Classical and Quantum GravityAn International Journal of Gravitational Physics, Cosmology, Geometry and Field Theory Short Title: Classical Quantum Gravity Publisher: IOP Publishing, Bristol ISSN: 0264-9381; 1361-6382/e Online: Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 12,343 Publications (since 1984) References Indexed: 2,693 Publications with 136,667 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 42, No. 3 (2025) 42, No. 2 (2025) 42, No. 1 (2025) 41, No. 24 (2024) 41, No. 23 (2024) 41, No. 22 (2024) 41, No. 21 (2024) 41, No. 20 (2024) 41, No. 19 (2024) 41, No. 18 (2024) 41, No. 17 (2024) 41, No. 16 (2024) 41, No. 15 (2024) 41, No. 14 (2024) 41, No. 13 (2024) 41, No. 12 (2024) 41, No. 11 (2024) 41, No. 10 (2024) 41, No. 9 (2024) 41, No. 8 (2024) 41, No. 7 (2024) 41, No. 6 (2024) 41, No. 5 (2024) 41, No. 4 (2024) 41, No. 3 (2024) 41, No. 2 (2024) 41, No. 1 (2024) 40, No. 24 (2023) 40, No. 23 (2023) 40, No. 22 (2023) 40, No. 21 (2023) 40, No. 20 (2023) 40, No. 19 (2023) 40, No. 18 (2023) 40, No. 17 (2023) 40, No. 16 (2023) 40, No. 15 (2023) 40, No. 14 (2023) 40, No. 13 (2023) 40, No. 12 (2023) 40, No. 11 (2023) 40, No. 10 (2023) 40, No. 9 (2023) 40, No. 8 (2023) 40, No. 7 (2023) 40, No. 6 (2023) 40, No. 5 (2023) 40, No. 4 (2023) 40, No. 3 (2023) 40, No. 2 (2023) 40, No. 1 (2023) 39, No. 24 (2022) 39, No. 23 (2022) 39, No. 22 (2022) 39, No. 21 (2022) 39, No. 19 (2022) 39, No. 18 (2022) 39, No. 17 (2022) 39, No. 16 (2022) 39, No. 15 (2022) 39, No. 14 (2022) 39, No. 13 (2022) 39, No. 12 (2022) 39, No. 11 (2022) 39, No. 10 (2022) 39, No. 9 (2022) 39, No. 8 (2022) 39, No. 7 (2022) 39, No. 6 (2022) 39, No. 5 (2022) 39, No. 4 (2022) 39, No. 3 (2022) 39, No. 2 (2022) 39, No. 1 (2022) 38, No. 24 (2021) 38, No. 23 (2021) 38, No. 22 (2021) 38, No. 21 (2021) 38, No. 20 (2021) 38, No. 19 (2021) 38, No. 18 (2021) 38, No. 17 (2021) 38, No. 16 (2021) 38, No. 15 (2021) 38, No. 14 (2021) 38, No. 13 (2021) 38, No. 12 (2021) 38, No. 11 (2021) 38, No. 10 (2021) 38, No. 9 (2021) 38, No. 8 (2021) 38, No. 7 (2021) 38, No. 6 (2021) 38, No. 5 (2021) 38, No. 4 (2021) 38, No. 3 (2021) 38, No. 2 (2021) 38, No. 1 (2021) 37, No. 24 (2020) 37, No. 23 (2020) ...and 651 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 93 Coley, Alan Albert 65 Mann, Robert B. 65 Thiemann, Thomas 58 Marolf, Donald M. 57 Senovilla, José M. M. 56 Gibbons, Gary William 56 Hervik, Sigbjørn 55 Rovelli, Carlo 54 Bini, Donato 52 Lewandowski, Jerzy 46 Visser, Matt 44 Chruściel, Piotr Tadeusz 43 Ellis, George Francis Rayner 42 Livine, Etera R. 41 Bergshoeff, Eric A. 40 Mars, Marc 40 Pope, Christopher N. 39 Ashtekar, Abhay 39 Maartens, Roy 39 Pullin, Jorge A. 38 Bojowald, Martin 38 Papadopoulos, George 38 Podolský, Jiří 37 Barrow, John David 37 Van den Bergh, Norbert 35 Blanchet, Luc 35 Townsend, Paul Kingsley 34 Uggla, Claes 33 Deser, Stanley 33 Garfinkle, David 33 Newman, Ezra Theodore 33 Valiente Kroon, Juan Antonio 31 Gambini, Rodolfo 31 Krasnov, Kirill V. 30 Dittrich, Bianca 30 Frauendiener, Jörg 30 Gleiser, Reinaldo J. 30 Wald, Robert M. 30 Woodard, Richard P. 29 Carlip, Steven 29 Oriti, Daniele 29 Ross, Simon F. 29 Stuchlík, Zdeněk 28 Bonnor, W. B. 28 Geralico, Andrea 28 Gutowski, Jan B. 28 Rácz, István 28 Sarbach, Olivier C. A. 28 Singh, Parampreet 27 Esposito, Giampiero 27 Freidel, Laurent 27 Letelier, Patricio S. 27 Lim, Woei Chet 27 Maharaj, Sunil D. 27 Rendall, Alan D. 27 Rezzolla, Luciano 27 Surya, Sumati 27 Szabados, László B. 27 Traschen, Jennie 26 Hall, Graham S. 26 Kastor, David A. 26 Maeda, Hideki 26 Manko, Vladimir S. 26 Mashhoon, Bahram 26 Odintsov, Sergei D. 26 Yunes, Nicolás 25 Bezerra De Mello, Eugênio R. 25 Corichi, Alejandro 25 Dunsby, Peter K. S. 25 Giovannini, Massimo 25 Griffiths, Jerry B. 25 Husain, Viqar 25 Lü, Hong 25 Nurowski, Paweł 25 Pravda, Vojtěch 25 Van Proeyen, Antoine 25 Wainwright, John 24 Bodendorfer, Norbert 24 de Felice, Fernando 24 Jacobson, Ted 24 Jantzen, Robert T. 24 Sussman, Roberto A. 24 Tucker, Robin W. 24 Wiseman, Toby 23 Beig, Robert 23 Ferrando, Joan Josep 23 Hayward, Sean A. 23 Sezgin, Ergin 22 Bičák, Jiří 22 Clarkson, Chris A. 22 Minguzzi, Ettore 22 Ó Murchadha, Niall 22 Sáez, Juan Antonio 22 Santos, Nilton O. 22 Tafel, Jacek 22 Tod, Kenneth Paul 21 Anderson, Edward 21 Clément, Gérard 21 Jing, Jiliang 21 Joshi, Pankaj S. ...and 9,408 more Authors all top 5 Fields 11,778 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 3,060 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3,018 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1,120 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 548 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 527 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 510 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 413 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 239 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 210 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 175 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 169 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 163 Statistics (62-XX) 148 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 134 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 126 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 113 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 100 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 82 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 80 Geometry (51-XX) 79 General topology (54-XX) 77 Functional analysis (46-XX) 60 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 56 Operator theory (47-XX) 52 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 51 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 44 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 42 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 37 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 31 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 30 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 29 Measure and integration (28-XX) 28 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 26 Special functions (33-XX) 23 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 22 Number theory (11-XX) 20 Combinatorics (05-XX) 19 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 17 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 16 History and biography (01-XX) 15 Real functions (26-XX) 15 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 14 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 12 Computer science (68-XX) 11 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 11 Potential theory (31-XX) 9 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 9 Geophysics (86-XX) 8 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 8 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 4 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Mathematics education (97-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 10,109 Publications have been cited 103,639 times in 37,158 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Lectures on holographic methods for condensed matter physics. Zbl 1181.83003 Hartnoll, Sean A. 492 2009 Lecture notes on holographic renormalization. Zbl 1044.83009 Skenderis, Kostas 451 2002 Enthalpy and the mechanics of AdS black holes. Zbl 1178.83030 Kastor, David; Ray, Sourya; Traschen, Jennie 403 2009 Quasinormal modes of black holes and black branes. Zbl 1173.83001 Berti, Emanuele; Cardoso, Vitor; Starinets, Andrei O. 347 2009 Background independent quantum gravity: a status report. Zbl 1077.83017 Ashtekar, Abhay; Lewandowski, Jerzy 332 2004 Thermodynamics of Kerr-Newman-AdS black holes and conformal field theories. Zbl 0945.83019 Caldarelli, Marco M.; Cognola, Guido; Klemm, Dietmar 275 2000 The information paradox: a pedagogical introduction. Zbl 1181.83129 Mathur, Samir D. 262 2009 \(E_{11}\) and M theory. Zbl 0992.83079 West, P. 259 2001 Black hole chemistry: thermodynamics with lambda. Zbl 1368.83002 Kubizňák, David; Mann, Robert B.; Teo, Mae 241 2017 The fuzzy sphere. Zbl 0742.53039 Madore, J. 241 1992 Maximin surfaces, and the strong subadditivity of the covariant holographic entanglement entropy. Zbl 1304.81139 Wall, Aron C. 233 2014 Spherically-symmetric solutions of the Schrödinger-Newton equations. Zbl 0936.83037 Moroz, Irene M.; Penrose, Roger; Tod, Paul 220 1998 Liouville theory revisited. Zbl 1022.81047 Teschner, J. 219 2001 Loop quantum cosmology: a status report. Zbl 1230.83003 Ashtekar, Abhay; Singh, Parampreet 214 2011 All supersymmetric solutions of minimal supergravity in five dimensions. Zbl 1045.83001 Gauntlett, Jerome P.; Gutowski, Jan B.; Hull, Christopher M.; Pakis, Stathis; Reall, Harvey S. 202 2003 Pressure and volume in the first law of black hole thermodynamics. Zbl 1231.83020 Dolan, Brian P. 196 2011 The cosmological constant and black-hole thermodynamic potentials. Zbl 1219.83135 Dolan, Brian P. 196 2011 Quasinormal modes: The characteristic ‘sound’ of black holes and neutron stars. Zbl 0948.83032 Nollert, Hans-Peter 191 1999 The gravity dual of a density matrix. Zbl 1248.83029 Czech, Bartłomiej; Karczmarek, Joanna L.; Nogueira, Fernando; Van Raamsdonk, Mark 186 2012 The asymptotic dynamics of three-dimensional Einstein gravity with a negative cosmological constant. Zbl 0836.53052 Coussaert, Oliver; Henneaux, Marc; van Driel, Peter 185 1995 Quintessence and black holes. Zbl 1026.83036 Kiselev, V. V. 178 2003 Twenty years of the Weyl anomaly. Zbl 0808.53063 Duff, M. J. 172 1994 Gravity’s rainbow. Zbl 1051.83004 Magueijo, João; Smolin, Lee 169 2004 Fermions tunnelling from black holes. Zbl 1140.83377 Kerner, Ryan; Mann, R. B. 169 2008 The \((2+1)\)-dimensional black hole. Zbl 0839.53071 Carlip, S. 166 1995 Double field theory: a pedagogical review. Zbl 1273.83001 Aldazabal, Gerardo; Marqués, Diego; Núñez, Carmen 165 2013 \(I\)-brane inflow and anomalous couplings on \(D\)-branes. Zbl 0867.53063 Green, Michael B.; Harvey, Jeffrey A.; Moore, Gregory 163 1997 Classical and quantum thermodynamics of horizons in spherically symmetric spacetimes. Zbl 1011.83018 Padmanabhan, T. 159 2002 Constraining conformal field theories with a slightly broken higher spin symmetry. Zbl 1269.83053 Maldacena, Juan; Zhiboedov, Alexander 158 2013 Carroll versus Newton and Galilei: two dual non-Einsteinian concepts of time. Zbl 1295.83006 Duval, C.; Gibbons, G. W.; Horvathy, P. A.; Zhang, P. M. 157 2014 Unified first law of black-hole dynamics and relativistic thermodynamics. Zbl 0942.83040 Hayward, Sean A. 156 1998 Classical central extension for asymptotic symmetries at null infinity in three spacetime dimensions. Zbl 1111.83045 Barnich, Glenn; Compère, Geoffrey 155 2007 The gravitational Hamiltonian, action, entropy and surface terms. Zbl 0860.58052 Hawking, S. W.; Horowitz, Gary T. 155 1996 The first law of thermodynamics for Kerr-anti-de Sitter black holes. Zbl 1068.83010 Gibbons, G. W.; Perry, M. J.; Pope, C. N. 151 2005 Conformal carroll groups and BMS symmetry. Zbl 1291.83084 Duval, C.; Gibbons, G. W.; Horvathy, P. A. 151 2014 Sound speeds, cracking and the stability of self-gravitating anisotropic compact objects. Zbl 1128.83023 Abreu, H.; Hernández, H.; Núñez, L. A. 150 2007 Logarithmic corrections to black hole entropy, from the Cardy formula. Zbl 0970.83026 Carlip, S. 148 2000 Penrose limits and maximal supersymmetry. Zbl 1007.83040 Blau, Matthias; Figueroa-O’Farrill, José; Hull, Christopher; Papadopoulos, George 145 2002 Topological black holes in anti-de Sitter space. Zbl 0933.83025 Birmingham, Danny 144 1999 New formulations of \(D=10\) supersymmetry and D8-O8 domain walls. Zbl 1004.83053 Bergshoeff, Eric; Kallosh, Renata; Ortín, Tomás; Roest, Diederik; Van Proeyen, Antoine 142 2001 Role of modified Chaplygin gas in accelerated universe. Zbl 1065.83063 Debnath, Ujjal; Banerjee, Asit; Chakraborty, Subenoy 140 2004 Higher spin realization of the DS/CFT correspondence. Zbl 1354.83043 Anninos, Dionysios; Hartman, Thomas; Strominger, Andrew 139 2017 A gravity theory on noncommutative spaces. Zbl 1129.83011 Aschieri, Paolo; Blohmann, Christian; Dimitrijević, Marija; Meyer, Frank; Schupp, Peter; Wess, Julius 137 2005 Supersymmetric AdS\(_5\) solutions of M-theory. Zbl 1059.83038 Gauntlett, Jerome P.; Martelli, Dario; Sparks, James; Waldram, Daniel 137 2004 Quantum theory of geometry. I: Area operators. Zbl 0866.58077 Ashtekar, Abhay; Lewandowski, Jerzy 135 1997 Primordial black holes – perspectives in gravitational wave astronomy. Zbl 1386.83001 Sasaki, Misao; Suyama, Teruaki; Tanaka, Takahiro; Yokoyama, Shuichiro 132 2018 General logarithmic corrections to black-hole entropy. Zbl 1003.83025 Das, Saurya; Majumdar, Parthasarathi; Bhaduri, Rajat K. 131 2002 Quintessence: a review. Zbl 1277.83012 Tsujikawa, Shinji 128 2013 General relativistic boson stars. Zbl 1050.83002 Schunck, Franz E.; Mielke, Eckehard W. 125 2003 Black-hole entropy in loop quantum gravity. Zbl 1062.83056 Meissner, Krzysztof A. 124 2004 Diffeomorphisms and holographic anomalies. Zbl 0952.81052 Imbimbo, C.; Schwimmer, A.; Theisen, S.; Yankielowicz, S. 124 2000 Dissipative cosmology. Zbl 0825.83004 Maartens, R. 123 1995 Cosmological backgrounds of gravitational waves. Zbl 1409.83039 Caprini, Chiara; Figueroa, Daniel G. 123 2018 Noncommutative geometry and gravity. Zbl 1091.83022 Aschieri, Paolo; Dimitrijevic, Marija; Meyer, Frank; Wess, Julius 118 2006 Semiclassicality and decoherence of cosmological perturbations. Zbl 0849.53077 Polarski, David; Starobinsky, Alexei A. 117 1996 Lectures on gauged supergravity and flux compactifications. Zbl 1152.83306 Samtleben, Henning 117 2008 Lectures on F-theory compactifications and model building. Zbl 1204.83007 Weigand, Timo 117 2010 Asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes: conserved quantities. Zbl 0943.83023 Ashtekar, Abhay; Das, Saurya 116 2000 Near-horizon symmetries of extremal black holes. Zbl 1205.83047 Kunduri, Hari K.; Lucietti, James; Reall, Harvey S. 116 2007 Acoustic black holes: horizons, ergospheres and Hawking radiation. Zbl 0947.83029 Visser, Matt 115 1998 Conformal field theory, \((2+1)\)-dimensional gravity and the BTZ black hole. Zbl 1098.83001 Carlip, S. 115 2005 Matter bounce cosmology with the \(f(T)\) gravity. Zbl 1230.83074 Cai, Yi-Fu; Chen, Shih-Hung; Dent, James B.; Dutta, Sourish; Saridakis, Emmanuel N. 114 2011 Tensor-multi-scalar theories of gravitation. Zbl 0780.53054 Damour, Thibault; Esposito-Farèse, Gilles 114 1992 Holographic heat engines. Zbl 1304.83031 Johnson, Clifford V. 114 2014 Gravity and hydrodynamics: lectures on the fluid-gravity correspondence. Zbl 1181.83005 Rangamani, Mukund 113 2009 The spectrum of the \(S^ 5\) compactification of the chiral \(N=2\), \(D=10\) supergravity and the unitary supermultiplets of U(2,2/4). Zbl 0575.53060 Günaydin, M.; Marcus, N. 112 1985 Hawking radiation in different coordinate settings: Complex paths approach. Zbl 1002.83039 Shankaranarayanan, S.; Padmanabhan, T.; Srinivasan, K. 110 2002 Setting the boundary free in AdS/CFT. Zbl 1151.83305 Compère, Geoffrey; Marolf, Donald 108 2008 Spherically symmetric solutions in \(f(R)\) gravity via the Noether symmetry approach. Zbl 1113.83017 Capozziello, S.; Stabile, A.; Troisi, A. 107 2007 Higher-dimensional resolution of dilatonic black-hole singularities. Zbl 0817.53054 Gibbons, G. W.; Horowitz, Gary T.; Townsend, P. K. 107 1995 Dynamics in non-globally-hyperbolic static spacetimes. III: Anti-de Sitter spacetime. Zbl 1064.83006 Ishibashi, Akihiro; Wald, Robert M. 107 2004 A new spin foam model for 4D gravity. Zbl 1144.83007 Freidel, Laurent; Krasnov, Kirill 106 2008 Cosmological billiards. Zbl 1138.83306 Damour, T.; Henneaux, M.; Nicolai, H. 104 2003 Jerk, snap and the cosmological equation of state. Zbl 1054.83046 Visser, Matt 103 2004 The emergent universe: Inflationary cosmology with no singularity. Zbl 1061.83071 Ellis, George F. R.; Maartens, Roy 103 2004 Spin foam models for quantum gravity. Zbl 1030.83002 Perez, Alejandro 100 2003 Consistent modified gravity: dark energy, acceleration and the absence of cosmic doomsday. Zbl 1062.83538 Abdalla, M. C. B.; Nojiri, Shin’ichi; Odintsov, Sergei 97 2005 All supersymmetric solutions of minimal supergravity in six dimensions. Zbl 1170.83473 Gutowski, Jan B.; Martelli, Dario; Reall, Harvey S. 97 2003 The covariant formulation of \(f(T)\) gravity. Zbl 1342.83279 Krššák, Martin; Saridakis, Emmanuel N. 94 2016 Newtonian gravity and the Bargmann algebra. Zbl 1217.83019 Andringa, Roel; Bergshoeff, Eric; Panda, Sudhakar; de Roo, Mees 93 2011 Quantization of point particles in \((2+1)\)-dimensional gravity and spacetime discreteness. Zbl 0855.53047 ’t Hooft, Gerard 91 1996 Kerr-AdS analogue of triple point and solid/liquid/gas phase transition. Zbl 1286.83049 Altamirano, Natacha; Kubizňák, David; Mann, Robert B.; Sherkatghanad, Zeinab 91 2014 Numerical methods for finding stationary gravitational solutions. Zbl 1346.83002 Dias, Óscar J. C.; Santos, Jorge E.; Way, Benson 91 2016 Theorems on gravitational time delay and related issues. Zbl 0972.83015 Gao, Sijie; Wald, Robert M. 91 2000 Quantum spin dynamics (QSD). I. II: The kernel of the Wheeler-deWitt constraint operator. Zbl 0956.83013 Thiemann, T. 89 1998 Correlation functions of conserved currents in \({\mathcal N}=2\) superconformal theory. Zbl 1140.81440 Kuzenko, Sergei M.; Theisen, Stefan 89 2000 Teleparallel theories of gravity: illuminating a fully invariant approach. Zbl 1478.83205 Krššák, M.; van den Hoogen, R. J.; Pereira, J. G.; Böhmer, C. G.; Coley, A. A. 89 2019 Hawking radiation of an apparent horizon in a FRW universe. Zbl 1172.83347 Cai, Rong-Gen; Cao, Li-Ming; Hu, Ya-Peng 89 2009 On the architecture of spacetime geometry. Zbl 1303.83010 Bianchi, Eugenio; Myers, Robert C. 89 2014 Pair production of topological anti-de Sitter black holes. Zbl 0873.53073 Mann, R. B. 87 1997 Real and complex connections for canonical gravity. Zbl 0887.53059 Immirzi, Giorgio 87 1997 Lifshitz holography. Zbl 1332.83004 Taylor, Marika 87 2016 Von Neumann algebra automorphisms and time-thermodynamics relation in generally covariant quantum theories. Zbl 0821.46086 Connes, A.; Rovelli, C. 86 1994 Entropy from conformal field theory at Killing horizons. Zbl 0935.83023 Carlip, S. 86 1999 Action functionals for relativistic perfect fluids. Zbl 0788.76101 Brown, J. David 85 1993 Regular electrically charged vacuum structures with de Sitter centre in nonlinear electrodynamics coupled to general relativity. Zbl 1061.83033 Dymnikova, Irina 83 2004 Smarr formula and an extended first law for Lovelock gravity. Zbl 1207.83048 Kastor, David; Ray, Sourya; Traschen, Jennie 83 2010 Emergent geometry and gravity from matrix models: an introduction. Zbl 1255.83007 Steinacker, Harold 82 2010 Quantum gravity from causal dynamical triangulations: a review. Zbl 1478.83095 Loll, R. 82 2020 A new cubic theory of gravity in five dimensions: black hole, Birkhoff’s theorem and \(C\)-function. Zbl 1205.83058 Oliva, Julio; Ray, Sourya 82 2010 Novel topological phenomena of timelike circular orbits for charged test particles. Zbl 07974581 Ye, Xu; Wei, Shao-Wen 3 2025 Life on a closed timelike curve. Zbl 07962193 Gavassino, L. 1 2025 Double copy, Kerr-Schild gauges and the effective-one-body formalism. Zbl 07965200 Ceresole, Anna; Damour, Thibault; Nagar, Alessandro; Rettegno, Piero 1 2025 Scattering amplitudes for self-force. Zbl 1535.83008 Adamo, Tim; Cristofoli, Andrea; Ilderton, Anton; Klisch, Sonja 10 2024 Soft particles and infinite-dimensional geometry. Zbl 1545.83144 Kapec, Daniel 9 2024 Gravitational traces of bumblebee gravity in metric-affine formalism. Zbl 1535.83092 Araújo Filho, A. A.; Hassanabadi, H.; Heidari, N.; Kříž, J.; Zare, S. 6 2024 Cosmology from the vacuum. Zbl 1535.83152 Antonini, Stefano; Simidzija, Petar; Swingle, Brian; Van Raamsdonk, Mark 5 2024 From minimal strings towards Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity: on their resurgence, resonance, and black holes. Zbl 1544.83127 Gregori, Paolo; Schiappa, Ricardo 5 2024 Scattering on self-dual Taub-NUT. Zbl 1533.83034 Adamo, Tim; Bogna, Giuseppe; Mason, Lionel; Sharma, Atul 5 2024 Dynamics of Carrollian scalar fields. Zbl 1548.83100 Ciambelli, Luca 5 2024 Cosmological observatories. Zbl 1548.83156 Anninos, Dionysios; Galante, Damián A.; Maneerat, Chawakorn 4 2024 Gravitational wave displacement and velocity memory effects. Zbl 1544.83019 Bieri, Lydia; Polnarev, Alexander 3 2024 Thermodynamics and optical properties of phantom AdS black holes in massive gravity. Zbl 1534.83090 Jafarzade, Kh; Eslam Panah, B.; Rodrigues, M. E. 3 2024 A covariant tapestry of linear GUP, metric-affine gravity, their Poincaré algebra and entropy bound. Zbl 1547.83104 Ali, Ahmed Farag; Wojnar, Aneta 3 2024 Hybrid geometrodynamics: a Hamiltonian description of classical gravity coupled to quantum matter. Zbl 1544.83041 Alonso, J. L.; Bouthelier-Madre, C.; Clemente-Gallardo, J.; Martínez-Crespo, D. 3 2024 Persistent gravitational wave observables: nonlinearities in (non-)geodesic deviation. Zbl 1546.83037 Grant, Alexander M. 3 2024 \(\mathcal{C}\)osmo\(\mathcal{F}\)low: Python package for cosmological correlators. Zbl 1546.83230 Werth, Denis; Pinol, Lucas; Renaux-Petel, Sébastien 3 2024 A review of gravitational memory and BMS frame fixing in numerical relativity. Zbl 07943796 Mitman, Keefe; Boyle, Michael; Stein, Leo C.; Deppe, Nils; Kidder, Lawrence E.; Moxon, Jordan; Pfeiffer, Harald P.; Scheel, Mark A.; Teukolsky, Saul A.; Throwe, William; Vu, Nils L. 2 2024 Finiteness of 3D higher spin gravity landscape. Zbl 07931076 Sammani, Rajae; Boujakhrout, Youssra; Saidi, El Hassan; Ahl Laamara, Rachid; Drissi, Lalla Btissam 2 2024 Fractional cosmic strings. Zbl 1533.83024 Fumeron, Sébastien; Henkel, Malte; López, Alexander 2 2024 General spherically symmetric solution of Cotton gravity. Zbl 1533.83080 Gogberashvili, Merab; Girgvliani, Ani 2 2024 Stability, quasinormal modes in a charged black hole in perfect fluid dark matter. Zbl 1533.83051 Das, Anish; Chowdhury, Anirban Roy; Gangopadhyay, Sunandan 2 2024 Absorption cross section in gravity’s rainbow from confluent Heun equation. Zbl 1535.83036 Amado, Julián Barragán; Kwon, Kihong; Gwak, Bogeun 2 2024 Charged Lifshitz black holes from general covariance breaking. Zbl 1535.83075 Moreira, D. C.; Lemos, A. S.; Brito, F. A. 2 2024 The Synge G-method: cosmology, wormholes, firewalls, geometry. Zbl 1544.83045 Ellis, G. F. R.; Garfinkle, D. 2 2024 Anisotropic compact star in linear \(f(Q)\)-action. Zbl 1544.83153 Maurya, S. K.; Errehymy, Abdelghani; Vîlcu, Gabriel-Eduard; Alrebdi, Haifa I.; Sooppy Nisar, Kottakkaran; Abdel-Aty, Abdel-Haleem 2 2024 Tidal forces in Kerr-AdS and Grey galaxies. Zbl 1546.83092 Balivada, Anand; Padhi, Pius Ranjan; Virmani, Amitabh 2 2024 Comment on ‘index-free heat Kernel coefficients’. Zbl 1547.58009 Franchino-Viñas, S. A. 2 2024 Quadrupolar radiation in de Sitter: displacement memory and Bondi metric. Zbl 1546.83035 Compère, Geoffrey; Hoque, Sk Jahanur; Kutluk, Emine Şeyma 2 2024 The other way around: from alternative gravity to entropy. Zbl 1533.83031 Ourabah, Kamel 2 2024 Simplicial graviton from selfdual Ashtekar variables. Zbl 1534.83018 Wieland, Wolfgang 2 2024 Dynamical analysis of coupled curvature-matter scenario in viable \(f(R)\) dark energy models at de Sitter phase. Zbl 1544.83139 Chatterjee, Anirban 2 2024 Analyzing warp drive spacetimes with warp factory. Zbl 1545.83006 Helmerich, Christopher; Fuchs, Jared; Bobrick, Alexey; Sellers, Luke; Melcher, Brandon; Martire, Gianni 2 2024 Higher memory effects in numerical simulations of binary black hole mergers. Zbl 1546.83038 Grant, Alexander M.; Mitman, Keefe 2 2024 The model of the local universe in the framework of the second-order perturbation theory. Zbl 07946682 Sikora, Szymon; Ostrowski, Jan J. 1 2024 Real supersymmetric solutions of \((3, 2)\) signature five-dimensional supergravity. Zbl 1533.83108 Farotti, D.; Gutowski, J. B.; Sabra, W. A. 1 2024 On the gravitational precession memory effect for an ensemble of gyroscopes. Zbl 1533.83007 Moti, Raihaneh; Shojai, Ali 1 2024 Analysis of a regular black hole in Verlinde’s gravity. Zbl 1533.83019 Araújo Filho, A. A. 1 2024 Decoherence of a composite particle induced by a weak quantized gravitational field. Zbl 1533.83030 Moreira, Thiago H.; Céleri, Lucas C. 1 2024 Black hole regions containing no trapped surfaces. Zbl 1533.83052 Dotti, Gustavo 1 2024 Maxwell construction and multi-criticality in uncharged generalized quasi-topological black holes. Zbl 1533.83088 Lu, Mengqi; Mann, Robert B. 1 2024 A classical firewall transformation as a canonical transformation. Zbl 1537.83079 Strauss, Nathaniel A.; Whiting, Bernard F. 1 2024 Spherically symmetric elastic bodies in general relativity. Zbl 07870422 Alho, Artur; Natário, José; Pani, Paolo; Raposo, Guilherme 1 2024 The mass gap in five dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black holes: a geometrical explanation. Zbl 1543.83154 Hansraj, C.; Goswami, R.; Maharaj, S. D. 1 2024 Revisiting loop quantum gravity with selfdual variables: classical theory. Zbl 1543.83027 Sahlmann, Hanno; Seeger, Robert 1 2024 Revisiting loop quantum gravity with selfdual variables: Hilbert space and first reality condition. Zbl 1548.83047 Sahlmann, Hanno; Seeger, Robert 1 2024 Mode stability for gravitational instantons of type D. Zbl 1543.83013 Nilsson, Gustav 1 2024 Phenomenology of axionic static neutron stars with masses in the mass-gap region. Zbl 1543.83041 Oikonomou, V. K. 1 2024 Unimodular Plebański gravity. Zbl 1547.83122 Gielen, Steffen; Nash, Elliot 1 2024 Spherical warp-based bubble with non-trivial lapse function and its consequences on matter content. Zbl 1544.83056 Abellán, G.; Bolívar, N.; Vasilev, I. 1 2024 Worldline path integrals for the graviton. Zbl 1544.83028 Bastianelli, Fiorenzo; Paciarini, Mattia Damia 1 2024 Symmetry and instability of marginally outer trapped surfaces. 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R. 69 Nozari, Kourosh 69 Sheykhi, Ahmad 69 Visser, Matt 67 Jing, Jiliang 67 Lüst, Dieter 65 Ferrara, Sergio 65 Nashed, Gamal Gergess Lamee 63 Cvetič, Mirjam 63 Faizal, Mir 63 Ovgun, Ali 62 Kleinschmidt, Axel 61 Hendi, Seyed Hossein 61 Marrani, Alessio 61 Myrzakulov, Ratbay 61 Yousaf, Zeeshan 60 Buchbinder, Ioseph L. 59 Chruściel, Piotr Tadeusz 59 Myers, Robert C. 59 Zhao, Ren 58 Bhatti, Muhammad Zaeem-ul-Haq 58 Nojiri, Shin’ichi 57 Tseytlin, Arkady Aleksandrovich 56 Ray, Saibal 55 Gibbons, Gary William 55 Henneaux, Marc 55 Livine, Etera R. 55 Trigiante, Mario 55 Zhang, Lichun 54 Jamil, Mubasher 53 Bezerra, Valdir Barbosa 53 Liberati, Stefano 53 Liu, James T. 53 Samtleben, Henning 52 Cai, Ronggen 52 Gutowski, Jan B. 52 Paliathanasis, Andronikos 52 Papadopoulos, George 51 Liu, Yuxiao 51 Sheikh-Jabbari, Mohammad Mehdi 50 Ahmed, Faizuddin 50 McInnes, Brett 50 Pourhassan, Behnam 50 Steinacker, Harold 50 Wang, Anzhong 49 Grumiller, Daniel 49 Jawad, Abdul 49 Yang, Shuzheng 48 Fabris, Júlio César 48 Freidel, Laurent 48 Kunz, Jutta 48 Sadeghi, Jafar 47 Bronnikov, Kirill A. 47 Majid, Shahn 47 Maurya, Sunil Kumar 46 Bellucci, Stefano 46 Bena, Iosif 46 Hod, Shahar 46 Nicolai, Hermann 46 Vacaru, Sergiu Ion 45 Saridakis, Emmanuel N. 45 Valiente Kroon, Juan Antonio 44 Castro Perelman, Carlos 44 Emparan, Roberto 44 Gangopadhyay, Sunandan 44 Rovelli, Carlo 44 Strominger, Andrew Eben 44 West, Peter C. 43 Chattopadhyay, Surajit 43 de Boer, Jan 43 Dias, Óscar J. C. 43 Sahoo, Pradyumn Kumar 43 Warner, Nicholas P. 42 Gauntlett, Jerome P. 42 Krasnov, Kirill V. 42 Minguzzi, Ettore 42 Sezgin, Ergin 42 Shamir, M. Farasat ...and 23,944 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 622 Journals 8,326 Journal of High Energy Physics 2,802 General Relativity and Gravitation 2,372 Nuclear Physics. B 2,349 Classical and Quantum Gravity 2,301 Physics Letters. B 1,691 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1,506 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1,344 International Journal of Modern Physics D 1,114 Modern Physics Letters A 1,106 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 993 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 898 International Journal of Modern Physics A 794 Annals of Physics 597 Communications in Mathematical Physics 513 Journal of Geometry and Physics 375 Gravitation & Cosmology 341 Advances in High Energy Physics 304 Physics Letters. 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