Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A I. Mathematica Short Title: Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., Ser. A I, Math. Publisher: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Helsinki ISSN: 0066-1953 Online: Predecessor: Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A I Successor: Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 607 Publications (1975–1995) all top 5 Latest Issues 20, No. 2 (1995) 20, No. 1 (1995) 19, No. 2 (1994) 19, No. 1 (1994) 18, No. 2 (1993) 18, No. 1 (1993) 17, No. 2 (1992) 17, No. 1 (1992) 16, No. 2 (1991) 16, No. 1 (1991) 15, No. 2 (1990) 15, No. 1 (1990) 14, No. 2 (1989) 14, No. 1 (1989) 13, No. 3 (1989) 13, No. 2 (1988) 13, No. 1 (1988) 12, No. 2 (1987) 12, No. 1 (1987) 11 (1986) 10 (1985) 9 (1984) 8 (1983) 7 (1982) 6 (1981) 5 (1980) 4 (1979) 3 (1977) 2 (1976) 1 (1975) all top 5 Authors 16 Tukia, Pekka 15 Väisälä, Jussi 14 Toppila, Sakari 12 Martio, Olli 10 Järvi, Pentti 10 Lehtinen, Matti 10 Tammi, Olli 8 Rickman, Seppo Uolevi 7 Baker, Irvine Noel 7 Luukkainen, Jouni 7 Purmonen, Veikko T. 7 Ramachandra, Kanakanahalli 7 Vuorinen, Matti Keijo Kustaa 6 Aulaskari, Rauno 6 Mattila, Pertti 6 Reich, Edgar 5 Doppel, Karl 5 Krushkal, Samuel L. 5 Kühnau, Reiner 5 Lappan, Peter A. 5 Näätänen, Marjatta 5 Niemi, Hannu 5 Pommerenke, Christian 5 Saranen, Jukka 5 Sarvas, Jukka 5 Schober, Glenn Edward 4 Agard, Stephen 4 Ahlfors, Lars Valerian 4 Carleson, Lennart 4 Fehlmann, Richard 4 Fuchs, Wolfgang H. J. 4 Gauld, David B. 4 Hayman, Walter Kurt 4 Krzyż, Jan Grzegorz 4 Laine, Ilpo 4 Lehto, Olli E. 4 Louhivaara, Ilppo Simo 4 Pfluger, Albert 4 Rippon, Philip Jonathan 4 Salomaa, Arto Kustaa 4 Sario, Leo 4 Strebel, Kurt 4 Yamashita, Shinji 3 Astala, Kari 3 Bers, Lipman 3 Clunie, James Gourlay 3 Earle, Clifford J. 3 Eriksson-Bique, Sirkka-Liisa A. 3 Essén, Matts Raguel 3 Fuglede, Bent 3 Gehring, Frederick William 3 Gross, Herbert 3 Gundersen, Gary G. 3 Haario, Heikki 3 Heinonen, Juha 3 Heins, Maurice Haskell 3 Iwaniec, Tadeusz 3 Kilpeläinen, Tero 3 Kortram, Ronald A. 3 Koskela, Pekka 3 Li, Zhong 3 Lindqvist, Peter 3 Maskit, Bernard 3 Mustonen, Vesa 3 Nakai, Mitsuru 3 Schiffer, Menahem Max 3 Simader, Christian Georg 3 Sorjonen, Pekka 3 Srebro, Uri 3 Steinmetz, Norbert 3 Vamanamurthy, Mavina Krishna 3 Watson, Neil A. 3 Ylinen, Kari 2 Aikawa, Hiroaki 2 Anandam, Victor 2 Anderson, Glen Douglas 2 Andreian Cazacu, Cabiria 2 Arumaraj, Y. E. 2 Berman, Robert D. 2 Bhattacharyya, Prodipeswar 2 Bojarski, Bogdan 2 Brannan, David Alexander 2 Chuaqui, Martin 2 Constantinescu, Corneliu 2 Drasin, David 2 Duren, Peter Larkin 2 Edrei, Albert 2 Eremenko, Alexandre 2 Erkama, Timo 2 Gardiner, Stephen J. 2 Gevirtz, Julian 2 Granlund, Seppo 2 Győry, Kálmán 2 Haliste, Kersti 2 Hamilton, David H. 2 Herron, David A. 2 Hidalgo, Rubén Antonio 2 Jacob, Niels 2 Jørgensen, Troels 2 Kaufman, Robert P. ...and 324 more Authors all top 5 Fields 374 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 66 Potential theory (31-XX) 49 Functional analysis (46-XX) 45 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 39 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 32 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 28 Number theory (11-XX) 21 Operator theory (47-XX) 21 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 18 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 18 Measure and integration (28-XX) 15 Differential geometry (53-XX) 13 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 11 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 10 Real functions (26-XX) 10 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 10 Statistics (62-XX) 9 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 8 General topology (54-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 7 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 6 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Special functions (33-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 431 Publications have been cited 4,626 times in 3,692 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Harmonic univalent functions. Zbl 0506.30007 Clunie, J.; Sheil-Small, T. 427 1984 Injectivity theorems in plane and space. Zbl 0406.30013 Martio, O.; Sarvas, J. 214 1979 Quasisymmetric embeddings of metric spaces. Zbl 0403.54005 Tukia, P.; Väisälä, J. 181 1980 Analytical foundations of the theory of quasiconformal mappings in \(R^ n\). Zbl 0548.30016 Bojarski, B.; Iwaniec, T. 109 1983 Hausdorff dimension, orthogonal projections and intersections with planes. Zbl 0348.28019 Mattila, Pertti 101 1975 Dimension conforme et sphère à l’infini des variétés à courbure négative. (Conformal dimension and the ideal boundary of manifolds with negative curvature). Zbl 0722.53028 Pansu, Pierre 75 1989 The domains of normality of an entire function. Zbl 0329.30019 Baker, I. N. 73 1975 Weighted Sobolev spaces and capacity. Zbl 0801.46037 Kilpeläinen, Tero 73 1994 Lipschitz classes and quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0584.30018 Gehring, F. W.; Martio, O. 71 1985 Some properties of weak solutions of nonlinear scalar field equations. Zbl 0729.35023 Li, Gongbao 66 1990 Solutions de l’équation de Beltrami avec \(\| \mu \| _{\infty}=1\). (Solutions of the Beltrami equation with \(\| \mu \| _{\infty}=1)\). Zbl 0619.30024 David, Guy 60 1988 Comparison of hyperbolic and extremal lengths. Zbl 0587.30043 Maskit, Bernard 58 1985 Elements of Lipschitz topology. Zbl 0397.57011 Luukkainen, J.; Väisälä, J. 53 1977 Free quasiconformality in Banach spaces. II. Zbl 0761.30014 Väisälä, Jussi 49 1991 Hardy-Littlewood inequality for quasiregular mappings in certain domains in \(R^ n\). Zbl 0588.30023 Iwaniec, T.; Nolder, C. A. 48 1985 Lipschitz und quasiconformal approximation and extension. Zbl 0448.30021 Tukia, P.; Vaeisaelae, J. 48 1981 L\({}^ p\)-averaging domains and the Poincaré inequality. Zbl 0706.26010 Staples, Susan G. 45 1989 Definitions for uniform domains. Zbl 0469.30017 Martio, O. 41 1980 Convergence properties for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. Zbl 0629.35055 Sjögren, Peter; Sjölin, Per 40 1989 Free quasiconformality in Banach spaces. I. Zbl 0696.30022 Väisälä, Jussi 40 1990 The components of a Julia set. Zbl 0757.30034 Beardon, A. F. 39 1991 On the Green’s function of Fuchsian groups. Zbl 0363.30029 Pommerenke, Ch. 38 1976 Iteration of exponential functions. Zbl 0558.30029 Baker, I. N.; Rippon, P. J. 38 1984 The planar Schönflies theorem for Lipschitz maps. Zbl 0411.57015 Tukia, Pekka 37 1980 On \(L^p\)-integrability in PDE’s and quasiregular mappings for large exponents. Zbl 0505.30011 Iwaniec, Tadeusz 35 1982 Teichmüller space is not Gromov hyperbolic. Zbl 0878.32015 Masur, Howard A.; Wolf, Michael 34 1995 The exponent of convergence of Riemann surfaces. Bass Riemann surfaces. Zbl 0702.30046 Fernández, J. L.; Rodríguez, J. M. 34 1990 On the preservation of direction-convexity and the Goodman-Saff conjecture. Zbl 0674.30009 Ruscheweyh, Stephan; Salinas, Luis C. 31 1989 Exponential integrability of the quasi-hyperbolic metric on Hölder domains. Zbl 0725.46024 Smith, Wayne; Stegenga, David A. 30 1992 On the support of harmonic measure for sets of Cantor type. Zbl 0593.31004 Carleson, Lennart 30 1985 Analytic surfaces in \({\mathbb{C}}^ 2\) and their local hull of holomorphy. Zbl 0585.32007 Moser, Jürgen 28 1985 Null sets for doubling and dyadic doubling measures. Zbl 0791.28003 Wu, Jang-Mei 28 1993 Bilipschitz mappings and strong \(A_ \infty\) weights. Zbl 0742.46010 Semmes, Stephen 27 1992 Exhaustions of John domains. Zbl 0788.30011 Väisälä, Jussi 26 1994 A problem of Julia sets. Zbl 0606.30030 Baker, I. N.; Eremenko, A. 25 1987 On the real zeros of solutions of \(f''+A(z)f=0\) where A(z) is entire. Zbl 0607.34007 Gundersen, Gary G. 25 1986 Symmetric and selfadjoint relations in Krein spaces. II. Zbl 0593.47039 Dijksma, A.; de Snoo, H. S. V. 25 1987 Wandering domains for maps of the punctered plane. Zbl 0606.30029 Baker, I. N. 24 1987 On the fixed points of Möbius transformations in \({\mathbb{R}}^n\). Zbl 0586.30045 Ahlfors, Lars V. 24 1985 Negatively curved groups have the convergence property. I. Zbl 0847.20031 Freden, Eric M. 24 1995 On the structure of self-similar fractals. Zbl 0468.57013 Mattila, Pertti 24 1982 Hausdorff dimension and exceptional sets of linear transformations. Zbl 0348.28020 Kaufman, R.; Mattila, P. 23 1975 On the limit functions of iterates in wandering domains. Zbl 0793.30022 Bergweiler, Walter; Haruta, Mako; Kriete, Hartje; Meier, Hans-Günter; Terglane, Norbert 23 1993 Free quasiconformality in Banach spaces. III. Zbl 0761.30015 Väisälä, Jussi 23 1992 Compactness properties of \(\mu\)-homeomorphisms. Zbl 0692.30017 Tukia, Pekka 22 1990 Subordination chains and quasiconformal extension of holomorphic maps in \(\mathbb{C}^n\). Zbl 0314.32001 Pfaltzgraff, J. A. 21 1975 The \(L^ 2\)-cohomology of negatively curved Riemannian symmetric spaces. Zbl 0586.57022 Borel, Armand 21 1985 A note on Wiman and Accola-Maclachlan surfaces. Zbl 0766.30036 Kulkarni, Ravi S. 21 1991 Carleson measure, atomic decomposition and free interpolation from Bloch space. Zbl 0816.30025 Xiao, Jie 21 1994 Uniform limits of certain \(A\)-harmonic functions with applications to quasiregular mappings. Zbl 0727.35022 Eremenko, Alexandre; Lewis, John L. 21 1992 A quasiconformal group not isomorphic to a Moebius group. Zbl 0443.30026 Tukia, Pekka 21 1981 Extension of quasisymmetric and Lipschitz embeddings of the real line into the plane. Zbl 0431.30011 Tukia, Pekka 20 1981 On the Nash-Moser implicit function theorem. Zbl 0591.58003 Hörmander, Lars 20 1985 Meromorphic solutions of the Riccati differential equation. Zbl 0493.34007 Bank, Steven B.; Gundersen, Gary G.; Laine, Ilpo 20 1981 On two-dimensional quasiconformal groups. Zbl 0411.30038 Tukia, Pekka 19 1980 Hyperbolicity in complex analysis. Zbl 0696.53038 Royden, H. L. 19 1989 On the growth of solutions of certain linear differential equations. Zbl 0759.34005 Hellerstein, Simon; Miles, Joseph; Rossi, John 19 1992 Bilipschitz and quasisymmetric extension properties. Zbl 0607.30019 Väisälä, Jussi 18 1986 A uniqueness theorem for three meromorphic functions. Zbl 0665.30033 Steinmetz, Norbert 18 1988 Extremal length and the boundary behavior of conformal mappings. Zbl 0348.30007 Rodin, Burton; Warschawski, S. E. 17 1976 Old and new Möbius groups. Zbl 0548.30035 Ahlfors, Lars V. 17 1984 Extension of embeddings close to isometries or similarities. Zbl 0533.30020 Tukia, P.; Väisälä, J. 17 1984 Nielsen extensions of Riemann surfaces. Zbl 0352.30014 Bers, Lipman 16 1976 The spherical derivative and normal functions. Zbl 0387.30018 Lappan, Peter 16 1977 Mori’s theorem for \(n\)-dimensional quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0615.30018 Fehlmann, R.; Vuorinen, M. 16 1988 Remarks on the stability of reverse Hölder inequalities and quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0582.30016 Bojarski, B. 16 1985 Non-uniqueness of geodesics in infinite-dimensional Teichmüller spaces. II. Zbl 0801.32006 Li, Zhong 16 1993 Quasikonforme Fortsetzbarkeit, Fredholmsche Eigenwerte und Grunskysche Koeffizientenbedingungen. Zbl 0488.30013 Kühnau, Reiner 16 1982 The Fekete-Szegö inequality by a variational method. Zbl 0598.30031 Pfluger, Albert 16 1985 Finely harmonic mappings and finely holomorphic functions. Zbl 0345.31008 Fuglede, Bent 15 1976 On Teichmüller spaces of tori. Zbl 0314.30016 Sorvali, Tuomas 15 1975 Rings of functions in Lipschitz topology. Zbl 0412.54014 Luukkainen, Jouni 15 1979 Spektralfunktionen einer Klasse von Differentialoperatoren zweiter Ordnung mit nichtlinearem Eigenwertparameter. Zbl 0371.34014 Langer, Heinz 14 1976 On contractions similar to isometries and Toeplitz operators. Zbl 0324.47005 Sz.-Nagy, Béla; Foiaş, Ciprian 14 1976 Local and global integrability of gradients in obstacle problems. Zbl 0803.35059 Li, Gongbao; Martio, Olli 14 1994 Higher integrability with weights. Zbl 0816.26007 Kinnunen, Juha 14 1994 Quasinormable spaces and the problem of topologies of Grothendieck. Zbl 0789.46006 Peris, Alfredo 14 1994 Constructing pairs of pants. Zbl 0673.30032 Basmajian, Ara 14 1990 Reflection principle for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations and quasiregular mappings. Zbl 0473.30016 Martio, O. 14 1981 Patterson measure and ubiquity. Zbl 0816.11043 Dodson, M. M.; Melián, M. V.; Pestana, D.; Velani, S. L. 13 1995 Some homeomorphisms of the sphere conformal off a curve. Zbl 0810.30007 Bishop, Christopher J. 13 1994 Tangential limits of monotone Sobolev functions. Zbl 0852.31008 Mizuta, Yoshihiro 13 1995 Application of Hoare’s theorem to symmetries of Riemann surfaces. Zbl 0794.30029 Bujalance, E.; Costa, A. F.; Singerman, D. 13 1993 F-harmonic measure in space. Zbl 0468.30015 Granlund, S.; Lindqvist, P.; Martio, O. 13 1982 Functions of uniformly bounded characteristic. Zbl 0515.30019 Yamashita, Shinji 13 1982 On criteria for unique extremality of Teichmüller mappings. Zbl 0448.30023 Reich, Edgar 13 1981 On hyperelliptic Schottky groups. Zbl 0465.30040 Keen, Linda 13 1980 Fourier transforms of noncommutative analogues of vector measures and bimeasures with applications to stochastic processes. Zbl 0326.43009 Ylinen, Kari 12 1975 On orthogonally scattered dilations of bounded vector measures. Zbl 0367.46041 Niemi, Hannu 12 1977 Some remarks on the mean value of the Riemann zeta-function and other Dirichlet series. III. Zbl 0411.10015 Ramachandra, K. 12 1980 Quasicircles and harmonic measure. Zbl 0563.30016 Krzyż, Jan G. 12 1987 On the Hausdorff dimension of quasicircles. Zbl 0606.30023 Becker, J.; Pommerenke, Ch. 12 1987 On the frequency of Titchmarsh’s phenomenon for \(\zeta(s)\). VII. Zbl 0628.10041 Ramachandra, K. 12 1988 On the tangent space to the universal Teichmüller space. Zbl 0794.32020 Nag, Subhashis 12 1993 A class of meromorphic functions with no wandering domains. Zbl 0724.30023 Stallard, Gwyneth M. 12 1992 On ultrapseudocompact and related spaces. Zbl 0396.54009 Nieminen, T. 11 1977 An extension of the Riesz-Herglotz formula. Zbl 0416.30019 Hayman, W. K.; Korenblum, B. 11 1976 A note on geodesics in infinite-dimensional Teichmüller spaces. Zbl 0856.30033 Li, Zhong 11 1995 Extensions with bounded \(\bar \partial\)-derivative. Zbl 0757.30023 Reich, Edgar; Chen, Jixiu 11 1991 On conformal welding homeomorphisms associated to Jordan curves. Zbl 0688.30003 Katznelson, Y.; Nag, Subhashis; Sullivan, Dennis P. 11 1990 Teichmüller space is not Gromov hyperbolic. Zbl 0878.32015 Masur, Howard A.; Wolf, Michael 34 1995 Negatively curved groups have the convergence property. I. Zbl 0847.20031 Freden, Eric M. 24 1995 Patterson measure and ubiquity. Zbl 0816.11043 Dodson, M. M.; Melián, M. V.; Pestana, D.; Velani, S. L. 13 1995 Tangential limits of monotone Sobolev functions. Zbl 0852.31008 Mizuta, Yoshihiro 13 1995 A note on geodesics in infinite-dimensional Teichmüller spaces. Zbl 0856.30033 Li, Zhong 11 1995 Wandering domains in the iteration of compositions of entire functions. Zbl 0821.30019 Baker, I. N.; Singh, Anand P. 9 1995 Invariant sets for \(\mathcal{A}\)-harmonic measure. Zbl 0851.31010 Kurki, Jukka 6 1995 Exact coefficient estimates for univalent functions with quasiconformal extension. Zbl 0846.30014 Krushkal, Samuel L. 6 1995 Geometric uniformization in genus 2. Zbl 0856.30031 Kuusalo, T.; Näätänen, M. 5 1995 A note on counting cuspidal excursions. Zbl 0849.58052 Stratmann, Bernd 5 1995 Teichmüller spaces are not starlike. Zbl 0817.30021 Krushkal, Samuel L. 4 1995 Locally uniform domains and quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0823.30013 Herron, David A.; Koskela, Pekka 4 1995 Abelian coverings, Poincaré exponent of convergence and holomorphic deformations. Zbl 0820.30012 Astala, K.; Zinsmeister, M. 3 1995 On Nevanlinna’s secondary deficiency. Zbl 0820.30022 Ye, Zhuan 3 1995 Nonremovable Cantor sets for bounded quasiregular mappings. Zbl 0823.30012 Rickman, Seppo 3 1995 A trace-class rigidity theorem for Kleinian groups. Zbl 0861.57017 Perry, Peter A. 3 1995 On the existence of Jenkins-Strebel differentials using harmonic maps from surfaces to graphs. Zbl 0846.30019 Wolf, Michael 3 1995 Strongly uniform domains and periodic quasiconformal maps. Zbl 0822.30023 Heinonen, Juha; Yang, Shanshuang 2 1995 A sharp result concerning cercles de remplissage. Zbl 0817.30016 Rossi, John 2 1995 Defect relation and its realization for quasiregular mappings. Zbl 0851.30009 Rickman, Seppo 2 1995 Quasiconformal groups acting on \(B^ 3\) that are not quasiconformally conjugate to Möbius groups. Zbl 0851.30008 Ghamsari, Manouchehr 2 1995 On integrals of harmonic functions over annuli. Zbl 0831.31003 Korenblum, B.; Rippon, P. J.; Samotij, K. 1 1995 Weighted Sobolev spaces and capacity. Zbl 0801.46037 Kilpeläinen, Tero 73 1994 Exhaustions of John domains. Zbl 0788.30011 Väisälä, Jussi 26 1994 Carleson measure, atomic decomposition and free interpolation from Bloch space. Zbl 0816.30025 Xiao, Jie 21 1994 Local and global integrability of gradients in obstacle problems. Zbl 0803.35059 Li, Gongbao; Martio, Olli 14 1994 Higher integrability with weights. Zbl 0816.26007 Kinnunen, Juha 14 1994 Quasinormable spaces and the problem of topologies of Grothendieck. Zbl 0789.46006 Peris, Alfredo 14 1994 Some homeomorphisms of the sphere conformal off a curve. Zbl 0810.30007 Bishop, Christopher J. 13 1994 On Schottky groups with automorphisms. Zbl 0821.30029 Hidalgo, Rubén A. 10 1994 The Pick version of the Schwarz lemma and comparison of the Poincaré densities. Zbl 0823.30014 Yamashita, Shinji 9 1994 The mixed elliptically fixed point property for Kleinian groups. Zbl 0815.30032 Hidalgo, Rubén A. 7 1994 Zeta functions of rational functions are rational. Zbl 0790.30015 Hinkkanen, A. 5 1994 Quasiconformal equivalence of spherical CR manifolds. Zbl 0797.30016 Miner, Robert R. 5 1994 Applications of geometric measure theory to the study of Gauss- Weierstrass and Poisson integrals. Zbl 0793.31001 Watson, Neil A. 4 1994 On the dimension of limit sets of geometrically finite Möbius groups. Zbl 0789.30032 Tukia, Pekka 3 1994 Further results on Borel removable sets of entire functions. Zbl 0791.30023 Wu, Shengjian 3 1994 Quasisymmetric embeddings of products of cells into the Euclidean space. Zbl 0807.30011 Alestalo, Pekka; Väisälä, Jussi 3 1994 An ideal boundary for domains in \(n\)-space. Zbl 0797.30015 Soderborg, Nathan 3 1994 On multipliers for \(\text{BMO}_ \phi\) on general domains. Zbl 0809.42003 Gotoh, Yasuhiro 2 1994 On some properties of Hausdorff content related to instability. Zbl 0805.28004 Mattila, Pertti; Orobitg, Joan 2 1994 Conformal invariants in the punctured unit disk. Zbl 0816.30016 Anderson, G. D.; Lehtinen, M.; Vuorinen, M. 1 1994 Null sets for doubling and dyadic doubling measures. Zbl 0791.28003 Wu, Jang-Mei 28 1993 On the limit functions of iterates in wandering domains. Zbl 0793.30022 Bergweiler, Walter; Haruta, Mako; Kriete, Hartje; Meier, Hans-Günter; Terglane, Norbert 23 1993 Non-uniqueness of geodesics in infinite-dimensional Teichmüller spaces. II. Zbl 0801.32006 Li, Zhong 16 1993 Application of Hoare’s theorem to symmetries of Riemann surfaces. Zbl 0794.30029 Bujalance, E.; Costa, A. F.; Singerman, D. 13 1993 On the tangent space to the universal Teichmüller space. Zbl 0794.32020 Nag, Subhashis 12 1993 Quasiadditivity of capacity and minimal thinness. Zbl 0795.31005 Aikawa, Hiroaki 9 1993 Some results on the Pompeiu problem. Zbl 0793.30034 Ebenfelt, Peter 8 1993 Meromorphic functions whose Julia sets contain a free Jordan arc. Zbl 0793.30024 Stallard, Gwyneth M. 7 1993 A uniqueness theorem for monogenic functions. Zbl 0784.30031 Winkler, Jörg 6 1993 Graphs and functional equations. Zbl 0785.30011 Hansen, Lowell J.; Shapiro, Harold S. 4 1993 Dual results of factorization for operators. Zbl 0795.46013 Gonzalez, Manuel 3 1993 On the relative Schoenflies theorem. Zbl 0781.30016 Luukkainen, Jouni 3 1993 The mapping by heights for quadratic differentials in the disk. Zbl 0783.30019 Strebel, Kurt 3 1993 A cellular parametrization for closed surfaces with a distinguished point. Zbl 0779.30031 Näätänen, Marjatta 2 1993 Functional identities for special functions of quasiconformal theory. Zbl 0781.30019 Zając, J. 2 1993 On a theorem of Nehari and quasidiscs. Zbl 0779.30013 Chuaqui, Martin 2 1993 A \(PLY\) inequality for Kleinian groups. Zbl 0783.30033 Petersen, Carsten Lunde 1 1993 Cyclic parabolic quasiconformal groups that are not quasiconformal conjugates of Möbius groups. Zbl 0781.30017 Mayer, Volker 1 1993 Univalent functions of given transfinite diameter: A maximum modulus problem. Zbl 0799.30014 Cunningham, Robin 1 1993 Approximation of the Hersch-Pfluger distortion function. Zbl 0793.30013 Partyka, Dariusz 1 1993 Exponential integrability of the quasi-hyperbolic metric on Hölder domains. Zbl 0725.46024 Smith, Wayne; Stegenga, David A. 30 1992 Bilipschitz mappings and strong \(A_ \infty\) weights. Zbl 0742.46010 Semmes, Stephen 27 1992 Free quasiconformality in Banach spaces. III. Zbl 0761.30015 Väisälä, Jussi 23 1992 Uniform limits of certain \(A\)-harmonic functions with applications to quasiregular mappings. Zbl 0727.35022 Eremenko, Alexandre; Lewis, John L. 21 1992 On the growth of solutions of certain linear differential equations. Zbl 0759.34005 Hellerstein, Simon; Miles, Joseph; Rossi, John 19 1992 A class of meromorphic functions with no wandering domains. Zbl 0724.30023 Stallard, Gwyneth M. 12 1992 Unbounded Poincaré domains. Zbl 0768.46021 Hurri-Syrjänen, Ritva 11 1992 Martingale-difference Gibbs random fields and central limit theorem. Zbl 0789.60043 Nahapetian, B. S.; Petrosian, A. N. 10 1992 Finite order solutions of nonhomogeneous linear differential equations. Zbl 0765.34004 Gundersen, Gary G.; Steinbart, Enid M. 10 1992 A class of operator-valued meromorphic functions on the unit disc. Zbl 0788.47008 Jonas, Peter 8 1992 On the angle for stationary random fields. Zbl 0805.60046 Miamee, A. G.; Niemi, H. 3 1992 The Schwarzian derivative and quasiconformal reflections on \(S^ n\). Zbl 0763.53016 Chuaqui, Martin 3 1992 Pointwise differentiability of weak solutions of parabolic equations with measurable coefficients. Zbl 0764.35045 Strzelecki, Paweł 2 1992 Consistent statistical estimation in semimartingale models of stochastic approximation. Zbl 0786.62084 Melnikov, A. V.; Rodkina, A. E. 2 1992 On the zeros of a class of generalised Dirichlet series. VII. Zbl 0726.11050 Ramachandra, K. 2 1992 Quasiconformal extremals of non-regular functionals. Zbl 0739.30018 Krushkal, Samuel L. 2 1992 Brownian motion in a closed convex polygon with normal reflection. Zbl 0765.60080 Helms, L. L. 1 1992 Lipschitz classes of solutions to certain elliptic equations. Zbl 0764.35040 Nolder, Craig A. 1 1992 Recognizing the three best of a sequence. Zbl 0789.60042 Lehtinen, A. 1 1992 On reparametrization and asymptotically optimal minimax estimation in a generalized autoregressive model. Zbl 0786.62083 Pergamentshikov, S. M.; Shiryaev, A. N. 1 1992 Central limit theorem for the solution of the multidimensional Burgers equation with random data. Zbl 0788.60034 Bulinskij, A. V. 1 1992 Generalizations of Rosenthal’s inequalities. Zbl 0796.60019 Petrov, V. V. 1 1992 Cutting Markovian trees. Zbl 0783.60081 Salminen, Paavo 1 1992 New parameters of Teichmüller spaces of Riemann surfaces of genus two. Zbl 0764.30032 Min, Chen 1 1992 Semilinear perturbation of linear harmonic spaces. Zbl 0768.31011 Van Gool, Frans 1 1992 Free quasiconformality in Banach spaces. II. Zbl 0761.30014 Väisälä, Jussi 49 1991 The components of a Julia set. Zbl 0757.30034 Beardon, A. F. 39 1991 A note on Wiman and Accola-Maclachlan surfaces. Zbl 0766.30036 Kulkarni, Ravi S. 21 1991 Extensions with bounded \(\bar \partial\)-derivative. Zbl 0757.30023 Reich, Edgar; Chen, Jixiu 11 1991 Isolated points in the branch locus of the moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces. Zbl 0766.30035 Kulkarni, Ravi S. 10 1991 Harmonic maps and curvature computations in Teichmüller theory. Zbl 0703.32011 Jost, Jürgen 8 1991 Local regularity of solutions to time-dependent Schrödinger equations with smooth potentials. Zbl 0713.35016 Sjögren, Peter; Sjölin, Per 6 1991 The group of biholomorphic self-mappings of Schottky space. Zbl 0749.30027 Earle, Clifford J. 5 1991 On the regularity of solutions of a homogeneous Dirichlet problem for a non-hypoelliptic linear partial differential operator. Zbl 0808.35015 Doppel, K.; Hochmuth, R. 3 1991 Generalized conformal welding. Zbl 0754.30014 Hamilton, David H. 3 1991 Monotone functions and extremal functions for condensers in \({\bar\mathbb{R}}^n\). Zbl 0709.31502 Yang, Shanshuang 3 1991 The Carleson measure and meromorphic functions of uniformly bounded characteristic. Zbl 0760.30014 Pavićević, Ž. 2 1991 Banach spaces with the (CRP) and dominated operators on \(C(K)\). Zbl 0707.47021 Emmanuele, Giovanni 2 1991 ...and 331 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,219 Authors 93 Ponnusamy, Saminathan 47 Wang, Xiantao 39 Koskela, Pekka 38 Vuorinen, Matti Keijo Kustaa 34 Rasila, Antti 28 Zhou, Qingshan 27 Ryazanov, Vladimir Il’ich 25 Chen, Shaolin 25 Rodríguez García, José Manuel 23 Huang, Manzi 22 Hidalgo, Rubén Antonio 21 Shen, Yuliang 20 Bergweiler, Walter 20 Ding, Shusen 20 Iwaniec, Tadeusz 20 Martio, Olli 19 Heinonen, Juha 19 Krushkal, Samuel L. 19 Li, Yaxiang 18 Onninen, Jani 18 Väisälä, Jussi 18 Yalçin, Sibel 17 Hamada, Hidetaka 16 Aseev, Vladislav Vasil’evich 15 Bishop, Christopher James 15 Dorff, Michael John 15 Falconer, Kenneth J. 15 Herron, David A. 15 Kohr, Gabriela 15 Porwal, Saurabh 15 Selmi, Bilel 14 Abdulhadi, Zayid 14 Figueiredo, Giovany Malcher 14 Gutlyanskiĭ, Vladimir Ya. 14 Hernández, Rodrigo 14 Hurri-Syrjānen, Ritva 14 Kaliraj, Anbareeswaran Sairam 14 Mattila, Pertti 14 Orponen, Tuomas 13 Astala, Kari 13 Bshouty, Daoud H. 13 Izquierdo, Milagros 13 Li, Liulan 13 Martin, Gaven J. 13 Salimov, Ruslan Radikovich 13 Sevost’yanov, Yevgen Oleksandrovych 12 Costa Gonzáles, Antonio Félix 12 Fagella, Núria 12 Jahangiri, Jay M. 12 Kalaj, David 12 Liu, Zhihong 12 Shimomura, Tetsu 12 Wen, Shengyou 12 Yang, Shanshuang 12 Yuditskii, Peter Meerovich 11 Aulaskari, Rauno 11 Björn, Jana 11 Fraser, Jonathan MacDonald 11 Gao, Hongya 11 Lewis, John L. 11 Pankka, Pekka 11 Shanmugalingam, Nageswari 11 Yao, Guowu 10 Behrndt, Jussi 10 Chuaqui, Martin 10 Fletcher, Alastair N. 10 Jones, Peter Wilcox 10 Lyzzaik, Abdallah 10 Mingione, Giuseppe 10 Portilla, Ana 10 Sahoo, Swadesh Kumar 10 Trotsenko, Dmitrĭ Aleksandrovich 10 Trunk, Carsten 10 Tyson, Jeremy T. 10 Urbański, Mariusz 10 Vähäkangas, Antti V. 10 Vodop’yanov, Sergeĭ Konstantinovich 10 Wu, Jang-Mei 9 Abu-Muhanna, Yusuf 9 Ali, Rosihan Mohamed 9 Avkhadiev, Farit Gabidinovich 9 Björn, Anders 9 Bonk, Mario 9 Darus, Maslina 9 Guan, Tiantian 9 Gundersen, Gary G. 9 Guo, Changyu 9 He, Yuehui 9 Kovalev, Leonid V. 9 Kühnau, Reiner 9 Lindqvist, Peter 9 Liu, Gang 9 Liu, Lixin 9 Matsuzaki, Katsuhiko 9 Mizuta, Yoshihiro 9 Ntalampekos, Dimitrios 9 Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan 9 Rempe-Gillen, Lasse 9 Sugawa, Toshiyuki 9 Tukia, Pekka ...and 3,119 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 470 Journals 216 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 141 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 119 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 84 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 67 Advances in Mathematics 66 Computational Methods and Function Theory 64 Mathematische Zeitschrift 60 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 56 Mathematische Annalen 55 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 54 Siberian Mathematical Journal 50 Journal of Functional Analysis 41 Monatshefte für Mathematik 41 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 40 Nonlinear Analysis. 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