Journal of Economic Theory Short Title: J. Econ. Theory Publisher: Elsevier (Academic Press), San Diego, CA ISSN: 0022-0531 Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 4,841 Publications (since 1971) References Indexed: 4,426 Publications with 113,900 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 223 (2025) 222 (2024) 221 (2024) 220 (2024) 219 (2024) 218 (2024) 217 (2024) 216 (2024) 215 (2024) 214 (2023) 213 (2023) 212 (2023) 211 (2023) 210 (2023) 209 (2023) 208 (2023) 207 (2023) 206 (2022) 205 (2022) 204 (2022) 203 (2022) 202 (2022) 201 (2022) 200 (2022) 199 (2022) 198 (2021) 197 (2021) 196 (2021) 195 (2021) 194 (2021) 193 (2021) 192 (2021) 191 (2021) 190 (2020) 189 (2020) 188 (2020) 187 (2020) 186 (2020) 185 (2020) 184 (2019) 183 (2019) 182 (2019) 181 (2019) 180 (2019) 179 (2019) 178 (2018) 177 (2018) 176 (2018) 175 (2018) 174 (2018) 173 (2018) 172 (2017) 171 (2017) 170 (2017) 169 (2017) 168 (2017) 167 (2017) 166 (2016) 165 (2016) 164 (2016) 163 (2016) 162 (2016) 161 (2016) 160 (2015) 159, Part B (2015) 159, Part A (2015) 158, Part B (2015) 158, Part A (2015) 157 (2015) 156 (2015) 155 (2015) 154 (2014) 153 (2014) 152 (2014) 151 (2014) 150 (2014) 149 (2014) 148, No. 6 (2013) 148, No. 5 (2013) 148, No. 4 (2013) 148, No. 3 (2013) 148, No. 2 (2013) 148, No. 1 (2013) 147, No. 6 (2012) 147, No. 5 (2012) 147, No. 4 (2012) 147, No. 3 (2012) 147, No. 2 (2012) 147, No. 1 (2012) 146, No. 6 (2011) 146, No. 5 (2011) 146, No. 4 (2011) 146, No. 3 (2011) 146, No. 2 (2011) 146, No. 1 (2011) 145, No. 6 (2010) 145, No. 5 (2010) 145, No. 4 (2010) 145, No. 3 (2010) 145, No. 2 (2010) ...and 220 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 30 Fudenberg, Drew 25 Mitra, Tapan 22 Levine, David K. 22 Samuelson, Larry 21 Epstein, Larry G. 20 Benhabib, Jess 20 Jackson, Matthew O. 20 Ray, Debraj 19 Le Breton, Michel 19 Wright, Randall D. 18 Balasko, Yves 17 Marinacci, Massimo 17 Rubinstein, Ariel 17 Schmeidler, David 16 Fishburn, Peter Clingerman 16 Khan, Mohammed Ali 16 Moulin, Hervé C. 15 Duggan, John 15 Dutta, Bhaskar 15 Ehlers, Lars 15 Karni, Edi 15 Nishimura, Kazuo 15 Polemarchakis, Herakles M. 15 Segal, Uzi 15 Sun, Yeneng 14 Greenberg, Joseph 14 Gul, Faruk 14 Morris, Stephen 14 Serrano, Roberto 13 Barberà, Salvador 13 Bergemann, Dirk 13 Blackorby, Charles 13 Bossert, Walter 13 Chambers, Christopher P. 13 Ghiglino, Christian 13 Jordan, James S. 13 Rustichini, Aldo 13 Shell, Karl 13 Stachurski, John 12 Dekel, Eddie 12 Easley, David A. 12 Grant, Simon 12 Hellwig, Martin F. 12 Hu, Tai-Wei 12 Kajii, Atsushi 12 Mas-Colell, Andreu 12 Matsushima, Hitoshi 12 Ok, Efe A. 12 Peters, Michael 12 Sandholm, William Howard 12 Sönmez, Tayfun 12 Spear, Stephen E. 12 Weber, Shlomo 12 Yannelis, Nicholas Constantine 12 Zilcha, Itzhak 11 Al-Najjar, Nabil Ibraheem 11 Aoyagi, Masaki 11 Blume, Andreas 11 Gilboa, Itzhak 11 Kalai, Ehud 11 Kocherlakota, Narayana R. 11 Laroque, Guy R. 11 Mailath, George J. 11 McAfee, R. Preston 11 Peck, James 11 Postlewaite, Andrew 11 Rocheteau, Guillaume 11 Sen, Arunava 11 Shitovitz, Benyamin 11 Sprumont, Yves 11 Wooders, Myrna Holtz 10 Battigalli, Pierpaolo 10 Bikhchandani, Sushil 10 Blume, Lawrence E. 10 Donaldson, David John 10 Echenique, Federico 10 Jehiel, Philippe 10 Mariotti, Marco 10 Moldovanu, Benny 10 Palfrey, Thomas R. 10 Pattanaik, Prasanta Kumar 10 Pesendorfer, Wolfgang 10 Safra, Zvi 10 Sappington, David E. M. 10 Sorger, Gerhard 10 Suzumura, Kotaro 10 Thomson, William 10 Välimäki, Juuso 10 Wakker, Peter Paul 10 Wallace, Neil 10 Weymark, John Allan 9 Aiyagari, S. Rao 9 Araujo, Aloisio P. 9 Azariadis, Costas 9 Ben-Porath, Elchanan 9 Bloch, Francis 9 Chew, Soo Hong 9 Duffie, James Darrell 9 Gottardi, Piero 9 Hayashi, Takashi ...and 3,851 more Authors all top 5 Fields 4,795 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 154 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 88 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 66 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 60 Statistics (62-XX) 44 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 31 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 27 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 21 Computer science (68-XX) 14 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 14 Combinatorics (05-XX) 14 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 11 General topology (54-XX) 10 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 8 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Real functions (26-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 4,173 Publications have been cited 65,404 times in 28,071 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Optimum consumption and portfolio rules in a continuous-time model. Zbl 1011.91502 Merton, Robert C. 1,220 1971 Martingales and arbitrage in multiperiod securities markets. Zbl 0431.90019 Harrison, J. Michael; Kreps, David M. 649 1979 Strategy-proofness and Arrow’s conditions: existence and correspondence theorems for voting procedures and social welfare functions. Zbl 0315.90088 Satterthwaite, Mark Allen 579 1975 A strategic model of social and economic networks. Zbl 0871.90144 Jackson, Matthew O.; Wolinsky, Asher 432 1996 Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a diffusion process. Zbl 0678.90011 Cox, John C.; Huang, Chi-fu 387 1989 Game theoretic analysis of a bankruptcy problem from the Talmud. Zbl 0578.90100 Aumann, Robert J.; Maschler, Michael 329 1985 Efficient mechanisms for bilateral trading. Zbl 0523.90099 Myerson, Roger B.; Satterthwaite, Mark A. 311 1983 Monopoly and product quality. Zbl 0403.90007 Mussa, Michael; Rosen, Sherwin 300 1978 Differentiating ambiguity and ambiguity attitude. Zbl 1112.91021 Ghirardato, Paolo; Maccheroni, Fabio; Marinacci, Massimo 274 2004 A new solution to the random assignment problem. Zbl 1134.91357 Bogomolnaia, Anna; Moulin, Hervé 234 2001 Recursive multiple-priors. Zbl 1107.91360 Epstein, Larry G.; Schneider, Martin 226 2003 Coalition-proof Nash equilibria. I: Concepts. Zbl 0619.90090 Bernheim, B. Douglas; Peleg, Bezalel; Whinston, Michael D. 217 1987 Indeterminacy and increasing returns. Zbl 0803.90022 Benhabib, Jess; Farmer, Roger E. A. 194 1994 A tale of two mechanisms: Student placement. Zbl 0916.90008 Balinski, Michel; Sönmez, Tayfun 181 1999 Rational cooperation in the finitely repeated prisoners’ dilemma. Zbl 0485.90092 Kreps, David M.; Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John; Wilson, Robert 181 1982 Benefit and distance functions. Zbl 0866.90027 Chambers, Robert G.; Chung, Yangho; Färe, Rolf 177 1996 Farsighted coalitional stability. Zbl 0841.90131 Chwe, Michael Suk-Young 177 1994 Ambiguity made precise: A comparative foundation. Zbl 1019.91015 Ghirardato, Paolo; Marinacci, Massimo 176 2002 Walrasian equilibrium with gross substitutes. Zbl 0998.91010 Gul, Faruk; Stacchetti, Ennio 163 1999 Martingales and arbitage in securities markets with transaction costs. Zbl 0830.90020 Jouini, Elyès; Kallal, Hédi 162 1995 Why imitate, and if so, how? A boundedly rational approach to multi-armed bandits. Zbl 0895.90003 Schlag, Karl H. 156 1998 Information, trade and common knowledge. Zbl 0485.90018 Milgrom, Paul; Stokey, Nancy 151 1982 Measuring the technical efficiency of production. Zbl 0398.90012 Färe, Rolf; Lovell, C. A. Knox 149 1978 Reputation and imperfect information. Zbl 0485.90093 Kreps, David M.; Wilson, Robert 148 1982 Risk aversion in the theory of expected utility with rank dependent probabilities. Zbl 0632.90007 Hong, Chew Soo; Karni, Edi; Safra, Zvi 147 1987 Finite automata play the repeated prisoner’s dilemma. Zbl 0606.68050 Rubinstein, Ariel 146 1986 The college admissions problem is not equivalent to the marriage problem. Zbl 0594.90002 Roth, Alvin E. 143 1985 The evolution of social and economic networks. Zbl 1099.91543 Jackson, Matthew O.; Watts, Alison 141 2002 On the optimality of equilibrium when the market structure is incomplete. Zbl 0328.90010 Hart, Oliver D. 140 1975 Public goods in networks. Zbl 1186.91099 Bramoullé, Yann; Kranton, Rachel 137 2007 House allocation with existing tenants. Zbl 0939.91068 Abdulkadiroğlu, Atila; Sönmez, Tayfun 134 1999 Expected utility theory without the completeness axiom. Zbl 1062.91025 Dubra, Juan; Maccheroni, Fabio; Ok, Efe A. 131 2004 The Bayesian foundations of solution concepts of games. Zbl 0653.90098 Tan, Tommy Chin-Chiu; Ribeiro da Costa Werlang, Sérgio 131 1988 Strong belief and forward induction reasoning. Zbl 1038.91013 Battigalli, Pierpaolo; Siniscalchi, Marciano 128 2002 Optimal contracts and competitive markets with costly state verification. Zbl 0446.90007 Townsend, Robert M. 125 1979 Hierarchies of beliefs and common knowledge. Zbl 0773.90109 Brandenburger, Adam; Dekel, Eddie 124 1993 Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints: The infinite dimensional case. Zbl 0736.90017 He, Hua; Pearson, Neil D. 123 1991 A complete characterization of optimal growth paths in an aggregated model with a non-concave production function. Zbl 0531.90018 Dechert, Davis W.; Nishimura, Kazuo 122 1983 Learning through reinforcement and replicator dynamics. Zbl 0892.90198 Börges, Tilman; Sarin, Rajiv 121 1997 Markov perfect equilibrium. I: Observable actions. Zbl 1011.91022 Maskin, Eric; Tirole, Jean 121 2001 Convergence of least squares learning mechanisms in self-referential linear stochastic models. Zbl 0672.90023 Marcet, Albert; Sargent, Thomas J. 120 1989 Portfolio selection with transactions costs. Zbl 0361.90001 Magill, Michael J. P.; Constantinides, George M. 118 1976 Games of perfect information, predatory pricing and the chain-store paradox. Zbl 0467.90084 Rosenthal, Robert W. 116 1981 Super-modularity: Applications to convex games and to the greedy algorithm for LP. Zbl 0478.90092 Ichiishi, Tatsuro 116 1981 Distributive justice in taxation. Zbl 0637.90027 Young, H. P. 116 1988 Updating ambiguous beliefs. Zbl 0780.90001 Gilboa, Itzhak; Schmeidler, David 113 1993 Projection methods for solving aggregate growth models. Zbl 0769.90016 Judd, Kenneth L. 112 1992 An axiomatic characterization of preferences under uncertainty: Weakening the independence axiom. Zbl 0611.90007 Dekel, Eddie 111 1986 Unequal inequalities. I, II. Zbl 0396.90027 Kolm, Serge-Christophe 110 1976 Interactive unawareness. Zbl 1141.91598 Heifetz, Aviad; Meier, Martin; Schipper, Burkhard C. 107 2006 Potential games with continuous player sets. Zbl 0990.91005 Sandholm, William H. 107 2001 Self-fulfilling prophecies. Zbl 0527.90014 Azariadis, Costas 105 1981 Pairwise kidney exchange. Zbl 1081.92023 Roth, Alvin E.; Sönmez, Tayfun; Ünver, M. Utku 105 2005 On the indeterminacy of capital accumulation paths. Zbl 0662.90021 Boldrin, Michele; Montrucchio, Luigi 105 1986 Evolutionary stability in asymmetric games. Zbl 0770.90096 Samuelson, Larry; Zhang, Jianbo 104 1992 The Hopf bifurcation and the existence and stability of closed orbits in multisector models of optimal economic growth. Zbl 0427.90021 Benhabib, Jess; Nishimura, Kazuo 104 1979 Duopoly information equilibrium: Cournot and Bertrand. Zbl 0546.90011 Vives, Xavier 102 1984 Choice under uncertainty with the best and worst in mind: Neo-additive capacities. Zbl 1132.91420 Chateauneuf, Alain; Eichberger, Jürgen; Grant, Simon 102 2007 Predation, reputation, and entry deterrence. Zbl 0485.90013 Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John 100 1982 The overlapping-generations model. I: The case of pure exchange without money. Zbl 0455.90008 Balasko, Yves; Shell, Karl 100 1980 The law of large numbers with a continuum of i.i.d. random variables. Zbl 0569.60037 Judd, Kenneth L. 99 1985 Competitive equilibrium cycles. Zbl 0583.90012 Benhabib, Jess; Nishimura, Kazuo 99 1985 Equilibrium binding agreements. Zbl 0872.90125 Ray, Debraj; Vohra, Rajiv 98 1997 Robust control and model misspecification. Zbl 1152.93356 Hansen, Lars Peter; Sargent, Thomas J.; Turmuhambetova, Gauhar; Williams, Noah 97 2006 Real business cycles and the animal spirits hypothesis. Zbl 0802.90019 Farmer, Roger E. A.; Guo, Jang-Ting 96 1994 Null or nullifying players: the difference between the Shapley value and equal division solutions. Zbl 1281.91018 van den Brink, René 93 2007 Uncertainty averse preferences. Zbl 1247.91046 Cerreia-Vioglio, Simone; Maccheroni, Fabio; Marinacci, Massimo; Montrucchio, Luigi 92 2011 Generalized median voter schemes and committees. Zbl 0792.90005 Barberà, Salvador; Gul, Faruk; Stacchetti, Ennio 92 1993 Logconcavity versus logconvexity: A complete characterization. Zbl 0911.90071 An, Mark Yuying 91 1998 Optimal cartel equilibria with imperfect monitoring. Zbl 0606.90019 Abreu, Dilip; Pearce, David; Stacchetti, Ennio 91 1986 A note on price and quantity competition in differentiated oligopolies. Zbl 1028.91563 Häckner, Jonas 90 2000 Utility representation of an incomplete preference relation. Zbl 1015.91021 Ok, Efe A. 90 2002 Uniqueness and indeterminacy: On the dynamics of endogenous growth. Zbl 0803.90023 Benhabib, Jess; Perli, Roberto 89 1994 Limit laws for non-additive probabilities and their frequentist interpretation. Zbl 0921.90005 Marinacci, Massimo 89 1999 The economics of cultural transmission and the dynamics of preferences. Zbl 0991.91060 Bisin, Alberto; Verdier, Thierry 89 2001 A single-parameter generalization of the Gini indices of inequality. Zbl 0432.90023 Donaldson, David; Weymark, John A. 88 1980 Evolution and market behavior. Zbl 0769.90014 Blume, Lawrence; Easley, David 88 1992 The separability axiom and equal-sharing methods. Zbl 0603.90013 Moulin, Hervé 88 1985 Analogy-based expectation equilibrium. Zbl 1102.91014 Jehiel, Philippe 88 2005 Robust portfolio rules and detection-error probabilities for a mean-reverting risk premium. Zbl 1152.91535 Maenhout, Pascal J. 88 2006 Manipulation of social choice functions. Zbl 0358.90005 Gärdenfors, Peter 87 1976 Lifetime consumption and investment: retirement and constrained borrowing. Zbl 1245.91044 Dybvig, Philip H.; Liu, Hong 87 2010 We can’t disagree forever. Zbl 0486.90031 Geanakoplos, John D.; Polemarchakis, Heraklis M. 87 1982 Bidding for the surplus: a non-cooperative approach to the Shapley value. Zbl 0992.91010 Pérez-Castrillo, David; Wettstein, David 87 2001 Fictitious play property for games with identical interests. Zbl 0849.90130 Monderer, Dov; Shapley, Lloyd S. 86 1996 Extremal equlibria of oligopolistic supergames. Zbl 0602.90020 Abreu, Dilip 86 1986 Optimal growth with many consumers. Zbl 0525.90026 Lucas, Robert E. jun.; Stokey, Nancy L. 86 1984 Perfect Bayesian equilibrium and sequential equilibrium. Zbl 0717.90108 Fudenberg, Drew; Tirole, Jean 86 1991 On a conjecture by Gale about one-sided matching problems. Zbl 0725.90003 Zhou, Lin 86 1990 The structure of strategy-proof social choice. I: General characterization and possibility results on median spaces. Zbl 1186.91092 Nehring, Klaus; Puppe, Clemens 86 2007 Intransitivities in multidimensional voting models and some implications for agenda control. Zbl 0373.90003 McKelvey, Richard D. 84 1976 Implementation in differential information economies. Zbl 0597.90010 Postlewaite, Andrew; Schmeidler, David 84 1986 An analysis of the war of attrition and the all-pay auction. Zbl 0883.90054 Krishna, Vijay; Morgan, John 83 1997 On rationalizability in extensive games. Zbl 0887.90185 Battigalli, Pierpaolo 83 1997 Attitude toward imprecise information. Zbl 1136.91369 Gajdos, T.; Hayashi, T.; Tallon, J.-M.; Vergnaud, J.-C. 83 2008 Evolutionary dynamics with aggregate shocks. Zbl 0766.92012 Fudenberg, D.; Harris, C. 82 1992 Rational choice with status quo bias. Zbl 1098.91036 Masatlioglu, Yusufcan; Ok, Efe A. 82 2005 Contest architecture. Zbl 1108.91008 Moldovanu, Benny; Sela, Aner 82 2006 Collusive behavior in noncooperative epsilon-equilibria of oligopolies with long but finite lives. Zbl 0434.90015 Radner, Roy 81 1980 Participation constraints in adverse selection models. Zbl 0970.91036 Jullien, Bruno 81 2000 A population’s feasible posterior beliefs. Zbl 1531.91041 Arieli, Itai; Babichenko, Yakov 3 2024 The existence of universal qualitative belief spaces. Zbl 1533.91076 Fukuda, Satoshi 3 2024 Who wants to be an auctioneer? Zbl 1539.91062 Severinov, Sergei; Virag, Gabor 2 2024 Price impact under heterogeneous beliefs and restricted participation. Zbl 1531.91238 Anthropelos, Michail; Kardaras, Constantinos 2 2024 Unilateral stability in matching problems. Zbl 1533.91350 Richter, Michael; Rubinstein, Ariel 2 2024 A model of approval with an application to list design. Zbl 1539.91073 Manzini, Paola; Mariotti, Marco; Ülkü, Levent 1 2024 Selling information in competitive environments. Zbl 1533.91104 Bonatti, Alessandro; Dahleh, Munther; Horel, Thibaut; Nouripour, Amir 1 2024 A simple and general axiomatization of average utility maximization for infinite streams. Zbl 1533.91200 Li, Chen; Wakker, Peter P. 1 2024 Expectational equilibria in many-to-one matching models with contracts. Zbl 1533.91347 Herings, P. Jean-Jacques 1 2024 Monotone equilibrium in matching markets with signaling. Zbl 1533.91346 Han, Seungjin; Sam, Alex; Shin, Youngki 1 2024 Global manipulation by local obfuscation. Zbl 1507.91006 Li, Fei; Song, Yangbo; Zhao, Mofei 5 2023 Randomization is optimal in the robust principal-agent problem. Zbl 1507.91107 Kambhampati, Ashwin 5 2023 Bayesian persuasion with costly information acquisition. Zbl 1521.91037 Matysková, Ludmila; Montes, Alfonso 5 2023 Loss aversion in strategy-proof school-choice mechanisms. Zbl 1507.91130 Meisner, Vincent; von Wangenheim, Jonas 4 2023 Ambiguous information and dilation: an experiment. Zbl 1508.91157 Shishkin, Denis; Ortoleva, Pietro 4 2023 Rational inattention when decisions take time. Zbl 1508.91145 Hébert, Benjamin; Woodford, Michael 4 2023 Strength of preference over complementary pairs axiomatizes alpha-MEU preferences. Zbl 1536.91148 Hartmann, Lorenz 4 2023 Optimal contest design: tuning the heat. Zbl 1530.91223 Letina, Igor; Liu, Shuo; Netzer, Nick 4 2023 Symmetry in \(n\)-player games. Zbl 1507.91005 Plan, Asaf 3 2023 Renegotiation and dynamic inconsistency: contracting with non-exponential discounting. Zbl 1508.91273 Cetemen, Doruk; Feng, Felix Zhiyu; Urgun, Can 3 2023 Epidemics with behavior. Zbl 1507.92086 Carnehl, Christoph; Fukuda, Satoshi; Kos, Nenad 2 2023 Equilibrium social activity during an epidemic. Zbl 1507.92109 McAdams, David; Song, Yangbo; Zou, Dihan 2 2023 Optimal orchestration of rewards and punishments in rank-order contests. Zbl 1508.91219 Liu, Bin; Lu, Jingfeng 2 2023 The Luce model with replicas. Zbl 1508.91141 Faro, José Heleno 2 2023 Strategy-proof and envy-free random assignment. Zbl 1518.91097 Basteck, Christian; Ehlers, Lars 2 2023 Dynamic banking with non-maturing deposits. Zbl 1518.91297 Jermann, Urban; Xiang, Haotian 2 2023 Asset bubbles and inflation as competing monetary phenomena. Zbl 1527.91114 Plantin, Guillaume 2 2023 Communication with endogenous deception costs. Zbl 1507.91029 Eilat, Ran; Neeman, Zvika 1 2023 Homophily and influence. Zbl 1507.91160 Polanski, Arnold; Vega-Redondo, Fernando 1 2023 Bargaining in small dynamic markets. Zbl 1507.91092 Dilmé, Francesc 1 2023 Mediated talk: an experiment. Zbl 1508.91086 Blume, Andreas; Lai, Ernest K.; Lim, Wooyoung 1 2023 A new approach to the uniqueness of equilibrium with CRRA preferences. Zbl 1508.91183 Won, Dong Chul 1 2023 Evolutionary foundation for heterogeneity in risk aversion. Zbl 1508.91178 Heller, Yuval; Nehama, Ilan 1 2023 Sequential Bayesian persuasion. Zbl 1531.91066 Wu, Wenhao 1 2023 A test of (weak) certainty independence. Zbl 1518.91052 König-Kersting, Christian; Kops, Christopher; Trautmann, Stefan T. 1 2023 Sufficient conditions for a “simple” decentralization with consumption externalities. Zbl 1518.91073 del Mercato, Elena L.; Nguyen, Van-Quy 1 2023 Random quasi-linear utility. Zbl 1527.91067 Yang, Erya; Kopylov, Igor 1 2023 Asset bubbles, entrepreneurial risks, and economic growth. Zbl 1520.91431 Hori, Takeo; Im, Ryonghun 1 2023 Repeated communication with private lying costs. Zbl 1520.91074 Pei, Harry 1 2023 Contagion in graphons. Zbl 1521.91254 Erol, Selman; Parise, Francesca; Teytelboym, Alexander 1 2023 Random utility models with ordered types and domains. Zbl 1521.91106 Apesteguia, Jose; Ballester, Miguel A. 1 2023 Selecting a winner with external referees. Zbl 1521.91060 Bloch, Francis; Dutta, Bhaskar; Dziubiński, Marcin 1 2023 Optimal technology design. Zbl 1518.91116 Garrett, Daniel F.; Georgiadis, George; Smolin, Alex; Szentes, Balázs 1 2023 Extrapolative asset pricing. Zbl 1520.91412 Li, Kai; Liu, Jun 1 2023 Opinion aggregation: Borda and Condorcet revisited. Zbl 1520.91150 Barberà, Salvador; Bossert, Walter 1 2023 Allocating losses: bail-ins, bailouts and bank regulation. Zbl 1520.91427 Keister, Todd; Mitkov, Yuliyan 1 2023 Private disclosure with multiple agents. Zbl 1527.91041 Zhu, Shuguang 1 2023 Best-response dynamics in directed network games. Zbl 1530.91093 Bayer, Péter; Kozics, György; Szőke, Nóra Gabriella 1 2023 Testing negative value of information and ambiguity aversion. Zbl 1530.91305 Kops, Christopher; Pasichnichenko, Illia 1 2023 Objective rationality foundations for (dynamic) \(\alpha\)-MEU. Zbl 1484.91124 Frick, Mira; Iijima, Ryota; Le Yaouanq, Yves 11 2022 Structured ambiguity and model misspecification. Zbl 1481.91060 Hansen, Lars Peter; Sargent, Thomas J. 7 2022 Equilibrium characterization and shock propagation in conflict networks. Zbl 1506.91029 Xu, Jin; Zenou, Yves; Zhou, Junjie 6 2022 On equilibrium existence in generalized multi-prize nested lottery contests. Zbl 1484.91069 Fu, Qiang; Wu, Zenan; Zhu, Yuxuan 6 2022 Foundations of ambiguity models under symmetry: \(\alpha\)-MEU and smooth ambiguity. Zbl 1481.91063 Klibanoff, Peter; Mukerji, Sujoy; Seo, Kyoungwon; Stanca, Lorenzo 6 2022 Non-Bayesian updating in a social learning experiment. Zbl 1481.91155 De Filippis, Roberta; Guarino, Antonio; Jehiel, Philippe; Kitagawa, Toru 6 2022 Optimal market thickness. Zbl 1484.91277 Loertscher, Simon; Muir, Ellen V.; Taylor, Peter G. 5 2022 Selling two identical objects. Zbl 1484.91209 Bikhchandani, Sushil; Mishra, Debasis 5 2022 Generalized perturbed best response dynamics with a continuum of strategies. Zbl 1484.91050 Lahkar, Ratul; Mukherjee, Sayan; Roy, Souvik 5 2022 Interdistrict school choice: a theory of student assignment. Zbl 1490.91142 Hafalir, Isa E.; Kojima, Fuhito; Yenmez, M. Bumin 5 2022 Identification in the random utility model. Zbl 1500.91068 Turansick, Christopher 5 2022 Hidden testing and selective disclosure of evidence. Zbl 1484.91129 Herresthal, Claudia 4 2022 A characterization of Cesàro average utility. Zbl 1490.91099 Pivato, Marcus 4 2022 Strategic investment and learning with private information. Zbl 1498.91424 Wagner, Peter A.; Klein, Nicolas 4 2022 Speculative trade under ambiguity. Zbl 1481.91206 Werner, Jan 4 2022 Ambiguity in dynamic contracts. Zbl 1481.91103 Szydlowski, Martin; Yoon, Ji Hee 4 2022 Ambiguity aversion and wealth effects. Zbl 1484.91117 Cerreia-Vioglio, Simone; Maccheroni, Fabio; Marinacci, Massimo 4 2022 Ambiguity under growing awareness. Zbl 1481.91056 Dominiak, Adam; Tserenjigmid, Gerelt 4 2022 Constrained random matching. Zbl 1497.91199 Balbuzanov, Ivan 4 2022 Distributionally robust pricing in independent private value auctions. Zbl 1534.91067 Suzdaltsev, Alex 3 2022 Bayesian social aggregation with accumulating evidence. Zbl 1484.91175 Pivato, Marcus 3 2022 Existence and uniqueness of recursive utilities without boundedness. Zbl 1484.91185 Christensen, Timothy M. 3 2022 Continuous unimodal maps in economic dynamics: on easily verifiable conditions for topological chaos. Zbl 1490.91132 Deng, Liuchun; Khan, M. Ali; Mitra, Tapan 3 2022 Learning about profitability and dynamic cash management. Zbl 1504.91332 Décamps, Jean-Paul; Villeneuve, Stéphane 3 2022 Strategyproof social choice when preferences and outcomes may contain ties. Zbl 1492.91124 Brandt, Felix; Saile, Christian; Stricker, Christian 3 2022 Stochastic choice and rational inattention. Zbl 1492.91101 Lin, Yi-Hsuan 3 2022 Combining forecasts in the presence of ambiguity over correlation structures. Zbl 1481.91065 Levy, Gilat; Razin, Ronny 3 2022 Learning with misattribution of reference dependence. Zbl 1503.91080 Gagnon-Bartsch, Tristan; Bushong, Benjamin 3 2022 Correlation-robust auction design. Zbl 1484.91215 He, Wei; Li, Jiangtao 2 2022 Mechanism design with level-k types: theory and an application to bilateral trade. Zbl 1490.91051 Kneeland, Terri 2 2022 Continuous implementation with direct revelation mechanisms. Zbl 1490.91050 Chen, Yi-Chun; Mueller-Frank, Manuel; Pai, Mallesh M. 2 2022 The emergence and persistence of oligarchy: a dynamic model of endogenous political power. Zbl 1490.91106 Jeon, Jee Seon; Hwang, Ilwoo 2 2022 Detectability, duality, and surplus extraction. Zbl 1498.91104 Lopomo, Giuseppe; Rigotti, Luca; Shannon, Chris 2 2022 A random attention and utility model. Zbl 1498.91133 Kashaev, Nail; Aguiar, Victor H. 2 2022 The impact of network topology and market structure on pricing. Zbl 1498.91193 Chen, Ying-Ju; Zenou, Yves; Zhou, Junjie 2 2022 Stochastic choice with limited memory. Zbl 1504.91081 Yegane, Ece 2 2022 Farsighted objections and maximality in one-to-one matching problems. Zbl 1498.91281 Kimya, Mert 2 2022 Bounded rationality is rare. Zbl 1498.91126 Giarlotta, Alfio; Petralia, Angelo; Watson, Stephen 2 2022 Labor markets during pandemics. Zbl 1498.91227 Kapička, Marek; Rupert, Peter 2 2022 Sequential vote buying. Zbl 1504.91232 Chen, Ying; Zápal, Jan 2 2022 Twofold multiprior preferences and failures of contingent reasoning. Zbl 1492.91112 Echenique, Federico; Miyashita, Masaki; Nakamura, Yuta; Pomatto, Luciano; Vinson, Jamie 2 2022 Bubbly bailout. Zbl 1492.91413 Dong, Feng; Xu, Zhiwei 2 2022 The crawler: three equivalence results for object (re)allocation problems when preferences are single-peaked. Zbl 1497.91144 Tamura, Yuki; Hosseini, Hadi 2 2022 New formulations of ambiguous volatility with an application to optimal dynamic contracting. Zbl 1481.91102 Hansen, Peter G. 2 2022 Updating confidence in beliefs. 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M. 57 Mitra, Tapan 56 Siu, Tak Kuen 55 Bossert, Walter 54 Feichtinger, Gustav 54 Le Van, Cuong 53 Thomson, William 52 Fudenberg, Drew 50 Chun, Youngsub 50 Fishburn, Peter Clingerman 49 Chambers, Christopher P. 49 Wooders, Myrna Holtz 48 Marinacci, Massimo 48 Van den Brink, René 47 Bergantiños, Gustavo 47 Borm, Peter E. M. 47 Le Breton, Michel 47 Samuelson, Larry 46 Venditti, Alain 45 Lambertini, Luca 43 Chateauneuf, Alain 43 Klaus, Bettina 42 Brandt, Felix 42 Ehlers, Lars 41 Kort, Peter M. 41 Moreno-Ternero, Juan D. 41 Sun, Yeneng 40 Gozzi, Fausto 40 Lehrer, Ehud 40 Sanver, M. 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