GaṇitaA Journal Devoted to Mathematical Sciences Short Title: Gaṇita Publisher: Bharata Ganita Parisad c/o University of Lucknow, Department of Mathematics & Astronomy, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India ISSN: 0046-5402 Online: Predecessor: Proceedings of the Benares Mathematical Society (New Series) Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 1,284 Publications (since 1950) References Indexed: 309 Publications with 5,592 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 74, No. 2 (2024) 74, No. 1 (2024) 73, No. 2 (2023) 73, No. 1 (2023) 72, No. 2 (2022) 72, No. 1 (2022) 71, No. 2 (2021) 71, No. 1 (2021) 70, No. 2 (2020) 70, No. 1 (2020) 69, No. 2 (2019) 69, No. 1 (2019) 68, No. 3 (2018) 68, No. 2 (2018) 68, No. 1 (2018) 67, No. 3 (2017) 67, No. 2 (2017) 67, No. 1 (2017) 66 (2016) 65 (2016) 64 (2015) 63 (2014) 62 (2014) 61 (2013) 60, No. 2 (2009) 60, No. 1 (2009) 59, No. 2 (2008) 59, No. 1 (2008) 58, No. 2 (2007) 58, No. 1 (2007) 57, No. 2 (2006) 57, No. 1 (2006) 56, No. 2 (2005) 56, No. 1 (2005) 55, No. 2 (2004) 55, No. 1 (2004) 54, No. 2 (2003) 54, No. 1 (2003) 53, No. 2 (2002) 53, No. 1 (2002) 52, No. 2 (2001) 52, No. 1 (2001) 51, No. 2 (2000) 51, No. 1 (2000) 50, No. 2 (1999) 50, No. 1 (1999) 49, No. 2 (1998) 49, No. 1 (1998) 48, No. 2 (1997) 48, No. 1 (1997) 47, No. 2 (1996) 47, No. 1 (1996) 46, No. 1-2 (1995) 45, No. 1-2 (1994) 44, No. 1-2 (1993) 43, No. 1-2 (1992) 42, No. 1-2 (1991) 41, No. 1-2 (1990) 40, No. 1-2 (1989) 39, No. 1-2 (1988) 38, No. 1-2 (1987) 37, No. 1-2 (1986) 36 (1985) 35 (1984) 34 (1983) 33 (1982) 32 (1981) 31 (1980) 30 (1979) 29 (1978) 28 (1977) 27 (1976) 26, No. 2 (1975) 26, No. 1 (1975) 25, No. 2 (1974) 25, No. 1 (1974) 24, No. 2 (1973) 24, No. 1 (1973) 23, No. 2 (1972) 23, No. 1 (1972) 22, No. 2 (1971) 22, No. 1 (1971) 21, No. 2 (1970) 21, No. 1 (1970) 20, No. 2 (1969) 20, No. 1 (1969) 19, No. 2 (1968) 19, No. 1 (1968) 18, No. 2 (1967) 18, No. 1 (1967) 17 (1966) 16 (1965) 15 (1964) 14 (1963) 13 (1962) 12 (1961) 11 (1960) 10 (1959) 9 (1958) 8 (1957) ...and 6 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 15 Mishra, Ratan Shanker 13 Upadhyay, M. D. 12 Bhoosnurmath, Subhas S. 12 Rastogi, Suresh Chandra 12 Shukla, Kripa Shankar 11 Bose, S. K. 11 Dwivedi, A. P. 11 Gupta, J. R. P. 9 Ahuja, Gopi 9 Denis, Remy Y. 9 Dixit, Kaushal Kishore 9 Kishor, Shyam 9 Verma, Vineet Kumar 8 Banerjee, Mihir B. 8 Bhattacharyya, Arindam 8 Saran, Shanti 8 Shandil, R. G. 8 Sharma, Poonam 8 Som, Tanmoy 8 Srivastava, R. S. L. 7 Bhonsle, B. R. 7 Datta, Sunil 7 De, Uday Chand 7 Kapur, Jagat Narain 7 Kumar, Ram 7 Prasad, Rajendra 7 Raj, Des 7 Singh, Kamla Devi 6 Agarwal, Manju Lata 6 Ballabh, Ram 6 Kumar Datta, Sanjib 6 Mathur, Neha 6 Pant, Rajendra Prasad 6 Srivastav, Ram P. 6 Srivastava, Girja Shanker 6 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 6 Srivastava, Satya Narain 6 Tripathi, Mukut Mani 6 Verma, Arun 5 Agnihotri, K. C. 5 Bhattacharya, Dilip Kumar 5 Biswas, Tanmay 5 Datt, Gopal 5 Gupta, S. L. 5 Ingle, Rajkumar N. Ingle 5 Jaiswal, J. P. 5 Koul, C. L. 5 Nigam, H. N. 5 Pathak, A. L. 5 Pujar, S. S. 5 Sharma, Ambikeshwar 5 Sierpiński, Wacław 5 Singh, Raj Kishor 5 Singh, Sankatha Prasad 5 Singh, Vibhav Narayan 5 Sitaramayya, Malladi 5 Srivastava, Rajiv Kumar 5 Trivedi, Hari Karan Nath 5 Verma, Ram U. 4 Agarwal, Ratan Prakash 4 Bagewadi, Channabasappa Shanthappa 4 Behari, Ram 4 Bhatnagar, K. P. 4 Biswas, Chinmay 4 Chaudhary, M. S. 4 Chopra, N. K. 4 Dorsett, Charles Irwin 4 Gorowara, Krishan K. 4 Jacob, Mercy K. 4 Jaiswal, Dilip Kumar 4 Joshi, Santosh Bhaurao 4 Kasi, M. S. 4 Kulshrestha, Prem K. 4 Lahiri, Benoy Kumar 4 Mathur, Kapil K. 4 Mehra, A. N. 4 Mishra, Lakshmi Narayan 4 Mustafy, Ashoke Kumar 4 Prakash, Jyoti 4 Purushotham, G. 4 Qureshi, Mohammad Idris 4 Rastogi, Anupma 4 Sharma, Ram Prakash 4 Shukla, Devendra Prasad 4 Shukla, Shiv Sharma 4 Shukla, Uma Kant 4 Singh, Abhishek 4 Singh, Devi 4 Srivastava, Abinash Chandra 4 Srivastava, G. P. 3 Agrawal, R. C. 3 Anandani, Parmanand 3 Bahadur, Swarnima 3 Bansal, Ashok K. 3 Baweja, Krishan Kumar 3 Bhadane, Ashok P. 3 Bhattacharya, P. B. 3 Bhowmick, K. N. 3 Chandel, Jyotsna 3 Choudhry, Ajai ...and 1,092 more Authors all top 5 Fields 168 Special functions (33-XX) 149 Differential geometry (53-XX) 132 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 121 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 81 General topology (54-XX) 62 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 50 Functional analysis (46-XX) 48 Operator theory (47-XX) 44 Number theory (11-XX) 39 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 37 Combinatorics (05-XX) 31 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 30 Real functions (26-XX) 27 Integral equations (45-XX) 25 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 24 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 21 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 18 History and biography (01-XX) 16 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 16 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 16 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 15 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 14 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 13 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 13 Statistics (62-XX) 12 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 9 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 8 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 7 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 5 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 183 Publications have been cited 432 times in 384 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Hypergeometric functions of three variables. Zbl 0163.08203 Srivastava, H. M. 33 1964 Hypergeometric functions of three variables. Zbl 0058.29602 Saran, Shanti 33 1954 Ricci solitons on Kenmotsu manifolds with respect to quartersymmetric non-metric \(\phi\)-connection. Zbl 1524.53180 Hui, S. K.; Prasad, R.; Chakraborty, D. 15 2017 On uniformly convex functions. Zbl 1065.30008 Ravichandran, V. 12 2002 \(R\)-weak commutativity and common fixed points of noncompatible maps. Zbl 0977.54039 Pant, R. P. 11 1998 On the sum of certain Appell series. Zbl 0208.08201 Lavoie, J. L.; Trottier, G. 11 1969 Some results on generalized relative order \((\alpha, \beta)\) and generalized relative type \((\alpha, \beta)\) of meromorphic function with respect to an entire function. Zbl 1524.30137 Biswas, Tanmay; Biswas, Chinmay 9 2020 Common fixed points of sequences of mappings. Zbl 0892.54028 Pant, R. P. 7 1996 On certain confluent hypergeometric functions of three variables. Zbl 0222.33007 Exton, H. 7 1970 On the entire functions and their derivatives represented by Dirichlet series. Zbl 0092.29601 Srivastav, R. P. 7 1958 Weak-compatibility and fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric space. Zbl 1211.54066 Singh, B.; Jain, S. 7 2005 Flow of viscous fluid in a contracting or expanding pipe - A simple model for human bronchial tube. Zbl 0681.76121 Tandon, P. N.; Agarwal, Rekha 7 1986 A study on conformal Ricci solitons in the framework of \((LCS)_n\)-manifolds. Zbl 1524.53078 Ganguly, Dipen; Bhattacharyya, Arindam 6 2020 Ricci solitons on submanifolds of \((LCS)_n\)-manifolds. Zbl 1524.53081 Hui, Shyamal Kumar; Prasad, Rajendra; Pal, Tanumoy 6 2018 On a certain theta-function in a letter of Ramanujan from Fitzroy House. Zbl 0839.11047 Berndt, Bruce C. 5 1992 Some weaker forms of semi-continuous functions. Zbl 0586.54017 Arya, S. P.; Bhamini, M. P. 5 1982 On a type of semi-symmetric non-metric connection on a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 0898.53023 Biswas, S. C.; De, U. C. 5 1997 The compression of a \(k\)th-order slant Hankel operator. Zbl 1211.47052 Arora, S. C.; Bhola, Jyoti 5 2008 A class of functions and their degree of approximation. Zbl 0856.42005 Qureshi, K.; Nema, H. K. 5 1990 Coefficient estimates for certain subclass of bi-univalent functions associated with Chebyshev polynomial. Zbl 1524.30049 Girgaonkar, V. B.; Joshi, S. B. 5 2018 On Ramanujan’s continued fractions. Zbl 1195.11016 Vasuki, K. R.; Shivashankara, K. 4 2002 Certain integrals for classes of univalent meromorphic functions. Zbl 0833.30006 Bhoosnurmath, Subhas S.; Swamy, S. R. 4 1993 Some global properties of generalized quasi-Einstein manifolds. Zbl 1211.53068 De, U. C.; Ghosh, G. C. 4 2005 Steady-state response to moving loads in micropolar generalized thermoelastic half-space without energy dissipation. Zbl 1140.74433 Kumar, Rajneesh; Deswal, Sunita 4 2002 On the Greene-Krammer theorem and related identities. Zbl 0844.11020 Andrews, George E. 3 1992 On quartic spline interpolation. Zbl 0589.41007 Joshi, T. C.; Saxena, R. B. 3 1982 Semi-invariant submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 0966.53040 Prasad, V. S.; Bagewadi, C. S. 3 1999 Generalisation of a theorem of B. S. K. R. Somayajulu on the Euler’s function \(\phi(n)\). Zbl 0058.27501 Schinzel, Andrzej 3 1954 Sur une propriété de la droite équivalente à l’hypothèse du continu. Zbl 0058.28201 Sierpiński, Wacław 3 1954 An analogue of Denjoy’s theorem. Zbl 0133.00501 Garg, K. M. 3 1961 On sampling with probabilities proportionate to size. Zbl 0058.35301 Raj, Des 3 1954 Fractional q-derivatives and q-integrals and certain hypergeometric transformations. Zbl 0378.44004 Agarwal, R. P. 3 1976 Quadratic transformation involving hypergeometric functions of higher order. Zbl 1211.33003 Exton, H. 3 2003 On q-Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 0638.33006 Khan, Mumtaz Ahmad 3 1983 Interpolation by quadratic splines. Zbl 0703.41006 Saxena, Anjula 3 1989 Some curvature tensor on \((k, \mu)\)-contact space form. Zbl 1514.53071 Kishor, Shyam; Gupt, Puneet Kumar 3 2016 On the ring of hyperbolic valued functions. Zbl 1538.54065 Kumar Datta, Sanjib; Ghosh, Chinmay; Saha, Jayanta 3 2020 Triple integral equations involving inverse finite Mellin transforms. Zbl 1048.45002 Dwivedi, A. P.; Chandel, Jyotsna; Bajpai, Poonam 2 2001 On a family of Ramanujan’s formulas for sums of fourth powers. Zbl 0839.11012 Bhargava, S. 2 1992 On some vector valued sequence spaces \({\mathcal L}^{(p)} (E_ k, \Lambda)\). Zbl 0861.46020 Ratha, A.; Srivastava, P. D. 2 1996 The general solution of a cubic Diophantine equation. Zbl 1076.11505 Choudhry, Ajai 2 1999 On triads of squares with equal sums and equal products. Zbl 1073.11506 Choudhry, Ajai 2 1998 On some rules of operational calculus. Zbl 0175.41201 Saxena, Vinod Prakash 2 1967 Reducibility of Kampé de Fériet function. Zbl 0226.33004 Shanker, O.; Saran, S. 2 1970 A note on certain hypergeometric functions of two and three variables. Zbl 0171.32803 Srivastava, H. M.; Singhal, J. P. 2 1966 Certain rules of generalized Laplace transform. Zbl 0089.31203 Narain, Roop 2 1957 Some remarks on recurrent and Ricci-recurrent spaces. Zbl 0133.14902 Prakash, N. 2 1961 Relations between functions contiguous to certain hypergeometric functions of three variables. Zbl 0058.29601 Saran, Shanti 2 1954 An integral for Appell’s hypergeometric function \(F^{(4)}\). Zbl 0058.29603 Chaundy, T. W. 2 1954 On sampling with varying probabilities in multistage designs. Zbl 0058.35801 Raj, Des 2 1954 Irregular curves and functional equations. Zbl 0058.38307 Wunderlich, W. 2 1954 On the derivatives of integral functions. Zbl 0073.29402 Srivastav, R. P. 2 1956 On the geometric mean of an integral function. Zbl 0122.31704 Srivastava, S. N. 2 1962 On semi-symmetric non-metric connection. I. Zbl 1211.53040 Singh, R. N.; Pandey, M. K. 2 2007 On certain \(P\)-reducible Finsler spaces. Zbl 1211.53052 Rastogi, S. C. 2 2005 On a class of entire Dirichlet series. Zbl 0481.30003 Srivastava, Rajiv Kumar 2 1979 On the degree of approximation of functions belonging to the weighted class. Zbl 0844.42002 Qureshi, K.; Nema, H. K. 2 1990 Certain generalization of prestarlike functions with negative coefficients. Zbl 0628.30016 Uralegaddi, B. A.; Sarangi, S. M. 2 1983 Spectrum and fine spectrum of the generalized difference operators acting on some Banach sequence spaces – a review. Zbl 1516.47066 Srivastava, Prof. P. D. 2 2017 Chaki-pseudo parallel invariant submanifold of Sasakian manifold. Zbl 1524.53080 Hui, Shyamal Kumar; Kishor, Shyam; Roy, Joydeb 2 2018 An application of \(q\)-hypergeometric series. Zbl 1524.30030 Bhardwaj, Harshita; Sharma, Poonam 2 2021 Some integral involving extended Bessel-Maitland function with Jacobi polynomial. Zbl 1524.33027 Ali, Musharraf; Khan, Waseem A. 2 2019 Existence and uniqueness of boundary value problems for Hilfer-Hadamard-type fractional differential equations. Zbl 1524.34065 Salamooni, Ahmad Y. A.; Pawar, D. D. 2 2020 Differential analytic aspects of statistical models. Zbl 1524.62237 Sitaramayya, M.; Moosath, K. S. S.; Hasan, S. N. 2 2017 Quasi bi-slant lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds. Zbl 1524.53128 Shukla, S. S.; Kumar, Pawan 2 2022 Steck determinants and parking functions. Zbl 1524.05296 Kumar, Chanchal 2 2018 Generalized geometric structures on statistical manifolds. Zbl 1524.53036 Sitaramayya, M. 2 2016 Almost semi-invariant submanifolds of a parallel \(\varepsilon\)-framed metric manifold. Zbl 0891.53037 Tripathi, Mukut Mani 1 1997 Semilinear tensor product of \(\Gamma\)-Banach algebras. Zbl 0846.46029 Bhattacharya, D. K.; Maity, A. K. 1 1989 Some families of dual and triple series equations involving the Konhauser biorthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0831.45004 Srivastava, H. M. 1 1992 A theorem on mean and standard deviation of a statistical variate. Zbl 0852.62018 Banerjee, Mihir B.; Shandil, R. G. 1 1995 Interaction between moving screw dislocation and an elastic circular cylindrical inclusion. Zbl 0854.73057 Prasad, S. B. 1 1995 Remarks on (0,2) interpolation. Zbl 0854.41003 Sharma, A.; Szabados, J. 1 1995 On a nonlinear stochastic integral equation. Zbl 0864.60052 Constantin, Adrian 1 1995 On a type of semi-symmetric connection on a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 0874.53010 De, U. C.; De, B. K. 1 1996 On inequalities between moments of probability distributions. Zbl 0878.60016 Kapur, J. N. 1 1996 On submanifolds of \(S\)-manifolds. Zbl 0872.53017 Tripathi, Muku Mani; Singh, Kamla D. 1 1996 Some properties of \(\Omega\)-density of sets. Zbl 0951.28001 Lahiri, B. K.; Ghosh, Diptabibhu 1 1998 Quasi-Hermite interpolation on the unit circle. Zbl 0949.41002 Bahadur, S.; Mathur, K. K. 1 1998 On the Einstein’s law of gravitation in Finsler space. Zbl 0277.53018 Sharma, I. D.; Trivedi, H. K. N. 1 1972 On Joshi’s generalized Stieltjes transform. Zbl 0421.44004 Joshi, J. M. C. 1 1977 On a class of integral functions defined by Dirichlet series. Zbl 0142.32802 Juneja, Om Prakash 1 1963 On certain theorems in unilateral and bilateral operational calculus. Zbl 0145.37601 Gupta, R. K. 1 1960 On a theorem in operational calculus. Zbl 0158.13204 Varma, V. K. 1 1961 Certain definite integrals involving generalised Bessel functions. Zbl 0161.26104 Gupta, S. L. 1 1966 A relation between Dirac-delta function and certain infinite series involving Bessel functions. Zbl 0163.08303 Srivastav, R. P. 1 1964 On the zeros of integral functions. Zbl 0169.40701 Srivastava, Satya Narain 1 1966 On the extension of some Bessel and Struve integrals. Zbl 0171.03203 Vishwakarma, L. N. 1 1966 An interpolation process on Tchebycheff abscissas. Zbl 0171.31003 Mathur, K. K. 1 1966 A note on certain hypergeometric integrals. Zbl 0188.12602 Pandey, R. C. 1 1961 On Steiner-symmetrized functions. Zbl 0189.08803 1 1967 Summation of a special hypergeometric series of type \(_ 3F_ 2\). Zbl 0204.08401 Champion, P. M.; Danielson, L. R.; Miksell, S. G. 1 1969 Integrals involving the product of the generalized hypergeometric polynomials and their derivatives with other orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0199.10802 Shah, Manilal 1 1969 Theorems on integral transform and integral function of two complex variables. Zbl 0211.14201 Nigam, H. N. 1 1969 On the degree of approximation of analytic functions. Zbl 0496.30031 Rizvi, S. R. H. 1 1979 Sur une définition des espaces complets. Zbl 0040.09803 Sierpiński, Wacław 1 1950 On coincidence of vortex and stream lines in ideal liquids. Zbl 0041.11104 Ballabh, Ram 1 1950 On a generalized Bessel function population. Zbl 0049.09701 Raj, Des 1 1952 On the derivatives of integral functions. Zbl 0053.23802 Jain, Mahendra Kumar 1 1953 Ācārya Jayadeva, the mathematician. Zbl 0059.00303 Shukla, Kripa Shankar 1 1954 Quasi bi-slant lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds. Zbl 1524.53128 Shukla, S. S.; Kumar, Pawan 2 2022 Hamiltonian soft graphs. Zbl 1524.05253 Thumbakara, Rajesh K.; Jose, Jinta; George, Bobin 1 2022 Ordinary differential equation models in population ecology, with special reference to deterrence. Zbl 1524.92126 Tripathi, Sunita; Mishra, Rakesh Chandra; Singh, Bhawna; Singh, Madhusudan 1 2022 Mathematical analysis of rabies transmission dynamics in Nepal. Zbl 1524.34115 Kunwar, Laxman Bahadur; Verma, Vijai Shanker 1 2022 New class of weakly Berwald space with a special \((\alpha, \beta)\)-metric. Zbl 1524.53049 Kumar, Pradeep; Ar, AjayKumar 1 2022 Coefficient estimates for a certain subclass of bi-univalent functions. Zbl 1549.30044 Dixit, K. K.; Pathak, A. L. 1 2022 Degree of approximation of continuous function in the Hölder metric by \((C, 1)F(a, q)\) means of its Fourier series. Zbl 1549.42026 Rathore, H. L.; Shrivastava, U. K.; Mishra, L. N. 1 2022 Uniqueness of \(\mathcal{L}\)-functions relating to possible dierential polynomial share with some finite weight. Zbl 1549.30126 H. R., Jayarama; S. H., Naveenkumar; C. N., Chaithra 1 2022 A study on \(W_8\)-curvature tensor \(\epsilon\)-Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1549.53100 Singh, Gyanvendra Pratap; Mishra, Anand Kumar; Rajan; Prajapati, Pawan; Tiwar, Avinash Pati 1 2022 An application of \(q\)-hypergeometric series. Zbl 1524.30030 Bhardwaj, Harshita; Sharma, Poonam 2 2021 A note on some growth properties of composite entire function on the basis of their generalized type \((\alpha, \beta)\) and generalized weak type \((\alpha, \beta)\). Zbl 1524.30138 Biswas, Tanmay; Biswas, Chinmay 1 2021 Revisiting Pál-type Hermite-Fejér interpolation on the unit circle. Zbl 1524.41004 Bahadur, Swarnima; Varun 1 2021 On semi-generalized \(W_3\) recurrent manifolds. Zbl 1524.53119 Lalnunsiami, K.; Singh, Jay Prakash 1 2021 New ranking function introduced to solve fully fuzzy linear fractional programming problem. Zbl 1524.90307 Gupta, Deepak; Jain, Priyank; Gupta, Gaurav 1 2021 Strongly summable Fibonacci dierence geometric sequences dened by Orlicz functions. Zbl 1524.46008 Singh, Saubhagyalaxmi; Dutta, Salila; Dash, Sagarika; Sharma, Ram Prakash 1 2021 Some results on generalized relative order \((\alpha, \beta)\) and generalized relative type \((\alpha, \beta)\) of meromorphic function with respect to an entire function. Zbl 1524.30137 Biswas, Tanmay; Biswas, Chinmay 9 2020 A study on conformal Ricci solitons in the framework of \((LCS)_n\)-manifolds. Zbl 1524.53078 Ganguly, Dipen; Bhattacharyya, Arindam 6 2020 On the ring of hyperbolic valued functions. Zbl 1538.54065 Kumar Datta, Sanjib; Ghosh, Chinmay; Saha, Jayanta 3 2020 Existence and uniqueness of boundary value problems for Hilfer-Hadamard-type fractional differential equations. Zbl 1524.34065 Salamooni, Ahmad Y. A.; Pawar, D. D. 2 2020 A class of exact solution of equations governing aligned planerotating magnetohydrodynamic flows by Martin’s method. Zbl 1524.76526 Sil, Sayantan; Prajapati, Mantu; Kumar, Manoj 1 2020 Maximal numerical range of composition operators on \(\ell^2\). Zbl 1516.47013 Tripathi, Gyan Prakash 1 2020 Orbital continuity and common fixed point theorems. Zbl 1511.54036 Joshi, Bharti 1 2020 Further results on growth of composite entire and meromorphic functions. Zbl 1524.30135 Banerjee, Dibyendu; Adhikary, Mithun 1 2020 Integral operator defined by polylogarithm function for certain subclass of analytic functions. (Integral operator defined by polylogarithm function for ceratin subclass of analytic functions.) Zbl 1524.30079 Popade, Santosh M.; Ingle, Rajkumar N.; Reddy, P. Thirupathi; Venkateswarlu, B. 1 2020 Irrationality of bilateral mock theta functions of orderfive at infinite number of points. Zbl 07682083 Singh, Jitendra 1 2020 Notes on conformal Ricci soliton in Lorentzian para Sasakian manifolds. Zbl 1524.53087 Kishor, Shyam; Verma, Pushpendra 1 2020 On new inequalities involving circular, inverse circular, inverse hyperbolic and exponential functions. Zbl 1524.26025 Bagul, Yogesh J.; Thool, Sumedh B.; Dhaigude, Ramkrishna M. 1 2020 Wedge functions for degree-\(n\) approximation over pentagonal discretization. Zbl 1524.41025 Powar, P. L.; Tiwari, Rishabh; Mishra, Lakshmi Narayan 1 2020 Some integral involving extended Bessel-Maitland function with Jacobi polynomial. Zbl 1524.33027 Ali, Musharraf; Khan, Waseem A. 2 2019 A note on extension of nonuniform wavelet Bessel sequences to dual wavelet frames in \(L^2(\mathbb{R})\). Zbl 1524.42077 Malhotra, Hari Krishan 1 2019 Mathematical modelling on the formation of secondary pollutant due to the chemical reaction of two primary pollutants under variable wind profile and diffusivities. Zbl 1524.92134 Joseph, Vivek; Agarwal, Manju 1 2019 Coefficient bounds for new subclasses of bi-univalent functions associated with pseudo-starlike functions. Zbl 1524.30055 Joshi, S. B.; Yadav, P. P. 1 2019 Ricci solitons on submanifolds of \((LCS)_n\)-manifolds. Zbl 1524.53081 Hui, Shyamal Kumar; Prasad, Rajendra; Pal, Tanumoy 6 2018 Coefficient estimates for certain subclass of bi-univalent functions associated with Chebyshev polynomial. Zbl 1524.30049 Girgaonkar, V. B.; Joshi, S. B. 5 2018 Chaki-pseudo parallel invariant submanifold of Sasakian manifold. Zbl 1524.53080 Hui, Shyamal Kumar; Kishor, Shyam; Roy, Joydeb 2 2018 Steck determinants and parking functions. Zbl 1524.05296 Kumar, Chanchal 2 2018 Some linear generating relations involving two polynomials of Bedient. Zbl 1524.33063 Qureshi, M. I.; Khan, Shabana; Kabra, Deepak Kumar; Yasmeen 1 2018 Digital image encryption based on chaotic map and circulant matrix. Zbl 1538.94009 Joshi, Anand Ballabh; Gaffar, Abdul 1 2018 Travelling wave solution of shock structure in an unsteady flow of a viscous non-ideal gas. Zbl 1524.76203 Singh, Manoj; Patel, Arvind 1 2018 Ricci solitons on Kenmotsu manifolds with respect to quartersymmetric non-metric \(\phi\)-connection. Zbl 1524.53180 Hui, S. K.; Prasad, R.; Chakraborty, D. 15 2017 Spectrum and fine spectrum of the generalized difference operators acting on some Banach sequence spaces – a review. Zbl 1516.47066 Srivastava, Prof. P. D. 2 2017 Differential analytic aspects of statistical models. Zbl 1524.62237 Sitaramayya, M.; Moosath, K. S. S.; Hasan, S. N. 2 2017 Some integer sequences and standard monomials. Zbl 1524.05295 Kumar, Ajay; Kumar, Chanchal 1 2017 Flow of two immiscible viscous fluids in porous medium between two parallel plates. Zbl 1524.76457 Kumar, Deepak; Agarwal, Manju 1 2017 \(\phi\)-recurrent generalized Sasakian-space-forms. Zbl 1524.53085 Kishor, Shyam; Singh, Abhishek 1 2017 On generalized recurrent Sasakian manifold with special curvature tensor \(J(X, Y, Z)\). Zbl 1524.53107 Khan, Quddus 1 2017 Some invariants of statistical manifolds. Zbl 1524.62627 Sitaramayya, M.; Moinuddin, K. 1 2017 Some curvature tensor on \((k, \mu)\)-contact space form. Zbl 1514.53071 Kishor, Shyam; Gupt, Puneet Kumar 3 2016 Generalized geometric structures on statistical manifolds. Zbl 1524.53036 Sitaramayya, M. 2 2016 Brinkman flow of a conducting fluid in an annular porous channel of variable permeability in the presence of magnetic field. Zbl 1510.76217 Verma, Vineet Kumar; Gupta, Amit Kumar 1 2016 On Pál type weighted \((0; 0, 1, \dots, r - 2, r)\)-interpolation on mixed Tchebycheff abscissas. Zbl 1538.41003 Mathur, Neha 1 2015 Weighted composition transformations and Lie group representations. Zbl 1515.47036 Singh, R. K.; Sahai, Vivek; Pandey, V. K. 1 2014 Differential operators on the Orlicz spaces of entire functions. Zbl 1325.47092 Gupta, Manjul; Pradhan, Shesadev 1 2013 Bilateral mock theta functions of order “\(2r+1\)” and their behaviour on the unit circle. Zbl 1286.33010 Shukla, D. P.; Ahmad, M. 1 2009 The compression of a \(k\)th-order slant Hankel operator. Zbl 1211.47052 Arora, S. C.; Bhola, Jyoti 5 2008 \(H\)-functions and statistical distributions. Zbl 1211.62028 Rathie, P. N.; Swamee, P. K.; Matos, G. G.; Coutinho, M.; Carrijo, T. B. 1 2008 On semi-symmetric non-metric connection. I. Zbl 1211.53040 Singh, R. N.; Pandey, M. K. 2 2007 On certain modular identities associated with Ramanujan’s modular equations. Zbl 1211.33015 Singh, S. P. 1 2007 Weighted Weyl spectrum. Zbl 1211.47008 Dharmarha, P. 1 2007 On modular identities and evaluation of theta functions. Zbl 1211.11057 Singh, S. P. 1 2006 Weak-compatibility and fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric space. Zbl 1211.54066 Singh, B.; Jain, S. 7 2005 Some global properties of generalized quasi-Einstein manifolds. Zbl 1211.53068 De, U. C.; Ghosh, G. C. 4 2005 On certain \(P\)-reducible Finsler spaces. Zbl 1211.53052 Rastogi, S. C. 2 2005 Domination analysis of heuristics for the prize collecting TSP. Zbl 1211.90265 Punnen, Abraham 1 2005 A quadratic programming problem with homogeneous constraints. Zbl 1211.90152 Agarwal, K. M.; Srivastava, P. N. 1 2005 Quadratic transformation involving hypergeometric functions of higher order. Zbl 1211.33003 Exton, H. 3 2003 Semi-invariant submanifold of Sasakian space norm. Zbl 1211.53077 Joshi, N. K.; Dube, K. K. 1 2003 On uniformly convex functions. Zbl 1065.30008 Ravichandran, V. 12 2002 On Ramanujan’s continued fractions. Zbl 1195.11016 Vasuki, K. R.; Shivashankara, K. 4 2002 Steady-state response to moving loads in micropolar generalized thermoelastic half-space without energy dissipation. 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K.; Ghosh, Diptabibhu 1 1998 Quasi-Hermite interpolation on the unit circle. Zbl 0949.41002 Bahadur, S.; Mathur, K. K. 1 1998 On a type of semi-symmetric non-metric connection on a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 0898.53023 Biswas, S. C.; De, U. C. 5 1997 Almost semi-invariant submanifolds of a parallel \(\varepsilon\)-framed metric manifold. Zbl 0891.53037 Tripathi, Mukut Mani 1 1997 Common fixed points of sequences of mappings. Zbl 0892.54028 Pant, R. P. 7 1996 On some vector valued sequence spaces \({\mathcal L}^{(p)} (E_ k, \Lambda)\). Zbl 0861.46020 Ratha, A.; Srivastava, P. D. 2 1996 On a type of semi-symmetric connection on a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 0874.53010 De, U. C.; De, B. K. 1 1996 On inequalities between moments of probability distributions. Zbl 0878.60016 Kapur, J. N. 1 1996 On submanifolds of \(S\)-manifolds. Zbl 0872.53017 Tripathi, Muku Mani; Singh, Kamla D. 1 1996 A theorem on mean and standard deviation of a statistical variate. 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