International Statistical Review Short Title: Int. Stat. Rev. Parallel Title: Revue Internationale de Statistique Publisher: Wiley (Wiley-Blackwell), Oxford; International Statistical Institute ISSN: 0306-7734; 1751-5823/e Online: Predecessor: Revue de l’Institut International de Statistique Comments: Journal; JSTOR Coverage: 1972–2004 (Vols. 40-72) Moving Wall:5 years Euclid: 71 (2003) – 74 (2006) Documents Indexed: 1,173 Publications (since 1972) References Indexed: 685 Publications with 28,954 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 92, No. 3 (2024) 92, No. 2 (2024) 92, No. 1 (2024) 91, No. 3 (2023) 91, No. 2 (2023) 91, No. 1 (2023) 90, No. 3 (2022) 90, No. 2 (2022) 90, No. 1 (2022) 90, Suppl. S1 (2022) 89, No. 3 (2021) 89, No. 2 (2021) 89, No. 1 (2021) 88, No. 3 (2020) 88, No. 2 (2020) 88, No. 1 (2020) 88, Suppl. S1 (2020) 87, No. 3 (2019) 87, No. 2 (2019) 87, No. 1 (2019) 87, Suppl. S1 (2019) 86, No. 3 (2018) 86, No. 2 (2018) 86, No. 1 (2018) 85, No. 3 (2017) 85, No. 2 (2017) 85, No. 1 (2017) 84, No. 3 (2016) 84, No. 2 (2016) 84, No. 1 (2016) 83, No. 3 (2015) 83, No. 2 (2015) 83, No. 1 (2015) 82, No. 3 (2014) 82, No. 2 (2014) 82, No. 1 (2014) 81, No. 3 (2013) 81, No. 2 (2013) 81, No. 1 (2013) 80, No. 3 (2012) 80, No. 2 (2012) 80, No. 1 (2012) 79, No. 3 (2011) 79, No. 2 (2011) 79, No. 1 (2011) 78, No. 3 (2010) 78, No. 2 (2010) 78, No. 1 (2010) 77, No. 3 (2009) 77, No. 2 (2009) 77, No. 1 (2009) 76, No. 3 (2008) 76, No. 2 (2008) 76, No. 1 (2008) 75, No. 2 (2007) 75, No. 1 (2007) 74, No. 3 (2006) 74, No. 2 (2006) 74, No. 1 (2006) 73, No. 3 (2005) 73, No. 2 (2005) 73, No. 1 (2005) 72, No. 3 (2004) 72, No. 2 (2004) 72, No. 1 (2004) 71, No. 3 (2003) 71, No. 2 (2003) 71, No. 1 (2003) 70, No. 3 (2002) 70, No. 2 (2002) 70, No. 1 (2002) 69, No. 3 (2001) 69, No. 2 (2001) 69, No. 1 (2001) 68, No. 3 (2000) 68, No. 2 (2000) 68, No. 1 (2000) 67, No. 3 (1999) 67, No. 2 (1999) 67, No. 1 (1999) 66, No. 3 (1998) 66, No. 2 (1998) 66, No. 1 (1998) 65, No. 3 (1997) 65, No. 2 (1997) 65, No. 1 (1997) 64, No. 3 (1996) 64, No. 2 (1996) 64, No. 1 (1996) 63, No. 3 (1995) 63, No. 2 (1995) 63, No. 1 (1995) 62, No. 3 (1994) 62, No. 2 (1994) 62, No. 1 (1994) 61, No. 3 (1993) 61, No. 2 (1993) 61, No. 1 (1993) 60, No. 3 (1992) 60, No. 2 (1992) ...and 27 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 20 Seneta, Eugene 14 Cox, David Roxbee 8 Harter, Herman Leon 8 Koch, Gary G. 7 Bellhouse, David Richard 7 Fisher, Nicholas I. 7 Narula, Subhash C. 7 Skinner, Chris J. 7 Smith, T. M. Fred 6 Hald, Anders Hjorth 6 Sorensen, Michael 6 Tam, Siu-Ming 6 Tillé, Yves 5 Guttorp, Peter 5 Lancaster, Henry Oliver 5 Pfeffermann, Danny 5 Ravishanker, Nalini 5 Robert, Christian P. 5 Shlomo, Natalie 5 Singpurwalla, Nozer D. 5 Stigler, Stephen M. 5 Tsokos, Christos P. 5 Tutz, Gerhard E. 5 Wermuth, Nanny 5 Wild, Chris J. 4 Baddeley, Adrian John 4 Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler 4 Chipperfield, James O. 4 da Motta Singer, Julio 4 Gal, Iddo 4 Genest, Christian 4 Genton, Marc G. 4 Hamdan, M. A. 4 Hand, David J. 4 Hidiroglou, Michael Arsene 4 Holan, Scott H. 4 Keiding, Niels 4 Kotz, Samuel 4 Kuk, Anthony Yung Cheung 4 Levy, Kenneth J. 4 Little, Roderick J. A. 4 Mateu, Jorge 4 Mengersen, Kerrie L. 4 Modarres, Reza 4 Newbold, Paul 4 Reid, Nancy 4 Teugels, Jozef L. 4 Trewin, Dennis 4 Welsh, Alan H. 4 Xie, Minge 3 Abraham, Bovas 3 Atkinson, Anthony C. 3 Barnard, George A. 3 Bickel, Peter John 3 Cavanaugh, Joseph E. 3 Chen, Jiahua 3 Chen, Zhaoguo 3 Dagum, Estelle Bee 3 David, Herbert Aron 3 Diggle, Peter John 3 Ebrahimi, Nader 3 Edwards, Anthony W. F. 3 Efron, Bradley 3 Federer, Walter Theodore 3 Freeman, Daniel H. jun. 3 Fung, Thomas 3 Gastwirth, Joseph Lewis 3 Härdle, Wolfgang Karl 3 Haziza, David 3 Hoppe, Fred M. 3 Imrey, Peter B. 3 Jones, Michael Chris 3 Koenker, Roger W. 3 Kruskal, William H. 3 Lange, Kenneth L. 3 Lawless, Jerald F. 3 Ley, Christophe 3 Lindgren, Georg 3 Lindley, Dennis Victor 3 Makridakis, Spyros 3 Molenberghs, Geert 3 Moller, Jesper 3 Nair, Vijayan N. 3 Nayak, Tapan Kumar 3 Ograjenšek, Irena 3 O’Keefe, Christine M. 3 O’Neill, Brian C. 3 Plackett, R. L. 3 Rao, Jonnagadda Nalini Kanth 3 Rivest, Louis-Paul 3 Ruggeri, Fabrizio 3 Sarndal, Carl Erik 3 Smith, Paul A. 3 Soofi, Ehsan S. 3 Stokes, Maura E. 3 Stoyan, Dietrich Kurt 3 Sugden, Roger A. 3 Thomsen, Ib 3 Wakefield, Jon C. 3 Walker, Stephen Grahm ...and 1,526 more Authors all top 5 Fields 1,073 Statistics (62-XX) 104 History and biography (01-XX) 93 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 64 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 61 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 30 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 24 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 20 Computer science (68-XX) 20 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 11 Combinatorics (05-XX) 10 Geophysics (86-XX) 10 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 9 Mathematics education (97-XX) 5 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 785 Publications have been cited 9,619 times in 8,530 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of complex models of disease transmission: An HIV-model, as an example. Zbl 0825.62860 Blower, S. M.; Dowlatabadi, H. 325 1994 On choosing and bounding probability metrics. Zbl 1217.62014 Gibbs, Alison L.; Su, Francis Edward 289 2002 The \(t\) copula and related copulas. Zbl 1104.62060 Demarta, Stefano; McNeil, Alexander J. 200 2005 Methodology and algorithms of empirical likelihood. Zbl 0716.62003 Hall, Peter; La Scala, Barbara 199 1990 A test for normality of observations and regression residuals. Zbl 0616.62092 Jarque, Carlos M.; Bera, Anil K. 164 1987 Bayesian graphical models for discrete data. Zbl 0834.62003 Madigan, David; York, Jeremy 140 1995 Normal variance-mean mixtures and z distributions. Zbl 0497.62019 Barndorff-Nielsen, O.; Kent, J.; Sorensen, M. 136 1982 Discriminatory analysis – nonparametric discrimination: consistency properties. Zbl 0715.62080 Fix, Evelyn; Hodges, J. L. jun. 123 1989 Quasi-likelihood and optimal estimation. Zbl 0671.62007 Godambe, V. P.; Heyde, C. C. 120 1987 Tail probability approximations. Zbl 0614.62016 Daniels, H. E. 119 1987 On the variances of asymptotically normal estimators from complex surveys. Zbl 0535.62014 Binder, David A. 117 1983 Confidence distribution, the frequentist distribution estimator of a parameter: a review. Zbl 1416.62170 Xie, Min-ge; Singh, Kesar 105 2013 A catalogue of two-level and three-level fractional factorial designs with small runs. Zbl 0768.62058 Chen, Jiahua; Sun, D. X.; Wu, C. F. J. 100 1993 Robust likelihood methods based on the skew-\(t\) and related distributions. Zbl 1206.62102 Azzalini, Adelchi; Genton, Marc G. 95 2008 The secretary problem and its extensions: a review. Zbl 0516.62081 Freeman, P. R. 95 1983 A look at the Burr and related distributions. Zbl 0468.62013 Tadikamalla, Pandu R. 92 1980 Towards a unified theory of inequality constrained testing in multivariate analysis. Zbl 0661.62042 Shapiro, A. 86 1988 Mixed Poisson distributions. Zbl 1104.62010 Karlis, Dimitris; Xekalaki, Evdokia 86 2005 A unified view of the theory of directional statistics, 1975-1988. Zbl 0707.62095 Jupp, P. E.; Mardia, K. V. 76 1989 The role of sampling weights when modeling survey data. Zbl 0779.62009 Pfeffermann, Danny 71 1993 Penalized likelihood for general semi-parametric regression models. Zbl 0636.62068 Green, Peter J. 67 1987 Methods for scalar-on-function regression. Zbl 07763546 Reiss, Philip T.; Goldsmith, Jeff; Shang, Han Lin; Ogden, R. Todd 66 2017 A review on dimension reduction. Zbl 1416.62220 Ma, Yanyuan; Zhu, Liping 65 2013 A Bayesian formulation of exploratory data analysis and goodness-of-fit testing. Zbl 1114.62320 Gelman, Andrew 63 2003 Elliptically symmetric distributions: A review and bibliography. Zbl 0467.62047 Chmielewski, M. A. 58 1981 An extension of Cox’s regression model. Zbl 0526.62081 Johansen, Soren 57 1983 A review of modern computational algorithms for Bayesian optimal design. Zbl 07763475 Ryan, Elizabeth G.; Drovandi, Christopher C.; McGree, James M.; Pettitt, Anthony N. 56 2016 Idiot’s Bayes – not so stupid after all? Zbl 1213.62010 Hand, David J.; Yu, Keming 52 2001 Small area estimation: new developments and directions. Zbl 1211.62022 Pfeffermann, Danny 52 2002 Statistical calibration: A review. Zbl 0743.62066 Osborne, Christine 51 1991 A consistent test for bivariate dependence. Zbl 0826.62032 Feuerverger, Andrey 51 1993 On large-sample estimation and testing in parametric models. Zbl 0715.62058 Hall, W. J.; Mathiason, David J. 50 1990 Estimation non-paramètrique de la regression: Revue bibliographique. Zbl 0471.62039 Collomb, Gerard 49 1981 Maximum likelihood: An introduction. Zbl 0715.62045 Le Cam, L. 48 1990 Some surprising results about covariate adjustment in logistic regression models. Zbl 0742.62067 Robinson, Laurence D.; Jewell, Nicholas P. 47 1991 Statistical surveillance. Optimality and methods. Zbl 1114.62378 Frisén, Marianne 47 2003 Confidence sets in change-point problems. Zbl 0684.62028 Siegmund, David 46 1988 Bootstrap methods for time series. Zbl 1114.62347 Härdle, Wolfgang; Horowitz, Joel; Kreiss, Jens-Peter 46 2003 On birthday, collectors’, occupancy and other classical urn problems. Zbl 0594.60014 Holst, Lars 44 1986 Some useful extensions of the usual correspondence analysis approach and the usual log-linear models approach in the analysis of contingency tables. Zbl 0611.62060 Goodman, Leo A. 44 1986 An introduction to functional central limit theorems for dependent stochastic processes. Zbl 0834.60033 Andrews, Donald W. K.; Pollard, David 44 1994 An appraisal and bibliography of tests for multivariate normality. Zbl 1211.62095 Mecklin, Christopher J.; Mundfrom, Daniel J. 42 2004 A Kolmogorov-Smirnov type statistic with application to test for nonlinearity in time series. Zbl 0748.62049 An, Hong-Zhi; Cheng, Bing 41 1991 A review of estimating animal abundance. II. Zbl 0757.62056 Seber, G. A. F. 41 1992 Inverse congruential pseudorandom numbers: A tutorial. Zbl 0766.65002 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen 40 1992 Varying coefficient regression models: a review and new developments. Zbl 07762792 Park, Byeong U.; Mammen, Enno; Lee, Young K.; Lee, Eun Ryung 40 2015 Posterior inference in Bayesian quantile regression with asymmetric Laplace likelihood. Zbl 07763523 Yang, Yunwen; Wang, Huixia Judy; He, Xuming 40 2016 Modeling temporally evolving and spatially globally dependent data. Zbl 07763598 Porcu, Emilio; Alegria, Alfredo; Furrer, Reinhard 40 2018 A review of inference procedures for the intraclass correlation coefficient in the one-way random effects model. Zbl 0587.62141 Donner, Allan 39 1986 Parameters of superpopulation and survey population: Their relationships and estimation. Zbl 0612.62011 Godambe, V. P.; Thompson, M. E. 39 1986 Mixed hidden Markov models for longitudinal data: an overview. Zbl 1238.62094 Maruotti, Antonello 39 2011 On families of distributions with shape parameters. Zbl 07763428 Jones, M. C. 39 2015 Analysis of variance models in orthogonal designs. Zbl 0575.62068 Tjur, Tue 38 1984 Influence diagrams for causal modelling and inference. Zbl 1215.62002 Dawid, A. P. 38 2002 Regression model diagnostics. Zbl 0775.62201 Davison, A. C.; Tsai, C.-L. 38 1992 Scoring rules and the inevitability of probability. Zbl 0497.62004 Lindley, Dennis V. 38 1982 Common structure of smoothing techniques in statistics. Zbl 0569.62026 Titterington, D. M. 37 1985 Bayesian hypothesis testing: a reference approach. Zbl 1211.62011 Bernardo, José M.; Rueda, Raúl 37 2002 Model robust confidence intervals using maximum likelihood estimators. Zbl 0596.62032 Royall, Richard M. 37 1986 A review of nonparametric time series analysis. Zbl 0887.62043 Härdle, Wolfgang; Lütkepohl, Helmut; Chen, Rong 37 1997 A new model for randomized response. Zbl 0287.92008 Eriksson, Sven A. 37 1973 Extreme value theory and statistics of univariate extremes: a review. Zbl 07763438 Gomes, M. Ivette; Guillou, Armelle 37 2015 Competitive on-line statistics. Zbl 1211.62200 Vovk, Volodya 36 2001 Analysis of survival data under the proportional hazards model. Zbl 0316.62042 Breslow, N. E. 34 1975 On the degree of protection in randomized interviews. Zbl 0329.62083 Lanke, Jan 34 1976 Spatial statistics: Developments 1980-3. Zbl 0558.62083 Ripley, B. D. 33 1984 Nonparametric confidence limits by resampling methods and least favorable families. Zbl 0715.62090 DiCiccio, Thomas J.; Romano, Joseph P. 33 1990 Linear nonparametric tests for comparison of counting processes, with applications to censored survival data. Zbl 0504.62038 Andersen, Per Kragh; Borgan, Ornulf; Gill, Richard; Keiding, Niels 32 1982 Connections between survey calibration estimators and semiparametric models for incomplete data. Zbl 1422.62048 Lumley, Thomas; Shaw, Pamela A.; Dai, James Y. 32 2011 Bayesian methods in extreme value modelling: A review and new developments. Zbl 0853.62025 Coles, Stuart G.; Powell, Elwyn A. 31 1996 A review of hot deck imputation for survey non-response. Zbl 07883358 Andridge, Rebecca R.; Little, Roderick J. A. 31 2010 Interaction. Zbl 0562.62061 Cox, D. R. 30 1984 Survey nonresponse adjustments for estimates of means. Zbl 0596.62009 Little, Roderick J. A. 30 1986 Conditional probability. Zbl 0594.62002 Shafer, Glenn 29 1985 Random sets: Models and statistics. Zbl 0906.60006 Stoyan, Dietrich 29 1998 On inference in parametric survival data models. Zbl 0762.62009 Hjort, Nils Lid 29 1992 Statistics of multivariate extremes. Zbl 0715.62095 Smith, R. L.; Tawn, J. A.; Yuen, H. K. 29 1990 Two-sample tests of Cramér-von Mises- and Kolmogorov-Smirnov-type for randomly censored data. Zbl 0569.62038 Schumacher, Martin 28 1984 Pearson’s \(X^ 2\) and the loglikelihood ratio statistic \(G^ 2:\) A comparative review. Zbl 0707.62105 Cressie, Noel; Read, Timothy R. C. 28 1989 A survey of methods for analyzing clustered binary response data. Zbl 0900.62382 Pendergast, Jane F.; Gange, Stephen J.; Newton, Michael A.; Lindstrom, Mary J.; Palta, Mari; Fisher, Marian R. 28 1996 Robust estimation – A weighted maximum likelihood approach. Zbl 0825.62428 Field, C.; Smith, B. 28 1994 Variance components analysis: A selective literature survey. Zbl 0586.62110 Khuri, A. I.; Sahai, Hardeo 27 1985 Fifty years of classification and regression trees. Zbl 1416.62347 Loh, Wei-Yin 27 2014 Proper and improper multiple imputation (with discussions and rejoinder). Zbl 1114.62323 Nielsen, Søren Feodor 27 2003 Nearest-neighbour Markov point processes and random sets. Zbl 0721.60010 Baddeley, Adrian; Møller, Jesper 26 1989 Smoothing the bootstrap. Zbl 0781.62048 de Angelis, Daniela; Young, G. 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Zbl 07779066 Son, Won; Lim, Johan; Yu, Donghyeon 2 2023 Simultaneous inference for linear mixed model parameters with an application to small area estimation. Zbl 07779065 Reluga, Katarzyna; Lombardía, María-José; Sperlich, Stefan 2 2023 From Pareto to Weibull – a constructive review of distributions on \(\mathbb{R}^+\). Zbl 07779056 Sinner, Corinne; Dominicy, Yves; Trufin, Julien; Waterschoot, Wout; Weber, Patrick; Ley, Christophe 1 2023 Survival modelling for data from combined cohorts: opening the door to meta survival analyses and survival analysis using electronic health records. Zbl 07779058 McVittie, James H.; Best, Ana F.; Wolfson, David B.; Stephens, David A.; Wolfson, Julian; Buckeridge, David L.; Gadalla, Shahinaz M. 1 2023 Scalable Bayesian multiple changepoint detection via auxiliary uniformisation. Zbl 07779059 Shaochuan, Lu 1 2023 ABC of the future. Zbl 07779067 Pesonen, Henri; Simola, Umberto; Köhn-Luque, Alvaro; Vuollekoski, Henri; Lai, Xiaoran; Frigessi, Arnoldo; Kaski, Samuel; Frazier, David T.; Maneesoonthorn, Worapree; Martin, Gael M.; Corander, Jukka 1 2023 A review of data-driven discovery for dynamic systems. Zbl 07827691 North, Joshua S.; Wikle, Christopher K.; Schliep, Erin M. 1 2023 Priors in Bayesian deep learning: a review. Zbl 07778363 Fortuin, Vincent 8 2022 A critical review of LASSO and its derivatives for variable selection under dependence among covariates. Zbl 07777981 Freijeiro-González, Laura; Febrero-Bande, Manuel; González-Manteiga, Wenceslao 3 2022 Variable selection for interval-censored failure time data. Zbl 1536.62079 Du, Mingyue; Sun, Jianguo 3 2022 White noise test from ordinal patterns in the entropy-complexity plane. Zbl 1532.62044 Chagas, Eduarda T. C.; Queiroz-Oliveira, Marcelo; Rosso, Osvaldo A.; Ramos, Heitor S.; Freitas, Cristopher G. S.; Frery, Alejandro C. 3 2022 An efficient test for homogeneity of mean directions on the hyper-sphere. Zbl 07777977 Kulkarni, Hemangi V.; SenGupta, Ashis 2 2022 Rethinking the effective sample size. Zbl 1532.62027 Elvira, Víctor; Martino, Luca; Robert, Christian P. 2 2022 A review of seasonal adjustment diagnostics. Zbl 07778344 McElroy, Tucker; Roy, Anindya 1 2022 Statistical analysis of longitudinal studies. Zbl 07778369 Laird, Nan M. 1 2022 Likelihood-based inference for the finite population mean with post-stratification information under non-ignorable non-response. Zbl 07778370 Zangeneh, Sahar Z.; Little, Roderick J. 1 2022 Initialization of hidden Markov and semi-Markov models: a critical evaluation of several strategies. Zbl 07777961 Maruotti, Antonello; Punzo, Antonio 15 2021 Data integration by combining big data and survey sample data for finite population inference. Zbl 07777548 Kim, Jae-Kwang; Tam, Siu-Ming 9 2021 Another look at the Lady Tasting Tea and differences between permutation tests and randomisation tests. Zbl 07777547 Hemerik, Jesse; Goeman, Jelle J. 8 2021 A review of spatial causal inference methods for environmental and epidemiological applications. Zbl 07777967 Reich, Brian J.; Yang, Shu; Guan, Yawen; Giffin, Andrew B.; Miller, Matthew J.; Rappold, Ana 8 2021 Predictive inference based on Markov chain Monte Carlo output. Zbl 07777543 Krüger, Fabian; Lerch, Sebastian; Thorarinsdottir, Thordis; Gneiting, Tilmann 7 2021 Random effects misspecification can have severe consequences for random effects inference in linear mixed models. Zbl 1543.62474 Hui, Francis K. C.; Müller, Samuel; Welsh, Alan H. 6 2021 Ranks and pseudo-ranks – surprising results of certain rank tests in unbalanced designs. Zbl 07777546 Brunner, Edgar; Konietschke, Frank; Bathke, Arne C.; Pauly, Markus 6 2021 Spatial regression with partial differential equation regularisation. Zbl 07777963 Sangalli, Laura M. 5 2021 Hierarchical models for the analysis of Likert scales in regression and item response analysis. Zbl 1531.62100 Tutz, Gerhard 3 2021 On the effects of spatial confounding in hierarchical models. Zbl 07777544 Nobre, Widemberg S.; Schmidt, Alexandra M.; Pereira, João B. M. 3 2021 Enhancing data science ethics through statistical education and practice. Zbl 1525.62003 Utts, Jessica 2 2021 On some characteristics of Gaussian covariance functions. Zbl 1543.62547 De Iaco, Sandra; Posa, Donato; Cappello, Claudia; Maggio, Sabrina 2 2021 Uncertainty estimation for pseudo-Bayesian inference under complex sampling. Zbl 1543.62273 Williams, Matthew R.; Savitsky, Terrance D. 2 2021 Shannon’s entropy and its generalisations towards statistical inference in last seven decades. Zbl 1531.62008 Nanda, Asok K.; Chowdhury, Shovan 2 2021 Supervised machine learning techniques: an overview with applications to banking. Zbl 1531.68080 Hu, Linwei; Chen, Jie; Vaughan, Joel; Aramideh, Soroush; Yang, Hanyu; Wang, Kelly; Sudjianto, Agus; Nair, Vijayan N. 2 2021 A survey of differentially private regression for clinical and epidemiological research. Zbl 1527.62082 Ficek, Joseph; Wang, Wei; Chen, Henian; Dagne, Getachew; Daley, Ellen 1 2021 An extensive comparison of some well-established value at risk methods. Zbl 1531.62049 Calmon, Wilson; Ferioli, Eduardo; Lettieri, Davi; Soares, Johann; Pizzinga, Adrian 1 2021 Practical review and comparison of modified covariance estimators for linear mixed models in small-sample longitudinal studies with missing data. Zbl 07777965 Gosho, Masahiko; Noma, Hisashi; Maruo, Kazushi 1 2021 The modal age of statistics. Zbl 07776781 Chacón, José E. 14 2020 On variable ordination of modified Cholesky decomposition for estimating time-varying covariance matrices. Zbl 1528.62026 Kang, Xiaoning; Deng, Xinwei; Tsui, Kam-Wah; Pourahmadi, Mohsen 8 2020 A review of multi-compartment infectious disease models. Zbl 07776809 Tang, Lu; Zhou, Yiwang; Wang, Lili; Purkayastha, Soumik; Zhang, Leyao; He, Jie; Wang, Fei; Song, Peter X.-K. 8 2020 Shrinkage estimation strategies in generalised ridge regression models: low/high-dimension regime. Zbl 07776786 Yüzbaşı, Bahadır; Arashi, Mohammad; Ahmed, S. Ejaz 7 2020 Advanced multilevel Monte Carlo methods. Zbl 1528.65004 Jasra, Ajay; Law, Kody; Suciu, Carina 6 2020 Likelihood, replicability and Robbins’ confidence sequences. Zbl 1528.62017 Pace, Luigi; Salvan, Alessandra 6 2020 A review of envelope models. Zbl 1528.62027 Lee, Minji; Su, Zhihua 6 2020 Graphical comparison of high-dimensional distributions. Zbl 1528.62025 Modarres, Reza 6 2020 Prediction, estimation, and attribution. Zbl 07778682 Efron, Bradley 5 2020 Tests of normality of functional data. Zbl 1528.62091 Górecki, Tomasz; Horváth, Lajos; Kokoszka, Piotr 5 2020 Properties of h-likelihood estimators in clustered data. Zbl 07776804 Youngjo, Lee; Kim, Gwangsu 5 2020 Statistical network analysis: a review with applications to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Zbl 07776807 Loyal, Joshua Daniel; Chen, Yuguo 4 2020 Horseshoe regularisation for machine learning in complex and deep models. Zbl 07776797 Bhadra, Anindya; Datta, Jyotishka; Li, Yunfan; Polson, Nicholas 4 2020 Statistical implementations of agent-based demographic models. Zbl 07776808 Hooten, Mevin; Wikle, Christopher; Schwob, Michael 3 2020 Small area estimation for disease prevalence mapping. Zbl 07776806 Wakefield, Jonathan; Okonek, Taylor; Pedersen, Jon 3 2020 Modern strategies for time series regression. Zbl 07778694 Clark, Stephanie; Hyndman, Rob J.; Pagendam, Dan; Ryan, Louise M. 2 2020 Reluctant generalised additive modelling. Zbl 07778695 Tay, J. Kenneth; Tibshirani, Robert 2 2020 A conversation with Paul Embrechts. Zbl 1528.60003 Genest, Christian; Nešlehová, Johanna G. 2 2020 Is there a ‘safe area’ where the nonresponse rate has only a modest effect on bias despite non-ignorable nonresponse? Zbl 1528.62005 Hedlin, Dan 2 2020 Bayesian model selection of Gaussian directed acyclic graph structures. Zbl 1528.62030 Castelletti, Federico 2 2020 Sampling-based randomised designs for causal inference under the potential outcomes framework. Zbl 07776780 Branson, Zach; Dasgupta, Tirthankar 2 2020 Asymptotics of the non-parametric function for B-splines-based estimation in partially linear models. Zbl 07776782 Lian, Heng 2 2020 Measuring discontinuities in time series obtained with repeated sample surveys. Zbl 07776783 van den Brakel, Jan; Zhang, Xichuan (Mark); Tam, Siu-Ming 2 2020 Double empirical Bayes testing. Zbl 07778691 Tansey, Wesley; Wang, Yixin; Rabadan, Raul; Blei, David 1 2020 Deconfounding and causal regularisation for stability and external validity. Zbl 07778692 Bühlmann, Peter; Ćevid, Domagoj 1 2020 Stable discovery of interpretable subgroups via calibration in causal studies. Zbl 07778693 Dwivedi, Raaz; Tan, Yan Shuo; Park, Briton; Wei, Mian; Horgan, Kevin; Madigan, David; Yu, Bin 1 2020 Smoothing and benchmarking for small area estimation. Zbl 1528.62009 Steorts, Rebecca C.; Schmid, Timo; Tzavidis, Nikos 1 2020 A non-proportional hazards model with hazard ratio functions free from covariate values. Zbl 1528.62051 Kuk, Anthony Y. C. 1 2020 A geometrical interpretation of collinearity: a natural way to justify ridge regression and its anomalies. Zbl 1528.62037 García-Pérez, José; del Mar López-Martín, María; García-García, Catalina; Salmerón-Gómez, Román 1 2020 Empirical likelihood approach for aligning information from multiple surveys. Zbl 07776778 Berger, Yves G.; Kabzińska, Ewa 1 2020 Distribution-free approximate methods for constructing confidence intervals for quantiles. Zbl 07776779 Nagaraja, Chaitra H.; Nagaraja, Haikady N. 1 2020 A selective overview and comparison of robust mixture regression estimators. Zbl 07776784 Yu, Chun; Yao, Weixin; Yang, Guangren 1 2020 Multi-source statistics: basic situations and methods. Zbl 07776785 de Waal, Ton; van Delden, Arnout; Scholtus, Sander 1 2020 Combining opinions for use in Bayesian networks: a measurement error approach. Zbl 07776802 Farr, A. Charisse; Mengersen, Kerrie; Ruggeri, Fabrizio; Simpson, Daniel; Wu, Paul; Yarlagadda, Prasad 1 2020 Re-identification in the absence of common variables for matching. 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