TopologyAn International Journal of Mathematics Short Title: Topology Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd (Pergamon), Oxford ISSN: 0040-9383 Online: Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 1,960 Publications (1962–2009) all top 5 Latest Issues 48, No. 2-4 (2009) 48, No. 1 (2009) 47, No. 6 (2008) 47, No. 5 (2008) 47, No. 4 (2008) 47, No. 3 (2008) 47, No. 2 (2008) 47, No. 1 (2008) 46, No. 6 (2007) 46, No. 5 (2007) 46, No. 4 (2007) 46, No. 3 (2007) 46, No. 2 (2007) 46, No. 1 (2007) 45, No. 6 (2006) 45, No. 5 (2006) 45, No. 4 (2006) 45, No. 3 (2006) 45, No. 2 (2006) 45, No. 1 (2006) 44, No. 6 (2005) 44, No. 5 (2005) 44, No. 4 (2005) 44, No. 3 (2005) 44, No. 2 (2005) 44, No. 1 (2005) 43, No. 6 (2004) 43, No. 5 (2004) 43, No. 4 (2004) 43, No. 3 (2004) 43, No. 2 (2004) 43, No. 1 (2004) 42, No. 6 (2003) 42, No. 5 (2003) 42, No. 4 (2003) 42, No. 3 (2003) 42, No. 2 (2003) 42, No. 1 (2003) 41, No. 6 (2002) 41, No. 5 (2002) 41, No. 4 (2002) 41, No. 3 (2002) 41, No. 2 (2002) 41, No. 1 (2002) 40, No. 6 (2001) 40, No. 5 (2001) 40, No. 4 (2001) 40, No. 3 (2001) 40, No. 2 (2001) 40, No. 1 (2001) 39, No. 6 (2000) 39, No. 5 (2000) 39, No. 4 (2000) 39, No. 3 (2000) 39, No. 2 (2000) 39, No. 1 (2000) 38, No. 6 (1999) 38, No. 5 (1999) 38, No. 4 (1999) 38, No. 3 (1999) 38, No. 2 (1999) 38, No. 1 (1999) 37, No. 6 (1998) 37, No. 5 (1998) 37, No. 4 (1998) 37, No. 3 (1998) 37, No. 2 (1998) 37, No. 1 (1998) 36, No. 6 (1997) 36, No. 5 (1997) 36, No. 4 (1997) 36, No. 3 (1997) 36, No. 2 (1997) 36, No. 1 (1997) 35, No. 4 (1996) 35, No. 3 (1996) 35, No. 2 (1996) 35, No. 1 (1996) 34, No. 4 (1995) 34, No. 3 (1995) 34, No. 2 (1995) 34, No. 1 (1995) 33, No. 4 (1994) 33, No. 3 (1994) 33, No. 2 (1994) 33, No. 1 (1994) 32, No. 4 (1993) 32, No. 3 (1993) 32, No. 2 (1993) 32, No. 1 (1993) Index (1993) 31, No. 4 (1992) 31, No. 3 (1992) 31, No. 2 (1992) 31, No. 1 (1992) 30, No. 4 (1991) 30, No. 3 (1991) 30, No. 2 (1991) 30, No. 1 (1991) 29, No. 4 (1990) ...and 40 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 16 Wall, Charles Terence Clegg 12 Adams, John Frank 12 Dwyer, William G. 11 Mahowald, Mark Edward 11 Sullivan, Dennis Parnell 10 Atiyah, Michael Francis 9 Freedman, Michael Hartley 9 Kan, Daniel Marinus 9 Lee, Ronnie 8 Cochran, Thomas (Tim) Daniel 8 James, Ioan Mackenzie 8 Morita, Shigeyuki 8 Quillen, Daniel Gray 8 Strickland, Neil Patrick 7 Bonatti, Christian 7 Bousfield, A. K. 7 Félix, Yves 7 Haefliger, André 7 Peterson, Franklin P. 7 Petrie, Ted 7 Schultz, Reinhard E. 6 Friedlander, Eric Mark 6 Gitler Hammer, Samuel Carlos 6 Greenlees, John P. C. 6 Habegger, Nathan 6 Kwasik, Sławomir 6 Levine, Jerome P. 6 Livingston, Charles 6 May, Jon Peter 6 Meeks, William Hamilton III 6 Morgan, John W. 6 Neumann, Walter David 6 Newstead, Peter E. 6 Priddy, Stewart B. 6 Rosenberg, Harold 6 Shub, Michael 6 Smith, Larry 6 Stong, Robert E. 6 Weinberger, Shmuel 6 Wilkerson, Clarence W. jun. 6 Yau, Shing-Tung 5 Akbulut, Selman 5 Baues, Hans-Joachim 5 Bott, Raoul Harry 5 Cappell, Sylvain E. 5 Cohen, Joel M. 5 Cohen, Marshall M. 5 Conlon, Lawrence 5 Dror Farjoun, Emmanuel 5 Farrell, F. Thomas 5 Franks, John M. 5 Fried, David 5 Ghys, Étienne 5 Gompf, Robert E. 5 Gray, Brayton 5 Handel, Michael 5 Hunton, John Robert 5 Jänich, Klaus 5 Jones, John D. S. 5 Jones, Lowell Edwin 5 Kauffman, Louis Hirsch 5 Kuo, Tzee-Char 5 Lee, Chun-Nip 5 Levitt, Norman 5 Miller, Haynes R. 5 Morton, Hugh R. 5 Neeman, Amnon 5 Palais, Richard S. 5 Poénaru, Valentin 5 Rourke, Colin P. 5 Rudolph, Lee Norman 5 Scharlemann, Martin G. 5 Scott, G. Peter 5 Thomas, Paul Emery 5 Thompson, Abigail A. 5 Thurston, William Paul 5 Tsuboi, Takashi 5 Williams, Robert F. 4 Barratt, M. G. 4 Bendersky, Martin 4 Birman, Joan S. 4 Bowen, Rufus 4 Brumfiel, Gregory W. 4 Bryant, John Logan 4 Cantwell, John C. 4 Carlsson, Gunnar E. 4 Croke, Christopher B. 4 Curtis, Edward B. 4 Davis, Donald M. 4 Davis, James Frederic 4 Donnelly, Harold 4 Farber, Michael S. 4 Fenley, Sérgio R. 4 Feshbach, Mark 4 Fiedler, Thomas 4 Fiedorowicz, Zbigniew 4 Forman, Robin 4 Frank, David L. 4 Garoufalidis, Stavros 4 Geoghegan, Ross ...and 1,565 more Authors all top 5 Fields 1,003 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 538 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 210 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 194 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 178 Differential geometry (53-XX) 149 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 136 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 135 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 72 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 61 General topology (54-XX) 58 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 41 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 33 Number theory (11-XX) 33 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 25 Functional analysis (46-XX) 22 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 18 Combinatorics (05-XX) 16 Geometry (51-XX) 14 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 13 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 12 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 11 Quantum theory (81-XX) 9 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 8 Real functions (26-XX) 7 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,843 Publications have been cited 40,419 times in 28,206 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ State models and the Jones polynomial. Zbl 0622.57004 Kauffman, Louis H. 603 1987 Clifford modules. Zbl 0146.19001 Atiyah, Michael F.; Bott, Raoul; Shapiro, A. 427 1964 State sum invariants of 3-manifolds and quantum \(6j\)-symbols. Zbl 0779.57009 Turaev, V. G.; Viro, O. Y. 397 1992 On the Vassiliev knot invariants. Zbl 0898.57001 Bar-Natan, Dror 391 1995 Categories and cohomology theories. Zbl 0284.55016 Segal, Graeme 391 1974 The moment map and equivariant cohomology. Zbl 0521.58025 Atiyah, Michael F.; Bott, Raoul 379 1984 Intersection homology theory. Zbl 0448.55004 Goresky, Mark; MacPherson, Robert 275 1980 The Maslov index for paths. Zbl 0798.58018 Robbin, Joel; Salamon, Dietmar 267 1993 Finite-type invariants of classical and virtual knots. Zbl 1006.57005 Goussarov, Mikhail; Polyak, Michael; Viro, Oleg 253 2000 Structural stability on two-dimensional manifolds. Zbl 0107.07103 Peixoto, Mauricio Matos 245 1962 A spanning tree expansion of the Jones polynomial. Zbl 0622.57003 Thistlethwaite, Morwen B. 239 1987 Polynomial invariants for smooth four-manifolds. Zbl 0715.57007 Donaldson, S. K. 228 1990 Lie groups and Teichmüller space. Zbl 0769.32008 Hitchin, Nigel J. 228 1992 Diffeomorphisms with infinitely many sinks. Zbl 0275.58016 Newhouse, Sheldon E. 228 1974 Existence of quasi-periodic orbits for twist homeomorphisms of the annulus. Zbl 0506.58032 Mather, John N. 217 1982 On knot Floer homology and lens space surgeries. Zbl 1077.57012 Ozsváth, Peter; Szabó, Zoltán 215 2005 Van Kampen theorems for diagrams of spaces. Zbl 0622.55009 Brown, Ronald; Loday, Jean-Louis 210 1987 Morse theory on Hilbert manifolds. Zbl 0122.10702 Palais, R. S. 201 1963 Homotopy theory of infinite dimensional manifolds. Zbl 0138.18302 Palais, R. S. 198 1966 Closed incompressible surfaces in alternating knot and link complements. Zbl 0525.57003 Menasco, W. 198 1984 Lusternik-Schnirelman theory on Banach manifolds. Zbl 0143.35203 Palais, R. S. 194 1966 Smooth functions invariant under the action of a compact Lie group. Zbl 0297.57015 Schwarz, Gerald W. 192 1975 The localization of spectra with respect to homology. Zbl 0417.55007 Bousfield, A. K. 188 1979 Volumes of hyperbolic three-manifolds. Zbl 0589.57015 Neumann, Walter D.; Zagier, Don 186 1985 Superconnections and the Chern character. Zbl 0569.58030 Quillen, Daniel 185 1985 Jones polynomials and classical conjectures in knot theory. Zbl 0628.57004 Murasugi, Kunio 180 1987 Superconnections, Thom classes, and equivariant differential forms. Zbl 0592.55015 Mathai, Varghese; Quillen, Daniel 178 1986 Topological quantum field theories derived from the Kauffman bracket. Zbl 0887.57009 Blanchet, C.; Habegger, N.; Masbaum, G.; Vogel, P. 177 1995 On the groups \(J(X)\). IV. Zbl 0145.19902 Adams, J. F. 176 1966 Tree-graded spaces and asymptotic cones of groups. (With an appendix by Denis Osin and Mark Sapir). Zbl 1101.20025 Druţu, Cornelia; Sapir, Mark 172 2005 3-manifolds as viewed from the curve complex. Zbl 0985.57014 Hempel, John 171 2001 On Morse-Smale dynamical systems. Zbl 0189.23902 Palis, J. 170 1969 Compact Clifford-Klein forms of symmetric spaces. Zbl 0116.38603 Borel, Armand 169 1963 The homotopy type of the unitary group of Hilbert space. Zbl 0129.38901 Kuiper, N. H. 162 1965 Arnold conjecture and Gromov-Witten invariant. Zbl 0946.53047 Fukaya, Kenji; Ono, Kaoru 161 1999 A polynomial invariant of oriented links. Zbl 0608.57009 Lickorish, W. B. R.; Millett, Kenneth C. 160 1987 Localization for nonabelian group actions. Zbl 0833.55009 Jeffrey, Lisa C.; Kirwan, Frances C. 155 1995 Cyclic cohomology, the Novikov conjecture and hyperbolic groups. Zbl 0759.58047 Connes, Alain; Moscovici, Henri 153 1990 The chromatic tower for \(D(R)\). With an appendix by Marcel Bökstedt. Zbl 0793.18008 Neeman, Amnon 151 1992 Gauge theory for embedded surfaces. I. Zbl 0799.57007 Kronheimer, P. B.; Mrowka, T. S. 146 1993 Contributions to the stability conjecture. Zbl 0405.58035 Mañé, Ricardo 144 1978 On differentiable functions with isolated critical points. Zbl 0212.28903 Gromoll, D.; Meyer, W. 143 1969 Cyclic homology, derivations, and the free loopspace. Zbl 0569.16021 Goodwillie, Thomas G. 141 1985 Knotted periodic orbits in dynamical systems. I: Lorenz’s equations. Zbl 0507.58038 Birman, Joan S.; Williams, R. F. 139 1983 Heegaard-Zerlegungen der 3-Sphäre. Zbl 0157.54501 Waldhausen, Friedhelm 131 1968 Vassiliev invariants and a strange identity related to the Dedekind eta-function. Zbl 0989.57009 Zagier, Don 127 2001 The localization of spaces with respect to homology. Zbl 0309.55013 Bousfield, A. K. 126 1975 Stable model categories are categories of modules. Zbl 1013.55005 Schwede, Stefan; Shipley, Brooke 125 2003 Twisted Alexander polynomial for finitely presentable groups. Zbl 0822.57006 Wada, Masaaki 124 1994 Sur la dimension cohomologique des groupes profinis. Zbl 0136.27402 Serre, Jean-Pierre 123 1965 One-dimensional non-wandering sets. Zbl 0159.53702 Williams, R. F. 118 1967 On the \(K\)-theory of finite algebras over Witt vectors of perfect fields. Zbl 0866.55002 Hesselholt, Lars; Madsen, Ib 116 1997 Function complexes in homotopical algebra. Zbl 0438.55011 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 115 1980 On category, in the sense of Lusternik-Schnirelmann. Zbl 0408.55008 James, I. M. 114 1978 Intersection theory on toric varieties. Zbl 0885.14025 Fulton, William; Sturmfels, Bernd 111 1997 A presentation for the mapping class group of a closed orientable surface. Zbl 0447.57005 Hatcher, Allen E.; Thurston, William P. 111 1980 The asymptotic geometry of Teichmüller space. Zbl 0439.30012 Kerckhoff, Steven P. 111 1980 The coarse Baum-Connes conjecture and groupoids. Zbl 1033.19003 Skandalis, G.; Tu, J. L.; Yu, G. 108 2002 Symmetric products of an algebraic curve. Zbl 0121.38003 Macdonald, I. G. 107 1962 Train-tracks for surface homeomorphisms. Zbl 0837.57010 Bestvina, M.; Handel, M. 104 1995 Twisted Alexander invariants, Reidemeister torsion, and Casson-Gordon invariants. Zbl 0928.57005 Kirk, Paul; Livingston, Charles 104 1999 On fibering certain foliated manifolds over \(S^1\). Zbl 0177.52103 Tischler, D. 103 1970 The topology of complete minimal surfaces of finite total Gaussian curvature. Zbl 0517.53008 Jorge, Luquesio P.; Meeks, William H. III 102 1983 Some inverse spectral results for negatively curved 2-manifolds. Zbl 0465.58027 Guillemin, Victor; Kazhdan, David 101 1980 Equivariant differential topology. Zbl 0215.24702 Wasserman, A. G. 101 1969 Kähler and symplectic structures on nilmanifolds. Zbl 0672.53036 Benson, Chal; Gordon, Carolyn S. 100 1988 Isolated singularities defined by weighted homogeneous polynomials. Zbl 0204.56503 Milnor, John W.; Orlik, P. 100 1970 \(L_ 2\)-cohomology and group cohomology. Zbl 0597.57020 Cheeger, Jeff; Gromov, Mikhael 99 1986 Transformations of states in operator theory and dynamics. Zbl 0129.08705 Kadison, Richard V. 98 1965 The structure of the Torelli group. III: The abelianization of \({\mathcal S}\). Zbl 0571.57010 Johnson, Dennis 96 1985 On skein algebras and \(Sl_2(\mathbb{C})\)-character varieties. Zbl 0958.57011 Przytycki, Józef H.; Sikora, Adam S. 96 2000 Some remarks on the invariant basis property. Zbl 0147.28802 Cohn, P. M. 96 1966 Configuration spaces of positive and negative particles. Zbl 0296.57001 McDuff, Dusa 95 1975 The braid-permutation group. Zbl 0861.57010 Fenn, Roger; Rimányi, Richárd; Rourke, Colin 94 1997 The homotopy groups of the integral cycle groups. Zbl 0118.18503 Almgren, F. J. jun. 93 1962 Group representations, \(\lambda\)-rings and the \(J\)-homomorphism. Zbl 0159.53301 Atiyah, Michael F.; Tall, D. O. 93 1969 The topology of complex projective varieties after S. Lefschetz. Zbl 0445.14010 Lamotke, Klaus 91 1981 Automorphisms of the complex of curves. Zbl 0951.32012 Luo, Feng 91 2000 Energy of a knot. Zbl 0733.57005 O’Hara, Jun 91 1991 Microbundles. Zbl 0124.38404 Milnor, John W. 88 1964 Currents, flows and diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0321.58019 Ruelle, David; Sullivan, Dennis 88 1975 A short proof of the local Atiyah-Singer index theorem. Zbl 0607.58040 Getzler, Ezra 87 1986 The Baum-Connes conjecture via localisation of categories. Zbl 1092.19004 Meyer, Ralf; Nest, Ryszard 86 2006 The transfer map and fiber bundles. Zbl 0306.55017 Becker, J. C.; Gottlieb, Daniel H. 86 1975 On symmetric and skew-symmetric determinantal varieties. Zbl 0534.55010 Harris, Joe; Tu, Loring W. 84 1984 Smoothings of normal surface singularities. Zbl 0484.14012 Wahl, Jonathan 84 1981 Analytic cycles on complex manifolds. Zbl 0108.36401 Atiyah, Michael F.; Hirzebruch, Friedrich 83 1962 A covering theorem for hyperbolic 3-manifolds and its applications. Zbl 0863.57010 Canary, Richard D. 82 1996 On the dunce hat. Zbl 0116.40801 Zeeman, E. C. 82 1963 Three-manifold invariants derived from the Kauffman bracket. Zbl 0771.57004 Blanchet, C.; Habegger, N.; Masbaum, G.; Vogel, P. 80 1992 Configuration spaces of algebraic varieties. Zbl 0857.57025 Totaro, Burt 80 1996 The structure of the Torelli group. II: A characterization of the group generated by twists on bounding curves. Zbl 0571.57009 Johnson, Dennis 79 1985 Simplicial De Rham cohomology and characteristic classes of flat bundles. Zbl 0331.55012 Dupont, Johan L. 79 1976 The periodic points of maps of the disk and the interval. Zbl 0346.58010 Bowen, Rufus; Franks, John 79 1976 A generalization of the Reeb stability theorem. Zbl 0305.57025 Thurston, William P. 78 1974 Geometric structures on compact complex analytic surfaces. Zbl 0602.57014 Wall, C. T. C. 77 1986 A rank 2 vector bundle on P\(^4\) with 15,000 symmetries. Zbl 0255.14017 Horrocks, G.; Mumford, D. 77 1973 A classification theorem for fibre spaces. Zbl 0123.39705 Stasheff, James D. 76 1963 The Adams conjecture. Zbl 0219.55013 Quillen, D. 76 1971 The geometry of cross sections to flows. Zbl 0594.58041 Fried, David 75 1982 On dense-lineability of sets of functions on \(\mathbb R\). Zbl 1210.26008 Aron, R. M.; García-Pacheco, F. J.; Pérez-García, D.; Seoane-Sepúlveda, J. B. 54 2009 Fuzzy ultrametrics on the set of probability measures. Zbl 1191.54008 Savchenko, Oleksandr; Zarichnyi, Mykhailo 13 2009 Generalized invexity in separable Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1189.47062 Soleimani-damaneh, Majid 7 2009 Free Banach spaces and extension of Lipschitz maps. Zbl 1188.26005 Dubei, M.; Tymchatyn, E. D.; Zagorodnyuk, A. 7 2009 The fundamental group of the complement of the branch curve of the second Hirzebruch surface. Zbl 1207.14017 Amram, Meirav; Friedman, Michael; Teicher, Mina 6 2009 The spectra of algebras of Lorch analytic mappings. Zbl 1194.46068 Moraes, Luiza A.; Pereira, Alex F. 5 2009 Interpolating sequences on uniform algebras. Zbl 1211.46058 Galindo, Pablo; Lindström, Mikael; Miralles, Alejandro 4 2009 Singular symplectic flops and Ruan cohomology. Zbl 1176.53082 Chen, Bohui; Li, An-Min; Zhang, Qi; Zhao, Guosong 4 2009 A functional representation of capacity monad. Zbl 1209.18004 Radul, Taras 3 2009 The Sugeno integral and functional representation of the monad of lattice-valued capacities. Zbl 1193.28012 Nykyforchyn, O. R. 3 2009 Generalization of the polarization formula for nonhomogeneous polynomials and analytic mappings on Banach spaces. Zbl 1196.46031 Chernega, I.; Zagorodnyuk, A. 3 2009 A Riemann manifold structure of the spectra of weighted algebras of holomorphic functions. Zbl 1198.46026 Carando, Daniel; García, Domingo; Maestre, Manuel; Sevilla-Peris, Pablo 2 2009 Polynomial ultradistributions on \(\mathbb R^d_+\). Zbl 1266.46034 Lopushansky, Oleh; Sharyn, Sergii 2 2009 When does \(SC(X)=\mathbb R^X\) hold? Zbl 1210.54046 Bokalo, Bogdan; Kolos, Nadiya 2 2009 Local research of manifolds generated by families of self-adjoint operators. Zbl 1197.47034 Dymarskii, Yakov; Ivanova, Olga; Masyuta, Eugenia 2 2009 The topology of systems of hyperspaces determined by dimension functions. Zbl 1203.54007 Banakh, Taras; Mazurenko, Natalia 1 2009 Sectorial operators on Wiener algebras of analytic functions. Zbl 1198.46039 Lopushansky, Andriy 1 2009 The diffeomorphism groups of the real line are pairwise bihomeomorphic. Zbl 1204.57040 Banakh, Taras; Yagasaki, Tatsuhiko 1 2009 A solution set analysis of a nonlinear operator equation using a Leray-Schauder type fixed point approach. Zbl 1192.65069 Prykarpatsky, Anatoliy K.; Blackmore, Denis 1 2009 Quantum \(D\)-modules and generalized mirror transformations. Zbl 1170.53071 Iritani, Hiroshi 26 2008 Complex hyperbolic Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates. Zbl 1169.30019 Parker, John R.; Platis, Ioannis D. 25 2008 Subgroup separability and virtual retractions of groups. Zbl 1169.57003 Long, D. D.; Reid, A. W. 24 2008 Homotopy groups of moduli spaces of representations. Zbl 1165.14028 Bradlow, Steven B.; García-Prada, Oscar; Gothen, Peter B. 19 2008 Gottlieb groups of spheres. Zbl 1172.55004 Golasiński, Marek; Mukai, Juno 10 2008 Surfaces in 4-manifolds and their mapping class groups. Zbl 1197.57019 Hirose, Susumu; Yasuhara, Akira 8 2008 3-manifolds which are orbit spaces of diffeomorphisms. Zbl 1165.37001 Bonatti, C.; Paoluzzi, L. 7 2008 The behavior of Nil-groups under localization and the relative assembly map. Zbl 1172.19002 Grunewald, Joachim 7 2008 A trace formula for the forcing relation of braids. Zbl 1196.37077 Jiang, Boju; Zheng, Hao 7 2008 Homotopy exponents of mod \(2^r\) Moore spaces. Zbl 1172.55003 Theriault, Stephen D. 6 2008 Averaged Dehn functions for nilpotent groups. Zbl 1188.20040 Young, Robert 4 2008 Integrals of equivariant forms and a Gauss-Bonnet theorem for constructible sheaves. Zbl 1172.14014 Libine, Matvei 4 2008 An application of Newton-Puiseux charts to the Jacobian problem. Zbl 1174.14054 Żołądek, Henryk 3 2008 Reducible and toroidal Dehn fillings with distance 3. Zbl 1167.57010 Kang, Sungmo 2 2008 Strongly invertible links and divides. Zbl 1160.57003 Couture, Olivier 2 2008 The homotopy type of the complement of a coordinate subspace arrangement. Zbl 1118.55006 Grbić, Jelena; Theriault, Stephen 41 2007 Three models for the homotopy theory of homotopy theories. Zbl 1119.55010 Bergner, Julia E. 40 2007 Little cubes and long knots. Zbl 1114.57003 Budney, Ryan 21 2007 On spineless cacti, Deligne’s conjecture and Connes-Kreimer’s Hopf algebra. Zbl 1140.55008 Kaufmann, Ralph M. 21 2007 Boundaries of cocompact proper CAT(0) spaces. Zbl 1124.20026 Geoghegan, Ross; Ontaneda, Pedro 17 2007 Relative hyperbolicity, classifying spaces, and lower algebraic \(K\)-theory. Zbl 1132.19001 Lafont, Jean-François; Ortiz, Ivonne J. 14 2007 Symplectic symmetries of 4-manifolds. Zbl 1123.57015 Chen, Weimin; Kwasik, Slawomir 13 2007 Poincaré invariants. Zbl 1120.14034 Dürr, Markus; Kabanov, Alexandre; Okonek, Christian 12 2007 The Rasmussen invariants and the sharper slice-Bennequin inequality on knots. Zbl 1114.57010 Kawamura, Tomomi 10 2007 A descent principle for the Dirac–dual-Dirac method. Zbl 1119.19005 Emerson, Heath; Meyer, Ralf 10 2007 Homology at infinity; fractal geometry of limiting symbols for modular subgroups. Zbl 1160.37014 Kesseböhmer, M.; Stratmann, B. O. 8 2007 The length of a shortest geodesic net on a closed Riemannian manifold. Zbl 1125.53034 Rotman, Regina 8 2007 The Torelli theorem for the moduli spaces of connections on a Riemann surface. Zbl 1122.14011 Biswas, Indranil; Muñoz, Vicente 6 2007 The discrete module category for the ring of \(K\)-theory operations. Zbl 1119.55009 Clarke, Francis; Crossley, Martin; Whitehouse, Sarah 5 2007 Elliptic triangle groups in \(PU(2,1)\), Lagrangian triples and momentum maps. Zbl 1131.22010 Paupert, Julien 5 2007 A solution to de Groot’s absolute cone conjecture. Zbl 1128.57023 Guilbault, Craig R. 4 2007 Localization and completion of nilpotent groups of automorphisms. Zbl 1231.55008 Maruyama, Ken-Ichi 4 2007 Betti numbers of finitely presented groups and very rapidly growing functions. Zbl 1139.20030 Nabutovsky, Alexander; Weinberger, Shmuel 3 2007 Exceptional Dehn fillings on hyperbolic 3-manifolds with at least two boundary components. Zbl 1123.57011 Lee, Sangyop 2 2007 Evaluation maps in rational homotopy. Zbl 1125.55006 Félix, Yves; Lupton, Gregory 2 2007 The tangential end fibration of an aspherical Poincaré complex. Zbl 1125.57008 Byun, Yanghyun 1 2007 The Baum-Connes conjecture via localisation of categories. Zbl 1092.19004 Meyer, Ralf; Nest, Ryszard 86 2006 A topological view of Gromov-Witten theory. Zbl 1112.14065 Maulik, D.; Pandharipande, R. 69 2006 The Boardman-Vogt resolution of operads in monoidal model categories. Zbl 1105.18007 Berger, Clemens; Moerdijk, Ieke 48 2006 The Thurston norm, fibered manifolds and twisted Alexander polynomials. Zbl 1105.57009 Friedl, Stefan; Kim, Taehee 42 2006 Milnor open books and Milnor fillable contact 3-manifolds. Zbl 1098.53064 Caubel, Clément; Némethi, András; Popescu-Pampu, Patrick 35 2006 A modular description of the \(K(2)\)-local sphere at the prime 3. Zbl 1099.55002 Behrens, Mark 30 2006 On the twisted \(K\)-homology of simple Lie groups. Zbl 1111.55005 Douglas, Christopher L. 22 2006 First order local invariants of apparent contours. Zbl 1082.57024 Ohmoto, Toru; Aicardi, Francesca 21 2006 Manifolds obtained by surgery on an infinite number of knots in \(S^{3}\). Zbl 1097.57018 Osoinach, John K. jun. 20 2006 Circle actions on simply connected 5-manifolds. Zbl 1094.57020 Kollár, János 20 2006 Subgroup separability of the figure 8 knot group. Zbl 1097.20030 Wise, Daniel T. 19 2006 Crosscap numbers of 2-bridge knots. Zbl 1091.57003 Hirasawa, Mikami; Teragaito, Masakazu 17 2006 New obstructions to doubly slicing knots. Zbl 1094.57011 Kim, Taehee 16 2006 Quasi-isometric rigidity of Fuchsian buildings. Zbl 1083.51008 Xie, Xiangdong 15 2006 Deforming the \(\mathbb{R}\)-Fuchsian \((4,4,4)\)-triangle group into a lattice. Zbl 1120.20052 Deraux, Martin 14 2006 Closed geodesics on orbifolds. Zbl 1099.53035 Guruprasad, K.; Haefliger, A. 13 2006 A fake projective plane with an order 7 automorphism. Zbl 1099.14031 Keum, Jonghae 11 2006 On the \(K\)-theory of complete regular local \(\mathbb F_{p}\)-algebras. Zbl 1093.19003 Geisser, Thomas; Hesselholt, Lars 10 2006 Bordism invariants of the mapping class group. Zbl 1156.57017 Heap, Aaron 10 2006 Spaces of rational maps and the Stone-Weierstrass theorem. Zbl 1086.58005 Mostovoy, Jacob 10 2006 Secondary derived functors and the Adams spectral sequence. Zbl 1095.18003 Baues, Hans-Joachim; Jibladze, Mamuka 10 2006 Some examples of free actions on products of spheres. Zbl 1099.57028 Hambleton, Ian 7 2006 Conjugacy problem in groups of oriented geometrizable 3-manifolds. Zbl 1088.57001 Préaux, Jean-Philippe 6 2006 The signature operator at 2. Zbl 1103.58012 Rosenberg, Jonathan; Weinberger, Shmuel 5 2006 Uniform 1-cochains and genuine laminations. Zbl 1151.57018 Coskunuzer, Baris 5 2006 Eigenvalues of products of unitary matrices and Lagrangian involutions. Zbl 1081.58006 Falbel, Elisha; Wentworth, Richard A. 4 2006 Deformations of the generalised Picard bundle. Zbl 1094.14021 Biswas, I.; Brambila-Paz, L.; Newstead, P. E. 4 2006 On the intersection theory of the moduli space of rank two bundles. Zbl 1096.14028 Marian, Alina; Oprea, Dragos 3 2006 Embedding infinite cyclic covers of knot spaces into 3-space. Zbl 1099.57007 Jiang, Boju; Ni, Yi; Wang, Shicheng; Zhou, Qing 3 2006 A formula for the Whitehead group of a three-dimensional crystallographic group. Zbl 1080.19001 Alves, A.; Ontaneda, P. 2 2006 Closed 1-forms with at most one zero. Zbl 1094.58005 Farber, M.; Schütz, D. 2 2006 Mixed toric residues and tropical degenerations. Zbl 1098.14027 Szenes, András; Vergne, Michèle 2 2006 Coherent measures and the existence of smooth Lyapunov 1-forms for flows. Zbl 1099.37009 Latschev, Janko 2 2006 On bifurcation braid monodromy of elliptic fibrations. Zbl 1099.14030 Lönne, Michael 2 2006 Estimates of characteristic numbers of real algebraic varieties. Zbl 1117.14058 Laszlo, Yves; Viterbo, Claude 2 2006 Alternative stable homotopy classification of \(BG_{p}^{\land}\). Zbl 1090.55004 Ragnarsson, Kári 1 2006 On knot Floer homology and lens space surgeries. Zbl 1077.57012 Ozsváth, Peter; Szabó, Zoltán 215 2005 Tree-graded spaces and asymptotic cones of groups. (With an appendix by Denis Osin and Mark Sapir). Zbl 1101.20025 Druţu, Cornelia; Sapir, Mark 172 2005 \(A^1\)-representability of hermitian \(K\)-theory and Witt groups. Zbl 1078.19004 Hornbostel, Jens 47 2005 Transitive partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds. Zbl 1074.57015 Bonatti, Christian; Wilkinson, Amie 44 2005 Higher-order polynomial invariants of 3-manifolds giving lower bounds for the Thurston norm. Zbl 1080.57019 Harvey, Shelly L. 37 2005 Configuration spaces are not homotopy invariant. Zbl 1063.55015 Longoni, Riccardo; Salvatore, Paolo 29 2005 A combinatorial Yamabe flow in three dimensions. Zbl 1074.53030 Glickenstein, David 29 2005 Knots with unknotting number one and Heegaard Floer homology. 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