Physical Review, II. Series Short Title: Phys. Rev., II. Ser. Publisher: American Physical Society, College Park, MD ISSN: 0031-899X Online: Predecessor: Physical Review Successor: Physical Review BPhysical Review A, Third SeriesPhysical Review D. Series III Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 5,708 Publications (1913–1969) References Indexed: 4,690 Publications with 57,226 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 187 (1969) 186 (1969) 185 (1969) 184 (1969) 183 (1969) 182 (1969) 181 (1969) 178 (1969) 177 (1969) 176 (1968) 175 (1968) 174 (1968) 172 (1968) 171 (1968) 170 (1968) 168 (1968) 166 (1968) 165 (1968) 164 (1967) 162 (1967) 161 (1967) 160 (1967) 159 (1967) 158 (1967) 157 (1967) 156 (1967) 155 (1967) 154 (1967) 153 (1967) 152 (1966) 151 (1966) 149 (1966) 148 (1966) 147 (1966) 145 (1966) 144 (1966) 143 (1966) 142 (1966) 140B (1965) 140A (1965) 139B (1965) 139A (1965) 138B (1965) 138A (1965) 137B (1965) 137A (1965) 136B (1964) 136A (1964) 135B (1964) 135A (1964) 134B (1964) 134A (1964) 133B (1964) 133A (1964) 132 (1963) 131 (1963) 130 (1963) 129 (1963) 128 (1962) 127 (1962) 126 (1962) 125 (1962) 124 (1961) 123 (1961) 122 (1961) 121 (1961) 120 (1960) 119 (1960) 118 (1960) 117 (1960) 116 (1959/1960) 115 (1959) 114 (1959) 113 (1959) 112 (1958) 111 (1958) 110 (1958) 109 (1958) 108 (1957) 107 (1957) 106 (1957) 105 (1957) 104 (1956) 103 (1956) 102 (1956) 101 (1956) 100 (1955) 99 (1955) 98 (1955) 97 (1955) 96 (1954) 95 (1954) 94 (1954) 93 (1954) 92 (1953) 91 (1953) 90 (1953) 89 (1953) 88 (1952) 87 (1952) ...and 64 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 77 Breit, Gregory 46 Bethe, Hans Albrecht 43 Feenberg, Eugene 43 Slater, John Clarke 38 Margenau, Henry 38 Schwinger, Julian Seymore 38 Watson, Kenneth M. 35 Rosen, Nathan 35 Wigner, Eugene Paul 34 Rose, Morris E. 33 Brückner, Keith A. 33 Oppenheimer, Robert 29 Schiff, Leonard I. 27 Halpern, Otto 26 Eckart, Carl 26 Klein, Abraham 26 Kohn, Walter 25 Foldy, Leslie L. 25 Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck 24 Dyson, Freeman John 24 Goldberger, Marvin L. 24 Tolman, Richard Chace 24 Wheeler, John Archibald 24 Yang, Chen-Ning 22 Bohm, David Joseph 22 Luttinger, Joaquin M. 22 Pines, David 22 Uhlenbeck, George Eugene 22 Zener, Clarence 21 Bardeen, John 21 Bergmann, Peter Gabriel 21 Johnson, M. H. jun. 21 Lee, Tsung-Dao 21 Teller, Edward 20 Chew, Geoffrey F. 20 Feynman, Richard Phillips 20 Furry, Wendell H. 20 Sachs, Robert G. 20 Snyder, Hartland S. 19 Band, William 19 Swann, William Francis Gray 18 Case, Kenneth M. 18 Karplus, Robert 18 Low, Francis E. 18 Primakoff, H. 17 Belinfante, Frederik Jozef 17 Havas, Peter 16 Condon, Edward Uhler 16 Gell-Mann, Murray 16 Gunn, Ross 16 Hill, E. L. 16 Hoffmann, Banesh 16 Inglis, David R. 16 Serber, Robert 16 Thomas, Llewellyn H. 16 Weisskopf, Victor Frederick 15 Callen, Herbert B. 15 Deser, Stanley 15 Marshak, Robert E. 15 Podolsky, Boris 15 Wannier, Gregory H. 14 Arnowitt, Richard 14 Biedenharn, Lawrence C. jun. 14 Coester, F. 14 Jauncey, George Eric Macdonnell 14 Misner, Charles W. 14 Mulliken, Robert S. 14 Wentzel, Gregor 13 Bloch, Felix 13 Drell, S. D. 13 Ekstein, H. 13 Fano, Ugo 13 Herzfeld, Karl Ferdinand 13 Kirkwood, John G. 13 Matthews, Paul Taunton 13 Nordheim, Lothar Wolfgang 13 Rice, Oscar Knefler 13 Ruark, Arthur Edward 13 Salam, Abdus 13 Shortley, George Hiram 13 Weinberg, Steven 12 Baranger, Michel 12 Capps, Richard H. 12 Corben, H. C. 12 Feshbach, Herman 12 Goudsmit, Samuel Abraham 12 Lande, Alfred 12 Laporte, Otto 12 Lebowitz, Joel Louis 12 Morse, Philip M. 12 Öhme, Reinhard 12 Rarita, William 12 Salpeter, Edwin E. 12 Spruch, Larry 12 Taub, Abraham Haskel 12 Uehling, Edwin A. 12 Ufford, C. W. 11 Bohr, Niels 11 Borowitz, Sidney 11 Dennison, David Mathias ...and 2,730 more Authors all top 5 Fields 75 Quantum theory (81-XX) 52 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 20 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 5 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 4,110 Publications have been cited 70,763 times in 41,880 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete? Zbl 0012.04201 Einstein, A.; Podolsky, B.; Rosen, N. 1,992 1935 A model for collision processes in gases. I: Small amplitude processes in charged and neutral one-component systems. Zbl 0055.23609 Bhatnagar, P. L.; Gross, E. P.; Krook, M. 1,652 1954 Information theory and statistical mechanics. I, II. Zbl 0084.43701 Jaynes, E. T. 1,608 1957 Mach’s principle and a relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0103.21402 Brans, C.; Dicke, R. H. 1,010 1961 A suggested interpretation of the quantum theory in terms of “hidden” variables. I. II. Zbl 0046.21004 Bohm, David 950 1952 On the quantum correction for thermodynamic equilibrium. Zbl 0004.38201 Wigner, Eugene P. 925 1932 On gauge invariance and vacuum polarization. Zbl 0043.42201 Schwinger, Julian 823 1951 Significance of electromagnetic potentials in the quantum theory. Zbl 0099.43102 Aharonov, Y.; Bohm, D. 777 1959 Coherent and incoherent states of the radiation field. Zbl 1371.81166 Glauber, Roy J. 740 1963 Crystal statistics. I: A two-dimensional model with an order-disorder transition. Zbl 0060.46001 Onsager, Lars 724 1944 Quantum theory of gravity. I: The canonical theory. Zbl 0158.46504 DeWitt, B. S. 697 1967 Quantized space-time. Zbl 0035.13101 Snyder, Hartland S. 639 1947 Theory of superconductivity. Zbl 0090.45401 Bardeen, J.; Cooper, L. N.; Schrieffer, J. R. 550 1957 On the theory of the Brownian motion. JFM 56.1277.03 Uhlenbeck, G. E.; Ornstein, L. S. 514 1930 Reciprocal relations in irreversible processes. II. Zbl 0004.18303 Onsager, Lars 461 1931 Stability of a Schwarzschild singularity. Zbl 0079.41902 Regge, Tullio; Wheeler, John. A. 454 1957 Global structure of the Kerr family of gravitational fields. Zbl 0167.56301 Carter, Brandon 423 1968 Coherence in spontaneous radiation processes. Zbl 0055.21702 Dicke, R. H. 399 1954 Conservation of isotopic spin and isotopic gauge invariance. Zbl 1378.81075 Yang, C. N.; Mills, R. L. 384 1954 Exact analysis of an interaction Bose gas. I: The general solution and the ground state. Zbl 0138.23001 Lieb, Elliott H.; Liniger, Werner 370 1963 On massive neutron cores. Zbl 0020.28501 Oppenheimer, J. R.; Volkoff, G. M. 365 1939 On continued gravitational contraction. Zbl 0022.28104 Oppenheimer, J. R.; Snyder, H. 365 1939 Asymptotic symmetries in gravitational theory. Zbl 0114.21202 Sachs, R. 342 1962 On the quantum correction for thermodynamic equilibrium. JFM 58.0948.07 Wigner, E. 340 1932 Reciprocal relations in irreversible processes. I, II. JFM 57.1168.10 Onsager, Lars 330 1931 Statistical theory of equations of state and phase transitions. II: Lattice gas and Ising model. Zbl 0048.43401 Lee, T. D.; Yang, C. N. 330 1952 Reciprocal relations in irreversible processes. I. Zbl 0001.09501 Onsager, Lars 328 1931 Invariant theoretical interpretation of interaction. Zbl 0070.22102 Utiyama, Ryoyu 316 1956 General relativistic fluid spheres. Zbl 0092.20802 Buchdahl, H. A. 313 1959 Statistical theory of equations of state and phase transitions. I: Theory of condensation. Zbl 0048.43305 Yang, C. N.; Lee, T. D. 308 1952 Quantum theory of gravity. II: The manifestly covariant theory. III: Application of the covariant theory. Zbl 0161.46501 DeWitt, B. S. 306 1967 Fluctuations and irreversible processes. I. Zbl 0053.15106 Onsager, L.; Machlup, S. 296 1953 Static solutions of Einstein’s field equations for spheres of fluid. Zbl 0020.28407 Tolman, Richard C. 280 1939 Diatomic molecules according to the wave mechanics. II: Vibrational levels. JFM 55.0539.02 Morse, Ph. M. 279 1929 On the Dirac theory of spin 1/2 particles and its non-relativistic limit. Zbl 0039.22605 Foldy, Leslie L.; Wouthuysen, Siegfried A. 263 1950 An operator calculus having applications in quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0044.23304 Feynman, Richard P. 255 1951 The thermodynamics of irreversible processes. 3. Relativistic theory of the simple fluid. Zbl 0027.03107 Eckart, Carl 253 1940 Field dependence of the intrinsic domain magnetization of a ferromagnet. Zbl 0027.18604 Holstein, T.; Primakoff, H. 249 1940 The particle problem in the general theory of relativity. Zbl 0012.13401 Einstein, A.; Rosen, N. 246 1935 Quantized fields and particle creation in expanding universes. I. Zbl 0186.58603 Parker, Leonard 242 1969 Space-time approach to quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0038.13302 Feynman, R. P. 236 1949 All possible symmetries of the S-matrix. Zbl 0168.23702 Coleman, Sidney; Mandula, J. 233 1967 The radiation theories of Tomonaga, Schwinger, and Feynman. Zbl 0032.23702 Dyson, F. J. 232 1949 A relativistic equation for bound-state problems. Zbl 0044.43103 Salpeter, E. E.; Bethe, H. A. 231 1951 Covariant conservation laws in general relativity. Zbl 0086.22103 Komar, Arthur 224 1959 On field theories with non-localized action. Zbl 0040.13203 Pais, A.; Uhlenbeck, G. E. 222 1950 Theory of many-particle systems. I. Zbl 0091.22906 Martin, Paul C.; Schwinger, Julian 219 1959 The \(S\) matrix in quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0033.14201 Dyson, F. J. 216 1949 Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete? Zbl 0012.42701 Bohr, Niels 214 1935 A generalized method of field quantization. Zbl 0051.21001 Green, H. S. 212 1953 Statistics of the two-dimensional ferromagnet. I. Zbl 0027.28505 Kramers, H. A.; Wannier, G. H. 209 1941 Dynamical structure and definition of energy in general relativity. Zbl 0092.20704 Arnowitt, R.; Deser, S.; Misner, C. W. 206 1959 Coordinate invariance and energy expressions in general relativity. Zbl 0094.23003 Arnowitt, R.; Deser, S.; Misner, C. W. 201 1961 Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a Bose system of hard spheres and its low-temperature properties. Zbl 0077.45003 Lee, T. D.; Huang, K.; Yang, C. N. 194 1957 Variational principles for scattering processes. I. Zbl 0039.42406 Lippmann, B. A.; Schwinger, Julian 193 1950 The multiple scattering of waves. I: General theory of isotropic scattering by randomly distributed scatterers. Zbl 0061.47304 Foldy, Leslie L. 192 1945 The evaluation of the collision matrix. Zbl 0040.13006 Wick, G. C. 189 1950 Gauge invariance and mass. II. Zbl 0118.44001 Schwinger, J. 185 1962 Geons. Zbl 0064.22404 Wheeler, John Archibald 177 1955 The theory of positrons. Zbl 0037.12406 Feynman, R. P. 176 1949 Relativistic equations for adiabatic, spherically symmetric gravitational collapse. Zbl 0129.41102 Misner, C. W.; Sharp, D. H. 176 1964 Irreversibility and generalized noise. Zbl 0044.41201 Callen, Herbert B.; Welton, Theodore A. 175 1951 Relativistic cosmology. I. Zbl 0066.22204 Raychaudhuri, Amalkumar 173 1955 Mach’s principle and invariance under transformation of units. Zbl 0113.45101 Dicke, R. 172 1962 Maximal extension of Schwarzschild metric. Zbl 0098.19001 Kruskal, M. D. 170 1960 The spontaneous magnetization of a two-dimensional Ising model. Zbl 0046.45304 Yang, C. N. 170 1952 Photons and gravitons in S-matrix theory: Derivations of charge conservation and equality of gravitational and inertial mass. Zbl 0144.23702 Weinberg, S. 169 1964 Mathematical formulation of the quantum theory of electromagnetic interaction. Zbl 0040.28002 Feynman, R. P. 169 1950 Broken symmetries. Zbl 0106.20601 Goldstone, Jeffrey; Salam, Abdus; Weinberg, Steven 161 1962 Quantum electrodynamics. I. A covariant formulation. Zbl 0032.09404 Schwinger, Julian 160 1948 On a theory of particles with half-integral spin. Zbl 0026.28704 Rarita, William; Schwinger, J. 154 1941 Divergence of perturbation theory in quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0046.21501 Dyson, F. J. 151 1952 On the origin of the cosmic radiation. Zbl 0032.09604 Fermi, Enrico 150 1949 Quantum electrodynamics at small distances. Zbl 0057.21401 Gell-Mann, M.; Low, F. E. 148 1954 Quantum field theory in terms of vacuum expectation values. Zbl 0074.22902 Wightman, A. S. 147 1956 On quantized space-time. Zbl 0029.18407 Yang, C. N. 147 1947 Symmetries of baryons and mesons. Zbl 0107.44301 Gell-Mann, M. 146 1962 The spherical model of a ferromagnet. Zbl 0047.45703 Berlin, T. H.; Kac, M. 146 1952 The band theory of graphite. Zbl 0033.14304 Wallace, P. R. 144 1947 Canonical variables for general relativity. Zbl 0091.21203 Arnowitt, R.; Deser, S.; Misner, C. W. 144 1960 Do the equations of motion determine the quantum-mechanical commutation relations,. Zbl 0036.14301 Wigner, Eugene P. 143 1950 Note on the radiation field of the electron. Zbl 0017.23504 Bloch, F.; Nordsieck, A. 140 1937 Crystal statistics. II: Partition function evaluated by spinor analysis. Zbl 0035.42801 Kaufman, Bruria 139 1949 Effects of configuration interaction intensities and phase shifts. Zbl 0116.23405 Fano, U. 138 1961 Forces in molecules. Zbl 0022.42302 Feynman, R. P. 138 1939 Singular potentials. Zbl 0039.22403 Case, K. M. 138 1950 Lower limit for the energy derivative of the scattering phase shift. Zbl 0064.21804 Wigner, Eugene P. 138 1955 A simplification of the Hartree-Fock method. Zbl 0042.23202 Slater, J. C. 137 1951 Bound states in quantum field theory. Zbl 0044.23301 Gell-Mann, Murray; Low, Francis 137 1951 Some special examples in renormalizable field theory. Zbl 0058.23204 Lee, T. D. 136 1954 Undulatory theory of the mechanics of atoms and molecules. JFM 52.0965.07 Schroedinger, E. 136 1926 The theory of magnetic poles. Zbl 0034.27604 Dirac, P. A. M. 135 1948 General theory of spin-wave interactions. Zbl 0072.23601 Freeman, J. Dyson 134 1956 Memory effects in irreversible thermodynamics. Zbl 0131.45006 Zwanzig, R. 131 1961 Time symmetry in the quantum process of measurement. Zbl 0127.43703 Aharonov, Y.; Bergmann, P.; Lebowitz, J. 131 1964 Diffraction theory of electromagnetic waves. Zbl 0022.09303 Stratton, J. A.; Chu, L. J. 130 1939 Bremsstrahlung of very low-energy quants in elementary particle collisions. Zbl 0082.42802 Low, F. E. 126 1958 The intrinsic parity of elemenary particles. Zbl 0046.43906 Wick, G. C.; Wightman, A. S.; Wigner, Eugene P. 125 1952 Theory of the Fermi interaction. Zbl 0082.44202 Feynman, R. P.; Gell-Mann, M. 124 1958 Bose-Einstein condensation and liquid helium. Zbl 0071.44701 Penrose, Oliver; Onsager, Lars 124 1956 Quantized fields and particle creation in expanding universes. I. Zbl 0186.58603 Parker, Leonard 242 1969 Quantum cosmology. I. Zbl 0186.28604 Misner, Charles W. 82 1969 Space-time code. Zbl 0182.59501 Finkelstein, D. 39 1969 S-matrix formulation of statistical mechanics. Zbl 0186.28601 Dashen, R.; Ma, Shang-keng; Bernstein, H. J. 34 1969 Absolute zero of time. Zbl 0186.58702 Misner, Charles W. 22 1969 Generally covariant integral formulation of Einstein’s field equation. Zbl 0186.28703 Sciama, D. W.; Waylen, P. C.; Gilman, Robert C. 20 1969 Motion and structure of singularities in general relativity. Zbl 0186.28702 Newman, E. T.; Posadas, R. 9 1969 Theory of high-spin fields. Zbl 0179.58004 Aurilia, A.; Umezawa, H. 6 1969 Uniqueness of the Veneziano representation. Zbl 0186.58204 Matsuda, Satoshi 6 1969 Geometric formula for current-algebra commutation relations. Zbl 0179.30202 Hermann, Robert 3 1969 Statistical basis of physical laws. Zbl 0181.27402 Collins, R. E. 3 1969 Angle and phase coordinates in quantum mechanics. Zbl 0186.28202 Zak, J. 3 1969 Theory of the scattering operator. I: Preliminary formulation. Zbl 0181.27702 Rohrlich, F. 2 1969 Quantum field theories with degenerate Lagrangians. Zbl 0179.30201 Hermann, Robert 1 1969 Relativistic thermodynamics. Zbl 0186.58501 Hamity, Victor H. 1 1969 Magnetic interactions in a warm plasma. Zbl 0195.29202 Krizan, John E. 1 1969 Analyticity and causality. II. Zbl 0182.29704 Screaton, G. R. 1 1969 Global structure of the Kerr family of gravitational fields. Zbl 0167.56301 Carter, Brandon 423 1968 A \(\lambda\varphi^4\) quantum field theory without cutoffs. I. Zbl 0177.28203 Glimm, J.; Jaffe, A. 69 1968 Some general properties of para-Fermi field theory. Zbl 0189.27304 Ohnuki, Y.; Kamefuchi, S. 5 1968 Hydrodynamics and time-correlation functions. Zbl 0264.76036 Dufty, James W. 4 1968 Derivation of the mass and spin spectrum for mesons and baryons. Zbl 0169.57102 Böhm, A. 3 1968 Correlation functions as hydrodynamic Green’s functions. Zbl 0172.54403 Dufty, J. W.; McLennan, J. A. 2 1968 Timelike reflection: The coupling between time reversal and the Poincaré group. Zbl 0167.56002 Fleming, G. N. 1 1968 Analyticity and causality. Zbl 0157.31903 Screaton, G. R. 1 1968 Nonlinear effects in plasma resonance. Zbl 0162.30102 Hsuan, H. C. S. 1 1968 A mass-splitting theorem for general definition of mass. Zbl 0177.28301 Böhm, A.; O’Raifeartaighh, L. 1 1968 Quantum theory of gravity. I: The canonical theory. Zbl 0158.46504 DeWitt, B. S. 697 1967 Quantum theory of gravity. II: The manifestly covariant theory. III: Application of the covariant theory. Zbl 0161.46501 DeWitt, B. S. 306 1967 All possible symmetries of the S-matrix. Zbl 0168.23702 Coleman, Sidney; Mandula, J. 233 1967 Breakdown of Lorentz invariance. Zbl 0173.30504 Pavlopoulus, T. G. 20 1967 Static, axially symmetric, interior solution in general relativity. Zbl 0152.45904 Hernandez, W. C. jun. 11 1967 Multimass fields, spin, and statistics. Zbl 0168.23502 Feldman, G.; Matthews, P. T. 11 1967 Lorent invariant localization for elementary systems. Zbl 0154.46202 Gallardo, J. C.; Kalnay, A. J.; Risemberg, S. H. 8 1967 Mass-splitting theorem for non-unitary group representations. Zbl 0168.23602 O’Raifeartaigh, L. 6 1967 Thermoelasticity of stressed materials and comparison of various elastic constants. Zbl 0168.45802 Wallace, D. C. 5 1967 Hamilton-Jacobi quantization of general relativity. Zbl 0144.23402 Komar, Arthur 5 1967 Low-lying superfluid states in a rotating annulus. Zbl 0147.44106 Fetter, A. L. 4 1967 Elementary excitations in classical liquids. Zbl 0155.53804 Zwanzig, R. 4 1967 Mass-splitting theorem for translationally invariant nonintegrable Lie algebras. Zbl 0161.23605 O’Raifeartaigh, L. 4 1967 Quantization of relativistic Schrödinger equations for arbitrary spin. Zbl 0156.23404 Mathews, P. M. 3 1967 Symmetry and degeneracy in classical mechanics. Zbl 0153.26602 Stehle, P.; Han, M. Y. 3 1967 Power series of kinetic theory. I: Perturbation expansion. Zbl 0151.45601 Goldberg, P.; Sandri, G. 2 1967 Power series of kinetic theory. II: Expansion with the functional Ansatz. Zbl 0151.45602 Goldberg, P.; Sandri, G. 2 1967 Virial theorem for the homogeneous electron gas. Zbl 0158.46302 Argyres, P. N. 1 1967 Modified canonical formalism. Zbl 0163.22002 Kazes, E. 1 1967 Remarks on the application of the Jost-Lehmann-Dyson representation to equaltime commutators. Zbl 0179.58302 Schroer, B.; Stichel, P. 1 1967 Particles and sources. Zbl 0155.32302 Schwinger, J. 69 1966 Irreversibility in Heisenberg spin systems. II: Approximate solution of the high-temperature kinetic equations. Zbl 0152.46503 de Leener, M.; Resibois, P. 48 1966 Equations of motion in nonequilibrium statistical mechnanics. Zbl 0964.82507 Robertson, Baldwin 38 1966 Theory of bound states in a random potential. Zbl 0149.23702 Zittartz, J.; Langer, J. S. 17 1966 Conformal group in space-time. Zbl 0137.18503 Kastrup, H. A. 10 1966 Quantum electrodynamics and the correpondence principle. Zbl 0148.23901 Stehle, P.; DeBaryshe, P. G. 10 1966 Simultaneous measurement of non-commuting observables. Zbl 0181.27504 She, C. Y.; Heffner, H. 9 1966 Relativistic Schrödinger equations for particles of arbitrary spin. Zbl 0139.23105 Mathews, P. M. 7 1966 Characteristic states of the electromagnetic radiation field. Zbl 0148.23902 Miller, M. M.; Mishkin, E. A. 5 1966 Irreversibility in Heisenberg spin systems. I: General formalism and kinetic equations in the high-temperature limit. Zbl 0152.46502 Resibois, P.; de Leener, M. 5 1966 Cluster decomposition of \(S\)-matrix elements. Zbl 0964.81516 Taylor, John R. 5 1966 Conservation laws and symmetries. Zbl 0139.41701 Dass, T. 5 1966 Geometry and Newtonian physics. Zbl 0146.20401 Cohn, Jack 4 1966 Invariant scalar product and observables in a relativistic theory of particles of arbitrary spin. Zbl 0139.23201 Mathews, P. M. 3 1966 Noncompact groups in elementary-particle theory. Zbl 0171.23904 Hillion, P. 2 1966 Relation of the plasma kinetic equation for the Darwin Hamiltonian to the relativistic Landau equation. Zbl 0212.29902 Krizan, J. E. 1 1966 Theory of the range of hot electrons in real metals. Zbl 0129.22202 Adler, S. L. 1 1966 Renormalization and statistical mechanics in many-particle systems. I: Hamiltonian perturbation method. II: Statistical perturbation method. Zbl 0143.46601 Wallace, D. C. 1 1966 Lower bounds for Helmholtz function. Zbl 0125.23204 Golden, Sidney 54 1965 Lorentz invariance and internal symmetry. Zbl 0127.20903 O’Raifeartaigh, L. 20 1965 Covariant position operators, spin, and locality. Zbl 0131.43805 Fleming, G. N. 17 1965 Energy of infinitely long, cylindrically symmetric systems in general relativity. Zbl 0125.45201 Thoren, K. S. 15 1965 Correlation of electrons in a narrow s band. Zbl 0127.45801 Gutzwiller, M. 15 1965 Motion of a charge in a gravitational field. Zbl 0131.43304 Carmeli, M. 14 1965 Vaidya’s radiating Schwarzschild metric. Zbl 0132.43203 Lindquist, R. W.; Schwartz, R. A.; Misner, C. W. 14 1965 Relativistic equations for spherical gravitational collapse with escaping neutrinos. Zbl 0127.18405 Misner, C. W. 11 1965 Non-Regge terms in the vector-spinor theory. Zbl 0128.46203 Mandelstam, S. 10 1965 Frequency shift in high-intensity compton scattering. Zbl 0127.20103 Kibble, T. 6 1965 Vortices in an imperfect Bose gas. I: The condensate. II: Single-particle excitations. Zbl 0127.23103 Fetter, Alexander L. 5 1965 Classical relativistic mechanics of interacting point particles. Zbl 0128.45201 van Dam, H.; Wigner, Eugene P. 4 1965 Dynamics of a broken SU\(_ N\) symmetry for the oscillator. Zbl 0131.44801 Barut, A. O. 4 1965 Trouble with relativistic SU(6). Zbl 0127.20801 Coleman, Sidney 4 1965 Brownian-motion model of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Zbl 0132.22503 Comisar, G. G. 4 1965 Lie groups, Lie algebras, and the troubles of relativistic SU (6). Zbl 0133.23502 Lipkin, H. J. 4 1965 Ideal relativistic Bose condensation. Zbl 0127.21203 Landsberg, P. T.; Dunning-Davies, J. 4 1965 Origins of the Lee triangle. Zbl 0134.23003 Rosen, S. P. 4 1965 Theoretical aspects of mixtures of thermal and coherent radiation. Zbl 0127.44804 Lachs, G. 4 1965 Statistical mechanics of viscoelasticity. Zbl 0127.45003 DeVault, G.; McLennan, J. 4 1965 Master equations and Markov processes. Zbl 0134.34702 Oppenheim, Irwin; Shuler, Kurt E. 3 1965 Relations between internal symmetry and relativistic invariance. Zbl 0128.41103 Michel, Louis 3 1965 A modified spherical model of a first-order phase transition. Zbl 0132.23402 Langer, J. S. 3 1965 Radiative transfer in dispersive media. Zbl 0134.23302 Harris, E. G. 3 1965 Quantum density oscillations in an inhomogeneous electron gas. Zbl 0127.45101 Kohn, W.; Sham, L. 3 1965 Classical theory of atomic collisions. I: Theory of inelastic collisions. Zbl 0128.45503 Gryzinski, M. 2 1965 Spontaneous symmetry breakdown and the \(\mu -e-\gamma\) interaction. Zbl 0127.20604 Arnowitt, R.; Deser, S. 2 1965 Spin-wave-spin-wave scattering in a Heisenberg ferromagnet. Zbl 0129.23503 Boyd, R. G.; Callaway, J. 2 1965 Rotation and gravitational collapse. Zbl 0128.45403 Wagoner, R. V. 2 1965 Problem of energy in an expanding universe. Zbl 0128.21601 Pachner, Jaroslav 1 1965 Theory of isobaric-spin analogue resonances. Zbl 0129.22601 Robson, D. 1 1965 Approximate methods for obtaining radial distribution functions of fluids. Zbl 0129.44905 Carley, D. D.; Lado, F. 1 1965 Coherent-state representations for the photon density operator. Zbl 0132.22402 Cahill, K. E. 1 1965 Density-operator theory of harmonic oscillator relaxation. Zbl 0125.23302 Louisell, W. H.; Walker, L. R. 1 1965 Shell-model treatment of nuclear reactions. Zbl 0125.25001 Danos, M.; Greiner, W. 1 1965 ...and 1305 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 42,834 Authors 128 Fan, Hong-Yi 102 Sharif, Muhammad 82 Xu, Kun 61 Man’ko, Vladimir Ivanovich 60 Breit, Gregory 60 Seiringer, Robert 56 Hassanabadi, Hassan 53 Marmo, Giuseppe 53 Reddy, Dandala R. K. 50 Chung, Won-Sang 48 Capozziello, Salvatore 46 Mustafa, Ghulam 46 Rahaman, Farook 41 Lebowitz, Joel Louis 40 Maurya, Sunil Kumar 39 Bhatti, Muhammad Zaeem-ul-Haq 39 Yousaf, Zeeshan 38 Khrennikov, Andreĭ Yur’evich 37 Bakke, Knut 37 Watson, Kenneth M. 36 Bethe, Hans Albrecht 36 Visser, Matt 35 Sudarshan, E. C. George 34 Gitman, Dmitri M. 34 Ray, Saibal 34 Van der Jeugt, Joris 33 Deser, Stanley 33 Liu, Chun 33 March, Norman H. 33 Yun, Seok-Bae 32 Brückner, Keith A. 32 Debnath, Ujjal 32 Klein, Abraham 32 Lewin, Mathieu 31 Chakraborty, Subenoy 31 Herrera, Luis Alfredo 31 Lieb, Elliott Hershel 31 Tumulka, Roderich 31 Ye, Liu 30 Ahmed, Faizuddin 30 Feenberg, Eugene 30 Peres, Asher 30 Pradhan, Anirudh 30 Sahoo, Pradyumn Kumar 30 Schwinger, Julian Seymore 30 Wheeler, John Archibald 29 Daoud, Mohammed 29 Gangopadhyay, Sunandan 29 Jing, Jiliang 28 Furtado, Claudio 28 Hainzl, Christian 28 Soize, Christian 28 Yang, Chen-Ning 27 Bergmann, Peter Gabriel 27 Fernández, Francisco Marcelo 27 Hendi, Seyed Hossein 27 Henneaux, Marc 27 Margenau, Henry 27 Rose, Morris E. 27 Shamir, M. Farasat 26 Foldy, Leslie L. 26 Gibbons, Gary William 26 Horwitz, Lawrence Paul 26 Nikolić, Hrvoje 26 Zubair, Muhammad 25 Biedenharn, Lawrence C. jun. 25 Fei, Shaoming 25 Gaspard, Pierre 25 Gzyl, Henryk 25 Hu, Liyun 25 Luo, Shunlong 25 Mann, Robert B. 25 Meljanac, Stjepan 25 Mignemi, Salvatore 25 Nashed, Gamal Gergess Lamee 25 Rosen, Nathan 25 Schlein, Benjamin 25 Slater, John Clarke 25 Wang, Jisuo 24 Baxter, Rodney J. 24 Bezerra, Valdir Barbosa 24 Kohn, Walter 24 Lee, Tsung-Dao 24 Pines, David 24 Schiff, Leonard I. 24 Setare, Mohammad Reza 24 Simon, Barry 24 Stoilova, Nedjalka I. 24 Tsujikawa, Shinji 23 Casadio, Roberto 23 Dyson, Freeman John 23 Goldberger, Marvin L. 23 Kiessling, Michael Karl-Heinz 23 Maharaj, Sunil D. 23 Malik, Adnan 23 Moses, Harry E. 23 Naidu, R. L. 23 Newman, Ezra Theodore 23 Plastino, Angel Luis 23 Quesne, Christiane ...and 42,734 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 1,019 Journals 3,768 Physical Review, II. Series 2,689 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1,857 Journal of High Energy Physics 1,695 Annals of Physics 1,440 Physics Letters. A 1,433 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1,096 General Relativity and Gravitation 860 Nuclear Physics. B 797 Physics Letters. B 744 Journal of Statistical Physics 715 International Journal of Modern Physics A 713 Journal of Computational Physics 699 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series 697 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 694 Communications in Mathematical Physics 693 Classical and Quantum Gravity 654 Modern Physics Letters A 631 Foundations of Physics 618 Physica A 504 International Journal of Modern Physics D 467 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 449 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 434 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 432 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 409 International Journal of Modern Physics B 384 Quantum Information Processing 374 Computer Physics Communications 353 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 301 New Journal of Physics 287 Reviews of Modern Physics 273 Physical Review Letters 271 Astrophysics and Space Science 252 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 220 Physics Reports 216 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 212 Reports on Mathematical Physics 211 Advances in High Energy Physics 207 Computers and Fluids 190 International Journal of Quantum Information 185 Journal of Modern Optics 183 Physica D 178 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 178 Annalen der Physik 175 Letters in Mathematical Physics 168 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 162 International Journal of Engineering Science 159 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 157 Annales Henri Poincaré 150 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 142 Communications in Theoretical Physics 141 Gravitation & Cosmology 138 Modern Physics Letters B 136 Journal of Geometry and Physics 136 Fortschritte der Physik 135 Chaos 134 Physics of Fluids 132 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 126 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 126 Wave Motion 124 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 121 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 118 Journal of Applied Physics 116 Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 113 Acta Mechanica 111 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 108 SciPost Physics 105 Physical Review D. Series III 99 Journal of Functional Analysis 99 Il Nuovo Cimento, IX. Series 93 European Journal of Physics 92 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 90 Russian Physics Journal 89 Applied Mathematics and Computation 89 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 89 Entropy 88 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 86 Living Reviews in Relativity 82 The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 75 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique 73 Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 72 Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 71 Nuclear Physics. B. Proceedings Supplements 70 Journal of Scientific Computing 68 Synthese 66 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 65 Journal of Differential Equations 63 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 61 International Journal of Modern Physics C 58 Applied Mathematical Modelling 57 Communications in Computational Physics 52 Advances in Mathematical Physics 50 Open Systems & Information Dynamics 50 Physical Review A, Third Series 49 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 48 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 48 The European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields 45 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 45 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 45 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series, A 44 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences ...and 919 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 63 Fields 16,501 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8,891 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 7,166 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3,739 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3,553 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2,233 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1,732 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1,687 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1,575 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1,417 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1,303 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1,113 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1,019 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 897 Operator theory (47-XX) 891 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 831 Statistics (62-XX) 816 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 758 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 747 Functional analysis (46-XX) 630 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 594 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 527 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 517 Computer science (68-XX) 486 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 453 Special functions (33-XX) 443 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 389 Combinatorics (05-XX) 349 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 331 History and biography (01-XX) 326 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 303 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 276 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 199 Integral equations (45-XX) 198 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 196 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 192 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 190 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 180 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 168 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 160 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 156 Number theory (11-XX) 152 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 141 Real functions (26-XX) 140 Geophysics (86-XX) 122 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 122 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 121 Measure and integration (28-XX) 117 Geometry (51-XX) 89 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 75 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 67 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 63 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 55 Potential theory (31-XX) 50 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 44 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 37 General topology (54-XX) 32 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 32 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 30 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 15 Mathematics education (97-XX) 14 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 13 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 11 General algebraic systems (08-XX) Citations by Year