Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability Short Title: Monogr. Stat. Appl. Probab. Publisher: CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL Online: Predecessor: Monographs on Applied Probability and Statistics Comments: Book series; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 152 Publications (since 1982) all top 5 Latest Volumes 171 (2023) 170 (2022) 169 (2022) 168 (2022) 167 (2021) 166 (2021) 165 (2019) 164 (2020) 163 (2019) 162 (2018) 161 (2018) 160 (2018) 159 (2018) 158 (2018) 157 (2018) 156 (2018) 155 (2017) 154 (2017) 153 (2017) 151 (2017) 150 (2016) 149 (2016) 148 (2016) 147 (2016) 146 (2016) 145 (2015) 144 (2015) 143 (2015) 142 (2015) 141 (2015) 140 (2015) 139 (2015) 138 (2015) 137 (2015) 136 (2015) 135 (2015) 134 (2014) 133 (2014) 132 (2014) 131 (2014) 130 (2013) 129 (2014) 128 (2014) 127 (2014) 126 (2013) 125 (2012) 124 (2012) 123 (2012) 122 (2012) 121 (2011) 120 (2011) 119 (2011) 118 (2011) 117 (2011) 116 (2010) 115 (2010) 114 (2010) 113 (2010) 111 (2009) 110 (2009) 109 (2008) 108 (2007) 107 (2007) 106 (2006) 105 (2006) 104 (2005) 103 (2005) 102 (2004) 101 (2004) 100 (2004) 99 (2004) 98 (2003) 97 (2003) 96 (2002) 95 (2002) 94 (2002) 93 (2002) 92 (2001) 91 (2001) 90 (2001) 89 (2001) 88 (2001) 87 (2001) 86 (2000) 85 (2000) 84 (2000) 83 (1999) 82 (1999) 81 (2000) 80 (1998) 79 (1997) 78 (1997) 77 (1997) 76 (1997) 75 (1997) 74 (1997) 73 (1997) 72 (1997) 71 (1997) 70 (1997) ...and 49 more Volumes all top 5 Authors / Editors 8 Cox, David Roxbee 6 Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler 4 McCullagh, Peter 4 Nelder, John Ashworth 3 Carlin, Bradley P. 3 Carroll, Raymond James 3 Everitt, Brian S. 3 Hand, David J. 3 Jones, Byron 3 Kenward, Michael G. 3 MacDonald, Iain Lachie 3 Pentikäinen, Teivo 3 Ruppert, David 3 Tibshirani, Robert John 3 Zucchini, Walter 2 Banerjee, Sudipto 2 Cox, Michael A. A. 2 Cox, Trevor F. 2 Davis, Mark Herbert Ainsworth 2 Daykin, C. D. 2 Fang, Kai-Tai 2 Finkenstädt, Bärbel F. 2 Gelfand, Alan Enoch 2 Giraud, Christophe 2 Hastie, Trevor John 2 Held, Leonhard 2 Joe, Harry 2 John, J. A. 2 Kendall, Wilfrid S. 2 Kitagawa, Genshiro 2 Klüppelberg, Claudia 2 Lee, Youngjo 2 Miller, Alan J. 2 Pawitan, Yudi 2 Silverman, Bernard W. 2 Stefanski, Leonard A. 2 Wetherill, G. Barrie 1 Aerts, Marc 1 Aitchison, John 1 Arnold, Barry Charles 1 Atkinson, Anthony C. 1 Azzalini, Adelchi 1 Baddeley, Adrian John 1 Bagdonavičius, Vilijandas B. 1 Basseville, Michèle 1 Basu, Ayanendranath 1 Beard, R. E. 1 Beran, Jan 1 Berry, Donald Arthur 1 Bhattacharjee, Monika 1 Biswas, Atanu 1 Böhning, Dankmar 1 Bose, Arup 1 Casals, José 1 Chacón, José E. 1 Chambers, Raymond L. 1 Cheng, Chingshui 1 Chernov, Nikolai Ivanovich 1 Coles, Stuart G. 1 Cook, Ralph Dennis 1 Cook, Richard John 1 Crăiniceanu, Ciprian-Mugur 1 Crane, Harry 1 Crowder, Martin J. 1 Daniels, Michael J. 1 Davidian, Marie 1 Davies, Patrick Laurie 1 Del Moral, Pierre 1 Diggle, Peter John 1 Donnelly, Christl A. 1 Dryden, Ian L. 1 Duncombe, P. 1 Duong, Tarn 1 Efromovich, Sam 1 Efron, Bradley 1 Elashoff, Robert M. 1 Embrechts, Paul 1 Evans, Michael John 1 Falin, Gennadi I. 1 Fan, Jianqing 1 Ferguson, Neil M. 1 Fougères, Anne-Laure 1 Fristedt, Bert E. 1 Gail, Mitchell H. 1 Gao, Jiti 1 García-Hiernaux, Alfredo 1 Gawarecki, Leszek 1 Geisser, Seymour 1 Geys, Helena 1 Ghosh, Malay 1 Gijbels, Irène 1 Glazebrook, Kevin D. 1 Golyandina, Nina 1 Gower, John Clifford 1 Grandell, Jan 1 Green, Peter J. 1 Gustafson, Paul 1 Haywood, John 1 Hettmansperger, Thomas P. 1 Hilbe, Joseph Michael ...and 118 more Authors all top 5 Fields 141 Statistics (62-XX) 30 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 19 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 14 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 150 Publications have been cited 28,365 times in 24,279 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Density estimation for statistics and data analysis. Zbl 0617.62042 Silverman, B. W. 2,315 1986 Generalized linear models. 2nd ed. Zbl 0744.62098 McCullagh, P.; Nelder, J. A. 1,950 1989 An introduction to the bootstrap. Zbl 0835.62038 Efron, Bradley; Tibshirani, Robert J. 1,765 1993 Local polynomial modelling and its applications. Zbl 0873.62037 Fan, J.; Gijbels, I. 1,644 1996 Multivariate models and dependence concepts. Zbl 0990.62517 Joe, Harry 1,437 1997 Generalized additive models. Zbl 0747.62061 Hastie, T. J.; Tibshirani, R. J. 1,339 1990 Kernel smoothing. Zbl 0854.62043 Wand, M. P.; Jones, M. C. 985 1995 Statistical reasoning with imprecise probabilities. Zbl 0732.62004 Walley, Peter 899 1991 Symmetric multivariate and related distributions. Zbl 0699.62048 Fang, Kai-Tai; Kotz, Samuel; Ng, Kai-Wang 853 1990 Generalized linear models. Zbl 0588.62104 McCullagh, P.; Nelder, J. A. 780 1983 Empirical likelihood. Zbl 0989.62019 Owen, Art B. 776 2001 Statistics for long-memory processes. Zbl 0869.60045 Beran, Jan 753 1994 Measurement error in nonlinear models: a modern perspective. 2nd ed. Zbl 1119.62063 Carroll, Raymond J.; Ruppert, David; Stefanski, Leonard A.; Crainiceanu, Ciprian M. 739 2006 Residuals and influence in regression. Zbl 0564.62054 Cook, R. Dennis; Weisberg, Sanford 605 1982 Nonparametric regression and generalized linear models: a roughness penalty approach. Zbl 0832.62032 Green, Peter J.; Silverman, B. W. 575 1994 Gaussian Markov random fields. Theory and applications. Zbl 1093.60003 Rue, Håvard; Held, Leonhard 512 2005 Markov models and optimization. Zbl 0780.60002 Davis, M. H. A. 459 1993 Statistical learning with sparsity. The Lasso and generalizations. Zbl 1319.68003 Hastie, Trevor; Tibshirani, Robert; Wainwright, Martin 419 2015 Analysis of incomplete multivariate data. Zbl 0997.62510 Schafer, Joe 387 1997 Retrial queues. Zbl 0944.60005 Falin, G.; Templeton, J. G. C. 362 1997 The statistical analysis of compositional data. Zbl 0688.62004 Aitchison, J. 361 1986 Measurement error in nonlinear models. Zbl 0853.62048 Carroll, R. J.; Ruppert, D.; Stefanski, L. A. 336 1995 Dependence modeling with copulas. Zbl 1346.62001 Joe, Harry 330 2014 Hierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data. Zbl 1053.62105 Banerjee, Sudipto; Carlin, Bradley P.; Gelfand, Alan E. 280 2004 Tensor methods in statistics. Zbl 0732.62003 McCullagh, Peter 250 1987 Transformation and weighting in regression. Zbl 0666.62062 Carroll, Raymond J.; Ruppert, David 240 1988 Number-theoretic methods in statistics. Zbl 0925.65263 Fang, Kai-Tai; Wang, Yuan 237 1994 Inference and asymptotics. Zbl 0826.62004 Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E.; Cox, D. R. 234 1994 The theory of dispersion models. Zbl 0928.62052 Jørgensen, Bent 231 1997 Asymptotic techniques for use in statistics. Zbl 0672.62024 Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E.; Cox, D. R. 214 1989 Statistical inference and simulation for spatial point processes. Zbl 1044.62101 Møller, Jesper; Waagepetersen, Rasmus Plenge 203 2004 Hidden Markov and other models for discrete-valued time series. Zbl 0868.60036 MacDonald, Iain L.; Zucchini, Walter 196 1997 Subset selection in regression. 2nd ed. Zbl 1051.62060 Miller, Alan J. 189 2002 Bandit problems. Sequential allocation of experiments. Zbl 0659.62086 Berry, Donald A.; Fristedt, Bert 174 1985 Bayes and empirical Bayes methods for data analysis. Zbl 0871.62012 Carlin, Bradley; Louis, Thomas A. 169 1996 Mixed Poisson processes. Zbl 0922.60005 Grandell, J. 162 1997 Analysis of binary data. 2nd ed. Zbl 0729.62004 Cox, D. R.; Snell, E. J. 161 1989 Predictive inference. An introduction. Zbl 0824.62001 Geisser, Seymour 154 1993 Multivariate dependencies: models, analysis and interpretation. Zbl 0880.62124 Cox, D. R.; Wermuth, Nanny 148 1996 Multidimensional scaling. 2nd ed. Zbl 1004.91067 Cox, Trevor F.; Cox, Michael A. A. 129 2001 Generalized linear models with random effects: unified analysis via \(h\)-likelihood. With CD-ROM. Zbl 1110.62092 Lee, Youngjo; Nelder, John A.; Pawitan, Yudi 129 2006 Hierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data. 2nd ed. Zbl 1358.62009 Banerjee, Sudipto; Carlin, Bradley P.; Gelfand, Alan E. 128 2015 Hidden Markov models for time series. An introduction using R. Zbl 1180.62130 Zucchini, Walter; MacDonald, Iain L. 127 2009 Analyzing and modeling rank data. Zbl 0853.62006 Marden, John I. 122 1995 Empirical Bayes methods. 2nd ed. Zbl 0731.62040 Maritz, J. S.; Lwin, T. 111 1989 Classification. 2nd ed. Zbl 0929.62068 Gordon, A. D. 105 1999 Hidden Markov models for time series. An introduction using R. 2nd edition. Zbl 1362.62005 Zucchini, Walter; MacDonald, Iain L.; Langrock, Roland 104 2016 Accelerated life models: modeling and statistical analysis. Zbl 1001.62035 Bagdonavičius, Vilijandas; Nikulin, Mikhail 99 2002 Statistical inference. The minimum distance approach. Zbl 1281.62016 Basu, Ayanendranath; Shioya, Hiroyuki; Park, Chanseok 99 2011 Mean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration. Zbl 1282.65011 Del Moral, Pierre 98 2013 Missing data in longitudinal studies. Strategies for Bayesian modeling and sensitivity analysis. Zbl 1165.62023 Daniels, Michael J.; Hogan, Joseph W. 98 2008 Statistical evidence. A likelihood paradigm. Zbl 0919.62004 Royall, Richard M. 97 1997 Practical risk theory for actuaries. Zbl 1140.62345 Daykin, C. D.; Pentikäinen, T.; Pesonen, M. 95 1994 Algebraic statistics. Computational commutative algebra in statistics. Zbl 0960.62003 Pistone, Giovanni; Riccomagno, Eva; Wynn, Henry P. 91 2001 Analysis of time series structure. SSA and related techniques. Zbl 0978.62073 Golyandina, Nina; Nekrutkin, V. V.; Zhigljavsky, A. A. 91 2001 Nonlinear time series: semiparametric and nonparametric methods. Zbl 1179.62118 Gao, Jiti 91 2007 Diagnostic checks in time series. Zbl 1053.62100 Li, Wai Keung 90 2004 Sufficient dimension reduction: methods and applications with R. Zbl 1408.62011 Li, Bing 88 2018 Multidimensional scaling. Zbl 0853.62047 Cox, Trevor F.; Cox, Michael A. A. 87 1994 Subset selection in regression. Zbl 0702.62057 Miller, Alan J. 83 1990 Biplots. Zbl 0867.62053 Gower, J. C.; Hand, D. J. 75 1996 Robust nonparametric statistical methods. 2nd ed. Zbl 1263.62048 Hettmansperger, Thomas P.; McKean, Joseph W. 75 2011 Pareto distributions. 2nd ed. Zbl 1361.62004 Arnold, Barry C. 75 2015 ROC curves for continuous data. Zbl 1288.62005 Krzanowski, Wojtek J.; Hand, David J. 68 2009 Computer assisted analysis of mixtures and applications. Meta-analysis, disease mapping and others. Zbl 0951.62088 Böhning, Dankmar 68 2000 Sequential analysis. Hypothesis testing and changepoint detection. Zbl 1341.62026 Tartakovsky, Alexander; Nikiforov, Igor; Basseville, Michèle 67 2015 Cyclic and computer generated designs. 2nd ed. Zbl 0865.05010 John, J. A.; Williams, E. R. 65 1995 Design and analysis of cross-over trials. Zbl 0729.62068 Jones, Byron; Kenward, Michael G. 59 1989 Analysis of repeated measures. Zbl 0745.62064 Crowder, M. J.; Hand, D. J. 59 1990 Statistical analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns. 3rd ed. Zbl 1435.62004 Diggle, Peter J. 58 2014 Longitudinal data with serial correlation: a state-space approach. Zbl 0851.62059 Jones, R. H. 57 1993 Risk theory. The stochastic basis of insurance. 3rd ed. Zbl 0532.62081 Beard, R. E.; Pentikäinen, T.; Pesonen, E. 57 1984 The theory of the design of experiments. Zbl 1009.62061 Cox, D. R.; Reid, N. 55 2000 Mixed effects models for complex data. Zbl 1268.62067 Wu, Lang 54 2010 Differential geometry and statistics. Zbl 0804.53001 Murray, Michael K.; Rice, John W. 53 1993 Smoothing splines. Methods and applications. Zbl 1223.65011 Wang, Yuedong 51 2011 Robust cluster analysis and variable selection. Zbl 1341.62037 Ritter, Gunter 48 2015 Introduction to high-dimensional statistics. Zbl 1341.62011 Giraud, Christophe 47 2015 Applications of queueing theory. 2nd ed. Zbl 0503.60094 Newell, G. F. 46 1982 Subjective probability models for lifetimes. Zbl 1078.62530 Spizzichino, Fabio 46 2001 Semimartingales and their statistical inference. Zbl 0960.62090 Prakasa Rao, B. L. S. 45 1999 Stochastic modelling and control. Zbl 0654.93001 Davis, M. H. A.; Vinter, R. B. 43 1985 Analysis of variance for functional data. Zbl 1281.62160 Zhang, Jin-Ting 42 2014 Multivariate kernel smoothing and its applications. Zbl 1402.62003 Chacón, José E.; Duong, Tarn 40 2018 An introduction to latent variable models. Zbl 0583.62049 Everitt, B. S. 37 1984 Cyclic designs. Zbl 0731.05001 John, J. A. 36 1987 Dynamic prediction in clinical survival analysis. Zbl 1272.62004 van Houwelingen, Hans; Putter, Hein 36 2012 Measuring statistical evidence using relative belief. Zbl 1358.62004 Evans, Michael 36 2015 Design and analysis of cross-over trials. 2nd ed. Zbl 1103.62108 Jones, Byron; Kenward, Michael G. 35 2003 Analog estimation methods in econometrics. Zbl 0775.62337 Manski, Charles F. 34 1988 Set-indexed martingales. Zbl 0948.60039 Ivanoff, Gail; Merzbach, Ely 32 2000 Theory of factorial design. Single- and multi-stratum experiments. Zbl 1306.62007 Cheng, Ching-Shui 32 2014 Extreme values in finance, telecommunications, and the environment. Invited papers presented at the 5th Séminaire Européen de Statitisque (SemStat) on extreme value theory and applications, Gothenburg, Sweden, December 10–16, 2001. Zbl 1020.00022 30 2004 Theory of sample surveys. Zbl 0918.62005 Thompson, M. E. 29 1997 Statistical inference. Based on the likelihood. Zbl 0871.62001 Azzalini, Adelchi 25 1996 Bayesian methods in finite populations sampling. Zbl 0894.62012 Meeden, G.; Ghosh, M. 25 1997 Expansions and asymptotics for statistics. Zbl 1196.62002 Small, Christopher G. 25 2010 Bayesian inference for partially identified models. Exploring the limits of limited data. Zbl 1329.62009 Gustafson, Paul 24 2015 Topics in modelling of clustered data. Zbl 1084.62513 24 2002 Sequential methods in statistics. 3rd ed. Zbl 0625.62064 Wetherill, G. Barrie; Glazebrook, Kevin D. 23 1986 Object oriented data analysis. Zbl 1476.62008 Marron, J. S.; Dryden, Ian L. 5 2022 Introduction to high-dimensional statistics. 2nd edition. Zbl 1476.62001 Giraud, Christophe 3 2022 Replication and evidence factors in observational studies. Zbl 1466.62010 Rosenbaum, Paul R. 3 2021 Introduction to time series modeling with applications in R. 2nd edition. Zbl 1441.62005 Kitagawa, Genshiro 1 2021 Dynamic treatment regimes. Statistical methods for precision medicine. Zbl 1473.62011 Tsiatis, Anastasios A.; Davidian, Marie; Holloway, Shannon T.; Laber, Eric B. 12 2020 Sequential change detection and hypothesis testing. General non-i.i.d. stochastic models and asymptotically optimal rules. Zbl 1430.62004 Tartakovsky, Alexander G. 8 2020 The statistical analysis of multivariate failure time data. A marginal modeling approach. Zbl 1427.62002 Prentice, Ross L.; Zhao, Shanshan 11 2019 Sufficient dimension reduction: methods and applications with R. Zbl 1408.62011 Li, Bing 88 2018 Multivariate kernel smoothing and its applications. Zbl 1402.62003 Chacón, José E.; Duong, Tarn 40 2018 Multistate models for the analysis of life history data. Zbl 1392.62004 Cook, Richard J.; Lawless, Jerald F. 23 2018 Tensor methods in statistics. 2nd edition, revised and updated reprint of the 1987 original published by Chapman & Hall. Zbl 1407.62021 McCullagh, Peter 18 2018 Missing and modified data in nonparametric estimation: with R examples. Zbl 1393.62001 Efromovich, Sam 18 2018 Probabilistic foundations of statistical network analysis. Zbl 1490.62001 Crane, Harry 17 2018 Nonparametric models for longitudinal data: with implementation in R. Zbl 1408.62012 Wu, Colin O.; Tian, Xin 7 2018 Large covariance and autocovariance matrices. Zbl 1408.62007 Bose, Arup; Bhattacharjee, Monika 3 2018 Generalized linear models with random effects. Unified analysis via \(h\)-likelihood. 2nd edition. Zbl 1376.62005 Lee, Youngjo; Nelder, John A.; Pawitan, Yudi 22 2017 Asymptotic analysis of mixed effects models. Theory, applications, and open problems. Zbl 1387.62004 Jiang, Jiming 19 2017 Absolute risk. Methods and applications in clinical management and public health. Zbl 1404.92003 Pfeiffer, Ruth M.; Gail, Mitchell H. 13 2017 Joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data. Zbl 1368.62002 Elashoff, Robert M.; Li, Gang; Li, Ning 5 2017 Hidden Markov models for time series. An introduction using R. 2nd edition. Zbl 1362.62005 Zucchini, Walter; MacDonald, Iain L.; Langrock, Roland 104 2016 Inferential models. Reasoning with uncertainty. Zbl 1377.62018 Martin, Ryan; Liu, Chuanhai 16 2016 Perfect simulation. Zbl 1343.00022 Huber, Mark L. 13 2016 Semialgebraic statistics and latent tree models. Zbl 1378.62004 Zwiernik, Piotr 13 2016 State-space methods for time series analysis. Theory, applications and software. Zbl 1353.91002 Casals, Jose; Garcia-Hiernaux, Alfredo; Jerez, Miguel; Sotoca, Sonia; Trindade, A. Alexandre 5 2016 Statistical learning with sparsity. The Lasso and generalizations. Zbl 1319.68003 Hastie, Trevor; Tibshirani, Robert; Wainwright, Martin 419 2015 Hierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data. 2nd ed. Zbl 1358.62009 Banerjee, Sudipto; Carlin, Bradley P.; Gelfand, Alan E. 128 2015 Pareto distributions. 2nd ed. Zbl 1361.62004 Arnold, Barry C. 75 2015 Sequential analysis. Hypothesis testing and changepoint detection. Zbl 1341.62026 Tartakovsky, Alexander; Nikiforov, Igor; Basseville, Michèle 67 2015 Robust cluster analysis and variable selection. Zbl 1341.62037 Ritter, Gunter 48 2015 Introduction to high-dimensional statistics. Zbl 1341.62011 Giraud, Christophe 47 2015 Measuring statistical evidence using relative belief. Zbl 1358.62004 Evans, Michael 36 2015 Bayesian inference for partially identified models. Exploring the limits of limited data. Zbl 1329.62009 Gustafson, Paul 24 2015 Design and analysis of cross-over trials. 3rd ed. Zbl 1360.62008 Jones, Byron; Kenward, Michael G. 13 2015 Stochastic analysis for Gaussian random processes and fields: with applications. Zbl 1333.60008 Mandrekar, Vidyadhar S.; Gawarecki, Leszek 6 2015 Models for dependent time series. Zbl 1321.62004 Tunnicliffe Wilson, Granville; Reale, Marco; Haywood, John 5 2015 Dependence modeling with copulas. Zbl 1346.62001 Joe, Harry 330 2014 Statistical analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns. 3rd ed. Zbl 1435.62004 Diggle, Peter J. 58 2014 Analysis of variance for functional data. Zbl 1281.62160 Zhang, Jin-Ting 42 2014 Theory of factorial design. Single- and multi-stratum experiments. Zbl 1306.62007 Cheng, Ching-Shui 32 2014 Quasi-least squares regression. Zbl 1306.62031 Shults, Justine; Hilbe, Joseph M. 9 2014 Data analysis and approximate models. Model choice, location-scale, analysis of variance, nonparametic regression and image analysis. Zbl 1360.62007 Davies, Laurie 8 2014 Constrained principal component analysis and related techniques. Zbl 1282.62150 Takane, Yoshio 6 2014 Mean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration. Zbl 1282.65011 Del Moral, Pierre 98 2013 Randomised response-adaptive designs in clinical trials. Zbl 1284.62005 Atkinson, Anthony C.; Biswas, Atanu 23 2013 Dynamic prediction in clinical survival analysis. Zbl 1272.62004 van Houwelingen, Hans; Putter, Hein 36 2012 Statistical methods for stochastic differential equations. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 7th séminaire Européen de statistiques on “Statistics for stochastic differential equations models”, La Manga del Mar Menor, Cartagena, Spain, May 7–12, 2007. Zbl 1246.60005 19 2012 Maximum likelihood estimation for sample surveys. Zbl 1275.62020 Chambers, Raymond L.; Steel, David G.; Wang, Suojin; Welsh, Alan H. 13 2012 Extreme value methods with applications to finance. Zbl 1239.91003 Novak, Serguei Y. 13 2012 Statistical inference. The minimum distance approach. Zbl 1281.62016 Basu, Ayanendranath; Shioya, Hiroyuki; Park, Chanseok 99 2011 Robust nonparametric statistical methods. 2nd ed. Zbl 1263.62048 Hettmansperger, Thomas P.; McKean, Joseph W. 75 2011 Smoothing splines. Methods and applications. Zbl 1223.65011 Wang, Yuedong 51 2011 Simultaneous inference in regression. Zbl 1245.62022 Liu, Wei 16 2011 Circular and linear regression. Fitting circles and lines by least aquares. Zbl 1233.62136 Chernov, Nikolai 9 2011 Mixed effects models for complex data. Zbl 1268.62067 Wu, Lang 54 2010 Expansions and asymptotics for statistics. Zbl 1196.62002 Small, Christopher G. 25 2010 Statistical inference. An integrated Bayesian/likelihood approach. Zbl 1267.62040 Aitkin, Murray 19 2010 Introduction to time series modeling. Translated from the Japanese by the author. Originally published by Iwanami Shoten Publishers, Tokyo 2005. Zbl 1204.62159 Kitagawa, Genshiro 15 2010 Hidden Markov models for time series. An introduction using R. Zbl 1180.62130 Zucchini, Walter; MacDonald, Iain L. 127 2009 ROC curves for continuous data. Zbl 1288.62005 Krzanowski, Wojtek J.; Hand, David J. 68 2009 Missing data in longitudinal studies. Strategies for Bayesian modeling and sensitivity analysis. Zbl 1165.62023 Daniels, Michael J.; Hogan, Joseph W. 98 2008 Nonlinear time series: semiparametric and nonparametric methods. Zbl 1179.62118 Gao, Jiti 91 2007 Statistical methods for spatio-temporal systems. Selected invited papers based on the presentations at the 6th séminaire Européen de statistique SemStat held as a summer school of the European Mathematical Society (EMS), Bernried, Germany, December 12–18, 2004. Zbl 1099.62500 6 2007 Measurement error in nonlinear models: a modern perspective. 2nd ed. Zbl 1119.62063 Carroll, Raymond J.; Ruppert, David; Stefanski, Leonard A.; Crainiceanu, Ciprian M. 739 2006 Generalized linear models with random effects: unified analysis via \(h\)-likelihood. With CD-ROM. Zbl 1110.62092 Lee, Youngjo; Nelder, John A.; Pawitan, Yudi 129 2006 Gaussian Markov random fields. Theory and applications. Zbl 1093.60003 Rue, Håvard; Held, Leonhard 512 2005 Stereology for statisticans. Zbl 1086.62108 Baddeley, Adrian; Vedel Jensen, Eva B. 20 2005 Hierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data. Zbl 1053.62105 Banerjee, Sudipto; Carlin, Bradley P.; Gelfand, Alan E. 280 2004 Statistical inference and simulation for spatial point processes. Zbl 1044.62101 Møller, Jesper; Waagepetersen, Rasmus Plenge 203 2004 Diagnostic checks in time series. Zbl 1053.62100 Li, Wai Keung 90 2004 Extreme values in finance, telecommunications, and the environment. Invited papers presented at the 5th Séminaire Européen de Statitisque (SemStat) on extreme value theory and applications, Gothenburg, Sweden, December 10–16, 2001. Zbl 1020.00022 30 2004 Design and analysis of cross-over trials. 2nd ed. Zbl 1103.62108 Jones, Byron; Kenward, Michael G. 35 2003 Components of variance. Zbl 1024.62033 Cox, D. R.; Solomon, P. J. 8 2003 Subset selection in regression. 2nd ed. Zbl 1051.62060 Miller, Alan J. 189 2002 Accelerated life models: modeling and statistical analysis. Zbl 1001.62035 Bagdonavičius, Vilijandas; Nikulin, Mikhail 99 2002 Topics in modelling of clustered data. Zbl 1084.62513 24 2002 Statistics in the 21st century. Zbl 1007.62088 2 2002 Empirical likelihood. Zbl 0989.62019 Owen, Art B. 776 2001 Multidimensional scaling. 2nd ed. Zbl 1004.91067 Cox, Trevor F.; Cox, Michael A. A. 129 2001 Algebraic statistics. Computational commutative algebra in statistics. Zbl 0960.62003 Pistone, Giovanni; Riccomagno, Eva; Wynn, Henry P. 91 2001 Analysis of time series structure. SSA and related techniques. Zbl 0978.62073 Golyandina, Nina; Nekrutkin, V. V.; Zhigljavsky, A. A. 91 2001 Subjective probability models for lifetimes. Zbl 1078.62530 Spizzichino, Fabio 46 2001 Complex stochastic systems. Zbl 0948.00013 4 2001 Computer assisted analysis of mixtures and applications. Meta-analysis, disease mapping and others. Zbl 0951.62088 Böhning, Dankmar 68 2000 The theory of the design of experiments. Zbl 1009.62061 Cox, D. R.; Reid, N. 55 2000 Set-indexed martingales. Zbl 0948.60039 Ivanoff, Gail; Merzbach, Ely 32 2000 Statistical aspects of BSE and vCJD. Models for epidemics. Zbl 0929.92032 Donnelly, Christl A.; Ferguson, Neil M. 5 2000 Classification. 2nd ed. Zbl 0929.62068 Gordon, A. D. 105 1999 Semimartingales and their statistical inference. Zbl 0960.62090 Prakasa Rao, B. L. S. 45 1999 Stochastic geometry. Likelihood and computation. Papers given at the 3rd Séminaire Européen de Statistique, Toulouse, France, May 13–18, 1996. Zbl 0935.62108 1 1998 Multivariate models and dependence concepts. Zbl 0990.62517 Joe, Harry 1,437 1997 Analysis of incomplete multivariate data. Zbl 0997.62510 Schafer, Joe 387 1997 Retrial queues. Zbl 0944.60005 Falin, G.; Templeton, J. G. C. 362 1997 The theory of dispersion models. Zbl 0928.62052 Jørgensen, Bent 231 1997 Hidden Markov and other models for discrete-valued time series. Zbl 0868.60036 MacDonald, Iain L.; Zucchini, Walter 196 1997 Mixed Poisson processes. Zbl 0922.60005 Grandell, J. 162 1997 Statistical evidence. A likelihood paradigm. Zbl 0919.62004 Royall, Richard M. 97 1997 Theory of sample surveys. Zbl 0918.62005 Thompson, M. E. 29 1997 Bayesian methods in finite populations sampling. Zbl 0894.62012 Meeden, G.; Ghosh, M. 25 1997 Variance components estimation. Mixed models, methodologies and applications. Zbl 0996.62501 Rao, Poduri S. R. S. 13 1997 Local polynomial modelling and its applications. Zbl 0873.62037 Fan, J.; Gijbels, I. 1,644 1996 ...and 50 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 27,485 Authors 94 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 85 Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho 67 Zhang, Jun 64 Molenberghs, Geert 63 Fang, Kai-Tai 60 Peng, Liang 59 Hall, Peter Gavin 59 Joe, Harry 59 Zhu, Lixing 58 de Cooman, Gert 57 Miranda, Enrique 56 Carroll, Raymond James 56 Paula, Gilberto Alvarenga 56 Zhang, Riquan 54 Czado, Claudia 54 Gao, Jiti 53 Bouzebda, Salim 50 Durante, Fabrizio 50 Mateu, Jorge 49 Hron, Karel 49 Lachos Dávila, Víctor Hugo 49 Ortega, Edwin Moises Marcos 49 Rue, Håvard 48 Lee, Youngjo 47 Kneib, Thomas 45 Gijbels, Irène 45 Lemonte, Artur José 45 Liang, Hua 44 Coolen, Frank P. A. 44 Li, Runze 44 Zaffalon, Marco 43 Van Keilegom, Ingrid 42 Filzmoser, Peter 42 Huang, Zhensheng 41 Leiva, Víctor 40 Landsman, Zinoviy M. 40 Lin, Jinguan 39 Genest, Christian 39 Yi, Grace Yun 38 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo Boris 38 Basu, Ayanendranath 38 Ferrari, Silvia Lopes de Paula 38 Gelfand, Alan Enoch 38 Jones, Michael Chris 38 Mesiar, Radko 38 Verbeke, Geert N. 37 Dette, Holger 37 Tang, Niansheng 37 Tutz, Gerhard E. 36 Fan, Jianqing 36 Galea, Manuel 36 Härdle, Wolfgang Karl 36 Müller, Hans-Georg 36 Vantaggi, Barbara 35 Banerjee, Sudipto 35 Bolfarine, Heleno 35 Linton, Oliver Bruce 35 Nadarajah, Saralees 35 You, Jinhong 34 Beran, Jan 34 Li, Gaorong 34 Marron, James Stephen 34 Zhao, Yichuan 33 Genton, Marc G. 33 Kakizawa, Yoshihide 33 Li, Degui 33 Wand, Matthew P. 32 Lin, Lu 32 Pardo, Leandro 31 Fokianos, Konstantinos 31 Kokonendji, Célestin Clotaire 31 Tang, Manlai 31 Xue, Liugen 30 Louzada-Neto, Francisco 30 Yang, Lijian 30 Zhou, Yong 29 Cui, Hengjian 29 Destercke, Sébastien 29 Kauermann, Goran 29 Lian, Heng 29 Park, Byeong Uk 29 Tian, Guoliang 28 Dey, Dipak Kumar 28 Mammen, Enno 28 Punzo, Antonio 28 Tjøstheim, Dag B. 28 Vicig, Paolo 27 Bickel, David R. 27 Cancho, Vicente Garibay 27 Ghosh, Abhik 27 González-Manteiga, Wenceslao 27 Laksaci, Ali 27 Marceau, Étienne 27 Zhu, Hongtu 26 Cao, Ricardo 26 Chen, Songxi 26 Cribari-Neto, Francisco 26 Cysneiros, Francisco José A. 26 Dubois, Didier 26 Karunamuni, Rohana J. ...and 27,385 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 764 Journals 1,446 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 936 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 890 Communications in Statistics. 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Series B. Statistical Methodology 106 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 105 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 104 Statistical Methodology 101 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 101 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 99 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 98 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 98 Stat 96 Lifetime Data Analysis 93 Pattern Recognition 93 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 90 Information Sciences 88 Automatica 87 Physica A 84 Econometric Theory 80 Applied Mathematics and Computation 80 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 78 Statistica Sinica 74 Journal of Classification 74 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 74 ASTIN Bulletin 73 North American Actuarial Journal 73 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 71 Economics Letters 68 Bayesian Analysis 67 Advances in Applied Probability 67 The American Statistician 67 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 67 Mathematical Geosciences 66 Journal of Applied Probability 64 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 64 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics 61 Quantitative Finance 60 Neural Computation 60 The Annals of Applied Probability 59 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 59 Dependence Modeling 58 Machine Learning 56 Sequential Analysis 56 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 56 Sankhyā. Series B 55 Science China. Mathematics 54 Kybernetika 54 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 54 Applied Mathematical Modelling 54 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 53 Journal of Probability and Statistics 51 Technometrics 50 Computers & Operations Research 50 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 50 Sankhyā. 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