Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Mathematica Short Title: Ann. Univ. Sci. Budap. Rolando Eötvös, Sect. Math. Publisher: Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest ISSN: 0524-9007 Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; This journal is available open access with a moving wall of 2 years. Documents Indexed: 1,190 Publications (since 1958) all top 5 Latest Issues 66 (2023) 65 (2022) 64 (2021) 63 (2020) 62 (2019) 61 (2018) 60 (2017) 59 (2016) 58 (2015) 57 (2014) 56 (2013) 55 (2012) 52 (2009) 51 (2008) 50 (2007) 49 (2006) 48 (2005) 47 (2004) 46 (2003) 45 (2002) 44 (2001) 43 (2000) 42 (1999) 41 (1998) 40 (1997) 39 (1996) 38 (1995) 37 (1994) 36 (1993) 35 (1992) 34 (1991) 33 (1990) 32 (1989) 31 (1988) 30 (1987) 29 (1986) 28 (1985) 27 (1984) 26 (1983) 25 (1982) 24 (1981) 22-23 (1980) 21 (1978/1979) 20 (1977) 19 (1977) 18 (1976) 17 (1975) 16 (1974) 15 (1973) 14 (1972) 13 (1971) 12 (1969) 11 (1968) 10 (1967) 9 (1966) 8 (1965) 7 (1964) 6 (1964) 5 (1963) 3-4 (1961) 2 (1959) 1 (1958) all top 5 Authors 74 Joó, István 37 Kátai, Imre 26 Noiri, Takashi 23 Császár, Ákos E. 17 Bosznay, Adam P. 16 Jafari, Saeid 16 Popa, Valeriu 12 Erdős, Pál 12 Fried, Ervin 12 Mogyorodi, Jozsef 12 Sebestyén, Zoltán 11 Rajesh, Neelamegarajan 10 Bainov, Drumi Dimitrov 10 Bassily, Nader L. 10 Horváth, Miklós 10 Szász, Paul 9 Mikolás, Miklós 8 Bezdek, Károly 8 Corrádi, K. A. 8 Fehér, János 8 Schipp, Ferenc 7 Bui Minh Phong 7 Sárközy, András 6 Abdel Karim, Rahmi Ibrahim Ibrahim 6 Al-Janabi, Abdul Samee Abdul Razzak 6 Bogmér, Antal 6 Chajda, Ivan 6 Fuchs, László 6 Kárteszi, Ferenc 6 Lajos, Sandor 6 Rényi, Alfréd 6 Turán, Pál 6 Wiegandt, Richard 5 Asaad, Mohamed 5 Baron, Simson 5 Cueva, Miguel Caldas 5 Danchev, Peter Vassilev 5 Deszcz, Ryszard 5 Ekici, Erdal 5 Fawzy, Tharwat 5 Galambos, Janos 5 Hamedani, Gholamhossein G. 5 Hollai, Marta 5 Horváth, Jenő 5 Ishak, Shahrul Nizam 5 Juhász, István 5 Kis, Ottó 5 Komornik, Vilmos 5 Leseberg, Dieter 5 Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S. 5 Simon, László 5 Székely, Gábor J. 5 Szenthe, János 5 Temesvári, Ágota H. 5 Vermes, P. 4 Alzer, Horst 4 Császár, Klára 4 Csörgő, Piroska 4 Deák, Ervin 4 Eneduanya, Sylvanus A. N. 4 Fried, Katalin 4 Grätzer, George 4 Hajnal, András 4 Kiss, Péter 4 Lovász, László 4 Molnár, Emil 4 Parimala, M. 4 Peter, Rozsa 4 Petz, Dénes 4 Rajwade, A. R. 4 Shamandy, Ali 4 Steinfeld, Ottó 4 Suranyi, Janos 4 Szigeti, Ferenc 3 Aczél, János Dezső 3 Al-Omari, Ahmad Abdullah 3 Bajpai, Shri Dhar 3 Bezdek, András 3 Bognár, Mátyás 3 Bollobás, Béla 3 Buj Van Zung 3 Charalambous, Michael George 3 Čomić, Irena 3 Corrádi, Keresztély 3 De, Uday Chand 3 Farkas, Miklós 3 Fejes Tóth, László 3 Finta, Béla 3 Gardner, Barry James 3 Hajos, György 3 Hegyvári, Norbert 3 Hermann, Péter Z. 3 Horváth, Ákos G. 3 Horvath, Jenö 3 Hotloś, Marian 3 Jaimes, Ernesto 3 Jurkin, Ema 3 Karátson, János 3 Károlyi, Gyula 3 Kászonyi, László ...and 630 more Authors all top 5 Fields 140 Number theory (11-XX) 130 General topology (54-XX) 73 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 66 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 63 Functional analysis (46-XX) 56 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 54 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 52 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 52 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 52 Operator theory (47-XX) 48 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 44 Geometry (51-XX) 41 Combinatorics (05-XX) 36 Differential geometry (53-XX) 31 Real functions (26-XX) 30 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 21 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 21 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 20 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 19 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 16 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 14 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 12 Special functions (33-XX) 12 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 10 Measure and integration (28-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 10 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 10 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 10 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 10 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 8 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 8 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 7 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 7 Integral equations (45-XX) 7 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 5 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 480 Publications have been cited 2,311 times in 2,047 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On Ramsey-type problems. Zbl 0163.45502 Gerencser, L.; Gyarfas, A. 130 1967 Über extreme Punkt- und Kantenmengen. Zbl 0094.36105 Gallai, T. 125 1959 A problem on independent \(r\)-tuples. Zbl 0136.21302 Erdős, Pál 109 1965 On the distribution mod 1 of the sequence \(n \alpha\). Zbl 0094.02903 Sós, Vera T. 63 1958 On Cantor’s series with convergent \(\sum {1/q_n}\). Zbl 0095.26501 Erdős, Pál; Rényi, Alfréd 57 1959 On some extremum problems in elementary geometry. Zbl 0103.15502 Erdős, Pál; Szekeres, George 56 1961 Über die Auflösung von Graphen in vollständige Teilgraphen. Zbl 0093.37801 Hajnal, András; Surányi, János 51 1958 On certain quasi-Einstein semisymmetric hypersurfaces. Zbl 0955.53029 Deszcz, Ryszard; Głogowska, Malgorzata; Hotloś, Marian; Sentürk, Zerrin 47 1998 Investigations with respect to the Vilenkin system. Zbl 0586.43001 Simon, P. 45 1984 Extremally disconnected generalized topologies. Zbl 1086.54002 Császár, Ákos 38 2004 On Engel’s and Sylvester’s series. Zbl 0107.27002 Erdős, Pál; Rényi, Alfréd; Szüsz, Péter 37 1958 On generalized pure subgroups of Abelian groups. Zbl 0090.02003 Fuchs, L. 33 1958 On the number of halving lines. Zbl 0233.05016 Lovász, László 33 1972 Warped product of Finsler manifolds. Zbl 1017.53063 Kozma, László; Peter, Radu; Varga, Csaba 30 2001 On hypersurfaces with type number two in space forms. Zbl 1083.53023 Deszcz, Ryszard; Hotloś, Marian 30 2003 Über gewisse Maximaloperatoren. Zbl 0351.42012 Schipp, F. 29 1976 Über die Anordnung der Vielfachen einer reellen Zahl mod 1. Zbl 0094.02904 Suŕanyi, J. 28 1958 On the divergence of eigenfunction expansions. Zbl 0734.42018 Joó, I. 25 1989 On the number of expansions \(1=\sum q^{-n_i}\). Zbl 0805.11011 Erdős, Paul; Joó, I. 22 1992 Tournaments and non-associative lattices. Zbl 0224.06004 Fried, E. 20 1971 A new approach to the theory of Engel’s series. Zbl 0232.10028 Rényi, A. 20 1963 Generalisations of Robertson-Walker spaces. Zbl 0998.53044 Defever, Filip; Deszcz, Ryszard; Hotloś, Marian; Kucharski, Marek; Ṣentürk, Zerrin 19 2000 Notes on Abelian groups. I. Zbl 0090.02001 Fuchs, L. 19 1959 Isogonale sphärische Netze. Zbl 0127.37601 Heppes, A. 18 1964 Moduli of mean smoothness and approximation with \(A_p\)-weights. Zbl 0919.42002 Ky, Nguyen Xuan 17 1997 On almost pseudo symmetric manifolds. Zbl 1224.53056 De, U. C.; Gazi, Abul Kalam 16 2008 Über die Divergenz der Walsh-Fourierreihen. Zbl 0189.07901 Schipp, F. 15 1969 Factorization, majorization, and domination for linear relations. Zbl 1363.47006 Hassi, Seppo; de Snoo, Henk 14 2015 Curves in pseudo-Galilean geometry. Zbl 0932.53005 Divjak, Blaženka 12 1998 On difference sets of sequences of integers. II. Zbl 0413.10051 Sarközy, A. 12 1978 On \(a\)-open sets, \({\mathcal A}^{\ast}\)-sets and decompositions of continuity and super-continuity. Zbl 1224.54031 Ekici, Erdal 11 2008 Multidimensional continued fractions. Zbl 0214.30101 Szekeres, George 11 1971 Convexity, minimax theorems and their applications. Zbl 0856.90130 Joó, I.; Kassay, G. 11 1995 Über konvexe und interne Funktionen, sowie eine gemeinsame Verallgemeinerung von beiden. Zbl 0113.04402 Deák, Ervin 10 1963 On hereditarily \(\alpha\)-Lindelöf and hereditarily \(\alpha\)-separable spaces. Zbl 0172.24601 Hajnal, András; Juhász, István 10 1968 On close-to-convex functions of higher order. Zbl 0247.30008 Goodman, A. W. 10 1973 On Pisot numbers. Zbl 0880.11067 Erdős, Pál; Joó, I.; Schnitzer, F. J. 10 1996 On two schemes applied to Mal’cev type theorems. Zbl 0518.08002 Duda, Jaromir 10 1983 About the non-integer property of hyperharmonic numbers. Zbl 1212.11035 Mező, István 10 2007 Description of the clubs. Zbl 1224.14014 Fancsali, Szabolcs L.; Sziklai, Péter 9 2008 On contra-continuity. Zbl 1084.54509 Ekici, Erdal 9 2004 The Zarankiewicz problem, cages, and geometries. Zbl 1289.05227 Damásdi, Gábor; Héger, Tamás; Szőnyi, Tamás 9 2013 On the strong law of large numbers for logarithmically weighted sums. Zbl 0791.60020 Móri, Tamás F. 9 1993 Contra-super-continuous functions. Zbl 1061.54501 Jafari, Saeid; Noiri, Takashi 9 1999 Total boundedness and compactness for filter pairs. Zbl 0767.54021 Kopperman, R. D. 9 1990 Feebly invo-clean unital rings. Zbl 1426.16034 Danchev, Peter V. 8 2017 Two notes on lattice-congruences. Zbl 0089.25603 Grätzer, G.; Schmidt, E. T. 8 1958 Semi-simple equational classes with distributive congruence lattices. Zbl 0268.08005 Quackenbush, Robert W. 8 1975 Two new inductive dimension functions for topological spaces. Zbl 0332.54028 Charalambous, M. G. 8 1976 On the number of \(q\)-expansions. Zbl 0824.11005 Erdős, Paul; Joó, István; Komornik, Vilmos 8 1994 Projective metrics and hyperbolic volume. Zbl 0722.51016 Molnár, Emil 8 1989 A remark on certain zero-sets of continued fractions. (Eine Bemerkung über gewisse Nullmengen von Kettenbrüchen.) Zbl 0605.10004 Ramharter, G. 8 1986 On the solutions of linear Diophantine equations in algebraic integers of bounded norm. Zbl 0442.10010 Györy, K. 8 1980 A theorem on compact embedding for functions with values in an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. Zbl 0463.46026 Nagy, Eva V. 8 1980 Operators having selfadjoint squares. Zbl 1363.47038 Sebestyén, Zoltán; Tarcsay, Zsigmond 8 2015 A unified theory of contra-continuity for functions. Zbl 1027.54018 Noiri, T.; Popa, V. 7 2002 A note on the Sunouchi operator with respect to Vilenkin system. Zbl 1001.42018 Simon, P. 7 2000 Tauberian constants for Laurent series continuation matrix transforms. Zbl 0135.26402 Anjaneyulu, K. 7 1964 On the distribution of lattice points on circles. Zbl 0348.10036 Katai, I.; Környei, I. 7 1977 On a characterization of Lipschitzian operators of substitution in the space of bounded Riesz \(\varphi\)-variation. Zbl 0808.47050 Merentes, Nelson 7 1991 Die dichteste Packung von 25 Kreisen in einem Quadrat. (The densest packing of 25 circles in a square). Zbl 0639.52012 Wengerodt, Gerhard 7 1987 On complete topological subgraphs of certain graphs. Zbl 0125.40501 Erdős, Pál; Hajnal, András 6 1964 On \(R_ 0\)-topological spaces. Zbl 0156.21303 Naimpally, S. A. 6 1967 The number of lattice points in a circle. Zbl 0151.04401 Kátai, I. 6 1965 Remark on a paper of Gerencsér and Gyárfás. Zbl 0211.27001 Andrásfai, B. 6 1971 Ranks of modules. Zbl 0122.28805 Fuchs, L. 6 1964 A remark on additive arithmetical functions. Zbl 0159.05802 Kátai, I. 6 1967 Bemerkungen über die Ordnung der Konvergenz der Lagrangeinterpolation. Zbl 0193.02702 Kis, O. 6 1968 A classification of means. Zbl 0336.60004 Szekely, G. J. 6 1976 On the supersolvability of finite groups. I. Zbl 0345.20021 Asaad, Mohamed 6 1976 Periodic trajectories for evolution inclusions associated with time dependent subdifferentials. Zbl 0824.34019 Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S. 6 1994 On Riesz bases. Zbl 0674.46006 Joó, I. 6 1988 Convergence of singular integrals. Zbl 0725.42020 Weisz, F. 6 1989 Applications of Frölicher spaces to cosmology. Zbl 0956.58001 Cherenack, Paul 6 1998 Weighted (0,2)-interpolation on the roots of Hermite polynomials. Zbl 0606.41002 Szili, L. 6 1985 Ein elementarer Beweis für die isoperimetrische Ungleichung in der euklidischen und hyperbolischen Ebene. Zbl 0578.52008 Bezdek, K. 6 1984 On mixed quasi-Einstein manifolds. Zbl 1363.53043 Mallick, Sahanous; De, Uday Chand 6 2014 On the rigidity of Ramanujan graphs. Zbl 1012.05150 Servatius, Brigitte 5 2000 Generalizations of closed sets in minimal spaces with hereditary classes. Zbl 1438.54024 Noiri, Takashi; Popa, Valeriu 5 2018 P-pure exact sequences and the group of P-pure extensions. Zbl 0131.25501 Yahya, S. M. 5 1963 Untersuchungen über \(\omega_ \mu\)-metrisierbare Räume. Zbl 0135.40902 Juhász, István 5 1965 On the equation \(\cos\alpha_1 + \cos\alpha_2 + \cos\alpha_3 + \cos\alpha_4 = 0\). Zbl 0191.05601 Wlodarski, L. 5 1969 Über einen neuen Interpolationsprozeß. Zbl 0198.09102 Vertesi, P.; Kis, O. 5 1967 On the automorphism group and the endomorphism ring of Abelian groups. Zbl 0133.28603 Mader, A. 5 1965 On secondary processes generated by a random point distribution of Poisson type. Zbl 0089.34005 Prékopa, András 5 1958 On restricted set addition in abelian groups. Zbl 1083.11020 Károlyi, Gyula 5 2003 On Pál interpolation. Zbl 0822.41002 Joó, I. 5 1994 Co-stable quasi-uniform spaces. Zbl 0856.54030 Deák, J.; Romaguera, S. 5 1995 Subdirect irreducible weakly associative lattices with congruence extension property. Zbl 0313.06001 Fried, E. 5 1975 Sur les polynômes orthogonaux classiques. Zbl 0091.06001 Császár, Ákos 5 1958 On comparison of homogeneous means. Zbl 0725.26015 Páles, Zsolt 5 1989 On transmission problems for nonlinear parabolic differential equations. Zbl 1049.35105 Jäger, W.; Simon, L. 5 2002 A note to the paper “On a fast version of a pseudorandom generator”. Zbl 1190.11042 Gyarmati, Katalin 5 2006 A constructive approach to matching and its generalizations. Zbl 1199.05288 Pap, Gyula 5 2007 Soft subgroups of \(p\)-groups. Zbl 0577.20014 Héthelyi, L. 5 1984 On essentially closed classes of rings. Zbl 0487.16004 Anderson, T.; Wiegandt, R. 5 1981 A localization of some congruence conditions in varieties with nullary operations. Zbl 0636.08004 Chajda, Ivan 5 1987 The idempotent sum number and \(n\)-thin unital rings. Zbl 1399.16090 Danchev, Peter; Nasibi, Ebrahim 4 2016 A general approach to strong laws of large numbers for fields of random variables. Zbl 0993.60029 Noszály, Csaba; Tómács, Tibor 4 2000 Generalization of a theorem of G. Alexits. Zbl 0721.42003 Bogmér, A. 4 1988 Black boxes. Zbl 07911162 Shelah, Saharon 1 2022 Pairwise intersecting convex sets and cylinders in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Zbl 1513.52010 Bárány, Imre 1 2021 Explicit solution, for \(n = 7\), to a Markov-type extremal problem initiated by Schur. Zbl 1499.41023 Rack, Heinz-Joachim; Vajda, Robert 1 2021 The dynamics of the Hopfield model for homogeneous weight matrix. Zbl 1498.37081 Windisch, Anita; Simon, Péter L. 1 2021 Positivity preserving explicit discrete model for malaria propagation. Zbl 1488.37075 Mosleh, Rahele 1 2020 \(\eta\)-Einstein solitons in an \((\varepsilon)\)-Kenmotsu manifold with a semi-symmetric metric connection. Zbl 1463.53036 Siddiqi, M. Danish 1 2019 Almost contra-\(P_S\)-continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 1449.54023 Tyagi, Brij K.; Singh, Sumit; Bhardwaj, Manoj 1 2019 Semiopen sets in ideal bitopological spaces. Zbl 1463.54062 Caldas, M.; Jafari, S.; Rajesh, N. 1 2019 Generalizations of closed sets in minimal spaces with hereditary classes. Zbl 1438.54024 Noiri, Takashi; Popa, Valeriu 5 2018 The isoperimetric problem for 3-polytopes with six vertices. Zbl 1438.52018 Böröczky, Károly J.; Kovács, Ágnes 1 2018 Feebly invo-clean unital rings. Zbl 1426.16034 Danchev, Peter V. 8 2017 A generalization of Hopfian abelian groups. Zbl 1399.20054 Chekhlov, Andrey; Danchev, Peter 1 2017 Partial covering of the unit circle by four equal circles. Zbl 1399.52035 Gáspár, Zs.; Tarnai, T.; Hincz, K. 1 2017 The idempotent sum number and \(n\)-thin unital rings. Zbl 1399.16090 Danchev, Peter; Nasibi, Ebrahim 4 2016 Kenmotsu manifold with some curvature conditions. Zbl 1399.53049 Baishya, Kanak Kanti; Chowdhury, Partha Roy 1 2016 Curves on some classes of Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1399.53058 Sarkar, Avijit; Sil, Amit 1 2016 More on the \(h\)-critical numbers of finite abelian groups. Zbl 1399.11065 Bajnok, Béla 1 2016 Factorization, majorization, and domination for linear relations. Zbl 1363.47006 Hassi, Seppo; de Snoo, Henk 14 2015 Operators having selfadjoint squares. Zbl 1363.47038 Sebestyén, Zoltán; Tarcsay, Zsigmond 8 2015 On the sum between a closable operator \(T\) and a \(T\)-bounded operator. Zbl 1363.47026 Popovici, Dan; Sebestyén, Zoltán; Tarcsay, Zsigmond 3 2015 Two characterizations of unitary-antiunitary similarity transformations of positive definite operators on a finite dimensional Hilbert space. Zbl 1363.47074 Molnár, Lajos 2 2015 Wiener’s lemma and the Jacobs-de Leeuw-Glicksberg decomposition. Zbl 1363.43001 Farkas, B. 1 2015 Linear functional equations. (Abstract of thesis). Zbl 1363.39026 Kiss, Gergely 1 2015 Directions and other topics in Galois-geometries. (Abstract of thesis). Zbl 1363.51004 Takács, Marcella 1 2015 On mixed quasi-Einstein manifolds. Zbl 1363.53043 Mallick, Sahanous; De, Uday Chand 6 2014 Geometry of trefoil cone-manifold. Zbl 1363.51005 Derevnin, D.; Mednykh, A.; Mulazzani, M. 2 2014 Mixed connectedness in GTS via hereditary classes. Zbl 1363.54032 Modak, Shyamapada; Noiri, Takashi 2 2014 On generalized Sidon sets which are asymptotic bases. Zbl 1353.11015 Kiss, Sándor Z. 2 2014 The Zarankiewicz problem, cages, and geometries. Zbl 1289.05227 Damásdi, Gábor; Héger, Tamás; Szőnyi, Tamás 9 2013 Supra \(\beta\)-open sets and supra \(\beta\)-continuity on topological spaces. Zbl 1289.54050 Jafari, Saeid; Tahiliani, Sanjay 4 2013 Absolute convergence of Walsh-Fourier series. Zbl 1289.42085 Vyas, R. G. 1 2013 From quasi-entropy. Zbl 1289.94036 Petz, Dénes 3 2012 Rough closedness, rough continuity and \(I_g\)-closed sets. Zbl 1289.54005 Ekici, Erdal; Özen, Sena 2 2012 On covering properties via generalized open sets. Zbl 1289.54016 Roy, Bishwambhar; Jafari, S. 2 2012 Non-finitely based varieties of weakly associative lattices. Zbl 1289.06008 Fried, Ervin 1 2012 Incidence geometry in combinatorial arithmetic in memoriam of György Elekes. Zbl 1240.51001 Károlyi, Gyula 1 2009 Roter type equations for a class of anti-Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1240.53027 Deszcz, Ryszard; Prvanović, Mileva 1 2009 On \(\theta\)-compactness in ideal topological spaces. Zbl 1240.54082 Jafari, S.; Noiri, T.; Popa, V. 1 2009 Partitionability to two trees in NP-complete. Zbl 1240.05243 Pálvölgyi, Dömötör 1 2009 On almost pseudo symmetric manifolds. Zbl 1224.53056 De, U. C.; Gazi, Abul Kalam 16 2008 On \(a\)-open sets, \({\mathcal A}^{\ast}\)-sets and decompositions of continuity and super-continuity. Zbl 1224.54031 Ekici, Erdal 11 2008 Description of the clubs. Zbl 1224.14014 Fancsali, Szabolcs L.; Sziklai, Péter 9 2008 Shelah’s proof of diamond. Zbl 1224.03025 Komjáth, Péter 2 2008 Proper isometric actions on Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1224.58006 Szenthe, J. 2 2008 Stable matchings through fixed points and graphs. Zbl 1224.05405 Fleiner, Tamás 1 2008 About the non-integer property of hyperharmonic numbers. Zbl 1212.11035 Mező, István 10 2007 A constructive approach to matching and its generalizations. Zbl 1199.05288 Pap, Gyula 5 2007 Iterated difference sets in \(\sigma\)-finite groups. Zbl 1215.11021 Hegyvári, Norbert; Hennecart, François 1 2007 A note to the paper “On a fast version of a pseudorandom generator”. Zbl 1190.11042 Gyarmati, Katalin 5 2006 \(\lambda\)-open sets in generalized topological spaces. Zbl 1164.54301 Császár, Ákos 3 2006 Tessellation-like rod-joint frameworks. Zbl 1164.74309 Nagy, Gyula 2 2006 On the class of contra \(\lambda\)-continuous functions. Zbl 1174.54349 Caldas, Miguel; Ekici, Erdal; Jafari, Saeid; Noiri, Takashi 2 2006 Stabilization of solutions to a nonlinear system modelling fluid flow in porous media. Zbl 1199.35285 Besenyei, Ádám 2 2006 “Continuity space” = quasi-uniform space. Zbl 1164.54360 Fleischer, Isidore 2 2006 On the linear complexity of binary sequences. Zbl 1121.11050 Andics, Ágnes 3 2005 On the minimal gaps between products of members of a sequence of positive density. Zbl 1121.11011 Sándor, Csaba 2 2005 On some class of hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces. Zbl 1165.53360 Deszcz, Ryszard; Sawicz, Katarzyna 2 2005 Extremally disconnected generalized topologies. Zbl 1086.54002 Császár, Ákos 38 2004 On contra-continuity. Zbl 1084.54509 Ekici, Erdal 9 2004 Notes on small semiovals. Zbl 1088.51002 Kiss, Gy.; Ruff, J. 4 2004 On quasilinear parabolic functional differential equations with discontinuous terms. Zbl 1091.35109 Simon, László 4 2004 On systems of nonlinear parabolic functional differential equations. Zbl 1091.35104 Besenyei, Ádám 2 2004 Closures of open sets in generalized topological spaces. Zbl 1085.54001 Császár, Ákos 1 2004 Bifurcation in a predator-prey model with cross diffusion. Zbl 1082.92043 Aly, Shaban; Farkas, Miklós 1 2004 Relational structures, multialgebras and inverse limits. Zbl 1093.08001 Pelea, Cosmin 1 2004 Graham’s example is the only tight one for \(P \parallel C_{max}\). Zbl 1086.90508 Dósa, György 1 2004 On hypersurfaces with type number two in space forms. Zbl 1083.53023 Deszcz, Ryszard; Hotloś, Marian 30 2003 On restricted set addition in abelian groups. Zbl 1083.11020 Károlyi, Gyula 5 2003 Modeling and forecasting atmospheric pollution over region. Zbl 1194.86016 Prusov, Vitaliy; Doroshenko, Anatoliy 4 2003 An inequality between the measures of pseudorandomness. Zbl 1089.11042 Gyarmati, Katalin 3 2003 Power integral bases in orders of composite fields. II. Zbl 1077.11023 Olajos, Péter 2 2003 A common fixed point theorem for quasi contractive type mappings. Zbl 1075.54019 Berinde, Vasile 2 2003 Spectral approximants involving balanced and convex sets. Zbl 1092.47015 Maher, Philip 1 2003 A unified theory of \(T_{\frac12}\)-spaces. Zbl 1076.54017 Caldas, M.; Georgiou, D. N.; Jafari, S.; Noiri, T. 1 2003 On the Jordan structure of ternary rings of operators. Zbl 1092.46041 Isidro, José M.; Stachó, László L. 1 2003 A unified theory of contra-continuity for functions. Zbl 1027.54018 Noiri, T.; Popa, V. 7 2002 On transmission problems for nonlinear parabolic differential equations. Zbl 1049.35105 Jäger, W.; Simon, L. 5 2002 Discrete Crouzeix-Velte decompositions on non-equidistant rectangular grids. Zbl 1027.65170 Strauber, Gy. 1 2002 The result of even allocation of funds for postgraduate training. Zbl 1027.91070 Farkas, M. 1 2002 A normal structure of McLain groups. Zbl 1053.20047 Hołubowski, Waldemar 1 2002 Bilinear operators over Vilenkin groups and their applications. Zbl 1052.43009 Quek, T. S.; Yang, D. 1 2002 Warped product of Finsler manifolds. Zbl 1017.53063 Kozma, László; Peter, Radu; Varga, Csaba 30 2001 \(\mathcal K\)-structures and foliations. Zbl 1017.53065 Di Terlizzi, Luigia; Konderak, Jerzy; Pastore, Anna Maria; Wolak, Robert 3 2001 Two-dimensional Landsberg manifolds with vanishing Douglas tensor. Zbl 1006.53064 Vattamány, Sz.; Vincze, Cs. 2 2001 Modified weighted \((0;0,2)\)-interpolation on infinite interval \((-\infty,+\infty)\). Zbl 1012.41005 Mathur, P.; Datta, S. 2 2001 \(L\)-commutativity of the operators in splitting methods for air pollution models. Zbl 1006.68158 Dimov, Ivan; Faragó, István; Havasi, Ágnes; Zlatev, Zahari 1 2001 Infinitely many bi-ideals which are not quasi-ideals in some transformation semigroups. Zbl 1017.20055 Kemprasit, Yupaporn 1 2001 The influence of \(S\)-quasinormality of some subgroups of prime power order on the structure of finite groups. Zbl 1012.20009 Ramadan, M. 1 2001 A note on weighted \((0,1,3)\)-interpolation on infinite interval \((-\infty,+\infty)\). Zbl 1012.41004 Datta, S.; Mathur, P. 1 2001 Generalisations of Robertson-Walker spaces. Zbl 0998.53044 Defever, Filip; Deszcz, Ryszard; Hotloś, Marian; Kucharski, Marek; Ṣentürk, Zerrin 19 2000 A note on the Sunouchi operator with respect to Vilenkin system. Zbl 1001.42018 Simon, P. 7 2000 On the rigidity of Ramanujan graphs. Zbl 1012.05150 Servatius, Brigitte 5 2000 A general approach to strong laws of large numbers for fields of random variables. Zbl 0993.60029 Noszály, Csaba; Tómács, Tibor 4 2000 The gradient-Fourier method for nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations in Sobolev space. Zbl 1004.65115 Lóczi, Lajos 1 2000 Contra-super-continuous functions. Zbl 1061.54501 Jafari, Saeid; Noiri, Takashi 9 1999 Paradoxical sets under \(SL_2[\mathbb R]\). Zbl 0980.28008 Laczkovich, Miklós 3 1999 Pattern formation in bounded spatial domains. Zbl 0990.35063 Kovács, Sándor 3 1999 On the number of zeros of nonoscillatory solutions to second-order half-linear differential equations. 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Series B 28 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 25 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 21 Monatshefte für Mathematik 21 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 20 Algebra Universalis 20 Statistics & Probability Letters 18 Combinatorica 18 Graphs and Combinatorics 17 Archiv der Mathematik 17 Journal of Graph Theory 17 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 17 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 17 Aequationes Mathematicae 16 Journal of Geometry and Physics 15 Analysis Mathematica 15 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 14 Mathematical Notes 14 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 14 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 13 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 13 Geometriae Dedicata 12 Israel Journal of Mathematics 12 Mathematische Zeitschrift 12 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 11 Theoretical Computer Science 11 Computational Geometry 10 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. 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