Artificial Intelligence Short Title: Artif. Intell. Publisher: Elsevier, Amsterdam ISSN: 0004-3702 Online: Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 2,586 Publications (since 1970) References Indexed: 2,471 Publications with 109,616 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 334 (2024) 333 (2024) 332 (2024) 331 (2024) 330 (2024) 329 (2024) 328 (2024) 327 (2024) 326 (2024) 325 (2023) 324 (2023) 323 (2023) 322 (2023) 321 (2023) 320 (2023) 319 (2023) 318 (2023) 317 (2023) 316 (2023) 315 (2023) 314 (2023) 313 (2022) 312 (2022) 311 (2022) 310 (2022) 309 (2022) 308 (2022) 307 (2022) 306 (2022) 305 (2022) 304 (2022) 303 (2022) 302 (2022) 301 (2021) 300 (2021) 299 (2021) 298 (2021) 297 (2021) 296 (2021) 295 (2021) 294 (2021) 293 (2021) 292 (2021) 291 (2021) 290 (2021) 289 (2020) 288 (2020) 287 (2020) 286 (2020) 285 (2020) 284 (2020) 283 (2020) 282 (2020) 281 (2020) 280 (2020) 279 (2020) 278 (2020) 277 (2019) 276 (2019) 275 (2019) 274 (2019) 273 (2019) 272 (2019) 271 (2019) 270 (2019) 269 (2019) 268 (2019) 267 (2019) 266 (2019) 265 (2018) 264 (2018) 263 (2018) 262 (2018) 261 (2018) 260 (2018) 259 (2018) 258 (2018) 257 (2018) 256 (2018) 255 (2018) 254 (2018) 253 (2017) 252 (2017) 251 (2017) 250 (2017) 249 (2017) 248 (2017) 247 (2017) 246 (2017) 245 (2017) 244 (2017) 243 (2017) 242 (2017) 241 (2016) 240 (2016) 239 (2016) 238 (2016) 237 (2016) 236 (2016) 235 (2016) ...and 345 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 35 Kraus, Sarit 30 Eiter, Thomas 22 Dechter, Rina 21 Wooldridge, Michael J. 20 Jennings, Nicholas R. 20 Pearl, Judea 19 Walsh, Toby 18 Levesque, Hector J. 17 Dunne, Paul E. 17 Halpern, Joseph Yehuda 17 Woltran, Stefan 16 Cooper, Martin C. 16 Jonsson, Peter 16 Lin, Fangzhen 16 Tennenholtz, Moshe 16 Zhou, Zhihua 15 Kambhampati, Subbarao 14 Boutilier, Craig 13 Bessiere, Christian 13 Gottlob, Georg 13 Lifschitz, Vladimir 13 Lukasiewicz, Thomas 12 De Raedt, Luc 12 Delgrande, James P. 12 Dvořák, Wolfgang 12 Korf, Richard E. 12 Shoham, Yoav 11 Brafman, Ronen I. 11 Felner, Ariel 11 Gatti, Nicola 11 Giacomin, Massimiliano 11 Greiner, Russell 11 Lang, JĂ©rĂ´me 11 Nebel, Bernhard 11 Rosenschein, Jeffrey S. 11 Yang, Qiang 11 Zhang, Weixiong 10 Baroni, Pietro 10 Bench-Capon, Trevor J. M. 10 Darwiche, Adnan 10 Gerevini, Alfonso Emilio 10 Greco, Gianluigi 10 Marquis, Pierre 10 Prade, Henri M. 10 Schaub, Torsten H. 10 Stern, Roni 10 Toni, Francesca 10 van der Hoek, Wiebe 10 Voudouris, Alexandros A. 10 Yokoo, Makoto 9 Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary, Rachel 9 Brewka, Gerhard 9 Chakrabarti, Partha Pratim 9 De Giacomo, Giuseppe 9 Elkind, Edith 9 Gent, Ian Philip 9 Hunter, Anthony 9 Koenig, Sven 9 Leone, Nicola 9 Li, Sanjiang 9 McIlraith, Sheila A. 9 Sandholm, Tuomas W. 9 Selman, Bart 9 Simari, Guillermo Ricardo 9 Thielscher, Michael 9 Thimm, Matthias 8 Baral, Chitta R. 8 Cadoli, Marco 8 Cai, Shaowei 8 Caragiannis, Ioannis 8 Davis, Ernest 8 Filos-Ratsikas, Aris 8 Holte, Robert C. 8 Horrocks, Ian 8 Lakemeyer, Gerhard 8 Liberatore, Paolo 8 Miguel, Ian 8 Nau, Dana S. 8 Nightingale, Peter W. 8 Smith, David E. 8 Subrahmanian, V. S. 8 TruszczyĹ„ski, MirosĹ‚aw 8 Veloso, Manuela M. 8 Wolter, Frank 8 Zaffalon, Marco 8 Zakharyaschev, Michael Viktorovich 7 Aziz, Haris 7 Bacchus, Fahiem 7 Bonatti, Piero Andrea 7 Bratko, Ivan 7 Cabalar, Pedro 7 DeSarkar, S. C. 7 Domshlak, Carmel 7 Dubois, Didier 7 Endriss, Ulle 7 Hoos, Holger H. 7 Lutz, Carsten 7 Ordyniak, Sebastian 7 Palopoli, Luigi 7 Perlis, Donald R. ...and 3,765 more Authors all top 5 Fields 2,445 Computer science (68-XX) 319 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 282 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 144 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 63 Statistics (62-XX) 23 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 21 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 19 Combinatorics (05-XX) 18 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 18 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 17 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 7 Geometry (51-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 2,093 Publications have been cited 30,047 times in 13,760 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A logic for default reasoning. Zbl 0435.68069 Reiter, R. 594 1980 On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and \(n\)-person games. Zbl 1013.68556 Dung, Phan Minh 528 1995 Nonmonotonic reasoning, preferential models and cumulative logics. Zbl 0782.03012 Kraus, Sarit; Lehmann, Daniel; Magidor, Menachem 422 1990 Circumscription - a form of non-monotonic reasoning. Zbl 0435.68073 McCarthy, John 311 1980 The transferable belief model. Zbl 0807.68087 Smets, Philippe; Kennes, Robert 291 1994 Default reasoning and possibility theory. Zbl 0645.68108 Dubois, Didier; Prade, Henri 276 1988 Probabilistic logic. Zbl 0589.03007 Nilsson, Nils J. 259 1986 Wrappers for feature subset selection. Zbl 0904.68143 Kohavi, Ron; John, George H. 250 1997 A theory of diagnosis from first principles. Zbl 0643.68122 Reiter, Raymond 249 1987 Consistency in networks of relations. Zbl 0341.68061 Mackworth, Alan K. 247 1977 What does a conditional knowledge base entail? Zbl 0762.68057 Lehmann, Daniel; Magidor, Menachem 212 1992 STRIPS: A new approach to the application of theorem proving to problem solving. Zbl 0234.68036 Fikes, Richard E.; Nilsson, Nils J. 211 1971 Semantical considerations on nonmonotonic logic. Zbl 0569.68079 Moore, Robert C. 201 1985 Belief, awareness, and limited reasoning. Zbl 0634.03013 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y. 195 1988 Propositional knowledge base revision and minimal change. Zbl 0792.68182 Katsuno, Hirofumi; Mendelzon, Alberto O. 185 1991 A guide to completeness and complexity for modal logics of knowledge and belief. Zbl 0762.68029 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Moses, Yoram 169 1992 The computational complexity of probabilistic inference using Bayesian belief networks. Zbl 0717.68080 Cooper, Gregory F. 165 1990 On the logic of iterated belief revision. Zbl 1018.03012 Darwiche, Adnan; Pearl, Judea 161 1997 Extending and implementing the stable model semantics. Zbl 0995.68021 Simons, Patrik; Niemelä, Ilkka; Soininen, Timo 160 2002 Constraints on deformable models: Recovering 3D shape and nonrigid motion. Zbl 0646.68105 Terzopoulos, Demetri; Witkin, Andrew; Kass, Michael 158 1988 Determining optical flow. Zbl 1497.68488 Horn, Berthold K. P.; Schunck, Brian G. 157 1981 Temporal constraint networks. Zbl 0737.68070 Dechter, Rina; Meiri, Itay; Pearl, Judea 155 1991 Planning and acting in partially observable stochastic domains. Zbl 0908.68165 Kaelbling, Leslie Pack; Littman, Michael L.; Cassandra, Anthony R. 150 1998 Depth-first iterative-deepening: An optimal admissible tree search. Zbl 0573.68030 Korf, Richard E. 147 1985 Positive approximation: an accelerator for attribute reduction in rough set theory. Zbl 1205.68310 Qian, Yuhua; Liang, Jiye; Pedrycz, Witold; Dang, Chuangyin 144 2010 Fusion, propagation, and structuring in belief networks. Zbl 0624.68081 Pearl, Judea 138 1986 Non-monotonic logic. I. Zbl 0435.68074 McDermott, Drew; Doyle, Jon 132 1980 Diagnosing multiple faults. Zbl 0642.94045 de Kleer, Johan; Williams, Brian C. 121 1987 An abstract, argumentation-theoretic approach to default reasoning. Zbl 1017.03511 Bondarenko, A.; Dung, P. M.; Kowalski, R. A.; Toni, F. 117 1997 Conflict-driven answer set solving: from theory to practice. Zbl 1251.68060 Gebser, Martin; Kaufmann, Benjamin; Schaub, Torsten 117 2012 A logical framework for default reasoning. Zbl 0647.68094 Poole, David 114 1988 Network-based heuristics for constraint-satisfaction problems. Zbl 0643.68156 Dechter, Rina; Pearl, Judea 114 1988 Selection of relevant features and examples in machine learning. Zbl 0904.68142 Blum, Avrim L.; Langley, Pat 109 1997 An analysis of first-order logics of probability. Zbl 0723.03007 Halpern, Joseph Y. 103 1990 A mathematical treatment of defeasible reasoning and its implementation. Zbl 1193.68238 Simari, Guillermo R.; Loui, Ronald P. 99 1992 Attributive concept descriptions with complements. Zbl 0712.68095 Schmidt-SchauĂź, Manfred; Smolka, Gert 96 1991 Towards a general theory of action and time. Zbl 0567.68025 Allen, James F. 95 1984 Argumentation in artificial intelligence. Zbl 1168.68560 Bench-Capon, T. J. M.; Dunne, Paul E. 93 2007 An analysis of alpha-beta pruning. Zbl 0358.68143 Knuth, Donald E.; Moore, Ronald W. 91 1975 Uncertainty measures of rough set prediction. Zbl 0909.68040 DĂĽntsch, Ivo; Gediga, GĂĽnther 91 1998 Probabilistic Horn abduction and Bayesian networks. Zbl 0792.68176 Poole, David 90 1993 Tree clustering for constraint networks. Zbl 0665.68084 Dechter, Rina; Pearl, Judea 88 1989 On the evaluation of argumentation formalisms. Zbl 1168.68562 Caminada, Martin; Amgoud, Leila 88 2007 A logic-based theory of deductive arguments. Zbl 0971.68143 Besnard, P.; Hunter, A. 87 2001 Explanation in artificial intelligence: insights from the social sciences. Zbl 1478.68274 Miller, Tim 86 2019 ASSAT: computing answer sets of a logic program by SAT solvers. Zbl 1085.68544 Lin, Fangzhen; Zhao, Yuting 85 2004 The computational complexity of propositional STRIPS planning. Zbl 0821.68065 Bylander, Tom 84 1994 Fast planning through planning graph analysis. Zbl 1017.68533 Blum, Avrim L.; Furst, Merrick L. 82 1997 The value of the four values. Zbl 0928.03025 Arieli, Ofer; Avron, Arnon 82 1998 Drift analysis and average time complexity of evolutionary algorithms. Zbl 0971.68129 He, Jun; Yao, Xin 81 2001 Combining answer set programming with description logics for the semantic web. Zbl 1183.68595 Eiter, Thomas; Ianni, Giovambattista; Lukasiewicz, Thomas; Schindlauer, Roman; Tompits, Hans 80 2008 Credal networks. Zbl 0945.68163 Cozman, F. G. 78 2000 Bucket elimination: A unifying framework for reasoning. Zbl 0939.68847 Dechter, R. 76 1999 The independent choice logic for modelling multiple agents under uncertainty. Zbl 0902.03017 Poole, David 76 1997 All I know: A study in autoepistemic logic. Zbl 0724.03019 Levesque, Hector J. 75 1990 On the relation between default and autoepistemic logic. Zbl 0647.68088 Konolige, Kurt 75 1988 Computing ideal sceptical argumentation. Zbl 1168.68564 Dung, P. M.; Mancarella, P.; Toni, F. 75 2007 On the hardness of approximate reasoning. Zbl 1506.68143 Roth, Dan 75 1996 On the complexity of propositional knowledge base revision, updates, and counterfactuals. Zbl 0763.68038 Eiter, Thomas; Gottlob, Georg 74 1992 Solving the multiple instance problem with axis-parallel rectangles. Zbl 1042.68650 Dietterich, Thomas G.; Lathrop, Richard H.; Lozano-PĂ©rez, Tomás 74 1997 Answer set programming and plan generation. Zbl 0995.68020 Lifschitz, Vladimir 72 2002 Intention is choice with commitment. Zbl 0721.03017 Cohen, Philip R.; Levesque, Hector J. 71 1990 Planning as heuristic search. Zbl 0971.68146 Bonet, B.; Geffner, H. 70 2001 Nonmonotonic causal theories. Zbl 1085.68161 Giunchiglia, Enrico; Lee, Joohyung; Lifschitz, Vladimir; McCain, Norman; Turner, Hudson 70 2004 On principle-based evaluation of extension-based argumentation semantics. Zbl 1168.68559 Baroni, Pietro; Giacomin, Massimiliano 69 2007 Constraints, consistency and closure. Zbl 0909.68076 Jeavons, Peter; Cohen, David; Cooper, Martin C. 68 1998 Algorithm for optimal winner determination in combinatorial auctions. Zbl 0984.68039 Sandholm, Tuomas 67 2002 SCC-recursiveness: a general schema for argumentation semantics. Zbl 1132.68765 Baroni, Pietro; Giacomin, Massimiliano; Guida, Giovanni 67 2005 Minimizing conflicts: A heuristic repair method for constraint satisfaction and scheduling problems. Zbl 0782.90054 Minton, Steven; Johnston, Mark D.; Philips, Andrew B.; Laird, Philip 66 1992 Qualitative simulation. Zbl 0624.68098 Kuipers, Benjamin 66 1986 Nonmonotonic inference based on expectations. Zbl 0803.68125 Gärdenfors, Peter; Makinson, David 65 1994 Planning for conjunctive goals. Zbl 0642.68171 Chapman, David 65 1987 Nonmonotonic logic and temporal projection. Zbl 0654.68107 Hanks, Steve; McDermott, Drew 65 1987 Approximating probabilistic inference in Bayesian belief networks is NP- hard. Zbl 0781.68105 Dagum, Paul; Luby, Michael 65 1993 Conjunctive and disjunctive combination of belief functions induced by nondistinct bodies of evidence. Zbl 1182.68298 DenĹ“ux, Thierry 65 2008 Measures of uncertainty in expert systems. Zbl 1506.68157 Walley, Peter 65 1996 Reasoning about preferences in argumentation frameworks. Zbl 1192.68663 Modgil, Sanjay 64 2009 Characterizing diagnoses and systems. Zbl 0772.68085 de Kleer, Johan; Mackworth, Alan K.; Reiter, Raymond 63 1992 Anyone but him: the complexity of precluding an alternative. Zbl 1168.91346 Hemaspaandra, Edith; Hemaspaandra, Lane A.; Rothe, Jörg 62 2007 Forward reasoning and dependency-directed backtracking in a system for computer-aided circuit analysis. Zbl 0372.94024 Stallman, Richard M.; Sussman, Gerald J. 61 1977 A comparison of structural CSP decomposition methods. Zbl 0952.68044 Gottlob, G.; Leone, N.; Scarcello, F. 61 2000 Semantics and complexity of recursive aggregates in answer set programming. Zbl 1216.68263 Faber, Wolfgang; Pfeifer, Gerald; Leone, Nicola 61 2011 Conditional logics of normality: A modal approach. Zbl 0811.68114 Boutilier, Craig 59 1994 A general account of argumentation with preferences. Zbl 1270.68284 Modgil, Sanjay; Prakken, Henry 58 2013 Refutational theorem proving using term-rewriting systems. Zbl 0558.68072 Hsiang, Jieh 58 1985 Conditional entailment: bridging two approaches to default reasoning. Zbl 1193.68235 Geffner, Hector; Pearl, Judea 58 1992 Ensembling neural networks: Many could be better than all. Zbl 0995.68077 Zhou, Zhi-Hua; Wu, Jianxin; Tang, Wei 58 2002 Qualitative probabilities for default reasoning, belief revision, and causal modeling. Zbl 1497.68457 Goldszmidt, MoisĂ©s; Pearl, Judea 58 1996 Nonmonotonic reasoning, conditional objects and possibility theory. Zbl 1017.68539 Benferhat, Salem; Dubois, Didier; Prade, Henri 57 1997 Bayesian and non-Bayesian evidential updating. Zbl 0622.68069 Kyburg, Henry E. jun. 56 1987 Top-down induction of first-order logical decision trees. Zbl 0909.68034 Blockeel, Hendrik; de Raedt, Luc 56 1998 Methods for task allocation via agent coalition formation. Zbl 0908.68032 Shehory, Onn; Kraus, Sarit 55 1998 Epistemic entrenchment and possibilistic logic. Zbl 0749.03019 Dubois, Didier; Prade, Henri 54 1991 Robot motion planning with uncertainty in control and sensing. Zbl 0817.93045 Latombe, Jean-Claude; Lazanas, Anthony; Shekhar, Shashank 54 1991 Consistency-based search in feature selection. Zbl 1082.68791 Dash, Manoranjan; Liu, Huan 54 2003 Linear resolution with selection function. Zbl 0234.68037 Kowalski, Robert; Kuehner, Donald 54 1971 Bounded-parameter Markov decision processes. Zbl 0948.68171 Givan, R.; Leach, S.; Dean, T. 54 2000 Coherence in finite argument systems. Zbl 1043.68098 Dunne, Paul E.; Bench-Capon, T. J. M. 54 2002 Real-time heuristic search. Zbl 0718.68082 Korf, Richard E. 53 1990 On the complexity of qualitative spatial reasoning: A maximal tractable fragment of the Region Connection Calculus. Zbl 0914.68160 Renz, Jochen; Nebel, Bernhard 53 1999 Evolving interpretable decision trees for reinforcement learning. Zbl 1532.68076 Costa, VinĂcius G.; PĂ©rez-Aracil, Jorge; Salcedo-Sanz, Sancho; Pedreira, Carlos E. 1 2024 Fair division of indivisible goods: recent progress and open questions. Zbl 07732234 Amanatidis, Georgios; Aziz, Haris; Birmpas, Georgios; Filos-Ratsikas, Aris; Li, Bo; Moulin, HervĂ©; Voudouris, Alexandros A.; Wu, Xiaowei 6 2023 The complexity landscape of claim-augmented argumentation frameworks. Zbl 07698052 Dvořák, Wolfgang; GreĂźler, Alexander; Rapberger, Anna; Woltran, Stefan 3 2023 Logic explained networks. Zbl 07638294 Ciravegna, Gabriele; Barbiero, Pietro; Giannini, Francesco; Gori, Marco; Liò, Pietro; Maggini, Marco; Melacci, Stefano 3 2023 When move acceptance selection hyper-heuristics outperform metropolis and elitist evolutionary algorithms and when not. Zbl 07638282 Lissovoi, Andrei; Oliveto, Pietro S.; Warwicker, John Alasdair 3 2023 Epistemic planning: perspectives on the special issue. Zbl 07697282 Belle, Vaishak; Bolander, Thomas; Herzig, Andreas; Nebel, Bernhard 2 2023 Regret minimization in online Bayesian persuasion: handling adversarial receiver’s types under full and partial feedback models. Zbl 07638293 Castiglioni, Matteo; Celli, Andrea; Marchesi, Alberto; Gatti, Nicola 2 2023 A kinematics principle for iterated revision. Zbl 07638297 Kern-Isberner, Gabriele; Sezgin, Meliha; Beierle, Christoph 2 2023 Parameterized complexity of envy-free resource allocation in social networks. Zbl 07638300 Eiben, Eduard; Ganian, Robert; Hamm, Thekla; Ordyniak, Sebastian 2 2023 Answering regular path queries mediated by unrestricted \(\mathcal{SQ}\) ontologies. Zbl 07638286 GutiĂ©rrez-Basulto, VĂctor; Ibáñez-GarcĂa, YazmĂn; Jung, Jean Christoph; Murlak, Filip 2 2023 Designing menus of contracts efficiently: the power of randomization. Zbl 07702929 Castiglioni, Matteo; Marchesi, Alberto; Gatti, Nicola 2 2023 Reasoning about causality in games. Zbl 07702955 Hammond, Lewis; Fox, James; Everitt, Tom; Carey, Ryan; Abate, Alessandro; Wooldridge, Michael 2 2023 Certified reinforcement learning with logic guidance. Zbl 07732224 Hasanbeig, Hosein; Kroening, Daniel; Abate, Alessandro 2 2023 Fast certifiable relative pose estimation with gravity prior. Zbl 07698049 Garcia-Salguero, Mercedes; Gonzalez-Jimenez, Javier 1 2023 Revision, defeasible conditionals and non-monotonic inference for abstract dialectical frameworks. Zbl 07698054 Heyninck, Jesse; Kern-Isberner, Gabriele; Rienstra, Tjitze; Skiba, Kenneth; Thimm, Matthias 1 2023 Online learning of energy consumption for navigation of electric vehicles. Zbl 07698057 Ă…kerblom, Niklas; Chen, Yuxin; Haghir Chehreghani, Morteza 1 2023 Tractability of explaining classifier decisions. Zbl 07697281 Cooper, Martin C.; Marques-Silva, JoĂŁo 1 2023 Accurate parameter estimation for safety-critical systems with unmodeled dynamics. Zbl 07697290 Sarker, Arnab; Fisher, Peter; Gaudio, Joseph E.; Annaswamy, Anuradha M. 1 2023 Learning MAX-SAT from contextual examples for combinatorial optimisation. Zbl 07638281 Kumar, Mohit; Kolb, Samuel; Teso, Stefano; De Raedt, Luc 1 2023 Portioning using ordinal preferences: fairness and efficiency. Zbl 07638287 Airiau, StĂ©phane; Aziz, Haris; Caragiannis, Ioannis; Kruger, Justin; Lang, JĂ©rĂ´me; Peters, Dominik 1 2023 Improved local search for the minimum weight dominating set problem in massive graphs by using a deep optimization mechanism. Zbl 07638291 Chen, Jiejiang; Cai, Shaowei; Wang, Yiyuan; Xu, Wenhao; Ji, Jia; Yin, Minghao 1 2023 Strategyproof allocation mechanisms with endowments and M-convex distributional constraints. Zbl 07638299 Suzuki, Takamasa; Tamura, Akihisa; Yahiro, Kentaro; Yokoo, Makoto; Zhang, Yuzhe 1 2023 A general approach to extension-based semantics in abstract argumentation. Zbl 07638302 Tan, Lixing; Zhu, Zhaohui; Zhang, Jinjin 1 2023 Learning constraints through partial queries. Zbl 07702942 Bessiere, Christian; Carbonnel, ClĂ©ment; Dries, Anton; Hebrard, Emmanuel; Katsirelos, George; Narodytska, Nina; Quimper, Claude-Guy; Stergiou, Kostas; Tsouros, Dimosthenis C.; Walsh, Toby 1 2023 On existence of truthful fair cake cutting mechanisms. Zbl 07702946 Bu, Xiaolin; Song, Jiaxin; Tao, Biaoshuai 1 2023 Levi and Harper identities for non-prioritized belief base change. Zbl 07702949 Garapa, Marco; FermĂ©, Eduardo; Reis, MaurĂcio D. L. 1 2023 The first AI4TSP competition: learning to solve stochastic routing problems. Zbl 07702953 Zhang, Yingqian; Bliek, Laurens; da Costa, Paulo; Refaei Afshar, Reza; Reijnen, Robbert; Catshoek, Tom; Vos, DaniĂ«l; Verwer, Sicco; Schmitt-Ulms, Fynn; Hottung, AndrĂ©; Shah, Tapan; Sellmann, Meinolf; Tierney, Kevin; Perreault-Lafleur, Carl; Leboeuf, Caroline; Bobbio, Federico; Pepin, Justine; Silva, Warley Almeida; Gama, Ricardo; Fernandes, Hugo L.; Zaefferer, Martin; LĂłpez-Ibáñez, Manuel; Irurozki, Ekhine 1 2023 Safe, learning-based MPC for highway driving under Lane-change uncertainty: a distributionally robust approach. Zbl 07702956 Schuurmans, Mathijs; Katriniok, Alexander; Meissen, Christopher; Tseng, H. Eric; Patrinos, Panagiotis 1 2023 Automatic generation of dominance breaking nogoods for a class of constraint optimization problems. Zbl 07745370 Lee, Jimmy H. M.; Zhong, Allen Z. 1 2023 ASP and subset minimality: enumeration, cautious reasoning and MUSes. Zbl 07702961 Alviano, Mario; Dodaro, Carmine; Fiorentino, Salvatore; Previti, Alessandro; Ricca, Francesco 1 2023 Explainable acceptance in probabilistic and incomplete abstract argumentation frameworks. Zbl 07745364 Alfano, Gianvincenzo; Calautti, Marco; Greco, Sergio; Parisi, Francesco; Trubitsyna, Irina 1 2023 How to find a good explanation for clustering? Zbl 07732223 Bandyapadhyay, Sayan; Fomin, Fedor V.; Golovach, Petr A.; Lochet, William; Purohit, Nidhi; Simonov, Kirill 1 2023 Computing optimal hypertree decompositions with SAT. Zbl 1531.68064 Schidler, AndrĂ©; Szeider, Stefan 1 2023 Envy-free allocations respecting social networks. Zbl 07505974 Bredereck, Robert; Kaczmarczyk, Andrzej; Niedermeier, Rolf 9 2022 Logic tensor networks. Zbl 07482899 Badreddine, Samy; d’Avila Garcez, Artur; Serafini, Luciano; Spranger, Michael 8 2022 Evaluation of argument strength in attack graphs: foundations and semantics. Zbl 1478.68339 Amgoud, Leila; Doder, Dragan; Vesic, Srdjan 8 2022 Analyzing differentiable fuzzy logic operators. Zbl 1490.68233 van Krieken, Emile; Acar, Erman; van Harmelen, Frank 7 2022 An abstract, logical approach to characterizing strong equivalence in non-monotonic knowledge representation formalisms. Zbl 07505979 Baumann, Ringo; Strass, Hannes 6 2022 Inconsistency-tolerant query answering for existential rules. Zbl 07505988 Lukasiewicz, Thomas; Malizia, Enrico; Martinez, Maria Vanina; Molinaro, Cristian; Pieris, Andreas; Simari, Gerardo I. 6 2022 The distortion of distributed metric social choice. Zbl 1503.91058 Anshelevich, Elliot; Filos-Ratsikas, Aris; Voudouris, Alexandros A. 5 2022 Bayesian agency: linear versus tractable contracts. Zbl 07505987 Castiglioni, Matteo; Marchesi, Alberto; Gatti, Nicola 4 2022 Diversity of solutions: an exploration through the lens of fixed-parameter tractability theory. Zbl 07482897 Baste, Julien; Fellows, Michael R.; Jaffke, Lars; MasaĹ™Ăk, Tomáš; de Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Philip, Geevarghese; Rosamond, Frances A. 4 2022 Margin of victory for tournament solutions. Zbl 1481.91074 Brill, Markus; Schmidt-Kraepelin, Ulrike; Suksompong, Warut 4 2022 An action language for multi-agent domains. Zbl 1481.68044 Baral, Chitta; Gelfond, Gregory; Pontelli, Enrico; Son, Tran Cao 4 2022 Choice logics and their computational properties. Zbl 07596156 Bernreiter, Michael; Maly, Jan; Woltran, Stefan 4 2022 Logical separability of labeled data examples under ontologies. Zbl 07613163 Jung, Jean Christoph; Lutz, Carsten; Pulcini, Hadrien; Wolter, Frank 4 2022 Memory-limited model-based diagnosis. Zbl 07505980 Rodler, Patrick 3 2022 Fair allocation of indivisible goods: beyond additive valuations. Zbl 07482892 Ghodsi, Mohammad; HajiAghayi, MohammadTaghi; Seddighin, Masoud; Seddighin, Saeed; Yami, Hadi 3 2022 Preference-based inconsistency-tolerant query answering under existential rules. Zbl 07613154 Calautti, Marco; Greco, Sergio; Molinaro, Cristian; Trubitsyna, Irina 3 2022 Multi-agent pathfinding with continuous time. Zbl 07505972 Andreychuk, Anton; Yakovlev, Konstantin; Surynek, Pavel; Atzmon, Dor; Stern, Roni 2 2022 Online joint bid/daily budget optimization of Internet advertising campaigns. Zbl 07505973 Nuara, Alessandro; Trovò, Francesco; Gatti, Nicola; Restelli, Marcello 2 2022 Analyzing generalized planning under nondeterminism. Zbl 07505990 Belle, Vaishak 2 2022 Advanced algorithms for abstract dialectical frameworks based on complexity analysis of subclasses and SAT solving. Zbl 07505991 Linsbichler, Thomas; Maratea, Marco; Niskanen, Andreas; Wallner, Johannes P.; Woltran, Stefan 2 2022 Learning infinite-word automata with loop-index queries. 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N. 27 Alviano, Mario 27 de Cooman, Gert 27 Szeider, Stefan 26 Bloch, Isabelle 26 Cabalar, Pedro 26 Inoue, Katsumi 26 Moral, SerafĂn 26 Ognjanović, Zoran 26 Ricca, Francesco 26 Riguzzi, Fabrizio 25 Jeavons, Peter G. 25 Marquis, Pierre 24 Fargier, HĂ©lène 24 Gagliardi Cozman, Fabio 24 Grant, John R. 24 Lawry, Jonathan 24 Lierler, Yuliya 24 Montanari, Angelo 24 Tennenholtz, Moshe 23 Baader, Franz 23 Denecker, Marc 23 Dodaro, Carmine 23 Fandinno, Jorge 23 Greco, Gianluigi 23 Jaulin, Luc 23 Suksompong, Warut 22 Bessiere, Christian 22 Dunne, Paul E. 22 Janhunen, Tomi 22 Labreuche, Christophe 22 Marek, V. Wiktor 22 Schockaert, Steven 22 Subrahmanian, V. S. 22 Thimm, Matthias 22 Yin, Minghao 22 You, Jia-Huai 21 Baral, Chitta R. 21 Besnard, Philippe 21 De Giacomo, Giuseppe 21 Jennings, Nicholas R. 21 Levesque, Hector J. 21 Lin, Fangzhen 21 Makino, Kazuhisa 21 Maratea, Marco 21 Ordyniak, Sebastian 21 Peñaloza, Rafael 21 Pino PĂ©rez, RamĂłn 21 Shenoy, Prakash P. 21 Toni, Francesca 20 Baroni, Pietro 20 Bogaerts, Bart 20 Cohen, David A. 20 Ganian, Robert 20 Giordano, Laura ...and 17,534 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 635 Journals 1,978 Artificial Intelligence 841 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 422 Information Sciences 419 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 414 Theoretical Computer Science 265 European Journal of Operational Research 259 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 243 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 211 Machine Learning 178 Journal of Automated Reasoning 175 Constraints 173 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 149 Pattern Recognition 136 Synthese 134 Studia Logica 129 Journal of Philosophical Logic 127 Journal of Applied Logic 121 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 119 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 118 Computers & Operations Research 107 Annals of Operations Research 103 Information and Computation 102 Discrete Applied Mathematics 95 Information Processing Letters 94 Algorithmica 77 JETAI. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 74 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 72 Neural Computation 70 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 65 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 62 Journal of Symbolic Computation 61 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 59 Soft Computing 55 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 55 Games and Economic Behavior 54 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 53 Journal of Computer Science and Technology 53 New Generation Computing 52 Automatica 47 International Journal of General Systems 47 The Review of Symbolic Logic 45 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 43 Applied Mathematics and Computation 43 Mathematical Social Sciences 42 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 41 Neural Networks 40 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 38 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 36 Journal of Global Optimization 34 Logical Methods in Computer Science 33 International Journal of Computer Vision 31 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 Theory of Computing Systems 30 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 29 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 27 Theory and Decision 27 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 26 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 26 Erkenntnis 25 SIAM Journal on Computing 24 Journal of Economic Theory 24 Logica Universalis 23 Social Choice and Welfare 23 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 22 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 22 Kybernetika 22 Formal Methods in System Design 22 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 22 Games 21 Mathematical Programming. 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