JMMA. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms Short Title: J. Math. Model. Algorithms Publisher: Springer, Dordrecht ISSN: 1572-9214/e Online: Successor: Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; Vol. 9, No. 1 (2010) was published electronic only. Published electronic only as of Vol. 9, No. 3 (2010). Print ISSN until then: 1570-1166 Documents Indexed: 255 Publications (2002–2012) References Indexed: 188 Publications with 4,514 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 11, No. 4 (2012) 11, No. 3 (2012) 11, No. 2 (2012) 11, No. 1 (2012) 10, No. 4 (2011) 10, No. 3 (2011) 10, No. 2 (2011) 10, No. 1 (2011) 9, No. 4 (2010) 9, No. 3 (2010) 9, No. 2 (2010) 9, No. 1 (2010) 8, No. 4 (2009) 8, No. 3 (2009) 8, No. 2 (2009) 8, No. 1 (2009) 7, No. 4 (2008) 7, No. 3 (2008) 7, No. 2 (2008) 7, No. 1 (2008) 6, No. 4 (2007) 6, No. 3 (2007) 6, No. 2 (2007) 6, No. 1 (2007) 5, No. 4 (2006) 5, No. 3 (2006) 5, No. 2 (2006) 5, No. 1 (2006) 4, No. 4 (2005) 4, No. 3 (2005) 4, No. 2 (2005) 4, No. 1 (2005) 3, No. 4 (2004) 3, No. 3 (2004) 3, No. 2 (2004) 3, No. 1 (2004) 2, No. 4 (2003) 2, No. 3 (2003) 2, No. 2 (2003) 2, No. 1 (2003) 1, No. 4 (2002) 1, No. 3 (2002) 1, No. 2 (2002) 1, No. 1 (2002) all top 5 Authors 5 Gravvanis, George A. 4 Talbi, El-Ghazali 3 Blum, Christian 3 Boccia, Maurizio 3 Dolgui, Alexandre B. 3 Finke, Gerd 3 Kaveh, Ali 3 Kolokolov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 3 Kumar, Anil 3 Lam, William H. K. 3 Mansour, Toufik 3 Montemanni, Roberto 3 Sforza, Antonio 3 Smith, James MacGregor 3 Toussaint, Godfried Theodore 3 Yin, Hujun 2 Alba, Enrique 2 Arabnia, Hamid R. 2 Archetti, Francesco 2 Ariza López, Francisco Javier 2 Bentley, Peter J. 2 Bhunu, Claver Pedzisai 2 Bichot, Charles-Edmond 2 Boudhar, Mourad 2 Brüggemann, Wolfgang 2 Eremeev, Anton Valentinovich 2 Ghiani, Gianpaolo 2 Gordon, Valery S. 2 Gupta, Prosenjit 2 Hanafi, Saïd 2 Haugen, Kjetil K. 2 Huang, Haijun 2 Hurtado, Ferran 2 Jahnke, Hermann 2 Joncour, Cédric 2 Khan, M. G. M. 2 Mellouli, Khaled 2 Messina, Enza 2 Miller-Hooks, Elise D. 2 Monmarché, Nicolas 2 Mushayabasa, Steady 2 Nassar, Ghalib 2 Neogy, Samir Kumar 2 Olstad, Asmund 2 Paquete, Luís F. 2 Pêcher, Arnaud 2 Rahami, Hossein 2 Raidl, Günther R. 2 Ramaswami, Suneeta 2 Rayward-Smith, Victor J. 2 Ronnqvist, Mikael 2 Sacristán, Vera 2 Salhi, Said 2 Sampels, Michael 2 Santos, Eunice E. 2 Schiavinotto, Tommaso 2 Segal, Michael 2 Sevaux, Marc 2 Shah, Nita H. 2 Shires, Dale R. 2 Singh, Girish Kumar 2 Slimane, Mohamed 2 Sörensen, Kenneth 2 Sterle, Claudio 2 Stützle, Thomas G. 2 Subramani, Krishnan 2 Von Zuben, Fernando José 2 Wong, Sze Chun 2 Zhang, Jun 1 Ababneh, Faisal 1 Abonyi, Janos 1 Ackerer, Philippe 1 Adiche, Chahrazad 1 Affenzeller, Michael 1 Agapie, Alexandru 1 Agapie, Mircea 1 Ahsan, Mohammad Jameel 1 Aickelin, Uwe 1 Aïder, Méziane 1 Akçali, Elif 1 Akioka, Sayaka 1 Akl, Selim G. 1 Al-Anzi, Fawaz S. 1 Al-khedhairi, Abdulrahman 1 Alessandri, Angelo 1 Alfares, Hesham Kamal 1 Ali, Mustafa Imran 1 Allahverdi, Ali 1 An, Yujia 1 Anand, R. Sai 1 Angiulli, Fabrizio 1 Ardanuy Albajar, Ramón 1 Ariyawansa, K. A. 1 Attanasio, Andrea 1 Aupetit, Sebastien 1 Avella, Pasquale 1 Azaiez, Mohamed Naceur 1 Babindamana, Regis Freguin 1 Bachelet, Vincent 1 Bahroun, Zied ...and 433 more Authors all top 5 Fields 148 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 112 Computer science (68-XX) 46 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 26 Combinatorics (05-XX) 23 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 12 Statistics (62-XX) 11 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 10 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 9 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 175 Publications have been cited 1,066 times in 1,001 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The analysis of evolutionary algorithms on sorting and shortest paths problems. Zbl 1073.68080 Scharnow, Jens; Tinnefeld, Karsten; Wegener, Ingo 37 2004 Primal-dual interior-point algorithms for semidefinite optimization based on a simple kernel function. Zbl 1111.90083 Wang, G. Q.; Bai, Y. Q.; Roos, C. 36 2005 A GA based heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with multiple trips. Zbl 1140.90333 Salhi, S.; Petch, R. J. 29 2007 Fast algorithm for generating ascending compositions. Zbl 1382.11096 Merca, Mircea 26 2012 An ergodic algorithm for the power-control games for CDMA data networks. Zbl 1170.93020 Iiduka, Hideaki; Yamada, Isao 25 2009 Neighborhood portfolio approach for local search applied to timetabling problems. Zbl 1103.90102 Di Gaspero, Luca; Schaerf, Andrea 25 2006 Hybrid metaheuristics for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands. Zbl 1099.90505 Bianchi, Leonora; Birattari, Mauro; Chiarandini, Marco; Manfrin, Max; Mastrolilli, Monaldo; Paquete, Luis; Rossi-Doria, Olivia; Schiavinotto, Tommaso 22 2006 A mixed integer programming formulation for the total flow time single machine robust scheduling problem with interval data. Zbl 1152.90455 Montemanni, Roberto 20 2007 A no-free-lunch theorem for non-uniform distributions of target functions. Zbl 1079.90111 Igel, Christian; Toussaint, Marc 19 2004 Tabu search heuristics for the arc routing problem with intermediate facilities under capacity and length restrictions. Zbl 1058.90031 Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Guerriero, Francesca; Laporte, Gilbert; Musmanno, Roberto 19 2004 A cut and branch approach for the capacitated \(p\)-median problem based on Fenchel cutting planes. Zbl 1170.90521 Boccia, Maurizio; Sforza, Antonio; Sterle, Claudio; Vasilyev, Igor 18 2008 Efficient heuristics for the heterogeneous fleet multitrip VRP with application to a large-scale real case. Zbl 1036.90019 Prins, Christian 18 2002 An age-structured mathematical model for the within host dynamics of malaria and the immune system. Zbl 1132.92016 Tumwiine, J.; Luckhaus, S.; Mugisha, J. Y. T.; Luboobi, L. S. 17 2008 The linear ordering problem: instances, search space analysis and algorithms. Zbl 1079.90117 Schiavinotto, Tommaso; Stützle, Thomas 17 2004 Hybridization of GRASP metaheuristic with data mining techniques. Zbl 1099.68741 Ribeiro, Marcos Henrique; Plastino, Alexandre; Martins, Simone L. 17 2006 An ant colony optimization algorithm for shop scheduling problems. Zbl 1146.90405 Blum, Christian; Sampels, Michael 17 2004 A particle swarm optimization algorithm with path relinking for the location routing problem. Zbl 1170.90326 Marinakis, Yannis; Marinaki, Magdalene 16 2008 Linear systems arising for second order mimetic divergence and gradient discretizations. Zbl 1070.65109 Castillo, Jose E.; Yasuda, Mark 16 2005 Clustering rules: A comparison of partitioning and hierarchical clustering algorithms. Zbl 1104.62073 Reynolds, A. P.; Richards, G.; de la Iglesia, B.; Rayward-Smith, V. J. 15 2006 Helper-objectives: Using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for single-objective optimisation. Zbl 1073.68079 Jensen, Mikkel T. 15 2004 A theoretical analysis of smoking and alcoholism. Zbl 1270.34118 Bhunu, C. P.; Mushayabasa, S. 15 2012 Multi-objective meta-heuristics for the traveling salesman problem with profits. Zbl 1140.90018 Jozefowiez, Nicolas; Glover, Fred; Laguna, Manuel 14 2008 Statistical causality, extremal measures and weak solutions of stochastic differential equations with driving semimartingales. Zbl 1229.60055 Petrović, Ljiljana; Stanojević, Dragana 14 2010 Mathematical analysis of an HIV/AIDS model: impact of educational programs and abstinence in sub-Saharan Africa. Zbl 1235.92041 Bhunu, C. P.; Mushayabasa, S.; Kojouharov, H.; Tchuenche, J. M. 14 2011 Branch-and-cut-and-price for capacitated connected facility location. Zbl 1235.90093 Leitner, Markus; Raidl, Günther R. 14 2011 Effective measurement of network vulnerability under random and intentional attacks. Zbl 1080.90015 Criado, Regino; Flores, Julio; Hernández-Bermejo, Benito; Pello, Javier; Romance, Miguel 13 2005 Global dynamics of a tuberculosis epidemic model and the influence of backward bifurcation. Zbl 1270.34085 Kar, T. K.; Mondal, Prasanta Kumar 13 2012 Solving the probabilistic TSP with ant colony optimization. Zbl 1079.90169 Branke, Jürgen; Guntsch, Michael 13 2004 COSEARCH: A parallel cooperative metaheuristic. Zbl 1099.68742 Talbi, El-Ghazali; Bachelet, Vincent 12 2006 A general approach for constraint solving by local search. Zbl 1076.68071 Galinier, Philippe; Hao, Jin-Kao 11 2004 A scatter search method for the bi-criteria multi-dimensional \(\{0,1\}\)-knapsack problem using surrogate relaxation. Zbl 1057.90045 Gomes da Silva, Carlos; Clímaco, João; Figueira, José 11 2004 Enhancements to two exact algorithms for solving the vertex \(P\)-center problem. Zbl 1093.90004 Al-khedhairi, A.; Salhi, S. 10 2005 On solving quickest time problems in time-dependent, dynamic networks. Zbl 1048.90048 Miller-Hooks, Elise; Patterson, Sarah Stock 10 2004 The attribute based hill climber. Zbl 1062.90078 Whittley, Ian M.; Smith, George D. 10 2004 A genetic algorithm for the allocation of buffer storage capacities in a production line with unreliable machines. Zbl 1031.90026 Dolgui, A.; Eremeev, A.; Kolokolov, A.; Sigaev, V. 10 2002 An optimum multivariate stratified sampling design with nonresponse: a lexicographic goal programming approach. Zbl 1270.62036 Varshney, Rahul; Ahsan, M. J.; Khan, M. G. M. 10 2011 Integrated production and distribution planning for Södra Cell AB. Zbl 1145.90325 Gunnarsson, Helene; Rönnqvist, Mikael; Carlsson, Dick 9 2007 A mixed integer formulation for multiple-route transit network design. Zbl 1048.90035 Wan, Quentin K.; Lo, Hong K. 9 2003 New models of the generalized minimum spanning tree problem. Zbl 1084.90045 Pop, Petrica C. 9 2004 Capacity constrained transit assignment with common lines. Zbl 1048.90033 Kurauchi, Fumitaka; Bell, Michael G. H.; Schmöcker, Jan-Dirk 8 2003 An optimal algorithm to solve the all-pairs shortest paths problem on permutation graphs. Zbl 1056.68169 Mondal, Sukumar; Pal, Madhumangal; Pal, Tapan K. 8 2003 Dynamic scheduling on a single batch processing machine with split compatibility graphs. Zbl 1028.90015 Boudhar, Mourad 8 2003 One-dimensional cutting stock problem with a given number of setups: a hybrid approach of metaheuristics and linear programming. Zbl 1103.90104 Umetani, Shunji; Yagiura, Mutsunoti; Ibaraki, Toshihide 8 2006 Hybrid population-based algorithms for the bi-objective quadratic assignment problem. Zbl 1099.68134 López-Ibáñez, Manuel; Paquete, Luís; Stützle, Thomas 7 2006 Optimization models for forest road upgrade planning. Zbl 1145.90328 Henningsson, Mathias; Karlsson, Jenny; Rönnqvist, Mikael 7 2007 Optimal solutions in the multi-location inventory system with transshipments. Zbl 1146.90009 Nonås, Lars Magne; Jörnsten, Kurt 7 2007 Scheduling equal processing time jobs to minimize the weighted number of late jobs. Zbl 1126.90019 Brucker, Peter; Kravchenko, Svetlana A. 7 2006 Well solvable cases of the quadratic assignment problem with monotone and bimonotone matrices. Zbl 1121.90107 Demidenko, Vitali M.; Finke, Gerd; Gordon, Valery S. 7 2006 Construction of constant GC-content DNA codes via a variable neighbourhood search algorithm. Zbl 1191.68229 Montemanni, Roberto; Smith, Derek H. 6 2008 A practical approach for robust and flexible vehicle routing using metaheuristics and Monte Carlo sampling. Zbl 1180.90059 Sörensen, Kenneth; Sevaux, Marc 6 2009 A queueing framework for routing problems with time-dependent travel times. Zbl 1255.90050 Woensel, Tom Van; Kerbache, Laoucine; Peremans, Herbert; Vandaele, Nico 6 2007 An optimization model to determine master designs and runs for advertisement printing. Zbl 1178.90354 Mohan, S. R.; Neogy, S. K.; Seth, A.; Garg, N. K.; Mittal, S. 6 2007 Scatter search for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem. Zbl 1140.68063 Hanafi, Said; Wilbaut, Christophe 6 2008 An evolutionary approach for the design and scheduling of electroplating facilities. Zbl 1140.90379 Manier, Marie-Ange; Lamrous, Sid 6 2008 Resource constrained shortest path problems in path planning for fleet management. Zbl 1048.90036 Avella, Pasquale; Boccia, Maurizio; Sforza, Antonio 6 2004 Lower bounds for covering problems. Zbl 1021.90045 Segal, Michael 6 2002 Solving symmetric arrowhead and special tridiagonal linear systems by fast approximate inverse preconditioning. Zbl 1015.65015 Gravvanis, George A. 6 2002 Aperture-angle optimization problems in three dimensions. Zbl 1064.90037 Omaña-Pulido, Elsa; Toussaint, Godfried T. 6 2002 Dijkstra’s algorithm for solving the shortest path problem on networks under intuitionistic fuzzy environment. Zbl 1292.05148 Mukherjee, Sathi 6 2012 Principles for the design of large neighborhood search. Zbl 1179.90129 Carchrae, Tom; Beck, J. Christopher 5 2009 Modelling and optimal receding-horizon control of maritime container terminals. Zbl 1144.90311 Alessandri, Angelo; Sacone, Simona; Siri, Silvia 5 2007 Solving large-scale profit maximization capacitated lot-size problems by heuristic methods. Zbl 1143.90003 Haugen, Kjetil K.; Olstad, Asmund; Pettersen, Bård I. 5 2007 Efficient batch job scheduling in grids using cellular memetic algorithms. Zbl 1140.68011 Xhafa, Fatos; Alba, Enrique; Dorronsoro, Bernabé; Duran, Bernat 5 2008 A lane-based optimization method for minimizing delay at isolated signal-controlled junctions. Zbl 1087.90504 Wong, C. K.; Wong, S. C. 5 2003 A branch-and-bound algorithm to solve a multi-level network optimization problem. Zbl 1028.90003 Cruz, F. R. B.; Mateus, G. R.; MacGregor Smith, J. 5 2003 Analysis of decomposition algorithms with Benders cuts for \(p\)-median problem. Zbl 1114.90075 Kolokolov, Alexander; Kosarev, Nikolay 5 2006 The maximum degree & diameter-bounded subgraph and its applications. Zbl 1305.05149 Dekker, Anthony; Pérez-Rosés, Hebert; Pineda-Villavicencio, Guillermo; Watters, Paul 5 2012 Performance & optimization of \(M/G/c/c\) building evacuation networks. Zbl 1270.90020 Weiss, Andrea; Williams, Laurence; MacGregor Smith, J. 5 2012 Ensemble learning using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Zbl 1114.68054 Chandra, Arjun; Yao, Xin 4 2006 On the probabilistic min spanning tree problem. Zbl 1382.05066 Boria, Nicolas; Murat, Cécile; Paschos, Vangelis 4 2012 Gray codes, loopless algorithm and partitions. Zbl 1180.68296 Mansour, Toufik; Nassar, Ghalib 4 2008 Integrated shipment dispatching and packing problems: a case study. Zbl 1145.90322 Attanasio, Andrea; Fuduli, Antonio; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Triki, Chefi 4 2007 Flow intercepting facility location: Problems, models and heuristics. Zbl 1178.90215 Boccia, Maurizio; Sforza, Antonio; Sterle, Claudio 4 2009 Parallel metaheuristics for workforce planning. Zbl 1128.68112 Alba, Enrique; Luque, Gabriel; Luna, Francisco 4 2007 Finding edge-disjoint paths in networks: an ant colony optimization algorithm. Zbl 1149.90031 Blesa, Maria J.; Blum, Christian 4 2007 A multi-objective production inventory model with backorder for fuzzy random demand under flexibility and reliability. Zbl 1235.90018 Shah, Nita H.; Soni, Hardik 4 2011 Four-day workweek scheduling with two or three consecutive days off. Zbl 1028.90515 Alfares, Hesham K. 4 2003 An incremental algorithm for the maximum flow problem. Zbl 1028.90004 Kumar, S.; Gupta, P. 4 2003 An analysis of partially Clairvoyant scheduling. Zbl 1033.90044 Subramani, K. 4 2003 A unified approach to algorithms generating unrestricted and restricted integer compositions and integer partitions. Zbl 1228.05050 Opdyke, John Douglas 4 2010 Parallel split-step Fourier methods for nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations. Zbl 1047.65072 Xu, Xiangming; Taha, Thiab 4 2003 Computing minimal forecast horizons: an integer programming approach. Zbl 1121.90094 Dawande, Milind; Gavirneni, Srinagesh; Naranpanawe, Sanjeewa; Sethi, Suresh 4 2006 A meta-heuristic with orthogonal experiment for the set covering problem. Zbl 1146.90535 Li, Jingpeng; Kwan, Raymond S. K. 4 2004 Approximate \(k\)-closest-pairs in large high-dimensional data sets. Zbl 1084.68140 Angiulli, Fabrizio; Pizzuti, Clara 3 2005 A sausage heuristic for Steiner minimal trees in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Zbl 1093.90095 Toppur, Badri; Smith, J. MacGregor 3 2005 A hybrid of the Newton-GMRES and electromagnetic meta-heuristic methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Zbl 1179.65054 Toutounian, F.; Saberi-Nadjafi, J.; Taheri, S. H. 3 2009 Solving a \(k\)-node minimum label spanning arborescence problem to compress fingerprint templates. Zbl 1184.68248 Chwatal, Andreas M.; Raidl, Günther R.; Oberlechner, Karin 3 2009 A model for evaluation of transport policies in multimodal networks with road and parking capacity constraints. Zbl 1117.49028 Li, Zhi-Chun; Huang, Hai-Jun; Lam, William H. K.; Wong, S. C. 3 2007 An adaptive subdivision algorithm for the identification of the diffusion coefficient in two-dimensional elliptic problems. Zbl 1142.65088 Hayek, Mohamed; Ackerer, Philippe 3 2007 On the computational complexity of the minimum committee problem. Zbl 1144.90468 Khachay, Mikhail Yu. 3 2007 Planar maximum box problem. Zbl 1073.68092 Segal, Michael 3 2004 A multi-class dynamic user equilibrium model for queuing networks with advanced traveler information systems. Zbl 1087.90506 Huang, Hai-Jun; Lam, William H. K. 3 2003 Loop-free Gray code algorithms for the set of compositions. Zbl 1248.94122 Mansour, Toufik; Nassar, Ghalib 3 2010 Scheduling on a batch processing machine with split compatibility graphs. Zbl 1086.90018 Boudhar, Mourad 3 2005 Generating a Gray code for P-sequences. Zbl 1064.68080 Vajnovszki, Vincent 3 2002 Domain decomposition-finite difference approximate inverse preconditioned schemes for solving fourth-order equations. Zbl 1016.65098 Gravvanis, George A. 3 2002 An improved method for designing quadrature mirror filter banks via unconstrained optimization. Zbl 1229.94018 Kumar, Anil; Singh, G. K.; Anand, R. S. 3 2010 An improved and simplified approach for designing cosine modulated filter bank using window technique. Zbl 1232.94009 Kumar, A.; Singh, G. K.; Kuldeep, B. 3 2011 A two-phase cyclic nonhomogeneous Markov chain performability evaluation by explicit approximate inverses applied to a replicated database system. Zbl 1041.60067 Platis, A. N.; Gravvanis, G. A.; Giannoutakis, K. M.; Lipitakis, E. A. 3 2003 A tabu search heuristic for a full-load, multi-terminal, vehicle scheduling problem with backhauling and time windows. Zbl 1146.90410 Currie, R. H.; Salhi, S. 3 2004 Fast algorithm for generating ascending compositions. Zbl 1382.11096 Merca, Mircea 26 2012 A theoretical analysis of smoking and alcoholism. Zbl 1270.34118 Bhunu, C. P.; Mushayabasa, S. 15 2012 Global dynamics of a tuberculosis epidemic model and the influence of backward bifurcation. Zbl 1270.34085 Kar, T. K.; Mondal, Prasanta Kumar 13 2012 Dijkstra’s algorithm for solving the shortest path problem on networks under intuitionistic fuzzy environment. Zbl 1292.05148 Mukherjee, Sathi 6 2012 The maximum degree & diameter-bounded subgraph and its applications. Zbl 1305.05149 Dekker, Anthony; Pérez-Rosés, Hebert; Pineda-Villavicencio, Guillermo; Watters, Paul 5 2012 Performance & optimization of \(M/G/c/c\) building evacuation networks. Zbl 1270.90020 Weiss, Andrea; Williams, Laurence; MacGregor Smith, J. 5 2012 On the probabilistic min spanning tree problem. Zbl 1382.05066 Boria, Nicolas; Murat, Cécile; Paschos, Vangelis 4 2012 High-level relay hybrid metaheuristic method for multi-depot vehicle routing problem with time windows. Zbl 1263.90013 Noori, Siamak; Ghannadpour, S. Farid 3 2012 A new ant colony optimization algorithm for the lower bound of sum coloring problem. Zbl 1263.90130 Douiri, Sidi Mohamed; Elbernoussi, Souad 3 2012 Determining the optimal flows in zero-time dynamic networks. Zbl 1263.90014 Hosseini, Seyed Ahmad; Saridarq, Fardin Dashty 2 2012 A planning algorithm for correction therapies after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Zbl 1402.92254 Precup, Radu; Şerban, Marcel-Adrian; Trif, Damian; Cucuianu, Andrei 2 2012 MPQ-trees for the orthogonal packing problem. Zbl 1382.90111 Joncour, Cédric; Pêcher, Arnaud; Valicov, Petru 1 2012 Canonical forms for symmetric and regular structures. Zbl 1263.15009 Kaveh, Ali; Fazli, H. 1 2012 A guide-and-observe hyper-heuristic approach to the Eternity II puzzle. Zbl 1306.90185 Wauters, Tony; Vancroonenburg, Wim; Vanden Berghe, Greet 1 2012 Large-scale joint price-inventory decision problems, under resource limitation and a discrete price set. Zbl 1306.90007 Lanquepin-Chesnais, Guillaume; Haugen, Kjetil K.; Olstad, Asmund 1 2012 Bilevel biobjective pseudo Boolean programming problems. Zbl 1273.90192 Tuns (Bode), Oana Ruxandra 1 2012 Mathematical analysis of an HIV/AIDS model: impact of educational programs and abstinence in sub-Saharan Africa. Zbl 1235.92041 Bhunu, C. P.; Mushayabasa, S.; Kojouharov, H.; Tchuenche, J. M. 14 2011 Branch-and-cut-and-price for capacitated connected facility location. Zbl 1235.90093 Leitner, Markus; Raidl, Günther R. 14 2011 An optimum multivariate stratified sampling design with nonresponse: a lexicographic goal programming approach. Zbl 1270.62036 Varshney, Rahul; Ahsan, M. J.; Khan, M. G. M. 10 2011 A multi-objective production inventory model with backorder for fuzzy random demand under flexibility and reliability. Zbl 1235.90018 Shah, Nita H.; Soni, Hardik 4 2011 An improved and simplified approach for designing cosine modulated filter bank using window technique. Zbl 1232.94009 Kumar, A.; Singh, G. K.; Kuldeep, B. 3 2011 HIV/AIDS model with delay and the effects of stochasticity. Zbl 1235.92035 Mukandavire, Z.; Das, P.; Chiyaka, C.; Gazi, N. H.; Das, K. 2 2011 Fuzzy linear programming approach for solving fuzzy transportation problems with transshipment. Zbl 1232.90352 Kumar, Amit; Kaur, Amarpreet; Gupta, Anila 1 2011 Snapshot centrality indices in dynamic FIFO networks. Zbl 1238.68111 Tabirca, Tatiana M.; Brown, Kenneth N.; Sreenan, Cormac J. 1 2011 Data structures for extension violations in a query range. Zbl 1232.68190 Das, Ananda Swarup; Gupta, Prosenjit; Srinathan, Kannan 1 2011 An iterative exact solution for the dual power management problem in wireless sensor network. Zbl 1232.68021 Jarray, Fethi 1 2011 A note on edge-based graph partitioning and its linear algebraic structure. Zbl 1238.05216 Yoon, Yourim; Kim, Yong-Hyuk; Moon, Byung-Ro 1 2011 Statistical causality, extremal measures and weak solutions of stochastic differential equations with driving semimartingales. Zbl 1229.60055 Petrović, Ljiljana; Stanojević, Dragana 14 2010 A unified approach to algorithms generating unrestricted and restricted integer compositions and integer partitions. Zbl 1228.05050 Opdyke, John Douglas 4 2010 Loop-free Gray code algorithms for the set of compositions. Zbl 1248.94122 Mansour, Toufik; Nassar, Ghalib 3 2010 An improved method for designing quadrature mirror filter banks via unconstrained optimization. Zbl 1229.94018 Kumar, Anil; Singh, G. K.; Anand, R. S. 3 2010 The \(k\)-centrum straight-line location problem. Zbl 1229.65050 Lozano, Antonio J.; Mesa, Juan A.; Plastria, Frank 2 2010 Tri-directional scheduling scheme: theory and computation. Zbl 1229.90066 Yoosefzadeh, H. R.; Tareghian, Hamed R.; Farahi, M. H. 2 2010 Maximizing Voronoi regions of a set of points enclosed in a circle with applications to facility location. Zbl 1229.68076 Bhattacharya, Bhaswar B. 2 2010 Identification of regulatory network motifs from gene expression data. Zbl 1229.92039 Farina, Lorenzo; Germani, Alfredo; Mavelli, Gabriella; Palumbo, Pasquale 2 2010 A hybrid method for solving the multi-objective assignment problem. Zbl 1230.90165 Adiche, Chahrazad; Aïder, Méziane 1 2010 A mathematical model for optimal functional disruption of biochemical networks. Zbl 1229.92035 Lulli, Guglielmo; Messina, Enza; Archetti, Francesco; Lanzeni, Stefano 1 2010 Minimizing the makespan in nonpreemptive parallel machine scheduling problem. Zbl 1229.68083 Chiaselotti, Giampiero; Gualtieri, Maria Italia; Pietramala, Paolamaria 1 2010 A mathematical programming based procedure for breast cancer classification. Zbl 1229.92051 Masmoudi, Youssef; Chabchoub, Habib; Hanafi, Saïd; Rebaï, Ahmed 1 2010 An ergodic algorithm for the power-control games for CDMA data networks. Zbl 1170.93020 Iiduka, Hideaki; Yamada, Isao 25 2009 A practical approach for robust and flexible vehicle routing using metaheuristics and Monte Carlo sampling. Zbl 1180.90059 Sörensen, Kenneth; Sevaux, Marc 6 2009 Principles for the design of large neighborhood search. Zbl 1179.90129 Carchrae, Tom; Beck, J. Christopher 5 2009 Flow intercepting facility location: Problems, models and heuristics. Zbl 1178.90215 Boccia, Maurizio; Sforza, Antonio; Sterle, Claudio 4 2009 A hybrid of the Newton-GMRES and electromagnetic meta-heuristic methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Zbl 1179.65054 Toutounian, F.; Saberi-Nadjafi, J.; Taheri, S. H. 3 2009 Solving a \(k\)-node minimum label spanning arborescence problem to compress fingerprint templates. Zbl 1184.68248 Chwatal, Andreas M.; Raidl, Günther R.; Oberlechner, Karin 3 2009 A chance constrained approach to fractional programming with random numerator. Zbl 1180.90328 Gupta, S. N. 2 2009 Determining the optimum stratum boundaries using mathematical programming. Zbl 1180.90389 Khan, M. G. M.; Ahmad, N.; Khan, Sabiha 2 2009 Hybrid flow-shop: a memetic algorithm using constraint-based scheduling for efficient search. Zbl 1184.68127 Jouglet, Antoine; Oğuz, Ceyda; Sevaux, Marc 1 2009 An artificial immune system for clustering amino acids in the context of protein function classification. Zbl 1193.92047 Secker, A.; Davies, M. N.; Freitas, A. A.; Timmis, J.; Clark, E.; Flower, D. R. 1 2009 Multi-objective Bayesian artificial immune system: Empirical evaluation and comparative analyses. Zbl 1190.90175 Castro, Pablo A. D.; Von Zuben, Fernando J. 1 2009 A cut and branch approach for the capacitated \(p\)-median problem based on Fenchel cutting planes. Zbl 1170.90521 Boccia, Maurizio; Sforza, Antonio; Sterle, Claudio; Vasilyev, Igor 18 2008 An age-structured mathematical model for the within host dynamics of malaria and the immune system. Zbl 1132.92016 Tumwiine, J.; Luckhaus, S.; Mugisha, J. Y. T.; Luboobi, L. S. 17 2008 A particle swarm optimization algorithm with path relinking for the location routing problem. Zbl 1170.90326 Marinakis, Yannis; Marinaki, Magdalene 16 2008 Multi-objective meta-heuristics for the traveling salesman problem with profits. Zbl 1140.90018 Jozefowiez, Nicolas; Glover, Fred; Laguna, Manuel 14 2008 Construction of constant GC-content DNA codes via a variable neighbourhood search algorithm. Zbl 1191.68229 Montemanni, Roberto; Smith, Derek H. 6 2008 Scatter search for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem. Zbl 1140.68063 Hanafi, Said; Wilbaut, Christophe 6 2008 An evolutionary approach for the design and scheduling of electroplating facilities. 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