Central European Journal of Mathematics Short Title: Cent. Eur. J. Math. Publisher: Springer, Heidelberg; De Gruyter Open, Warsaw ISSN: 1895-1074; 1644-3616/e Online: http://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/11533http://degruyteropen.com/serial/cejm/ Successor: Open Mathematics Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; Published electronic only from 1 (2003) - 3 (2006). This journal is available open access as of 2015. Documents Indexed: 1,029 Publications (2003–2014) References Indexed: 1,018 Publications with 18,012 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 12, No. 12 (2014) 12, No. 11 (2014) 12, No. 10 (2014) 12, No. 9 (2014) 12, No. 8 (2014) 12, No. 7 (2014) 12, No. 6 (2014) 12, No. 5 (2014) 12, No. 4 (2014) 12, No. 3 (2014) 12, No. 2 (2014) 12, No. 1 (2014) 11, No. 12 (2013) 11, No. 11 (2013) 11, No. 10 (2013) 11, No. 9 (2013) 11, No. 8 (2013) 11, No. 7 (2013) 11, No. 6 (2013) 11, No. 5 (2013) 11, No. 4 (2013) 11, No. 3 (2013) 11, No. 2 (2013) 11, No. 1 (2013) 10, No. 6 (2012) 10, No. 5 (2012) 10, No. 4 (2012) 10, No. 3 (2012) 10, No. 2 (2012) 10, No. 1 (2012) 9, No. 6 (2011) 9, No. 5 (2011) 9, No. 4 (2011) 9, No. 3 (2011) 9, No. 2 (2011) 9, No. 1 (2011) 8, No. 6 (2010) 8, No. 5 (2010) 8, No. 4 (2010) 8, No. 3 (2010) 8, No. 2 (2010) 8, No. 1 (2010) 7, No. 4 (2009) 7, No. 3 (2009) 7, No. 2 (2009) 7, No. 1 (2009) 6, No. 4 (2008) 6, No. 3 (2008) 6, No. 2 (2008) 6, No. 1 (2008) 5, No. 4 (2007) 5, No. 3 (2007) 5, No. 2 (2007) 5, No. 1 (2007) 4, No. 4 (2006) 4, No. 3 (2006) 4, No. 2 (2006) 4, No. 1 (2006) 3, No. 4 (2005) 3, No. 3 (2005) 3, No. 2 (2005) 3, No. 1 (2005) 2, No. 5 (2004) 2, No. 4 (2004) 2, No. 3 (2004) 2, No. 2 (2004) 2, No. 1 (2004) 1, No. 4 (2003) 1, No. 3 (2003) 1, No. 2 (2003) 1, No. 1 (2003) all top 5 Authors 12 Bogomolov, Fedor Alekseivich 8 Ballico, Edoardo 7 Kurdachenko, Leonid Andriĭovych 7 Skowroński, Andrzej 6 Laurinčikas, Antanas 5 Banakh, Taras Onufrievich 5 Drozd, Yuriĭ Anatoliĭovych 5 Henning, Michael Anthony 5 Mansour, Toufik 4 Beidleman, James Clark 4 Boţ, Radu Ioan 4 Buşneag, Dumitru 4 Faragó, István 4 Finěk, Václav 4 Ganchev, Georgi Todorov 4 Głąb, Szymon 4 Götze, Friedrich 4 Halaš, Radomír 4 Jȩdrzejewicz, Piotr 4 Karátson, János 4 Matkowski, Janusz 4 Miura, Takeshi 4 Nowak, Werner Georg 4 Panina, Gaiane Yu. 4 Prykarpatsky, Anatoliy Karolevych 4 Przebinda, Tomasz 4 Staněk, Svatoslav 4 Übi, Evald 4 Wehrfritz, Bertram A. F. 3 Abad, Manuel 3 Aniz, Claudemir 3 Argyros, Ioannis Konstantinos 3 Biswas, Indranil 3 Bobiński, Grzegorz 3 Boccuto, Antonio 3 Bonanzinga, Maddalena 3 Celani, Sergio Arturo 3 Černá, Dana 3 Chajda, Ivan 3 Comerford, Mark 3 Cummings, James 3 Díaz Varela, José Patricio 3 Ercan, Zafer 3 Galewski, Marek 3 Gonzalez-Avilés, Cristian D. 3 Gromov, Mikhael Leonidovich 3 Gupta, Vijay 3 Hatori, Osamu 3 Isidro, José-Maria 3 Ivić, Aleksandar 3 Janczewska, Joanna 3 Kamishima, Yoshinobu 3 Kowalski, Oldřich 3 Kucharski, Andrzej 3 Laan, Valdis 3 Lampret, Vito 3 Luttman, Aaron 3 Mahmudov, Nazim Idrisoglu 3 Margenov, Svetozar D. 3 Michailov, Ivo Michailov 3 Mojsej, Ivan 3 Mwambene, Eric 3 Ohriska, Ján 3 Okunev, Oleg G. 3 Palladino, Frank J. 3 Pata, Vittorino 3 Patterson, Richard F. 3 Pečarić, Josip 3 Plewik, Szymon 3 Pogorzały, Zygmunt 3 Popov, Mykhaĭlo Mykhaĭlovych 3 Pražák, Dalibor 3 Repovš, Dušan D. 3 Rodriguez-Machin, Sergio 3 Sady, Fereshteh 3 Saito, Kichisuke 3 Shattuck, Mark A. 3 Skiba, Robert 3 Smith, Howard 3 Steuding, Jörn 3 Subbotin, Igor Yakov 3 Tkachuk, Vladimir Vladimirovich 3 Tschinkel, Yuri 3 Varchenko, Alexander Nikolaevich 3 Wanka, Gert 3 Zhao, Wenhua 3 Zieliński, Janusz 3 Zlatev, Zahari 2 Abel, Mati 2 Aktuglu, Huseyin 2 Alas, Ofelia Teresa 2 Aliyev, Ziyatkhan S. 2 Ambrazevičius, Algirdas 2 Andruchow, Esteban 2 Ballester-Bolinches, Adolfo 2 Barkatou, Mohammed 2 Bartoszewicz, Artur 2 Bautista, Raymundo 2 Bayoumi, Aboubakr 2 Beilina, Larisa ...and 1,304 more Authors all top 5 Fields 115 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 104 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 101 Differential geometry (53-XX) 94 Operator theory (47-XX) 84 Functional analysis (46-XX) 82 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 73 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 73 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 69 Combinatorics (05-XX) 69 Number theory (11-XX) 66 General topology (54-XX) 51 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 50 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 47 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 39 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 38 Real functions (26-XX) 37 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 34 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 33 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 32 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 30 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 28 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 28 Measure and integration (28-XX) 27 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 27 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 25 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 23 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 23 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 22 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 20 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 18 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 17 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 17 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 17 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 14 Special functions (33-XX) 14 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 12 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 12 Integral equations (45-XX) 12 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 10 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 9 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 8 Potential theory (31-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Geometry (51-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 Statistics (62-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 4 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 824 Publications have been cited 5,647 times in 5,259 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Left-symmetric algebras, or pre-Lie algebras in geometry and physics. Zbl 1151.17301 Burde, Dietrich 191 2006 Multivalued fractals in \(b\)-metric spaces. Zbl 1235.54011 Boriceanu, Monica; Bota, Marius; Petruşel, Adrian 141 2010 Anti-invariant Riemannian submersions from almost Hermitian manifolds. Zbl 1207.53036 Ṣahin, Bayram 107 2010 Compact corigid objects in triangulated categories and co-\(t\)-structures. Zbl 1152.18009 Pauksztello, David 70 2008 Dirac and Plateau billiards in domains with corners. Zbl 1315.53027 Gromov, Misha 58 2014 Statistical approximation properties of \(q\)-Baskakov-Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1183.41015 Gupta, Vijay; Radu, Cristina 51 2009 Classification of discrete derived categories. Zbl 1036.18007 Bobiński, Grzegorz; Geiß, Christof; Skowroński, Andrzej 47 2004 Embedding of dendriform algebras into Rota-Baxter algebras. Zbl 1262.18009 Gubarev, Vsevolod Yu.; Kolesnikov, Pavel S. 43 2013 Ulam stability for a delay differential equation. Zbl 1275.34098 Otrocol, Diana; Ilea, Veronica 40 2013 The arithmetic of distributions in free probability theory. Zbl 1239.46046 Chistyakov, Gennadii P.; Götze, Friedrich 34 2011 Instanton bundles on Fano threefolds. Zbl 1282.14075 Kuznetsov, Alexander 34 2012 Measures of noncompactness in the study of solutions of nonlinear differential and integral equations. Zbl 1277.47067 Banaś, Józef 33 2012 Low rank Tucker-type tensor approximation to classical potentials. Zbl 1130.65060 Khoromskij, B. N.; Khoromskaia, V. 32 2007 Sets with two associative operations. Zbl 1032.16032 Pirashvili, Teimuraz 32 2003 New criteria for boundedness and compactness of weighted composition operators mapping into the Bloch space. Zbl 1279.47041 Colonna, Flavia 31 2013 Quantum B-algebras. Zbl 1326.03077 Rump, Wolfgang 31 2013 Abstract Korovkin-type theorems in modular spaces and applications. Zbl 1283.41018 Bardaro, Carlo; Boccuto, Antonio; Dimitriou, Xenofon; Mantellini, Ilaria 31 2013 A note on “Some results on multi-valued weakly Jungck mappings in \(b\)-metric space”. Zbl 1294.47075 Bota, Monica-Felicia; Karapınar, Erdal 31 2013 On dimension of the Schur multiplier of nilpotent Lie algebras. Zbl 1281.17015 Niroomand, Peyman 31 2011 Blow-up of the solution for higher-order Kirchhoff-type equations with nonlinear dissipation. Zbl 1233.35145 Gao, Qingyong; Li, Fushan; Wang, Yanguo 30 2011 Generalized Mukai conjecture for special Fano varieties. Zbl 1068.14049 Andreatta, Marco; Chierici, Elena; Occhetta, Gianluca 29 2004 Geometry and dynamics of admissible metrics in measure spaces. Zbl 1261.37004 Vershik, Anatoly M.; Zatitskiy, Pavel B.; Petrov, Fedor V. 29 2013 On the extent of star countable spaces. Zbl 1246.54017 Alas, Ofelia T.; Junqueira, Lucia R.; van Mill, Jan; Tkachuk, Vladimir V.; Wilson, Richard G. 29 2011 On the Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials. Zbl 1073.33001 Luo, Qiu-Ming 27 2004 A-monotone nonlinear relaxed cocoercive variational inclusions. Zbl 1128.49011 Verma, Ram U. 27 2007 On presentations of Brauer-type monoids. Zbl 1130.20041 Kudryavtseva, Ganna; Mazorchuk, Volodymyr 27 2006 The rate of convergence for spectra of GUE and LUE matrix ensembles. Zbl 1108.60014 Götze, Friedrich; Tikhomirov, Alexander 27 2005 On the Drazin index of regular elements. Zbl 1188.15005 Patrício, Pedro; Da Costa, António Veloso 26 2009 Iterative algorithms for variational inclusions, mixed equilibrium and fixed point problems with application to optimization problems. Zbl 1234.49008 Yao, Yonghong; Cho, Yeol Je; Liou, Yeong-Cheng 25 2011 Korovkin-type theorems and applications. Zbl 1179.41024 Mahmudov, Nazim I. 24 2009 Lack of Gromov-hyperbolicity in small-world networks. Zbl 1242.05257 Shang, Yilun 24 2012 On the nonlocal Cauchy problem for semilinear fractional order evolution equations. Zbl 1296.26035 Wang, JinRong; Zhou, Yong; Fečkan, Michal 24 2014 Norm conditions for uniform algebra isomorphisms. Zbl 1151.46036 Luttman, Aaron; Lambert, Scott 23 2008 Two fixed point theorems for generalized contractions with constants in complete metric space. Zbl 1178.54024 Popescu, Ovidiu 23 2009 Gromov hyperbolic cubic graphs. Zbl 1239.05141 Pestana, Domingo; Rodríguez, José M.; Sigarreta, José M.; Villeta, María 23 2012 Basis properties of a fourth order differential operator with spectral parameter in the boundary condition. Zbl 1207.34112 Aliyev, Ziyatkhan S. 23 2010 Energy estimates and numerical verification of the stabilized domain decomposition finite element/Finite difference approach for time-dependent Maxwell’s system. Zbl 1267.78044 Beilina, Larisa 23 2013 A generalization of peripherally-multiplicative surjections between standard operator algebras. Zbl 1197.47051 Miura, Takeshi; Honma, Dai 22 2009 Elliptic problems in generalized Orlicz-Musielak spaces. Zbl 1268.35056 Gwiazda, Piotr; Minakowski, Piotr; Wróblewska-Kamińska, Aneta 22 2012 The structure of plane graphs with independent crossings and its applications to coloring problems. Zbl 1258.05028 Zhang, Xin; Liu, Guizhen 22 2013 Real-linear isometries between function algebras. Zbl 1243.46043 Miura, Takeshi 22 2011 Analytical approximation of the transition density in a local volatility model. Zbl 1246.91137 Pagliarani, Stefano; Pascucci, Andrea 22 2012 Singular open book structures from real mappings. Zbl 1276.32024 Araújo dos Santos, Raimundo N.; Chen, Ying; Tibăr, Mihai 22 2013 Some global results for nonlinear fourth order eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1305.34033 Aliyev, Ziyatkhan S. 22 2014 Diffusion times and stability exponents for nearly integrable analytic systems. Zbl 1107.37049 Lochak, Pierre; Marco, Jean-Pierre 21 2005 On Artin algebras with almost all indecomposable modules of projective or injective dimension at most one. Zbl 1035.16008 Skowroński, Andrzej 21 2003 Multiscale finite element coarse spaces for the application to linear elasticity. Zbl 1352.74331 Buck, Marco; Iliev, Oleg; Andrä, Heiko 21 2013 Schur and Schubert polynomials as Thom polynomials – cohomology of moduli spaces. Zbl 1038.57008 Fehér, László M.; Rimányi, Richárd 20 2003 Algebraic axiomatization of tense intuitionistic logic. Zbl 1260.03113 Chajda, Ivan 20 2011 Homological mirror symmetry for manifolds of general type. Zbl 1200.53079 Kapustin, Anton; Katzarkov, Ludmil; Orlov, Dmitri; Yotov, Mirroslav 20 2009 On the \(k\)-gamma \(q\)-distribution. Zbl 1202.05012 Díaz, Rafael; Ortiz, Camilo; Pariguan, Eddy 19 2010 Two-point boundary value problems for the generalized Bagley-Torvik fractional differential equation. Zbl 1262.34008 Staněk, Svatoslav 19 2013 Eigensystem of an \(L ^{2}\)-perturbed harmonic oscillator is an unconditional basis. Zbl 1259.47059 Adduci, James; Mityagin, Boris 19 2012 Asymptotic behavior of a sixth-order Cahn-Hilliard system. Zbl 1286.35047 Miranville, Alain 19 2014 On the generalized Davenport constant and the Noether number. Zbl 1282.13012 Cziszter, Kálmán; Domokos, Mátyás 19 2013 Approximation properties of \(q\)-Baskakov operators. Zbl 1185.41021 Finta, Zoltán; Gupta, Vijay 19 2010 Statistical approximation of Baskakov and Baskakov-Kantorovich operators based on the \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1204.41017 Mahmudov, Nazim I. 19 2010 Functions on adjacent vertex degrees of trees with given degree sequence. Zbl 1295.05080 Wang, Hua 19 2014 Representation and duality for Hilbert algebras. Zbl 1184.03064 Celani, Sergio A.; Cabrer, Leonardo M.; Montangie, Daniela 18 2009 On the hierarchies of higher order mKdV and KdV equations. Zbl 1205.35253 Grünrock, Axel 18 2010 Hypergraphs with large transversal number and with edge sizes at least four. Zbl 1242.05192 Henning, Michael A.; Löwenstein, Christian 18 2012 Morse index of a cyclic polygon. Zbl 1242.52018 Panina, Gaiane; Zhukova, Alena 18 2011 Multigeometric sequences and cantorvals. Zbl 1298.40001 Bartoszewicz, Artur; Filipczak, Małgorzata; Szymonik, Emilia 18 2014 Rational points on the unit sphere. Zbl 1176.11037 Schmutz, Eric 17 2008 Narrow operators on lattice-normed spaces. Zbl 1253.47024 Pliev, Marat 17 2011 On the asymptotic behavior of a class of third order nonlinear neutral differential equations. Zbl 1221.34173 Baculíková, Blanka; Džurina, Jozef 17 2010 On almost cosymplectic \((-1,\mu,0)\)-spaces. Zbl 1114.53028 Dacko, Piotr; Olszak, Zbigniew 16 2005 On the lattice of deductive systems of a BL-algebra. Zbl 1040.03047 Buşneag, Dumitru; Piciu, Dana 16 2003 Solutions to the \(XXX\) type Bethe ansatz equations and flag varieties. Zbl 1029.82008 Mukhin, E.; Varchenko, A. 16 2003 3-dimensional sundials. Zbl 1237.14066 Carlini, Enrico; Catalisano, Maria Virginia; Geramita, Anthony V. 16 2011 Symplectic involutions on deformations of \(K3^{[2]}\). Zbl 1284.14052 Mongardi, Giovanni 16 2012 Plateau-Stein manifolds. Zbl 1293.31006 Gromov, Misha 16 2014 The set of toric minimal log discrepancies. Zbl 1129.14070 Ambro, Florin 15 2006 Representation of Hilbert algebras and implicative semilattices. Zbl 1034.03056 Celani, Sergio A. 15 2003 Solitary wave and other solutions for nonlinear heat equations. Zbl 1116.35035 Nikitin, Anatoly G.; Barannyk, Tetyana A. 15 2004 Complete classification of surfaces with a canonical principal direction in the Euclidean space \(\mathbb{E}^{3}\). Zbl 1222.53009 Munteanu, Marian Ioan; Nistor, Ana Irina 15 2011 Hori-Vafa mirror models for complete intersections in weighted projective spaces and weak Landau-Ginzburg models. Zbl 1236.14038 Przyjalkowski, Victor 15 2011 Threefolds with big and nef anticanonical bundles. II. Zbl 1250.14030 Jahnke, Priska; Peternell, Thomas; Radloff, Ivo 15 2011 Geography of log models: theory and applications. Zbl 1234.14014 Shokurov, Vyacheslav V.; Choi, Sung Rak 15 2011 Metric subregularity of order \(q\) and the solving of inclusions. Zbl 1209.49053 Gaydu, Michaël; Geoffroy, Michel H.; Jean-Alexis, Célia 15 2011 Karhunen-Loève expansions of \(\alpha\)-Wiener bridges. Zbl 1228.60047 Barczy, Mátyás; Iglói, Endre 15 2011 Paraquaternionic CR-submanifolds of paraquaternionic Kähler manifolds and semi-Riemannian submersions. Zbl 1202.53054 Ianuş, Stere; Marchiafava, Stefano; Vîlcu, Gabriel Eduard 15 2010 Walsh-Marcinkiewicz means and Hardy spaces. Zbl 1300.42003 Nagy, Károly; Tephnadze, George 15 2014 The prime and maximal spectra and the reticulation of BL-algebras. Zbl 1039.03052 Leuştean, Laurenţiu 14 2003 A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an exponential attractor. Zbl 1030.37053 Pražák, Dalibor 14 2003 Miura opers and critical points of master functions. Zbl 1108.82011 Mukhin, Evgeny; Varchenko, Alexander 14 2005 A continued fraction of order twelve. Zbl 1176.33020 Mahadeva Naika, M. S.; Dharmendra, B. N.; Shivashankara, K. 14 2008 Choice functions and well-orderings over the infinite binary tree. Zbl 1215.03054 Carayol, Arnaud; Löding, Christof; Niwinski, Damian; Walukiewicz, Igor 14 2010 Harmonicity of vector fields on four-dimensional generalized symmetric spaces. Zbl 1246.53083 Calvaruso, Giovanni 14 2012 Groups with all subgroups permutable or of finite rank. Zbl 1258.20022 Dixon, Martyn R.; Karatas, Yalcin 14 2012 Subnormal, permutable, and embedded subgroups in finite groups. Zbl 1245.20016 Beidleman, James C.; Ragland, Mathew F. 14 2011 The rank of the factor-group modulo the hypercenter and the rank of the some hypocenter of a group. Zbl 1316.20039 Kurdachenko, Leonid A.; Otal, Javier 14 2013 A lower bound for the packing chromatic number of the Cartesian product of cycles. Zbl 1266.05121 Jacobs, Yolandé; Jonck, Elizabeth; Joubert, Ernst J. 14 2013 New bounds for the broadcast domination number of a graph. Zbl 1266.05109 Brewster, Richard C.; Mynhardt, Christina M.; Teshima, Laura E. 14 2013 On ideal equal convergence. Zbl 1315.40004 Filipów, Rafał; Staniszewski, Marcin 14 2014 Hypergeometric solutions of the quantum differential equation of the cotangent bundle of a partial flag variety. Zbl 1294.82016 Tarasov, Vitaly; Varchenko, Alexander 14 2014 Quaternionic geometry of matroids. Zbl 1079.52009 Hausel, Tamás 13 2005 Strengthened Moser’s conjecture, geometry of Grunsky coefficients and Fredholm eigenvalues. Zbl 1135.30007 Krushkal, Samuel 13 2007 On the weak non-defectivity of Veronese embeddings of projective spaces. Zbl 1106.14040 Ballico, Edoardo 13 2005 Some non-local problems for the parabolic-hyperbolic type equation with non-characteristic line of changing type. Zbl 1098.35116 Berdyshev, A. S.; Karimov, E. T. 13 2006 Dirac and Plateau billiards in domains with corners. Zbl 1315.53027 Gromov, Misha 58 2014 On the nonlocal Cauchy problem for semilinear fractional order evolution equations. Zbl 1296.26035 Wang, JinRong; Zhou, Yong; Fečkan, Michal 24 2014 Some global results for nonlinear fourth order eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1305.34033 Aliyev, Ziyatkhan S. 22 2014 Asymptotic behavior of a sixth-order Cahn-Hilliard system. Zbl 1286.35047 Miranville, Alain 19 2014 Functions on adjacent vertex degrees of trees with given degree sequence. Zbl 1295.05080 Wang, Hua 19 2014 Multigeometric sequences and cantorvals. Zbl 1298.40001 Bartoszewicz, Artur; Filipczak, Małgorzata; Szymonik, Emilia 18 2014 Plateau-Stein manifolds. Zbl 1293.31006 Gromov, Misha 16 2014 Walsh-Marcinkiewicz means and Hardy spaces. Zbl 1300.42003 Nagy, Károly; Tephnadze, George 15 2014 On ideal equal convergence. Zbl 1315.40004 Filipów, Rafał; Staniszewski, Marcin 14 2014 Hypergeometric solutions of the quantum differential equation of the cotangent bundle of a partial flag variety. Zbl 1294.82016 Tarasov, Vitaly; Varchenko, Alexander 14 2014 Existence and uniqueness of solutions to weakly singular integral-algebraic and integro-differential equations. Zbl 1292.45005 Bulatov, Mikhail V.; Lima, Pedro M.; Weinmüller, Ewa B. 13 2014 A classification of the torsion tensors on almost contact manifolds with B-metric. Zbl 1310.53069 Manev, Mancho; Ivanova, Miroslava 13 2014 Integration over homogeneous spaces for classical Lie groups using iterated residues at infinity. Zbl 1300.57035 Zielenkiewicz, Magdalena 12 2014 Generalized John disks. Zbl 1294.30037 Guo, Chang-Yu; Koskela, Pekka 11 2014 Local-global principle for congruence subgroups of Chevalley groups. Zbl 1302.20047 Apte, Himanee; Stepanov, Alexei 11 2014 On the number of terms in the middle of almost split sequences over cycle-finite Artin algebras. Zbl 1295.16009 Malicki, Piotr; de la Peña, José Antonio; Skowroński, Andrzej 10 2014 A recursion operator for the universal hierarchy equation via Cartan’s method of equivalence. Zbl 1404.58030 Morozov, Oleg I. 10 2014 Second order BVPs with state dependent impulses via lower and upper functions. Zbl 1302.34049 Rachůnková, Irena; Tomeček, Jan 9 2014 Equations in simple matrix groups: algebra, geometry, arithmetic, dynamics. Zbl 1294.20056 Bandman, Tatiana; Garion, Shelly; Kunyavskiĭ, Boris 9 2014 Integrable systems and group actions. Zbl 1288.53077 Miranda, Eva 9 2014 A reverse engineering approach to the Weil representation. Zbl 1297.22008 Aubert, Anne-Marie; Przebinda, Tomasz 9 2014 Abelian varieties over fields of finite characteristic. Zbl 1296.11068 Zarhin, Yuri G. 9 2014 A bound for the Milnor number of plane curve singularities. Zbl 1310.14010 Płoski, Arkadiusz 9 2014 Note on group distance magic complete bipartite graphs. Zbl 1284.05122 Cichacz, Sylwia 8 2014 Weighted inequalities for some integral operators with rough kernels. Zbl 1284.42040 Riveros, María Silvina; Urciuolo, Marta 8 2014 Rich families and elementary submodels. Zbl 1323.46014 Cúth, Marek; Kalenda, Ondřej F. K. 8 2014 Milnor fibration at infinity for mixed polynomials. Zbl 1311.32011 Chen, Ying 7 2014 Left-right noncommutative Poisson algebras. Zbl 1369.17002 Casas, José M.; Datuashvili, Tamar; Ladra, Manuel 7 2014 Some weak covering properties and infinite games. Zbl 1298.54014 Sakai, Masami 7 2014 The algebraic fundamental group of a reductive group scheme over an arbitrary base scheme. Zbl 1291.14066 Borovoi, Mikhail; González-Avilés, Cristian D. 7 2014 Ground states for asymptotically periodic Schrödinger-Poisson systems with critical growth. Zbl 1300.35033 Zhang, Hui; Xu, Junxiang; Zhang, Fubao; Du, Miao 7 2014 Quasi-minimal rotational surfaces in pseudo-Euclidean four-dimensional space. Zbl 1296.53033 Ganchev, Georgi; Milousheva, Velichka 7 2014 Composition results for strongly summing and dominated multilinear operators. Zbl 1308.47063 Popa, Dumitru 7 2014 The Mukai conjecture for log Fano manifolds. Zbl 1408.14126 Fujita, Kento 6 2014 Interior and closure operators on bounded residuated lattices. Zbl 1408.03037 Rachůnek, Jiří; Svoboda, Zdeněk 6 2014 Existence of mild solutions for semilinear differential equations with nonlocal and impulsive conditions. Zbl 1417.34057 Olszowy, Leszek 6 2014 Game saturation of intersecting families. Zbl 1292.05255 Patkós, Balázs; Vizer, Máté 6 2014 The closures of arithmetic progressions in the common division topology on the set of positive integers. Zbl 1304.54007 Szczuka, Paulina 6 2014 Compact differences of composition operators on weighted Dirichlet spaces. Zbl 1312.47027 Allen, Robert F.; Heller, Katherine C.; Pons, Matthew A. 6 2014 On colored set partitions of type \(B_n\). Zbl 1292.05049 Wang, David G. L. 6 2014 Classification of solvable groups possessing a unique nonlinear non-faithful irreducible character. Zbl 1287.20013 Saeidi, Amin 5 2014 Ordinal ultrafilters versus P-hierarchy. Zbl 1326.03055 Starosolski, Andrzej 5 2014 Maximal pseudocompact spaces and the Preiss-Simon property. Zbl 1290.54013 Alas, Ofelia T.; Tkachuk, Vladimir V.; Wilson, Richard G. 5 2014 Rationality of the quotient of \(\mathbb P^2\) by finite group of automorphisms over arbitrary field of characteristic zero. Zbl 1288.14009 Trepalin, Andrey S. 5 2014 On certain properties of linear iterative equations. Zbl 1314.34032 Ndogmo, Jean-Claude; Mahomed, Fazal M. 5 2014 Topological spaces compact with respect to a set of filters. Zbl 1297.54011 Lipparini, Paolo 5 2014 Novikov homology, jump loci and Massey products. Zbl 1308.55003 Kohno, Toshitake; Pajitnov, Andrei 5 2014 Parity-alternating permutations and successions. Zbl 1292.05014 Munagi, Augustine O. 5 2014 Isomorphic Schauder decompositions in certain Banach spaces. Zbl 1308.47011 Marchenko, Vitalii 5 2014 Super-De Morgan functions and free De Morgan quasilattices. Zbl 1346.08004 Movsisyan, Yuri M.; Aslanyan, Vahagn A. 5 2014 A maximum degree theorem for diameter-2-critical graphs. Zbl 1297.05074 Haynes, Teresa W.; Henning, Michael A.; van der Merwe, Lucas C.; Yeo, Anders 5 2014 Helicoidal surfaces in Minkowski space with constant mean curvature and constant Gauss curvature. Zbl 1295.53008 López, Rafael; Demir, Esma 5 2014 Binary codes and partial permutation decoding sets from the odd graphs. Zbl 1343.94087 Fish, Washiela; Fray, Roland; Mwambene, Eric 5 2014 The jump of the Milnor number in the \(X_9\) singularity class. Zbl 1286.32014 Brzostowski, Szymon; Krasiński, Tadeusz 4 2014 Minkowski’s inequality and sums of squares. 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