Nonlinear Oscillations Short Title: Nonlinear Oscil., N.Y. Publisher: Springer, New York, NY ISSN: 1536-0059/e Online: Original: Neliniĭni Kolyvannya Successor: Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; This journal is published electronic only. Merged into “J. Math. Sci., New York” as of 2012. Documents Indexed: 254 Publications (2006–2012) References Indexed: 252 Publications with 3,053 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 14, No. 4 (2012) 14, No. 3 (2012) 14, No. 2 (2011) 14, No. 1 (2011) 13, No. 4 (2011) 13, No. 3 (2011) 13, No. 2 (2010) 13, No. 1 (2010) 12, No. 4 (2009) 12, No. 3 (2009) 12, No. 2 (2009) 12, No. 1 (2009) 11, No. 4 (2008) 11, No. 3 (2008) 11, No. 2 (2008) 11, No. 1 (2008) 10, No. 4 (2007) 10, No. 3 (2007) 10, No. 2 (2007) 10, No. 1 (2007) 9, No. 4 (2006) 9, No. 3 (2006) 9, No. 2 (2006) 9, No. 1 (2006) all top 5 Authors 11 Boĭchuk, Oleksandr Andriĭovych 9 Chuĭko, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich 7 Luchka, A. Yu 7 Pelyukh, Grygor P. 6 Samoĭlenko, Anatoliĭ Mykhaĭlovych 6 Skripnik, Natalia Viktorovna 6 Tkachenko, Victor Ivanovich 5 Slyusarchuk, Vasyl Yukhimovich 5 Yakovets, V. P. 4 Bel’skiĭ, Denis V. 4 Horodnii, M. F. 4 Kasyanov, Pavlo O. 4 Martynyuk, Anatoliĭ Andriĭovych 4 Petryshyn, Roman I. 4 Plotnikov, Andreĭ Viktorovich 4 Slyn’ko, Vitalii Ivanovich 4 Teplinsky, Yuriy V. 3 Bohai, N. A. 3 Chaĭkovs’kyĭ, Andriĭ Volodymyrovych 3 Feruk, V. A. 3 Khusainov, Denis Ya. 3 Klyuchnyk, I. H. 3 Komleva, Tatyana A. 3 Mel’nyk, Taras A. 3 Myslo, Yu. M. 3 Nenya, O. I. 3 Nesterenko, Olga B. 3 Panasenko, Evgeniy V. 3 Parasyuk, Igor O. 3 Pasyuk, K. V. 3 Perestyuk, Mykola Oleksiĭovych 3 Pokutnyĭ, Oleksandr Olekseevich 3 Prykarpatsky, Anatoliy Karolevych 3 Samoĭlenko, Valeriĭ Grygorovych 3 Sivak, Olena A. 3 Teplins’kyi, O. Yu. 2 Agarwal, Ravi P. 2 Aliluiko, A. M. 2 Bakhtin, Oleksandr Konstyantynovych 2 Benchohra, Mouffak 2 Bihun, Ya. I. 2 Bogolyubov, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich jun. 2 Boichuk, I. A. 2 Boiko, M. Ya. 2 Chechel’, A. A. 2 Cherevko, Igor M. 2 Chichurin, Alexander V. 2 Danylyuk, Ivan Mykhaĭlovych 2 Denysenko, Natalia L. 2 Denysenko, Oleksandr M. 2 Dhage, Bapurao C. 2 Diblík, Josef 2 Dvirny, Aleksandr Ivanovich 2 Elhadj, Zeraoulia 2 Elshour, Mousa Jaber Abu 2 Holovchenko, O. V. 2 Kachurivsky, R. I. 2 Kengne, Emmanuel 2 Kichmarenko, Olga D. 2 Kocherha, O. I. 2 Korol’, Igor I. 2 Koshmanenko, Volodymyr Dmytrovych 2 Koz’ma, A. A. 2 Kulinich, Grygoriĭ Logvynovych 2 Lukovsky, Ivan Oleksandrovych 2 Lykova, Olga B. 2 Maksymenko, Sergiĭ Ivanovych 2 Melnik, Valery S. 2 Opluštil, Zdeněk 2 Plotnikov, Viktor A. 2 Prykarpatsky, Yarema Anatoliyovych 2 Ronto, Andrei 2 Růžičková, Miroslava 2 Samoilenko, Igor V. 2 Shchetinina, Elena Konstantinovna 2 Shegda, L. M. 2 Sopronyuk, Tetyana M. 2 Sprott, Julien Clinton 2 Šremr, Jiří 2 Stavroulakis, Ioannis P. 2 Sukretna, Anna V. 2 Trotsenko, V. A. 2 Tunç, Cemil 2 Vaillancourt, Rémi 2 Vel’hach, A. V. 2 Zadoyanchuk, Nina V. 2 Zhu, Jiang 2 Zhuravlëv, Viktor Filippovich 1 Aguerrea, Maitere 1 Amendola, Giovambattista 1 Babenko, Sergei V. 1 Bab’yuk, O. K. 1 Baloha, S. I. 1 Barnyak, M. Ya. 1 Baštincová, A. 1 Bazylyak, H. R. 1 Belan, E. P. 1 Belarbi, Abdelkader 1 Belozerova, Maria A. 1 Berezans’kyĭ, Yuriĭ Makarovych ...and 186 more Authors all top 5 Fields 151 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 38 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 28 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 21 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 21 Operator theory (47-XX) 9 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Integral equations (45-XX) 7 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 150 Publications have been cited 652 times in 517 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Representation of a solution of the Cauchy problem for an oscillating system with pure delay. Zbl 1276.34055 Khusainov, D. Ya.; Diblík, J.; Růžičková, M.; Lukáčová, J. 51 2008 On an approximate solution of boundary-value problems by the least squares method. Zbl 1277.65055 Chuiko, S. M. 24 2008 Solution of a heat equation with delay. Zbl 1277.35193 Khusainov, D. Ya.; Ivanov, A. F.; Kovarzh, I. V. 21 2009 Asymptotic analysis of boundary-value problems in thin perforated domains with rapidly varying thickness. Zbl 1334.74057 Mel’nyk, T. A.; Popov, A. V. 19 2010 Domain of convergence of an iterative procedure for an autonomous boundary-value problem. Zbl 1262.34016 Chuiko, S. M. 17 2006 Oscillation criteria for a second-order quasilinear neutral functional dynamic equation on time scales. Zbl 1334.34196 Saker, S. H. 14 2011 Bounded solutions of linear differential equations in a Banach space. Zbl 1262.34037 Boichuk, A. A.; Pokutnii, A. A. 13 2006 Autonomous Noetherian boundary-value problem in the critical case. Zbl 1277.34078 Chuiko, S. M.; Boichuk, I. A. 12 2009 On approximate solution of periodic boundary-value problems with delay by the least-squares method in the critical case. Zbl 1334.34146 Chuiko, S. M.; Chuiko, A. S. 11 2012 Averaging of controlled equations with Hukuhara derivative. Zbl 1262.34074 Plotnikov, V. A.; Kichmarenko, O. D. 11 2006 On the approximate solution of autonomous boundary-value problems by the least-squares method. Zbl 1277.65056 Chuiko, S. M.; Starkova, O. V. 11 2009 Asymptotic representations of solutions of nonautonomous second-order differential equations with nonlinearities close to power-type nonlinearities. Zbl 1277.34061 Belozerova, M. A. 11 2009 Method of local linear approximation in the theory of bounded solutions of nonlinear difference equations. Zbl 1277.39026 Slyusarchuk, V. Yu. 11 2009 Projection method for the solution of integro-differential equations with restrictions and control. Zbl 1275.65095 Luchka, A. Yu.; Nesterenko, O. B. 10 2008 Averaging method in some problems of optimal control. Zbl 1277.49034 Nosenko, T. V.; Stanzhyts’kyi, O. M. 10 2008 Exponentially dichotomous difference equations with non-Lipschitz perturbations. Zbl 1334.39035 Slyusarchuk, V. Yu. 9 2012 Differential inclusions with Hukuhara derivative. Zbl 1268.34045 Komleva, T. A.; Plotnikov, A. V. 9 2007 Degenerate Fredholm boundary-value problems. Zbl 1268.34050 Boichuk, O. A.; Shehda, L. M. 9 2007 Approximation of Poisson integrals by repeated de la Vallée Poussin sums. Zbl 1334.41042 Rovenskaya, O. G.; Novikov, O. A. 8 2010 Studying the stability of equilibrium solutions in a planar circular restricted four-body problem. Zbl 1268.70012 Grebenikov, E. A.; Gadomski, L.; Prokopenya, A. N. 8 2007 Numerical-analytic method for finding solutions of systems with distributed parameters and integral condition. Zbl 1277.35244 Tkach, B. P.; Urmancheva, L. B. 8 2009 Asymptotic nonlinear multimodal modeling of liquid sloshing in an upright circular cylindrical tank. I: Modal equations. Zbl 1334.76011 Lukovsky, I.; Ovchynnykov, D.; Timokha, A. 7 2012 Averaging in fuzzy controlled systems. Zbl 1334.93107 Komleva, T. A.; Plotnikova, L. I.; Plotnikov, A. V.; Skripnik, N. V. 7 2012 Approximation of a bundle of solutions of linear differential inclusions. Zbl 1262.34015 Plotnikova, N. V. 7 2006 Averaging of impulsive differential inclusions with Hukuhara derivative. Zbl 1268.34039 Skripnik, N. V. 7 2007 Construction of solutions of integro-differential equations with restrictions and control by projection-iterative method. Zbl 1277.45012 Luchka, A. Yu.; Nesterenko, O. B. 7 2009 Invariant manifolds of one class of systems of impulsive differential equations. Zbl 1334.34040 Perestyuk, M. O.; Feketa, P. V. 6 2010 Weakly perturbed boundary-value problems for differential equations in a Banach space. Zbl 1334.34129 Boichuk, O. A.; Panasenko, E. V. 6 2011 Model of a dynamical system of a conflict triad. Zbl 1336.92092 Koshmanenko, V. D.; Samoilenko, I. V. 6 2011 Approximate bounded synthesis for a weakly nonlinear boundary-value problem. Zbl 1277.49006 Kapustyan, O. V.; Kapustyan, O. A.; Sukretna, A. V. 6 2009 Faedo-Galerkin method for nonlinear second-order evolution equations with Volterra operators. Zbl 1268.34066 Zadoyanchuk, N. V.; Kas’yanov, P. O. 6 2007 Bounded solutions of weakly nonlinear differential equations in a Banach space. Zbl 1276.34051 Boichuk, O. A.; Pokutnyi, O. O. 6 2008 On a class of differential equations of fractional order. Zbl 1277.26013 Vityuk, A. N.; Mikhailenko, A. V. 6 2008 Boundary-value problems for differential equations in a Banach space. Zbl 1277.34084 Boichuk, O. A.; Panasenko, E. V. 6 2009 On the structure of the set of continuous solutions of functional difference equations with linearly transformed argument. Zbl 1334.39050 Pelyukh, H. P.; Sivak, O. A. 5 2010 On stability of solutions of nonlinear nonstationary systems of impulsive differential equations in a critical case. Zbl 1334.34038 Dvirnyi, A. I.; Slyn’ko, V. I. 5 2012 On the parametrization of boundary-value problems with two-point nonlinear boundary conditions. Zbl 1334.34053 Ronto, M. I.; Marynets’, K. V. 5 2012 On stability of some solutions for equations of locked lasing of optically coupled lasers with periodic pumping. Zbl 1277.78028 Lila, D. M.; Martynyuk, A. A. 5 2009 Generalized Green operator for an impulsive boundary-value problem with switchings. Zbl 1268.34053 Boichuk, A. A.; Chuiko, S. M. 5 2007 Closedness and normal solvability of an operator generated by a degenerate linear differential equation with variable coefficients. Zbl 1268.34107 Zhuk, S. M. 5 2007 Asymptotics of solutions of nonautonomous second-order ordinary differential equations close to linear equations. Zbl 1276.34041 Abu-Elshour, Mousa Jaber 5 2008 Homogenization of the Signorini boundary-value problem in a thick plane junction. Zbl 1277.35035 Kazmerchuk, Yu. A.; Mel’nyk, T. A. 5 2009 Nonlinear Noetherian boundary-value problems in the critical case. Zbl 1334.34051 Chuiko, S. M.; Boichuk, I. A. 4 2010 Symmetries of center singularities of plane vector fields. Zbl 1334.37016 Maksymenko, S. I. 4 2010 Averaging of fuzzy differential equations on a finite interval. Zbl 1334.34009 Plotnikov, A. V.; Komleva, T. A. 4 2012 On \(n\)th-order nonlinear ordinary random differential equations. Zbl 1334.60116 Dhage, B. C. 4 2011 Boundary-value problems for differential inclusions with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Zbl 1334.34046 Benchohra, M.; Djebali, S.; Hamani, S. 4 2011 Periodic solutions of nonlinear evolution equations with \(W_{\lambda _0 } \)-pseudomonotone maps. Zbl 1262.35212 Kas’yanov, P. O.; Mel’nik, V. S.; Toscano, S. 4 2006 Dynamics of conflict interaction between systems with internal structure. Zbl 1262.37037 Bodnarchuk, M. V.; Koshmanenko, V. D.; Samoilenko, I. V. 4 2006 Nonpositive solutions of a functional differential inequality. Zbl 1277.34112 Lomtatidze, A.; Opluštil, Z.; Šremr, J. 4 2009 Continuous solutions of nonlinear functional difference equations and their properties. Zbl 1277.39016 Pelyukh, H. P.; Sivak, O. A. 4 2009 Hyperbolic horseshoe for circle diffeomorphisms with break. Zbl 1417.37152 Teplins’kyi, O. Yu. 4 2008 Investigation of the structure of the set of continuous solutions of systems of linear functional difference equations. Zbl 1277.39034 Pelyukh, H. P.; Sivak, O. A. 4 2009 Sufficient conditions for the oscillation of solutions of first-order neutral delay impulsive differential equations with constant coefficients. Zbl 1334.34175 Dimitrova, M. B.; Donev, V. I. 3 2010 Smooth conjugacy of circle diffeomorphisms with break. Zbl 1334.37037 Teplins’kyi, O. Yu.; Khanin, K. M. 3 2010 Averaging method in problems of control over periodic systems. Zbl 1334.49072 Dobrodzii, T. V. 3 2010 Asymptotic behavior of one class of solutions of nonlinear nonautonomous second-order differential equations. Zbl 1341.34056 Koz’ma, A. A. 3 2012 Almost periodic solutions of Mackey-Glass equations with pulse action. Zbl 1334.34153 Myslo, Yu. M.; Tkachenko, V. I. 3 2012 Weakly nonlinear boundary-value problems for differential equations in a Banach space in the critical case. Zbl 1334.34136 Boichuk, O. A.; Panasenko, E. V. 3 2011 About the boundedness of 3-D continuous-time quadratic systems. Zbl 1334.37030 Elhadj, Z.; Sprott, J. C. 3 2011 Approximation of generalized bounded solutions of evolution equations with unbounded operator. Zbl 1334.34133 Pokutnyi, O. O. 3 2011 Global stability of solutions of nonstationary monotone differential equations with impulsive action in the pseudolinear form. Zbl 1334.34137 Dvirnyi, A. I.; Slyn’ko, V. I. 3 2011 Stability and stabilization of the family of pseudolinear differential systems. Zbl 1341.34066 Mazko, A. G.; Shram, V. V. 3 2011 On the structure of the set of continuously differentiable solutions of one boundary-value problem for a system of functional differential equations of neutral type. Zbl 1268.34162 Pelyukh, H. P.; Vel’hach, A. V. 3 2007 Bifurcation of solutions of an impulsive boundary-value problem. Zbl 1276.34022 Boichuk, A. A.; Chuiko, S. M. 3 2008 Hamiltonian finite-dimensional oscillator-type reductions of Lax-integrable superconformal hierarchies. Zbl 1262.35185 Hentosh, O. E. 3 2006 On serial posets with positive-definite quadratic Tits form. Zbl 1262.16012 Bondarenko, V. M.; Stepochkina, M. V. 3 2006 Symmetries of degenerate center singularities of plane vector fields. Zbl 1277.37036 Maksymenko, S. I. 3 2009 Even systems of functional differential equations with restrictions and methods for their solution. Zbl 1268.34130 Luchka, A. Yu. 3 2007 On asymptotic properties of solutions of functional differential equations with linearly transformed argument. Zbl 1268.34140 Pelyukh, G. P.; Bel’skii, D. V. 3 2007 Conditional symmetries and exact solutions of one reaction-diffusion-convection equation. Zbl 1268.35079 Plyukhin, O. H. 3 2007 Singular integral inequalities with several nonlinearities and integral equations with singular kernels. Zbl 1275.45002 Medved’, M. 3 2008 Dirichlet problem with \(\phi\)-Laplacian and mixed singularities. Zbl 1282.34029 Rachůnková, I.; Stryja, J. 3 2008 On positive periodic solutions of nonlinear impulsive functional differential equations. Zbl 1277.34100 Kocherha, O. I.; Nenya, O. I.; Tkachenko, V. I. 3 2008 Asymptotic properties of solutions of systems of nonlinear functional differential equations of neutral type. Zbl 1277.34107 Vel’hach, A. V. 3 2009 Conditions for bifurcations of solutions of degenerate boundary-value problems. Zbl 1277.34042 Boichuk, O. A.; Shehda, L. M. 3 2009 Necessary conditions for the existence of positive solutions of second-order linear difference equations and sufficient conditions for the oscillation of solutions. Zbl 1277.39023 Koplatadze, R.; Kvinikadze, G. 3 2009 Applications of perturbations on accretive mappings to nonlinear elliptic systems involving \((p, q)\)-Laplacian. Zbl 1277.35167 Wei, Li; Agarwal, R. P.; Wong, P. J. Y. 3 2009 On the asymptotic integration of a linear system of differential equations with a small parameter in the coefficients of some derivatives. Zbl 1277.34082 Samoilenko, A. M.; Klyuchnyk, I. H. 3 2009 On the minimal speed of traveling waves for a nonlocal delayed reaction-diffusion equation. Zbl 1334.35114 Aguerrea, M.; Valenzuela, G. 2 2010 Quasisolutions of fuzzy differential inclusions. Zbl 1334.34010 Skripnik, N. V. 2 2012 On the construction of asymptotic solutions of two-point boundary-value problems for degenerate singularly perturbed systems of differential equations. Zbl 1334.34055 Yakovets’, V. P.; Vira, M. B. 2 2010 Chaotifying 2-D piecewise-linear maps via a piecewise-linear controller function. Zbl 1334.37102 Elhadj, Z.; Sprott, J. C. 2 2011 Free oscillations of a fluid in a cylindrical container with arbitrary axisymmetric bottom and elastic elements on the free surface of the fluid. Zbl 1334.76014 Bohun, R. I.; Trotsenko, V. A. 2 2011 Periodic and asymptotically periodic solutions of systems of differential-difference equations of neutral type. Zbl 1334.34150 Kachurivs’kyi, R. I.; Pelyukh, H. P. 2 2011 Asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonlinear cyclic systems of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1334.34112 Vladova, E. S. 2 2012 Asymptotic representations of solutions of one class of nonlinear differential equations of the second order. Zbl 1334.34111 Kusik, L. I. 2 2012 Convergence of the positive solutions of a nonlinear neutral difference equation. Zbl 1334.39034 Chatzarakis, G. E.; Karakostas, G. L.; Stavroulakis, I. P. 2 2012 Existence of positive solutions of systems of Volterra nonlinear difference equations. Zbl 1262.39008 Zhu, Jiang; Liu, Xiaolan 2 2006 Linear control systems with fuzzy parameter. Zbl 1262.93009 Molchanyuk, I. V.; Plotnikov, A. V. 2 2006 Bifurcations of rotating structures in a parabolic functional differential equation. Zbl 1262.35122 Belan, E. P.; Lykova, O. B. 2 2006 Asymptotic representations of one class of solutions of essentially nonlinear differential equations of the second order. Zbl 1262.34063 Koz’ma, A. A. 2 2006 Conditions for the unique solvability of the initial-value problem for linear second-order differential equations with argument deviations. Zbl 1262.34078 Ronto, A. M.; Dil’na, N. Z. 2 2006 A version of the projection-iterative method for systems of linear differential equations with delay of neutral type and restrictions. Zbl 1262.34085 Feruk, V. A. 2 2006 On Lyapunov stability of impulsive Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. Zbl 1277.93059 Denisenko, V. S.; Martynyuk, A. A.; Slyn’ko, V. I. 2 2008 On the behavior of solutions of systems of linear functional differential equations with constant coefficients and linearly transformed argument in the neighborhood of a singular point. Zbl 1277.34092 Bel’skii, D. V. 2 2009 Continuous solutions of systems of nonlinear difference equations with continuous argument and their properties. Zbl 1268.39001 Bohai, N. A. 2 2007 On approximation of systems of differential-difference equations of neutral type by systems of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1268.34161 Matvii, O. V.; Cherevko, I. M. 2 2007 Iteration method for the solution of integro-differential equations with constraints. Zbl 1268.34121 Nesterenko, O. B. 2 2007 Oscillation of all solutions of iterative equations. Zbl 1268.39004 Nowakowska, W.; Werbowski, J. 2 2007 On approximate solution of periodic boundary-value problems with delay by the least-squares method in the critical case. Zbl 1334.34146 Chuiko, S. M.; Chuiko, A. S. 11 2012 Exponentially dichotomous difference equations with non-Lipschitz perturbations. Zbl 1334.39035 Slyusarchuk, V. Yu. 9 2012 Asymptotic nonlinear multimodal modeling of liquid sloshing in an upright circular cylindrical tank. I: Modal equations. Zbl 1334.76011 Lukovsky, I.; Ovchynnykov, D.; Timokha, A. 7 2012 Averaging in fuzzy controlled systems. Zbl 1334.93107 Komleva, T. A.; Plotnikova, L. I.; Plotnikov, A. V.; Skripnik, N. V. 7 2012 On stability of solutions of nonlinear nonstationary systems of impulsive differential equations in a critical case. Zbl 1334.34038 Dvirnyi, A. I.; Slyn’ko, V. I. 5 2012 On the parametrization of boundary-value problems with two-point nonlinear boundary conditions. Zbl 1334.34053 Ronto, M. I.; Marynets’, K. V. 5 2012 Averaging of fuzzy differential equations on a finite interval. Zbl 1334.34009 Plotnikov, A. V.; Komleva, T. A. 4 2012 Asymptotic behavior of one class of solutions of nonlinear nonautonomous second-order differential equations. Zbl 1341.34056 Koz’ma, A. A. 3 2012 Almost periodic solutions of Mackey-Glass equations with pulse action. Zbl 1334.34153 Myslo, Yu. M.; Tkachenko, V. I. 3 2012 Quasisolutions of fuzzy differential inclusions. Zbl 1334.34010 Skripnik, N. V. 2 2012 Asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonlinear cyclic systems of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1334.34112 Vladova, E. S. 2 2012 Asymptotic representations of solutions of one class of nonlinear differential equations of the second order. Zbl 1334.34111 Kusik, L. I. 2 2012 Convergence of the positive solutions of a nonlinear neutral difference equation. Zbl 1334.39034 Chatzarakis, G. E.; Karakostas, G. L.; Stavroulakis, I. P. 2 2012 Iterative method for quasilinear integral equations with constraints. Zbl 1334.45009 Luchka, A. Yu.; Mel’nychuk, V. F. 1 2012 Periodic solutions of systems of linear difference equations with continuous argument. Zbl 1334.39003 Bohai, N. A. 1 2012 On the unboundedness of a solution of the mixed problem for a nonlinear evolution equation at a finite time. Zbl 1343.35068 Pukach, P. Ya. 1 2012 Stabilization of optically coupled lasers with periodic pumping. Zbl 1334.78037 Torres, P. J. 1 2012 Oscillation criteria for a second-order quasilinear neutral functional dynamic equation on time scales. Zbl 1334.34196 Saker, S. H. 14 2011 Weakly perturbed boundary-value problems for differential equations in a Banach space. Zbl 1334.34129 Boichuk, O. A.; Panasenko, E. V. 6 2011 Model of a dynamical system of a conflict triad. Zbl 1336.92092 Koshmanenko, V. D.; Samoilenko, I. V. 6 2011 On \(n\)th-order nonlinear ordinary random differential equations. Zbl 1334.60116 Dhage, B. C. 4 2011 Boundary-value problems for differential inclusions with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Zbl 1334.34046 Benchohra, M.; Djebali, S.; Hamani, S. 4 2011 Weakly nonlinear boundary-value problems for differential equations in a Banach space in the critical case. Zbl 1334.34136 Boichuk, O. A.; Panasenko, E. V. 3 2011 About the boundedness of 3-D continuous-time quadratic systems. Zbl 1334.37030 Elhadj, Z.; Sprott, J. C. 3 2011 Approximation of generalized bounded solutions of evolution equations with unbounded operator. Zbl 1334.34133 Pokutnyi, O. O. 3 2011 Global stability of solutions of nonstationary monotone differential equations with impulsive action in the pseudolinear form. Zbl 1334.34137 Dvirnyi, A. I.; Slyn’ko, V. I. 3 2011 Stability and stabilization of the family of pseudolinear differential systems. Zbl 1341.34066 Mazko, A. G.; Shram, V. V. 3 2011 Chaotifying 2-D piecewise-linear maps via a piecewise-linear controller function. Zbl 1334.37102 Elhadj, Z.; Sprott, J. C. 2 2011 Free oscillations of a fluid in a cylindrical container with arbitrary axisymmetric bottom and elastic elements on the free surface of the fluid. Zbl 1334.76014 Bohun, R. I.; Trotsenko, V. A. 2 2011 Periodic and asymptotically periodic solutions of systems of differential-difference equations of neutral type. Zbl 1334.34150 Kachurivs’kyi, R. I.; Pelyukh, H. P. 2 2011 On the asymptotic stability of a neural network on a time scale. Zbl 1334.34195 Luk’yanova, T. A.; Martynyuk, A. A. 1 2011 Construction of approximate solutions of systems of differential equations with parameters and restrictions. Zbl 1334.34048 Luchka, A. Yu.; Feruk, V. A. 1 2011 Quadratic differentials and extremal problems of nonoverlapping domains. Zbl 1337.30033 Bakhtin, A. K.; Podvysotskii, R. V. 1 2011 Existence of local and global solutions of fractional-order differential equations. Zbl 1334.34138 Muslim, M.; Conca, C.; Agarwal, R. P. 1 2011 On global solutions of functional differential equations. Zbl 1334.34144 Serheeva, L. M.; Bihun, Ya. I. 1 2011 Estimate for the number of perturbed ultrasubharmonics of a system with one and a half degrees of freedom close to a Hamiltonian system. Zbl 1336.37051 Vakal, Yu. E.; Parasyuk, I. O. 1 2011 Dynamics of inner mappings. Zbl 1334.37005 Vlasenko, I. Yu. 1 2011 On two classes of precession motions of a gyrostat under the action of potential and gyroscopic forces. Zbl 1353.70007 Shchetinina, E. K. 1 2011 Asymptotic analysis of boundary-value problems in thin perforated domains with rapidly varying thickness. Zbl 1334.74057 Mel’nyk, T. A.; Popov, A. V. 19 2010 Approximation of Poisson integrals by repeated de la Vallée Poussin sums. Zbl 1334.41042 Rovenskaya, O. G.; Novikov, O. A. 8 2010 Invariant manifolds of one class of systems of impulsive differential equations. Zbl 1334.34040 Perestyuk, M. O.; Feketa, P. V. 6 2010 On the structure of the set of continuous solutions of functional difference equations with linearly transformed argument. Zbl 1334.39050 Pelyukh, H. P.; Sivak, O. A. 5 2010 Nonlinear Noetherian boundary-value problems in the critical case. Zbl 1334.34051 Chuiko, S. M.; Boichuk, I. A. 4 2010 Symmetries of center singularities of plane vector fields. Zbl 1334.37016 Maksymenko, S. I. 4 2010 Sufficient conditions for the oscillation of solutions of first-order neutral delay impulsive differential equations with constant coefficients. Zbl 1334.34175 Dimitrova, M. B.; Donev, V. I. 3 2010 Smooth conjugacy of circle diffeomorphisms with break. Zbl 1334.37037 Teplins’kyi, O. Yu.; Khanin, K. M. 3 2010 Averaging method in problems of control over periodic systems. Zbl 1334.49072 Dobrodzii, T. V. 3 2010 On the minimal speed of traveling waves for a nonlocal delayed reaction-diffusion equation. Zbl 1334.35114 Aguerrea, M.; Valenzuela, G. 2 2010 On the construction of asymptotic solutions of two-point boundary-value problems for degenerate singularly perturbed systems of differential equations. Zbl 1334.34055 Yakovets’, V. P.; Vira, M. B. 2 2010 On the asymptotic integration of a singularly perturbed system of linear differential equations with deviating argument. Zbl 1334.34167 Klyuchnyk, I. H.; Zavizion, H. V. 1 2010 Solution of a heat equation with delay. Zbl 1277.35193 Khusainov, D. Ya.; Ivanov, A. F.; Kovarzh, I. V. 21 2009 Autonomous Noetherian boundary-value problem in the critical case. Zbl 1277.34078 Chuiko, S. M.; Boichuk, I. A. 12 2009 On the approximate solution of autonomous boundary-value problems by the least-squares method. Zbl 1277.65056 Chuiko, S. M.; Starkova, O. V. 11 2009 Asymptotic representations of solutions of nonautonomous second-order differential equations with nonlinearities close to power-type nonlinearities. Zbl 1277.34061 Belozerova, M. A. 11 2009 Method of local linear approximation in the theory of bounded solutions of nonlinear difference equations. Zbl 1277.39026 Slyusarchuk, V. Yu. 11 2009 Numerical-analytic method for finding solutions of systems with distributed parameters and integral condition. Zbl 1277.35244 Tkach, B. P.; Urmancheva, L. B. 8 2009 Construction of solutions of integro-differential equations with restrictions and control by projection-iterative method. Zbl 1277.45012 Luchka, A. Yu.; Nesterenko, O. B. 7 2009 Approximate bounded synthesis for a weakly nonlinear boundary-value problem. Zbl 1277.49006 Kapustyan, O. V.; Kapustyan, O. A.; Sukretna, A. V. 6 2009 Boundary-value problems for differential equations in a Banach space. Zbl 1277.34084 Boichuk, O. A.; Panasenko, E. V. 6 2009 On stability of some solutions for equations of locked lasing of optically coupled lasers with periodic pumping. Zbl 1277.78028 Lila, D. M.; Martynyuk, A. A. 5 2009 Homogenization of the Signorini boundary-value problem in a thick plane junction. Zbl 1277.35035 Kazmerchuk, Yu. A.; Mel’nyk, T. A. 5 2009 Nonpositive solutions of a functional differential inequality. Zbl 1277.34112 Lomtatidze, A.; Opluštil, Z.; Šremr, J. 4 2009 Continuous solutions of nonlinear functional difference equations and their properties. Zbl 1277.39016 Pelyukh, H. P.; Sivak, O. A. 4 2009 Investigation of the structure of the set of continuous solutions of systems of linear functional difference equations. Zbl 1277.39034 Pelyukh, H. P.; Sivak, O. A. 4 2009 Symmetries of degenerate center singularities of plane vector fields. Zbl 1277.37036 Maksymenko, S. I. 3 2009 Asymptotic properties of solutions of systems of nonlinear functional differential equations of neutral type. Zbl 1277.34107 Vel’hach, A. V. 3 2009 Conditions for bifurcations of solutions of degenerate boundary-value problems. Zbl 1277.34042 Boichuk, O. A.; Shehda, L. M. 3 2009 Necessary conditions for the existence of positive solutions of second-order linear difference equations and sufficient conditions for the oscillation of solutions. Zbl 1277.39023 Koplatadze, R.; Kvinikadze, G. 3 2009 Applications of perturbations on accretive mappings to nonlinear elliptic systems involving \((p, q)\)-Laplacian. Zbl 1277.35167 Wei, Li; Agarwal, R. P.; Wong, P. J. Y. 3 2009 On the asymptotic integration of a linear system of differential equations with a small parameter in the coefficients of some derivatives. Zbl 1277.34082 Samoilenko, A. M.; Klyuchnyk, I. H. 3 2009 On the behavior of solutions of systems of linear functional differential equations with constant coefficients and linearly transformed argument in the neighborhood of a singular point. Zbl 1277.34092 Bel’skii, D. V. 2 2009 Transversal oscillations of a fluid in a long cylindrical container with membrane or elastic plate on the free surface. Zbl 1277.76008 Trotsenko, V. A.; Bogun, R. I. 2 2009 Asymptotic analysis of the mathematical expectation of the total energy of a harmonic oscillator under random pulse perturbation. Zbl 1277.60073 Kulinich, H. L.; Kurovs’kyi, D. Yu.; Petrusenko, D. V. 1 2009 On the permanence of periodic predator-prey systems with stage structure and pulse action. Zbl 1277.92029 Myslo, Yu. M.; Tkachenko, V. I. 1 2009 Instability of solutions for certain nonlinear vector differential equations of fourth order. Zbl 1277.34074 Tunç, C. 1 2009 Asymptotics of the trajectory of an interval that contains the preimage of a periodic point. Zbl 1277.37065 Fedorenko, V. V. 1 2009 Periodic solutions of systems of functional differential equations with linear deviations of argument and their properties. Zbl 1277.34099 Denysenko, N. L. 1 2009 Solution of linear degenerate systems of differential equations. Zbl 1277.34012 Chechel’, A. A. 1 2009 Multipoint problem for higher-order parabolic equations in a parallelepiped. Zbl 1277.35199 Ptashnyk, B. I.; Tymkiv, I. R. 1 2009 Representation of a solution of the Cauchy problem for an oscillating system with pure delay. Zbl 1276.34055 Khusainov, D. Ya.; Diblík, J.; Růžičková, M.; Lukáčová, J. 51 2008 On an approximate solution of boundary-value problems by the least squares method. Zbl 1277.65055 Chuiko, S. M. 24 2008 Projection method for the solution of integro-differential equations with restrictions and control. Zbl 1275.65095 Luchka, A. Yu.; Nesterenko, O. B. 10 2008 Averaging method in some problems of optimal control. Zbl 1277.49034 Nosenko, T. V.; Stanzhyts’kyi, O. M. 10 2008 Bounded solutions of weakly nonlinear differential equations in a Banach space. Zbl 1276.34051 Boichuk, O. A.; Pokutnyi, O. O. 6 2008 On a class of differential equations of fractional order. Zbl 1277.26013 Vityuk, A. N.; Mikhailenko, A. V. 6 2008 Asymptotics of solutions of nonautonomous second-order ordinary differential equations close to linear equations. Zbl 1276.34041 Abu-Elshour, Mousa Jaber 5 2008 Hyperbolic horseshoe for circle diffeomorphisms with break. Zbl 1417.37152 Teplins’kyi, O. Yu. 4 2008 Bifurcation of solutions of an impulsive boundary-value problem. Zbl 1276.34022 Boichuk, A. A.; Chuiko, S. M. 3 2008 Singular integral inequalities with several nonlinearities and integral equations with singular kernels. Zbl 1275.45002 Medved’, M. 3 2008 Dirichlet problem with \(\phi\)-Laplacian and mixed singularities. Zbl 1282.34029 Rachůnková, I.; Stryja, J. 3 2008 On positive periodic solutions of nonlinear impulsive functional differential equations. Zbl 1277.34100 Kocherha, O. I.; Nenya, O. I.; Tkachenko, V. I. 3 2008 On Lyapunov stability of impulsive Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. Zbl 1277.93059 Denisenko, V. S.; Martynyuk, A. A.; Slyn’ko, V. I. 2 2008 On the asymptotic properties of solutions of linear functional differential equations with linearly transformed argument. Zbl 1276.34061 Bel’skii, D. V. 2 2008 Phase chaos and multistability in the discrete Kuramoto model. Zbl 1417.37130 Maistrenko, V.; Vasylenko, A.; Maistrenko, Yu.; Mosekilde, E. 2 2008 Averaging of fuzzy differential equations with delay. Zbl 1277.34004 Kichmarenko, O. D.; Skripnik, N. V. 2 2008 New solvability conditions for a nonlocal boundary-value problem for nonlinear functional differential equations. Zbl 1277.34091 Opluštil, Z. 2 2008 Existence of an invariant torus for a class of systems of differential equations. Zbl 1277.34077 Perestyuk, M. O.; Baloha, S. I. 2 2008 Averaging of impulsive fuzzy differential equations. Zbl 1277.34054 Skripnik, N. V. 2 2008 Quantum mathematics: backgrounds and some applications to nonlinear dynamical systems. Zbl 1276.81114 Bogolyubov, N. N. jun.; Golenia, J.; Prykarpatsky, A. K.; Taneri, U. 1 2008 On the existence of solutions and averaging of multipoint boundary-value problems for multifrequency systems with linearly transformed argument. Zbl 1277.34021 Bihun, Ya. I. 1 2008 ...and 50 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 561 Authors 30 Chuĭko, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich 19 Wang, Jinrong 16 Boĭchuk, Oleksandr Andriĭovych 15 Slyusarchuk, Vasyl Yukhimovich 14 Assanova, Anar Turmaganbetkyzy 12 Evtukhov, Vyacheslav Mikhaĭlovich 11 Skripnik, Natalia Viktorovna 10 Diblík, Josef 10 Plotnikov, Andreĭ Viktorovich 8 Arrieta, José M. 8 Fečkan, Michal 8 Komleva, Tatyana A. 8 Koshmanenko, Volodymyr Dmytrovych 7 Agarwal, Ravi P. 7 Kichmarenko, Olga D. 7 Nesmelova, Ol’ga Vladimirovna 7 Pelyukh, Grygor P. 7 Pokutnyĭ, Oleksandr Olekseevich 7 Slyn’ko, Vitalii Ivanovich 7 Stević, Stevo 6 Pospíšil, Michal 6 Villanueva-Pesqueira, Manuel 6 Zhuravlëv, Viktor Filippovich 5 Chatzarakis, George E. 5 Feketa, Petro V. 5 Kapustyan, Oleksiy V. 5 Karataeva, T. V. 5 Kasyanov, Pavlo O. 5 Khusainov, Denis Ya. 5 Li, Mengmeng 5 Luchka, A. 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