The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems Short Title: Eur. Phys. J. B, Condens. Matter Complex Syst. Publisher: Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg; EDP Sciences, Les Ulis; Società Italiana di Fisica, Bologna ISSN: 1434-6028; 1434-6036/e Online: Predecessor: Journal de Physique. IZeitschrift für Physik, B Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 805 Publications (2000–2020) References Indexed: 790 Publications with 32,190 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 93, No. 7 (2020) 93, No. 6 (2020) 93, No. 5 (2020) 93, No. 4 (2020) 93, No. 3 (2020) 93, No. 2 (2020) 93, No. 1 (2020) 92, No. 12 (2019) 92, No. 11 (2019) 92, No. 10 (2019) 92, No. 9 (2019) 92, No. 8 (2019) 92, No. 7 (2019) 92, No. 6 (2019) 92, No. 5 (2019) 92, No. 4 (2019) 92, No. 3 (2019) 92, No. 2 (2019) 92, No. 1 (2019) 91, No. 12 (2018) 91, No. 11 (2018) 91, No. 10 (2018) 91, No. 9 (2018) 91, No. 8 (2018) 91, No. 7 (2018) 88, No. 3 (2015) 88, No. 2 (2015) 88, No. 1 (2015) 87, No. 12 (2014) 87, No. 11 (2014) 87, No. 10 (2014) 87, No. 9 (2014) 87, No. 8 (2014) 87, No. 7 (2014) 87, No. 6 (2014) 87, No. 2 (2014) 87, No. 1 (2014) 86, No. 12 (2013) 86, No. 11 (2013) 86, No. 10 (2013) 86, No. 9 (2013) 86, No. 8 (2013) 86, No. 7 (2013) 86, No. 6 (2013) 86, No. 5 (2013) 86, No. 4 (2013) 86, No. 3 (2013) 86, No. 2 (2013) 86, No. 1 (2013) 85, No. 12 (2012) 85, No. 11 (2012) 85, No. 7 (2012) 85, No. 6 (2012) 85, No. 4 (2012) 84, No. 4 (2011) 84, No. 3 (2011) 84, No. 1 (2011) 82, No. 3-4 (2011) 82, No. 2 (2011) 82, No. 1 (2011) 81, No. 3 (2011) 80, No. 3 (2011) 79, No. 2 (2011) 79, No. 1 (2011) 78, No. 2 (2010) 77, No. 4 (2010) 77, No. 2 (2010) 76, No. 4 (2010) 76, No. 1 (2010) 75, No. 4 (2010) 75, No. 3 (2010) 74, No. 4 (2010) 74, No. 3 (2010) 74, No. 2 (2010) 74, No. 1 (2010) 73, No. 4 (2010) 73, No. 3 (2010) 73, No. 2 (2010) 73, No. 1 (2010) 72, No. 4 (2009) 72, No. 3 (2009) 72, No. 2 (2009) 71, No. 4 (2009) 71, No. 2 (2009) 70, No. 4 (2009) 70, No. 1 (2009) 69, No. 1 (2009) 68, No. 4 (2009) 68, No. 3 (2009) 67, No. 4 (2009) 67, No. 3 (2009) 67, No. 2 (2009) 66, No. 4 (2008) 66, No. 3 (2008) 66, No. 2 (2008) 66, No. 1 (2008) 65, No. 4 (2008) 65, No. 3 (2008) 64, No. 3-4 (2008) 64, No. 2 (2008) ...and 38 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 11 Chavanis, Pierre-Henri 7 Shepelyansky, Dima L. 7 Sornette, Didier 6 Aste, Tomaso 6 Chen, Guanrong 6 Di Matteo, Tiziana 6 Stanley, H. Eugene 5 Kurths, Jürgen 5 Schöll, Eckehard 5 Wang, Wenxu 4 Bashkirtseva, Irina Adol’fovna 4 Ebeling, Werner 4 Frahm, Klaus M. 4 Havlin, Shlomo 4 Heinsalu, Els 4 Helbing, Dirk 4 Kaniadakis, Giorgio 4 Lu, Linyuan 4 Patriarca, Marco 4 Pietronero, Luciano 4 Scalas, Enrico 4 Schweitzer, Frank 4 Spagnolo, Bernardo 4 Zhang, Zhongzhi 3 Alfarano, Simone 3 Alfi, V. 3 Anteneodo, Celia 3 Ausloos, Marcel R. 3 Bellucci, Stefano 3 Bouchaud, Jean-Philippe 3 Challet, Damien 3 Duarte Queirós, Silvio M. 3 Fanelli, Duccio 3 Gao, Ziyou 3 Garibaldi, Ubaldo 3 Guan, Jihong 3 Huang, Jiping 3 Janke, Wolfhard 3 Jiang, Rui 3 Jost, Jürgen 3 Kantz, Holger 3 Kengne, Emmanuel 3 Kim, Ilki 3 Kofané, Timoléon Crépin 3 Li, Lixiang 3 Li, Xiang 3 Lillo, Fabrizio 3 Lubashevskiĭ, Igor’ A. 3 Mahler, Günter 3 Mancini, Ferdinando 3 Marsili, Matteo 3 Medo, Matúš 3 Montakhab, Afshin 3 Montambaux, Gilles 3 Nobre, Fernando D. 3 Pastor-Satorras, Romualdo 3 Peng, Haipeng 3 Perc, Matjaž 3 Plekhanov, Evgeny 3 Rieger, Heiko 3 Ryashko, Lev Borisovich 3 Schimansky-Geier, Lutz 3 Schwämmle, Veit 3 Toral, Raúl 3 Tsallis, Constantino 3 Velarde, Manuel G. 3 Wagner, Peter 3 Wang, Binghong 3 Wio, Horacio Sergio 3 Xu, Liujun 3 Yamasaki, Kazuko 3 Yang, Yixian 3 Zhang, Yicheng 3 Zhou, Shuigeng 2 Albano, Ezequiel V. 2 Amanatidis, Ilias 2 Ardenghi, Juan Sebastian 2 Astakhova, Tatyana Yu. 2 Ay, Nihat 2 Bagnoli, Franco 2 Bandyopadhyay, Malay 2 Barbachoux, Cécile 2 Barthel, Stefan 2 Bartolozzi, Margherita 2 Basu, Saurabh 2 Battiston, Stefano 2 Bertschinger, Nils 2 Biham, Ofer 2 Borgonovi, Fausto 2 Bouzat, Sebastián 2 Budinski-Petković, Lj. 2 Buldyrev, Sergey V. 2 Cabra, Daniel C. 2 Caccioli, Fabio 2 Cajueiro, Daniel O. 2 Caldarelli, Guido 2 Campa, Alessandro 2 Cao, Lang 2 Chakraborti, Anirban 2 Chakraborty, Sagar ...and 1,513 more Authors all top 5 Fields 355 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 185 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 94 Quantum theory (81-XX) 63 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 58 Combinatorics (05-XX) 52 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 39 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 37 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 37 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 29 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 28 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 24 Computer science (68-XX) 24 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 21 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 16 Statistics (62-XX) 10 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 8 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 514 Publications have been cited 2,934 times in 2,514 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Diversity of reproduction rate supports cooperation in the prisoner’s dilemma game on complex networks. Zbl 1189.91034 Szolnoki, A.; Perc, M.; Szabó, G. 96 2008 Predicting missing links via local information. Zbl 1188.05143 Zhou, Tao; Lü, Linyuan; Zhang, Yi-Cheng 74 2009 Promoting cooperation in social dilemmas via simple coevolutionary rules. Zbl 1188.91161 Szolnoki, A.; Perc, M. 69 2009 Stochastic thermodynamics: principles and perspectives. Zbl 1189.82117 Seifert, U. 69 2008 Decentralized delayed-feedback control of an optimal velocity traffic model. Zbl 1256.90016 Konishi, K.; Kokame, H.; Hirata, K. 49 2000 Conservation laws, soliton solutions and modulational instability for the higher-order dispersive nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1188.35184 Zhang, Hai-Qiang; Tian, Bo; Meng, Xiang-Hua; Lü, Xing; Liu, Wen-Jun 47 2009 Nonlinear mean field Fokker-Planck equations. Application to the chemotaxis of biological populations. Zbl 1189.35335 Chavanis, P. H. 45 2008 Modularity-maximizing graph communities via mathematical programming. Zbl 1188.90262 Agarwal, G.; Kempe, D. 42 2008 Analysis of stability and density waves of traffic flow model in an ITS environment. Zbl 1189.35284 Li, Z.-P.; Liu, Y.-C. 42 2006 Role of noise in a market model with stochastic volatility. Zbl 1189.91113 Bonanno, G.; Valenti, D.; Spagnolo, B. 42 2006 Verhulst model with Lévy white noise excitation. Zbl 1188.60028 Dubkov, A. A.; Spagnolo, B. 40 2008 Influence of bolstering network reciprocity in the evolutionary spatial prisoner’s dilemma game: a perspective. Zbl 1515.91029 Ariful Kabir, K. M.; Tanimoto, Jun; Wang, Zhen 39 2018 Maximum entropy principle and power-law tailed distributions. Zbl 1188.82034 Kaniadakis, G. 33 2009 Ergodicity and large deviations in physical systems with stochastic dynamics. Zbl 1516.82060 Jack, Robert L. 33 2020 Correlation based networks of equity returns sampled at different time horizons. Zbl 1189.91133 Tumminello, M.; Di Matteo, T.; Aste, T.; Mantegna, R. N. 29 2007 Lévy noise-induced stochastic resonance in a bistable system. Zbl 1515.37049 Xu, Yong; Li, Juanjuan; Feng, Jing; Zhang, Huiqing; Xu, Wei; Duan, Jinqiao 28 2013 Self-organizing Ising model of financial markets. Zbl 1189.91138 Zhou, W.-X.; Sornette, D. 28 2007 Dynamics of a FitzHugh-Nagumo system subjected to autocorrelated noise. Zbl 1188.37086 Valenti, D.; Augello, G.; Spagnolo, B. 27 2008 Nonequilibrium work relations: foundations and applications. Zbl 1189.82065 Jarzynskia, C. 27 2008 Generalized Fokker-Planck equation: derivation and exact solutions. Zbl 1188.82050 Denisov, S. I.; Horsthemke, W.; Hänggi, P. 26 2009 The geometry of chaotic dynamics — a complex network perspective. Zbl 1515.37092 Donner, R. V.; Heitzig, J.; Donges, J. F.; Zou, Y.; Marwan, N.; Kurths, J. 22 2011 Heavy-tailed distribution of cyber-risks. Zbl 1202.68057 Maillart, T.; Sornette, D. 21 2010 Studying the emergence of invasiveness in tumours using game theory. Zbl 1189.91045 Basanta, D.; Hatzikirou, H.; Deutsch, A. 21 2008 Revisiting classical and quantum disordered systems from the unifying perspective of large deviations. Zbl 1515.82089 Monthus, Cécile 21 2019 Random time averaged diffusivities for Lévy walks. Zbl 1515.82129 Froemberg, D.; Barkai, E. 20 2013 Investigation of continuous-time quantum walk by using Krylov subspace-Lanczos algorithm. Zbl 1189.81122 Jafarizadeh, M. A.; Sufiani, R.; Salimi, S.; Jafarizadeh, S. 20 2007 Numerical bifurcation analysis of two coupled Fitzhugh-Nagumo oscillators. Zbl 1515.65317 Hoff, Anderson; dos Santos, Juliana V.; Manchein, Cesar; Albuquerque, Holokx A. 19 2014 Semiclassical diagonalization of quantum Hamiltonian and equations of motion with Berry phase corrections. Zbl 1189.81083 Gosselin, P.; Bérard, A.; Mohrbach, H. 19 2007 Effects of average degree on cooperation in networked evolutionary game. Zbl 1189.91029 Tang, C.-L.; Wang, W.-X.; Wu, X.; Wang, B.-H. 19 2006 Influence of assortativity and degree-preserving rewiring on the spectra of networks. Zbl 1202.05131 Van Mieghem, P.; Wang, H.; Ge, X.; Tang, S.; Kuipers, F. A. 18 2010 Systemic risk in a unifying framework for cascading processes on networks. Zbl 1188.91151 Lorenz, J.; Battiston, S.; Schweitzer, F. 18 2009 Inhomogeneous Tsallis distributions in the HMF model. Zbl 1202.82055 Chavanis, P.-H.; Campa, A. 17 2010 A universal Hamiltonian for motion and merging of Dirac points in a two-dimensional crystal. Zbl 1189.82124 Montambaux, G.; Piéchon, F.; Fuchs, J.-N.; Goerbig, M. O. 17 2009 \(\kappa \)-exponential models from the geometrical viewpoint. Zbl 1188.82008 Pistone, G. 16 2009 Finding community structures in complex networks using mixed integer optimisation. Zbl 1189.90027 Xu, G.; Tsoka, S.; Papageorgiou, L. G. 16 2007 A general nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation and its associated entropy. Zbl 1189.82090 Schwämmle, V.; Curado, E. M. F.; Nobre, F. D. 16 2007 Turing instabilities in reaction-diffusion systems with cross diffusion. Zbl 1515.82106 Fanelli, Duccio; Cianci, Claudia; Di Patti, Francesca 15 2013 Nonlinear voter models: the transition from invasion to coexistence. Zbl 1188.91190 Schweitzer, F.; Behera, L. 15 2009 Painlevé analysis, auto-Bäcklund transformation and new analytic solutions for a generalized variable-coefficient Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. Zbl 1189.35296 Wei, Guang-Mei; Gao, Yi-Tian; Hu, Wei; Zhang, Chun-Yi 15 2006 The spatially one-dimensional relativistic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in an arbitrary inertial frame. Zbl 1230.82044 Barbachoux, C.; Debbasch, F.; Rivet, J. P. 14 2001 Physics of risk and uncertainty in quantum decision making. Zbl 1188.81037 Yukalov, V. I.; Sornette, D. 14 2009 The noisy Hegselmann-Krause model for opinion dynamics. Zbl 1518.91197 Pineda, Miguel; Toral, Raúl; Hernández-García, Emilio 14 2013 Kinetic models of immediate exchange. Zbl 1515.91103 Heinsalu, Els; Patriarca, Marco 14 2014 An epidemic model of rumor diffusion in online social networks. Zbl 1515.92068 Cheng, Jun-Jun; Liu, Yun; Shen, Bo; Yuan, Wei-Guo 14 2013 Kinetic models for optimal control of wealth inequalities. Zbl 1515.91070 Düring, Bertram; Pareschi, Lorenzo; Toscani, Giuseppe 14 2018 Basic kinetic wealth-exchange models: common features and open problems. Zbl 1188.91156 Patriarca, M.; Heinsalu, E.; Chakraborti, A. 14 2010 \(\kappa \)-generalized statistics in personal income distribution. Zbl 1189.91141 Clementi, F.; Gallegati, M.; Kaniadakis, G. 14 2007 Network robustness to targeted attacks. The interplay of expansibility and degree distribution. Zbl 1189.68018 Estrada, E. 14 2006 Minimal agent based model for financial markets. I. Zbl 1188.91132 Alfi, V.; Cristelli, M.; Pietronero, L.; Zaccaria, A. 13 2009 The effect of the topology on the spatial ultimatum game. Zbl 1189.91028 Kuperman, M. N.; Risau-Gusman, S. 13 2008 Delay-induced chimeras in neural networks with fractal topology. Zbl 1515.34039 Sawicki, Jakub; Omelchenko, Iryna; Zakharova, Anna; Schöll, Eckehard 13 2019 Dynamical and thermodynamical stability of two-dimensional flows: variational principles and relaxation equations. Zbl 1188.76209 Chavanis, P. H. 13 2009 Dynamics of normal and anomalous diffusion in nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations. Zbl 1188.82052 Schwämmle, V.; Curado, E. M. F.; Nobre, F. D. 13 2009 On the probability distribution of stock returns in the Mike-Farmer model. Zbl 1188.91146 Gu, G.-F.; Zhou, W.-X. 13 2009 Phase transitions in social networks. Zbl 1189.91180 Fronczak, P.; Fronczak, A.; Hołyst, J. A. 13 2007 Risk minimization through portfolio replication. Zbl 1189.91191 Ciliberti, S.; Mézard, M. 13 2007 Statistical equilibrium in simple exchange games. I. Zbl 1189.91129 Scalas, E.; Garibaldi, U.; Donadio, S. 13 2006 Superconductors with topological order. Zbl 1189.82131 Diamantini, M. C.; Sodano, P.; Trugenberger, C. A. 13 2006 Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis of temporal and spatial seismic data. Zbl 1189.86015 Shadkhoo, S.; Jafari, G. R. 13 2009 Ulam method and fractal Weyl law for Perron-Frobenius operators. Zbl 1202.81074 Ermann, L.; Shepelyansky, D. L. 12 2010 \(q\)-Gaussians in the porous-medium equation: stability and time evolution. Zbl 1188.82064 Schwämmle, V.; Nobre, F. D.; Tsallis, C. 12 2008 Random walks on dual Sierpinski gaskets. Zbl 1515.82075 Wu, Shunqi; Zhang, Zhongzhi; Chen, Guanrong 12 2011 Kinetic theory of point vortices in two dimensions: analytical results and numerical simulations. Zbl 1189.82096 Chavanis, P. H.; Lemou, M. 12 2007 Large dimension forecasting models and random singular value spectra. Zbl 1189.91114 Bouchaud, J.-P.; Laloux, L.; Miceli, M. A.; Potters, M. 12 2007 Statistical mechanics of two-dimensional Euler flows and minimum enstrophy states. Zbl 1515.82138 Naso, A.; Chavanis, P. H.; Dubrulle, B. 11 2010 Spin Glass approach to the feedback vertex set problem. Zbl 1515.82158 Zhou, Hai-Jun 11 2013 Motion of influential players can support cooperation in prisoner’s dilemma. Zbl 1188.91144 Droz, M.; Szwabiński, J.; Szabó, G. 11 2009 Asymptotic solutions of a nonlinear diffusive equation in the framework of \(\kappa \)-generalized statistical mechanics. Zbl 1188.82036 Wada, T.; Scarfone, A. M. 11 2009 The power of choice in growing trees. Zbl 1189.05157 D’souza, R. M.; Krapivsky, P. L.; Moore, C. 11 2007 Facilitated synchronization of complex networks through a discontinuous coupling strategy. Zbl 1202.37128 Chen, L.; Qiu, C.; Huang, H. B.; Qi, G. X.; Wang, H. J. 10 2010 Promotion of cooperation induced by nonuniform payoff allocation in spatial public goods game. Zbl 1188.91157 Peng, D.; Yang, H.-X.; Wang, W.-X.; Chen, G. R.; Wang, B.-H. 10 2010 Interaction properties of the periodic and step-like solutions of the double-sine-Gordon equation. Zbl 1188.35167 Peyravi, Marzieh; Montakhab, Afshin; Riazi, Nematollah; Gharaati, Abdorrasoul 10 2009 Impact of awareness in metapopulation epidemic model to suppress the infected individuals for different graphs. Zbl 1516.92101 Ariful Kabir, K. M.; Tanimotoc, Jun 10 2019 Mean square modified function projective synchronization of uncertain complex network with multi-links and stochastic perturbations. Zbl 1515.34056 Zhao, Hui; Li, Lixiang; Peng, Haipeng; Xiao, Jinghua; Yang, Yixian 10 2015 Strong disorder RG approach – a short review of recent developments. Zbl 1517.82009 Iglói, Ferenc; Monthus, Cécile 10 2018 Stochastic resonance on paced genetic regulatory small-world networks: effects of asymmetric potentials. Zbl 1188.82051 Perc, M. 10 2009 Epidemic prevalence on random mobile dynamical networks: individual heterogeneity and correlation. Zbl 1202.37123 Li, Xiang; Cao, L.; Cao, G. F. 9 2010 Ulam method for the Chirikov standard map. Zbl 1202.37028 Frahm, K. M.; Shepelyansky, D. L. 9 2010 Consensus and ordering in language dynamics. Zbl 1188.91142 Castelló, X.; Baronchelli, A.; Loreto, V. 9 2009 Control of unstable steady states in neutral time-delayed systems. Zbl 1188.93033 Blyuss, K. B.; Kyrychko, Y. N.; Hövel, P.; Schöll, E. 9 2008 Chaos synchronization in networks of coupled maps with time-varying topologies. Zbl 1189.37040 Lu, W. L.; Atay, F. M.; Jost, J. 9 2008 On the relationship between cyclic and hierarchical three-species predator-prey systems and the two-species Lotka-Volterra model. Zbl 1515.92056 He, Q.; Täuber, U. C.; Zia, R. K. P. 9 2012 Combinatorial entropies and statistics. Zbl 1188.82035 Niven, R. K. 9 2009 Stabilization of complex spatio-temporal dynamics near a subcritical Hopf bifurcation by time-delayed feedback. Zbl 1188.93036 Kehrt, M.; Hövel, P.; Flunkert, V.; Dahlem, M. A.; Rodin, P.; Schöll, E. 9 2009 Nonextensivity at the edge of chaos of a new universality class of one-dimensional unimodal dissipative maps. Zbl 1188.81105 Ruiz, G.; Tsallis, C. 9 2009 ”Illusion of control” in time-horizon minority and Parrondo games. Zbl 1189.91050 Satinover, J. B.; Sornette, D. 9 2007 Statistical equilibrium in simple exchange games II. The redistribution game. Zbl 1189.91118 Garibaldi, U.; Scalas, E.; Viarengo, P. 9 2007 Large-scale structure of time evolving citation networks. Zbl 1189.91182 Leicht, E. A.; Clarkson, G.; Shedden, K.; Newman, M. E. J. 9 2007 Interplay between topology and dynamics in the world trade web. Zbl 1189.91106 Garlaschelli, D.; Di Matteo, T.; Aste, T.; Caldarelli, G.; Loffredo, M. I. 9 2007 Diversity-induced resonance in a model for opinion formation. Zbl 1188.91180 Tessone, C. J.; Toral, R. 8 2009 Geometric study for the Legendre duality of generalized entropies and its application to the porous medium equation. Zbl 1188.82066 Ohara, A. 8 2009 Safe distance car-following model including backward-looking and its stability analysis. Zbl 1515.76016 Yang, Da; Jin, Peter; Pu, Yun; Ran, Bin 8 2013 Noise-induced optical bistability and state transitions in spin-crossover solids with delayed feedback. Zbl 1515.92096 Sang, Xiuli; Zeng, Chun-Hua; Wang, Hua 8 2013 Can a few fanatics influence the opinion of a large segment of a society? Zbl 1189.91185 Stauffer, D.; Sahimi, M. 8 2007 The Forbes 400, the Pareto power-law and efficient markets. Zbl 1189.91122 Klass, O. S.; Biham, O.; Levy, Moshe; Malcai, O.; Solomon, S. 8 2007 Random planar graphs and the London street network. Zbl 1188.05140 Masucci, A. P.; Smith, D.; Crooks, A.; Batty, M. 7 2009 Minimal agent based model for financial markets. II. Zbl 1188.91133 Alfi, V.; Cristelli, M.; Pietronero, L.; Zaccaria, A. 7 2009 Evolution of a population of random Boolean networks. Zbl 1188.91188 Mihaljev, T.; Drossel, B. 7 2009 Editorial: ecological complex systems. Zbl 1188.92001 7 2008 Birth and death in a continuous opinion dynamics model. Zbl 1189.91175 Carletti, T.; Fanelli, D.; Guarino, A.; Bagnoli, F.; Guazzini, A. 7 2008 Ergodicity and large deviations in physical systems with stochastic dynamics. Zbl 1516.82060 Jack, Robert L. 33 2020 The impact of the predictive effect on traffic dynamics in a lattice model with passing. Zbl 1516.82056 Kaur, Daljeet; Sharma, Sapna 7 2020 Discrete opinion dynamics with \(M\) choices. Zbl 1516.91051 Martins, André C. R. 5 2020 Dynamical analysis, FPGA implementation and its application to chaos based random number generator of a fractal Josephson junction with unharmonic current-phase relation. Zbl 1516.37039 Kingni, Sifeu Takougang; Rajagopal, Karthikeyan; Çiçek, Serdar; Cheukem, Andre; Tamba, Victor Kamdoum; Kuiate, Gaetan Fautso 5 2020 Random-field Ising and \(O(N)\) models: theoretical description through the functional renormalization group. Zbl 1516.82036 Tarjus, Gilles; Tissier, Matthieu 5 2020 A continuum model with traffic interruption probability and electronic throttle opening angle effect under connected vehicle environment. Zbl 1516.90014 Zhai, Cong; Wu, Weitiao 4 2020 Efficient computation of Kubo conductivity for incommensurate 2D heterostructures. Zbl 1516.82119 Massatt, Daniel; Carr, Stephen; Luskin, Mitchell 4 2020 Effect of segregation on inequality in kinetic models of wealth exchange. Zbl 1516.91040 Fernandes, Lennart; Tempere, Jacques 3 2020 Nonlinear response of a parametric bistable oscillator with multiple excitations. Zbl 1516.70034 Roy, Somnath; Das, Debapriya; Banerjee, Dhruba 2 2020 Linking tracks in mica crystals with phase transitions in a bistable lattice. Zbl 1516.82083 Krylova, Karina A.; Korznikova, Elena A.; Semenov, Alexander S.; Bachurin, Dmitry V.; Dmitriev, Sergey V. 2 2020 Inducement and enhancement of synchronization stability by transient uncoupling in coupled chaotic systems with inherent frequency parameters. Zbl 1516.37041 Sharmila, B. D.; Sivaganesh, G.; Arulgnanam, A. 2 2020 From microcanonical ensemble to canonical ensemble: phase transitions of a spin chain with a long-range interaction. Zbl 1516.82033 Hou, Ji-Xuan 2 2020 Promoting cooperation by reputation-based payoff transfer mechanism in public goods game. Zbl 1516.91025 Yang, Ran; Chen, Tong; Chen, Qiao 2 2020 State transitions in the Morris-Lecar model under stable Lévy noise. Zbl 1516.92008 Cai, Rui; Liu, Yancai; Duan, Jinqiao; Abebe, Almaz Tesfay 2 2020 Comprehending deterministic and stochastic occasional uncoupling induced synchronizations through each other. Zbl 1516.70038 Ghosh, Anupam; Chakraborty, Sagar 2 2020 Emergent SU \((N)\) symmetry in disordered so \((N)\) spin chains. Zbl 1516.81154 Quito, Victor L.; Lopes, Pedro L. S.; Hoyos, José A.; Miranda, Eduardo 1 2020 Dynamics of disordered quantum systems using flow equations. Zbl 1516.82046 Thomson, Steven J.; Schiró, Marco 1 2020 Phase diagrams of the disordered Bose-Hubbard model with cavity-mediated long-range and nearest-neighbor interactions. Zbl 1516.82028 Zhang, Chao; Rieger, Heiko 1 2020 A classical fluctuation theory of the superfluid, Mott, and normal phases of correlated bosons. Zbl 1516.82098 Joshi, Abhishek; Majumdar, Pinaki 1 2020 Order parameter dynamics of the non-linear sigma model in the large \(N\) limit. Zbl 1516.82051 Gemsheim, Sebastian; Mandal, Ipsita; Sengupta, Krishnendu; Wang, Zhiqiang 1 2020 Bivariate superstatistics based on generalized gamma distribution. Zbl 1516.82048 Caamaño-Carrillo, Christian; Contreras-Reyes, Javier E.; González-Navarrete, Manuel; Sánchez, Ewin 1 2020 Symmetry breaking phase transitions in mean-field models triggered by double-well potentials. Zbl 1516.82031 Baroni, Fabrizio 1 2020 Magneto-optical properties of Fibonacci graphene superlattices. Zbl 1516.82018 de Dios-Leyva, Melquiades; Hernández-Bertrán, Michael A.; Akimov, Volodymyr; Vinasco, Juan A.; Morales, Alvaro L.; Duque, Carlos A. 1 2020 Wavevector-dependent optical properties from wavevector-independent proper conductivity tensor. Zbl 1516.78002 Starke, Ronald; Wirnata, René; Schober, Giulio A. H.; Bulut, Nebahat; Kortus, Jens 1 2020 A Hamiltonian model of the Fibonacci quasicrystal using non-local interactions: simulations and spectral analysis. Zbl 1516.82024 Sen, Amrik; Perelman, Carlos Castro 1 2020 Influence of compressibility on scaling regimes of kraichnan model with finite time correlations: two-loop RG analysis. Zbl 1516.82035 Menkyna, Martin 1 2020 The effects of KSEA interaction on the ground-state properties of spin chains in a transverse field. Zbl 1516.82032 Fu, Hao; Zhong, Ming; Tong, Peiqing 1 2020 Entanglement and edge effects in superpositions of many-body Fock states with spatial constraints. Zbl 1516.81029 Kleftogiannis, Ioannis; Amanatidis, Ilias 1 2020 Effects of fermion-fermion interactions and impurity scatterings on fermion velocities in the line-nodal superconductors. Zbl 1516.82108 Zhai, Ya-Hui; Wang, Jing 1 2020 Tailoring dipole effects for achieving thermal and electrical invisibility simultaneously. Zbl 1516.80003 Xu, Liujun; Zhao, Xiongtao; Zhang, Yupeng; Huang, Jiping 1 2020 Low temperature behavior of entropy and specific heat of a three dimensional quantum wire: Shannon and Tsallis entropies. 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Zbl 1515.82029 Gong, Longyan; Zheng, Chaolun; Wang, Haiyun 2 2019 Synchrony breakdown and noise-induced oscillation death in ensembles of serially connected spin-torque oscillators. Zbl 1515.82117 Zaks, Michael A.; Pikovsky, Arkady 2 2019 Polymer translocation across an oscillating nanopore: study of several distribution functions of relevant Brownian functionals. Brownian functionals of polymer translocation across oscillating nanopore. Zbl 1516.82111 Dubey, Ashutosh; Bandyopadhyay, Malay 2 2019 Asymmetric energy transfers in driven nonequilibrium systems and arrow of time. Zbl 1516.82064 Verma, Mahendra K. 2 2019 Symmetry and symmetry breaking in coupled oscillator communities. Zbl 1515.34040 Skardal, Per Sebastian 2 2019 Electrostatic chameleons: theory of intelligent metashells with adaptive response to inside objects. Zbl 1515.78010 Xu, Liujun; Huang, Jiping 2 2019 Synchronization patterns in Stuart-Landau networks: a reduced system approach. 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Zbl 1515.78033 Pimenov, Alexander; Vladimirov, Andrei G. 1 2019 Generalized spin-orbit torques in two-dimensional ferromagnets with spin-orbit coupling. Zbl 1515.82174 Yang, Chao; Wang, Zheng-Chuan; Zheng, Qing-Rong; Su, Gang 1 2019 Effects of the Lee-huang-Yang quantum corrections on a disordered dipolar Bose gas. Zbl 1515.82134 Boudjemâa, Abdelâali 1 2019 Thermal illusion with the concept of equivalent thermal dipole. Zbl 1516.82039 Xu, Liujun; Yang, Shuai; Huang, Jiping 1 2019 Emergence of long range order for sublattice update in coupled map lattices. Zbl 1516.82010 Deshmukh, Ankosh D.; Matte, Maneesh B.; Gade, Prashant M. 1 2019 Influence of bolstering network reciprocity in the evolutionary spatial prisoner’s dilemma game: a perspective. Zbl 1515.91029 Ariful Kabir, K. M.; Tanimoto, Jun; Wang, Zhen 39 2018 Kinetic models for optimal control of wealth inequalities. 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Zbl 1515.82047 Fortin, Jean-Yves; Goh, Segun; Kim, Chansoo; Choi, MooYoung 1 2018 ...and 414 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 5,146 Authors 28 Monthus, Cécile 18 Li, Jiangcheng 15 Bashkirtseva, Irina Adol’fovna 14 Chavanis, Pierre-Henri 14 Gao, Yitian 14 Kurths, Jürgen 14 Nagatani, Takashi 14 Zhu, Wenxing 13 Ryashko, Lev Borisovich 12 Bouchaud, Jean-Philippe 12 Ge, Hongxia 11 Schöll, Eckehard 11 Schweitzer, Frank 11 Toscani, Giuseppe 11 Xu, Yong 10 Perc, Matjaž 10 Shi, Lei 10 Sornette, Didier 10 Valenti, Davide 10 Wang, Xianjia 9 Aste, Tomaso 9 Cheng, Rongjun 9 Mei, Dongcheng 9 Nobre, Fernando D. 9 Spagnolo, Bernardo 9 Wang, Binghong 9 Wang, Lei 9 Zeng, Chunhua 9 Zhang, Yicheng 8 Di Matteo, Tiziana 8 Jafarizadeh, Mohamad Ali 8 Kofané, Timoléon Crépin 8 Plastino, Angel Luis 8 Rech, Paulo C. 8 Shen, Chen 8 Shepelyansky, Dima L. 8 Sufiani, Rahime 8 Tsallis, Constantino 8 Wang, Zhen 8 Yu, Xin 8 Zhang, Lidong 8 Zhong, Guangyan 7 Anishchenko, Vadim Semenovich 7 Duan, Jinqiao 7 Jin, Yanfei 7 Kononovicius, Aleksejus 7 Li, Lixiang 7 Quan, Ji 7 Rocca, Mario C. 7 Scarfone, Antonio Maria 7 Stanley, H. 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