OR SpectrumQuantitative Approaches in Management Short Title: OR Spectrum Publisher: Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg ISSN: 0171-6468; 1436-6304/e Online: https://link.springer.com/journal/291/volumes-and-issues Predecessor: OR Spektrum Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 756 Publications (since 2002) References Indexed: 633 Publications with 23,061 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 46, No. 4 (2024) 46, No. 3 (2024) 46, No. 2 (2024) 46, No. 1 (2024) 45, No. 4 (2023) 45, No. 3 (2023) 45, No. 2 (2023) 45, No. 1 (2023) 44, No. 4 (2022) 44, No. 3 (2022) 44, No. 2 (2022) 44, No. 1 (2022) 43, No. 4 (2021) 43, No. 3 (2021) 43, No. 2 (2021) 43, No. 1 (2021) 42, No. 4 (2020) 42, No. 2 (2020) 42, No. 1 (2020) 41, No. 4 (2019) 41, No. 3 (2019) 41, No. 2 (2019) 41, No. 1 (2019) 40, No. 4 (2018) 40, No. 3 (2018) 40, No. 2 (2018) 40, No. 1 (2018) 39, No. 4 (2017) 39, No. 3 (2017) 39, No. 2 (2017) 39, No. 1 (2017) 38, No. 4 (2016) 38, No. 3 (2016) 38, No. 2 (2016) 38, No. 1 (2016) 37, No. 4 (2015) 37, No. 3 (2015) 37, No. 2 (2015) 37, No. 1 (2015) 36, No. 4 (2014) 36, No. 3 (2014) 36, No. 2 (2014) 36, No. 1 (2014) 35, No. 4 (2013) 35, No. 3 (2013) 35, No. 2 (2013) 35, No. 1 (2013) 34, No. 4 (2012) 34, No. 3 (2012) 34, No. 2 (2012) 34, No. 1 (2012) 33, No. 4 (2011) 33, No. 3 (2011) 33, No. 2 (2011) 33, No. 1 (2011) 32, No. 4 (2010) 32, No. 3 (2010) 32, No. 2 (2010) 32, No. 1 (2010) 31, No. 4 (2009) 31, No. 3 (2009) 31, No. 2 (2009) 31, No. 1 (2009) 30, No. 4 (2008) 30, No. 3 (2008) 30, No. 2 (2008) 30, No. 1 (2008) 29, No. 4 (2007) 29, No. 3 (2007) 29, No. 2 (2007) 29, No. 1 (2007) 28, No. 4 (2006) 28, No. 3 (2006) 28, No. 2 (2006) 28, No. 1 (2006) 27, No. 4 (2005) 27, No. 2-3 (2005) 27, No. 1 (2005) 26, No. 4 (2004) 26, No. 3 (2004) 26, No. 2 (2004) 26, No. 1 (2004) 25, No. 4 (2003) 25, No. 3 (2003) 25, No. 2 (2003) 25, No. 1 (2003) 24, No. 4 (2002) 24, No. 3 (2002) 24, No. 2 (2002) 24, No. 1 (2002) all top 5 Authors 18 Boysen, Nils 15 Chew, Ek Peng 15 Lee, Loo Hay 10 Hurink, Johann L. 9 Grunow, Martin 9 Helber, Stefan 9 Miettinen, Kaisa M. 8 Derigs, Ulrich 8 Günther, Hans-Otto 8 Hartl, Richard F. 8 Meyr, Herbert 7 Fliedner, Malte 7 Knust, Sigrid 7 Scholl, Armin 7 Stolletz, Raik 7 Suhl, Leena M. 6 Briskorn, Dirk 6 Dörner, Karl F. 6 Drezner, Zvi 6 Emde, Simon 6 Fransoo, Jan C. 6 Hruschka, Harald 6 Kim, Kap Hwan 6 Stadtler, Hartmut 6 Tan, Kok-Choon 6 Tempelmeier, Horst 5 Bertrand, J. Will M. 5 Chen, Zhiping 5 de Kok, Ton G. 5 Ehrgott, Matthias 5 Hans, Erwin W. 5 Inderfurth, Karl 5 Irnich, Stefan 5 Karaesmen, Fikri 5 Kimms, Alf 5 Kopfer, Herbert 5 Matta, Andrea 5 Voß, Stefan 5 Zimmermann, Jürgen 4 Alvarez-Valdes, Ramon 4 Gönsch, Jochen 4 Jaehn, Florian 4 Kiesmüller, Gudrun P. 4 Koch, Thorsten 4 Kolisch, Rainer 4 Kuhn, Heinrich 4 Lehmann, Matthias 4 Otto, Alena 4 Schöbel, Anita 4 Spengler, Thomas Stefan 4 Steiner, Winfried J. 4 Steinhardt, Claudius 4 Tamarit, José Manuel 4 van der Heijden, Matthieu C. 4 van Houdenhoven, Mark 4 van Houtum, Geert-Jan 4 Van Woensel, Tom 4 Wielhouwer, Jacco L. 4 Wozabal, David 3 Almada-Lobo, Bernardo 3 Boucherie, Richard J. 3 Boulaksil, Youssef 3 Braekers, Kris 3 Brucker, Peter J. 3 Caris, An 3 Dallery, Yves 3 De Waegenaere, Anja 3 Dekker, Rommert 3 Dellnitz, Andreas 3 Demeulemeester, Erik L. 3 Drezner, Tammy 3 Ebben, Mark 3 Ehmke, Jan Fabian 3 Fedtke, Stefan 3 Fleischmann, Moritz 3 Gschwind, Timo 3 Haase, Knut 3 Hartmann, Sönke 3 Hatami-Marbini, Adel 3 Heitmann, Silvia 3 Huang, Huei-Chuen 3 Kleine, Andreas 3 Kliewer, Natalia 3 Koberstein, Achim 3 Kozan, Erhan 3 Lee, Chulung 3 Luque, Mariano 3 Özekici, Süleyman 3 Parreño, Francisco 3 Pelegrín, Blas 3 Pesch, Erwin 3 Pibernik, Richard 3 Rauner, Marion Sabine 3 Ruiz, Francisco Javier 3 Ryoo, Hong Seo 3 Ryu, Kwang Ryel 3 Sahling, Florian 3 Salman, F. Sibel 3 Schimmelpfeng, Katja 3 Tan, Barış ...and 1,332 more Authors all top 5 Fields 693 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 168 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 30 Statistics (62-XX) 25 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 20 Computer science (68-XX) 17 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 16 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 10 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 607 Publications have been cited 5,012 times in 3,502 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Operations research at container terminals: a literature update. Zbl 1133.90313 Stahlbock, Robert; Voß, Stefan 139 2008 Container terminal operation and operations research – a classification and literature review. Zbl 1160.90322 Steenken, Dirk; Voß, Stefan; Stahlbock, Robert 136 2004 Robustness for uncertain multi-objective optimization: a survey and analysis of different concepts. Zbl 1336.90056 Ide, Jonas; Schöbel, Anita 72 2016 Dynamic capacitated lot-sizing problems: a classification and review of solution approaches. Zbl 1183.90162 Buschkühl, Lisbeth; Sahling, Florian; Helber, Stefan; Tempelmeier, Horst 67 2010 Applying the corridor method to a blocks relocation problem. Zbl 1229.90019 Caserta, Marco; Voß, Stefan; Sniedovich, Moshe 51 2011 A survey of metaheuristic-based techniques for university timetabling problems. Zbl 1133.90341 Lewis, Rhydian 49 2008 Advanced methods for container stacking. Zbl 1098.90505 Dekker, Rommert; Voogd, Patrick; van Asperen, Eelco 44 2006 Vehicle routing problems with loading constraints: state-of-the-art and future directions. Zbl 1311.90032 Pollaris, Hanne; Braekers, Kris; Caris, An; Janssens, Gerrit K.; Limbourg, Sabine 44 2015 Trade-off analysis approach for interactive nonlinear multiobjective optimization. Zbl 1282.90166 Eskelinen, Petri; Miettinen, Kaisa 44 2012 The impact of retrials on call center performance. Zbl 1109.90019 Aguir, Salah; Karaesmen, Fikri; Akşin, O. Zeynep; Chauvet, Fabrice 44 2004 A multi-objective robust stochastic programming model for disaster relief logistics under uncertainty. Zbl 1290.90056 Bozorgi-Amiri, Ali; Jabalameli, M. S.; Al-e-Hashem, S. M. J. Mirzapour 44 2013 On scalarizing functions in multiobjective optimization. Zbl 1040.90037 Miettinen, Kaisa; Mäkelä, Marko M. 43 2002 Delivery strategies for blood products supplies. Zbl 1175.90273 Hemmelmayr, Vera; Doerner, Karl F.; Hartl, Richard F.; Savelsbergh, Martin W. P. 42 2009 Resource extension functions: properties, inversion, and generalization to segments. Zbl 1133.90309 Irnich, Stefan 42 2008 Railway track allocation: Models and methods. Zbl 1229.90037 Lusby, Richard M.; Larsen, Jesper; Ehrgott, Matthias; Ryan, David 39 2011 A scheduling method for Berth and Quay cranes. Zbl 1012.90011 Park, Young-Man; Kim, Kap Hwan 38 2003 Service network design for freight transportation: a review. Zbl 1133.90314 Wieberneit, Nicole 33 2008 The impact of client choice on preventive healthcare facility network design. Zbl 1239.90069 Zhang, Yue; Berman, Oded; Verter, Vedat 33 2012 Line planning in public transportation: models and methods. Zbl 1244.90048 Schöbel, Anita 33 2012 Scheduling and staffing multiple projects with a multi-skilled workforce. Zbl 1183.90172 Heimerl, Christian; Kolisch, Rainer 32 2010 A branch and bound algorithm for the strip packing problem. Zbl 1160.90696 Alvarez-Valdes, R.; Parreño, F.; Tamarit, J. M. 32 2009 Simultaneous lotsizing and scheduling problems: a classification and review of models. Zbl 1368.90065 Copil, Karina; Wörbelauer, Martin; Meyr, Herbert; Tempelmeier, Horst 32 2017 Optimization of cardinality constrained portfolios with a hybrid local search algorithm. Zbl 1031.91054 Maringer, Dietmar; Kellerer, Hans 30 2003 A master surgical scheduling approach for cyclic scheduling in operating room departments. Zbl 1170.90402 van Oostrum, Jeroen M.; Van Houdenhoven, M.; Hurink, J. L.; Hans, E. W.; Wullink, G.; Kazemier, G. 30 2008 An integrated approach to the vehicle routing and container loading problems. Zbl 1175.90045 Moura, Ana; Oliveira, José Fernando 29 2009 A unified modeling and solution framework for combinatorial optimization problems. Zbl 1160.90706 Kochenberger, Gary A.; Glover, Fred; Alidaee, Bahram; Rego, Cesar 29 2004 An integer programming approach to elective surgery scheduling: analysis and comparison based on a real case. Zbl 1239.90065 Marques, Inês; Captivo, M. Eugénia; Vaz Pato, Margarida 29 2012 Vehicle routing with compartments: applications, modelling and heuristics. Zbl 1229.90021 Derigs, Ulrich; Gottlieb, Jens; Kalkoff, Jochen; Piesche, Michael; Rothlauf, Franz; Vogel, Ulrich 29 2011 Collaborating freight forwarding enterprises. Zbl 1130.90309 Krajewska, Marta Anna; Kopfer, Herbert 29 2006 Berth management in container terminal: the template design problem. Zbl 1098.90510 Moorthy, Rajeeva; Teo, Chung-Piaw 27 2006 A genetic algorithm for two-stage transportation problem using priority-based encoding. Zbl 1130.90306 Gen, Mitsuo; Altiparmak, Fulya; Lin, Lin 25 2006 Investigating Ahuja-Orlin’s large neighbourhood search approach for examination timetabling. Zbl 1170.90383 Abdullah, Salwani; Ahmadi, Samad; Burke, Edmund K.; Dror, Moshe 24 2007 The sequence-dependent assembly line balancing problem. Zbl 1193.90235 Scholl, Armin; Boysen, Nils; Fliedner, Malte 24 2008 Pre-positioning planning for emergency response with service quality constraints. Zbl 1231.90102 Rawls, Carmen G.; Turnquist, Mark A. 24 2011 Lagrangean relaxation for the capacitated hub location problem with single assignment. Zbl 1163.90617 Contreras, Ivan; Díaz, Juan A.; Fernández, Elena 23 2009 Dynamic transportation of patients in hospitals. Zbl 1181.90173 Beaudry, Alexandre; Laporte, Gilbert; Melo, Teresa; Nickel, Stefan 23 2010 Scheduling inbound and outbound trucks at cross docking terminals. Zbl 1181.90111 Boysen, Nils; Fliedner, Malte; Scholl, Armin 23 2010 The impact of customers’ patience on delay and abandonment: some empirically-driven experiments with the \(\text{M/M}/n+G\) queue. Zbl 1109.90024 Mandelbaum, Avi; Zeltyn, Sergey 22 2004 Supply chain planning in the German automotive industry. Zbl 1069.90033 Meyr, Herbert 22 2004 Application of a real-world university-course timetabling model solved by integer programming. Zbl 1168.90670 Schimmelpfeng, Katja; Helber, Stefan 22 2007 An adaptive VNS algorithm for vehicle routing problems with intermediate stops. Zbl 1311.90033 Schneider, Michael; Stenger, Andreas; Hof, Julian 21 2015 Robust scenario optimization based on downside-risk measure for multi-period portfolio selection. Zbl 1126.91032 Pınar, Mustafa Ç. 21 2007 Tight LP bounds for resource constrained project scheduling. Zbl 1072.90012 Baptiste, Philippe; Demassey, Sophie 21 2004 Intensity-modulated radiotherapy – a large scale multi-criteria programming problem. Zbl 1018.92015 Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Scherrer, Alexander; Monz, Michael; Alonso, Fernando; Trinkaus, Hans; Bortfeld, Thomas; Thieke, Christian 21 2003 On a branch-and-bound approach for a Huff-like Stackelberg location problem. Zbl 1163.90619 Elena Sáiz, M.; Hendrix, Eligius M. T.; Fernández, José; Pelegrín, Blas 20 2009 Scheduling automated triple cross-over stacking cranes in a container yard. Zbl 1200.90072 Dorndorf, Ulrich; Schneider, Frank 20 2010 Workload based order acceptance in job shop environments. Zbl 1176.90207 Ebben, M. J. R.; Hans, E. W.; Olde Weghuis, F. M. 20 2005 An optimization model for storage yard management in transshipment hubs. Zbl 1098.90008 Lee, Loo Hay; Chew, Ek Peng; Tan, Kok Choon; Han, Yongbin 19 2006 The assembly line balancing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times: problem extension, model formulation and efficient heuristics. Zbl 1260.90098 Scholl, Armin; Boysen, Nils; Fliedner, Malte 19 2013 Managing and modelling general resource transfers in (multi-)project scheduling. Zbl 1183.90177 Krüger, Doreen; Scholl, Armin 19 2010 Advanced preprocessing techniques for linear and quadratic programming. Zbl 1042.90031 Mészáros, Cs; Suhl, U. H. 19 2003 Robust cyclic berth planning of container vessels. Zbl 1201.90027 Hendriks, Maarten; Laumanns, Marco; Lefeber, Erjen; Udding, Jan Tijmen 19 2010 The berth allocation problem: models and solution methods. Zbl 1161.90430 Guan, Yongpei; Cheung, Raymond K. 19 2004 Solving large multiple-depot multiple-vehicle-type bus scheduling problems in practice. Zbl 1091.90018 Gintner, Vitali; Kliewer, Natalia; Suhl, Leena 19 2005 Uncapacitated production planning with multiple product types, returned product remanufacturing, and demand substitution. Zbl 1101.90027 Li, Yongjian; Chen, Jian; Cai, Xiaoqiang 19 2006 Global formulation for interactive multiobjective optimization. Zbl 1231.90238 Luque, Mariano; Ruiz, Francisco; Miettinen, Kaisa 18 2011 Heuristic-based truck scheduling for inland container transportation. Zbl 1203.90027 Zhang, Ruiyou; Yun, Won Young; Kopfer, Herbert 18 2010 Performance analysis of multi-server tandem queues with finite buffers and blocking. Zbl 1124.90307 van Vuuren, Marcel; Adan, Ivo J. B. F.; Resing-Sassen, Simone A. E. 18 2005 Planning and scheduling in the process industry. Zbl 1007.90506 Kallrath, Josef 18 2002 Models and algorithms for the heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem with driver-related constraints. Zbl 1244.90147 Parragh, Sophie N.; Cordeau, Jean-François; Doerner, Karl F.; Hartl, Richard F. 18 2012 A grouping genetic algorithm for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows. Zbl 1176.90238 Pankratz, Giselher 18 2005 A general test for SSD portfolio efficiency. Zbl 1318.91185 Kopa, Miloš; Post, Thierry 17 2015 Flow-shop problems with intermediate buffers. Zbl 1042.90016 Brucker, Peter; Heitmann, Silvia; Hurink, Johann 17 2003 Iterative solution methods for beam angle and fluence map optimization in intensity modulated radiation therapy planning. Zbl 1132.92009 Lim, Gino J.; Choi, Jaewon; Mohan, Radhe 17 2008 Online rules for container stacking. Zbl 1200.90018 Borgman, Bram; van Asperen, Eelco; Dekker, Rommert 17 2010 Comparison of vehicle types at an automated container terminal. Zbl 1161.90315 Vis, Iris F. A.; Harika, Ismael 17 2004 Organizing hospitals into networks: a hierarchical and multiservice model to define location, supply and referrals in planned hospital systems. Zbl 1239.90067 Mestre, Ana Maria; Oliveira, Mónica Duarte; Barbosa-Póvoa, Ana 17 2012 Optimisation of beam directions in intensity modulated radiation therapy planning. Zbl 1018.92013 Ehrgott, Matthias; Johnston, Rick 17 2003 Heuristic and exact algorithms for the multi-pile vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1229.90039 Tricoire, Fabien; Doerner, Karl F.; Hartl, Richard F.; Iori, Manuel 17 2011 Collaborative transportation planning of less-than-truckload freight. Zbl 1290.90051 Wang, Xin; Kopfer, Herbert 17 2014 Periodic review inventory-control for perishable products under service-level constraints. Zbl 1230.90020 Minner, Stefan; Transchel, Sandra 16 2010 Simulation-based performance evaluation of transport vehicles at automated container terminals. Zbl 1069.90027 Yang, Chang Ho; Choi, Yong Seok; Ha, Tae Young 16 2004 Insights into clients’ choice in preventive health care facility location planning. Zbl 1308.90017 Haase, Knut; Müller, Sven 16 2015 Lot-sizing for a single-stage single-product production system with rework of perishable production defectives. Zbl 1040.90012 Teunter, Ruud H.; Flapper, Simme Douwe P. 16 2003 A bottleneck assignment approach to the multiple container loading problem. Zbl 1035.90070 Eley, Michael 16 2003 Project scheduling with flexible resources: formulation and inequalities. Zbl 1244.90091 Correia, Isabel; Lourenço, Lídia Lampreia; Saldanha-da-Gama, Francisco 16 2012 Securing home health care in times of natural disasters. Zbl 1231.90104 Trautsamwieser, Andrea; Gronalt, Manfred; Hirsch, Patrick 16 2011 Revenue management in make-to-order manufacturing-an application to the iron and steel industry. Zbl 1144.90418 Spengler, Thomas; Rehkopf, Stefan; Volling, Thomas 15 2007 Multi-criteria outranking approach with hesitant fuzzy sets. Zbl 1305.90239 Wang, Jian Qiang; Wang, Dan Dan; Zhang, Hong yu; Chen, Xiao Hong 15 2014 Dynamic capacitated lot sizing with random demand and dynamic safety stocks. Zbl 1260.90084 Helber, Stefan; Sahling, Florian; Schimmelpfeng, Katja 15 2013 Dispatching multi-load AGVs in highly automated seaport container terminals. Zbl 1069.90032 Grunow, Martin; Günther, Hans-Otto; Lehmann, Matthias 15 2004 A GRASP metaheuristic to improve accessibility after a disaster. Zbl 1231.90098 Maya Duque, Pablo; Sörensen, Kenneth 15 2011 Planning for a bus-based evacuation. Zbl 1231.90077 Bish, Douglas R. 15 2011 Mutual fund performance evaluation using data envelopment analysis with new risk measures. Zbl 1130.90024 Chen, Zhiping; Lin, Ruiyue 15 2006 Bullwhip and inventory variance in a closed loop supply chain. Zbl 1122.90310 Zhou, Li; Disney, Stephen M. 15 2006 Truck scheduling in cross-docking terminals with fixed outbound departures. Zbl 1263.90039 Boysen, Nils; Briskorn, Dirk; Tschöke, Martin 15 2013 Risk-averse two-stage stochastic programs in furniture plants. Zbl 1290.90036 Alem, Douglas; Morabito, Reinaldo 15 2013 Coordinating loan strategies for supply chain financing with limited credit. Zbl 1290.90017 Yan, Nina; Sun, Baowen 15 2013 Multi-stage simultaneous lot-sizing and scheduling for flow line production. Zbl 1260.90099 Seeanner, Florian; Meyr, Herbert 14 2013 Self-imposed time windows in vehicle routing problems. Zbl 1311.90030 Jabali, Ola; Leus, Roel; Van Woensel, Tom; de Kok, Ton 14 2015 A comprehensive analysis of the newsvendor model with unreliable supply. Zbl 1170.90315 Rekik, Yacine; Sahin, Evren; Dallery, Yves 14 2007 Multi-criteria location planning for public facilities in tsunami-prone coastal areas. Zbl 1163.90598 Doerner, Karl F.; Gutjahr, Walter J.; Nolz, Pamela C. 14 2009 A yard storage strategy for minimizing traffic congestion in a marine container transshipment hub. Zbl 1193.90066 Han, Yongbin; Lee, Loo Hay; Chew, Ek Peng; Tan, Kok Choon 14 2008 A log-robust optimization approach to portfolio management. Zbl 1232.91625 Kawas, Ban; Thiele, Aurélie 14 2011 A computational study of LP-based heuristic algorithms for two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problems. Zbl 1012.90032 Alvarez-Valdes, Ramon; Parajon, Antonio; Tamarit, Jose M. 14 2002 Staffing a call center with uncertain non-stationary arrival rate and flexibility. Zbl 1244.90096 Liao, Shuangqing; Koole, Ger; van Delft, Christian; Jouini, Oualid 14 2012 Risk approaches for delivering disaster relief supplies. Zbl 1231.90100 Nolz, Pamela C.; Semet, Frédéric; Doerner, Karl F. 14 2011 Strategies for dispatching AGVs at automated seaport container terminals. Zbl 1098.90507 Grunow, Martin; Günther, Hans-Otto; Lehmann, Matthias 14 2006 Dispatching vehicles in a mega container terminal. Zbl 1091.90008 Bish, Ebru K.; Chen, Frank Y.; Leong, Yin Thin; Nelson, Barry L.; Ng, Jonathan Wing Cheong; Simchi-Levi, David 14 2005 Request evaluation strategies for carriers in auction-based collaborations. Zbl 1336.90015 Gansterer, Margaretha; Hartl, Richard F. 14 2016 Data-driven customer acceptance for attended home delivery. Zbl 1544.90029 Köhler, Charlotte; Campbell, Ann Melissa; Ehmke, Jan Fabian 3 2024 Competition and market dynamics in duopoly: the effect of switching costs. Zbl 1544.91208 Yang, Yang; Wu, Cheng-Hung 2 2024 Live shopping promotions: which categories should a retailer discount to shoppers already in the store? Zbl 1542.90136 Wamsler, Julia; Vuckovac, Denis; Natter, Martin; Ilic, Alexander 2 2024 Dynamic pricing using flexible heterogeneous sales response models. Zbl 1543.90131 Aschersleben, Philipp; Steiner, Winfried J. 1 2024 The impact of corporate sustainability performance on advertising efficiency. Zbl 1541.90230 Weinmayer, Karl; Garaus, Marion; Wagner, Udo 1 2024 One-stage product-line design heuristics: an empirical comparison. Zbl 1542.90080 Baier, Daniel; Voekler, Sascha 1 2024 Relevance of dynamic variables in multicategory choice models. Zbl 07866574 Hruschka, Harald 1 2024 Cost minimizing planning of container inspection and repair in multiple facilities. Zbl 1517.90030 Kovalyov, Mikhail Y.; Lukashevich, Mikhail N.; Pesch, Erwin 1 2023 The role of demand response in mitigating market power: a quantitative analysis using a stochastic market equilibrium model. Zbl 1520.91270 Devine, Mel T.; Bertsch, Valentin 1 2023 Estimating market power under a nonparametric analysis: evidence from the Chinese real estate sector. Zbl 1518.91149 Fukuyama, Hirofumi; Tan, Yong 1 2023 Identifying the closest most productive scale size unit in data envelopment analysis. Zbl 1519.90085 Esfandiar, Eshagh; Eslami, Robabeh; Khoveyni, Mohammad; Gilani, Alireza 1 2023 Dual sourcing inventory management with nonconsecutive lead times from a supply chain perspective: a numerical study. Zbl 1521.90004 Hamdouch, Younes; Boulaksil, Youssef; Ghoudi, Kilani 1 2023 Analysis of semi-open queueing networks using lost customers approximation with an application to robotic mobile fulfilment systems. Zbl 1493.90047 Otten, Sonja; Krenzler, Ruslan; Xie, Lin; Daduna, Hans; Kruse, Karsten 3 2022 Optimal pricing and capacity sizing for online service systems with free trials. Zbl 1486.90072 Wang, Jinting; Sun, Ke 3 2022 An ALNS algorithm for the static dial-a-ride problem with ride and waiting time minimization. Zbl 1486.90041 Pfeiffer, Christian; Schulz, Arne 3 2022 Multiplicative output form and its applications to problems in the homogenous innovation contest model. Zbl 1498.90120 Tian, Xu; Bi, Gongbing 3 2022 A partition-based branch-and-bound algorithm for the project duration problem with partially renewable resources and general temporal constraints. Zbl 1493.90072 Watermeyer, Kai; Zimmermann, Jürgen 2 2022 Robust productivity growth and efficiency measurement with undesirable outputs: evidence from the oil industry. Zbl 1502.90090 Hatami-Marbini, Adel; Arabmaldar, Aliasghar; Asu, John Otu 2 2022 Optimization of capacity expansion in potential-driven networks including multiple looping: a comparison of modelling approaches. Zbl 1486.90059 Lenz, Ralf; Becker, Kai Helge 2 2022 How to design a multi-stage tournament when some results are carried over? Zbl 1498.90116 Csató, László 2 2022 Optimal chance-constrained pension fund management through dynamic stochastic control. Zbl 1498.91363 Lauria, Davide; Consigli, Giorgio; Maggioni, Francesca 2 2022 Dynamic service area sizing in urban delivery. Zbl 1497.90047 Ulmer, Marlin W.; Erera, Alan; Savelsbergh, Martin 2 2022 New solution procedures for the order picker routing problem in U-shaped Pick areas with a movable depot. Zbl 1493.90023 Diefenbach, Heiko; Emde, Simon; Glock, Christoph H.; Grosse, Eric H. 1 2022 Optimal bidding functions for renewable energies in sequential electricity markets. Zbl 1484.91213 Finnah, Benedikt 1 2022 Merging two-stage series network structures: a DEA-based approach. Zbl 1486.90104 Khoveyni, Mohammad; Eslami, Robabeh 1 2022 Beam search-based heuristics for the mixed no-idle flowshop with total flowtime criterion. Zbl 1502.90078 Rossi, Fernando Luis; Nagano, Marcelo Seido 1 2022 An interval efficiency analysis with dual-role factors. Zbl 1476.90161 Toloo, Mehdi; Keshavarz, Esmaeil; Hatami-Marbini, Adel 5 2021 Generalization of machine learning for problem reduction: a case study on travelling salesman problems. Zbl 1480.90215 Sun, Yuan; Ernst, Andreas; Li, Xiaodong; Weiner, Jake 4 2021 Fixed cost allocation in two-stage system using DEA from a noncooperative view. Zbl 1480.90151 An, Qingxian; Wang, Ping; Yang, Honglin; Wang, Zongrun 4 2021 Pareto-based grouping meta-heuristic algorithm for humanitarian relief logistics with multistate network reliability. Zbl 1476.90047 Khorsi, Maliheh; Chaharsooghi, Seyed Kamal; Husseinzadeh Kashan, Ali; Bozorgi-Amiri, Ali 2 2021 The obnoxious facilities planar \(p\)-median problem. Zbl 1476.90179 Kalczynski, Pawel; Drezner, Zvi 2 2021 Leveraged least trimmed absolute deviations. Zbl 1473.62244 Sudermann-Merx, Nathan; Rebennack, Steffen 2 2021 Using tornado-related weather data to route unmanned aerial vehicles to locate damage and victims. Zbl 1480.90048 Grogan, Sean; Pellerin, Robert; Gamache, Michel 2 2021 An interactive algorithm for resource allocation with balance concerns. Zbl 1480.90157 Özpeynirci, Selin; Özpeynirci, Özgür; Mousseau, Vincent 2 2021 An epsilon-based data envelopment analysis approach for solving performance measurement problems with interval and ordinal dual-role factors. Zbl 1480.90153 Ebrahimi, Bohlool; Tavana, Madjid; Kleine, Andreas; Dellnitz, Andreas 2 2021 Airport capacity extension, fleet investment, and optimal aircraft scheduling in a multilevel market model: quantifying the costs of imperfect markets. Zbl 1475.91112 Coniglio, Stefano; Sirvent, Mathias; Weibelzahl, Martin 1 2021 Efficiency evaluation in data envelopment analysis using strong defining hyperplanes. A cross-efficiency framework. Zbl 1476.90144 Dellnitz, Andreas; Reucher, Elmar; Kleine, Andreas 1 2021 Multi-fidelity surrogate-based optimization for decomposed buffer allocation problems. Zbl 1476.90104 Lin, Ziwei; Frigerio, Nicla; Matta, Andrea; Du, Shichang 1 2021 A branch-and-bound procedure for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with partially renewable resources and general temporal constraints. Zbl 1446.90087 Watermeyer, Kai; Zimmermann, Jürgen 7 2020 A new matheuristic approach for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem with inter-depot routes. Zbl 1437.90034 Ramos, Tânia Rodrigues Pereira; Gomes, Maria Isabel; Barbosa-Póvoa, Ana Paula 5 2020 Gradual cover competitive facility location. Zbl 1446.90104 Drezner, Tammy; Drezner, Zvi; Kalczynski, Pawel 5 2020 Balance in resource allocation problems: a changing reference approach. Zbl 1434.91036 Karsu, Özlem; Erkan, Hale 4 2020 Centralized resource allocation based on cross-evaluation considering organizational objective and individual preferences. Zbl 1447.91078 Chen, Menghan; Ang, Sheng; Jiang, Lijing; Yang, Feng 4 2020 The multi-mode resource investment problem: a benchmark library and a computational study of lower and upper bounds. Zbl 1454.90018 Gerhards, Patrick 4 2020 A multi-cover routing problem for planning rapid needs assessment under different information-sharing settings. Zbl 1437.90032 Pamukcu, Duygu; Balcik, Burcu 3 2020 Integrating nurse assignment in outpatient chemotherapy appointment scheduling. Zbl 1454.90019 Hesaraki, Alireza F.; Dellaert, Nico P.; de Kok, Ton 2 2020 Robust post-disaster route restoration. Zbl 1454.90013 Caunhye, Aakil M.; Aydin, Nazli Yonca; Duzgun, H. Sebnem 2 2020 Endogenous stochastic optimisation for relief distribution assisted with unmanned aerial vehicles. Zbl 1454.90008 Escribano Macias, Jose; Goldbeck, Nils; Hsu, Pei-Yuan; Angeloudis, Panagiotis; Ochieng, Washington 2 2020 Mathematical models to improve the current practice in a home healthcare unit. Zbl 1437.90033 Quintanilla, Sacramento; Ballestín, Francisco; Pérez, Ángeles 1 2020 A long-term unit commitment problem with hydrothermal coordination for economic and emission control in large-scale electricity systems. Zbl 1437.90074 Franz, Alexander; Rieck, Julia; Zimmermann, Jürgen 1 2020 Time-based service constraints for inventory systems with commitment lead time. Zbl 1447.90001 Ahmadi, Taher; Atan, Zümbül; de Kok, Ton; Adan, Ivo 1 2020 Scheduling personnel for the build-up of unit load devices at an air cargo terminal with limited space. Zbl 1446.90077 Emde, Simon; Abedinnia, Hamid; Lange, Anne; Glock, Christoph H. 1 2020 Bi-criteria path problem with minimum length and maximum survival probability. Zbl 1428.90031 Halman, Nir; Kovalyov, Mikhail Y.; Quilliot, Alain; Shabtay, Dvir; Zofi, Moshe 7 2019 Simultaneous lotsizing and scheduling considering secondary resources: a general model, literature review and classification. Zbl 1411.90163 Wörbelauer, Martin; Meyr, Herbert; Almada-Lobo, Bernardo 7 2019 A worker constrained flexible job shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times. Zbl 1411.90150 Kress, Dominik; Müller, David; Nossack, Jenny 7 2019 Robust resource-constrained max-NPV project scheduling with stochastic activity duration. Zbl 1527.90104 Liang, Yangyang; Cui, Nanfang; Wang, Tian; Demeulemeester, Erik 7 2019 Integration methods for aircraft scheduling and trajectory optimization at a busy terminal manoeuvring area. Zbl 1527.90107 Samà, Marcella; D’Ariano, Andrea; Palagachev, Konstantin; Gerdts, Matthias 6 2019 Heuristic algorithms for the single allocation \(p\)-hub center problem with routing considerations. Zbl 1411.90050 Kartal, Zühal; Krishnamoorthy, Mohan; Ernst, Andreas T. 5 2019 Decision making in multiobjective optimization problems under uncertainty: balancing between robustness and quality. Zbl 1428.90093 Zhou-Kangas, Yue; Miettinen, Kaisa 4 2019 The cafeteria problem: order sequencing and picker routing in on-the-line picking systems. Zbl 1527.90097 Füßler, David; Fedtke, Stefan; Boysen, Nils 4 2019 Flexible layouts for the mixed-model assembly of heterogeneous vehicles. Zbl 1527.90091 Hottenrott, Andreas; Grunow, Martin 4 2019 Trolley line picking: storage assignment and order sequencing to increase picking performance. Zbl 1527.90096 Füßler, David; Boysen, Nils; Stephan, Konrad 4 2019 Time-constrained maximal covering routing problem. Zbl 1527.90033 Amiri, Afsaneh; Salari, Majid 3 2019 Dual-mode inventory management under a chance credit constraint. Zbl 1527.90009 Chen, Qiushi; Zhao, Lei; Fransoo, Jan C.; Li, Zhe 3 2019 Motion and layout planning in a grid-based early baggage storage system. Motion and layout planning in a grid-based early baggage storage system. Heuristic algorithms and a simulation study. Zbl 1527.90068 Yalcin, Altan; Koberstein, Achim; Schocke, Kai-Oliver 3 2019 A cyclic production scheme for the synchronized and integrated two-level lot-sizing and scheduling problem with no-wait restrictions and stochastic demand. 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Zbl 1390.90117 Noyan, Nilay; Kahvecioğlu, Gökçe 8 2018 Alternative formulations and improved bounds for the multi-depot fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1390.90074 Lahyani, Rahma; Coelho, Leandro C.; Renaud, Jacques 6 2018 Optimizing conditional value-at-risk in dynamic pricing. Zbl 1405.90065 Gönsch, Jochen; Hassler, Michael; Schur, Rouven 6 2018 Truck synchronization at single door cross-docking terminals. Zbl 1397.90171 Chiarello, Antonino; Gaudioso, Manlio; Sammarra, Marcello 4 2018 Two-stage stochastic, large-scale optimization of a decentralized energy system: a case study focusing on solar PV, heat pumps and storage in a residential quarter. Zbl 1386.90188 Schwarz, Hannes; Bertsch, Valentin; Fichtner, Wolf 3 2018 Just-in-time logistics for far-distant suppliers: scheduling truck departures from an intermediate cross-docking terminal. Zbl 1390.90325 Schwerdfeger, Stefan; Boysen, Nils; Briskorn, Dirk 3 2018 Flow shop scheduling with flexible processing times. 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Zbl 1397.90414 Kirschstein, Thomas; Bierwirth, Christian 1 2018 Transshipment policies for systems with multiple retailers and two demand classes. Zbl 1390.90010 Atan, Zümbül; Snyder, Lawrence V.; Wilson, George R. 1 2018 Container supply with multi-trailer trucks: parking strategies to speed up the gantry crane-based loading of freight trains in rail yards. Zbl 1398.90027 Tschöke, Martin; Boysen, Nils 1 2018 Computing pure Nash equilibria in network revenue management games. Zbl 1397.90209 Grauberger, W.; Kimms, A. 1 2018 Robustness of capacity markets: a stochastic dynamic capacity investment model. Zbl 1415.91214 Hach, Daniel; Spinler, Stefan 1 2018 Simultaneous lotsizing and scheduling problems: a classification and review of models. Zbl 1368.90065 Copil, Karina; Wörbelauer, Martin; Meyr, Herbert; Tempelmeier, Horst 32 2017 Omega-CVaR portfolio optimization and its worst case analysis. 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F. 12 Almada-Lobo, Bernardo 12 Coelho, Leandro C. 12 Demeulemeester, Erik L. 12 Gansterer, Margaretha 12 Gendreau, Michel 12 Iori, Manuel 12 Kochenberger, Gary A. 11 Alvarez-Valdes, Ramon 11 Bortfeldt, Andreas 11 de Araujo, Silvio Alexandre 11 Ehrgott, Matthias 11 Jans, Raf 11 Lee, Loo Hay 11 Meyr, Herbert 11 Zimmermann, Jürgen 10 Archetti, Claudia 10 Azaron, Amir 10 Che, Ada 10 Goerigk, Marc 10 Lusby, Richard Martin 10 Maenhout, Broos 10 Saldanha-da-Gama, Francisco 10 Schmidt, Marie E. 10 Stolletz, Raik 9 Cacchiani, Valentina 9 Chew, Ek Peng 9 Desaulniers, Guy 9 Drezner, Tammy 9 Gutjahr, Walter J. 9 Hao, Jin-Kao 9 Helber, Stefan 9 Jaehn, Florian 9 Kalczynski, Pawel Jan 9 Kimms, Alf 9 Koberstein, Achim 9 Kolisch, Rainer 9 Miao, Lixin 9 Morabito, Reinaldo 9 Nickel, Stefan 9 Pisinger, David 9 Salman, F. Sibel 9 Tricoire, Fabien 9 Wiecek, Margaret M. 9 Xu, Yinfeng 9 Zhu, Wenbin 9 Zufferey, Nicolas 8 Ahmadi Javid, Amir 8 Alidaee, Bahram 8 Amorim, Pedro 8 Aras, Necati 8 Barbosa Póvoa, Ana Paula Ferreira Dias 8 Chen, Zhiping 8 Cheng, Tai-Chiu Edwin 8 Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane 8 Gönsch, Jochen 8 Guerriero, Francesca 8 Hurink, Johann L. 8 Kadziński, Miłosz 8 Kovalëv, Mikhail Yakovlevich 8 Lalla-Ruiz, Eduardo 8 Mehra, Aparna 8 Tierney, Kevin 8 Van der Mei, Robert Douwe 8 Vanden Berghe, Greet 8 Wang, Haibo 8 Wang, Jianqiang 8 Wang, Shuaian 7 Absi, Nabil 7 Aleman, Dionne M. 7 Artigues, Christian 7 Baldacci, Roberto 7 Boucherie, Richard J. 7 Braekers, Kris ...and 6,246 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 215 Journals 929 European Journal of Operational Research 415 Computers & Operations Research 265 Annals of Operations Research 264 OR Spectrum 123 International Transactions in Operational Research 65 Applied Mathematical Modelling 61 Journal of Scheduling 50 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 45 International Journal of Production Research 44 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 43 CEJOR. 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