2 Synthese 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 Real-Time Systems 2 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 2 Applied Categorical Structures 2 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 2 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 2 ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2 RAIRO. 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