Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série Short Title: Publ. Inst. Math., Nouv. Sér. Publisher: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti - SANU), Mathematical Institute (Matematički Institut), Belgrade ISSN: 0350-1302 Online: Predecessor: Académie Serbe des Sciences, Publications de l’Institut Mathématique Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 2,274 Publications (since 1962) References Indexed: 228 Publications with 3,510 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 116(130) (2024) 115(129) (2024) 114(128) (2023) 113(127) (2023) 112(126) (2022) 111(125) (2022) 110(124) (2021) 109(123) (2021) 108(122) (2020) 107(121) (2020) 106(120) (2019) 105(119) (2019) 104(118) (2018) 103(117) (2018) 102(116) (2017) 101(115) (2017) 100(114) (2016) 99(113) (2016) 98(112) (2015) 97(111) (2015) 96(110) (2014) 95(109) (2014) 94(108) (2013) 93(107) (2013) 92(106) (2012) 91(105) (2012) 90(104) (2011) 89(103) (2011) 88(102) (2010) 87(101) (2010) 86(100) (2009) 85(99) (2009) 84(98) (2008) 83(97) (2008) 82(96) (2007) 81(95) (2007) 80(94) (2006) 79(93) (2006) 78(92) (2005) 77(91) (2005) 76(90) (2004) 75(89) (2004) 74(88) (2003) 73(87) (2003) 72(86) (2002) 71(85) (2002) 70(84) (2001) 69(83) (2001) 68(82) (2000) 67(81) (2000) 66(80) (1999) 65(79) (1999) 64(78) (1998) 63(77) (1998) 62(76) (1997) 61(75) (1997) 60(74) (1996) 59(73) (1996) 58(72) (1995) 57(71) (1995) 56(70) (1994) 55(69) (1994) 54(68) (1993) 53(67) (1993) 52(66) (1992) 51(65) (1992) 50(64) (1991) 49(63) (1991) 48(62) (1990) 47(61) (1990) 46(60) (1989) 45(59) (1989) 44(58) (1988) 43(57) (1988) 42(56) (1987) 41(55) (1987) 40(54) (1986) 39(53) (1986) 38(52) (1985) 37(51) (1985) 36(50) (1984) 35(49) (1984) 34(48) (1983) 33(47) (1983) 32(46) (1982) 31(45) (1982) 30(44) (1981) 29(43) (1981) 28(42) (1980) 27(41) (1980) 26(40) (1979) 25(39) (1979) 24(38) (1978) 23(37) (1978) 22(36) (1977) 21(35) (1977) 20(34) (1976) 19(33) (1975) 18(32) (1975) 17(31) (1974) ...and 14 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 38 Keckic, Jovan D. 29 Gutman, Ivan M. 26 Cvetković, Dragoš 26 Stanković, Bogoljub 23 Ćirić, Ljubomir B. 22 Kurepa, Đuro R. 21 Pilipović, Stevan 21 Simić, Slobodan K. 19 Presic, Slavisa B. 18 Ivić, Aleksandar 17 Dacić, Rade M. 17 Pavlović, Miroslav 16 Omey, Edward 16 Rašković, Miodrag D. 16 Simić, Slavko 15 Jovanović, Boško S. 15 Krapež, Aleksandar 15 Mijajlović, Žarko 15 Radenovic, Stojan 14 Čomić, Irena 14 Živaljević, Rade T. 13 Milovanović, Gradimir V. 13 Torgašev, Aleksandar 13 Vasic, Petar M. 12 Kostić, Marko 12 Presic, Marica D. 10 Bogdanović, Stojan M. 10 Đoković, Dragomir Ž. 10 Došen, Kosta 10 Kocic, Vlajko Lj. 10 Milić, Svetozar Dj. 10 Mitrinović, Dragoslav S. 10 Tasković, Milan R. 9 Banković, Dragić 9 Đorđević, Radosav S. 9 Dostanić, Milutin R. 9 Jablan, Slavik Vlado 9 Martic, Branislav 9 Ognjanović, Zoran 9 Vujičić, Veljko A. 8 Bainov, Drumi Dimitrov 8 Bajraktarević, Mahmut 8 Bulatovic, Jelena 8 Deszcz, Ryszard 8 Georgijević, Dušan R. 8 Gupta, Vijay 8 Hadžić, Olga 8 Kapcia, Andrzej 8 Kapetanović, Miodrag 8 Kočinac, Ljubiša D. R. 8 Kovačević, Ilija 8 Lažetić, Nebojša L. 8 Marković, Zoran M. 8 Minčić, Svetislav M. 8 Prvanović, Mileva 8 Rozenfel’d, Boris Abramovich 8 Rudeanu, Sergiu 7 Adamović, Dušan D. 7 Banjevic, Dragan M. 7 Đurić, Milan Đ. 7 Fempl, Stanimir 7 Ivković, Zoran A. 7 Janjic, Slobodanka 7 Janković, Slobodanka 7 Jevtić, Miroljub 7 Lazić, Milivoje G. 7 Lepović, Mirko 7 Marić, Vojislav 7 Narang, Tulsi Das 7 Ostrogorski, Tatjana 7 Perić, Veselin 7 Stojaković, Zoran M. 7 Todorcevic, Stevo B. 6 Abian, Alexander 6 Aljančić, Slobodan 6 Bojanic, Ranko 6 Đorđević, Vladan D. 6 Dragović, Vladimir 6 Krstic, Sava A. 6 Mušicki, Đorđe 6 Owa, Shigeyoshi 6 Pečarić, Josip 6 Petrović-Torgašev, Miroslava 6 Sinha, Bipin Behari 6 Stanojević, Časlav V. 6 Szufla, Stanisław 6 Ušan, Janez 6 Voronjec, K. 5 Alimpić, Branka P. 5 Arora, Subhash Chander 5 Bingham, Nicholas Hugh 5 Borisavljević, Mirjana 5 Bozovic, Natasa B. 5 Čanak, Miloš S. 5 Crvenković, Siniša 5 Dašić, Vučić 5 De Koninck, Jean-Marie 5 De, Uday Chand 5 Dresević, M. M. 5 Ghilezan, Coriolan ...and 1,496 more Authors all top 5 Fields 197 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 194 Combinatorics (05-XX) 194 Differential geometry (53-XX) 171 General topology (54-XX) 157 Functional analysis (46-XX) 143 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 132 Operator theory (47-XX) 128 Real functions (26-XX) 126 Number theory (11-XX) 118 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 106 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 95 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 85 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 77 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 71 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 70 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 69 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 67 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 60 Special functions (33-XX) 60 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 49 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 41 Computer science (68-XX) 40 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 39 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 32 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 31 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 27 Integral equations (45-XX) 27 Statistics (62-XX) 26 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 26 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 26 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 24 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 23 Measure and integration (28-XX) 23 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 23 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 22 History and biography (01-XX) 20 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 17 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 17 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 16 Potential theory (31-XX) 15 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Geometry (51-XX) 13 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 13 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 12 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 12 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 9 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 8 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 8 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,013 Publications have been cited 5,497 times in 4,596 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On a weak commutativity condition of mappings in fixed point considerations. Zbl 0523.54030 Sessa, Salvatore 202 1982 Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian. I. Zbl 1224.05293 Cvetković, Dragoš; Simić, Slobodan K. 170 2009 Stetigkeitsaussagen für eine Klasse verallgemeinerter konvexer Funktionen in topologischen linearen Räumen. Zbl 0416.46029 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 160 1978 Generalized contractions and fixed-point theorems. Zbl 0234.54029 Ćirić, Ljubomir B. 145 1971 Eigenvalue bounds for the signless Laplacian. Zbl 1164.05038 Cvetković, Dragoš; Rowlinson, Peter; Simić, Slobodan K. 116 2007 Regularly varying functions. Zbl 1164.60301 Jessen, Anders Hedegaard; Mikosch, Thomas 94 2006 Regular variation for measures on metric spaces. Zbl 1164.28005 Hult, Henrik; Lindskog, Filip 83 2006 On three conjectures involving the signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs. Zbl 1265.05365 Feng, Lihua; Yu, Guihai 81 2009 On the spectral radius of connected graphs. Zbl 0603.05028 Brualdi, Richard A.; Solheid, Ernie S. 64 1986 O-regularly varying functions. Zbl 0379.26003 Aljancic, S.; Aranđelović, D. 49 1977 Sur une classe d’inéquations aux différences finies et sur la convergence de certaines suites. Zbl 0134.04205 Presic, S. B. 44 1965 On the function of E.M. Wright. Zbl 0204.08404 Stanković, B. 39 1970 A new fixed-point theorem for contractive mappings. Zbl 0493.54028 Ćirić, Ljubomir B. 39 1981 On some maps with a nonunique fixed point. Zbl 0309.54035 Ćirić, Ljubomir B. 37 1974 Köthe-Toeplitz duals of some new sequence spaces and their matrix maps. Zbl 0647.46006 Ahmad, Z. U.; Mursaleen 35 1987 User’s guide to equivariant methods in combinatorics. II. Zbl 0999.52005 Živaljević, Rade T. 35 1998 An estimate of the rate of convergence for Fourier series of functions of bounded variation. Zbl 0451.42004 Bojanic, R. 31 1979 Semi-Riemannian manifolds whose Weyl tensor is a Kulkarni-Nomizu square. Zbl 1060.53025 Głogowska, Małgorzata 31 2002 On Eulerian integrals associated with Kampé de Fériet’s function. Zbl 0175.07201 Srivastava, H. M.; Daoust, M. C. 29 1969 Some inequalities for the gamma function. Zbl 0222.33001 Kečkić, Jovan D.; Vasić, Petar M. 28 1971 On the largest eigenvalue of unicyclic graphs. Zbl 0641.05040 Simić, Slobodan K. 27 1987 The main part of the spectrum, divisors and switching of graphs. Zbl 0423.05028 Cvetkovic, Dragos M. 27 1978 The Schouten-van Kampen affine connections adapted to almost (para)contact metric structures. Zbl 1340.53076 Olszak, Zbigniew 27 2013 On graphs whose second largest eigenvalue does not exceed 1. Zbl 0522.05044 Cvetkovic, Dragos 27 1982 On connected graphs with maximal index. Zbl 0661.05041 Cvetković, D.; Rowlinson, P. 26 1988 On Riemann and Weyl compatible tensors. Zbl 1299.53038 Deszcz, Ryszard; Głogowska, Małgorzata; Jełowicki, Jan; Petrović-Torgašev, Miroslava; Zafindratafa, Georges 25 2013 On subharmonic behaviour and oscillation of functions on balls in \(\mathbb{R}^ n\). Zbl 0824.31003 Pavlović, Miroslav 25 1994 On fixed point theorems of Maia type. Zbl 0482.47029 Rzepecki, Bogdan 25 1980 Stationary sets, trees and continuums. Zbl 0519.06002 Todorcevic, Stevo 24 1981 On a graph invariant related to the sum of all distances in a graph. Zbl 0831.05026 Dobrynin, A.; Gutman, I. 23 1994 A fixed point theorem in Menger spaces. Zbl 0433.60067 Hadžić, Olga 23 1979 Nonlinear Hammerstein equations and fixed points. Zbl 0563.47038 Sćepanović, Radoe 23 1984 On spectrum and per-spectrum of graphs. Zbl 0581.05036 Borowiecki, Mieczysław 23 1985 The acyclic polynomial of a graph. Zbl 0375.05048 Gutman, Ivan 22 1977 New commutation formulas in the non-symmetric affine connexion space. Zbl 0377.53008 Mincic, Svetislav M. 22 1977 Distance of thorny graphs. Zbl 0942.05021 Gutman, Ivan 22 1998 User’s guide to equivariant methods in combinatorics. Zbl 0946.52001 Živaljević, R. T. 21 1996 Spacelike and timelike normal curves in Minkowski space-time. Zbl 1289.53135 Ilarslan, Kazim; Nešović, Emilija 21 2009 On some Akivis-Goldberg type metrics. Zbl 1080.53019 Deszsz, Ryszard 21 2003 On some results for \(\lambda\)-spirallike and \(\lambda\)-Robertson functions of complex order. Zbl 1106.30008 Aouf, M. K.; Al-Oboudi, F. M.; Haidan, M. M. 20 2005 Chromatic number and the spectrum of a graph. Zbl 0271.05111 Cvetković, Dragoš M. 20 1972 Sharp function inequalities and boundness for Toeplitz type operator related to general fractional singular integral operator. Zbl 1289.42040 Huang, Chuangxia; Liu, Lanzhe 20 2012 Negative modal operators in intuitionistic logic. Zbl 0555.03011 Došen, Kosta 20 1984 A note on the Fekete-Szegö problem for close-to-convex functions with respect to convex functions. Zbl 1499.30107 Kowalczyk, Bogumila; Lecko, Adam; Srivastava, H. M. 20 2017 B-connections and their conformal invariants on conformally Kähler manifolds with B-metric. Zbl 0638.53021 Ganchev, Georgi; Gribachev, Kostadin; Mihova, Vesselka 19 1987 Reflections on Dubinskiĭ’s nonlinear compact embedding theorem. Zbl 1265.46037 Barrett, John W.; Süli, Endre 19 2012 Plurisubharmonic features of the Teichmüller metric. Zbl 1079.30019 Krushkal, Samuel L. 19 2004 Independent vertex sets in some compound graphs. Zbl 0808.05083 Gutman, Ivan 18 1992 On a family of contractive maps and fixed points. Zbl 0306.54057 Ćirić, Ljubomir B. 18 1974 Lower bounds for Estrada index. Zbl 1199.05219 Gutman, Ivan 18 2008 Symmetries and integrability. Zbl 1277.70001 Jovanović, Božidar Žarko 18 2008 Distance spectra and distance energies of iterated line graphs of regular graphs. Zbl 1249.05251 Ramane, H. S.; Revankar, D. S.; Gutman, I.; Walikar, H. B. 18 2009 On idempotent operators in a Hilbert space. Zbl 0125.35101 Vidav, I. 18 1964 On a functional which is quadratic on A-orthogonal vectors. Zbl 0627.46020 Drljević, Hamid 18 1986 Aronszajn orderings. Zbl 0913.04004 Todorčević, S. 17 1995 Equitorsion geodesic mappings of generalized Riemannian spaces. Zbl 0886.53035 Minčić, Svetislav M.; Stanković, Mića S. 17 1997 Mixed norm spaces of analytic and harmonic functions. I. Zbl 0619.46022 Pavlović, Miroslav 17 1986 On the largest eigenvalue of bicyclic graphs. Zbl 0747.05058 Simić, Slobodan K. 16 1989 On spectral structure of graphs having the maximal eigenvalue not greater than two. Zbl 0307.05132 Cvetković, D. M.; Gutman, I. 16 1975 Linear transformations of tensor spaces preserving decomposable vectors. Zbl 0312.15016 Lim, Ming-Huat 16 1975 Sur une généralisation des moyennes quasilineaires. Zbl 0125.03002 Bajraktarevic, M. 16 1963 Fixed point theorems via various cyclic contractive conditions in partial metric spaces. Zbl 1313.54097 Nashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran; Radenović, Stojan 16 2013 Kneser’s theorem for weak solutions of ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces. Zbl 0516.34058 Kubiaczyk, I.; Szufla, S. 16 1982 An equation with left and right fractional derivatives. Zbl 1246.26008 Stanković, B. 16 2006 On the index of cactuses with \(n\) vertices. Zbl 1121.05070 Borovićanin, Bojana; Petrović, Miroslav 16 2006 Classical logic with some probability operators. Zbl 0799.03018 Rašković, Miodrag 15 1993 Magnetic curves in a Euclidean space: one example, several approaches. Zbl 1299.53002 Munteanu, Marian Ioan 15 2013 On Ricci type identities in manifolds with non-symmetric affine connection. Zbl 1299.53072 Minčić, Svetislav M. 15 2013 A generalization of Banach’s contraction principle. Zbl 0403.54042 Taskovic, Milan R. 15 1978 On some results for starlike functions of complex order. Zbl 0701.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Aouf, M. K.; Owa, Shigeyoshi 15 1989 Comparison of some solution concepts for linear first-order hyperbolic differential equations with non-smooth coefficients. Zbl 1274.35225 Haller, Simon; Hörmann, Günther 15 2008 Structural theorems for quasiasymptotics of distributions at infinity. Zbl 1199.46094 Vindas, Jasson 15 2008 Quasi abelian codes. Zbl 1502.94051 Wasan, Siri Krishan 15 1977 A classification of solutions of second order linear differential equations by means of regularly varying functions. Zbl 0722.34007 Marić, Vojislav; Tomić, Miodrag 14 1990 Conformal and geodesic mappings of generalized equidistant spaces. Zbl 1474.53062 Najdanović, Marija S.; Zlatanović, Milan Lj.; Hinterleitner, Irena 14 2015 Remarks on the Cauchy functional equation. Zbl 0133.37701 Kurepa, S. 14 1965 An identity for the independence polynomials of trees. Zbl 0763.05026 Gutman, Ivan 13 1991 Mixed norm spaces of analytic and harmonic functions. II. Zbl 0638.46017 Pavlović, M. 13 1987 Spectra of graphs formed by some unary operations. Zbl 0337.05140 Cvetkovic, Dragos 13 1975 On graphs whose spectral spread does not exceed 4. Zbl 0554.05046 Petrović, Miroslav M. 13 1983 Oscillator with strong qudratic damping force. Zbl 1224.34107 Cvetićanin, Livija 13 2009 Quasiconformal harmonic functions between convex domains. Zbl 1220.30032 Kalaj, David 13 2004 Reverse Hölder inequality and its applications. Zbl 1458.26077 Zhao, Chang-Jian; Cheung, Wing Sum 13 2016 Ordinary differential equations with delta function terms. Zbl 1452.46030 Nedeljkov, Marko; Oberguggenberger, Michael 13 2012 A tour through \(\delta\)-invariants: from Nash’s embedding theorem to ideal immersions, best ways of living and beyond. Zbl 1340.53001 Chen, Bang-Yen 13 2013 Geodesic mappings on compact Riemannian manifolds with conditions on sectional curvature. Zbl 1473.53062 Hinterleitner, Irena 13 2013 Completeness theorem for logic with imprecise and conditional probabilities. Zbl 1144.03019 Ognjanović, Zoran; Marković, Zoran; Rašković, Miodrag 13 2005 Graphs with greatest number of matchings. Zbl 0461.05049 Gutman, Ivan 12 1980 On fixed points of generalized contractions on probabilistic metric spaces. Zbl 0316.60008 Ćirić, Ljubomir B. 12 1975 Finding tricyclic graphs with a maximal number of matchings - another example of computer aided research in graph theory. Zbl 0561.05043 Gutman, Ivan; Cvetković, Dragoš 12 1984 A new formula for the Bernoulli numbers of the second kind in terms of the Stirling numbers of the first kind. Zbl 1432.11023 Qi, Feng 12 2016 Paraquaternionic projective space and pseudo-Riemannian geometry. Zbl 1002.53020 Blažić, Novica 12 1996 The computation of capacity of planar condensers. Zbl 1079.78024 Betsakos, Dimitrios; Samuelsson, Klas; Vuorinen, Matti 12 2004 Tauberian retrieval theory. Zbl 1027.40005 Stanojević, Časlav V.; Stanojević, Vera B. 12 2002 Convolutions of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms. Zbl 1006.11019 Jutila, M. 12 1999 Multidimensional Tauberian theorems for vector-valued distributions. Zbl 1349.46041 Pilipović, Stevan; Vindas, Jasson 12 2014 Common spectral properties of linear operators \(A\) and \(B\) such that \(ABA=A^2\) and \(BAB=B^2\). Zbl 1122.47004 Schmoeger, Christoph 12 2006 Third order extended regular variation. Zbl 1164.26304 Fraga Alves, Isabel; de Haan, Laurens; Lin, Tao 12 2006 On the difference between the product and the convolution product of distribution functions. Zbl 0824.60032 Omey, E. 11 1994 Curvature pinching for odd-dimensional minimal submanifolds in a sphere. Zbl 0796.53062 Li, Haizhong 11 1993 Inequalities for the generalized derivative of a complex polynomial. Zbl 1549.30001 Bhat, F. A.; Rather, N. A.; Gulzar, S. 1 2023 Inverse theorem for certain directional Gowers uniformity norms. Zbl 1529.11019 Milićević, Luka 1 2023 Certain almost Kenmotsu metrics satisfying the vacuum static equation. Zbl 1538.53107 Bhattacharyya, Arindam; Patra, Dhriti Sundar; Tarafdar, Manjusha 1 2023 Tableau for the logic ILP. Zbl 1513.03030 Ognjanović, Zoran; Perović, Aleksandar; Ilić-Stepić, Angelina 2 2022 Duhamel Banach algebra structure of some space and related topics. Zbl 1513.46049 Altıntaş, Mevlut; Gürdal, Mehmet; Tapdigoglu, Ramiz 2 2022 On the Seidel integral graphs which belong to the class \(\alpha K_{a,a}\cup \beta K_{b,b}\). Zbl 1513.05249 Lepović, Mirko 1 2022 On the position vector of surface curves in the Euclidean space. Zbl 1513.53017 Shaikh, Absos Ali; Ghosh, Pinaki Ranjan 1 2022 An integral functional equation on abelian semigroups. Zbl 1513.39057 Akkaoui, Ahmed; El Fatini, Mohamed 1 2022 On some sufficient conditions for starlikeness. Zbl 1513.30070 Nunokawa, Mamoru; Sokół, Janusz 1 2022 A new type of contraction via measure of non-compactness with an application to Volterra integral equation. Zbl 07565061 Karakaya, Vatan; Sekman, Derya 1 2022 On a conjecture of Seneta on regular variation of truncated moments. Zbl 1474.26008 Kevei, Péter 4 2021 Hyers-Ulam and Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of first-order linear dynamic equations. Zbl 1474.34624 Alghamdi, Maryam A.; Aljehani, Alaa; Bohner, Martin; Hamza, Alaa E. 3 2021 A theory of variations via \(P\)-statistical convergence. Zbl 1499.40025 Demirci, Kamil; Djurčić, Dragan; Kočinac, Ljubiša; Yildiz, Sevda 3 2021 On graded \(I_e\)-prime submodules of graded modules over graded commutative rings. Zbl 1493.13001 Alghueiri, Shatha; Al-Zoubi, Khaldoun 3 2021 Integer points enumerator of hypergraphic polytopes. Zbl 1474.05290 Pešović, Marko 1 2021 A new test for convergence of positive series. Zbl 1474.40001 Abramov, Vyacheslav; Cadena, Meitner; Omey, Edward 1 2021 On starlike functions associated with cardioid domain. Zbl 1474.30139 Zainab, Saira; Raza, Mohsan; Sokół, Janusz; Malik, Sarfraz Nawaz 1 2021 Linear combinations of polynomials with three-term recurrence. Zbl 1499.30035 Tran, Khang; Zhang, Maverick 1 2021 A relation between porosity convergence and pretangent spaces. Zbl 1499.40002 Altınok, Maya; Küçükaslan, Mehmet 1 2021 Generalizations of some Zygmund-type integral inequalities for polar derivatives of a complex polynomial. Zbl 1499.30009 Mir, Abdullah 1 2021 On a type of quarter-symmetric non-recurrent metric connection on a P-Sasakian manifold. Zbl 1499.53138 Barman, Ajit 1 2021 \(*\)-conformal \(\eta \)-Ricci solitons in \(\epsilon \)-Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1474.53151 Haseeb, Abdul; Prasad, Rajendra 7 2020 On discontinuity at fixed point via power quasi contraction. Zbl 1474.54131 Bisht, Ravindra Kishor; Singh, Narendra K.; Cević, Vladimir Rako; Fisher, Brian 4 2020 Further results on the outer connected geodetic number of a graph. Zbl 1474.05112 Ganesamoorthy, Kathiresan; Jayanthi, Duraisamy 4 2020 Existence and uniqueness results for \(\psi\)-fractional integro-differential equations with boundary conditions. Zbl 1524.45024 Vivek, Devaraj; Elsayed, E. M.; Kanagarajan, Kuppusamy 3 2020 Certain estimates of Turán’s-type for the maximum modulus of the polar derivative of a polynomial. Zbl 1499.30006 Milovanović, Gradimir V.; Mir, Abdullah; Ahmad, Abrar 3 2020 Divisibility orders in \(\beta N\). Zbl 1474.54080 Šobot, Boris 3 2020 Improving a constant in high-dimensional discrepancy estimates. Zbl 1474.11137 Pasing, Hendrik; Weiss, Christian 3 2020 Formulas involving sums of powers, special numbers and polynomials arising from \(p\)-adic integrals, trigonometric and generating functions. Zbl 1476.11043 Kilar, Neslihan; Simsek, Yilmaz 3 2020 Closed formulas for special Bell polynomials by Stirling numbers and associate Stirling numbers. Zbl 1499.11143 Qi, Feng; Lim, Dongkyu 2 2020 Classification theorem for strong triangle blocking arrangements. Zbl 1474.52023 Milićević, Luka 2 2020 On the Jack lemma and its generalization. Zbl 1474.30098 Nunokawa, Mamoru; Cho, Nak Eun; Sokół, Janusz 2 2020 \( \mathcal{I}_2\)-lacunary strongly summability for multidimensional measurable functions. Zbl 1474.40023 Savaş, Rabia; Patterson, Richard F. 2 2020 A family of theta-function identities based upon \(R_{\alpha}\), \(R_{\beta}\) and \(R_M\)-functions related to Jacobi’s triple-product identity. Zbl 1474.11111 Chaudhary, Mahendra Pal 2 2020 Generalizations of certain well known inequalities for polynomials. Zbl 1499.30026 Jain, V. K. 1 2020 Aproximation by modified Păltǎnea operators. Zbl 1499.41031 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 1 2020 Logarithmic (translationally) rapidly varying sequences and selection principles. Zbl 1474.26005 Djurčić, Dragan; Elez, Nebojša; Timotić, Valentina 1 2020 A note on the category of quasi-proximity spaces. Zbl 1474.54056 Kula, Muammer; Özkan, Samed 1 2020 Subclasses of analytic functions with respect to symmetric and conjugate points connected with \(q\)-analogue of the Bessel function. Zbl 1474.30145 El-Deeb, Sheza M.; El-Matary, Bassant M. 1 2020 Further results on multiple \(q\)-Eulerian integrals for various \(q\)-hypergeometric functions. Zbl 1474.33077 Ernst, Thomas 1 2020 On \(I\)-statistically rough convergence. Zbl 1499.40046 Savas, Ekrem; Debnath, Shyamal; Rakshit, Debjani 9 2019 Identities and relations for Fubini type numbers and polynomials via generating functions and \(p\)-adic integral approach. Zbl 1499.05036 Kilar, Neslihan; Simsek, Yilmaz 7 2019 A generalization of the zero-divisor graph for modules. Zbl 1474.05188 Nozari, Katayoun; Payrovi, Shiroyeh 5 2019 \( \mathcal{F} \)-hypercyclic operators on Fréchet spaces. Zbl 1474.47025 Kostić, Marko 4 2019 Subclasses of harmonic univalent functions associated with generalized Ruscheweyh operator. Zbl 1474.30149 Dziok, Jacek; Yalçın, Sibel; Altınkaya, Şahsene 4 2019 Pell factoriangular numbers. Zbl 1474.11092 Luca, Florian; Odjoumani, Japhet; Togbé, Alain 3 2019 Approximation with certain Post-Widder operators. Zbl 1499.41064 Gupta, Vijay; Maheshwari, Prerna 2 2019 Some integral transforms of the generalized \(k\)-Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1499.33081 Qi, Feng; Nisar, Kottakkaran Sooppy 2 2019 Wave-front sets related to quasi-analytic Gevrey sequences. Zbl 1474.35027 Pilipović, Stevan; Toft, Joachim 2 2019 Analytical and numerical aspect of coincidence point problem of quasi-contractive operators. 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